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Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Khulna- 9203

Course Code: Ch 1131

Assignment Topic

Submitted to: Md. Rubel Al-Mamun

Department of Chemistry
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)

Submitted by: Kazi Mohammad Amor Shalfi

Department of Mechatronics Engineering
Roll: 1931003
Year:1st Semester: 1st

Submission date: 01/12/2020

Ques: Define Electrochemistry. What are the applications of electrochemistry?
The sub discipline of chemistry that deal with the study of
relationship between electrical energy and Chemical changes is called
One of the first experiments regarding electrochemistry was performed
by Luigi Galvani in 1786. His experiment began when he observed that the legs of
a frog that he had dissected twitched as it lay next to an electrostatic generator. That’s
how the journey of Electrochemistry began. Nowadays in the modern era of science
electrochemistry is very significant part to discuss about.
Application of Electrochemistry:
Electrochemistry has a number of different uses,
particularly in industry. The principles of cells are used to make electrical batteries.
In science and technology, a battery is a device that stores chemical energy and
makes it available in an electrical form. Similarly it has some significant
applications, some of them are given bellow:
1. Bring about non-spontaneous chemical transformations.
2. A large number of metals, sodium hydroxide, chlorine, fluorine and many other
chemicals are produced by electrochemical methods.
3. In a nutshell electrochemistry is used to build
* Torches
* Corrosion protection
* Abrasion and wear resistance
* The production of jewellery
* Electrical appliances such as cellphones (long-life alkaline batteries)
* Digital cameras (lithium batteries)
* Hearing aids (silver-oxide batteries)
* Digital watches (mercury/silver-oxide batteries)
* Military applications (thermal batteries)
4. Electrochemistry is important for creating new technologies that are ecofriendly.
5. The transmission of sensory signals through cells to brain and vice versa and
communication between the cells are known to have electrochemical origin.
6. Electrochemical cells are extensively used for determining the pH of solutions,
solubility product, equilibrium constant and other thermodynamic properties and for
potentiometric titrations.
7. There is a huge use of Electrochemistry in Medical science.
8. It also used in Biological research.

So, these were some of the applications of Electrochemistry.

Ques: What is Decarburisation? Discuss about the mechanism of dry corrosion.



The term ‘Decarburisation’ means loss of carbon in the surface-

adjacent zone of a material. It is a surface degradation phenomenon in the forging
and heat treating of steels.

At high temperature H2 gas dissociates to atomic Hydrogen. This highly reactive

atomic Hydrogen combines with Carbons present in the metal & forms CH4 gas
which leads to cracking of the metal surface. This process is known as

Dry Corrosion:

The corrosion which occurs through direct chemical action of dry

gases or corrodents such as Oxygen, Halogen, H2S, SO2 etc is called ‘Dry
Corrosion’. It is also known as chemical corrosion.
Dry corrosion is of three types -

1. Corrosion by Oxygen gas or Oxidation corrosion:

When a metallic structure
is kept in open air the Oxygen present in the atmosphere attacks metal surface
and forms metal oxide. This metal oxide is known as corrosion product. And
the process is known as oxidation corrosion.


At first oxidation occurs at the surface of the metal which results

in the formation of metal ions (M2+).

M – 2e → M2+ (Oxidation)

By that time oxygen is converted to oxygen ion (O2- )

½O2 + 2e → O2- (Reduction)

Then the metal ions react with oxygen ions and form the metal oxide.

M + ½O2 → M2+ + O2- →MO (Metal Oxide)

But as soon as the metal oxide forms, it creates an oxide layer on the metal
surface, which stops the oxidation process as metal oxides are less reactive. Thus,
the corrosion stops as soon as the metal oxide layer forms on the metal surface.

2. Corrosion by the other gases:

Other gases present in the atmosphere like
Cl2 , H2S, H2 etc. can also attack the metals & weaken them.

For example,
a. Cl2 gas: Cl2 gas attacks Silver & forms protective layer of Silver
Chloride(AgCl), which prevents further corrosion.

Cl2 + 2Ag → 2AgCl

But Sn reacts with Chlorine present in the atmosphere & forms SnCl2.
Cl2 + Sn → SnCl2

SnCl2 is volatile. Therefore, the corrosion doesn’t stop. It is a

continuous process.

b. H2S gas: H2S gas reacts with metal & liberate atomic Hydrogen.

H2S + Fe → 2FeS + 2H (atomic hydrogen)

The atomic Hydrogen is very reactive. It penetrates the metal and

occupies the voids of the metal. Inside the metal the atomic hydrogen
recombines and develop a pressure which cracks the surface of the
metal. This process is known as “Hydrogen Embrittlement”.

c. H2 gas: At high temperature H2 gas gets dissociated & forms atomic


H2 → H + H

This atomic Hydrogen is highly reactive. It reacts with carbon present

in the metal & forms CH4 gas which leads to cracking of the metal
surface. This process is known as “Decarburisation”.

