Hylo's Simulation Performance & Individual Strategic Digital Marketing Plan

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Hylo Athletics is a United Kingdom-based enterprise previously referred to as Ozone Athletics,

founded by former footballer Michael Doughty. The sought to make an emblem that aligned with
his desire to scale down the environmental effect of footwear in a brand-new market. The
organization launched in 2020, and the Emblem’s release shoe is vegan, uses renewable
materials, is recyclable, and has a 52 per cent lower carbon footprint in comparison with the
average running shoe. Hylo's total investment ranges from €2.5 million to €5 million.
The employer employs substances and technological know-how to create carbon-bad sustainable
footwear for men and women out of recycled materials that provide exceptional performance for
athletes while also having a positive impact on the world. Hylo Athletics' pursuits are to bring
about greater connections between recreation and sustainability, create possibilities for athletes
to return together to learn extra approximately this subject matter, and sell a new future of
walking that is more environmentally friendly.
Along with developing a modern eco-conscious product, the startup is establishing a network of
Athletes for Planet and leveraging their systems to effect positive change. The operator of a D2C
sustainable sportswear brand intended to reinvent sports shoes and push for brand-new standards
through the usage of renewable materials. They have an intriguing collection of footwear
inspired by the muse of both Britain and the continent. Famous football players have already
joined the movement.
Hylo Athletics has high standards for whom they paint with and how they paint. They frequently
conduct third-party audits on SEMS’ operating conditions (their production partner is primarily
based in China). Hylo’s first audit found that 100% of people are paid efficaciously and above
the local median. At the same time, running hours are 18% less than the local average.
The report highlights the value of the advertising environment and the position of the
corporation. It displays the organizational approach as well as advertising and marketing goals.
A literature overview of key principles, an introduction to the challenge area, and the present-day
literature concept of digital analytics and its role in marketing and strategy improvement The
function of websites and social media as advertising channels Digital marketing analysis and
assessment of the organization's web sites had been executed, assessed, and evaluated using both
qualitative (content analysis) and quantitative (wide variety of visits) analysis, making use of
applicable analysis gear.
First and foremost, use distinct evaluation tools (SWOT analysis and Porter's Five Forces) to
critically evaluate the advertising and marketing environment and the role of the organization in
light of Hylo's future goals.
The file will retain a Literature assessment focusing on the idea of digital analytics and its role in
advertising and marketing and virtual advertising and marketing method development.
Furthermore, this report will conduct an in-depth evaluation and evaluation of the enterprise
website, focusing on a both qualitative and quantitative evaluation. A strategic framework or
idea would be used to structure and frame the analysis. Additionally, Hylo’s quantitative
evaluation will be supplied in, comparable web & Seobility.
Ultimately, the record might be concluded with a recommendation on special digital advertising
and marketing aspects thinking about the evaluation and analytics consequences of the
quantitative evaluation, shaped in the shape of clever digital marketing objectives.
b) Company evaluation: A valuation of the marketing environment and position of the company
studied (e.g., SWOT, Ansoff’s Matrix, Porter’s 5 forces, Porter Generic Strategies).
To evaluate the marketing environment and position of Hylo Athletic, the following factors
should be considered:
1. Market trends: The trend towards sustainable and eco-friendly products can work in Hylo
Athletic's favour. There is growing consumer demand for products made from renewable
materials, which can benefit the brand.
2. Competitor analysis: It is important to understand the competitive landscape and how Hylo
Athletic differentiates itself from other sustainable sportswear brands.
3. Customer needs and preferences: Understanding customer needs and preferences, including
their attitudes towards sustainability, can help Hylo Athletic position itself effectively in the
4. Brand image and reputation: Building a strong brand image and reputation can help Hylo
Athletic attract and retain customers.
5. Marketing mix: An effective marketing mix, including product design, pricing, promotion, and
distribution, can help Hylo Athletic achieve its goals and stand out in the market.
Overall, if Hylo Athletic can effectively leverage the trend towards sustainability and
differentiate itself from competitors, it has the potential to be a successful player in the
sustainable sportswear market.
SWOT analysis is a framework that can be used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats of a company, including Hylo Athletic. Here's a brief overview of
each component:

