Pr2 Aratiles Edited

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Approved Title: Aratilis (Muntingia Calabura’s) Antiseptic Property in Suppressing

P. aeruginosa and S. aureus Bacteria

Background of the research

Muntingia calabura is one of the common trees that you can see here in the
Philippines. As it becomes more common, you may not expect the various uses of this
tree in different aspects. Aratiles have many vitamins. According to research by Ragasa
et al. (2015), significant levels of anthocyanins, flavonoids, total phenolics, and vitamins
C and E were present in the extract; these substances are all oxidation-sensitive and
may aid in reduction. It is known to have some micronutrients that support or enhance
cell health and can help prevent infections, such as vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus, and
iron. It instructs the body to defend against external invaders like microorganisms and
viruses and to repair and restore damaged tissue.
There have been reports of the fruit extract’s antioxidant activity, which supports
the phytoconstituents’ reducing abilities. It has been shown to offer several medicinal
benefits. Moreover, this small fruit, called by locals Aratiles or Sarisa, is unique to
nations such as Mexico, Bolivia, and the Philippines and is much sought after by fruit-
eating birds. We had no idea that its smaller size hid significant health advantages for
us and also for birds (Bd, 2020).
It has been shown to offer several medicinal benefits. The leaves of the
Muntingia calabura plant have various health benefits, such as anti-tumor (Kaneda et
al., 1991; Su et al., 2003), hypotensive (Shih et al., 2006), antibacterial (Zakaria et al.,
2006a,b; Zakaria et al., 2010; Sufian et al., 2013; Isnarianti et al., 2013), anti-
inflammatory, antipyretic, and antinociceptive (Zakaria et al., 2007a,b), and antioxidant
(Siddiqua et al., 2010; Zakaria et al., 2011; Aruna Sindhe et al., 2013).
The research gap identified is that most of the research that has been conducted
is about the medicinal, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties of Muntingia calabura.
The Aratilis tree is one of the most common trees, but it seems to also have problems.
Since it is unnoticed by younger ones, they have no idea about the health benefits it
has. The tree bearing a lot of sweet fruit caused the fruits to fall to the ground, and the
flies wanted to go, carrying a lot of bacteria. It is well known that viruses can infect
humans and other animals and result in fatal illnesses. The insect has been linked to
over 100 infections, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. (Khamesipour et
al., 2018).
The purpose of this study is to determine whether Muntingia calabura extract has
antiseptic properties that can inhibit the growth of Staphlycoccus aureus and
Pseudomonas eurigonosa bacteria. There is significance in addressing these gaps or
problems in order to gain knowledge, even for the younger ones, about the usefulness
of the common trees we can find in our surroundings. Despite bearing a lot of fruits from
this tree in every part of it, it has a substance that can be used as medicine to cure a lot
of illnesses. By conducting this research, we can be more aware, and it can be helpful
to lessen viruses and other bacteria that can harm all living things. The growth and
spread of infectious diseases can be stopped by maintaining good environmental
hygiene. Antiseptics and disinfectants are intended to destroy and stop the growth of
microorganisms (Vargová et al., 2020).

Statement of the problem (Approved)

1. Does Muntingia Calabura’s extract an effective antiseptic using phenol test?

2. What is the inhibition property of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus

aureus bacteria?

3. Is there a significant difference of the chemical agent between P. aeruginosa and

S. aureus bacteria?

4. Does the size of inhibition of microbial growth affect the testing of the antiseptic?

Statement of Hypothesis

Research Question 1: Does Muntingia calabura’s extract an effective antiseptic using

