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Thompson and Mishra 2007

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Ann D.Thompson
Punya Mishra

Breaking News: TPCK

Becomes TRACK!

or rhosc oi tis interested in the construct Technological Pedagogi- technology, content and pedagogy chat honors the interdependence oi
cal Content Knowledge and the clarity it brings to our work with these three important parts of teacher education and teaching. Emphasiz-
prescrvicc and inservice teachers, the acronym TPCK has been ing creating the total package for effective teaching and teacher education
fioniewhat problematic. Ihc consonant heavy, TPCK is clifficulc to say will help bring clarit)- and simplicity to developing knowledge of the most
and even getting the letters in the correct order is a challenge for most effective ways to help teachers take advantage of technology.
of us. It is not surprising, thus, that both undergraduate students and Products from the 9''' Annual NTLS will go far beyond the renaming
inservice teachers tend to be put off when confronted with this unfriendly of TPCK and will include the publication of a new ISTE book on the use
set of consonants. We have found ourselves apologizing every time we of digital video in classrooms (developed within the TPACK framework),
introduce the idea because it docs tend co suggest the type of educational a new agenda for legisladve advocacy for funding for cechnology in educa-
jargon for which we educators have received much (justifiable) criticism. cion, and suggescions for new directions for research and practice with
TPCK is actually a simple, yet powerfiji idea and the complicated name TPACK. Readers will see the unveiling on chese products in editorials
and acronym does disservice to its utility and power. and articles in each of the major journals in our Held.
Since many ofus have had similar challenges with the TPCK acronym,
Three of the four articles in this issue of JCTE directly relate to che
one of the agenda items at the recently convened 9''' Annual National
TPACK framework. In "Collaborative Dialogue in a Synchronous CMC
Technology Leadership Summit was to revisit the name for this important
Environment? A Look at One Beginning English Teacher's Strategies,"
concept. In flict, we asked each of the teacher education association leaders
author Su.san L. Groenke provides an in depch description of the pedagogy
and journal editors attending tbe summit to create a new, friendlier ter-
used by an English instructor in a synchronous CMC environment. ITic
minology forTPCK—one that captured its essential qualities and yet was
emphasis on pedagogj', as well as content and technology, in this article
easy to use and remember. During rhc two-day conference, participants
created su^estions for a new name and after much deliberation, the name illustrates our movement toward TPACK. Similarly, authors David R.
TPACK (pronounced "tee-pack") emerged as a substitute. Parker, Linda Robinson and Robert Hannafin emphasize pedagogy in
their article ""Blending" Technology and Effective Pcdagog)' in a Core
The new name does much more than just buy a vowel forTPCK. We Course for Preservice Teachers." Based in Adult Learning theories, the
see TPACK as capturing two key aspects of our work with technology article provides recommendations for college faculty members designing
integration. First, it emphasizes, through the letters, the three kinds of blended courses. Both articles focus upon seleccing and implementing
knowledge (Technology, Pedagog)' And Content) that we believe are pedagogical approaches that highlight the affordances of the cechnology
essential building blocks for intelligent cechnology integration. Second, used. I believe that the unspoken emphasis on TPACK in these articles
and as important, it captures the fact that these three knowledge domains provides two good examples ot research that is moving away from studying
should not be taken in isolation, but rather that they form an integrated the effects of technology toward research defining studying the complex
whole, a "Total PACKage" as it were, for helping teachers take advantage
interactions of technology, pedagogy, and content.
of technology to improve student learning.
On a directly related note, in "Faculty Instructional Computer Use
Previous approaches to helping teachers learn to take advantage of Model: Differentiating Instructional and Mainstream Computer Uses,"
technology have focused on teaching teachers about technology. We Ismail Sahin presents results from a quantitative sttidy that suggest thai
believed (erroneously, as the research increasingly indicates) char after faculty instructional computer use and faculty mainstream computer use
teachers learned to use technology, they would naturally figure out how
form two distinct variables. Sahins results reinforce the idea that faculty
to use the technology to ceach their content area. What is clear now is
development work in the area of cechnology needs co go beyond teaching
that we need co go beyond simplistic technocentric approaches because
faculty to use technology toward helping faculty develop TPACK.
knowledge of technology does not necessarily lead to effective teaching
with technology (see Sahin in this issue). Effective use of technology, we The final article in this issue, ""The Role of Electronic Portfolios in the
have learned, involves rhe ability to make informed decisions on how to Hiring of K-12 Teachers" by Jane Strawheckcr, Ken Messcrsmith, and
take advantage of the affordances of technology (with a sensitivity to the Amanda Baicom directly addresses an issue of concern for teacher educa-
concomitant constraints technologies bring co che table) to support spe- tors who ate integrating electronic portfolio work into their programs.
cific pedagogies wichin a particular content area, llius, teachers need the In a mixed method study, che authors investigated employers' views and
Total PACKage: the knowledge that lies at che intersection of knowledge preferences on the use of electronic portfolios in the hiring process. Results
of Content, Pedagogy And Technology i.e., TPACK. will be helpful to teacher education programs working to help students
create electronic portfolios with an employer audience in mind.
If all goes well, we will begin to see TPACK appear as our shared
descriptor of the powerful ideas involved In creating a synergy among Editors'Remarks continued on p 64

