Panda 2021

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Received: 21 February 2021 | Revised: 14 April 2021 | Accepted: 2 May 2021

DOI: 10.1111/ane.13469


Efficacy of lacosamide and phenytoin in status epilepticus:

A systematic review

Prateek Kumar Panda1 | Pragnya Panda2 | Lesa Dawman3 | Indar Kumar Sharawat1

Pediatric Neurology Division,
Department of Pediatrics, All India Abstract
Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh,
Objectives: To compare the evidence on efficacy, safety, tolerability, and impact on
Department of Pediatrics, Post Graduate
short term/long functional outcome of lacosamide (LCM) and phenytoin (PHT) in pa-
Institute of Medical Education and tients with status epilepticus.
Research, Chandigarh, India
Materials & Methods: We conducted a systematic literature search of relevant elec-
Department of Neurology, King George
Medical University, Lucknow, India tronic databases using a suitable search strategy to identify studies directly compar-
ing PHT and LCM, irrespective of dose and duration in patients with convulsive and/
Indar Kumar Sharawat, Associate or nonconvulsive status epilepticus (SE). We used a standardized assessment form
Professor and Chief, Pediatric Neurology to extract information on the study design, data sources, methodologic framework,
Division, Department of Pediatrics,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, efficacy, and adverse events attributed to PHT and LCM from included studies and
Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India-­249203. compared the efficacy and safety outcomes, using a fixed/random effect model.
Email: [email protected]
Results: Five studies were found to be eligible for inclusion out of 192 search items,
Funding information enrolling a total of 115 and 166 participants (predominantly with SE) in LCM and PHT
This research did not receive any specific
grant from funding agencies in the public, arm, respectively. Baseline characteristics were comparable between both arms. The
commercial, or not-­for-­profit sectors. proportion with seizure control was comparable between both arms (57.3% in LCM
vs. 45.7% in PHT arm, p = 0.28) and even in the subgroup analysis separately for con-
vulsive and non-­convulsive SE. Proportion with treatment-­emergent adverse events
(TEAE) were comparable in both (17.6% vs. 12.2%, p = 0.20), but serious adverse
events (SAE) were higher in PHT arm (5.1% vs. 0.8%, p = 0.049). The proportion with
all-­cause mortality and survival with moderate-­severe disability were comparable be-
tween both arms (p = 0.23 and 0.37, respectively).
Conclusion: LCM has comparable efficacy with fewer SAEs as compared to PHT for
achieving seizure control in patients with SE.

antiepileptic drugs, antiseizure medications, electroencephalogram, epilepsy, focal seizures,
status epilepticus

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N control.1,2 However, in the last two decades, other medications

like levetiracetam, lacosamide, topiramate, and lamotrigine have
Historically, phenytoin (PHT), valproate, and carbamazepine are become increasingly popular, as the older ASMs are known to
considered first-­line anti-­s eizure medications (ASMs) for epilepsy have more frequent and more severe treatment-­e mergent adverse
patients on an outpatient basis or even in cases for acute seizure effects(TEAEs). Moreover, the new generation ASMs had been

© 2021 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Acta Neurol Scand. 2021;00:1–9. | 1

2 | PANDA et al.