Strengths: Hylo athletics focuses mainly on its design and premium quality product that defines
its customer’s tastes. Their online presence has provided them with a lot of opportunities to
extend customers and They have a well-developed supply chain management and

- Unique product offerings in the market

- Strong brand image and reputation
- Effective marketing strategies
- Strong distribution channels

- Limited geographical presence
- Dependence on a few key suppliers
- Intense competition from established players

- Growing demand for athletic gear and apparel
- Expansion into new markets
- Development of new product lines
- Strategic partnerships and collaborations

- Rapidly changing consumer preferences
- Economic downturns
- Emergence of new competitors
- Negative publicity or scandals

By identifying and analyzing these factors, Hylo Athletic can gain a better understanding of its
current market position and develop a strategy to overcome its weaknesses and capitalize on
its strengths and opportunities.
It is important for the management of Hylo athletics to analyse the competitive analysis that
will help them to understand their product differentiation and relevance. They will also have to
focus on the growth strategy and bring change in the taste of the customer. It is important that
the customer react positively to their product and services. The SWOT analysis will help the
organization to understand its market and evaluate its presence.

SWOT Analysis
Weakness: They do not have an excellent offline presence in different parts of the world and a
limited number of physical stores. COVID-19 has also caused a lot of drops in the sale of
products. Certain issues have also been observed related to the treatment of their employees.

Opportunity: The eco-friendly and sustainable market practice that the company has developed
has provided them with a lot of opportunities to gain maximum customer presence. The
influencer marketing strategy has also provided a lot of strategies to promote lifestyle brands.
Collecting data from the customer base will help them to provide personalized suggestions;
therefore is important to capitalize upon technology.

Threat: The major threat that the organization is facing is related to its competition. China’s
giant fashion market has gained a lot of customer presence. The company uses premium
products and thus price wars are always there. COVID-19 has caused a reportedly drop in sales
to nearly 44%.

Porter’s five forces is an analysis used for a company that wishes to select the best strategy for its
success. A company must take into consideration all five forces and they include Potential
entrants, Suppliers, Substitutes, Buyers, and Competitors (Porter, 1998).
Porter’s model is a tool for analyzing the competitive conditions prevailing in the market and
allows companies to assess the degree of influence that each of the five forces has on the
company and, accordingly, how interesting this or that industry is for the company's activities.
The five forces that influence the company in the industry, Porter considers:

- New competitors (new players in the market);

- Existing competitors in the industry;
- Companies that offer substitute products;
- The influence of suppliers;
- Customer influence.
The valuation of the marketing environment and position of Hylo Athletic using Porter's five.
This analysis helps determine the company’s position in the external environment. The five
forces framework assesses the following:

1. Threat of New Entrants: Considering that the capacity of any market is not limitless, the
appearance of new players on it can lead to lower prices for the product, and thus for the
profits of old companies, a reduction in market share, increased competition, etc. Therefore,
the company needs to take measures to ensure that new players are not able to expand
successful activities. Such entry barriers as economies of scale, differentiation, creation of new
distribution channels, technology patenting, etc. can become effective. The level of entry
barriers into the athletic wear market, such as capital requirements, economies of scale, access
to distribution channels, and brand recognition.

2. Threat of Substitute Products: The availability and competitiveness of substitute products,

such as generic athletic wear, that can replace Hylo Athletic's products.
3. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: The ability of suppliers to drive up the prices of raw materials,
components, or other inputs used to produce Hylo Athletic's products.

4. Bargaining Power of Buyers: The ability of customers to negotiate lower prices or better
terms and conditions with Hylo Athletic.

5. Rivalry among Existing Competitors: The intensity of competition among existing firms in the
athletic wear market, including factors such as market share, brand recognition, and product

Based on this analysis, you would be able to determine the overall strength and position of Hylo
Athletic within the market and identify potential opportunities or challenges that it may face.

