Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Canadian 9th Edition Ross Test Bank

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Fundamentals of Corporate Finance

Canadian 9th Edition Ross Test Bank

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TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.

1) A gas station owner expands floor space to make room for a convenience store would likely NOT
cause erosion.
Answer: True False

2) You begin selling coffee in new, small-sized pouches alongside your regular-sized coffee cans
would likely NOT cause erosion.
Answer: True False

3) You build a Taco Bell just down the street from your McDonald's franchise would likely NOT cause
Answer: True False

4) To fully understand the effects of a proposed project, total cash flows should be developed as part of
the project's pro forma statements.
Answer: True False

5) The recovery of the money spent for inventory related to the project would normally be included in
the final cash flow of a project that entailed the development and sale of a new product.
Answer: True False

6) An offer to purchase the patent rights would normally be included in the final cash flow of a project
that entailed the development and sale of a new product.
Answer: True False

7) The loss of sales due to increased competition in the product market is an example of erosion.
Answer: True False

8) The loss of sales due to a new product which you recently introduced is an example of erosion.
Answer: True False

9) The loss of sales due to a new product recently introduced by your competitor is an example of
Answer: True False

10) Interest expense causes operating cash flow to differ from net income.
Answer: True False

11) Sunk costs are considered cash flows of a project.

Answer: True False

12) For the purpose of performing capital budgeting analysis, Cash flows must be incremental.
Answer: True False

13) For the purpose of performing capital budgeting analysis, Cash flows must be after-tax.
Answer: True False

14) Selling existing equipment at 10% less than book value would create a source of cash.
Answer: True False

15) The money spent to obtain a patent on the new product design would normally be included in the
final cash flow of a project that entailed the development and sale of a new product.
Answer: True False

16) An increase in accounts receivable is an example of an incremental cash flow.

Answer: True False

17) A decrease in the cost of goods sold is an example of an incremental cash flow.
Answer: True False

18) An increase in taxes is an example of an incremental cash flow.

Answer: True False

19) Incremental costs should be included in the analysis of a project.

Answer: True False

20) Sunk costs should be included in the analysis of a project.

Answer: True False

21) Opportunity costs should be included in the analysis of a project.

Answer: True False

22) Assume project X requires additions to net working capital in each year of its life, all to be
recovered at the end. In this case, the present value of the net working capital recovery will exceed
the total dollar outlays on net working capital.
Answer: True False

23) Ifa firm wishes to recapture 100% of its net working capital investment in a project, the firm will
have to pay all of the project's suppliers in full.
Answer: True False

24) Ifa firm wishes to recapture 100% of its net working capital investment in a project, the firm will
have to sell all of the inventory related to the project at a price at least equal to the cost.
Answer: True False

25) Ifa firm wishes to recapture 100% of its net working capital investment in a project, the firm will
have to collect all of the accounts receivables related to the project.
Answer: True False

26) Ifa firm wishes to recapture 100% of its net working capital investment in a project, the firm will
have to sell all of the project's fixed assets at a price at least equal to the book value of the assets.
Answer: True False

27) A decrease in net working capital is an example of an incremental cash flow.
Answer: True False

28) A new project is expected to have the following effects on the financial statements of a firm. The
effect of a decrease in accounts receivable should be included in the net working capital
requirements for the project.
Answer: True False

29) Pro forma statements for a proposed project should be compiled on a stand-alone basis.
Answer: True False

30) Opportunity costs are considered cash flows of a project.

Answer: True False

31) A company owns a building that is totally paid for. This building has been sitting idle for the past
three years. Now the company is trying to analyze a project that would include the use of this
building. Therefore, the insurance paid on the building over the past three years should be included
in that analysis.
Answer: True False

32) A company owns a building that is totally paid for. This building has been sitting idle for the past
three years. Now the company is trying to analyze a project that would include the use of this
building. Therefore, the current market value of the building should be included in that analysis.
Answer: True False

33) The money spent to advertise the new product would normally be included in the final cash flow of
a project that entailed the development and sale of a new product.
Answer: True False

34) A company owns a building that is totally paid for. This building has been sitting idle for the past
three years. Now the company is trying to analyze a project that would include the use of this
building. Therefore, the cost to survey the lot to construct a drainage pond required for the project
should be included in that analysis.
Answer: True False

35) The correct formula for computing the operating cash flow of a project is EBIT + D + T.
Answer: True False

36) The cash flows of a project should include the related changes in the tax account.
Answer: True False

37) Depreciation causes operating cash flow to differ from net income.
Answer: True False

38) Taxes causes operating cash flow to differ from net income.
Answer: True False

39) Fixed Costs causes operating cash flow to differ from net income.
Answer: True False

40) The cash flows of a project should include the related changes in the fixed assets.
Answer: True False

41) The cash flows of a project should include the related changes in the long-term debt.
Answer: True False

42) The cash flows of a project should include the related changes in accounts payable.
Answer: True False

43) The correct formula of project cash flow is sales - costs - taxes - project capital spending.
Answer: True False

44) A new project is expected to have the following effects on the financial statements of a firm. The
effect of an increase in inventory should be included in the net working capital requirements for the
Answer: True False

45) A new project is expected to have the following effects on the financial statements of a firm. The
effect of a reduction in accounts payable should be included in the net working capital requirements
for the project.
Answer: True False

46) A new project is expected to have the following effects on the financial statements of a firm. The
effect of an increase in the depreciation expense should be included in the net working capital
requirements for the project.
Answer: True False

47) Tofully understand the effects of a proposed project, the statement of comprehensive income should
be developed as part of the project's pro forma statements.
Answer: True False

48) Tofully understand the effects of a proposed project, a recap of net working capital requirements
should be developed as part of the project's pro forma statements.
Answer: True False

49) Tofully understand the effects of a proposed project, operating cash flows should be developed as
part of the project's pro forma statements.
Answer: True False

50) To reflect the costs associated with a project accurately, the analyst should exclude interest expenses
in the computation of operating cash flows.
Answer: True False

51) Assume that over the life of project X, net working capital is maintained at an amount equal to the
initial investment. If so, net working capital doesn't need to be included in the NPV computation,
since the outflow at time zero is exactly (as we generally assume) offset by an equal inflow at the
end of the project's life.
Answer: True False

52) Taxes are considered cash flows of a project.

Answer: True False

53) The proper formula of project cash flow is operating cash flow - additions to net working capital -
capital spending.
Answer: True False

54) The proper formula of project cash flow is EBIT + D - Taxes - additions to net working capital.
Answer: True False

55) The proper formula of project cash flow is operating cash flow - additions to net working capital +
recoveries of net working capital.
Answer: True False

56) A company owns a building that is totally paid for. This building has been sitting idle for the past
three years. Now the company is trying to analyze a project that would include the use of this
building. Therefore, the property taxes paid on the building over the past three years should be
included in that analysis.
Answer: True False

57) The bottom-upapproach for calculating project operating cash flow does not require you to add
back noncash deductions such as depreciation.
Answer: True False

58) The top-downapproach for calculating project operating cash flow does not require you to add back
noncash deductions such as depreciation.
Answer: True False

59) The bottom-upapproach is used for calculating OCF, if the only information from the statement of
comprehensive income items known to you are net income and depreciation.
Answer: True False

60) The top-downapproach is used for calculating OCF, if the only information from the statement of
comprehensive income items known to you are net income and depreciation.
Answer: True False

61) The tax-shield

approach for calculating project operating cash flow does not require you to add back
noncash deductions such as depreciation.
Answer: True False

62) The tax-shield
approach is used for calculating OCF, if the only information from the statement of
comprehensive income items known to you are net income and depreciation.
Answer: True False

63) Acompany is evaluating the replacement of the office copier. The costs of repairs made today on
the existing copier should be considered in that evaluation.
Answer: True False

64) Acompany is evaluating the replacement of the office copier. The cost of the maintenance contract
on the new copier should be considered in that evaluation.
Answer: True False

65) Land can be depreciated for tax purposes.

Answer: True False

66) Machinery and equipment can be depreciated for tax purposes.

Answer: True False

67) Buildings can be depreciated for tax purposes.

Answer: True False

68) A decrease in the corporate tax rate decreases the value of the depreciation tax shield, all else equal.
Answer: True False

69) Acompany is evaluating the replacement of the office copier. The selling price of the existing
copier should be considered in that evaluation.
Answer: True False

70) The EAC method for evaluating projects applies when the projects are mutually exclusive.
Answer: True False

71) The EAC method for evaluating projects applies when the projects have different economic lives.
Answer: True False

72) The EAC method for evaluating projects applies when the projects will be replaced more or less
Answer: True False

73) Acompany is evaluating the replacement of the office copier. The balance due on the current lease,
which will be payable even if the copier is returned should be considered in that evaluation.
Answer: True False

74) Setting the bid price requires finding the point at which project NPV is zero.
Answer: True False

75) In a cost-cutting proposal the reduction in costs has the same effect as an increase in sales.
Answer: True False

76) EAC is used to evaluate mutually exclusive projects with different lives if the projects are expected
to be continuously replicated.
Answer: True False

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

77) Lottie's
Boutique needs to maintain 20% of its sales in net working capital. Lottie's is considering a
3-year project which will increase sales from their current level of $110,000 to $130,000 the first
year and $145,000 a year for the following two years. What amount should be included in the
project analysis for the last year of the project in regards to the net working capital?
A) $0 B) $7,000 C) -$7,000 D) -$35,000 E) $35,000
Answer: B

78) Louie'sLeisure Products is considering a project which will require the purchase of $1.4 million in
new equipment. The equipment belongs in a 20% CCA class. Louie's expects to sell the equipment
at the end of the project for 20% of its original cost. Annual sales from this project are estimated at
$1.2 million. Net working capital equal to 20% of sales will be required to support the project. All of
the net working capital will be recouped at the end of the project. The firm desires a minimal 14% rate
of return on this project. The tax rate is 34%.

What is the present value of the net working capital changes associated with the project?
The project is expected to last 7 years.
A) $0 B) $144,087 C) -$144,087 D) -$95,913 E) $184,837
Answer: C

79) You are considering investing in a piece of equipment to implement a cost-cutting proposal. The
pre-tax cost reduction is expected to equal $41.67 for each of the three years of the project's life. The
equipment has an initial cost of $125 and belongs in a 20% CCA class. Assume a 34% tax bracket,
a discount rate of 15%, and a salvage value of zero.

If the equipment is sold to another company at the end of year 3 for $20, what is the NPV?
A) -$33.56 B) -$28.91 C) $33.56 D) $0 E) $28.91
Answer: B

80) Given the following information and assuming a CCA rate of 20%, what is the NPV of this project?
Initial investment = $400,000; life = five years; before-tax cost savings = $150,000 per year; salvage
value = $30,000 in year 5; tax rate = 34%; discount rate = 14%.
A) -$33,117 B) $19,800 C) $0 D) -$149,841 E) $27,428
Answer: E

81) Judson Industries is considering a new project. The project will initially require $749,000 for new
fixed assets, $238,000 for additional inventory, and $25,000 for additional accounts receivable.
Accounts payable is expected to increase by $70,001. The fixed assets will belong in a 30% CCA
class. At the end of the project, in four years' time, the fixed assets can be sold for 40% of their
original cost. The net working capital will return to its original level at the end of the project. The
project is expected to generate annual sales of $944,000 with related cash expenses of $620,001.
The tax rate is 35% and the required rate of return is 14%. What is the initial cash outflow of this
A) $942,000 B) $749,000 C) $1,203,400 D) $1,082,000 E) $1,152,600
Answer: B

82) Yorktown Ltd. currently produces boat sails and is considering expanding its operations to include
awnings for homes and travel trailers. The company owns land beside its current manufacturing
facility that could be used for the expansion. The company bought this land ten years ago at a cost of
$250,000. Today, the land is valued at $425,000. The grading and excavation work necessary to
build on the land will cost $15,001. The company currently has some unused equipment which it
currently owns valued at $60,000. This equipment could be used for producing awnings if $5,000 is
spent for equipment modifications. Other equipment costing $780,000 will also be required. What is
the amount of the initial cash flow for this expansion project?
A) $1,050,000 B) $800,000 C) $1,110,000 D) $1,225,000 E) $1,285,000
Answer: E

83) McLain, Inc. currently produces boat sails and is considering expanding its operations to include
awnings for homes and travel trailers. The company owns land beside its current manufacturing
facility that could be used for the expansion. The company bought this land eight years ago at a cost
of $500,000. At the time of purchase, the company paid $70,000 to level out the land so it would be
suitable for future use. Today, the land is valued at $750,000. The company currently has some
unused equipment which it currently owns valued at $40,000. This equipment could be used for
producing awnings if $10,000 is spent for equipment modifications. Other equipment costing
$400,000 will also be required. What is the amount of the initial cash flow for this expansion
A) -$1,620,000
B) -$2,020,000
C) -$1,020,000
D) -$870,000
E) -$1,200,000
Answer: E

84) Katie'sCafe is considering the addition of a new refrigeration system that will cut annual food costs
by $15,001. The system will cost $36,000 to purchase and install. This system is expected to have a
3-year life and will be depreciated to zero using straight-line depreciation. What is the annual net
income for this project if the tax rate is 34%?
A) $1,750 B) $880 C) $1,240 D) $1,020 E) $1,980
Answer: E

85) PK Properties purchased a warehouse for $1.6 million ten years ago. Four years ago, the company
repaired the roof at a cost of $220,001. Last year, the electrical wiring and lights were upgraded at a
cost of $134,001. The annual taxes on the property are $28,500 and the rental income is $170,001.
The warehouse has a current book value of $800,000 and a market value of $1.95 million. The
property is totally debt-free. PK is considering converting the building into a discount retailer of
bulk goods. The cost of the conversion would be $95,000 and could be started next month when the
existing lease on the building expires. When analyzing the bulk goods option, what value should PK
assign as the initial cost of the project? (Answer in dollars.)
A) $1,249,000 B) $95,000 C) $895,000 D) $2,215,000 E) $2,045,000
Answer: E

86) A project requires the purchase of machinery for $40,000. The machinery belongs in a 20% CCA
class and will have a salvage value of $4,000 at the end of the 4 year project. It will require a net
working capital investment of $5,000 up-front. The firm has a tax rate of 34% and a required return
of 10%. The project generates after-tax operating income of $10,001. What is the project's NPV?
A) $1,393 B) -$2,724 C) $881 D) $2,942 E) $2,394
Answer: C

87) Matty'sPlace is considering the installation of a new computer system that will cut annual operating
costs by $11,001. The system will cost $48,000 to purchase and install. This system will belong in a
40% CCA class. What is the amount of the increase in earnings before interest and taxes in the first
year for this project?
A) $1,000 B) $20,600 C) $11,000 D) -$9,600 E) $1,400
Answer: E

88) The equipment required for a four year project costs $60,000 and belongs in a 20% CCA class. The
project generates after-tax operating income of $13,750 and the fixed assets will be sold for $7,000
at the termination of the project. If the firm has a tax rate of 34% and a required return of 10%, what
is the NPV?
A) $2,261 B) $265 C) $2,842 D) $1,133 E) $1,839
Answer: B

89) A project will produce an operating cash flow of $7,300 a year for three years. The initial cash
investment in the project will be $11,601. The net after-tax salvage value is estimated at $3,500 and
will be received during the last year of the project's life. What is the net present value of the project
if the required rate of return is 11%?
A) $10,072.72 B) $20,398.29 C) $13,353.41 D) $9,896.87 E) $8,798.29
Answer: E

90) The managers of PonchoParts, Inc. plan to manufacture engine blocks for classic cars from the
1960s era. They expect to sell 250 blocks annually for the next five years. The necessary foundry
and machining equipment will cost a total of $800,000 and belongs in a 30% CCA class for tax
purposes. The firm expects to be able to dispose of the manufacturing equipment for $150,000 at the
end of the project. Labour and materials costs total $500 per engine block, fixed costs are $125,000
per year. Assume a 35% tax rate and a 12% discount rate.

