Quality Manual Churches

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Quality Manual

Document No: 001 Title: Quality Manual

Version No: 14.0
Author: R Brewer Document Level: 1
Effective Date: 7 January Review Due 1 year from effective date
2019 Date:

Quality Manual ............................................................................................................... 1
Contents ......................................................................................................................... 2
Quality Policy ................................................................................................................ 3
2. Quality Management System ................................................................................. 5
3. Terms and Definitions ............................................................................................ 5
4. Context of the Organisation................................................................................... 5
5. Leadership.............................................................................................................. 7
6. Certification ............................................................................................................ 8
7. Monitoring the QMS ............................................................................................... 8
Appendix 1 – Terms and Definitions of the Quality Manual ...................................... 8

Quality Policy

Churches Fire Security Ltd Quality Policy is set out as follows and is made available to all
interested parties via the company website:

 We aim to remain a quality supplier by providing a service which conforms to the

requirements of our customers and therefore the Fire Safety Order 2005.

 Meeting and exceeding the customer’s needs and expectations will be paramount in
all company activities.

 To this end the company has a documented Quality Management System to comply
with the requirements of ISO 9001 and all appropriate standards.

 The Company objective is that the services we provide will be entirely suitable for the
defined purpose and delivered in a timely and cost effective way, as described by
‘Our Vision’.

 The Company will comply with all the appropriate statutory and regulatory

 Adherence to this policy involves every aspect of The Company’s business and its

 Sub-contractors (when used) are made fully aware of the requirement for quality and
given all the necessary relevant documentation which must be completed prior to
commencing work.

 Implementation and maintenance of this policy is the responsibility of every

employee, as described by ‘Our Values’.

 The Company utilises a process of continual improvement. All employees are

encouraged to review the working practices and suggest methods for improvement
where appropriate. In addition, all relevant processes are reviewed and
improvements determined where reasonably practical.

 All departmental activities are underpinned by a Blueprint and Service Level

Agreement to ensure continued delivery.

Executive Name Sue Jones

Executive Signature

Executive Job Title Operations Director

Author: Natalie Potter
Effective Date: 7th January 2019 Next Review Date: 6th January 2020

1.2 Objectives (Our Vision)

The Company objectives for uncompromisingly high standards are set out within our
company vision and are made available to all interested parties via the company website:

 To provide all of our customers, no matter where they are located, with a level of fire
safety, service and attention unequalled by any competitor.

 To ensure our communication is effective and efficient with customers, suppliers and
each other at all times – eliminating frustration for us and for others.

 To utilise state-of-the-art technologies to eradicate waste, reduce costs and

minimise our carbon footprint.

 To provide a safe and happy working environment for all of our staff.

 To constantly monitor and review performance and challenge ourselves as an

organisation, as groups and as individuals, so we can grow and achieve our
maximum potential, collectively and individually.

1.3 Achieving our objectives (Our Values)

Our values are a statement of our culture, business processes and way of doing things.
They form the basis of our everyday activity, by all directors and staff, with our customers,
business partners, suppliers and stakeholders. These values are made available to all
interested parties via the company website: www.churchesfire.com

To continually advance and progress ourselves, our company and our service at all times.
By constantly changing, adapting and varying our processes when necessary, we will
achieve optimum performance. To ensure we use best knowledge practices to stay ahead of
our competitors. To ensure we share best knowledge practices with each other.

To be open to the giving and receiving of information, freely, for the greater good of the
company to ensure knowledge is shared. To be able to share information with one and all,
without judgement, to achieve greater progression.

To be proud of our company and its Vision, as well as our products and services. To
maintain the ability to promote Churchesfire in a positive light based on a strong belief that
we are unrivalled in our quality of service to our customers.

To be constantly aware of how our actions may impact our colleagues and to take others
into account in our decision making process. To ensure we communicate efficiently with
sufficient detail and to the necessary departments and individuals to minimise errors and
their consequences. To fully understand our processes and procedures, the reasons behind
them and to follow them diligently for the benefit of all involved.

To provide a dependable service to all customers and staff, endeavouring to improve this
dependability at all times through the sharing of good practice.

2. Quality Management System

2.1 Purpose

The Company has implemented a single Quality Management System (QMS) which applies
to all activities of the Company, including those carried out by third parties (such as sub-
contractors) on behalf of The Company. The QMS has been implemented to comply with the
internationally recognised standard; BS EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems –
Requirements, without exclusions. This single QMS incorporates all the appropriate statutory
and regulatory requirements, as well as other applicable standards to which work must be
performed, to ensure all work undertaken and services provided to customers remains of a
high quality standard and that The Company meets its objectives.

