Work Energy and Power

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Chapter 5

Work, Energy and Power


Single Choice Type Questions

1. A string is used to pull a block of mass m vertically up by a distance h at a constant acceleration . The work
done by the tension in the string is
2 −mgh
(1) mgh (2)
3 3
(3) mgh (4) mgh
2. Work done by frictional force
(1) Is always zero (2) Is always negative
(3) Is always positive (4) May be positive, negative or zero
3. Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 have same kinetic energy. The ratio of their momentum is

m2 m1
(1) (2)
m1 m2

m12 m22
(3) (4)
m22 m12

4. A block of mass 2 kg is released from the top of an inclined smooth surface as shown in figure. If spring
constant of spring is 100 N/m and block comes to rest after compressing the spring by
1 m, then the distance travelled by block before it comes to rest is
2 kg


(1) 1 m (2) 1.25 m

(3) 2.5 m (4) 5 m

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5. Potential energy is defined

(1) Only in conservative fields

(2) As the negative of work done by conservative forces

(3) As the negative of work done by external forces when ∆K = 0

(4) All of these

6. When momentum of a body increases by 200%, its KE increases by

(1) 200% (2) 300%

(3) 400% (4) 800%

7. A bullet weighing 10 g and moving with a velocity 800 ms–1 strikes a 10 kg block resting on a frictionless
surface. The speed of the block after the perfectly inelastic collision is approximately

(1) 8 cms–1 (2) 80 cms–1

(3) 8 ms–1 (4) 0.8 cms–1

8. A U–238 nucleus originally at rest, decays by emitting an α-particle, say with a velocity of
v m/s. The recoil velocity (in ms–1) of the residual nucleus is

4v 4v
(1) (2) –
238 238

v 4v
(3) (4) –
4 234

9. A particle moves along X-axis from x = 0 to x = 1 m under the influence of a force given by F = 3 x 2 + 2 x − 10
. Work done in the process is

(1) +4 J (2) –4 J

(3) +8 J (4) –8 J

10. A body loses half of its velocity on penetrating 6 cm in a wooden block. How much will it penetrate more before
coming to rest?

(1) 1 cm (2) 2 cm

(3) 3 cm (4) 4 cm

11. Two blocks A and B of masses 30 kg and 20 kg are approaching towards each other at right angles with
velocities 1 m/s and 2 m/s respectively on smooth surface. They collide and stick together. The loss of energy

(1) 75 J (2) 20 J

(3) 15 J (4) 30 J

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12. A running man A has the same kinetic energy as that of a boy B of half his mass. The man A speeds up by 2
m/s and the boy B changes his speed by x so that the kinetic energies of A and B are equal again. Then value
of x is

(1) 4 m/s (2) 2 2 m/s

(3) m/s (4) 2 m/s

13. Three balls A, B and C are of masses m, 2m and 3m respectively and are placed on smooth horizontal surface
in a line as shown. Ball A is given velocity v0 towards B. If all collisions are elastic, then velocity of sphere C
after collisions will be

5 8
(1) v0 (2) v0
12 15
3 7
(3) v0 (4) v0
5 12
14. Two identical blocks are placed on a surface as shown in figure. What should be the minimum initial
compression in spring such that when system is set free, the lower block jumps-off from the surface?

2mg 3mg
(1) (2)
3k k

mg 2mg
(3) (4)
k k
15. Two blocks are placed on smooth surface and are connected through a spring of spring constant k. The two
blocks are pulled away by applying forces F1 = mg and F2 = 2mg as shown in figure. The maximum elongation
produced in spring is


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16. A small ball of mass m is suspended by a string of length l. The ball is given a horizontal velocity v 0 = 4gl .
The angle made by the string with vertical when tension in string becomes is given by

(1) 60o (2) 45o

2  1
(3) cos−1   (4) cos−1  
3 3

17. A chain of length L is released from the position shown in figure. The speed of chain at the moment when
other end breaks-off from the table is

(1) 2gL (2) 3gL

(3) (4) 2 gL

18. A ball is projected with velocity v = 20 m/s at an angle θ = 53o with horizontal. The ball hits a vertical smooth
wall and falls back on the point of projection. The coefficient of restitution for wall and the ball is (g = 10 m/s2)

7 5
(1) (2)
13 11

3 5
(3) (4)
8 12

19. The potential energy (in SI units) of a particle of mass 2 kg is given by U = 6x – 8y. If the initial velocity of the
 –3
particle is
= u iˆ + 2 ˆj m/s, then distance moved by the particle in first two seconds is
(1) 10 m
(2) 12 m
(3) 15 m
(4) 18 m

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20. The spring mass system lies on a smooth horizontal surface. The free end of the spring is being pulled to the
right with a constant speed of 2 m/s. Initially the spring is unstretched and the block of mass 4 kg has a speed
1 m/s towards left (see figure). The maximum extension of the spring (in cm) is

(1) 4 (2) 6
(3) 2 (4) 3
21. A particle of mass m is projected with initial speed u, at an angle α to the horizontal. During the time interval
when the speed is minimum to the point where its velocity vector makes an angle α to the horizontal, the work
done by gravity is
1 1 α
(1) mu 2 tan2 α (2) mu 2 tan2  
2 2 2

1 1 α
(3) mu 2 sin2 α (4) mu 2 cos2   sin2 α
2 2 2
22. Two particles each of mass ‘m’ moving with equal speed 2 m/s along the indicated direction in the figure
undergo a perfectly inelastic collision. Velocity of combined system after collision, is

(1) 1 m/s (2) 3 m/s

(3) 2 m/s (4) 2 m/s

23. A particle, attached to one end of a string of length , moves in a vertical circle. The other end of the string is
fixed. If the ratio of maximum to minimum tension in the string is 5 : 3, the speed of the particle at the lowest
point is
(1) 5g (2) 7g

(3) 12g (4) 14g

Numerical Value Type Questions

24. A particle of mass m = 2 kg at rest acted upon by a force such that its displacement (S) varies with time as
S = 3t2 + 2t. All quantities are in SI units. The work done by applied force between t = 1 s to t = 3 s is n × 6 J.
Find n.
25. A horizontal force F = (3x2 + 4x + 2) acts on a block placed on a smooth surface along
x-direction where F is in newton and x in metre. Find the work done (in joules) by force during displacement
from x = 0 to x = 2 m.
26. A particle of mass m collides with a stationary particle of mass M and deviates by an angle of 60°. After
collision mass M recoils at an angle 30° to the original direction of motion of m. If there is no loss in kinetic
energy in the collision, the ratio of is __________.

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27. A particle is projected along the inner surface of a smooth vertical circle of radius R from the lowest point with
a speed u. It leaves the circle at point P shown in the figure. In this case, the value of u = ngR . The value
of n is _______.

28. A particle placed at the top of fixed smooth sphere of radius R is gently disturbed. It leaves the contact with
 1
sphere when θ = cos –1   . Value of n is_______

  

Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : (011)-47623456

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