BIM For Sustainability Analyses

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BIM for Sustainability Analyses

Salman Azhar Ph.D & Justin Brown MBC

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Analyses, International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 5:4, 276-292, DOI:

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Published online: 17 Nov 2009.

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International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 5:276–292, 2009
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1557-8771 print=1550-3984 online
DOI: 10.1080/15578770903355657

BIM for Sustainability Analyses


Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama

Buildings consume close to 40% of total energy used in the United States and
account for 30% of greenhouse gas emissions. With the rising cost of energy
and growing environmental concerns, the demand for sustainable buildings with
minimal environmental impact is increasing. The most effective decisions related
to the sustainable design of a building can be made in the early design and precon-
struction stages. In this context, Building Information Modeling (BIM) can aid in
performing complex building performance analyses to ensure an optimized sustain-
able building design. This research project investigated the viability of BIM-based
sustainability analyses. The objectives were: 1) determination of current state and
benefits of BIM-based sustainability analyses; 2) evaluation of various building
performance analyses softwares; and 3) development of a conceptual framework
to illustrate the use of BIM for sustainability analyses throughout the project
life-cycle. Necessary data were collected via a questionnaire survey, a case study
and semi-structured interviews. It is expected that the research findings would
be useful for architecture and construction organizations interested in using
BIM technology for sustainable design.

Keywords building information modeling, building performance analyses, green

building ratings, sustainability analyses, sustainable design

In the United States, commercial and residential buildings consume close to 40% of
total energy, 70% of electricity, 40% of raw materials, and 12% of fresh water supplies,
and account for 30% of greenhouse gas emissions (Autodesk, 2008). The rising cost of
energy and growing environmental concerns have pushed the demand for sustainable
buildings with minimal environmental impact through the use of environmental
sensitive design and construction practices (Autodesk, 2005). Organizations such as
the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) are increasingly requiring that archi-
tects, planners, and constructors meet these energy codes in the delivery of federally
owned buildings. States such as Florida are following suit, requiring all State owned
buildings to meet standardized energy requirements (Autodesk, 2008). This type of
‘‘green legislation,’’ together with the increase in green building construction, is
forcing architects, planners, and builders to consider the environmental impact of
the buildings they design and construct (Schueter & Thessling, 2008).
The most effective decisions related to the sustainable design of a building can be
made in the early design and preconstruction stages. Traditional CAD planning

Address correspondence to Salman Azhar, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849-5315.

E-mail: [email protected]

BIM for Sustainability Analyses 277

environments typically do not have the capability of performing such analyses in

early stages of design development (Azhar et al., 2009). Building performance ana-
lyses are typically performed, if at all, after the architectural design and construction
documents have been produced. This lack of continuous analysis of substainability
in the design process leads to an inefficient process of retroactively modifying the
design to achieve a set of performance criteria (Schueter & Thessling, 2008). In order
to assess building performance in the early design and preconstruction phases realis-
tically, access to a comprehensive set of knowledge regarding a building’s form,
materials, context, and technical systems are required. Because Building Information
Modeling (BIM) allows for multi-disciplinary information to be superimposed
within one model, it creates an opportunity for sustainability measures and perfor-
mance analyses to be performed throughout the design process (Autodesk, 2008;
Schueter & Thessling, 2008).
For example, architects can use a building information model to analyze a build-
ing’s mass and form to optimize envelope and balance glazing ratios. Engineers can
use this model to reduce energy demands through energy modeling, which uses the
3D model to calculate light reflectance and penetration. Contractors can analyze site
conditions, including wetlands and protected habitats, and use the site model to
coordinate logistics better to eliminate potential issues. Subcontractors can use
BIM technology to reduce waste and combine shipments to further reduce carbon
footprints (Hardin, 2009).
Since 2007, the GSA has required BIM use on all major projects and, although
not required at this time, they are encouraging ‘‘accurate energy estimates in the
design process’’ (Autodesk, 2008). These regulations, which are often implemented
to reduce life cycle costs, can have potentially significant financial implications on
design, construction, and operating costs (Autodesk, 2005).
BIM can reduce the costs associated with sustainability analyses by making the
information required for sustainable design, analysis and certification routinely
available simply as a byproduct of the standard design process (Autodesk, 2005).
BIM provides the opportunity to realize numerous benefits throughout the project
conception, design, construction, and post-occupancy phases of a building (Azhar
et al., 2008). Linking the building information model to energy analysis tools allows
for evaluation of energy use during the early design phase. This is not possible using
traditional 2D tools, which require that a separate energy analysis be performed at
the end of the design process, thus reducing the opportunities for the early modifica-
tions that could improve the building’s energy performance (Azhar et al., 2009).

