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org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 5 May 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882

A study of social media marketing with reference to

Hospitality sector
Dr. Saveen Kumari1, Rekha2
1. Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Management, Baba Mastnath University, Rohtak.
124001. Research scholar, Department of Commerce, Baba Mastnath University, Rohtak. 124001.

The hospitality sector is quite diverse and includes a wide range of categories and industries, including the hotel
business, aviation, food and beverage, travel, and tourism, to mention a few. There is a greater requirement
from management and industry professionals to understand how guests choose hotels to stay in and what are the
dominant decision-making criteria as a result of the hospitality industry's and the hotel sector's strong expansion
in recent years. In addition, this study's objective is to thoroughly examine and examine the literature on the
aspects that social media marketing influences. In addition, despite years of research, it appears that we still
know very little about how guests choose their hotel accommodations and the key hotel characteristics because
this topic may be subjective and challenging to analyze. This is also influenced by the fact that the majority of
earlier studies concentrated on choice attributes rather than the actual decision-making process; consequently,
this paper will attempt to investigate a wide range of literature in order to establish best research practices and
make suggestions for future studies. This essay also looks at literature on hotel-related topics and client
decision-making, both of which are crucial in the rapidly expanding hospitality sector.

Social media marketing is the process of using social media platforms and websites to promote a product or
service. By utilizing user engagement, content creation, and advertising campaigns, businesses can increase
their brand awareness and gain new customers. With so many people connected to social networks on a daily
basis, these platforms offer vast opportunities to reach potential customers in an efficient manner
(Constantinides, 2014). Social media marketing is also used by businesses to build relationships with existing
customers and engage them in conversations about their brand or products (Stephen Andrew T, 2016; Zarrella,
2009; Tuten & Solomon, 2017).

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Hospitality is a broad industry that includes tourism, hotels, lodging, food service, and event planning. The
hospitality sector covers a wide range of services and activities to meet the needs of travelers and tourists. It
includes restaurants, bars, lodges, resorts, conference centers, spas and more. Many people work in the
hospitality industry as managers or staff members in these facilities. They often have to provide excellent
customer service while ensuring all safety regulations are met (Ionel, 2016;).
Social media marketing is an invaluable tool for the hospitality sector. It allows businesses to reach large
numbers of people in both their local area and beyond, target potential customers with tailored content, increase
brand visibility and improve customer service by responding quickly and effectively to customer queries. It can
also be used to build relationships with customers, advertise special offers or discounts, explore new markets
and research customer feedback. Social media marketing also helps hotels create a sense of loyalty amongst
travellers as well as boost their online reputation through positive reviews (Dwivedi et al., 2015; Sigala, 2015).

Literature Review
The customers’ journey in hospitality has been studied extensively in the literature, from the first contact to
post-visit touch points. Here are some of the key themes and research findings:
Culinary Tourism: A Comprehensive Approach to Hospitality and Tourism by Ionel, M. (2016) This book
provides an overview of the contemporary hospitality and tourism industry, with a focus on culinary tourism – a
growing trend in which tourists seek out and experience local food, drink, and culture. The book covers topics
such as trends in culinary tourism, the history and current state of the industry, marketing strategies for
hospitality businesses targeting culinary travelers, best practices for engaging with local stakeholders to create
meaningful tourism experiences, the social impacts of food culture events on cultural identity and heritage
conservation efforts. It is intended as a comprehensive guide to professional practitioners in hospitality
management, travel & tourism industry professionals looking to develop or enhance their knowledge base
concerning culinary-related activities within their destinations or accommodations.
Hospitality Management: An Introduction by Lubowiecki-Vikuk et al. (2023). This introductory textbook
focuses on providing an overview of the fundamental concepts related to how hotels operate across all levels of
management from front office management through housekeeping operations. It includes topics related to guest
services such as reservation procedures; marketing strategies; legal aspects; safety measures; customer service
skills; technology applications in hospitality operations; restaurant operations; beverage service fundamentals;
financial control systems; event planning essentials including catering services.; human resources basics such as
selection interviewing techniques are also discussed..
Stylos, & Vassiliadis, (2015), this study provides an introduction into some of the key principles that underpin
successful hotel management today – from conceptualizing a business idea through operational implementation
processes including recruitment processes right up until successful completion upon receipt of payment from
customers/guests at front desk check out stages.. It covers commercial considerations such as developing
competitive pricing structures alongside optimizing sales opportunities through effective revenue management