shown to have similar efficacy in some recent studies, thereby reviews (PROSPERO). The study was approved by an ethics commit-
making the clinicians choose them more frequently. Lacosamide tee and/or follows the tenants of the Declaration of Helsinki.
(LCM) enhances the slow inactivation of voltage-­g ated sodium Before commencing the review process, a predefined search
channels unlike phenytoin, without affecting their fast inactiva- strategy was developed. Two authors (PKP and IKS) independently
tion.4 This inactivation helps in ending the action potential by pre- performed a systematic literature search (on 15th January 2021)
venting the channel from opening. Initially, it was used as add-­on for all articles published till 14th January 2021 on the following
therapy for refractory focal seizures. However, over the years it databases: “MEDLINE/PUBMED, Cochrane Central Register of
is especially useful in cases with status epilepticus (SE) and even Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), EMBASE, Ovid, Web of Science and
in patients with generalized seizures. In 2017, it was approved Google Scholar”. We used the following keywords/MESH terms
by FDA for children with focal seizures as young as four years while searching: “Phenytoin”, “lacosamide”, “seizure”, “convulsion”,
and in November 2020 in adults with primary generalized tonic-­ “status epilepticus”, and “non-­convulsive status epilepticus”. After
clonic seizures, both as monotherapy and adjunctive therapy. 6 initial scrutiny, as described below, relevant search items were se-
Many placebo-­controlled trials have shown its efficacy in various lected and the references of these search items and pertinent re-
types of epilepsy. On the other hand, the efficacy of phenytoin view articles were screened to identify additional studies. We also
has been undisputed in focal seizures and status epilepticus over attempted to identify additional ongoing or upcoming trials with
many decades, although adverse effects (AEs) occur in a consider- recently published results by searching the Internet for the recent
able proportion of cases.7,8 Some studies have directly compared conference proceedings and ongoing trial registers (
the efficacy of these two medications in patients with convulsive with preliminary published results.
or non-­convulsive SE. However, no systematic review and meta-­
analysis have not been performed yet to collate the results of all
these studies. 2.2 | Eligibility of studies

We only included those studies with both prospective/retrospective

2 | M E TH O D S study designs, but at least two comparison arms: patients receiving
LCM and patients receiving PHT. The studies with/without randomi-
2.1 | Search methods zation and with/without allocation concealment were included. The
studies which compared the efficacy in terms of proportion with
The systematic review was performed to compare the evidence on seizure freedom or any other parameters and/or short-­term/long-­
efficacy, safety, tolerability, and impact on short-­term/long-­term term functional outcome of both these ASMs were included. The
functional outcome of LCM and PHT in patients with status epilep- studies were included in the review irrespective of the fact whether
ticus from the currently available literature. The primary research it enrolled patients with both clinically and/or electrographically
question was whether there is any significant difference between confirmed seizures, irrespective of etiology of seizures in patients,
the efficacy of PHT and LCM in controlling seizure/achieving seizure irrespective of the dosage regimen, irrespective of the sequence of
cessation in patients with SE irrespective of age and etiology of epi- ASM followed for administering these two ASMs. The studies com-
lepsy. As such, the primary objective of this review was to compare paring the efficacy of phenytoin/fosphenytoin and lacosamide for
the pooled estimate for the efficacy of PHT and LCM in patients indication of convulsive and/or non-­convulsive SE directly were only
with SE, in terms of achieving seizure freedom. Secondary objec- included and for other indications like prophylactic ASM/chronic
tives were to compare the efficacy of PHT and LCM in obtaining epilepsy were excluded (as fosphenytoin is considered the prodrug
seizure freedom in cases with convulsive SE and non-­convulsive SE, of phenytoin). The studies comparing these two ASMs for any other
change in electroencephalogram (EEG) parameters, the proportion indication with seizures like structural epilepsy, focal epilepsy, gen-
of the patients requiring addition of another ASM to achieve sei- eralized epilepsy, or traumatic head injury in any age group of pa-
zure control, proportion of each ASM recipients with any TEAEs/ tients were excluded from the review.
serious adverse events (SAEs), nature and frequency of these TEAEs The studies with a sample size <10 in either LEV or PHB arm
and SAEs, short-­term and long-­term functional outcome, in terms of were excluded. The studies describing patients receiving only one
the number of deaths, patients surviving with severe disability with of the two above-­mentioned ASMs without comparator arm/com-
PHT and LCM. The predominant adverse effects, the review concen- parator arm with other ASM were also excluded. Case series and
trated on were hypotension, arrhythmias, bradycardia, respiratory case reports were also excluded from the final inclusion in the re-
depression, dizziness, ataxia, diplopia, and nausea/vomiting. view process.
While performing the meta-­analysis and systematic review, and The studies with incomplete details of parameters determined
reporting its results, the PRISMA and the MOOSE guidelines/rec- for requiring primary outcomes were also excluded. The review
ommendations were adhered with. The review has been applied for excluded those studies which tried both these ASMs in the same
registration to the International prospective register of systematic patient without a crossover design, thus making it difficult to
PANDA et al. | 3