Research Objectives, Scope and Methodology

The main objective of this research was to explore the viability of BIM for sustainabil-
ity analyses. The sub-objectives were: 1) determination of current state and benefits of
BIM-based sustainability analyses; 2) evaluation of various building performance
analyses softwares; and 3) development of a conceptual framework to illustrate the
use of BIM technology for sustainability analyses throughout the project life-cycle.
The research scope was limited to commercial and healthcare building projects.
The necessary data were collected via literature review, a questionnaire survey, a case
study, and semi-structured interviews with industry professionals. The detailed
methodology for each sub-objective is explained in the relevant sections.
278 S. Azhar and J. Brown

BIM-Based Sustainability Analyses

Evaluating building performance based on the graphic representations of conven-
tional CAD or object-CAD solutions requires a great deal of human intervention
and interpretation. This renders the analyses too costly and=or time-consuming
(Autodesk, 2005). A building information model represents the building as an inte-
grated database of coordinated information. Beyond graphically depicting the design,
much of the data needed for supporting sustainable design is captured naturally as
design of the project proceeds. In addition, the integration of the building informa-
tion model with performance analyses tools greatly simplifies the often cumbersome
and difficult analyses. This approach gives architects easy access to tools that provide
immediate feedback on design alternatives early on in the design process.
Hardin (2009) established three main areas of sustainable design with a direct
relationship to BIM. These areas are ‘‘material selection and use,’’ ‘‘site selection
and management,’’ and ‘‘systems analysis.’’ In addition, Krygiel and Nies (2008)
indicated that BIM can aid in the following aspects of sustainable design.

. Building orientation (to select the best building orientation that results in
minimum energy costs)
. Building massing (to analyze building form and optimize the building envelope)
. Daylighting analysis
. Water harvesting (to reduce water needs in a building)
. Energy modeling (to reduce energy needs and analyze renewable energy options
such as solar energy)
. Sustainable materials (to reduce material needs and to use recycled materials)

The combination of sustainable design strategies and BIM technology has the
potential to change the traditional design practices and to produce a high-
performance facility design. One such effort in the Columbia campus of the University
of South Carolina resulted in approximately $900,000 savings over the next 10 years
at current energy costs (Gleeson, 2008).
The terms sustainability analyses or building performance analyses, as used in this
paper, refers to various assessments and evaluations conducted to determine a build-
ing’s environmental performance. These analyses include contextual analyses, such
as daylighting, building massing, and site orientation, as well as internal analyses
such as optimization of a building’s HVAC system. Figure 1 describes the typical
flow of information taken into account when conducting performance analyses using
a building information model. The building information model contains basic
information such as building geometry, building materiality, building systems, and
internal loads. Based on this information, as well as additional information that is
entered into the performance analyses software, environmental evaluation of a build-
ing can be performed. Such an evaluation could greatly help designers to optimize
the environmental performance of the building.
For projects pursuing Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
(LEED1) certification, many LEED1 credits require that drawings be submitted
to support the qualification for credit. Although most of these drawings can be
prepared using conventional CAD software, BIM software produces these drawings
more efficiently as part of the building information model and have the added advan-
tage of parametric change technology, which coordinates changes and maintains con-
sistency at all times. Thus user does not have to intervene to update drawings or links.
BIM for Sustainability Analyses 279

Figure 1. Typical information flow in BIM-based building performance (or sustainability)


Similarly, such models carry a wealth of information for many other aspects of
sustainable design and=or LEED1 certification process. For instance, schedules of
building components can be obtained directly from the model to determine
percentages of material reuse, recycling, or salvage. According to Autodesk (2005),
up to 20 points for LEED1 certification can be facilitated using BIM.