What is the depreciation tax shield in the third year for this project?
A) $49,980 B) $21,240 C) $100,420 D) $121,040 E) $104,340
Answer: A

91) Jacob'sJewelers is considering carrying a new product line which is expected to produce annual
sales of $450,000 and increase cash expenses by $305,001. If the product line is added, taxes will
increase by $38,001. The additional depreciation expense will be $36,001. An initial cash outlay of
$65,000 is required for net working capital. What is the amount of the operating cash flow using the
top-down approach?
A) $42,000 B) $71,000 C) $136,000 D) $172,000 E) $107,000
Answer: E

92) Ski World is considering a new product line which will require additional inventory costing
$146,000. Accounts payable will increase by $87,000 as suppliers are willing to finance a portion of
these purchases. Accounts receivable are currently $80,000 and are expected to increase by 20% if
this project is accepted. What is the initial net working capital requirement for the new product line?
A) $249,000 B) $43,000 C) $75,000 D) $108,000 E) $162,000
Answer: C

93) A project requires an initial fixed asset investment of $600,000, which will be depreciated
straight-line to zero over the six-year life of the project. The pre-tax salvage value of the fixed assets
at the end of the project is estimated to be $50,001. Projected sales volume for each year of the
project is shown below. The sale price is $50 per unit for the first three years, and $45 per unit for
years 4 through 6. A $30,000 initial investment in net working capital is required, with additional
investments equal to 7.5% of annual sales for each year of the project. Variable costs are $35 per
unit, and fixed costs are $50,000 per year. The firm has a tax rate of 34% and a required return on
investment of 12%.

What is the operating cash flow during year 5 of the project?

A) $162,132 B) $117,406 C) $189,025 D) $66,429 E) $107,426
Answer: A

94) The machinery required for a three year project costs $20,000, belongs in a 15% CCA class, and
will require a net working capital investment of $5,000 up-front. The project generates after-tax
operating income of $11,501. The fixed assets will be sold for $2,000 at the end of the project. If the
firm has a tax rate of 34% and a required return of 10%, what is the project NPV?
A) $10,724 B) $13,426 C) $12,446 D) $11,033 E) $15,942
Answer: C

95) Aproject will increase the sales of Joe's Workshop by $50,000 and increase cash expenses by
$36,000. The project will cost $30,000 and be depreciated using straight-line depreciation to a zero
book value over the 3-year life of the project. The company has a marginal tax rate of 35%. What is
the operating cash flow of the project using the tax shield approach?
A) $17,500 B) $12,600 C) $9,100 D) $15,600 E) $8,400
Answer: B

96) Jeff'sStereo Sound is expanding its product offerings to reach a wider range of customers. The
expansion project includes increasing the floor inventory by $150,000 and increasing its debt to
suppliers by 50% of that amount. The company will also spend $200,000 for a building contractor to
expand the size of the showroom. As part of the expansion plan, the company will be offering credit
to its customers and thus expects accounts receivable to rise by $25,000. For the project analysis,
what amount should be used as the initial cash flow for net working capital?
A) $125,000 B) $175,000 C) $100,000 D) $75,000 E) $150,000
Answer: C

97) Jenna'sHome Spa Sales currently sells 2,000 Class A spas, 5,000 Class C spas, and 1,000 deluxe
model spas each year. Jenna is considering adding a mid-class spa and expects that if she does she
can sell 2,500 of them. However, if the new spa is added, Jenna expects that her Class A sales will
decline to 1,700 units while the Class C sales decline to 4,500. The sales of the deluxe model will
not be affected. Class A spas sell for an average of $75,000 each. Class C spas are priced at $25,000
and the deluxe model sells for $100,000 each. The new mid-range spa will sell for $50,000. What is
the erosion cost?
A) $125,000,000
B) $35,000,000
C) $205,000,000
D) $240,000,000
E) $90,000,000
Answer: B

98) Judson Industries is considering a new project. The project will initially require $749,000 for new
fixed assets, $238,000 for additional inventory, and $25,000 for additional accounts receivable.
Accounts payable is expected to increase by $70,001. The fixed assets will belong in a 30% CCA
class. At the end of the project, in four years' time, the fixed assets can be sold for 40% of their
original cost. The net working capital will return to its original level at the end of the project. The
project is expected to generate annual sales of $944,000 with related cash expenses of $620,001. The
tax rate is 35% and the required rate of return is 14%.

What is the amount of the present value of the CCA tax shield for this project?
A) $104,860 B) $199,600 C) $125,432 D) $144,920 E) $112,290
Answer: C

99) A company has projected sales of $542,000, costs of $389,300, depreciation of $82,400, and a tax
rate of 31%. What is the operating cash flow?
A) $126,518 B) $152,700 C) $104,193 D) $130,907 E) $128,798
Answer: D

100) For a new project, a company plans to invest $15,000 in inventory, $8,000 in accounts receivable
and $150,000 in fixed assets with a salvage value of $44,001. Accounts payable will increase by
$13,000 when the project starts. Assets are depreciated straight line to zero over the 4-year life of
the project. Taxes are 35%. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning the cash
flow in year 4?
A) The cash flow from the salvage value is equal to $44,000 multiplied by 35%.
B) $13,000 is a cash inflow from accounts payable.
C) $15,000 is a cash outflow from inventory.
D) The net salvage value is a cash outflow.
E) $8,000 is a cash inflow from accounts receivable.
Answer: E

101) Your firm needs a computerized line-boring machine which costs $80,000, and requires $20,000 in
maintenance for each year of its three year life. After three years, the salvage value will be zero. The
machine falls into the Class 10 equipment category (CCA rate 30%). Assume a tax rate of 34% and a
discount rate of 10%.

Compute the annual after-tax maintenance cost.

A) $27,200 B) $15,250 C) $13,200 D) $12,250 E) $10,000
Answer: C

102) A firm is considering a project that will increase sales by $135,000 and cash expenses by $105,000.
The project will cost $120,000 and be depreciated using the straight-line method to a zero book
value over the 4-year life of the project. The company has a marginal tax rate of 34%. What is the
value of the depreciation tax shield?
A) $13,200 B) $10,200 C) $6,000 D) $19,800 E) $20,000
Answer: B

103) Steve's Collectibles is expanding its product offerings to reach a wider range of customers. The
expansion project includes increasing the floor inventory by $80,000 and increasing the debt to
suppliers by $32,001. The company will also spend $140,000 to expand the size of the showroom.
As part of the expansion plan, the company will be offering credit to its customers and thus expects
accounts receivable to rise by $20,001. What is the initial net working capital requirement for this
expansion project?
A) $68,000 B) $92,000 C) $208,000 D) $174,000 E) $132,000
Answer: A

104) Louie's Leisure Products is considering a 7 year project which will require the purchase of $1.4
million in new equipment. The equipment belongs in a 20% CCA class. Louie's expects to sell the
equipment at the end of the project for 20% of its original cost. Annual sales from this project are
estimated at $1.2 million. Net working capital equal to 20% of sales will be required to support the
project. All of the net working capital will be recouped at the end of the project. The firm desires a
minimal 14% rate of return on this project. The tax rate is 34%.

What is the present value of the CCA tax shield for this project?
A) $132,493 B) $68,047 C) $200,782 D) $34,299 E) $240,427
Answer: E

105) You are working on a bid to build ten cabins a year for the next four years for a local campground.
This project requires the purchase of $215,000 of equipment which will be depreciated using
straight-line depreciation to a zero book value over four years. The equipment can be sold at the end
of the project for $149,001. You will also need $28,000 in net working capital for the life of the
project. Your fixed costs will be $22,000 a year and the variable costs will be $127,000 per cabin.
Your required rate of return is 13% for this project and your tax rate is 35%. What is the minimum
amount, rounded to the nearest $100, you should bid per cabin?
A) $138,200 B) $134,900 C) $133,700 D) $135,600 E) $137,800
Answer: B

106) You are considering investing in a piece of equipment to implement a cost-cutting proposal. The
pre-tax cost reduction is expected to equal $41.67 for each of the three years of the project's life. The
equipment has an initial cost of $125 and belongs in a 20% CCA class. Assume a 34% tax bracket,
a discount rate of 15%, and a salvage value of zero.

What is the value of the annual depreciation tax shield for year 2 of the project?
A) $27.50 B) $7.65 C) $41.67 D) $14.17 E) $6.80
Answer: D

107) Given the following information and assuming a 20% CCA class, what is the NPV for this project?
Initial investment in fixed assets = $800,000; initial investment in net working capital = $200,000;
life = four years; after-tax cost savings = $250,000 per year; salvage value = $30,000; tax rate =
35%; discount rate = 16%.
A) $418,198 B) $95,101 C) $187,098 D) $147,261 E) $105,967
Answer: D

108) Louie's Leisure Products is considering a project which will require the purchase of $1.4 million in
new equipment. The equipment belongs in a 20% CCA class. Louie's expects to sell the equipment
at the end of the project for 20% of its original cost. Annual sales from this project are estimated at
$1.2 million. Net working capital equal to 20% of sales will be required to support the project. All of
the net working capital will be recouped at the end of the project. The firm desires a minimal 14% rate
of return on this project. The tax rate is 34%.

What is the recovery amount attributable to net working capital at the end of the project?
A) $55,200 B) $159,600 C) $424,800 D) $81,600 E) $240,000
Answer: E

109) The managers of PonchoParts, Inc. plan to manufacture engine blocks for classic cars from the
1960s era. They expect to sell 250 blocks annually for the next five years. The necessary foundry
and machining equipment will cost a total of $800,000 and belongs in a 30% CCA class for tax
purposes. The firm expects to be able to dispose of the manufacturing equipment for $150,000 at the
end of the project. Labour and materials costs total $500 per engine block, fixed costs are $125,000
per year. Assume a 35% tax rate and a 12% discount rate.

What is the present value of the CCA tax shield?

A) $168,007 B) $65,031 C) $175,329 D) $97,540 E) $220,125
Answer: A

110) Using the tax shield approach, calculate OCF given the following information: Sales $885,000;
Costs $670,000; Depreciation $120,000. Tax rate is 35%.
A) 165,500 B) $181,750 C) $171,750 D) $185,500 E) $175,500
Answer: B

111) New equipment costs $675,000 and is expected to last for five years with no salvage value. During
this time the company will use a 30% CCA rate. The new equipment will save $120,000 annually
before taxes. If the company's required rate of return is 12%, determine the PVCCATS of the
purchase. Assume a tax rate of 35%
A) $199,710 B) $179,710 C) $169,710 D) $159,710 E) $189,710
Answer: D

112) You own a house that you rent out for $1,200 a month. The maintenance expenses on the house
average $200 a month. The house cost $89,000 when you purchased it several years ago. A recent
appraisal on the house valued it at $210,000. The annual property taxes are $5,001. If you sell the
house you will incur $20,000 in expenses. You are deciding whether to sell the house or convert it
for your own use as a professional office. What value should you place on this house when
analyzing the option of using it as a professional office?
A) $190,000 B) $120,000 C) $89,000 D) $210,000 E) $185,000
Answer: A

113) A four-year project requires an initial investment of $165,000 in fixed assets plus $25,000 in net
working capital. The project has after-tax costs of $14,501. The assets belong in a 20% CCA class
and will have no salvage value. What is the project's equivalent annual cost if the required return is
14% and the firm's tax rate is 34%?
A) $186,474 B) $201,011 C) $232,249 D) $63,998 E) $159,418
Answer: D

114) You are evaluating a project for The Ultimate recreational tennis racket, guaranteed to correct that
wimpy backhand. You estimate the sales price of The Ultimate to be $400 and sales volume to be
1,000 units in year 1, 1,250 units in year 2, and 1,325 units in year 3. The project has a three year
life. Variable costs amount to $225 per unit and fixed costs are $100,000 per year. The project
requires an initial investment of $165,000 which is depreciated straight-line to zero over the three
year project life. The actual market value of the initial investment at the end of year 3 is $35,001.
Initial net working capital investment is $75,000 and NWC will maintain a level equal to 20% of
sales each year thereafter. The tax rate is 34% and the required return on the project is 10%.

What is the total cash flow for the project in year 3?

A) $178,156 B) $126,461 C) $239,100 D) $194,945 E) $234,838
Answer: E

115) Margarite's Enterprises is considering a new project. The project will require $325,000 for new
fixed assets, $160,000 for additional inventory and $35,000 for additional accounts receivable.
Accounts payable is expected to increase by $100,000 and long-term debt is expected to increase by
$300,001. The project has a 5-year life. The fixed assets will belong in a 30% CCA class. At the end
of the project, the fixed assets can be sold for 25% of their original cost. The net working capital
returns to its original level at the end of the project. The project is expected to generate annual sales
of $554,000 and costs of $430,001. The tax rate is 35% and the required rate of return is 15%.

What is the cash flow recovery from net working capital at the end of this project?
A) $195,000 B) $95,000 C) $247,812 D) $295,000 E) $147,812
Answer: B

116) Your company may introduce a new line of tennis shoes. You have been given the following
projections: sales = 35,000 units @ $40 per unit; variable costs = $25 per unit; fixed costs =
$125,000 per year; initial investment = $1,000,000; interest expense = $50,000 per year; project life
= 10 years. What is the net income for this project in the third year if the corporate tax rate is 34%?
You may assume that the CCA rate on the initial investment is 30%, the half-year rule applies, and
the appropriate discount rate of 12%.
A) $297,420 B) $264,310 C) $113,190 D) $198,070 E) $62,700
Answer: C

117) Ronnie's Coffee House is considering a project which will produce sales of $6,000 and increase cash
expenses by $2,501. If the project is implemented, taxes will increase by $1,301. The additional
depreciation expense will be $1,001. An initial cash outlay of $2,000 is required for net working
capital. What is the amount of the operating cash flow using the top-down approach?
A) $2,200 B) $1,500 C) $3,500 D) $4,200 E) $200
Answer: A

118) The managers of PonchoParts, Inc. plan to manufacture engine blocks for classic cars from the
1960s era. They expect to sell 250 blocks annually for the next five years. The necessary foundry
and machining equipment will cost a total of $800,000 and belongs in a 30% CCA class for tax
purposes. The firm expects to be able to dispose of the manufacturing equipment for $150,000 at the
end of the project. Labour and materials costs total $500 per engine block, fixed costs are $125,000
per year. Assume a 35% tax rate and a 12% discount rate.

What is the minimum bid price the firm should set as a sale price for the blocks if the firm were in a
bidding situation?
A) $1,692 B) $2,821 C) $2,564 D) $2,382 E) $1,934
Answer: E

119) Justin's Manufacturing purchased a lot in Lake City ten years ago at a cost of $790,000. Today, that
lot has a market value of $1.2 million. At the time of the purchase, the company spent $100,000 to
grade the lot and another $20,000 to build a small garage on the lot to house additional equipment.
The company now wants to build a new facility on the site. The building cost is estimated at $1.7
million. What amount should be used as the initial cash flow for this project?
A) -$2,900,000
B) -$3,020,000
C) -$3,690,000
D) -$2,610,000
E) -$2,490,000
Answer: A

120) You are evaluating a project for The Ultimate recreational tennis racket, guaranteed to correct that
wimpy backhand. You estimate the sales price of The Ultimate to be $400 and sales volume to be
1,000 units in year 1, 1,250 units in year 2, and 1,325 units in year 3. The project has a three year
life. Variable costs amount to $225 per unit and fixed costs are $100,000 per year. The project
requires an initial investment of $165,000 which is depreciated straight-line to zero over the three
year project life. The actual market value of the initial investment at the end of year 3 is $35,001.
Initial net working capital investment is $75,000 and NWC will maintain a level equal to 20% of
sales each year thereafter. The tax rate is 34% and the required return on the project is 10%.

What is EBIT for the project in the first year?