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techniques whilst also exploring insights into labor laws governing hotel employment agreements so that
employers can remain compliant with rules/regulations during times when expansion plans need
The Effects of Economic Recession on the Hospitality Industry: Evidence from Greece: This paper provides an
overview of the impact of the global economic crisis on the hospitality industry in Greece. It examines how this
event has affected firm performance, consumer behavior, and employee morale within the sector. Additionally,
it analyzes strategies that companies have adopted to respond to these changes and considers how employees
can be supported during difficult times. Furthermore, recommendations are made for industry stakeholders in
terms of best practices for responding to similar situations in the future (Minazzi, Lagrosen, 2013)
An Exploration into Hospitality Management by Utama & Susanto (2017) This paper discusses some key
components that define hospitality management including leadership and organizational culture; customer
service; marketing; accounting and finance; operations management; strategic planning and human resources
management. Additionally, it reflects upon some current challenges facing these fields such as technology
advancement and global competition as well as potential solutions that may be adopted by organizations in
order to remain competitive within the sector.
(Jones & Comfort, 2019), The Relevance of Sustainability Practices & Strategies in Hospitality Industry: This
paper examines sustainability practices within hospitality organizations focusing primarily on their relevance
for improving Performance satisfaction ratings amongst customers while contributing towards environmental
protection goals set out by governments globally through frameworks like Global Compact 2020 Agenda 2030
or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It further explores potential strategies that could be implemented
from both a business perspective as well as a customer service point of view with respect to sustainability
measures across various sectors including food & beverage services or accommodation facilities among others
Pre-arrival: Pre-arrival activities are essential for creating a successful customer experience. Studies have
found that customers respond positively to personalized messages about discounts and loyalty rewards, as well
as promotions tailored to their interests. Customers also expect seamless service during pre-booking and arrival
processes, such as an efficient check-in process or personalized welcome amenities.
During stay: The quality of guest service at hotels is an important determinant of customer satisfaction and
loyalty. Studies suggest that guests who receive prompt responses to their requests, attentive interactions with
staff members, helpful solutions to problems, etc., tend to be more satisfied than those who do not receive such
services. Additionally, providing special touches like music playing in elevators or lobby areas can create a
pleasant atmosphere that enhances the overall experience for guests during their stay at the hotel.
Post-stay: Post–stay activities remain essential for keeping customers engaged even after they have left your
property; this includes sending thank you notes or follow up emails with feedback surveys, which allow you to
measure customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement in terms of overall service delivery.

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By understanding what made their stay memorable or what could have been improved upon during their visit
through these surveys can help hospitality businesses continue improving guests’ experiences across all stages
of travel throughout future visits (Alves et al.2016).

Importance of social media marketing in hospitality sector

Social media marketing is one of the most powerful tools for influencing customers in the hospitality sector. It
enables businesses to interact with their target audience and build relationships with them, creating a stronger
connection between the brand and its loyal customers. With social media, hospitality businesses can reach
larger audiences across multiple platforms and create an interactive platform for feedback from both existing
and potential customers (Khan & Abir, 2021; Seth, 2012).
Using social media in the hospitality industry also provides an opportunity to showcase products and services to
prospective customers who may not have been aware of them had it not been for online visibility. Through
strategically placed content like images, videos, stories, promotions, etc., businesses can increase their visibility
on platforms like Facebook or Twitter while gaining valuable customer insights on how they respond to
different campaigns or strategies. Social media can also be used as a platform to reward loyalty by offering
special discounts or exclusive offers that will further entice potential clients into engaging with your business
(O’Connor & Murphy, 2004; Minazzi & Lagrosen, 2013).
Finally, social media marketing allows hoteliers to measure performance metrics more accurately than ever
before. By leveraging data analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Sprout Social’s Insights report, you can
track key metrics such as follower growth rate over time or engagement levels of each post type you publish on
each specific platform. This allows you to better understand what content resonates best with your target
audience so that you can adjust your strategy accordingly in order maximize engagement levels over time
(Rosman & Stuhura, 2013).