individually separate the efficacy of each ASM. Duplicate entries outcomes were the difference in short-­term and long-­term func-
and publications enrolling repeated populations were excluded. tional outcomes between recipients of these two ASMs.
The safety and tolerability outcomes were the difference in the
proportion of patients experiencing any of the TEAEs/SAEs, the pro-
2.3 | Study selection, data extraction, and portion of patients who developed each of the adverse effects, the
assessment of the risk of bias proportion of neonates with SAEs (serious adverse events), mortal-
ity specifically related to each of the ASMs.
The full-­text review was performed by two independent review-
ers for all the selected search items, included after initial scrutiny
of title, study design, and abstract. After applying the above-­ 2.5 | Data synthesis and statistical analysis
mentioned inclusion and exclusion criteria, a final set of studies
were selected to be included in the quantitative review/meta-­ Qualitative variables were presented with appropriate pro-
analysis, based on the consensus opinion of both reviewers. In portions/ratios, while quantitative variables were presented
case any dispute occurred between both reviewers, the opinion with mean/standard deviation or median/ interquartile range.
of a third reviewer was taken to resolve the dispute. The included Whenever it seemed feasible, the pooled estimate of included var-
studies subsequently underwent assessment of the methodologi- iables in the review was determined along with upper and lower
cal quality, using validated quality assessment tools. The relevant 95% confidence intervals. Comparisons of the pooled estimate
data which were extracted after full-­text review from the included of these parameters, including a meta-­analysis of data regarding
articles were the following clinical and outcome variables: study various parameters, were performed using Revman 5.4 software
design, study period, sample population, number of patients in- and SPSS statistical software package. Higgins and Thompson's I2
cluded, demographic and clinical profile, epilepsy characteristics, method and Cochran's Q statistics with the chi-­s quare test were
ASMs already administered, neuroimaging, and EEG findings, utilized to assess heterogeneity in studies. The presence of pub-
baseline seizure burden, dose and dosing schedule of PHT and lication bias was assessed by Egger's test. We utilized a random
LCM, the proportion with seizure freedom, proportion requir- effect model when I2 was more than 50% and a fixed-­effect model
ing the addition of another ASM, TEAEs and SAEs, mortality and for the rest of the parameters.
short/long-­term functional outcomes.
A standardized predetermined form was used for the uniform
and systematical extraction of data and subsequently, that data 3 | R E S U LT S
was digitally transferred to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Any
discrepancies regarding inclusion in the review were resolved by 3.1 | Results of the search
mutual discussion. The extracted data was again subjected to a
quality check by another independent investigator to ensure the After the initial targeted search, a total of 198 search items were
accuracy and completeness of extracted data. All possible efforts retrieved. Out of these, 83 were found to be duplicates and hence
were made to avoid duplication of data. The final analysis included excluded from subsequent scrutiny. Initial evaluation for eligibility
only those cases, which were not previously included as part of was limited to the remaining 115 articles. Among these, 86 articles
another series. were found to be irrelevant based on either the title, type of article,
The quality check of observational studies was performed or abstract and hence removed accordingly (Figure 1). Subsequently,
with the help of the Newcastle Ottawa scale. The studies were a full-­text review was performed for 29 articles, and finally, five arti-
classified as good, fair, and poor quality.9 The risk of bias was cles satisfied all the inclusion criteria for our review.11–­15
determined by using either the Cochrane Collaboration's tool Out of these one was RCT and four were retrospective studies
for assessing the risk of bias in RCTs or the Risk Of Bias In Non-­ with two or more comparator arms. The RCT was a non-­inferiority,
randomized Studies-­of Interventions (ROBINS-­I) tool.10 Initially, prospective, multicenter, randomized treatment trial.
two investigators independently determined these parameters for
each included study, and subsequently, if any disagreement oc-
curred between them then it was settled by taking the opinion of 3.2 | Characteristics and risk of bias of
a third investigator. included studies