A) $13,200 B) $44,000 C) $52,000 D) $20,000 E) $15,000
Answer: D

121) Nu Look needs to maintain 15% of its sales in net working capital. The store manager is considering
a 3-year project which is expected to increase sales from the current level of $1.1 million to $1.3
million the first year and $1.5 million a year for the following two years. What amount should be
included in the project analysis as the net working capital cash flow for year 3? Assume that all
accounts are restored to their original values at the end of year 3.
A) $60,000 B) -$20,000 C) $20,000 D) $0 E) $30,000
Answer: A

122) Your company currently sells oversized golf clubs. The Board of Directors wants you to look at
replacing them with a line of supersized clubs. Which of the following is NOT relevant?
A) $200,000 spent on research and development last year on oversized clubs.
B) $350,000 you will pay to Fred Singles to promote your new clubs.
C) A reduction in revenues of $300,000 from terminating the oversized line of clubs.
D) Land you own with a market value of $750,000 that may be used for the project.
E) $125,000 you will receive by selling the existing production equipment which must be
upgraded if you produce the new supersized clubs.
Answer: A

123) A firm purchases Class 8 equipment for $1,000,000 (CCA Rate 20%) for a 10 year project. What
will be the CCA tax shield in year 3? The tax rate is 35%.
A) $50,400 B) $35,000 C) $144,000 D) $201,600 E) $63,000
Answer: A

124) Your company wants to bid on the sale of 10 customized machines per year for five years. The
initial costs for the project are $1.6 million with a salvage value of $800,000 after five years. The
manufacturing equipment belongs in a 30% CCA class. Annual fixed costs are estimated at
$700,001. Variable cost per machine is $81,501. The project requires net working capital of
$120,001. The company has a 34% tax rate and desires a 15% return on the project. What is the
minimum price that the company should bid per single machine?
A) $223,619 B) $221,009 C) $219,887 D) $197,320 E) $212,028
Answer: D

125) A project will increase sales by $140,000 and cash expenses by $95,001. The project will cost
$100,000 and belong in a 30% CCA class. The company has a marginal tax rate of 34%. What is the
value of the depreciation tax shield in the second year?
A) $8,670 B) $37,750 C) $25,000 D) $17,000 E) $22,500
Answer: A

126) The Windom Co. has sales of $845,960, costs of $578,402, interest expense of $42,750, and a
marginal tax rate of 35%. The company also has $1,299,998 in fixed assets that are being
depreciated in a 15% CCA class (you may assume that the 1/2 year rule has been applied to all of
the assets in the pool in the past). What is the operating cash flow for the current year?
A) $255,125 B) $267,558 C) $211,125 D) $210,911 E) $224,808
Answer: A

127) Downtown Candies is considering replacing the equipment it uses to make chocolate candy bars.
The equipment would cost $721,000 and lower manufacturing costs by an estimated $170,000 a
year. The equipment belongs in a 30% CCA class. The required rate of return is 14% and the tax
rate is 35%. What is the increase in net income for the second year from this proposed project?
A) $40,203 B) $47,200 C) $25,550 D) -$417 E) -$9,006
Answer: E

128) Kurt's Kabinets is looking at a project that will require $80,000 in fixed assets and another $20,000
in net working capital. The project is expected to produce sales of $110,000 with associated costs of
$70,000. The project has a 4-year life. The project belongs in a 50% CCA class, and the tax rate is
35%. What is the operating cash flow in the first year for this project?
A) $40,000 B) $13,000 C) $7,000 D) $33,000 E) $27,000
Answer: D

129) Jackson Enterprises is preparing a pro forma statement for next year. It estimates sales at 12,840
units with a selling price of $43.01. Variable costs are estimated at $21 a unit. $868,000 of fixed
assets is being depreciated straight-line to zero over seven years. Annual fixed costs are $104,660
and annual interest payments are $11,051. The tax rate is 35%. The net income is ________ and the
operating cash flow is ________.
A) $27,800; $209,320
B) $27,800; $132,460
C) $34,983; $209,320
D) $34,983; $132,460
E) $27,800; $162,850
Answer: E

130) A project will produce operating cash flows of $45,000 a year for four years. During the life of the
project, inventory will be lowered by $30,000 and accounts receivable will increase by $15,001.
Accounts payable will decrease by $10,001. The project requires the purchase of equipment at an
initial cost of $120,001. The equipment will be depreciated straight-line to a zero book value over
the life of the project. The equipment will be salvaged at the end of the project creating a $25,000
after-tax cash flow. At the end of the project, net working capital will return to its normal level.
What is the net present value of this project given a required return of 14%?
A) $32,037.86 B) $3,483.48 C) $16,117.05 D) $27,958.66 E) $49,876.02
Answer: D

131) Downtown Cleaners (DC) operates a dry cleaning business. When the cleaners purchased their
existing building they spent an additional $49,500 and purchased the empty lot next door. This lot is
currently appraised at $62,500. DC is currently considering expanding their business and providing
laundry services for dress shirts. The expansion would entail an addition to their existing facility
which would be built on the adjacent lot. The expansion to the building will cost $114,900. DC
currently has $14,500 worth of unused equipment which could be used in the new operation. In
addition, DC would need to acquire an additional $96,000 of equipment. The total initial cost of this
project is estimated at:
A) $287,900. B) $260,400. C) $286,400. D) $274,900. E) $273,400.
Answer: A

132) You own a house that you rent for $1,600 a month. The maintenance expenses on the house average
$300 a month. The house cost $110,000 when you purchased it six years ago. A recent appraisal on
the house valued it at $295,000. If you sell the house you will incur $15,000 in real estate fees. The
annual property taxes are $25,000. You are deciding whether to sell the house or convert it for your
own use as a professional office. What value should you place on this house when analyzing the
option of using it as a professional office?
A) $293,100 B) $280,000 C) $255,000 D) $150,000 E) $310,000
Answer: B

133) The Market Place Grill has annual sales of $1.9 million, depreciation of $238,000, and net working
capital of $196,001. The firm has a tax rate of 35% and a profit margin of 8.2%. The firm has no
long-term debt. What is the amount of the operating cash flow?
A) $197,800 B) $393,800 C) $88,585 D) $284,585 E) $521,200
Answer: B

134) Your firm purchased a warehouse for $335,000 six years ago. Four years ago, repairs were made to
the building, which cost $60,000. The annual taxes on the property are $20,000. The warehouse has
a current book value of $268,000 and a market value of $295,000. The warehouse is totally paid for
and solely owned by your firm. If the company decides to assign this warehouse to a new project,
what value, if any, should be included in the initial cash flow of the project for this building?
A) $0 B) $395,000 C) $268,000 D) $515,000 E) $295,000
Answer: E

135) RP&A, Inc. purchased some fixed assets four years ago at a cost of $19,801. They no longer need
these assets so are going to sell them today at a price of $3,501. The assets belong in a 30% CCA
class. What is the current book value of these assets?
A) $4,016.67 B) $3,421.44 C) $5,772.69 D) $3,500.00 E) $1,140.48
Answer: C

136) Shelly's Boutique is evaluating a project which will increase annual sales by $70,000 and annual
costs by $40,000. The project will initially require $100,000 in fixed assets which will be
depreciated straight-line to a zero book value over the 5-year life of the project. The applicable tax
rate is 34%. What is the operating cash flow for this project?
A) $46,600 B) $30,000 C) $46,400 D) $26,600 E) $26,400
Answer: D

137) Ann's Custom Catering has sales of $214,000, depreciation of $9,000, and net working capital of
$16,000. The firm has a tax rate of 34% and a profit margin of 7%. The firm has no interest
expense. What is the amount of the operating cash flow?
A) $39,980 B) $23,980 C) $53,700 D) $7,980 E) $30,350
Answer: B

138) Using the tax shield approach, calculate OCF given the following information: Sales $104,000;
Costs $63,000; Depreciation $10,000. Tax rate is 40%.
A) $30,400 B) $32,200 C) $29,500 D) $28,600 E) $31,300
Answer: D

139) A company is considering a new four-year project with an initial investment requirement of
$72,001. The equipment belongs in a 30% CCA class and will be worthless at the end of the project.
Sales are estimated at $136,800 with costs of $87,901. The tax rate is 34%. What is the project OCF
in the second year?
A) $20,394 B) $28,506 C) $38,516 D) $41,406 E) $30,900
Answer: C

140) Office Furniture Makers, Inc. uses machines to produce high quality office chairs for other firms.
The initial cost of one customized machine is $750,000. This machine costs $12,000 a year to
operate. Each machine has a life of 3 years before it is replaced. What is the equivalent annual cost
of this machine if the required return is 10%? (Round your answer to whole dollars)
A) -$326,947 B) -$301,586 C) -$285,942 D) -$259,947 E) -$313,586
Answer: E

141) Walks Softly, Inc. sells customized shoes. Currently, it sells 10,000 pairs of shoes annually at an
average price of $68 a pair. It is considering adding a lower-priced line of shoes which sell for $49 a
pair. Walks Softly estimates it can sell 5,000 pairs of the lower-priced shoes but will sell 1,000 less
pairs of the higher-priced shoes by doing so. What is the amount of the sales that should be used
when evaluating the addition of the lower-priced shoes?
A) $789,000 B) $857,000 C) $245,000 D) $313,000 E) $177,000
Answer: E

142) Benson Industries is adding a new assembly line which will increase annual sales by $980,000 and
cash expenses by $535,001. The project will require an initial investment in equipment of $1.2
million. This equipment belongs in a 40% CCA class. The company has a marginal tax rate of 35%.
What is the operating cash flow in the first year of the project using the tax shield approach?
A) $347,500 B) $314,500 C) $373,250 D) $205,250 E) $289,250
Answer: C

143) The Monumental Co. is considering purchasing a piece of equipment costing $642,001. The
equipment belongs in a 30% CCA class. What is the anticipated tax shield in year three on this
equipment if the company is in the 34% marginal tax bracket?
A) $23,469 B) $22,799 C) $38,963 D) $33,438 E) $32,087
Answer: C

144) The Wolf's Den Outdoor Gear is considering replacing the equipment it uses to produce tents. The
equipment would cost $1.4 million and lower manufacturing costs by an estimated $215,000 a year.
The equipment will belong in a 25% CCA class. The required rate of return is 13% and the tax rate
is 34%. What is the increase in net income in the first year from this proposed project?
A) $53,600 B) $26,400 C) $40,000 D) $13,600 E) $32,400
Answer: B

145) Judson Industries is considering a new project. The project will initially require $749,000 for new
fixed assets, $238,000 for additional inventory, and $25,000 for additional accounts receivable.
Accounts payable is expected to increase by $70,001. The fixed assets will belong in a 30% CCA
class. At the end of the project, in four years' time, the fixed assets can be sold for 40% of their
original cost. The net working capital will return to its original level at the end of the project. The
project is expected to generate annual sales of $944,000 with related cash expenses of $620,000. The
tax rate is 35% and the required rate of return is 14%.

What is the amount of the earnings before interest and taxes for the first year of this project?
A) $32,900 B) -$276 C) $113,400 D) -$425,000 E) $211,650
Answer: E

146) You just purchased some equipment that belongs in a 25% CCA class. The equipment cost $67,601.
What will the book value of this equipment be at the end of three years should you decide to resell
the equipment at that point in time?
A) $48,131.20 B) $33,271.88 C) $20,280.20 D) $48,672.00 E) $19,468.80
Answer: B

147) You are working on a bid to build four small apartment buildings a year for the next three years for
a local community. This project requires the purchase of $900,000 of equipment which will be
depreciated using straight-line depreciation to a zero book value over the three years. The equipment
can be sold at the end of the project for $400,000. You will also need $200,000 in net working
capital over the life of the project. The fixed costs will be $475,000 a year and the variable costs
will be $140,000 per building. Your required rate of return is 12% for this project and your tax rate
is 34%. What is the minimal amount, rounded to the nearest $500 that you should bid per building?
A) $341,500 B) $316,500 C) $365,000 D) $330,500 E) $292,500
Answer: A

148) Nathan's is considering offering boots for sale along with their current lines of shoes and slippers.
The projected annual sales for the company, with and without boots, are as follows:

What amount should be used as the annual sales figure when evaluating the addition of boots to the
product line?
A) $46,800 B) $344,350 C) $372,550 D) $28,200 E) $400,750
Answer: D

149) Glassparts, Inc. uses machines to manufacture windshields for automobiles. One machine costs
$142,000 and lasts about 5 years before it needs replaced. The operating cost per machine is $7,000
a year. What is the equivalent annual cost of one machine if the required rate of return is 11%?
(Round your answer to whole dollars.)
A) $35,400 B) $33,574 C) $45,421 D) $30,811 E) $37,267
Answer: C

150) Wong Exporters purchased an $89,000 truck that belongs in CCA class 10 (a 30% class). The
company has a marginal tax rate of 33% and a discount rate of 12%. After 3 years, the company
expects to sell the truck for $36,501. What is the after-tax salvage value at the time of the intended
sale? (Assume that Wong owns several other vehicles.)
A) $36,634 B) $36,203 C) $35,600 D) $35,006 E) $37,697
Answer: A

151) Given the following information and assuming a CCA rate of 30% (Class 10), what is the NPV for
this project? Initial investment in fixed assets = $800,000; initial investment in net working capital
= $200,000; life = four years; pre-tax cost savings = $400,000 per year; salvage = $10,000 in year 4;
tax rate = 35%; discount rate = 12%.
A) -$37,059
B) $400,000
C) $110,866.55
D) $50,000
E) $0
Answer: C

152) Your firm needs a computerized line-boring machine which costs $80,000, and requires $20,000 in
maintenance for each year of its three year life. After three years, the salvage value will be zero. The
machine falls into the Class 10 equipment category (CCA rate 30%). Assume a tax rate of 34% and a
discount rate of 10%.

What is the project's EAC?

A) -$53,667 B) -$37,539 C) -$2,374 D) -$32,905 E) -$61,964
Answer: B

153) Aaron's Enterprises just purchased some fixed assets that belong in a 30% CCA class. The assets
cost $436,001. What is the amount of the depreciation expense for the fourth year?
A) $54,478 B) $46,142 C) $37,801 D) $32,009 E) $21,804
Answer: A

154) Jake's Auto Sales currently sells $3.4 million of new vehicles and $1.7 million of used vehicles a
year. Jake is considering expanding his operations and adding an imported car to his lineup. Should
he do this, he expects to sell $680,000 worth of imported cars per year. However, he also expects to
lose about $450,000 of his upper end current sales. The expansion will necessitate spending $78,000
to add an additional showroom onto the current facility. What is the erosion cost associated with this
expansion project?
A) $308,000 B) $450,000 C) $528,000 D) $372,000 E) $230,000
Answer: B

155) Shelley's Quilt Shop has annual sales of $682,000 and a profit margin of 6%. The annual
depreciation expense is $43,001. What is the amount of the operating cash flow if Shelley's has no
long-term debt?
A) $40,920 B) -$2,080 C) $83,920 D) $36,260 E) $38,340
Answer: C

156) A project will produce operating cash flows of $60,000 a year for four years. During the life of the
project, inventory will be lowered by $20,000 and accounts receivable will increase by $25,000.
Accounts payable will decrease by $10,000. The project requires the purchase of equipment at an
initial cost of $200,000. The equipment will be depreciated straight-line to a zero book value over
the life of the project. The equipment will be salvaged at the end of the project creating a $30,000
after-tax cash flow. At the end of the project, net working capital will return to its normal level.
What is the net present value of this project given a required return of 12%?
A) -$4,160.73
B) $10,839.27
C) -$13,693.50
D) $2,194.46
E) -$17,759.04
Answer: A

157) Your firm needs a computerized line-boring machine which costs $80,000, and requires $20,000 in
maintenance for each year of its three year life. After three years, the salvage value will be zero. The
machine falls into the Class 10 equipment category (CCA rate 30%). Assume a tax rate of 34% and a
discount rate of 10%.

Compute the depreciation tax shield for year 3.

A) $5,719 B) $5,222 C) $4,855 D) $2,016 E) $3,399
Answer: C

158) LaMont and Sons is considering the purchase of some wood lathes for $229,001. These lathes
belong in a 30% CCA class. The firm expects that it will be able to sell the machines for $49,500 in
four years' time. What is the present value of the CCA tax shield on this equipment if the tax rate is
34% and the relevant discount rate is 12%?
A) $31,458 B) $41,203 C) $58,316 D) $44,995 E) $39,371
Answer: D

159) A company is trying to ascertain the selling price per unit for their product. It knows the OCF is
$170,654, interest expense is $21,300, and fixed costs are $116,901. Variable costs are $25.89 per
unit with 20,000 units expected to be sold. The tax rate is 34%. Fixed assets total $759,500 and are
being depreciated straight-line to zero over seven years. What is the selling price per unit given this
A) $40.67 B) $42.93 C) $41.32 D) $42.78 E) $40.26
Answer: C

160) You are considering investing in a piece of equipment to implement a cost-cutting proposal. The
pre-tax cost reduction is expected to equal $41.67 for each of the three years of the project's life. The
equipment has an initial cost of $125 and belongs in a 20% CCA class. Assume a 34% tax bracket,
a discount rate of 15%, and a salvage value of zero.