Influencing factors for choice of hotels by consumers

1. Location: Consumers often prioritize location when choosing a hotel. They look for hotels that are
conveniently located near popular tourist attractions, restaurants, airports, and public transportation hubs.
2. Price: Price is a major factor in choosing a hotel for many consumers. People tend to compare prices of
different hotels and choose the one that offers the best value for their money. Price is an important factor when
choosing a hotel, restaurant or other hospitality provider. Customers want to make sure they are getting good
value for their money when selecting a provider or destination for their travels.
3. Amenities: Consumers often take into account amenities offered by hotels when making their decision.
Hotels with better amenities such as on-site restaurants, fitness centers, pools, spas and other features will
attract more customers than those without them.
4. Reputation: The reputation of a hotel can also influence consumer’s choice of accommodations greatly;
reviews from previous customers can provide insight into what type of experience one may expect from certain
establishments before making a reservation or booking online.
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5 Reviews & Ratings: Feedback from online travel reviews and rating systems can give travelers an idea about
how well past guests liked the hotel they stayed at based on criteria such as cleanliness, comfort level etc.,
which helps them make an informed decision before booking a room with any particular establishment.
6 Service Quality: The quality of the services offered is a major factor in hospitality choice. Customers expect
friendly, courteous, and responsive service from hospitality providers. Many customers also evaluate the quality
of their experience based on the cleanliness and overall comfort of the facility (Wong Ooi Mei et al., 1999).
7. Security: Safety and security are important considerations when selecting a place to stay or eat out at,
especially if traveling with family members or young children. Knowing that all safety measures are in place
can help customers feel more secure during their stay or meal out at an unfamiliar location.
8. Location: For many people, convenience can be a big factor in where they choose to stay and eat during
travels or vacations; being close to attractions, shopping outlets, nightlife spots etc., can all be attractive features
when deciding on an accommodation option for travelers and diners alike.
Some other factors also highlighted by the authors like service quality, people management, operational
efficiency, professionalism and work ethics, customer satisfaction, technology adoption & upgradation, hygiene
standards & practices, regulatory compliance & safety measures (Slattery, 2002).
Today’s scenario of social media marketing in Hospitality sector
Social media marketing in the hospitality industry is growing rapidly as a powerful tool to reach potential
customers and build brand loyalty. Companies are increasingly realizing the need to create an online presence
that helps them interact with current and potential customers, giving them a competitive edge over their
competitors (Leung et al., 2013).
Social media can be used in various ways, from sharing photos of hotel rooms or popular tourist attractions to
providing tips on local activities or offers, from running contests and giveaways to actively engaging with
guests through reviews. Social platforms provide an opportunity for direct communication between the two
parties, where companies can respond quickly to feedback or queries while also collecting valuable information
about customer preferences (Minazzi, 2017; Hoffman & Fodor, 2010).
Companies are also using social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for content
marketing strategies such as creating campaigns that target different groups of people based on age, geography
and interests. Hotels have used Instagram stories or live streaming services such as Facebook Live for virtual
tours of their facilities for potential guests who may not be able to travel due to current circumstances.
Additionally, hospitality businesses are using influencer marketing tactics whereby they partner with influential
people in order to gain exposure and increase brand awareness among a wider audience (Javadian Dehkordi et
al., 2012; Kansakar et al., 2019).
Overall, social media has become essential for hotels looking to optimize their business models by getting
closer with customers while expanding reach across new markets.

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Social media marketing can play an important role in a consumer's choice of hotels. Consumers are increasingly
using social media platforms to research and book their accommodations, with many travelers turning to user-
generated reviews and recommendations from friends or influencers to make their decisions. Through engaging
content, hoteliers can leverage social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn to
reach potential guests at the right moment in the travel journey. Social media provides a platform for hotels to
showcase their amenities, services and special promotions as well as interact directly with guests by responding
quickly to inquiries or complaints. Additionally, through online advertising campaigns on social networks like
Facebook Ads Manager or Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords), hotels can target users based on specific
interests related to travel and hospitality. In this way, hotels have the opportunity to influence consumers’
decisions about where they will stay during their trips.

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