The RCT was of good quality, with a low risk of selection, per-
2.4 | Outcome measures formance, reporting, and attrition bias. Out of the four retro-
spective studies, three were of good quality and one was of fair
The primary efficacy outcome was the difference in seizure ces- quality. The risk of bias in all these studies was moderate according
sation rate between PHT and LCM recipients. The secondary to the ROBINS-­I tool. None of the studies were of poor quality. No
4 | PANDA et al.

F I G U R E 1 Flow diagram of the study selection process

significant publication bias was observed. The summary of the re- and 200 mg LCM, followed by maintenance dose at 12 hourly in-
sults of these studies has been described in Table 1. tervals. The proportion of patients requiring rebolus dose was also
not statistically different between these two ASMs (36.2% in PHT
arm vs. 45.7% in LCM arm, p = .29). Crossover was possible only in
3.3 | Efficacy of phenytoin and lacosamide one study, in which the efficacy with crossover was also similar with
both ASMs (27% in LCM arm vs. 42.9% in PHT arm, p = .18), as well
In the included 5 studies, a total of 115 and 166 cases receiving LCM as the requirement of rebolus of the second ASM (30% in PHT arm
and PHT were enrolled, respectively. The baseline demographic, vs. 26.7% in PHT arm, p = .56). The percentage reduction in absolute
clinical and epilepsy characteristics including seizure burden, previ- seizure burden was also comparable between both arm, although
ous ASMs tried were comparable in both arms (Table 2). While one only a few studies mentioned information about this variable (79%
study enrolled only cases with NCSE, two studies enrolled cases in PHT arm vs 94% in LCM arm, p = .13).
with convulsive status epilepticus and two enrolled cases with both
convulsive and non-­convulsive SE.
The seizure control parameters used in most studies were com- 3.4 | Adverse effects and functional outcome
plete seizure cessation with/without rebolus of the same drug for a
variable duration (at least up to 24 h). While numerically the seizure The proportion of patients with at least one TEAE was higher with PHT,
cessation rate with LCM was higher (57.3%, 95% CI−47.6%–­66.5%) but the difference did not reach the point of statistical significance
than with phenytoin (45.7%, 95% CI−38.3%–­53.2%), the differ- (17.6% vs. 12.2%, p = .20, OR−1.59, 95% CI−0.79–­3.20). However, the
ence was not statistically significant (p = .28). The odds ratio for proportion with SAE was significantly higher with PHT (5.1% vs. 0.8%,
seizure cessation with PHT as compared to LCM was 0.75 (95% p = .049) (Figure 3). Cardiac arrhythmias, bradycardia, hypotension,
CI−0.44–­1.27) (Figure 2). The median dose used was 20 mg/kg of respiratory failure, cerebellar ataxia, nystagmus were seen in more
PHT or PHT equivalent and 400 mg LCM administered IV over 30 patients with PHT, although the difference was not statistically sig-
minutes and dose for rebolus was 5 mg/kg of PHT or PHT equivalent nificant for individual adverse effects. Other adverse effects like drug
PANDA et al.

TA B L E 1 A summary of the results of the included studies

Author, year, country Type of study Sample population and study methodology Efficacy outcome Adverse effects