BIM-Based Sustainability Analyses: Current State and Benefits

In order to evaluate the current state and benefits of BIM-based sustainability
analyses, a questionnaire survey was conducted. The target audience was design
and construction firms who use BIM technology and=or sustainable design=
construction practices in most of their projects. These firms were identified through
a published list of the top 100 green contractors as of 2008 (Tulacz, 2008), a list of
recipients of the VICOTM (a BIM software; Vico Software, Inc., Boulder, Colorado)
newsletter, members of the AGC, members of,
members of the BIM Experts User Group, and direct contacts made
within the architecture and construction industries.

Questionnaire Design
The questionnaire was designed based on the skip-logic method, in which the selec-
tion of the next question is based on the answer of the previous question. The
skip-logic method prevents respondents from answering questions which they are
not qualified to answer. The questionnaire was distributed via a web-based service
ZoomerangTM ( It was launched on January 9, 2009.
Reminders were sent on January 21 and February 10, 2009 to ensure maximum
participation. The survey was closed on February 28, 2009. Till the survey closing
date, 163 individuals visited the survey website; and 91 complete and 15 partial responses
were received. It was decided by the research team to exclude partial responses to
ensure maximum consistency in the reported results. The survey response rate is 56%
which is good enough to draw meaningful conclusions.
280 S. Azhar and J. Brown

Among the 91 survey respondents, the majority worked for either architecture
(34%) or construction companies (36%). It was followed by engineering (16%) and
design=build firms (10%). The remaining respondents (4%) worked for government
organizations and BIM consultants.
The questionnaire had two skip-logic questions. The first skip-logic question
identified the survey respondents currently using BIM. Of the 91 respondents, 72
(79%) were using BIM technology in their projects; while 19 respondents (21%) were
non-BIM users. No further questions were asked from the later group and the rest of
the respondents were directed to the second skip-logic question which identified the
respondents currently using BIM-based sustainability analyses in their projects. Of
these 72 respondents, 30 (42%) were employing BIM-based sustainability analyses;
while 42 (58%) were not using BIM for this purpose. The rest of the questions were
asked to the 30 respondents who were using BIM-based sustainability analyses and
the important results are discussed in the following section.

Important Results
In the first question, survey respondents were asked to select the types of building
performance analyses (or sustainability analyses) they typically use in their projects.
The results are shown in Figure 2. The most common analyses were found to be
energy analysis, daylighting=solar analysis, building orientation analysis, massing
analysis and site analysis. Fifteen (50%) respondents also indicated that they prepare
LEED1 documentation as part of the building performance analyses. Two respon-
dents selected the other option and their responses were structural and mechanical
systems analyses.
Next question explored about the project stage(s) in which sustainability analyses
are typically performed. Twenty respondents (67%) indicated that they are using
BIM-based sustainability methods at the design=preconstruction stage. Nineteen
respondents (63%) answered that they are employing these methods at the planning=
pre-design stage. Nine (30%) answered construction stage and 3(10%) answered
post-construction stage. Two respondents (7%) selected the other option and their
responses were GIS Mapping and Building Automation. These results are illustrated
in Figure 3.

Figure 2. Types of BIM-based performance analyses typically used in the respondents’ firms.
BIM for Sustainability Analyses 281

Figure 3. Project stages for BIM-based sustainability analyses.