What is the annual after-tax cost reduction for the project?

A) $41.67 B) $27.50 C) $63.14 D) $69.17 E) $14.17
Answer: B

161) Margarite's Enterprises is considering a new project. The project will require $325,000 for new
fixed assets, $160,000 for additional inventory and $35,000 for additional accounts receivable.
Accounts payable is expected to increase by $100,000 and long-term debt is expected to increase by
$300,001. The project has a 5-year life. The fixed assets will belong in a 30% CCA class. At the end
of the project, the fixed assets can be sold for 25% of their original cost. The net working capital
returns to its original level at the end of the project. The project is expected to generate annual sales
of $554,000 and costs of $430,001. The tax rate is 35% and the required rate of return is 15%.

What is the initial cost of this project?

A) $425,000 B) $325,000 C) $520,000 D) $620,000 E) $420,000
Answer: E

162) Winslow, Inc. is considering the purchase of a $225,000 piece of equipment. The equipment
belongs in a 30% CCA class. The company expects to sell the equipment after four years at a price
of $50,001. What is the after-tax cash flow from this sale if the tax rate is 35% and the firm does not
have any other assets in the class?
A) $55,460 B) $46,108 C) $38,880 D) $37,036 E) $47,770
Answer: A

163) New equipment costs $700,000 and is expected to last for four years with no salvage value. During
this time the company will use a 30% CCA rate. The new equipment will save $550,000 annually
before taxes. If the company's required rate of return is 15%, determine the NPV of the purchase.
Assume a tax rate of 35%.
A) $461,112 B) $473,336 C) $485,550 D) $497,668 E) $450,005
Answer: B

164) KLS, Inc. is considering a four-year project that requires the purchase of $2,435,700 worth of
equipment. The equipment is in a 30% CCA class. The company will incur $112,500 in annual
interest and taxes at the 34% marginal rate for this project. Sales are estimated at $1.5 million a year
with costs averaging $939,500 annually over the life of the project. What is the operating cash flow
in year 4 of the project?
A) $624,114 B) $473,406 C) $473,364 D) $399,114 E) $511,656
Answer: E

165) The equipment below is required for your business. Assume each will be replaced as it wears out.
The required return is 15%. Ignore taxes.

What is the equivalent annual cost (EAC) of machine A?

A) -$201,676 B) -$301,664 C) -$22,437 D) -$59,570 E) -$48,163
Answer: D

166) A project will produce operating cash flows of $57,000 a year for 3 years. During the life of the
project, inventory will be lowered by $10,000 and accounts receivable will increase by $20,001.
Accounts payable will decrease by $5,001. The project requires the purchase of equipment at an
initial cost of $90,001. The equipment will be salvaged at the end of the project creating a $17,000
after-tax cash inflow. At the end of the project, net working capital will return to its normal level.
What is the net present value of this project given a required return of 12%?
A) $56,209.19 B) $42,908.17 C) $48,772.08 D) $54,681.35 E) $44,141.41
Answer: D

167) ABC, Inc. is considering a project that requires $21,000 in net working capital and $121,000 in
fixed assets, which belong in a 30% CCA class. The fixed assets have a salvage value of 28,500 at
the end of the 3 year project. The after-tax operating income of the project is $61,300 per year. The
tax rate is 35% and the required rate of return is 16%. What is the NPV of this project?
A) $54,289 B) $34,226 C) $48,933 D) $21,887 E) $67,386
Answer: C

168) A machine costs $60 and requires $35 in maintenance for each year of its three year life. After three
years, this machine will be replaced. If the machine belongs in a 30% CCA class and has no salvage
value, what is the EAC? Assume a tax rate of 34% and a discount rate of 14%.
A) -$48.33 B) -$97.84 C) -$39.48 D) -$43.32 E) -$59.13
Answer: D

169) Hansel's Outings is considering opening a new wilderness trail for tourists. The trail will require
$120,000 in fixed assets such as emergency shelters, rest rooms, and first aid stations plus an
additional $40,000 in net working capital. The project is expected to produce tourism revenue of
$140,000 annually. The annual cash expenses are projected at $75,001. The assets associated with
the project belong in a 25% CCA class. The tax rate is 34%. What is the operating cash flow in the
first year for this project?
A) $50,000 B) $49,700 C) $48,000 D) $33,000 E) $53,100
Answer: C

170) KN Jewelers purchased some land four years ago at a cost of $218,001. They spent $45,000 to raze
the old building and clear the lot. Today, the lot is valued at $237,000 and produces an annual
income of $22,000 from its use as a parking lot. KN has drawn plans to construct a new retail store
on this land. The lot preparation costs will be $28,000 and the building will cost $229,500. The
initial cost of this project is:
A) $539,500. B) $466,500. C) $516,500. D) $494,500. E) $475,500.
Answer: D

171) You purchase a machine for $22,000 which belongs in a 30% CCA class. What is the present value
of the CCA tax shield on the machine if it is sold at the end of the third year for $6,000, your tax
rate is 34%, and the appropriate discount rate is 15%?
A) $5,623 B) $1,014 C) $5,011 D) $6,994 E) $3,510
Answer: A

172) Joel's Shop needs to maintain 15% of its sales in net working capital. Joel's is considering a 4-year
project which will increase sales from their current level of $130,000 to $150,000 the first year and
to $165,000 a year for the following three years. What amount should be included in the project
analysis for net working capital in year four of the project?
A) $0 B) -$19,500 C) $7,000 D) $5,250 E) $24,750
Answer: D

173) A project will produce an operating cash flow of $10,100 a year for five years. The initial cash
investment in the project will be $32,500. The net after-tax salvage value is estimated at $6,000 and
will be received during the last year of the project's life. What is the net present value of the project
if the required rate of return is 10%?
A) $5,786.95 B) $9,512.47 C) $3,613.72 D) $5,515.64 E) $11,786.95
Answer: B

174) A furniture manufacturer is planning on buying a new industrial sander costing $118,000 and
belonging in a 30% CCA class. The sander has projected maintenance costs of $16,000 annually
over the three-year life of the sander. At the end of the three years, the sander will be worthless and
will be scrapped. The company has a 34% tax rate, a 16% discount rate. What is the equivalent
annual cost?
A) $36,520 B) $47,892 C) $68,540 D) $55,333 E) $52,254
Answer: E

175) Margarite's Enterprises is considering a new project. The project will require $325,000 for new
fixed assets, $160,000 for additional inventory and $35,000 for additional accounts receivable.
Accounts payable is expected to increase by $100,000 and long-term debt is expected to increase by
$300,001. The project has a 5-year life. The fixed assets will belong in a 30% CCA class. At the end
of the project, the fixed assets can be sold for 25% of their original cost. The net working capital
returns to its original level at the end of the project. The project is expected to generate annual sales
of $554,000 and costs of $430,001. The tax rate is 35% and the required rate of return is 15%.

What is the present value of the CCA tax shield for this project?
A) $37,918 B) $81,250 C) $61,462 D) $52,813 E) $28,438
Answer: C

176) The managers of PonchoParts, Inc. plan to manufacture engine blocks for classic cars from the
1960s era. They expect to sell 250 blocks annually for the next five years. The necessary foundry
and machining equipment will cost a total of $800,000 and belongs in a 30% CCA class for tax
purposes. The firm expects to be able to dispose of the manufacturing equipment for $150,000 at the
end of the project. Labour and materials costs total $500 per engine block, fixed costs are $125,000
per year. Assume a 35% tax rate and a 12% discount rate.

Assume that management believes that auto restorers will pay $3,000 retail per engine block. What is
the NPV of this project?
A) $401,187 B) $521,309 C) $644,678 D) $260,769 E) $624,674
Answer: E

177) New equipment costs $225,000 and is expected to last for five years with no salvage value. During
this time the company will use a 30% CCA rate. The new equipment will save $90,000 annually
before taxes. If the company's required rate of return is 11%, determine the NPV of the purchase.
Assume a tax rate of 30%.
A) $54,784 B) $51,884 C) $53,284 D) $55,184 E) $52,084
Answer: A

178) Jamie's Motor Home Sales currently sells 1,000 Class A motor homes, 2,500 Class C motor homes,
and 4,000 pop-up trailers each year. Jamie is considering adding a mid-range camper and expects
that if she does so she can sell 1,500 of them. However, if the new camper is added, Jamie expects
that her Class A sales will decline to 950 units while the Class C campers decline to 2,200. The
sales of pop-ups will not be affected. Class A motor homes sell for an average of $125,000 each.
Class C homes are priced at $39,500 and the pop-ups sell for $5,000 each. The new mid-range
camper will sell for $47,901. What is the erosion cost?
A) $18,100,000
B) $53,750,000
C) $93,150,000
D) $6,250,000
E) $118,789,500
Answer: A

179) A project will increase sales by $640,000 and cash expenses by $370,001. The required equipment
will cost $600,000 and belongs in a 25% CCA class. The company has a marginal tax rate of 35%.
What is the value of the depreciation tax shield in the second year?
A) $150,000 B) $137,813 C) $54,563 D) $39,375 E) $45,938
Answer: D

180) Le Place has sales of $439,000, depreciation of $32,000, and net working capital of $56,001. The
firm has a tax rate of 34% and a profit margin of 6%. The firm has no interest expense. What is the
amount of the operating cash flow?
A) $114,340 B) $49,384 C) $54,980 D) $52,616 E) $58,340
Answer: E

181) You are working on a bid to build five playgrounds a year for the next two years. This project
requires the purchase of $62,000 of equipment which will be depreciated using straight-line
depreciation to a zero book value over two years. The equipment can be sold at the end of the
project for $39,001. You will also need $12,000 in net working capital over the life of the project.
The fixed costs will be $18,000 a year and the variable costs will be $49,000 per playground. Your
required rate of return is 15% for this project and your tax rate is 34%. What is the minimum
amount, rounded to the nearest $100, you should bid per playground?
A) $58,800 B) $58,500 C) $58,200 D) $57,900 E) $57,600
Answer: D

182) The Frank Ernst Co. wants to add an additional production line. To do this, the company must spend
$100,000 to expand its current building and purchase $1.2 million in new equipment. The building
expansion has a salvage value of $80,000 and the equipment has a salvage value of $390,001. This
new line is expected to produce 200,000 units with a projected sales price of $4.65 per unit and a
variable cost of $2.90 a unit. Gross profit from existing products is expected to decline by $29,000 a
year as a result of this addition. Fixed costs are $42,000 annually. The net working capital
requirement is $36,001. The company uses straight-line depreciation over the life of the product and
requires a 15% rate of return. Taxes are incurred at a rate of 34%. The life of the project is five
years. What is the total cash flow in year 5?
A) $589,080 B) $553,080 C) $618,740 D) $748,880 E) $582,080
Answer: C

183) The Triton Company just purchased a $132,650 piece of equipment that belongs in a 20% CCA
class. The company has a marginal tax rate of 34% and a discount rate of 16%. What are the
after-tax proceeds from the sale of this equipment if the company sells it after four years at a selling
price of $61,125? (Assume that Triton has additional pieces of similar equipment.)
A) $66,032 B) $39,650 C) $61,125 D) $59,589 E) $55,968
Answer: C

184) Big Joe's owns a manufacturing facility that is currently sitting idle. The facility is located on a piece
of land that originally cost $129,001. The facility itself cost $650,000 to build. As of now, the book
value of the land and the facility are $129,000 and $186,500, respectively. Big Joe's received an
offer of $590,000 for the land and facility last week. They rejected this offer even though they were
told that it is a reasonable offer in today's market. If Big Joe's were to consider using this land and
facility in a new project, what cost, if any, should they include in the project analysis?
A) $0 B) $650,000 C) $779,000 D) $590,000 E) $315,500
Answer: D

185) Ben's Border Café is considering a project which will produce sales of $16,000 and increase cash
expenses by $10,001. If the project is implemented, taxes will increase from $23,000 to $24,500 and
depreciation will increase from $4,000 to $5,501. What is the amount of the operating cash flow
using the top-down approach?
A) $7,500 B) $4,000 C) $6,000 D) $4,500 E) $8,500
Answer: D

186) Witherspoon, Inc. is considering purchasing a piece of equipment for $43,701. The company has a
35% marginal tax rate and the equipment belongs in a 30% CCA class. At the end of seven years,
the company intends to sell the equipment. The estimated market value of the equipment at that time
is $7,501. What after-tax salvage value should be placed on the equipment as the company does its
capital budgeting analysis on this potential purchase? (For simplicity, you may assume that the CCA
pool will terminate when the asset is sold.)
A) $8,700 B) $6,405 C) $2,500 D) $4,370 E) $7,500
Answer: B

187) Your firm needs a computerized line-boring machine which costs $80,000, and requires $20,000 in
maintenance for each year of its three year life. After three years, the salvage value will be zero. The
machine falls into the Class 10 equipment category (CCA rate 30%). Assume a tax rate of 34% and a
discount rate of 10%.

Assume the machine can be sold for $10,000 at the end of year 1. Compute the present value of the
pre-tax salvage value at the end of year 3.
A) $9,678 B) $7,513 C) $8,616 D) $10,000 E) $6,600
Answer: B

188) A project is expected to create operating cash flows of $35,000 a year for four years. The initial cost
of the fixed assets is $100,000. These assets will be worthless at the end of the project. An
additional $5,000 of net working capital will be required throughout the life of the project. What is
the project's net present value if the required rate of return is 11%?
A) $11,879.25 B) $8,585.60 C) $3,585.60 D) $6,879.25 E) $1,879.25
Answer: D

189) Wilbert's, Inc. paid $90,000, in cash, for a piece of equipment three years ago. Last year, the
company spent $10,000 to update the equipment with the latest technology. The company no longer
uses this equipment in their current operations and has received an offer of $50,000 from a firm who
would like to purchase it. Wilbert's is debating whether to sell the equipment or to expand their
operations such that the equipment can be used. When evaluating the expansion option, what value,
if any, should Wilbert's assign to this equipment as an initial cost of the project?
A) $90,000 B) $50,000 C) $40,000 D) $60,000 E) $80,000
Answer: B

190) The Wise Co. purchased a new truck two years ago for $129,501. The truck belongs in CCA class
10, a 30% class. The company is in the 34% marginal tax bracket. Today the company received an
offer of $74,900 for the truck. What will be the net cash flow from the sale if the company decides
to sell the truck today and if the CCA pool is terminated as a result of the sale?
A) $62,160 B) $75,632 C) $50,285 D) $66,492 E) $24,615
Answer: B

191) A company is considering a new venture. This venture will require the purchase of $321,000 of
equipment (which belongs in a 20% CCA class), $45,000 in inventory, and will increase accounts
payable by $73,001. Expected sales are $625,000 with costs of $480,001. The project will last for
five years, be taxed at 35% and have a required rate of return of 14%. The equipment will have no
salvage value at the end of the project. What is the net present value of this project?
A) $107,709 B) $66,316 C) $22,995 D) $38,291 E) $78,056
Answer: E

192) Margarite's Enterprises is considering a new project. The project will require $325,000 for new
fixed assets, $160,000 for additional inventory and $35,000 for additional accounts receivable.
Accounts payable is expected to increase by $100,000 and long-term debt is expected to increase by
$300,001. The project has a 5-year life. The fixed assets will belong in a 30% CCA class. At the end
of the project, the fixed assets can be sold for 25% of their original cost. The net working capital
returns to its original level at the end of the project. The project is expected to generate annual sales
of $554,000 and costs of $430,000. The tax rate is 35% and the required rate of return is 15%.