phenol test?
H0: Muntingia calabura extract is not an effective antiseptic and cannot be determined
since the phenol test is no longer widely employed due to the arbitrary selection of the
organisms and settings under study.
H1: Muntingia calabura extract can be an effective antiseptic using the phenol test.
Research Question 2: What is the inhibition property of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus
H0: There is no inhibition property between P. aeruginosa and S. aureus bacteria.
H1: S. aureus are more likely to have a greater inhibition property than P. aeruginosa
Research Question 3: Is there a significant difference in the chemical agent between P.
aeruginosa and S. aureus bacteria?
H0: There is no significant differences in the chemical agent between P. aeruginosa
gram-positive and S. aureus gram-negative bacteria.
H1: There is a significant differences in the chemical agent between P. aeruginosa
gram-positive and S. aureus gram-negative bacteria.
Research Question 4: Does the size of the inhibition of microbial growth affect the
testing of the antiseptic?
H0: The size of the inhibition of microbial growth cannot affect the testing of the
H1: Larger zones usually correspond to a chemical agent’s higher inhibitory efficacy.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to explore the Aratilis (Muntingia calabura) flower extract as an
antiseptic for P. aeruginosa and S. aureus bacteria. The leaves, fruits, and barks of an
Aratilis are not included in conducting this study; only the flower extract will be the main
focus for the researcher to determine its antiseptic properties. Identification of bioactive
compounds in Aratilis related to its antiseptic properties and possible modes of action of
Aratilis as an antiseptic, with the goal of understanding its potential uses as a natural
antiseptic agent in a variety of medical contexts. The precise timeline for the research
will depend on the resources that are available and logistical considerations. The
precise locations will be determined by the research facilities that are available.
Researchers, scientists, and people with knowledge of natural antiseptics, bacteria, and
the Aratilis tree will be the main respondents in this study. The data for this study will be
gathered from a variety of sources, including related literature reviews and laboratory
experiments. The study will employ laboratory tests to gather data on the antiseptic
capabilities of Aratilis without identifying any specific human or patient respondents. To
ascertain its antiseptic efficiency, the disk diffusion test will be employed in these trials.
Significance of the study
It is the studies about the Antiseptic property of Muntingia calabura’s in
supressing the bacteria, particularly at Tanza, Cavite in the Philippines. This study is
made with the aim to provide crucial information and knowledge regarding the capability
of Aratilis to prevent the growth of bacteria. This study would be deemed beneficial to
the following:

Future researchers
This research will be useful reference for a future researcher who plans to make
any related study about Muntingia calabura. This study may be one of the bases that
new theories in learning will use.

It will benefit scientists who want to create medicine in order to prove if it can
cure illnesses. This can be an easier way for them to push their inventions since there’s
a related study to make this a reference to their discovery. Also, it is less time-
consuming to spend most of their time in a laboratory discovering new things.
Definition of Terms
The definitions of the difficult-to-understand terms used in this study were
provided by the researchers:

Antiseptic. substance such as isopropyl alcohol or chlorhexidine that destroys or

inhibits the growth or action of microorganisms, especially in or on skin or mucous
membranes. An antiseptic is a substance used to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Disk diffusion Test. are culture-based microbiology tests used in diagnostic and
drug discovery labs. They are sometimes referred to as agar diffusion tests, Kirby-Bauer
tests, and KB tests. It has been used as a flexible, cost-effective, and more precise
technique to ascertain if a plant extract to be tested has antiseptic properties as it
diffuses from its reservoir through the agar medium that has been seeded with the test

Muntingia calabura. this is a fast-growing fruit tree that grows in the Philippines
with edible fruit and has been widely spread to other tropical regions. The fruits are
commonly called Jamaican cherries, also known as Aratiles, and are red in color. It is
known as aratiles in the Philippines, is of great medicinal value because of the variety of
health benefits it offers. Muntingia calabura fruits possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
and antibacterial properties.

Phenol Test. The disinfection efficacy of a material is determined by dividing its

degree of dilution that kills microorganisms within a specified period. The phenol test is
a method that measures the disenfecting power or effectiveness of a disenfectant or

Pseudomonas aeruginosa. is a rod that is aerobic, gram-negative, non-spore-

forming, and can cause a range of infections in hosts that are immunocompetent or
immunocompromised. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most common kind of
Pseudomonas to cause infections in people. It can cause infections in the blood, lungs
(pneumonia), or other regions of the body after surgery.

Staphylococcus aureus. is a Gram-positive, spherically shaped is a common

component of the body’s microbiota and a member of the Bacilllota. It is often found in
the upper respiratory tract and on the skin. Numerous different clinical disorders are
caused by this particular bacterium. One significant pathogen that has a significant
effect on human health is Staphylococcus aureus.

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