38 Journal of Computing in Teacher Education Volume 24 / Number 2 Winter 2007-2008

presidents Message continued from p. 39

the decision-making process in all phases" (p. 405). This suggests that What is our role in the action research process? In their study of three
even K-12 students would be Involved in commentitig "on the find- iterations of teacher action research involving ICTs, Ham, Wenmoth, &L
ings and. together with [he researcher, develop more effective models of Davey (in press) found that self-study and critical inquiry was challenging
schooling" (p. 405). for all involved, especially in terms of practical manageability. We can assist
Getting Started With Action Research in Educational Technology. Nolen by helping teachers identifv'good research questions and related tools for
and Putten encourage preparing "school professionals ro be researchers data collection; supporting tliem in their analysis of and reflection on data;
from rhe beginning ot their coursework" (p. 405). I was able to identifr and finally increasing the meaning of their work through encouraging
several references that relate specifically to action research In educational them to publicly share the results of their research (Altrichter, Posch, &
technology, including Royer (2002) who provides an overview of the Somekh, 1993; Royer, 2002). Rather than focusing on transferring our
action research process. Schnorr and Painter (1999) describe a model knowledge of ICTs or the aaion research process, we need to assume
for involving preservice teachers in collaborative action research projects the role of mentors, being sensitive and responsive to teachers' concerns
during their field experiences, with an example focused on integration of and needs (Ham, Wenmoth, & Davey, in press). Action research holds
technology in the curriculum. This model describes an active (vs. passive) promise as a form of alternative assessment, triangulating data sources
role for preservice teachers in examining research-based practice, including and enhancing our understanding of the complexity of technology-rich
assisting with data collection and suinmari/ing the literature to inform teaching-learning environments. Through the action research process,
and to reflect on the teaching-learning process. Pan (1999) describes one teachers can increase the use of technology in the classroom and investigate
approach for working with inservice teachers in a "Technology-Based the impact of technology on the teaching-learning process.
Action Research Model" implemented during two computer courses.
Both Pan (1999) and Royer (2002) outline a variety of technology-related References
research questions that are still relevant for teachers today. Altrichter, H., Posch, P., & Somekh, B. (1993). Teachers investigate
their work: An introduction to the methods of action research. London:
Fullan, M., Hill, P., Crevola, C. (2006). Breakthrough. Thou-
sand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Ham, V., Wenmoth, D., & Davey, R. (in press). Teachers doing
IT for themselves: Action research as professional development. In
A. Borthwick & M. Pierson (Eds.), Learning, teaching and edit-
cational technologies: Models for successfid professional development.

ISTE is... Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.

Hilsabeck, A. (in press). Dean's Message. National College of
Education (Quarterly. Skokie, IL: National-Louis University.
Making it National College of Education. (2007). Center for Practitioner
Research (CFPH): Drafi vision statement & plans for 2007-2(}()8.
Happen! Unpublished manuscript.
Nolen, A. L., & Putten, J. (2007). Action research in education:
Addressing gaps in ethical principles and practices. Educational
Thank you to Researcher, 36, 401-407.
Making It Happen Sponsors Pan, A. C. (1999). Using technology to promote teacher action
for their support in helping research. Computers in the Schools, 7,5(3—4), 81-99.
ISTE to recognize Royer, R. (2002). Supporting technology integration through
action research. Clearinghouse, 75, 233-237. Retrieved, Ocrober
outstanding 26, 2007, from Periodical Abstracts database.
EdTech Leaders! Schnorr, D., & Painter, D. D. (1999, February). Partnering the
university field experience research model with action researeh. Paper
To sponsor, participate, or presented at the Annual Meeting of tbe American As.sociiition of
learn more about Colleges for Teacher Education, Washington, DC. (Eric Document
Reproduction Service No. ED428058)
this outstanding program, visit www.
Yorks, L. (2005). Adult learning and the generation of new
iste.org/makingithappen knowledge and meaning: Creating liberating spaces for fostering
or e-mail us at mih@iste.org adult learning throtigh practitioner-based collaborative action re-
search. Teachers College Record, 107, 1217-1244. Retrieved October
18, 2007, from hrtp://www.tcrectord.org

A Editors' Remarks continued from p. 38

Taken together, all the articles in this issue demonstrate the movement
making it happen of research in our field away from technocentrlc studies toward studies
that emphasize the complex interactions of technology, pedagogy and
www.isle.org/mokingtthoppen content or, in our new language, emphasize the TPACK approach to
working with teachers.

64 Journal of Computing in Teacher Education Volume 24 / Number 2 Winter 2007-2008

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