What is the amount of the earnings before interest and taxes for the first year of this project?
A) $59,000 B) $159,000 C) $38,500 D) $67,000 E) $75,250
Answer: E

193) You are working on a bid to build three amusement parks a year for the next two years. This project
requires the purchase of $52,000 of equipment which will be depreciated using straight-line
depreciation to a zero book value over the two years. The equipment can be sold at the end of the
project for $34,000. You will also need $16,000 in net working capital over the life of the project.
The fixed costs will be $10,000 a year and the variable costs will be $70,000 per park. Your
required rate of return is 10% for this project and your tax rate is 35%. What is the minimal amount,
rounded to the nearest $500, you should bid per amusement park?
A) $74,000 B) $66,500 C) $68,000 D) $20,000 E) $79,500
Answer: E

194) Consider a $12,000 machine that will reduce after-tax operating costs by $2,500 per year over a
five-year period. Assume no changes in net working capital and a salvage value of zero. Further
assume that the machine belongs in a 20% CCA class, a marginal tax rate of 34%, and a required
return of 10%. The project NPV is:
A) $827 B) $1,235 C) $449 D) $73 E) $689
Answer: D

195) Deep Woods Coal Mines owns a shallow mine which is currently sitting idle. The property, which
includes the mine, was originally purchased for $18.5 million. The property was valued at $6.8
million when mining ceased and is currently valued at $7.1 million. If the company would spend
$329,000, they could convert this unused mine into an underground storage facility for campers,
vehicles, and boats. The company estimates that storage fees of $280,000 can be generated per year
which would net the firm an annual net income of $163,001. What is the opportunity cost associated
with the storage facility project? (Answer in millions.)
A) $7.129 million
B) $6.8 million
C) $7.429 million
D) $7.1 million
E) $7.564 million
Answer: D

196) TreeTop Ltd. currently sells $189,000 of trees, $286,400 of evergreen shrubbery, and $62,800 of
flowers. It is considering adding flowering shrubs to their product line. Given this change only, sales
are estimated at $168,000 for trees, $239,700 for evergreen shrubbery, $59,900 for flowers, and
$136,800 for the flowering shrubs. What is the amount of the erosion?
A) $73,300 B) $68,900 C) $136,800 D) $70,600 E) $66,200
Answer: D

197) Titanic Tools uses tool and die machines to produce machinery for other firms. The initial cost of
one customized tool and die machine is $1.8 million. This machine costs $16,000 a year to operate.
Each machine has a life of 3 years before it is replaced. What is the equivalent annual cost of this
machine if the required return is 14%? Ignore taxes.
A) $703,897.29
B) $692,113.27
C) $791,316.67
D) $680,416.08
E) $762,408.16
Answer: C

198) LiCheng's Enterprises just purchased some fixed assets that belong in a 35% CCA class. The assets
cost $1,901. What is the amount of the depreciation expense for year 2?
A) $719.67 B) $844.36 C) $548.63 D) $1,477.63 E) $633.27
Answer: C

199) Tori just purchased some equipment that belongs in a 35% CCA class. The equipment cost
$167,401. What will be the book value of the equipment at the end of year three?
A) $72,670 B) $94,730 C) $61,203 D) $58,349 E) $119,189
Answer: D

200) Donegal Brothers is an exclusive retailer of men's clothes. The store is located in a prime
professional office building and has average annual sales of $2.2 million. Currently, the owner is
considering expanding into professional attire for women. Should the firm expand into women's
clothing, he feels that their current sales to men will decline by $400,000. However, he believes that
the store can sell an average of $750,000 of women's clothes a year. What should the owner use as
annual sales when analyzing the proposed expansion?
A) $350,000 B) $1,050,000 C) $750,000 D) $400,000 E) $1,150,000
Answer: A

201) A project is expected to create operating cash flows of $68,300 a year for 3 years. The initial cost of
the fixed assets is $80,000. These assets will be worthless at the end of the project. An additional
$6,000 of net working capital will be required throughout the life of the project. What is the
project's net present value if the required rate of return is 14%?
A) $79,200.03 B) $78,567.47 C) $76,617.30 D) $73,408.18 E) $72,567.47
Answer: C

202) Jackson & Sons uses packing machines to prepare their product for shipping. One machine costs
$136,000 and lasts about 4 years before it needs to be replaced. The operating cost per machine is
$6,000 a year. Ignoring taxes, what is the equivalent annual cost of one packing machine if the
required rate of return is 12%?
A) $101,006 B) $50,776 C) $154,224 D) $38,556 E) $79,012
Answer: B

203) The Whilst Co. is analyzing a project that has projected sales of $189,400 and costs of $102,301.
The project requires an investment in inventory of $15,000 plus another $28,000 in accounts
receivable. Fixed assets of $80,000 are needed and belong in a 30% CCA class. Accounts payable
will increase by $36,001. An interest expense of $11,000 will be incurred annually. The project has
a life of 3 years. At the end of the three years, the equipment has an estimated market value of
$26,001. The company requires a 14% rate of return and is in the 34% marginal tax bracket. What is
the net present value of this project?
A) $65,887 B) $81,921 C) $91,425 D) $93,608 E) $68,023
Answer: C

204) The equipment below is required for your business. Assume each will be replaced as it wears out.
The required return is 15%. Ignore taxes.

What is the equivalent annual cost (EAC) of machine B?

A) -$61,664 B) -$94,113 C) -$90,163 D) -$77,276 E) -$85,776
Answer: D

205) Elite Design, Inc. sells customized handbags. Currently, they sell 30,000 handbags annually at an
average price of $79 each. They are considering adding a lower-priced line of handbags which sell
for $45 each. Elite Design estimates they can sell 12,000 of the lower-priced handbags but will sell
4,000 less of the higher-priced handbags by doing so. What is the amount of the sales that should be
used when evaluating the addition of the lower-priced handbags?
A) $224,000 B) $1,514,000 C) $1,234,000 D) $856,000 E) $540,000
Answer: A

206) A project requires an initial fixed asset investment of $600,000, which will be depreciated
straight-line to zero over the six-year life of the project. The pre-tax salvage value of the fixed assets
at the end of the project is estimated to be $50,001. Projected sales volume for each year of the
project is shown below. The sale price is $50 per unit for the first three years, and $45 per unit for
years 4 through 1. A $30,000 initial investment in net working capital is required, with additional
investments equal to 7.5% of annual sales for each year of the project. Variable costs are $35 per
unit, and fixed costs are $50,000 per year. The firm has a tax rate of 34% and a required return on
investment of 12%.

What is the NPV of the project?

A) -$6,980 B) $97,516 C) $133,255 D) $86,980 E) -$31,396
Answer: E

207) Dollar Diamond is considering a project which will require additional inventory of $134,000 and
will also increase accounts payable by $37,000 as suppliers are willing to finance part of these
purchases. Accounts receivable are currently $100,000 and are expected to increase by 8% if this
project is accepted. What is the initial project cash flow related to net working capital?
A) $94,720 B) -$89,000 C) -$105,000 D) -$97,000 E) $8,560
Answer: C

208) You will bid to supply three jets per year for each of the next three years to the Canadian Armed
Forces. To get set up, you will need $10 million in equipment, which belongs in a 30% CCA class
and will have no salvage value. Total fixed costs per year are $5 million, and variable costs are $7
million per jet. Assuming a tax rate of 30% and a required return of 10%, what is the minimum
price at which you should offer to supply the jets?
A) $11 million each
B) $9 million each
C) $5 million each
D) $6 million each
E) $32 million each
Answer: A

209) You are working on a bid to build four cabins a year for the next three years for a local campground.
This project requires the purchase of $66,000 of equipment which will be depreciated using
straight-line depreciation to a zero book value over the three years. The equipment can be sold at the
end of the project for $40,001. You will also need $16,000 in net working capital over the life of the
project. The fixed costs will be $18,000 a year and the variable costs will be $88,000 per cabin.
Your required rate of return is 14% for this project and your tax rate is 34%. What is the minimal
amount (rounded to the nearest $500) that you should bid per cabin?
A) $115,000 B) $95,500 C) $98,500 D) $95,000 E) $97,000
Answer: C

210) You are evaluating a project for The Ultimate recreational tennis racket, guaranteed to correct that
wimpy backhand. You estimate the sales price of The Ultimate to be $400 and sales volume to be
1,000 units in year 1, 1,250 units in year 2, and 1,325 units in year 3. The project has a three year
life. Variable costs amount to $225 per unit and fixed costs are $100,000 per year. The project
requires an initial investment of $165,000 which is depreciated straight-line to zero over the three
year project life. The actual market value of the initial investment at the end of year 3 is $35,001.
Initial net working capital investment is $75,000 and NWC will maintain a level equal to 20% of
sales each year thereafter. The tax rate is 34% and the required return on the project is 10%.

What is the operating cash flow for the project in year 2?

A) $105,738 B) $101,210 C) $26,400 D) $68,200 E) $97,075
Answer: E

211) Kay's Nautique is considering a project which will require additional inventory of $128,000 and will
also increase accounts payable by $45,000 as suppliers are willing to finance part of these purchases.
Accounts receivable are currently $80,000 and are expected to increase by 10% if this project is
accepted. What is the initial project cash flow needed for net working capital?
A) $136,000 B) $181,000 C) $75,000 D) $99,000 E) $91,000
Answer: E

212) A company has sales of $80,000, costs of $48,000, depreciation of $20,000, and a 34% tax rate.
Which one of the following is the correct method of computing the operating cash flow using the tax
shield approach?
A) ($80,000 - $48,000 - $20,000) - ($80,000 - $48,000 - $20,000)(.35)
B) ($80,000 - $48,000)(1 - .34) + ($20,000)(.34)
C) ($80,000 - $48,000)(.34) + ($20,000)(1 - .34)
D) $80,000 - $48,000 - ($80,000 - $48,000 - $20,000)(.35)
E) ($80,000 - $48,000 - $20,000) - ($80,000 - $48,000 - $20,000)(1 - .35)
Answer: B

213) The depreciation tax shield is defined as:

A) (Depreciation)(1 - Tc ).
B) Net income + depreciation - taxes.
C) Depreciation - taxes.
D) [(Sales - costs)(1 - Tc )][(depreciation)(Tc )].
E) (Depreciation)(Tc ).
Answer: E

214) Which of the following describes the "bottom-up" approach to defining operating cash flow?
A) (S - C) (1 - TC ) + DTc
B) NI + D
C) S - C - Taxes
D) EBIT + D - Taxes
E) NI + D - taxes
Answer: B

215) Which of the following describes the "top-down" approach to defining operating cash flow?
A) (S - C) (1 - TC ) + DTc
B) EBIT + D - Taxes
C) NI + D
D) S - C - Taxes + D
E) S - C - Taxes
Answer: E

216) Which of the following describes the "tax shield" approach to defining operating cash flow?
A) (S - C) (1 - Tc ) + DTc
B) NI + D
C) EBIT + D - Taxes
E) S - C - Taxes
Answer: A

217) Which one of the following is the correct method for computing the net cash flow on the sale of a
piece of equipment? (Assume that the equipment was the only asset in its CCA pool.)
A) (Selling price)(Tc )
B) (Selling price - book value)(1 - Tc )
C) (Book value - selling price)(1 - Tc )
D) (Selling price - book value)(T c )
E) (Book value - selling price)(Tc )
Answer: B

218) You are considering investing in a piece of equipment to implement a cost-cutting proposal. The
pre-tax cost reduction is expected to equal $41.67 for each of the three years of the project's life. The
equipment has an initial cost of $125 and belongs in a 20% CCA class. Assume a 34% tax bracket,
a discount rate of 15%, and a salvage value of zero.

If the equipment is sold to another company at the end of year 3 for $20, what is the PI?
A) 0.46 B) 0.77 C) 0.31 D) 1.09 E) 1.31
Answer: B

219) Given the following information and assuming a CCA rate of 20%, what is the profitability index of
this project? Initial investment = $400,000; life = five years; before-tax cost savings = $150,000 per
year; salvage value = $30,000 in year 5; tax rate = 34%; discount rate = 14%.
A) 0.45 B) 0.74 C) 1.98 D) 1.65 E) 1.07
Answer: E

220) The managers of PonchoParts, Inc. plan to manufacture engine blocks for classic cars from the
1960s era. They expect to sell 250 blocks annually for the next five years. The necessary foundry
and machining equipment will cost a total of $800,000 and belongs in a 30% CCA class for tax
purposes. The firm expects to be able to dispose of the manufacturing equipment for $150,000 at the
end of the project. Labour and materials costs total $500 per engine block, fixed costs are $125,000
per year. Assume a 35% tax rate and a 12% discount rate.

If auto restorers will pay $3,000 retail per engine block, what is the project profitability index?
A) 1.65 B) 1.78 C) 1.81 D) 1.33 E) 0.79
Answer: B

221) Given the following information and assuming straight-line depreciation to zero, what is the
payback period for this project? Initial investment = $500,000; life = five years; cost savings =
$160,000 per year; salvage value = $30,000 in year 5; tax rate = 34%; discount rate = 13%.
A) 3.6 years
B) 4.4 years
C) 3.9 years
D) 2.5 years
E) The payback period is greater than the project's life.
Answer: A

222) Given the following information and assuming straight-line depreciation to zero, what is the IRR of
this project? Initial investment = $400,000; life = four years; cost savings = $125,000 per year;
salvage value = $20,000 in year 5; tax rate = 34%; discount rate = 12%.
A) 6.25% B) 8.15% C) 7.51% D) 9.43% E) 10.24%
Answer: C

223) Which one of the following statements is correct concerning bid prices?
A) A bid price is computed based on 110% of a firm's normal required return.
B) A bid price should be computed based solely on the operating cash flows of the proposed
C) The winning bid may be at a price that is below break-even especially if there is a related
aftermarket for the product.
D) The competitor who wins the bid is the one who submits the highest bid price.
E) A bid price should be computed based on a zero% required rate of return.
Answer: C

224) Which one of the following will decrease net working capital of a firm?
A) A decrease in accounts payable.
B) A decrease in fixed assets.
C) An increase in the firm's chequing account balance.
D) An increase in inventory.
E) A decrease in accounts receivable.
Answer: E

225) The Best Company is reviewing two options for replacing a piece of machinery. The first machine
costs $86,500 and has a four-year life. The second machine costs $123,000 and has a six-year life.
Neither machine will have a salvage value. The machines will be replaced at the end of their life.
What method should be used to determine which machine to purchase?
A) Internal rate of return
B) Accounting rate of return
C) Equivalent annual cost
D) Total cash flows
E) Net present value
Answer: C

226) Which of the following is NOT considered a relevant, incremental cash flow in capital budgeting
A) Fixed asset salvage values.
B) Sunk costs.
C) Opportunity costs.
D) Additions to net working capital.
E) Erosion costs.
Answer: B

227) The changes in the firm's future cash flows that are a direct consequence of accepting a project are
A) Stand-alone cash flows.
B) Incremental cash flows.
C) After-tax cash flows.
D) Erosion cash flows.
E) Net present value cash flows.
Answer: B

228) ________ would usually represent a net cash inflow at the beginning of a project and an equal net
cash outflow upon completion of the project.
A) An increase in receivables.
B) An increase in payables.
C) An increase in fixed assets.
D) An increase in inventory.
E) An increase in receivables, coupled with an identical increase in payables.
Answer: B

229) Sunk costs can be defined as:

A) Any and all fixed costs that are incurred as the result of accepting a new project or activity.
B) The costs that have already been incurred and will not change whether or not a project is
C) The costs resulting from losses in current projects due to the implementation of a new project.
D) Any and all costs necessary to implement a new project or activity.
E) The initial, or start-up, costs of a project that cannot be recouped should the new project be
Answer: B

230) The operating cash flows of a project include:

A) The initial investment in net working capital.
B) The interest expense related to the project.
C) The initial cost of fixed assets required by the project.
D) Any changes in net working capital once the project has commenced.
E) The after-tax effects of the depreciation expense.
Answer: E

231) Changes in the net working capital:
A) Are generally excluded from project analysis due to their irrelevance to the total project.
B) Are included in project analysis only if they represent cash outflows.
C) Can affect the cash flows of a project every year of the project's life.
D) Only affect the initial cash flows of a project.
E) Affect the initial and the final cash flows of a project but not the cash flows of the middle
Answer: C

232) Erosion costs are defined as the cash flows of a new project that:
A) Result from the loss of market value for those assets which are utilized by the project.
B) Result from a competitor's loss of market share due to the new project's implementation.
C) Come at the expense of a firm's existing projects.
D) Are related to the deterioration of the project's fixed assets.
E) Are related to the taxes incurred because of the incremental income produced by the project.
Answer: C