Schaidle et al, 2019, USA Retrospective study Neurosurgical ICU patients ≥18 years of age, 52 25% vs 22.2% success in PHT and LCM arm Decrease in SBP in PHT and LCM arm was
PHT, and 18 LCM arm, excluding pregnant 20.9 and 9.8 mm Hg (p = .01), other
women and those having status epilepticus, adverse effects, changes in ECG, heart
already on levetiracetam. The primary rate, LFT were comparable between
endpoint was treatment failure requiring the both arms
third medication.
Redecker et al, 2015, Retrospective study 68 ± 17 years, 12 with PHT, 6 with LCM, 16.7% vs 50% success in PHT and LCM
Germany status epileptics after administration of arm, medication was administered
benzodiazepine after a median of 8 and 14.5 minutes,
respectively, median first dosage and
total dosage was 504 mg, 1006 mg vs
125 mg and 367 mg of PHT and LCM,
Orlandi et al, 2020, Italy Retrospective study 14–­98 years-­old cases with status epilepticus, 55 71% vs 77% success rate in phenytoin and Cerebellar Ataxia−1, thrombocytopenia−1,
in phenytoin arm vs 40 in lacosamide arm, lacosamide arm, mortality, the proportion skin rash−2, arrhythmias−1, diplopia−1,
with return to baseline and mRS >3 at mental confusion−1 in PHT arm and
30 days were comparable in both arms cerebellar ataxia, diplopia, skin rash in 1
patient each in LEV arm
Kellinghaus et al, 2014, Retrospective study LCM was used as third drug in 21 patients Pretreatment was similar regarding Four patients (27%) of the PHT group and
Germany (median bolus 400 mg) and PHT in 15 patients substance groups (benzodiazepine as no patient of the LCM group suffered
(median bolus 1500 mg) first-­line, levetiracetam as second-­line from a relevant, treatment-­related side
drug) and bolus doses. Status epilepticus effect during the administration of the
was terminated in six patients (40%) of third drug.
the PHT group and in seven patients
(33%) of the LCM group.
Husain et al, 2018, USA Non-­inferiority, Seventy-­four subjects were enrolled (37 LCM, Electrographic seizures were controlled at Treatment emergent adverse events
The TRENdS (Treatment prospective, 37 fPHT) with NCSE The mean age was 24 hours in 19 of 30 (63.3%) subjects in (TEAEs) were similar in both arms,
of Recurrent multicenter, 63.6 years; 38 were women. IV LCM 400 mg the LCM arm and 16 of 32 (50%) subjects occurring in 9 of 35 (25.7%) LCM and 9
Electrographic Non-­ randomized vs fPHT 20 mg phenytoin equivalent/kg was in the fPHT arm. LCM was non-­inferior of 37 (24.3%) fPHT subjects (p = 1.0).
convulsive Seizures) treatment trial used to fPHT (p = .02), with a risk ratio of 1.27
study) (90% CI = 0.88–­1.83).

Abbreviations: ECG, Electrocardiogram, fPHT, Fosphenytoin, ICU, Intensive care unit, LCM, Lacosamide, LFT, Liver function tests, NCSE, Non-­convulsive status epilepticus, PHT, Phenytoin; SBP: Systolic
blood pressure.
6 | PANDA et al.

TA B L E 2 Comparison of baseline
Patients receiving Patients receiving p-­
characteristics of participants in
Variable lacosamide (n = 115) phenytoin (n = 166) value
lacosamide and phenytoin arm
Age (years)(mean, SD) 55.3 ± 13.2 56.1 ± 14.8 .41
Male 54% 53% .93
Female 46% 47%
Previous history of epilepsy 31% 29% .87
Previous history of status 5% 6% .91
Number of medications already 1.7 ± 0.6 1.3 ± 0.4 .11
tried before administering
PHT or LCM (mean, SD)
Focal onset seizures 71% 65% .33
Generalized onset seizures 24% 31%
Unknown onset seizures 5% 4%
Structural abnormality in 47% 45% .88
NCSE 22% 18% .59

F I G U R E 2 Meta-­analysis forest plot showing the comparison of the pooled estimate for the efficacy of phenytoin and lacosamide in
terms of the proportion of the patients who achieved seizure control

