The Teacher and The School Curriculum

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The Teacher and the School CurriculumGuided Pracce1.Which educaonal policy in the history of curriculum in the Philippines established a free public school for the enre country, an eleven-year basic educaon system, a set of teacher-volunteers, and theuse of English as the medium of instrucon?A. Educaon Act of 1901 (American Regime)B. Educaon Act of 1940(Commonwealth)C. Educaon Act of 1982 (New Republic)D. RA 7836 of 1994 (Fih Republic)Answer: A-The Educaon Act of 1901 was commissioned during the rst few years of the American Regime. It became instrumental in the establishment of a country-wide public school system paerned aer the American educaonal system. Aside from the free eleven-year basic educaon to children and adolescents, the Thomasites, a set of volunteer American soldiers and their family members, were tasked to come to the Philippines to be the rst teachers. English also became the medium of instruconin all public schools.2.Which is new in the teaching of TLE in the K to 12 curriculum?A. NCI is expected of the Grade 7 completer.B. Grade 7 TLE is exploratory.C. NC II is expected of the Grade 8 completer.D. Grade 7 and 8 TLE are exploratory.Answer:D- In the implementaon of the new K to 12 program, a signicant feature is on technical educaon in the secondary year levels. With this, Grades 7 and 8 will be an exploraon of the TLE student to the dierent strands in technical-vocaonal educaon (i.e., Agri-Fishery, Home Economics, ICT, and Industrial Arts). In Grades 9 and 10, students will choose a specic tech-voc course/strand to take in their TLE classes, and they will hopefully gain an NC I, at least, aer Grade 10. Then, they are encouraged to connue such course/ strand in SHS by taking the TVL Track/strands and achieve NC II at the end of Grade 12.3.How can the mul-grade system be set in place in order to respond to the needs of remote elementary schools where enrolment is low?A. Mainstream special with regular studentsB. Combine two to three grade levelsC. Assign teachers to specic grade levelsD. Upgrade students to a higher level
Answer: B- The Mul-Grade Program of the Department of Educaon is an answer to the problem of mostly elementary schools with very low enrolment, with neighboring schools that can oer the grade levels being quite far from the dened school, and with the proximate school lacking resources, classrooms, and teachers. With this, the school principal opts to combine two to three grade levels whilereminding the teacher-in-charge to dierenate his/her lessons in intellectual level, interest, and/or outputs developmentally appropriate to the students.308The Teacher and the School Curriculum4.According to Arcle 10 of RA 10533, the K to 12 curriculum has the following features related with inclusive educaon, EXCEPT:A. Construcvist approachB. Madrasah curriculumC. Indigenous Peoples Educaon programD. Programs for the gied and talentedAnswer: A - RA 10533 prides itself in being an inclusive system of educaon for all learners. The K to 12 system of educaon in the Philippines is inclusive through the following programs: programs for the gied and talented, programs for learners with disabilies, Madrasah curriculum for our Muslim brothers and sisters, Indigenous Peoples (IP) Educaon program, and Alternave Learning System (ALS) for the adult learners and out-of-school youth.5.The following list is the curricula set in basic educaon in the Philippines. What is the arrangement of these curricula from earliest to latest?l. Secondary Educaon Curriculum-UBD Modelll. Naonal Elementary School Curriculum and New Secondary Educaon CurriculumIll. Enhanced Basic Educaon Curriculum (K to 12)IV. Revised Basic Educaon Curriculum (RBEC)A. II,IV,I,and lllB. Il,IV,I,and lllC. I,II,IV, and lllD. I,IV,III,and IVAnswer:B- The Naonal Elementary School Curriculum and the New Secondary Educaon Curriculum were used in the country from 1984-2002 and 1991-2002,respecvely. Then, the Revised Basic EducaonCurriculum (RBEC) was implemented in the year 2002 in response to the new millennium. The SecondaryEducaon Curriculum, following the UbD Model, was inserted in the educaon system in 2010,focusing on Enduring Understandings and the Backward Design Approach. Recently, the Enhanced Basic
Educaon Act of 2013 (RA 10533) became the ocial law which changed the enre educaon system from ten years to 12 years of basic educaon and formally implemented the new K to 12 curriculum in allschools in the country.6. The following are elements of the curriculum, EXCEPT:A. Learning ExperiencesB. Learning InputC. Learning OutcomesD. Learning ModulesAnswer:D-Learning Modules. The elements of curriculum design are: (1) aims, goals, and objecves or learning outcomes, (2) subject maer or learning input, (3) teaching acvies or learning experiences, and (4) evaluaon and assessment.309The Teacher and the School Curriculum7. Whatever method the teacher ulizes in the implementaon of curriculum, especially on learning experiences, there will be some guidelines for the selecon and use of such experiences. The following are true, EXCEPT:A. Teaching methods are a means to achieve the end. They are used to translate objecves into acon.B. There is a single best teaching method; therefore, all teachers must follow the same set of framework in teaching and learning.C. The teaching method should smulate the learners' desire to develop the cognive, psychomotor, social, and spiritual domains of the individual.D. In the choice of the teaching methods, learning styles of the students should be considered.Answer:B -There is no single best teaching method as there are dierences in means, learners, outcomes, and possibilies. Therefore, having a single best teaching method is ideal but quite impossibleto achieve for all teachers and learners in the country.8.What is the suggested plan of acon in the process of curriculum evaluaon?1.Analyze informaonIl. Collect or gather informaonlll. Organize the informaonIV. Recycle the informaon for connuous feedbackA. I,II,IV,and lll
B. II,I,Ill,and IVC. Il,lll,lI,and IVD. III,IV,I,and llAnswer: C - Regardless of methods and materials evaluaon to ulize, a suggested plan of acon for the process of curriculum evaluaon is introduced with these steps:(1) Focus on one component of the curriculum to evaluaon, (2) Collect or gather informaon, (3) Organize the informaon,(4) Analyze the informaon, (5) Report the informaon, and (6) Recycle the informaon for connuous feedbacking, modicaons, and adjustments to be made.9.Which of the following is the primary basis in developing a curriculum?A. LearnersB. Learning outcomesC. Learning philosophiesD. Learning stylesAnswer: A-We go back to the main reason and raonale why there is a curriculum in the rst place-for the learners. Thus, all other components must be related as to how learners can be best taught and can best learn through the curriculum being planned and designed. As prime educators say, the child is the heart in the teaching, learning, and curriculum development process.310The Teacher and the School Curriculum10. One of the principles of curriculum is that it is connuously evolving. The following statements adhere to his principle, EXCEPT:A. The curriculum evolved from one period to another, from the past to the present.B. For the curriculum to be eecve, it must have connuous monitoring and evaluaon.C. The curriculum must adapt its acvies and services to meet the needs of the dynamic society.D. Curriculum includes general subjects that will be progressively taught in all grade levels.Answer:D- When the curriculum is connuously evolving, the curriculum changes happen from one period to another, has monitoring and evaluaon schemes for improvement, and adapts acvies and services to meet the needs of the dynamic society. Progression in teaching (spiral) is a feature of the K to12 curriculum but does not suce why the curriculum is connuously evolving in social contexts.11. Which of the following elds are the foundaons of curriculum?A. Psychology, History, Philosophy, and SociologyB. Religion, Mathemacs, Biology, and Arts

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