Many more gases like CO2, SO2 also causes corrosion.

3. Liquid metal corrosion:

When a liquid metal is allowed to flow
over solid metal at high temperature the solid metal gets weak, this process is
called liquid metal corrosion.
Such type of corrosion is found in nuclear power plants. In nuclear reactor
Sodium metal (liquid metal) is used as coolant & it leads to corrosion of
Cadmium (solid metal).
Ques: What is local cell corrosion? Write down the impact of local cell corrosion in
our daily life.
A local cell is a galvanic cell that is formed due to physical or
chemical differences between areas on a metal surface in an electrolyte.
Because it is a galvanic cell, it causes galvanic corrosion due to
electrical contact with a more noble metal or a non-metallic conductor in
a conductive environment.
It is a form of local corrosion, and is therefore limited to the contact
zone or between metal surfaces.
A local cell corrosion occurs when two different metals (in terms of
microstructures and compositions) come into contact in an environment
filled with electrolytes.
The corrosion produced in this type of cell may vary. It will depend on
the direct reaction that occurs between the metals, as well as the type of
solution that comes in contact with the two. In some cases, corrosion
may be differentiated into cathodic and anodic parts that may occur at
separated areas by fixed distances. If the corrosion occurs with no
separation, it can be classified as direct chemical corrosion. If the two
parts in the local cell corrosion are separated, it is known as electrolytic
corrosion. Regardless of the type, the reaction course still conforms to
thermodynamics and electrochemistry laws.
The impact of local cell corrosion in our daily life is
given below:-
Local cell corrosion can be created through electrolysis, oxygen
concentration cells, galvanic action. One important use of electrolysis in
everyday life is the production of some ‘difficult’ metals... particularly
aluminium, sodium, calcium and magnesium (or the purification of
others, such as copper, gold and silver).
Also the production of chlorine and sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) by
the electrolysis of brine (concentrated salt solution).
Electroplating objects with chromium, nickel, gold or silver is another
good everyday example of electrolysis.
And more frequently these days the electrolysis of water is used in the
production of hydrogen for fuel, or the generation of electricity using
fuel cells.
One of the most widely applied methods for protecting metals against
corrosion is hot dip galvanizing, a zinc compound, which is
metallurgically bonded to steel with the option of applying an
electrostatic paint coating that not only provides an aesthetic benefit but
also helps to minimize the impact of contaminants on the metal and thus
provides an advanced, cost-effective anti-corrosion coating.

Ques: Briefly discuss about the different types of underground corrosion.

Underground Corrosion:
The corrosion of metallic structures or concrete
structures buried in soils or in contact with soils or bedrock is called ‘underground
corrosion’ or ‘soil corrosion’.
Underground corrosion is a geologic hazard, which causes underline gas, water, oil
pipeline & construction structure failure.

Soil corrosion depends on the type of soils. Based on soil type, soil corrosion is
classified into the following six types-
1. Gravel or Sandy Soil:
The soils which are rich in gravel and sand are used to
have more gaps between soil particles and therefore there are generally more
air and free oxygen inside sandy soil than of other types. If a metallic or
concrete structure is buried in sandy soil, the corrosive conditions are similar
to those of oxygen concentration cell corrosion as there is sufficient amount
of oxygen inside, the rate of corrosion is governed by the amount of moisture
content in the soil.

2. Water-logged Soils:
Water-logged soils contain very small amount of free
oxygen as there is roughly any place between soil particles. But water-logged
soils grow various bacterias and micro-organisms. These micro-organisms
causes corrosion in this type of soil. So the corrosion occurs in water logged
soil is mainly micro-biological corrosion.

3. Intermediate Character Soils:

Localized corrosion occurs in this type of soil.
Again if air pockets are present between the soil particles, differential aeration
corrosion may occur in different parts.

4. Soil with large amount of organic matter:

The soil which is rich with organic
matter, forms different soluble metal complexes and peptizes the corrosion
product which accelerates the corrosion process as compared to the soils
which are relatively free from organic matter.

5. Non-Acidic Soils:
Differential aeration type corrosion occur in non-acidic
soil. The conductivity of the soil which depends on moisture and electrolyte
content in it is the major factor governing the corrosive character. The rate of
corrosion mainly depends on the resistance between the anodic and cathodic
areas & the rate of arrival of the oxygen to the cathodic areas. For example,
when a pipe passes under a paving through non-acidic soil, the portion under
the paving usually has less access to oxygen than the one lying under unpaved
soil. Therefore, the portion under the paving acts anodic and suffers corrosion.
6. Highly Acidic Soils:
Hydrogen evolution type corrosion occurs in highly
acidic soils. The conductivity is not of much importance in the corrosion
process of this type of soil. The rate of corrosion mainly depends on the pH &
the presence of salt and oxygen in the soil sample.

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