F I G U R E 3 Meta-­analysis forest plot showing the comparison of the pooled estimate for the proportion of patients receiving phenytoin
and lacosamide having any adverse effect

fever, rash, diplopia, and hallucination were reported rarely with one TEAE, SAE, and all-­cause mortality all remained higher with the PHT
or both the medications. No mortality occurred in both the arms di- arm but did not reach the point of statistical significance in subgroup
rectly caused by any of the ASMs, but all-­cause mortality during hos- analysis. The proportion with the return to baseline and proportion
pitalization was comparable in both arms, although numerically higher with moderate-­severe disability (mRS >3 at 30 days) were comparable
with PHT (4% vs. 7%, with LCM and PHT, p = .23). While dividing into in both arms (p = .43, .37, respectively), although only a few studies
convulsive and non-­convulsive status epilepticus, the proportion with mentioned these variables.
PANDA et al. | 7

4 | DISCUSSION were equally effective, whereas the efficacy of PHT was found to
be lower and there were insufficient data regarding the efficacy of
The current review compared the efficacy and safety of two sodium LCM at that time.
channel blocking anti-­seizure medications, phenytoin and lacosa- Predominantly our review compares the efficacy of these two
mide in achieving control in patients with status epilepticus. Both ASMs in cases with SE. Comparing the efficacy of LCM with that
the drugs were found to have comparable efficacy, while phenytoin of other first-­line ASMs for SE like valproate and levetiracetam was
was found to have more frequent serious adverse effects. The indi- out of the scope of our review, but such reviews in the future are
cations for which the medications were used, sample population, and needed. A network meta-­analysis in this regard would have been an
dose of the medications varied to some extent across the studies. ideal option to provide a comprehensive overview of the efficacy
However, given the availability of only a few studies directly compar- of various medications for SE. Most of the systematic reviews per-
ing the two medications, we thought collating the study results for formed in cases with SE till now mainly focused on conventional
studies including both convulsive and non-­convulsive status epilep- ASMs like phenytoin, levetiracetam, and valproic acid. One study in-
ticus. We excluded studies comparing lacosamide for acute sympto- cluded in the review by Redecker et al13 compared these four ASMs
matic seizure prevention in cases with traumatic head injury cases and did not find any significant difference in their efficacy.
to include a homogeneous sample only and to provide a meaning- In one study, authors suggested that LCM has low protein bind-
ful pooled estimate. There was only minimal heterogeneity in study ing, less drug interaction, highly suitable for neurocritical care pa-
results suggesting all performed studies found more or less similar tients, and even a better choice than levetiracetam, as patients often
results and future studies are less likely to change the evidence gen- required high doses (3 to 4 grams per day) to achieve therapeutic
erated in our review, unless and until RCTs with large sample sizes concentrations.8 At this dose, it is likely to cause somnolence and
are performed. Thus, it can be safely said that in status epilepticus behavioral abnormalities. However, the opinion of these authors
lacosamide can be used in place of phenytoin with comparable ef- needs to be substantiated by direct comparison studies. While in our
ficacy and better tolerability. But this finding can be generalized to review phenytoin was found to have a higher incidence of cardio-
other chronic epilepsy conditions only after future studies explor- vascular and other adverse effects, most adverse effects with LCM
ing the efficacy of these two ASMs for these indications. Not many were mild and rarely required discontinuation of the drug.6,8,11,19
studies have been done comparing these two medications head-­ None of the studies in review specifically studied pharmacokinetic
to-­head for various other indications. Like levetiracetam, the ready and pharmacodynamics properties of LCM in critically ill patients.
availability of intravenous preparation of this medication makes it But studies in other epilepsy patients and healthy adults suggest a
a suitable ASM choice in acute emergencies like status epilepticus. safe profile, unlike phenytoin which follows zero-­order kinetics at
Moreover, the intravenous preparation of LCM can be changed to higher concentrations. 20
oral route without dose adjustment and rapid up-­titration without The initial bolus or “loading” dose of phenytoin (15–­20 mg/kg) is
any untoward effects is possible with lacosamide.6,8,11 well established, whereas, the optimal bolus and maintenance dose
Strzelczyk et al16 performed a systematic review in 2016 about of LCM in neurocritical patients is less clear. But we know the ther-
the efficacy of LCM in various SE and they found that LCM was ef- apeutic range of LCM in epilepsy patients and in SE cases in adults
ficacious in 57% of 522 SE episodes. Our review also showed similar a bolus of 400 mg followed by even a rebolus of 200 mg has been
results. While the efficacy was better for focal convulsive SE (92%), safely used, based on the dose range from non-­critically ill patients
for generalized convulsive SE (61%), and NCSE (57%), it was compa- with epilepsy. This rebolus dose is used when a breakthrough seizure
rable but inferior to focal convulsive SE. Predominant side effects occurs or when seizures remain refractory after the initial loading
were also similar to our review results, including dizziness, abnormal dose.11 Whether a higher dose of an initial bolus of LCM will be more
vision, ataxia, and diplopia. This systematic review although did not effective without any adverse effects, remains to be answered in
compare with any other ASM, but they concluded that lacosamide future studies.
has excellent safety records. Unlike phenytoin, it does not have sig- In the uncontrolled studies exploring the efficacy of LCM in
nificant drug-­drug interaction and it does not have much impact on status epilepticus, the success rate and bolus dose were similar.
CYP3A4 in the liver. In refractory epilepsy, where polytherapy is In the study by Santamarina et al, 21 the median loading dose was
usually practiced, this interaction between ASMs becomes an im- 400 mg (range:100–­600 mg). The weight-­adjusted dose was 5 mg/
portant factor in modifying serum ASM levels.5 kg (range−3–­6 mg/kg). The response rate was 63.3% among 165 pa-
Liu et al in another meta-­analysis that included four RCTs with tients, and 55.1% responded within the first 12 hours. On the other
1199 adult patients and concluded that adjunctive lacosamide treat- hand, in the small prospective observational study by Legros et al, 22
ment results in a 50% higher responder rate and seizure freedom an initial dose of 400 mg of intravenous LCM was associated with
rate, as compared to placebo, but with more TEAEs like nausea, a higher chance of early termination of refractory status epilepti-
vomiting, increased dizziness, diplopia, and SAEs. Yasiry et al in cus and with a trend toward a higher response rate. Ramsay et al23
another meta-­analysis in 2013 compared 5 ASMs including LCM in 2015 found that a weight-­based loading dose of 10–­12 mg/kg of
and PHT in benzodiazepine (BZD) resistant convulsive status epilep- LCM at an infusion rate of 0.4 mg/kg/min was safe and produced
ticus and found that valproate, levetiracetam, and phenobarbitone levels of 15 μg/ml and higher. Chimakurthy et al24 found that larger
8 | PANDA et al.