In the following question, respondents were asked to subjectively estimate the

amount of time savings realized through the use of BIM-based sustainability ana-
lyses as compared to the traditional analyses. The available choices were significant
time savings, some time savings, no time savings, some time losses, and significant time
losses. Of the 30 respondents, 15 (50%) stated that they are realizing some time
savings, 8 (27%) respondents stated they are experiencing significant time savings,
while 5 (17%) respondents selected no time savings. Two respondents (7%) chose
some time losses. These results are shown in Figure 4.
In addition to time savings, respondents were also asked to subjectively estimate
the monetary savings. The available choices were significant cost savings, some cost
savings, no cost savings, some monetary losses, and significant monetary losses. Simi-
larly to the last question, the majority of respondents, 15 (50%), answered that they
are achieving some cost savings. Eight respondents (27%) answered that they are
achieving significant cost savings. The remaining 7 respondents (23%) answered that
they are achieving no cost savings. No respondents selected some monetary losses or

Figure 4. Time savings realized through BIM-based sustainability analyses.

282 S. Azhar and J. Brown

Figure 5. Cost savings realized through BIM-based sustainability analyses.

significant monetary losses as shown in Figure 5. Based on the results of these two
questions, it can be inferred that most of the firms are experiencing some-to-signifi-
cant time and cost savings through BIM-based sustainability analyses as compared
with the traditional methods.
Respondents were asked to select the building performance analyses software(s)
being used by their firms. Fifteen respondents (50%) selected Autodesk1 Green Build-
ing Studio (GBS)TM. Eleven respondents (37%) chose Integrated Environmental
Solutions1, Virtual Environment (VE)TM. An equal amount, 11 (37%), stated that
they are using Autodesk1 EcotectTM. Seven respondents (23%) selected other soft-
ware, which were HevacompTM, Energy PlusTM, DelightTM, RadianceTM, HEEDTM,
HomerTM, Virtual DOETM, Bentley HEVACOMPM, Bentley TASTM, and Climate
ConsultantTM. These results are illustrated in Figure 6 which clearly indicates that
the three most popular building performance analyses softwares are Green Building
StudioTM, Virtual EnvironmentTM, and EcotectTM. Hence, in the second part of this

Figure 6. Building performance analyses software preferences.

BIM for Sustainability Analyses 283

Figure 7. Level of satisfaction for BIM-based sustainability analyses compared with

traditional methods.

research project, these three softwares were evaluated for their functionality and
performance for BIM-based sustainability analyses.
At the end, respondents were asked to rate the level of satisfaction realized
through BIM-based sustainability analyses as compared to the traditional methods
of sustainability analyses. The results are shown in Figure 7. Ten respondents
(37%) were highly satisfied, while 12 respondents (44%) achieved some satisfaction.
Seven respondents (23%) were neutral, while one respondent (4%) was found to be
dissatisfied. As a whole, it can be concluded that most of the respondents were satis-
fied up to a certain degree.

Major Findings
The major findings of the questionnaire survey are as follows:
. The majority of practitioners who are employing BIM-based sustainability
analyses are primarily architects and contractors.
. Practitioners typically use BIM-based sustainability analyses at the planning and
design stages.
. The analyses types with the most prevalent use are energy analysis, daylighting=
solar analysis, building orientation analysis, massing analysis and site analysis.
. Practitioners implementing BIM-based sustainability analyses are realizing
some-to-significant time and cost savings compared with the traditional methods.
. The software types which seem to have the most prevalent use, at the time of this
research, were Autodesk EcotectTM, Autodesk Green Building Studio (GBS)TM,
and Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES)1, Virtual Environment (VE)TM.
. Practitioners are achieving some-to-high degree of satisfaction in regard to results
when compared with the traditional sustainability analyses.