233) You discover the engine-oil additive your scientists developed three years ago makes a great men's
after-shave once diluted properly using certain chemicals. How should you treat the original
$125,000 of R&D expenditures that went into developing the engine-oil additive for your present
decision regarding whether or not to begin production of the after-shave?
A) As an opportunity cost if the formula cannot presently be sold to another manufacturer.
B) Treat it as a cash outflow three years ago for the current project; that is, find the future value
today of the $125,000 spent three years ago.
C) The full $125,000 should be treated as an initial investment today.
D) As a cash inflow since the formula has obviously increased in value over the years.
E) As a sunk cost since the R&D expenditure has no bearing on today's decision.
Answer: E

234) Great Enterprises is analyzing two machines to determine which one they should purchase. The
company requires a 13% rate of return and uses straight-line depreciation to a zero book value.
Machine A has a cost of $285,000, annual operating costs of $8,500, and a 3-year life. Machine B
costs $210,000, has annual operating costs of $14,000, and has a 2-year life. Whichever machine is
purchased will be replaced at the end of its useful life. Great Enterprises should select machine
________ because it will save the company about ________ a year in costs.
A) A; $17,716 B) A; $10,688 C) B; $16,204 D) B; $14,987 E) B; $5,500
Answer: B

235) J&J Automotive is analyzing two machines to determine which one they should purchase. The
company requires a 16% rate of return and the machinery belongs in a 30% CCA class. Machine A
has a cost of $427,000, annual operating costs of $13,000, and a 4-year life. Machine B costs
$390,000, has annual operating costs of $6,500, and has a 3-year life. Whichever machine is
purchased will be replaced at the end of its useful life. Which machine should J&J purchase and
why? Ignore taxes.
A) B; because its EAC is $12,408.23 less than that of Machine A
B) B; because its EAC is $181,602.43
C) B; because its EAC is $11,209.18 less than that of Machine A
D) A; because its EAC is $162,408.19
E) A; because its EAC is $14,551.41 less than that of Machine B
Answer: E

236) It is important to identify and use only incremental cash flows in capital investment decisions:
A) Because they are the simplest to identify.
B) Only when the stand-alone principle fails to hold.
C) To accommodate unforeseen changes that might occur.
D) Whenever sunk costs are involved.
E) Because ultimately it is the change in a firm's overall future cash flows that matter.
Answer: E

237) You are to calculate operating cash flow using the following information: sales, net income,
depreciation, and net initial investment. If interest expenses are zero, then it would likely be easiest
for you to use the ________ approach.
A) Bottom-up.
B) Tax shield.
C) Top-down.
D) Depreciation first.
E) Conventional.
Answer: A

238) An increase in which one of the following will increase the operating cash flow?
A) office rent
B) employee salaries
C) equipment depreciation
D) building maintenance
E) equipment rental
Answer: C

239) The top-down approach to computing the operating cash flow:
A) Ignores all noncash items.
B) Can only be used if the entire cash flows of a firm are included.
C) Applies only if a project produces sales.
D) Includes the interest expense related to a project.
E) Is equal to sales - costs - taxes + depreciation.
Answer: A

240) The financial statements that reflect the projected results of future years' operations are called
________ statements.
A) Pro forma.
B) Stand-alone.
C) Cash flow.
D) Incremental.
E) Net working capital.
Answer: A

241) You are evaluating a project for The Ultimate recreational tennis racket, guaranteed to correct that
wimpy backhand. You estimate the sales price of The Ultimate to be $400 and sales volume to be
1,000 units in year 1, 1,250 units in year 2, and 1,325 units in year 3. The project has a three year
life. Variable costs amount to $225 per unit and fixed costs are $100,000 per year. The project
requires an initial investment of $165,000 which is depreciated straight-line to zero over the three
year project life. The actual market value of the initial investment at the end of year 3 is $35,001.
Initial net working capital investment is $75,000 and NWC will maintain a level equal to 20% of
sales each year thereafter. The tax rate is 34% and the required return on the project is 10%.

What is the effect of the $35,000 salvage value on year 2 cash flows?
A) Salvage value does not affect incremental cash flow until year 3.
B) Cash flows are increased $23,100.
C) Cash flows are increased $35,000.
D) There is no effect; the salvage value is a noncash event.
E) Cash flows are increased $11,900.
Answer: A

242) When you set the project NPV equal to zero in calculating a bid price you are:
A) Certain to be the low bidder since, if any firm does bid lower, they will be bidding based on a
negative NPV project.
B) Going to earn zero net income on the project.
C) Assured of earning your firm's highest possible IRR.
D) Finding the price at which you expect to create zero wealth for your shareholders.
E) Appropriately including opportunity costs in your analysis.
Answer: D

243) Which of the following is true regarding project evaluation?
A) The stand-alone principle calls for evaluation of a project based on its incremental cash flows.
B) Changes in NWC are not considered incremental cash flows.
C) Whether straight-line depreciation or CCA is used will have no impact on project NPV.
D) When fixed assets are sold at the project end, there are usually no tax consequences of the sale.
E) Financing costs must be included in the statement of cash flows because they are not accounted
for elsewhere.
Answer: A

244) Which of the following statements regarding operating cash flows is accurate?
A) OCF for a project can be found by subtracting depreciation from project net income.
B) To evaluate changes in OCF you need to look at both the statement of financial position and
statement of comprehensive income.
C) Changes in OCF will occur when cost of goods sold changes, all else the same.
D) An increase in depreciation will cause a decrease in OCF, all else the same.
E) Changes in OCF result directly from changes in financing
Answer: C

245) Your company is considering two different methods of producing its product: purchase production
equipment, or contract with a supplier to build the product for them. The methods have differing
lives and cash flow streams. You should:
A) Choose the method that minimizes initial cash outflows.
B) Choose the method that maximizes future cash inflows.
C) Choose the method that will result in the highest net income.
D) Choose the method that maximizes firm value.
E) Choose the method that will least affect the statement of financial position of the company.
Answer: D

246) A project which is designed to improve the manufacturing efficiency of a firm but will generate no
additional sales is referred to as a(n) ________ project.
A) opportunity
B) revenue-cutting
C) sunk cost
D) revenue-generating
E) cost-cutting
Answer: E

247) The book value of an asset will:

A) Vary as the market value of the asset varies.
B) Increase over the tax life of the asset.
C) Remain constant if the asset is land.
D) Always decrease faster under straight-line depreciation than under CCA.
E) Decrease at a constant rate when CCA depreciation is used.
Answer: C

248) Which of the following projects would increase net working capital the most?
A) Changing your production schedule so that you produce goods only after a customer order.
B) Using long-term bank credit to reduce payables.
C) Decreasing the amount of sales your firm makes on credit.
D) Decreasing the number of product lines your firm carries.
E) Financing a land purchase for a new manufacturing plant via a sale of new stock.
Answer: B

249) The cash flow tax savings generated as a result of a firm's tax-deductible depreciation expense is
called (the) ________.
A) depreciation tax shield
B) depreciable basis
C) after-tax salvage value
D) operating cash flow
E) after-tax depreciation savings
Answer: A

250) In setting the bid price, the firm seeks the price that will cause the project to "break even" in a
financial sense. The lowest acceptable bid price results in all of the following EXCEPT:
A) IRR = required return
B) Discounted payback = the life of the project
C) PI = 1
D) NPV = 0
E) AAR = required return
Answer: E

251) The evaluation of a project based solely on its incremental cash flows is the basis of the:
A) Discounted payback method.
B) After-tax salvage value analysis.
C) Incremental cash flow method.
D) Stand-alone principle.
E) Dividend growth model.
Answer: D

252) Operating cash flow is defined as:

A) The change in net working capital plus depreciation minus taxes.
B) Earnings before interest and taxes minus depreciation plus taxes.
C) Sales minus costs minus depreciation plus taxes.
D) Earnings before interest and taxes plus depreciation minus taxes.
E) Sales minus variable costs minus fixed costs minus depreciation minus taxes.
Answer: D

253) Total cash flow from a project is defined as:
A) Operating cash flow minus the change in net working capital plus capital spending.
B) Earnings before interest and taxes plus taxes minus depreciation.
C) Operating cash flow plus depreciation minus capital spending.
D) Earnings before interest and taxes minus taxes plus depreciation.
E) Operating cash flow minus capital spending minus the change in net working capital.
Answer: E

254) Billie Jo sent a letter inquiring about the cost of a piece of equipment for a project she is
considering. The cost of the stamp to mail this letter is an example of a(n) ________ cost.
A) Sunk
B) Incremental
C) Erosion
D) Opportunity
E) Relevant
Answer: A

255) Which of the following is the best definition for "stand-alone principle"?
A) Financial statements projecting future years' operations.
B) The most valuable alternative that is given up if a particular investment is undertaken.
C) Depreciation method under Canadian tax law allowing for the accelerated write-off of property
under various classifications.
D) Evaluation of a project based on the project's incremental cash flows.
E) A cost that has already been incurred and cannot be removed and therefore should not be
considered in an investment decision.
Answer: D

256) Which of the following is the best definition for "sunk cost"?
A) Evaluation of a project based on the project's incremental cash flows.
B) A cost that has already been incurred and cannot be removed and therefore should not be
considered in an investment decision.
C) Depreciation method under Canadian tax law allowing for the accelerated write-off of property
under various classifications.
D) Financial statements projecting future years' operations.
E) The most valuable alternative that is given up if a particular investment is undertaken.
Answer: B

257) Which of the following is the best definition for "opportunity cost"?
A) The most valuable alternative that is given up if a particular investment is undertaken.
B) Evaluation of a project based on the project's incremental cash flows.
C) Financial statements projecting future years' operations.
D) A cost that has already been incurred and cannot be removed and therefore should not be
considered in an investment decision.
E) Depreciation method under Canadian tax law allowing for the accelerated write-off of property
under various classifications.
Answer: A

258) Which of the following is the best definition for "pro forma financial statements"?
A) Depreciation method under Canadian tax law allowing for the accelerated write-off of property
under various classifications.
B) Financial statements projecting future years' operations.
C) Evaluation of a project based on the project's incremental cash flows.
D) A cost that has already been incurred and cannot be removed and therefore should not be
considered in an investment decision.
E) The most valuable alternative that is given up if a particular investment is undertaken.
Answer: B

259) Which of the following is the best definition for "capital cost allowance" (CCA)?
A) Evaluation of a project based on the project's incremental cash flows.
B) Financial statements projecting future years' operations.
C) A cost that has already been incurred and cannot be removed and therefore should not be
considered in an investment decision.
D) The most valuable alternative that is given up if a particular investment is undertaken.
E) Depreciation method under Canadian tax law allowing for the accelerated write-off of property
under various classifications.
Answer: E

260) Net working capital:

A) Is the only expenditure where at least a partial recovery can be made at the end of a project.
B) Can be ignored in project analysis because any expenditure is normally recouped by the end of
the project.
C) Requirements generally, but not always, create a cash inflow at the beginning of a project.
D) Expenditures commonly occur at the end of a project.
E) Is frequently affected by the additional sales generated by a new project.
Answer: E

261) Which one of the following statements is correct?
A) Interest expense should always be included as a cash outflow when analyzing a project.
B) For the majority of projects that increase sales, there will be a cash outflow related to net
working capital that occurs at the end of the project.
C) A project can create a positive cash flow from operations without affecting the sales level of a
D) Project analysis should only include the cash flows which affect the statement of
comprehensive income.
E) The opportunity cost of a company-owned building that is going to be used in a new project
should be included as a cash inflow to the project.
Answer: C

262) Given the following project information and assuming straight-line depreciation to zero, what is the
discounted payback period? Initial investment = $500,000; life = five years; cost savings = $160,000
per year; salvage value = $30,000 in year 5; tax rate = 34%; discount rate = 13%.
A) Two years
B) Three years
C) Four years
D) Five years
E) The discounted payback period is greater than the project's life.
Answer: D

263) Sunk costs include any cost that:

A) Will be incurred if a project is accepted.
B) Has previously been incurred and cannot be changed.
C) Is paid to a third party and cannot be refunded for any reason whatsoever.
D) Will change if a project is undertaken.
E) Will occur if a project is accepted and once incurred, cannot be recouped.
Answer: B

264) The pro forma statement of comprehensive income for a cost reduction project:
A) Will reflect a reduction in the sales of the firm.
B) Will always reflect a negative project operating cash flow.
C) Will generally reflect no incremental sales.
D) Has to be prepared reflecting the total sales and expenses of a firm.
E) Cannot be prepared due to the lack of any project related sales.
Answer: C

265) Which of the following statements regarding cash flow is correct?
A) Cash flow should be recognized only when it has accrued according to GAAP practices.
B) In evaluating capital budgeting decisions, cash flows should be valued on a pre-tax basis for
consistency's sake.
C) After-tax cash flow is usually identical to accounting profits when accrual accounting is used
for financial statement purposes.
D) Cash flow measures changes in the firm's cash account.
E) Incremental cash flows should include opportunity costs but ignore sunk costs.
Answer: E

266) The cash flows of a project should:

A) Be applied to the year when the related expense or income is recognized by GAAP.
B) Include all financing costs related to new debt acquired to finance the project.
C) Include all incremental costs, including opportunity costs.
D) Be computed on a pre-tax basis.
E) Include all sunk costs and opportunity costs.
Answer: C

267) Max is opening a car wash. The initial investment in the project will be $225,000 for the building
and related equipment. When compiling the project's pro forma statements, Max should note that
the depreciation expense:
A) Increases the net income.
B) Increases the operating cash flows.
C) Has no effect on either the cash flows or the net income.
D) Has no effect on the operating cash flows.
E) Has no effect on the net income.
Answer: B

268) You spent $500 last week fixing the transmission in your car. Now, the brakes are acting up and you
are trying to decide whether to fix them or trade the car in for a newer model. In analyzing the brake
situation, the $500 you spent fixing the transmission is a(n) ________ cost.
A) incremental B) relevant C) fixed D) sunk E) opportunity
Answer: D

269) The reduction in the sale of hamburgers when hot dogs are added to a menu is called the ________
A) Stand-alone.
B) Sunk.
C) Opportunity.
D) Incremental.
E) Erosion.
Answer: E

270) A pro forma financial statement is one that ________.
A) projects future years' operations.
B) Is expressed as a percentage of the total sales of the firm.
C) Is expressed relative to a chosen base year's financial statement.
D) Reflects the past and current operations of the firm.
E) Is expressed as a percentage of the total assets of the firm.
Answer: A

271) The Government has been trying to decide whether or not to purchase any of the new, advanced
icebreakers it has developed. One of the arguments in favour of purchasing the ships is that since so
much money has been spent on their development it would be a waste of money not to buy them
now. What is the major problem with this argument?
A) It includes financing costs in the decision-making process.
B) It includes sunk costs in the decision-making process.
C) It includes erosion costs in the decision-making process.
D) It includes net working capital changes in the decision-making process.
E) It includes opportunity costs in the decision-making process.
Answer: B

272) Erosion can be explained as the:

A) Additional income generated from the sales of a newly added product.
B) Loss of revenue due to employee theft.
C) Loss of current sales due to a new project being implemented.
D) Loss of cash due to the expenses required to fix a parking lot after a heavy rain storm.
E) Loss of revenue due to customer theft.
Answer: C

273) The equipment below is required for your business. Assume each will be replaced as it wears out.
The required return is 15%. Ignore taxes.

Which machine should you buy and why?