2.2 Application

Achievement of the Quality Policy involves all staff, who are responsible for the quality of
their work. This Policy is provided to all staff via electronic systems and all employees
receive QMS induction training, to ensure there is awareness and understanding of it. It is
the responsibility of all staff to familiarise themselves with the contents of this Quality Manual
and to comply at all times with the policies and procedures that are documented within the

3. Terms and Definitions

The Terms used within this Quality Manual are defined in appendix 1.

4. Context of the Organisation

4.1 Understanding organisation and its context

The Company Quality Policy (1.1), Visions (1.2) and Values (1.3) include reference (indirectly) to
some of the external and internal contexts which may impact upon the Company. A PESTLE
analysis has been performed to facilitate understanding the external context. The following
contexts have been determined (but are not limited to):

External Context
 Government regulations and changes in the law
 The organisation’s market
 Competitors
 Accrediting bodies

Internal Context

 Approach to governance
 Contractual relationships with customers
 Interested parties

The Company reviews both internal and external issues that may affect the QMS. These are
recorded in the form of Quality Management review meeting notes, Directors meeting notes,
Area Team meeting minutes, and Departmental meeting minutes. Examples of these are
Health and Safety, Technical, Contractual or Legal issues and Complaints.

4.2 Interested Parties

Interested parties include all stakeholders; direct customers, end users, suppliers,
regulators, those within the company, those acting on behalf of the company and society.
These parties add value to the organisation or are impacted by the activities within the
organisation. Meeting their needs is important to implementing the QMS effectively.
Feedback from interested parties is utilised to facilitate compliance and continuous
improvement. Departmental processes are documented in a turtle diagram format, which
facilitates the identification of interested parties associated with each.

4.3 Scope of the QMS

The QMS is applied to all activities of The Company which provides for the provision of Fire
Protection Equipment, including the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of
Fire Extinguishers, Fire Alarms, Fire Detection, Emergency Lighting, Fire Sprinkler Systems,
Fire Hydrants, Kitchen Suppression, Gas Suppression, Fire Risk Assessments, Staff Fire
Training and Fire Safety Signage. All applicable statutory and regulatory requirements are
embedded within the documentation of the QMS. These include (but are not limited to); Loss
Prevention Standard (LPS) 1014 requirements for certified fire detection and alarm system
firms (incorporating BS 5839), LPS 1048 requirements for the approval of sprinkler system
contractors in the UK and Ireland (Incorporating BS EN 12845), BS 5306-3: commissioning
and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers – Code of practice and BS 5306-8: selection
and positioning of portable fire extinguishers – Code of practice.

4.4 QMS and its processes

The QMS is fully documented and structured in 4 levels of documented information as

detailed below:

Level 1 - Quality Manual and Policies

The Quality Manual details The Company Quality Policy which states the commitment of the
organisation to quality and continual improvement. The Quality Policy is available to all
interested parties via the company website. All staff are instructed to read and understand
the Quality Manual including the Quality Policy therein, during their company induction.

A list of current Company Policy Documents is available via the Company Website:


The Company’s Quality Manual also references documents which show or describe
processes, for example turtle diagrams (as referenced in section 4.2 above). These give an
overview of the process and include the following considerations: inputs, resources,
methods/procedures, measures, opportunities, risks and outputs. They are intended to
represent, rather than define how an activity is carried out.

Level 2 - Quality Procedures
These documents describe/define activities; what should be done, by whom, when, where
and in some cases, why. The inputs and the outputs of the activities are explained, including
required resources. The Quality Procedures include (as applicable) the following elements;
Title, Purpose, Scope, Responsibilities, Authority, Records and Appendices, where needed.
Risk assessments are documented within each procedure as necessary. All Procedural
Documents are held on the Company SharePoint Intranet, available as applicable to staff
(click here).

Level 3 - Work Instructions (Churchesfire Way Documents)

These documents provide more specific detail such as how to perform tasks. They include
imagery where necessary to facilitate good understanding of requirements and facilitate
work being performed to the high quality standard that The Company requires. Work
instructions supplement procedural documentation where additional information is required.
For example, installation of sprinkler systems may have one procedural document, however
there would be different working instructions to follow, dependent upon the choice of
equipment or tools being used. All Churchesfire way documents are held on the Company
SharePoint Intranet, available as applicable to staff (click here).

