Intercultural Communication A Contextual Approach 7th Edition Neuliep Test Bank

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Neuliep, Intercultural Communication, 7e

SAGE Publishing, 2018

Test Bank
Chapter 8: The Nonverbal Code

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following terms refers to the study of communication with the body, including
the use of hands, arms, legs, and face, to send messages?
a. paralanguage
b. haptics
c. proxemics
d. kinesics
Ans: D
Answer Location: Definitions of Nonverbal Communication
Learning Objective: 8-1: Define nonverbal communication.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

2. Which of the following terms refers to the study of communication with the voice, including
vocal characteristics such as volume, pitch, and rate to send messages?
a. paralanguage
b. haptics
c. proxemics
d. kinesics
Ans: A
Answer Location: Definitions of Nonverbal Communication
Learning Objective: 8-1: Define nonverbal communication.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

3. Which of the following terms refers to the study of communication with the perception and
use of space?
a. paralanguage
b. haptics
c. proxemics
d. kinesics
Ans: C
Answer Location: Definitions of Nonverbal Communication
Learning Objective: 8-1: Define nonverbal communication.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
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Neuliep, Intercultural Communication, 7e
SAGE Publishing, 2018

4. Which of the following terms refers to the study of communication via touch?
a. paralanguage
b. haptics
c. proxemics
d. kinesics
Ans: B
Answer Location: Haptics
Learning Objective: 8-3: Identify and define the eight different channels of nonverbal
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

5. A key distinction between the verbal and nonverbal systems of communication is that
a. animals do not possess a verbal system of communication
b. the verbal system is based on haptics, whereas the nonverbal system is based on kinesics
c. the verbal system is based on symbols whereas the nonverbal system is signal based
d. the verbal system regulates communication whereas the nonverbal system complements
Ans: C
Answer Location: The Relationship Between Verbal and Nonverbal Codes
Learning Objective: 8-2: Compare and contrast verbal and nonverbal codes.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

6. Emblems are primarily ______.

a. vocal characteristics of volume and pitch
b. perceptions of smell
c. hand gestures that have a direct verbal translation
d. dress artifacts
Ans: C
Answer Location: Emblems and Illustrators
Learning Objective: 8-3: Identify and define the eight different channels of nonverbal
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

7. In high-context and collectivistic cultures, nonverbal greeting rituals often differ according to
a. one's social status
b. perceptions of smell and haptics
c. the perception and use of gestures
d. violations of expectancies
Ans: A
Answer Location: Emblems and Illustrators
Learning Objective: 8-3: Identify and define the eight different channels of nonverbal
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Neuliep, Intercultural Communication, 7e
SAGE Publishing, 2018

Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

8. Which of the following channels of nonverbal communication has the highest sending
a. affect displays
b. haptics
c. proxemics
d. illustrators
Ans: A
Answer Location: Affect Displays: Facial Expressions of Emotion
Learning Objective: 8-3: Identify and define the eight different channels of nonverbal
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

9. Which of the following channels of nonverbal communication is regarded as universal across

a. affect displays
b. haptics
c. proxemics
d. illustrators
Ans: A
Answer Location: Affect Displays: Facial Expressions of Emotion
Learning Objective: 8-3: Identify and define the eight different channels of nonverbal
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

10. Which of the following channels of nonverbal communication is regarded as the most
primitive form of communication?
a. affect displays
b. haptics
c. proxemics
d. illustrators
Ans: B
Answer Location: Haptics
Learning Objective: 8-3: Identify and define the eight different channels of nonverbal
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

11. Which of the following countries is considered low contact?

a. United States
b. England
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Neuliep, Intercultural Communication, 7e
SAGE Publishing, 2018

c. France
d. Puerto Rico
Ans: B
Answer Location: Haptics
Learning Objective: 8-4: Compare and contrast the eight different channels of nonverbal
communication across cultures.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

12. According to research, approximately how many compounds can the average human detect
by smell?
a. 100
b. 1,000
c. 10,000
d. 100,000
Ans: C
Answer Location: Olfactics
Learning Objective: 8-3: Identify and define the eight different channels of nonverbal
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