A) Machine B because it effectively costs less to operate each year.
B) Machine B because it has a higher NPV.
C) Machine A because it effectively costs less to operate each year.
D) Machine A because it has a higher NPV.
E) Neither, since the NPV for both is negative.
Answer: C

274) You are considering the purchase of one of two machines used in your manufacturing plant.
Machine A has a life of two years, costs $40 initially, and then $60 per year in maintenance costs.
Machine B costs $70 initially, and requires $45 in annual maintenance costs. Either machine must
be replaced at the end of its life. Which is the better machine for the firm? The discount rate is 15%
and the tax rate is zero.
A) Machine A is better because its EAC is -$60.24, which is less than the EAC of -$84.60 for B.
B) Machine A is better because its NPV is higher than the NPV of machine B.
C) Machine B is better because its EAC is -$75.66, which is less than the EAC of -$90.12 for A.
D) Machine B is better because its EAC is -$75.66, which is less than the EAC of -$84.60 for A.
E) Neither machine should be chosen since both have a negative NPV.
Answer: D

275) Bruno's, Inc. is analyzing two machines to determine which one they should purchase. The company
requires a 14% rate of return, each machine belongs in a 30% CCA class, and the firm faces a tax
rate of 35%. Machine A has a cost of $290,000, annual operating costs of $8,000, and a 3-year life.
Machine B costs $180,000, has annual operating costs of $12,000, and has a 2-year life. Whichever
machine is purchased will be replaced at the end of its useful life. Which machine should Bruno's
purchase and why? (Assume that both machines have zero salvage value at the end of their useful
A) machine B; because it will save the company about $9,506 a year
B) machine A; because it will save the company about $102,134 a year
C) machine A; because it will save the company about $8,600 a year
D) machine B; because it will save the company about $92,628 a year
E) machine B; because its equivalent annual cost is $192,000
Answer: A

276) One purpose of identifying all of the incremental cash flows related to a proposed project is to:
A) Isolate the total sunk costs so they can be evaluated to determine if the project will add value to
the firm.
B) Eliminate any cost which has previously been incurred so that it can be omitted from the
analysis of the project.
C) Include both the proposed and the current operations of a firm in the analysis of the project.
D) Make each project appear as profitable as possible for the firm.
E) Identify any and all changes in the cash flows of the firm for the past year so they can be
included in the analysis.
Answer: B

277) The pre-tax salvage value of an asset is equal to the:

A) Market value minus the book value.
B) Book value minus the market value.
C) Market value.
D) Book value if straight-line depreciation is used.
E) Book value if CCA depreciation is used.
Answer: C

278) By using the tax shield approach for calculating operating cash flows we can:
A) More readily identify the tax benefits of depreciation.
B) Obtain more accurate results than with the customary methods.
C) Start with the bottom line, net income, and work backwards.
D) More readily identify the tax benefits of debt financing.
E) More readily verify what cash flows would be without interest expenses.
Answer: A

279) The cash flow from projects for a company is computed as the:
A) Net operating cash flow generated by the project, less any sunk costs and erosion costs.
B) Sum of the sunk costs, opportunity costs, and erosion costs of the project.
C) Sum of the incremental operating cash flow, capital spending, and net working capital
expenses incurred by the project.
D) Sum of the incremental operating cash flow and after-tax salvage value of the project.
E) Net income generated by the project, plus the annual depreciation expense.
Answer: C

280) Adaptomatic Corp. has just issued their latest financial statements. The statement of financial
position contains the following information. Which one of the following statements is true?

A) Net working capital decreased by $200 during the period.

B) Accounts receivable was a source of cash during the period.
C) Net working capital increased by $200 during the period.
D) There was no change in net working capital.
E) Inventory required a use of cash during the period.
Answer: D

281) Which of the following is true about net working capital?

A) Net working capital is not considered an investment of the firm.
B) Changes in net working capital account for differences between accounting sales and costs and
actual cash receipts and payments.
C) Net working capital is typically an expense at the beginning of a project and an equal revenue
source at the end of a project; thus, there is no impact on project NPV.
D) Projects in which a firm expands its operations and sales will generally not lead to changes in
net working capital.
E) Dollar changes in the cash account are generally equal to changes in net working capital.
Answer: B

282) Superior Manufacturers is considering a 3-year project with an initial cost of $846,000. The project
will not directly produce any sales but will reduce operating costs by $295,000 a year. The
equipment is depreciated straight-line to a zero book value over the life of the project. At the end of
the project the equipment will be sold for an estimated $30,000. The tax rate is 34%. The project
will require $31,000 in extra inventory for spare parts and accessories. Should this project be
implemented if Superior Manufacturing requires an 8% rate of return? Why or why not?
A) Yes; The NPV is $153,777.33.
B) No; The NPV is -$128,147.16.
C) Yes; The NPV is $33,769.37.
D) No; The NPV is -$87,820.48.
E) No; The NPV is -$81,429.28.
Answer: D

283) Tax shield refers to a reduction in taxes created by:

A) A reduction in sales.
B) A project's incremental expenses.
C) Noncash expenses.
D) An increase in interest expense.
E) Opportunity costs.
Answer: C

284) Calculate the OCF and CCA tax shield given the following information: Sales $490,000; Costs
$250,000; Depreciation $85,000. Tax rate is 30%.
A) OCF = $195,500; CCA tax shield = $28,000
B) OCF = $191,500; CCA tax shield = $29,800
C) OCF = $189,500; CCA tax shield = $31,600
D) OCF = $193,500; CCA tax shield = $28,900
E) OCF = $190,500; CCA tax shield = $30,700
Answer: D

285) Calculate the OCF and CCA tax shield given the following information: Sales $900,000; Costs
$575,000; Depreciation $200,000. Tax rate is 34%.
A) OCF = $292,500; CCA tax shield = $72,000
B) OCF = $287,500; CCA tax shield = $70,000
C) OCF = $302,500; CCA tax shield = $76,000
D) OCF = $297,500; CCA tax shield = $74,000
E) OCF = $282,500; CCA tax shield = $68,000
Answer: E

286) Big Land Development Co. purchased a tract of land last year for $1.2 million. At that time, the
company spent $50,000 in legal fees to have the land rezoned for commercial use and another
$175,000 to have the land graded so that it is usable. The company is now trying to decide if they
want to build one large retail store on the property or a strip mall consisting of smaller stores. Which
of the costs identified above should be included in the project analysis to determine the best use of
the property?
A) All of the identified costs.
B) Only the legal fees and the grading costs.
C) None of the identified costs.
D) Only the cost of the grading.
E) Only the cost of the land and the grading.
Answer: C

287) The equivalent annual cost method is useful in determining:

A) Which one of two machines to purchase when the machines are mutually exclusive, have
different machine lives, and will be replaced once they are worn out.
B) The annual operating cost of a machine if the annual maintenance is performed versus when
the maintenance is not performed as recommended.
C) Operating cash flows for cost-cutting projects of equal duration.
D) Which one of two machines to acquire given equal machine lives but unequal machine costs.
E) The tax shield benefits of depreciation given the purchase of new assets for a project.
Answer: A

288) The future rental income that could have been earned if a building had not been sold is called a(n)
________ cost.
A) Side
B) Stand-alone
C) Incremental
D) Sunk
E) Opportunity
Answer: E

289) Jenny's parents gave her a used car on the day she started her college career. Jenny paid $834 in
repair costs over the past two years. Today, she would like to purchase another car she believes will
be more reliable in the future. When deciding what price to ask for her car, how should Jenny
consider the $834?
A) Erosion cost.
B) Depreciation cost.
C) Opportunity cost.
D) Sunk cost.
E) Side effect.
Answer: D

290) The annual annuity stream of payments with the same present value as a project's costs is called the
A) Equivalent annual cost.
B) Sunk cost.
C) Opportunity cost.
D) Incremental cost.
E) Erosion cost.
Answer: A

291) There may be a bias against accepting capital budgeting projects if:
A) Sunk costs are excluded.
B) Inflation in cash inflow estimation is ignored.
C) The discount rate is underestimated.
D) Opportunity costs are not accounted for.
E) Cash outflows are underestimated.
Answer: B

292) When a manager analyzes a project using only the incremental cash flows related to the project, the
manager is following the ________ principle.
A) Net present value.
B) Side effect.
C) Opportunity.
D) Stand-alone.
E) Erosion.
Answer: D

293) A firm is considering a project which would increase accounts receivable by $10,000, accounts
payable by $35,000, and inventory by $30,001. Which of the following is true?
A) Net working capital has decreased.
B) Sales will increase.
C) Net working capital has increased.
D) This is a net source of cash.
E) Payments to creditors will slow.
Answer: C

294) The equivalent annual cost can be defined as the annual annuity stream of payments with the same
________ as a project's costs.
A) erosion effect
B) tax effect
C) annual payment amounts
D) present value
E) total payment amount
Answer: D

295) Sales minus all cash expenses except interest, but including taxes, calculates the ________ of a
A) Pre-tax net income.
B) After-tax annual total cash flows.
C) Pre-tax operating cash flows.
D) After-tax net income.
E) After-tax operating cash flows.
Answer: E

296) Which of the following statements is NOT accurate regarding pro forma financial statements?
A) In order to construct pro forma statements you generally forecast unit sales first.
B) It is important that pro forma statements be as accurate as possible.
C) Pro forma statements merely represent the best current estimate of the future.
D) Pro forma statements are generally prepared for more than one year in advance.
E) Pro forma statements need only be prepared when applying for a bank loan.
Answer: E

297) Project A costs $35,000, has a 4 year life and incurs $4,000 in costs. Project B costs $39,000, has a
5 year life and incurs $4,500 in costs. Given the company's rate of return is 10%, calculate the
equivalent annual cost of each project.
A) Project A $13,452; Project B $12,924
B) Project A $16,788; Project B $15,211
C) Project A $12,623; Project B $11,679
D) Project A $15,041; Project B $14,788
E) Project A $14,190; Project B $13,250
Answer: D

298) Project A costs $17,500, has a 4 year life and incurs $1,500 in costs. Project B costs $20,000, has a
5 year life and incurs $2,000 in costs. Given the company's rate of return is 12%, calculate the
equivalent annual cost of each project.
A) Project A $3,088; Project B $3,290
B) Project A $6,788; Project B $6,870
C) Project A $7,262; Project B $7,178
D) Project A $4,220; Project B $4,511
E) Project A $5,958; Project B $5,776
Answer: C

299) A pro forma statement for a proposed project which reflects no sales revenue and varying annual
costs illustrates a:
A) Project based solely on opportunity costs.
B) Project expressed in terms of equivalent annual costs.
C) Cost cutting project.
D) Project with significant erosion effects.
E) Stand-alone project which has no opportunity costs.
Answer: C

300) If a company making only cash sales is considering allowing customer credit, then ________.
A) Net working capital will decrease if funding needs are met with long-term liabilities.
B) Sales will likely decrease.
C) The change will result in a source of funds.
D) Receivables will likely increase.
E) Expenses will fall due to monthly billings and collection efforts.
Answer: D

301) Which one of the following would be considered a use of cash?

A) Product sale at a price in excess of cost.
B) Sale of inventory at cost.
C) Sale of fully depreciated equipment.
D) Reduction in accounts payable.
E) A decrease in accounts receivable.
Answer: D

302) You run a concession stand at the local park during the summer months. At the beginning of the
season, you purchased several cases of frozen hamburger. The summer is unusually cold and thus
you have decided to add chili to your current menu which consists of hot dogs, hamburgers, chips,
and ice cream. Because of the weather, your sales to date have been less than you anticipated and
thus you feel that you will end the season with unsold hot dogs and hamburger patties. Thus, you
decide to use some of your previously purchased hamburger in the chili. The cost of the hamburger
________ be included in your cost of the chili because the hamburger used in the chili is a(n)
________ cost.
A) should; sunk
B) should not; sunk
C) should; erosion
D) should not; opportunity
E) should; opportunity
Answer: E

303) The equivalent annual cost method of analysis is used to evaluate projects with ________ economic
lives where the assets ________ be replaced when they are worn out.
A) differing; will not
B) differing; will
C) similar; will
D) similar; will not
E) either similar or differing; will not
Answer: B

304) The depreciation method currently allowed under Canadian tax law governing the write-off of
property under various classifications is called ________ depreciation.
B) straight-line
C) curvilinear
E) sum-of-years digits
Answer: A

305) A cost that has already been paid, or the liability to pay has already been incurred, is a(n):
A) Salvage value expense.
B) Net working capital expense.
C) Sunk cost.
D) Opportunity cost.
E) Erosion cost.
Answer: C

306) The most valuable investment given up if an alternative investment is chosen is a(n):
A) Salvage value expense.
B) Net working capital expense.
C) Sunk cost.
D) Opportunity cost.
E) Erosion cost.
Answer: D

307) A cost that has already been paid, or the liability to pay has already been incurred, is a(n):
A) Salvage value expense.
B) Net working capital expense.
C) Sunk cost.
D) Opportunity cost.
E) Erosion cost.
Answer: C

308) The most valuable investment given up if an alternative investment is chosen is a(n):
A) Salvage value expense.
B) Net working capital expense.
C) Sunk cost.
D) Opportunity cost.
E) Erosion cost.
Answer: D

309) The cash flows of a new project that come at the expense of a firm's existing projects are:
A) Salvage value expenses.
B) Net working capital expenses.
C) Sunk costs.
D) Opportunity costs.
E) Erosion costs.
Answer: E

310) Two types of batteries are being considered for use in electric golf carts. Burnout brand has a three
year life, while Long-lasting brand has a five year life. You must choose between the two batteries
and you expect to replace the brand you ultimately choose continuously. You should:
A) Take the option with the lower NPV.
B) Take the option with the greater EAC.
C) Take the option with the greater NPV.
D) Take the option with the lowest accounting break-even.
E) Take the option with the smaller EAC.
Answer: E

311) The expected market value of an asset at the end of a project's life is referred to as the asset's
________ value.
A) Erosion.
B) Opportunity.
C) Terminal.
D) Salvage.
E) Sunk.
Answer: D

312) Your firm sells a machine it purchased two years ago. The selling price was approximately 50% less
than the book value of the machine. As a result of this transaction, your firm has a tax benefit:
A) that depends on the composition of the CCA pool to which the asset belongs
B) that is available in the current year only
C) that is only available for certain types of assets as defined by the CRA
D) in the amount of the tax rate multiplied by the difference between the selling price and the book
E) in the amount of the tax rate multiplied by the difference between the selling price and the
original purchase price
Answer: A

313) Which one of the following is an erosion cost?

A) a $200 bill incurred to upgrade your computer software
B) the $200 reduction in hot dog sales because you are now also selling hamburgers
C) a $200 increase in the cost of a new computer because technology has improved
D) the $200 you spent last week to repair a TV which you are selling today
E) the $200 cost of a used printer which now sits idle in your closet
Answer: B

314) You own some equipment which you purchased three years ago at a cost of $135,001. The
equipment belongs in a 25% CCA class, and you do not have any other assets in this class. You are
considering selling the equipment today for $82,501. Which one of the following statements is
correct if your tax rate is 34%?
A) The book value today is $64,320.
B) The book value today is $8,478.
C) The tax due on the sale is $5,458.59.
D) The taxable amount on the sale is $38,880.
E) You will receive a tax refund of $13,219.20 as a result of this sale.
Answer: C

315) The cash flow from projects for a company is:

A) The net operating cash flow generated by the project, less any sunk costs and erosion costs.
B) The sum of the sunk costs, opportunity costs, and erosion costs of the project.
C) The bottom line net income generated by the project, plus the annual depreciation expense.
D) The sum of the incremental operating cash flow and after-tax salvage value of the project.
E) The sum of the incremental operating cash flow, capital spending, and net working capital
expenses incurred by the project.
Answer: E

316) Incremental cash flows are defined as:

A) The cash flows that are foregone when a new project or activity is accepted.
B) The total cash flows of a firm from the point at which a project is implemented until the point
at which the project ends.
C) Any change in the future net income of a firm that results from a new project being
D) Those cash flows that have already occurred and will not change whether or not a new project
is accepted.
E) The changes in the firm's future cash flows that are a direct consequence of accepting a project.
Answer: E

317) A new project will cause accounts payable to increase by $35,000, accounts receivable to increase
by $40,000 and inventory to decrease by $5,000 Which one of the following statements is true?
A) The change in accounts payable is a use of cash.
B) Net working capital will decrease.
C) The project will decrease the amount of cash provided to customers.
D) The change in inventory is a use of cash.
E) The project will not affect net working capital.
Answer: E

318) Which one of the following is most likely a sunk cost?
A) the money you spent last week fixing your car's transmission
B) the market value of an idle machine which you have decided to use for a new project
C) the reduction in sales of an existing product caused by the introduction of a new product
D) the cost of a worker to operate an idle machine which you have decided to use for a new
E) the cost of the health insurance which you must pay a worker that you plan to hire for a new
Answer: A

319) Project cash flows will increase when:

A) The incremental change in accounts payable decreases.
B) The inventory requirements for a project increase.
C) Capital spending for the project increases.
D) The projected sales resulting from the project increase.
E) The depreciation associated with a project decreases.
Answer: D

320) Which one of the following determines the salvage value of an asset at the end of a project's life?
A) The market value at the time the project ends.
B) The difference between the book value and the market value when the project ends.
C) The book value of the asset based on CCA depreciation.
D) The market value at the time the project commences minus the initial book value.
E) The book value of the asset if straight-line depreciation were used.
Answer: A

321) Erosion, in a financial sense, is defined as:

A) The effect of taxation on the additional cash flows created when a new project or activity is
B) The diminishing cash flows created by a new project over time.
C) The expense created on an annual basis from reducing the book value of fixed assets.
D) The deterioration of the book value of new assets obtained when a new project is implemented.
E) The negative impact on the current cash flows from an existing product when a new product is
Answer: E

322) When considering mutually exclusive investment projects with different lives that will be replaced
once they terminate, it is best to evaluate them using ________.
A) the equivalent annual cost rule
B) the net present value rule
C) the discounted payback rule
D) the profitability index rule
E) the internal rate of return rule
Answer: A

323) A project's operating cash flow will increase when:
A) The interest expense is lowered.
B) The net working capital requirement increases.
C) The earnings before interest and taxes decreases.
D) The depreciation expense increases.
E) The sales projections are lowered.
Answer: D

324) Which one of the following statements is true concerning project analysis?
A) The internal rate of return is the best method of analysis when the projects under consideration
are cost cutting projects with negative cash flows for all time periods.
B) The internal rate of return is the best method of analysis when two or more cost cutting
projects, with differing initial costs, are being compared because the method incorporates the
time value of money concept.
C) Net present value is the best method to use when analyzing cost saving projects involving
equipment that will be replaced at the end of the project and the options available have
different project lives.
D) For cost cutting proposals where a decision is being made between two or more pieces of
equipment with differing lives, the equivalent annual cost method is considered superior to the
net present value method if the equipment is to be replaced at the end of its life.
E) No matter the circumstances, net present value is always considered to be the best method of
analysis as it considers all relevant cash flows and incorporates the time value of money theory.
Answer: D

325) When computing a bid price, the net present value should be set equal to zero because:
A) The internal rate of return must exceed the required rate of return.
B) The internal rate of return will be unreliable.
C) The company does not require a profit but does want to cover their production costs.
D) The required return is used as the discount rate.
E) The goal is to just break even from an accounting perspective.
Answer: D

326) Which one of the following statements is most likely true?