c) Literature Review or Review of Key Concepts: this section should include an introduction to
the subject area and contemporary literature used to discuss the concept of digital analytics
and its role in marketing and strategy development. The role of websites and social media as
marketing channels should also be discussed.
Digital analytics is the analyzing, collecting, and interpreting of data from various digital
sources. This data can be used to understand user behavior, determine best practices for
website design, and help with email marketing, among many other marketing efforts. Digital
analytics has quickly become one of the most important tools available for businesses to make
decisions and boost profits.
In the context of a shoe company, digital analytics would be essential to understand their target
audience and how this audience interacts with their brand. Through analyzing website data,
such as clicks, scroll depths and session lengths, shoe companies can gain an understanding of
the types of webpages that appeal best to their consumers, allowing them to further refine
their digital marketing strategy.
Digital analytics can also be used to track performance of digital campaigns. By analyzing
impressions, clicks, conversions, and returns on ad spend, shoe companies can identify which
campaigns are most successful and determine how to optimize future campaigns for maximum
Finally, digital analytics can be used to measure user engagement across digital platforms.
Through tracking the number of followers and engagement metrics on social media, shoe
companies can better understand their consumers and craft relevant content tailored to their
needs and interests.
Overall, digital analytics is invaluable for modern shoe companies looking to optimize their
marketing strategies and increase profits. Using digital analytics, businesses can gain valuable
insights about their target audience, track performance of digital campaigns, and measure user
engagement on digital platforms, all of which can be used to help further improve their digital
marketing efforts and increase ROI.

d) Analysis: the analysis and evaluation of the company website. The website should be
assessed and evaluated using both qualitative (e.g., content analysis) and
Content analysis of qualitative data from Hylo Athletics involves systematically examining and
interpreting unstructured or semi-structured data, such as customer reviews, surveys,
interviews, focus groups, and social media posts, to identify patterns, themes, and trends. The
goal of this process is to gain insights into the attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of Hylo
customers towards .

Qualitative analysis and evaluation of the Hylo Athletics website:

Design & Usability: The website has a simple and modern design, with a clean, uncluttered
layout. The navigation is intuitive, and all the main pages and features are easily accessible from
the home page.

Content: The content is up-to-date and informative, with clear and concise descriptions of each
product and its features. There’s also a blog, which regularly provides informative articles about
the latest trends in athleisure and sports.

Accessibility: The website is accessible for everyone, with easy-to-use font sizes, colors and
contrasts. At the same time, it’s also mobile-friendly and can be viewed easily on any device.

Speed: The website pages load quickly, with only a few minor delays on certain pages.

Social Media: The website has dedicated social media links, so visitors can easily follow them on
their favorite networks.
Overall, Hylo Athletics has a strong online presence and the website is well designed and well
optimized. It provides users with easy access to their products and services, while also giving
them a great user experience.

Qualitative Analysis
Hylo Athletics is a website devoted to helping individuals reach their optimal levels of physical
and mental health through comprehensive and practical information. The website contains a
variety of resources such as blogs, products, and services to help people get started on their
health journey.
The website has a modern and easy-to-navigate design. The layout is simple and intuitive,
making it easy to find the information you’re looking for. The navigation bar at the top of the
page includes a search bar, making it easy to quickly access specific topics.
The content on the website is comprehensive and provides quality information on a variety of
topics related to physical and mental health. The blog posts offer helpful insight into various
health topics, while the products and services provide practical solutions for achieving and
maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
The website is designed to be device agnostic, meaning it functions properly on both desktop
and mobile devices. The layout is responsive and the site is easily accessible across all browsers.
Overall Evaluation:
Overall, Hylo Athletics is a well-designed website with a wide variety of resources for those
looking to improve their physical and mental wellbeing. The content is comprehensive and the
design is modern and responsive, making the website highly accessible to a wide range of users.

Quantitative (e.g., number of visits) analysis. Various analysis tools (e.g., Similar Web.
Seobility, SemRush, Moz Bar, Open SEO Stats, Siteliner) should be used to complete the task.
A suitable strategic framework/theory should be used to structure and frame the analysis.

Porter's generic strategies refer to the three fundamental strategies that a company can use to
achieve its goals and gain a competitive advantage in its industry: Cost Leadership,
Differentiation, and Focus.
For Hylo Athletics’, the following is an example of how each of these strategies can be applied:

1. Cost Leadership: The Company could focus on reducing costs through economies of scale,
efficient production processes, and cost-saving measures to offer shoes at lower prices than
competitors, attracting price-sensitive customers.

2. Differentiation: The Company could differentiate itself by offering unique, high-quality shoes
with innovative features, designs, or materials, attracting customers who are willing to pay a
premium for a differentiated product.