Evaluation of Building Performance Analyses Softwares—A Case Study

The rationale for this evaluation was to gage the viability of leading building perfor-
mance analyses softwares for BIM-based sustainability analyses. Based on the results
284 S. Azhar and J. Brown

of the questionnaire survey, three softwares namely EcotectTM, Green Building

StudioTM (GBS) and Virtual Environment (VE)TM were chosen. The project selected
for evaluating these softwares was Emory Psychology Building which is a LEED1
certified, 110,000 square foot, $35,000,000 facility on the campus of Emory Univer-
sity in Atlanta, GA. The project architect is HOK1, Atlanta and general contractor
is Holder Construction Company (HCC), Atlanta. The architect developed the build-
ing information model of the facility at the early design phase to determine the best
building orientation and to evaluate various skin type design options such as
masonry, curtain wall and window styles as shown in Figure 8, perform energy
and daylighting analyses, and created a LEED1 daylighting credit qualification
report. Later on, this model was acquired by HCC to further perform the various
sustainability analyses and evaluate these softwares.
Figure 9 depicts the process of building information model and building
performance analyses softwares integration by outlining various data transfer steps.
The boxes on the right hand side indicate software features evaluated in this analysis.
As shown in Figure 9, the gbXML (or Green Building XML schema) is a
computer language which facilitates the transfer of building information stored in
building information models to various building performance analyses softwares.
It enables integrated interoperability between building design models and a wide
variety of sustainability analyses tools. Today, gbXML has the industry support
and wide adoption by the leading BIM vendors such as Autodesk1, Vico1,
and Bentley1. With the development of export and import capabilities in several
major building performance modeling softwares, gbXML has become a defacto
industry standard schema. Its use dramatically streamlines the transfer of building
information to and from building performance analyses softwares, eliminating the

Figure 8. Use of BIM for Options Analysis and Sun Studies in the Emory Psychology
Building (Courtesy of: HOK1 and Holder Construction Company, Atlanta, GA).
BIM for Sustainability Analyses 285

Figure 9. Integration of BIM applications and building performance analyses softwares.

(Source: Holder Construction Company, Atlanta, GA)

need for time consuming plan take-offs. This removes a significant cost barrier to
designing resource efficient buildings and specifying associated equipment. It enables
building design teams to truly collaborate and realize the potential benefits of BIM
technology (Stephen, 2009).
The following paragraphs briefly discuss the salient features of each software
while Table 1 depicts their pros and cons. This information is collected by reading
the software manuals and conducting semi-structured interviews with professionals
from HOK1 and HCC1.

EcotectTM, owned by Autodesk1, Inc., is ‘‘a complete building design and environ-
mental analyses tool that covers the full range of simulation and analyses functions
required to truly understand how a building design will operate and perform’’
(Autodesk, 2008). The primary program analyses capabilities include energy
analysis, thermal analysis, and lighting=shading analysis. The energy and thermal
analysis features take into account factors such as resource management, heating
and cooling loads, and ventilation and airflow. The lighting=shading analysis tools
allow for solar analysis, right-to-light analysis, daylighting assessment, shading
design, and lighting design. EcotectTM also allows for other facility assessments such
as acoustic analysis. Figure 10 depicts a sample screen shot of the performance
analysis of Emory Psychology Building using EcotectTM.
286 S. Azhar and J. Brown

Table 1. Pros and cons of building performance analyses softwares used for

Product Pros Cons

Autodesk EcotectTM . Incorporates model . User interface difficult to

viewing capabilities understand
. Analysis results stored in . Analysis steps are unclear
a single file There is no gbXML error
. Resultant graphics are check
easily understood and are . Analysis run times are
easily available very long
. Incorporates a zone . Some analysis types
management system caused program
. Analysis success is
Autodesk Green . Automated online . Program became unstable
Building Studio process when using large file sizes
(GBS)TM . Very little preparation . Unable to specify
work required individual analysis types
. Easy RevitTM to gbXML (i.e., it provides one
transition predetermined, broad
. Automated gbXML error analysis)
check . Requires internet
. Large output-to-time connection
spent ratio . Requires login=password
. Simple user interface to link file and access
. Provides LEED1 analysis results
Daylighting credit 8.1 test
IES Virtual Environment . Incorporates a direct . Results are saved
(VE)TM RevitTM plug-in separately from the main
. User interface mimics project file
RevitTM . Inconsistent analysis
. Powerful single-click success between different
analyses methods
. Short analysis run times . Limited model viewing
. Results are displayed in capabilities
an organized manner . Model preparation
. Incorporates lifecycle cost requires manual gbXML
assessment analysis error check resulting in a
. Incorporates LEED limited error report
Daylighting Credit 8.1
BIM for Sustainability Analyses 287