13. Some of the finest perfumes in the world contain olfactory hints of ______.
a. sweat
b. hair
c. vomit
d. urine
Ans: D
Answer Location: Olfactics
Learning Objective: 8-3: Identify and define the eight different channels of nonverbal
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

14. The evaluation of violations of nonverbal expectancies depends largely on ______.

a. the culturally learned expectancies
b. the attractiveness or reward value of the violator
c. the duration of the proxemics
d. the duration of the chronemics
Ans: B
Answer Location: Nonverbal Expectancy Violations Theory
Learning Objective: 8-5: Recount the fundamental assumptions of the nonverbal expectancy
violations theory.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
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Neuliep, Intercultural Communication, 7e
SAGE Publishing, 2018

15. The phenomena known as the own-race bias--that is, that people recognize the faces of others
of their own race better than they do the faces of others of a different race--occurs because
a. people in all cultures are racists
b. when viewing cross-race faces, people focus more on the other’s race than on individual
c. people prefer to interact with people of their own race
d. people prefer to interact with people of other races
Ans: B
Answer Location: Cross-Racial Recognition of Faces
Learning Objective: 8-3: Identify and define the eight different channels of nonverbal
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

16. Digital communication refers to______.

a. cross-cultural communication.
b. intercultural communication.
c. verbal communication.
d. nonverbal communication.
Ans: C
Answer Location: Definitions of Nonverbal Communication
Learning Objective: 8-1: Define nonverbal communication.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy


1. Verbal communication is often called digital communication and nonverbal communication is

called analogic communication.
Ans: T
Answer Location: Definitions of Nonverbal Communication
Learning Objective: 8-1: Define nonverbal communication.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

2. Proxemics includes the study of gestures, hand and arm movements, leg movements, facial
expressions, eye gaze and blinking, and stance or posture.
Ans: F
Answer Location: Kinesics
Learning Objective: 8-3: Identify and define the eight different channels of nonverbal
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
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Neuliep, Intercultural Communication, 7e
SAGE Publishing, 2018

Difficulty Level: Easy

3. Researchers believe that some facial expressions of emotion are universal.

Ans: T
Answer Location: Channels of Nonverbal Communication
Learning Objective: 8-3: Identify and define the eight different channels of nonverbal
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

4. In many Asian cultures, such as South Korea, Vietnam, and Japan, direct eye contact is
prohibited between persons of differing status.
Ans: T
Answer Location: Kinesics
Learning Objective: 8-4: Compare and contrast the eight different channels of nonverbal
communication across cultures.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

5. Some languages, called tonal languages, rely on vocalized tones to communicate meaning.
Ans: T
Answer Location: Paralanguage
Learning Objective: 8-3: Identify and define the eight different channels of nonverbal
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

6. Nonnative accents are associated with a wide range of negative stereotypes, including
perceptions that the people who speak them are less intelligent, less loyal, less competent, and
lower in social status.
Ans: T
Answer Location: Paralanguage
Learning Objective: 8-3: Identify and define the eight different channels of nonverbal
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

7. Privacy in densely populated locations is often accomplished affectively rather than

Ans: F
Answer Location: Proxemics
Learning Objective: 8-3: Identify and define the eight different channels of nonverbal
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
Instructor Resource
Neuliep, Intercultural Communication, 7e
SAGE Publishing, 2018

8. The United States is regarded as a high-contact culture, whereas many Asian countries are
considered moderate contact.
Ans: F
Answer Location: Haptics
Learning Objective: 8-4: Compare and contrast the eight different channels of nonverbal
communication across cultures.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

9. Violations of our nonverbal expectancies (i.e., someone standing too close) trigger arousal.
Ans: T
Answer Location: Nonverbal Expectancy Violations Theory
Learning Objective: 8-5: Recount the fundamental assumptions of the nonverbal expectancy
violations theory.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

10. Persons in large power distance cultures are generally less aware of their vocalics (e.g.,
volume, intensity) than are persons in small power distance cultures.
Ans: F
Answer Location: Power Distance
Learning Objective: 8-4: Compare and contrast the eight different channels of nonverbal
communication across cultures.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