3. Focus: Hylo Athletics could focus on serving a specific segment of the market, such as eco-
friendly shoes, running shoes, or shoes for a particular sport, offering specialized products that
cater to the specific needs of that target market.

It's important to note that while a company can choose to focus on only one of these strategies,
many successful companies use a combination of these strategies.

Traffic, Conversion rate, Bounce rate, Average order value, Customer lifetime value, Product
views and add-to-cart rate, Customer satisfaction

1. Traffic: This metric measures the number of visitors to the website, including the source of
traffic (e.g. search engines, direct visits, referrals).

2. Conversion rate: This metric measures the percentage of website visitors who make a

3. Bounce rate: This metric measures the percentage of visitors who leave the website after
viewing only one page.

4. Average order value: This metric measures the average value of an order placed on the

5. Customer lifetime value: This metric measures the total value that a customer is expected to
bring to the website over the course of their relationship.

6. Product views and add-to-cart rate: These metrics measure the popularity of different
products on the website and the rate at which visitors add items to their carts.

7. Customer satisfaction: This metric measures how satisfied customers are with their
experience on the website, including product quality, customer service, and website design.
The evaluation of these metrics can provide valuable insights into the strengths and
weaknesses of the website, as well as opportunities for improvement.

I. Layout and Design:

The layout and design of the Hylo Athletics website is fairly good overall. The site features a
clean design with a simple, two-column layout. The navigation and main content are clearly
visible on each page and the minimalist styling makes it easy to focus on the information
instead of being distracted by busy visuals. The site also includes a single column layout for the
blog, allowing visitors to easily scroll through the latest posts.
II. Usability:
The Hylo Athletics website is also reasonably easy to use. The navigation options are
straightforward and the pages are easy to interpret. It also includes a search function, allowing
users to quickly find the information they need. Additionally, the pages load quickly and
perform well on mobile devices.
III. Content:
The content on the Hylo Athletics website is also of a generally good quality. The site contains
well-written and informative text about the company and its products and services. There is
also plenty of customer reviews and testimonials to provide an unbiased view of the company.
Additionally, the company’s blog features regular posts with helpful tips and advice related to
sports and fitness.
IV. Advertising:
The Hylo Athletics website features limited advertising in an unobtrusive manner. The adverts
are related to the company’s products and services, and are designed in a way that does not
detract from the content of the site.
V. Summary:
In summary, the Hylo Athletics website is of a good quality overall. The layout and design are
professional, the usability is good, the content is well-written and informative, and the
advertising is limited and unobtrusive.
The Hylo Athletics website is a good example of modern design, usability, and interactivity. The
home page displays all of their main services and products in a clear and concise format. The
use of bright and bold colors helps draw the user’s attention to important content. The menus,
drop downs, and search box are all easy to navigate and use. Overall, the website offers a good
user experience.
Quantitative Analysis:
Site load time: 0.93 seconds
Page size: 732kb
Page requests: 19
HTTP status codes: 200-OK (13), 304-Not Modified (5)
Browser compatibility: Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE9+
Checks by services (Google Analytics, W3C Markup Validation, etc): passed
Mobile device optimization: responsive design and mobile-friendly layout.

e) Recommendations: This section should include the evaluation of the findings through the
analysis and draw analytical insights to derive recommendations for improvement in the future.
You should use what you have learned in the simulation as well as external sources, to justify
and support your points. The recommendations should be shaped in form of SMART digital
marketing objectives.
SMART marketing objective
Specific: The brand needs to increase its sales by 50% in the Saudi Arabian market coming 5-
year period to be able to achieve growth in the personal care segment in the Kingdome.
Measurable: The organization should look at adjusting the product price range to increase
Achievable: With the brands marketing strategy focussing on real people and their issues, the
huge marketing costs utilized by the brand can be reduced through usage of social media and its
“influencers” providing cheaper PR, maintaining as well as enhancing direct consumer
Realistic: The increasing usage and network of internet and Smart phones has enhanced the reach
of brands, making it realistically possible for a brand to conduct one on one feedback with its
customers worldwide easily.
Time-bound: The 5-year period provides sufficient time for the strategy to show desired results
and increased revenues.

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