doses of >8 mg/kg of intravenous LCM can be safely administered epilepticus and various other clinical indications like chronic epilepsy
in ICU patients to produce effective plasma levels of 15–­20 μg/ml to generate more robust evidence.
with a relatively constant volume of distribution. Perrenoud et al25
in 2017 documented in a retrospective study a somewhat different D EC L A R AT I O N S
finding like high intravenous loading dose of LCM >9 mg/kg was as- Not applicable.
sociated with serum levels within the reference interval, but there
was no correlation with the clinical response. AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S
While the pooled estimate of serious adverse effects showed None.
more prevalence with PHT and the nature of adverse effects also
being more severe with PHT, the overall results in the review, how- C O N FL I C T S O F I N T E R E S T
ever, suggested a comparable rate of TEAEs and SAEs with both None.
these ASMs. Even the adverse events of special interest in neurocrit-
ical care patients such as hypotension, bradycardia, cardiac arrhyth- DATA AVA I L A B I L I T Y S TAT E M E N T
mia, respiratory failure, and multiple organ dysfunction were similar NA
in both arms. While these studies with similar rates of adverse ef-
fects were prospective studies or RCTs, the studies in review which ORCID
showed fewer AE with LCM were retrospective and open-­label stud- Prateek Kumar Panda
ies. This discrepancy might be because in retrospective studies some Indar Kumar Sharawat
adverse effects were missed and secondly, in critically ill patients
with SE, with multiple ASMs, interventions, and co-­
morbidities, REFERENCES
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