Level 4 - Records
These represent what has been done. Records are maintained for various procedures and
can exist in various formats. Some examples are; Certificates of Inspection which describe
what has been done, when, by whom and to what standard, or electronic records maintained
for equipment calibration, to show dates calibrated, referencing the identity of standard
equipment used for the calibration and date the next calibration is due. Such records act as
evidence that work has been carried out in compliance to any statutory, or regulatory
standards and provides auditors or investigators with traceability – it is therefore essential
that records are completed accurately and with as much detail as required from each

The documented QMS identifies and defines the methods by which we control each activity
of The Company. The Company has determined the processes required for each activity to:

 Plan what resources are required (inputs).

 Identify and address all opportunities and risks.
 Carry out the work effectively to meet the customer’s expectations and to meet all
applicable standards and / or regulatory requirements (output).
 Document all necessary information and maintain these records (output).
 Monitor and review the effectiveness of the QMS.
 Apply improvements.

5. Leadership
Responsibility for ensuring that the QMS is successfully implemented lies with The
Company’s Top Management. The QMS is approved and issued on the authority of the
Board of Directors and its application supported by the Managing Director. Top Management
assign relevant roles to individuals, and have a responsibility to ensure these roles are
understood and communicated effectively across the organisation. To view the current
Company Organisation Chart click here.

6. Certification
The Company’s QMS is reviewed and currently third party certified to conform to the
internationally recognised standard ISO 9001:2008, with transition to ISO 9001:2015 to be
fully implemented by 14 September 2018. Current Certification is made available to all
interested parties via the company website:

7. Monitoring the QMS

To establish the effectiveness of the QMS, The Company operates a Quality Assurance
Programme, with a documented Audit Programme. Internal audits are conducted to confirm
effectiveness of the QMS and establish conformity with the standards, policies and
procedures which are defined within the QMS, as well as conformance of the QMS itself with
BS EN ISO 9001:2015.

The QMS undergoes regular review to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy,
effectiveness and alignment with the strategic direction of the organisation. These meetings
involve Directors and Department Managers and take into consideration the following points:

 Status of actions from previous Management reviews

 Changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the QMS

 Information on the performance and effectiveness of the QMS, including trends in:

1) Health, Safety and Welfare

2) Customer satisfaction and feedback from relevant interested parties
3) The extent to which quality objectives have been met
4) Process performance and conformity of products and services
5) Nonconformities and corrective actions
6) Monitoring and measurement results
7) Audit results
8) The performance of external providers

 The adequacy of resources

 The effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities
 Opportunities for improvement

Each review is documented through meeting minutes with any required actions being
recorded as To-Do’s, maintained in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Appendix 1 – Terms and Definitions of the Quality


Audit – systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and
evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled

Audit Programme – arrangements for a set of one or more audits planned for a specific time
frame and directed towards a specific purpose

Calibration – measurement used to establish the relationship between indicated values and
known values of a measured quantity, typically utilising a reference standard Instrument

Certification – formal confirmation of certain characteristics of an object, person, or


Conformity - fulfilment of a requirement

Context of the organisation – combination of internal and external issues that can have an
effect on an organisation’s approach to developing and achieving its objectives

Continual Improvement - recurring activity to enhance performance

Customer - person or organization that could or does receive a product or a service that is
intended for or required by this person or organization

Document - information and the medium on which it is contained

Effectiveness – extent to which planned activities are realised and planned results are

Interested Party – person or organisation that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to
be affected by a decision or activity

Management - coordinated activities to direct and control an organization

Monitoring - determining the status of a system, a process, a product, a service or an activity

Objective – result to be achieved

Organisation - person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities,
authorities and relationships to achieve its objectives

Policy - intentions and direction of an organization as formally expressed by its top


Procedure - specified way to carry out an activity or a process

Process - set of interrelated or interacting activities that use inputs to deliver an intended

Quality – degree to which an inherent set of characteristics fulfils requirements

Quality Assurance – part of quality management focused on providing confidence that

quality requirements will be fulfilled

Quality Management System – set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organisation

to establish policies and quality objectives, and processes to achieve those objectives

Quality Manual - specification for the quality management system of an organization

Record - document stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities performed

Review - assess formally with the intention of instituting change if necessary

Regulatory requirement - obligatory requirement specified by an authority mandated by a

legislative body

Requirement - need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory

Risk - effect of uncertainty

Statutory Requirement - obligatory requirement specified by a legislative body

System - set of interrelated or interacting elements

Top Management - person or group of people who directs and controls an organization at
the highest level

Traceability - ability to trace the history, application or location of an object

Values - The operating philosophies or principles that guide an organization's internal

conduct as well as its relationship with its customers, partners, and shareholders

Vision - aspiration of what an organization would like to become as expressed by top


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