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Tabletop Roleplaying Game

Ultra Abilities Expansion

Created by Dylan B. using the systems, mechanics, and assets from

Fire Emblem, Pathfinder, and D&D as well as personal
improvements and additions

Table of Contents
Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………………………...2
List of Abilities..………………………………………………………………………………………........3
Description of Abilities…………………………………………………………………………………..4-5
Types of Ability Checks……………………………………………………………………………………6
Determining Target Numbers………………………………………………………………………………6
Class Abilities…………………………………………………………………………………………….7-9
Abilities Character Sheet….………………………………………………………………………………10

With this expansion there are 2 new stats: INT (Intelligence) and CHA (Charisma). For their starting
scores, INT uses either MAG, SKL, or LUK and CHA uses SKL, SPD, or LUK. The player chooses to
multiply one by 5/6 and the other by 3/4, both rounded down. INT and CHA can’t use the same stat as
their baseline. INT and CHA can be increased like every other stat, and with this expansion, there are also
2 new growth rates, for those using them to level up. These growth rates are 55% and 40% respectively.
Every time you level up, you gain a number of points equal to your starting INT + half of your current
LUK to put into abilities. The maximum number of points you can have in an ability is equal to your
level. If you put a point into an ability that is a “class ability”, that ability receives an additional +5. This
bonus is only received once, regardless of how many points are put in ability. Saving throws receive +5
automatically if they’re class abilities without points in them, as they are increased by level, not points.
INT = (MAG, SKL, or LUK) x 3/4 or 5/6 CHA = (SKL, SPD, or LUK) x3/4 or 5/6

Physical Abilities
Acrobatics – SPD + LUK/2 + Points
Athletics – STR + LUK/2 + Points
Disable Device – SKL + LUK/2 + Points
Escape Artist – SKL + LUK/2 + Points
Ride – STR or SPD + LUK/2 + Points
Sleight of Hand – SKL + LUK/2 + Points
Stealth – SPD + LUK/2 + Points

Knowledge Abilities
Appraise - INT + LUK/2 + Points
Arcana – MAG + LUK/2 + Points
Craft – SKL + LUK/2 + Points
Engineering - INT + LUK/2 + Points
Geography - INT + LUK/2 + Points
Heal – INT + LUK/2 + Points
History - INT + LUK/2 + Points
Linguistics – INT + LUK/2 + Points
Local - INT + LUK/2 + Points
Nature - INT + LUK/2 + Points
Nobility - INT + LUK/2 + Points
Profession – SKL, INT, or CHA + LUK/2 + Points
Religion – MAG or INT + LUK/2 + Points
Survival – INT + LUK/2 + Points

Social Abilities
Bluff - CHA + LUK/2 + Points
Diplomacy – CHA + LUK/2 + Points
Disguise – CHA + LUK/2 + Points
Handle Animal – CHA + LUK/2 + Points
Intimidate – STR, MAG, or CHA + LUK/2 + Points
Intuition – CHA + LUK/2 + Points
Perception – INT + LUK/2 + Points
Performance – SKL or CHA + LUK/2 + Points

Saving Throws
Endurance – DEF + LUK/2 + Level
Reflex – SPD + LUK/2 + Level
Willpower – RES + LUK/2 + Level

Description of Abilities
Physical Abilities
Acrobatics: Used when a unit attempts to cross narrow surfaces, perform agile maneuvers such as rolling,
diving, flips, etc., or other times the GM deems fit.
Athletics: Used when a unit attempts actions such as jumping, climbing, or swimming. Athletics can also
be used to apply force to objects, grapple another, or other times the GM deems fit.
Appraise: Used when a unit attempts to evaluate the monetary value of an object, detecting scams or bad
trades, or other times the GM deems fit.
Disable Device: Used when a unit attempts to disarm traps or open locks. This can also be used to
sabotage certain mechanical devices, or other times the GM deems fit.
Escape Artist: Used when a unit attempts to break free from restraints or grapples, or other times the GM
deems fit.
Ride: Used when a unit attempts to perform unusual actions whilst riding an animal, to calm a mount if it
is frightened, or other times the GM deems fit.
Sleight of Hand: Used when a unit attempts to pick pockets, draw hidden weapons, perform certain
actions unnoticed, or other times the GM deems fit.
Stealth: Used when a unit attempts to avoid detection, or other times the GM deems fit. Stealth is usually
an opposed ability check against Perception.
Knowledge Abilities
Arcana: Used when a unit attempts to answer either simple or complex questions in regards to the arcane,
identify and cast spells, craft magical items, or other times the GM deems fit.
Craft: Used when a unit attempts to create or repair a specified group of items, or other times the GM
deems fit.
Engineering: Used when a unit attempts to answer either simple or complex questions in regards to
mechanical objects, structures, identify weak spots, or other times the GM deems fit.
Geography: Used when a unit attempts to answer either simple or complex questions in regards to lands,
terrain, climate, people, or other times the GM deems fit.
Heal: Used when a unit attempts to tend to the ailments of others, assess bodily harm, or other times the
GM deems fit.
History: Used when a unit attempts to answer either simple or complex questions in regards to wars,
colonies, migrations, major events, or other times the GM deems fit.
Linguistics: Used when a unit attempts to work with languages, in both spoken and written forms.
Linguistics is used when a unit tries to learn a new language (if playing with multiple languages), or other
times the GM deems fit.
Local: Used when a unit attempts to answer either simple or complex questions in regards to legends,
personalities, inhabitants, laws, customs, traditions, asking around, or other times the GM deems fit.