11. Research indicates that by 6 months of age, babies in all cultures begin to use gestures to
communicate to their parents.
Ans: T
Answer Location: Syntax and Universal Grammar
Learning Objective: 8-4: Compare and contrast the eight different channels of nonverbal
communication across cultures.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

12. Often, paralinguistic qualities, vocalizations, and nonfluencies reveal a speaker’s emotional
state or veracity.
Ans: T
Answer Location: Definitions of Nonverbal Communication
Learning Objective: 8-1: Define nonverbal communication.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

13. Nonverbal communication is considered analogic communication.

a. True
b. False
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Neuliep, Intercultural Communication, 7e
SAGE Publishing, 2018

Ans: T
Answer Location: Definitions of Nonverbal Communication
Learning Objective: 8-1: Define nonverbal communication.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

Essay/Short Answer

1. Compare and contrast verbal and nonverbal codes; how are they similar and different?
Ans: By comparing and contrasting the human verbal and nonverbal code, many linguists have
concluded that verbal language evolved from its nonlinguistic predecessor. A key distinction
between the two is that the verbal language system is based primarily on symbols, whereas the
nonverbal system is signal based. Another difference between the verbal and nonverbal code is
that the nonverbal signal system is much more restrictive in sending capacity than the verbal
code. For example, it is virtually impossible to communicate about the past or future through
nonverbal communication. All verbal languages have a formal set of sounds, syntax, and
semantics. The degree of formality of verbal language is not found in the nonverbal code,
however. No formalized alphabet exists for nonverbal codes. Although there are rules governing
the use of nonverbal communication, a formal grammar or syntax does not exist.
Answer Location: The Relationship Between Verbal and Nonverbal Codes
Learning Objective: 8-2: Compare and contrast verbal and nonverbal codes.
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Difficulty Level: Medium

2. Define kinesics and provide examples of kinesic behavior across cultures.

Ans: Kinesic behavior or body movement includes gestures, hand and arm movements, leg
movements, facial expressions, eye gaze and blinking, and stance or posture. As in the United
States, the handshake is a common gesture/illustrator during a greeting in most parts of
developed Kenya. In this case, however, when greeting a person of higher status, such as a
teacher, the person of lower status should take the left hand (the hand not being used in the
handshake) and grasp his or her own right arm somewhere in the proximity of the forearm during
the shake. In the Ladino culture of Guatemala, a hand gesture called la mano caliente (“the hot
hand”) is equivalent to “the finger” and is created by placing the thumb between the first and
middle fingers, then squeezing the hand to make a fist.
Answer Location: Kinesics
Learning Objective: 8-3: Identify and define the eight different channels of nonverbal
Cognitive Domain: Application
Difficulty Level: Hard

3. Defend or refute the idea that persons of different races "all look alike."
Ans: Legal scholars have expressed a concern over an own-race recognition bias in eyewitness
identification for some time. In fact, Feingold argued nearly 90 years ago that it is well known
that, other things being equal, individuals of a given race are distinguishable from one another in
proportion to our familiarity and our contact with the race as a whole. Thus, to the uninitiated
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Neuliep, Intercultural Communication, 7e
SAGE Publishing, 2018

American, all Asians look alike, whereas to Asians, all White people look alike. Experts in the
field of eyewitness memory and about half of potential jurors endorse the belief that cross-racial
identifications are less reliable than same-race identifications. This presumption is based on the
belief in the existence of an own-race bias—that is, that people recognize people of their own
race better than they do people of another race. Some evidence shows that persons who have
close friends of the other race show less of an own-race recognition bias. Children living in
mixed-race environments show less of an own-race recognition bias than do children living in a
segregated environment. Conversely, other research indicates that the own-race recognition bias
is not reduced by frequent contact with the other race and that prejudiced persons are no more
likely to exhibit an own-race recognition bias than are nonprejudiced person. There is some
evidence indicating that persons who view other-race faces tend to focus on the constituent
(individual) features of the face, whereas observers of same-race faces focus on configural
features of the face.
Answer Location: Cross-Racial Recognition of Faces
Learning Objective: 8-4: Compare and contrast the eight different channels of nonverbal
communication across cultures.
Cognitive Domain: Application
Difficulty Level: Hard

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