A) Any increase in accounts receivable by a project should be counted as a cash inflow.
B) Accounts payable is normally a cash inflow at the beginning of a project.
C) The inventory required for a project is normally sold at a huge discount at the end of the
D) Net working capital is the same as current assets.
E) The net working capital required by a project is normally constant over the life of the project in
actual business circumstances.
Answer: B

327) When we employ ________ we are evaluating a project on the basis of its incremental cash flows,
thereby ignoring the other cash flows of the firm.
A) The stand-alone principle.
B) Bell's theorem.
C) The equivalent annual cost procedure.
D) The law of one price.
E) The equivalence theorem.
Answer: A

328) Which one of the following statements is correct about the pro forma statements for a cost-cutting
project which requires an initial investment in fixed assets?
A) the net income and the operating cash flow must both be positive
B) the depreciation expense has no effect on the cash flows
C) the earnings before interest and taxes will be negative
D) the tax amount must be negative if the project is acceptable
E) the operating income is equal to the annual pre-tax cost savings
Answer: E

329) Which of the following is the best definition for "erosion"?

A) The present value of a project's costs calculated on an annual basis.
B) The difference between a firm's future cash flows with a project and without the project.
C) Tax saving that results from the CCA deduction, calculated as depreciation multiplied by the
corporate tax rate.
D) Evaluation of a project based on the project's incremental cash flows.
E) The portion of cash flows of a new project that come at the expense of a firm's existing
Answer: E

330) Which of the following is the best definition for "incremental cash flows"?
A) The portion of cash flows of a new project that come at the expense of a firm's existing
B) Tax saving that results from the CCA deduction, calculated as depreciation multiplied by the
corporate tax rate.
C) The present value of a project's costs calculated on an annual basis.
D) Evaluation of a project based on the project's incremental cash flows.
E) The difference between a firm's future cash flows with a project and without the project.
Answer: E

331) Which of the following is the best definition for "depreciation (CCA) tax shield"?
A) The portion of cash flows of a new project that come at the expense of a firm's existing
B) Tax saving that results from the CCA deduction, calculated as depreciation multiplied by the
corporate tax rate.
C) The present value of a project's costs calculated on an annual basis.
D) The difference between a firm's future cash flows with a project and without the project.
E) Evaluation of a project based on the project's incremental cash flows.
Answer: B

332) Which of the following is the best definition for "equivalent annual cost" (EAC)?
A) The present value of a project's costs calculated on an annual basis.
B) Evaluation of a project based on the project's incremental cash flows.
C) The portion of cash flows of a new project that come at the expense of a firm's existing
D) The difference between a firm's future cash flows with a project and without the project.
E) Tax saving that results from the CCA deduction, calculated as depreciation multiplied by the
corporate tax rate.
Answer: A

333) The operating cash flow of a firm is equal to net income plus depreciation provided that:
A) Taxes are ignored.
B) The project is a cost cutting project.
C) Net income is positive.
D) The financing costs are ignored.
E) The costs are expressed as equivalent annual costs.
Answer: D

334) The bottom-up approach to computing the operating cash flow applies only when:
A) The project is a cost-cutting project.
B) No fixed assets are required for the project.
C) The interest expense is equal to zero.
D) Both the depreciation expense and the interest expense are equal to zero.
E) Taxes are ignored and the interest expense is equal to zero.
Answer: C

335) Which one of the following is an example of an incremental cash flow?

A) The rent on a warehouse which is currently being utilized.
B) The rent on some new machinery that is required for an upcoming project.
C) The insurance on a company-owned building which will be utilized for a new project.
D) The property taxes on the currently owned warehouse which has been sitting idle but is going
to be utilized for a new project.
E) The annual salary of the company president which is a contractual obligation.
Answer: B

336) Your company purchased a piece of land five years ago for $150,000 and subsequently added
$175,000 in improvements. The current book value of the property is $225,001. There are two
options for future use of the land: 1) the land can be sold today for $375,000 on an after-tax basis; 2)
your company can destroy the past improvements and build a factory on the land. In consideration of
the factory project, what amount (if any) should the land be valued at?
A) The present book value of $225,000.
B) The property should be valued at zero since it is a sunk cost.
C) The after-tax salvage value of $375,000.
D) The sales price of $375,000 less the book value of the improvements.
E) The original $150,000 purchase price of the land itself.
Answer: C

337) The depreciation tax shield is defined as the cash flow created by:
A) The sale of a depreciated fixed asset.
B) The initial purchase of a depreciable fixed asset.
C) The use of MACRS depreciation instead of straight-line depreciation.
D) Any reduction in the marginal tax rate as a result of an increase in the depreciation expense.
E) The tax savings which result from the depreciation expense.
Answer: E

338) Toni's Tools is comparing machines to determine which one to purchase. The machines sell for
differing prices, have differing operating costs, differing machine lives, and will be replaced when
worn out. These machines should be compared using:
A) Their effective annual costs.
B) Net present value only.
C) The replacement parts approach.
D) The depreciation tax shield approach.
E) Both net present value and the internal rate of return.
Answer: A

339) You are evaluating a project for The Ultimate recreational tennis racket, guaranteed to correct that
wimpy backhand. You estimate the sales price of The Ultimate to be $400 and sales volume to be
1,000 units in year 1, 1,250 units in year 2, and 1,325 units in year 3. The project has a three year
life. Variable costs amount to $225 per unit and fixed costs are $100,000 per year. The project
requires an initial investment of $165,000 which is depreciated straight-line to zero over the three
year project life. The actual market value of the initial investment at the end of year 3 is $35,001.
Initial net working capital investment is $75,000 and NWC will maintain a level equal to 20% of
sales each year thereafter. The tax rate is 34% and the required return on the project is 10%.

Given the $75,000 initial investment in NWC, what change occurs for NWC during year 1?
A) There is no change in NWC.
B) There is an $80,000 increase in NWC.
C) There is an $80,000 decrease in NWC.
D) There is a $5,000 increase in NWC.
E) There is a $5,000 decrease in NWC.
Answer: D

340) The ________ approach for calculating project operating cash flow explicitly measures the
depreciation-related tax benefit associated with the investment.
A) Stand-alone.
B) Tax shield.
C) Bottom-up.
D) Top-down.
E) Traditional.
Answer: B

341) You are considering a new project that will require an initial buildup of raw materials inventory.
The expected life of the project's equipment is seven years. If all goes as you expect, you will
replace the equipment at the end of the seven years. If not, you will terminate the project. You
currently believe there is a 50-50 chance of either occurrence. How should you treat the raw material
inventory in year seven of your present analysis and why?
A) Treat it as both a cash inflow and outflow, net effect zero.
B) Treat half of it as a cash inflow because there is a 50% chance the project will terminate then.
C) Treat it as a cash outflow because it is expected that the machines will be replaced.
D) Treat it as a cash inflow because the replacement of the machines becomes a new capital
budgeting decision at that point.
E) Treat half as a cash inflow in year seven, but also treat only half as a cash outflow at the
beginning of the project.
Answer: D

342) If the corporate tax rate were to increase, one would expect a firm's depreciation tax shield to be
which of the following, all else the same?
A) Unchanged, because changes in tax rates don't matter once a project is in place.
B) Less valuable.
C) Unchanged, since depreciation doesn't change.
D) More valuable.
E) It is impossible to tell how it will change, if at all, without more information.
Answer: D

343) A project requires an initial fixed asset investment of $600,000, which will be depreciated
straight-line to zero over the six-year life of the project. The pre-tax salvage value of the fixed assets
at the end of the project is estimated to be $50,001. Projected sales volume for each year of the
project is shown below. The sale price is $50 per unit for the first three years, and $45 per unit for
years 4 through 1. A $30,000 initial investment in net working capital is required, with additional
investments equal to 7.5% of annual sales for each year of the project. Variable costs are $35 per
unit, and fixed costs are $50,000 per year. The firm has a tax rate of 34% and a required return on
investment of 12%.

What are the additions to NWC during year 4 of the project?

A) Use $65,917
B) Use $7,323
C) Recover $5,123
D) Use $4,125
E) Recover $16,342
Answer: B

344) The stand-alone principle advocates project analysis which is focused on ________ costs.
A) sunk B) incremental C) fixed D) variable E) total
Answer: B

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

345) Provide a definition of "erosion."

Answer: The portion of cash flows of a new project that come at the expense of a firm's existing

346) Provide a definition of "incremental cash flows."

Answer: The difference between a firm's future cash flows with a project and without the project.

347) Provide a definition of "pro forma financial statements."

Answer: Financial statements projecting future years' operations.

348) Provide a definition of "sunk cost."
Answer: A cost that has already been incurred and cannot be removed and therefore should not be
considered in an investment decision.

349) Provide a definition of "stand-alone principle."

Answer: The evaluation of a project based on the project's incremental cash flows.

350) Provide a definition of "opportunity cost."

Answer: The most valuable alternative that is given up if a particular investment is undertaken.

351) Give an example of a sunk cost and an opportunity cost.

Answer: This question is open-ended and requires the student to use a little creativity.

352) Define "sunk cost" and give an example.

Answer: This question is quite open-ended and requires the student to use a little creativity.

353) Should financing costs be included as an incremental cash flow in capital budgeting analysis? Why
or why not?
Answer: Financing costs are not an incremental cash flow for capital budgeting purposes. Financing
costs are a direct consequence of how the project is financed, not whether the project is
economically viable. Financing costs are embedded in the required rate of return used to
discount project cash flows.

354) This chapter introduced three new methods for calculating project operating cash flow (OCF).
Under what circumstances is each method appropriate?
Answer: Three additional formulations of OCF provided in this chapter are the bottom-up, top-down,
and tax-shield approaches. The first is useful when the analyst has prepared pro forma
statement of comprehensive incomes for a project (since OCF is equal to net income plus
depreciation). The top-down approach defines OCF as sales minus costs minus taxes, and is
useful if one has reliable estimates of the relevant dollar costs (perhaps in a situation where
fixed and variable costs are the focus of the analysis). Finally, the tax-shield approach
separately illustrates the project benefits associated with after-tax gross profit (revenue gains
and/or cost reductions) and with the depreciation tax shield.

355) What is the stand-alone principle? Why is it important to the analysis of capital projects in a
corporation such as Bombardier?
Answer: The stand-alone principle allows us to evaluate a project based solely on the incremental firm
cash flows generated by the project. Without stand-alone evaluation, project analysis for a
firm like Bombardier would require forecasting all of the firm's cash flows both with and
without the project, a daunting task.

356) Explain the effects that depreciation has on both the net income and the operating cash flows of a
Answer: Depreciation lowers both the taxable income and the net income of a project. Depreciation
increases the operating cash flow because depreciation shields income from taxation thereby
lowering the cash outflow for taxes.

357) Provide a definition of "capital cost allowance" (CCA).

Answer: Depreciation method under Canadian tax law allowing for the accelerated write-off of
property under various classifications.

358) Provide a definition of "depreciation (CCA) tax shield."

Answer: Tax saving that results from the CCA deduction, calculated as depreciation multiplied by the
corporate tax rate.

359) Explain how the after-tax salvage value is computed and also why it is appropriate to include this
value in the capital budgeting analysis.
Answer: If the disposing of the asset terminates its CCA pool, after-tax salvage value = selling price -
(selling price - book value)*(tax rate). If the CCA pool continues, after tax salvage value =
selling price - (selling price - book value)*(CCA rate)*(tax rate)/(CCA rate + discount rate).
This value should be included in the analysis as it is an incremental and relevant cash flow.

360) Explain why it is important to analyze a cost-cutting project since the end result is automatically
assumed to be a reduction in costs.
Answer: Student answers will vary but two key points that should be presented are:
Assuming the end result will be a reduction in costs, in present value terms, may be erroneous.
There may be a better alternative to the project being considered and the analysis will help
identify which alternative is best, especially when some alternatives have different project lives.

361) Explain how the statement of comprehensive income for a cost-cutting project differs from that of
an income-producing project.
Answer: A cost-cutting project produces no revenue while an income-producing project does. A
cost-cutting project has negative costs as opposed to the positive costs of an income-producing
project. Other than that, the statement of comprehensive incomes are computed the same and
can result in either a positive or a negative net income.

362) Provide a definition of "equivalent annual cost" (EAC).

Answer: The present value of a project's costs calculated on an annual basis.

363) When is it appropriate to use the EAC methodology, and how do you make a decision using it?
Answer: The EAC should be used to evaluate two or more mutually exclusive projects with different
lives that will be replicated essentially forever. The manager should choose the project whose
EAC is lowest, that is, the least negative EAC value.

364) Explain what we obtain when we compute the Equivalent Annual Cost (EAC). Explain why or
under what conditions EAC is used.
Answer: Most students will explain that the EAC is an annual cost, but may miss the equivalent part.
The EAC is used when considering mutually exclusive investments with different lives that
will effectively be replicated forever. The equivalence refers to the fact that we must adjust the
NPV to account for the differing project lives.

365) Describe the procedure for setting a bid price and explain the manager's objective in setting this bid
price. How is that two different firms often arrive at different values for the bid price?
Answer: The bid process involves determining the price for which the NPV of the project is zero (or
some alternative minimum NPV level acceptable to the firm). In setting a bid price, a manager
typically forecasts all relevant cash outflows and inflows exclusive of revenues. Then, the
manager determines the level of OCF that will make NPV just equal to zero. Finally, the
manager works backwards up through the statement of comprehensive income to determine
the bid price that results in the desired level of OCF. The ultimate objective here is to
determine the price at which the firm just reaches its financial break-even point. Each bidding
firm usually arrives at a different calculated bid price because they may use different
assumptions in the evaluation process, such as the estimated time to complete the project,
costs and quality of the materials used, estimated labour costs, the required rate of return, and
so on.

366) Two construction firms are asked to provide bids on building an apartment complex. Both are given
an identical set of blueprints to use as the basis for their bid. Explain how it is that the two firms
might come up with completely different bid prices.
Answer: Essentially, the firms may use different assumptions in any stage of the evaluation process
including estimated time to complete the building, costs and quality of materials used as an
input, estimated labour costs, and the required rate of return. This question essentially asks
students how it is that two firms come up with the necessary inputs for their project analysis.


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