Nature: Used when a unit attempts to answer either simple or complex questions in regards to animals,
plants, seasons and cycles, weather, or other times the GM deems fit.
Nobility: Used when a unit attempts to answer either simple or complex questions in regards to lineages,
heraldry, personalities, royalty, or other times the GM deems fit.
Profession: Used when a unit attempts to answer either simple or complex questions in regards to a
specified profession, attempts actions related to that profession, or other times the GM deems fit.
Religion: Used when a unit attempts to answer either simple or complex questions in regards to gods and
goddesses, myths, religious traditions, holy symbols, or other times the GM deems fit.
Survival: Used when a unit attempts to survive in the wild, navigate the wilderness, follow tracks, or other
times the GM deems fit.
Social Abilities
Bluff: Used when a unit attempts to tell lies, deceive another, or other times the GM deems fit. Bluff is
usually an opposed ability check against Intuition.
Diplomacy: Used when a unit attempts to convince others, resolve differences, gather information, use
proper etiquette, or other times the GM deems fit.
Disguise: Used when a unit attempts to change its appearance through large or small changes, or other
times the GM deems fit. Disguise is usually an opposed ability check against Perception.
Handle Animal: Used when a unit attempts to work with animals. This can be teaching tricks or
commands, domestication, calming them, or other times the GM deems fit.
Intimidate: Used when a unit attempts to frighten others, get them to act a certain way, or other times the
GM deems fit.
Intuition: Used when a unit attempts to discern another’s true intentions, detect any falsehoods, predict
someone’s next move, or other times the GM deems fit.
Perception: When a unit attempts to notice fine details, detect the presence of something, listen in on
conversations, or other times the GM deems fit.
Performance: When a unit attempts to provide entertainment, a distraction, any other form of
performance, or other times the GM deems fit.
Saving Throws
Endurance: When a unit attempts to withstand physical punishment, dangers such as poison, keep up a
strenuous march or pace for an extended period of time, or other times the GM deems fit.
Reflex: When a unit attempts to evade sudden hazards, unexpected situations, or other times the GM
deems fit.
Willpower: When a unit attempts to ward off mental influences, enchantments and other magical effects,
or other times the GM deems fit.

Types of Ability Checks
Regular Ability Check: This is used most of the time. Whenever a unit wishes to do something,
usually when a battle is not being fought but depending on the action a GM may allow it to be
attempted, the player will roll their percentile dice and add the bonus from the appropriate skill
to the result. If the result is equal to or over the target number set by the GM, the attempt was
Opposed Ability Check: Certain ability checks require Opposed Ability Checks. In this case, the
target number is not set by the GM beforehand but is instead the total of the responding Ability
Check. For example, if someone (person A) was trying to lie to another (person B), the target
number for person A’s Bluff Ability Check would be person B’s Intuition Ability Check. If
person B rolled higher than person A did, they did not believe the lie.
Saving Throw Ability Check: In certain events, players may be required to perform a Saving
Throw Ability Check. This will usually occur when the players are in some sort of danger that
does not involve combat, or the players are unaware of a danger and are reacting to it.

Determining Target Numbers

To determine the target number to assign a certain ability check, one must decide on what the
success rate should be. As the Fire Emblem RPG is played using percentile dice, an ability check
with a target number of 50 should have a success rate of 50%, and an ability check with a target
number of 75 should have a success rate of 25% (100-target number).
However, since players have bonuses added to their rolls the success rates are actually a bit
higher. For lower-level parties the bonuses are rather small, but as levels become higher and
higher these bonuses increase with them. Therefore it is a good idea to look at what bonuses the
party has and work from there.
If, for example, a player has a bonus of +25 in Acrobatics and I’d like to give them an ability
check where their success rate is 60%, I would set the target number to 65, as 25 (the player’s
bonus) + 40 (100 – 60, the desired success rate) = 65 (the target number). Note that a player with
an Acrobatics bonus of +10 would have a 45% chance of success with this check, should
multiple people attempt this check. As opposed to combat, the GM does not need to tell players
the likelihood of success, merely hint at the difficulty if desired.
Target Number Formula:
(Player’s Bonus) + (100 - Desired Success Rate) = (Target Number)

List of Class Abilities
The following is a list of each of the class’ class abilities. For first-tier units, these are the
abilities that are class abilities from the start. For second-tier units, these are the abilities that
become class abilities upon promotion.

Archer: Acrobatics, Engineering, Perception, Intuition, Reflex

Ranger: Athletics, Craft, Geography, Nature, Survival, Handle Animal, Endurance

Sniper: Stealth, Appraise, Heal, History, Local, Bluff, Diplomacy

Bard: Sleight of Hand, History, Linguistics, Local, Nobility, Profession, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise,
Intuition, Performance, Willpower
Skald: Athletics, Survival, Intimidate, Endurance
Troubadour: Ride, Appraise, Arcana, Heal

Brigand: Athletics, Appraise, Survival, Intimidate, Endurance

Berserker: Craft, Handle Animal, Survival, Reflex
Brawler: Engineering, Geography, Heal, Perception

Cavalier: Athletics, Ride, Local, Nobility, Profession, Handle Animal, Endurance

Paladin: Acrobatics, History, Diplomacy, Reflex
Vanguard: Craft, Engineering, Intimidate, Perception

Cleric: Arcana, Heal, History, Linguistics, Religion, Diplomacy, Intuition, Willpower

Bishop: Appraise, Local, Nobility, Profession
Paragon: Athletics, Ride, Intimidate, Endurance

Druid: Arcana, History, Linguistics, Local, Nobility, Intimidate, Willpower

Necromancer: Craft, Heal, Nature, Survival
Warlock: Bluff, Disguise, Diplomacy, Intuition

Fighter: Athletics, Craft, Engineering, Profession, Intimidate, Endurance
Guardian: Diplomacy, Intuition, Perception
Warrior: Heal, Local, Survival

Knight: Engineering, History, Nobility, Profession, Intimidate, Endurance

General: Diplomacy, Intuition, Perception
Great Knight: Ride, Craft, Handle Animal

Mage: Arcana, Engineering, Geography, History, Linguistics, Nature, Nobility, Willpower

Mage Knight: Acrobatics, Ride, Survival, Intimidate
Sage: Appraise, Heal, Religion, Diplomacy

Mercenary: Acrobatics, Athletics, Appraise, Profession, Diplomacy, Endurance

Hero: Geography, Intimidate, Reflex
Sentinel: Engineering, Intuition, Perception

Myrmidon: Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Stealth, Intuition, Reflex

Soulblade: Arcana, Religion, Willpower
Swordmaster: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate

Nomad: Acrobatics, Ride, Craft, Geography, Heal, Nature, Survival, Handle Animal, Reflex
Nomad Trooper: Athletics, History, Endurance
Raider: Intuition, Intimidate, Perception

Pegasus Knight: Ride, Geography, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Perception, Reflex

Falcoknight: Athletics, Intimidate, Endurance
Seraph: Arcana, Heal, Willpower

Soldier: Athletics, Engineering, Profession, Intimidate, Endurance
Commander: Geography, History, Diplomacy
Halberdier: Acrobatics, Perception, Reflex

Thief: Acrobatics, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Appraise, Local, Bluff,
Disguise, Diplomacy, Perception, Reflex
Assassin: History, Nobility, Intimidate
Rogue: Craft, Geography, Intuition

Wyvern Rider: Athletics, Ride, Survival, Intimidate, Perception, Endurance

Dracoknight: Geography, Nature, Handle Animal
Wyvern Lord: Engineering, History, Profession

Cat: Acrobatics, Stealth, Nature, Survival, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perception, Reflex
Hawk: Athletics, Geography, Local, Nature, Survival, Intimidate, Perception, Endurance
Heron: Arcana, Heal, History, Linguistics, Nature, Nobility, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intuition,
Performance, Willpower
Raven: Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Appraise, Local, Bluff, Perception, Reflex
Tiger: Athletics, Nature, Profession, Survival, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Intuition, Endurance


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