Figure 10. EcotectTM interface—Emory Psychology Building evaluation (Courtesy: HCC,


Green Building StudioTM (GBS)

Green Building StudioTM, also owned by Autodesk1 Inc., is a web-based service
that allows users to evaluate the environmental impact of individual building
components early in the design process. The software’s primary analyses capabilities
include energy and thermal analysis, lighting and shading analysis, and value=cost
analysis. The energy=thermal analysis evaluates energy usage, carbon emissions,
and ventilation and airflow. The lighting and shading analyses assess daylighting
and include the LEED1 daylight credit 8.1 feature. The value and cost functions
determine lifecycle assessments and lifecycle costs. Figure 11 shows the performance
analysis of Emory Psychology building using GBSTM.

Virtual EnvironmentTM
Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES)1, Virtual Environment (VE)TM software
is a suite of integrated building performance analyses tools. These tools provide
analyses for issues including solar, lighting, energy, costs, egress, and many others.
The energy=thermal functions include energy usage, carbon emissions, thermal
analysis, heating=cooling load evaluation, and ventilation=airflow evaluation. The
lighting=shading functions include solar analysis, daylighting assessment, and
LEED1 Daylight Credit 8.1 capabilities. The value=cost analysis functions include
life-cycle assessment and lifecycle cost. Figure 12 illustrates a screenshot of daylight-
ing analysis using IES1 Virtual EnvironmentTM.
288 S. Azhar and J. Brown

Figure 11. Green Building StudioTM interface displaying energy end-use information from
Emory Psychology Building study (Courtesy: HCC, Atlanta).

The pros and cons of each software are shown in the following table. These pros
and cons were identified through study of software manuals and semi-structured
interviews with professionals from HOK and HCC.

Figure 12. Daylighting analysis using IES1 Virtual EnvironmentTM (Courtesy: HCC, Atlanta).
BIM for Sustainability Analyses 289

Building Performance Analyses Softwares Evaluation Matrix

To evaluate the performance of these softwares for various types of sustainability
analyses and to select the best software, an analytical analysis was performed. A
check list of various sustainability features was prepared as shown in Figure 13. Each
feature was assigned a weight factor between 1 to 10, which represents its importance
with respect to sustainability analyses and LEED rating1. These weight factors were
subjectively decided by a team of BIM and LEED experts of the Holder Construc-
tion Company based on their experience. After that, the same team evaluated these
features in each software and gave them a ranking score between 1 to 10. Then the
grand total weighted score was calculated as follows:

Grand total weighted score ¼ R½RðRanking score for each featureÞ

 ðWeight factor of that featureÞ

Figure 13 shows this evaluation matrix with individual and grand total weighted
score for each software. In terms of overall rating and versatility, IES1 Virtual
EnvironmentTM was considered as the best software for BIM-based sustainability
analyses. EcotectTM, although stronger than Green Building StudioTM in numerous
categories, including Thermal, Solar, and Lighting and Daylighting, is apparently
the least versatile of the three. This is due to its lack of Value and Cost and LEED1
rating capabilities, both heavily weighted items. Green Building StudiosTM,
by Autodesk1, received the lowest overall score. However, it appears to be a very
versatile program, lacking only in Acoustic capabilities.

Figure 13. Building performance analyses softwares evaluation matrix.

290 S. Azhar and J. Brown

It is important to note that the results produced from these three softwares have
not been directly validated against DOE Energy PlusTM software (a traditional
building performance analyses software). However, one of these software, GBSTM,
is based on the DOE-2 engine. The comprehensive GBSTM error check report helped
reduce the number of errors while creating a useable gbXML file. Therefore, the
authors are confident that the results are ‘in the ballpark’. Meanwhile, though
EcotectTM and IES-VETM are not based on the DOE-2 engine, they provide inputs
that allow users to define materials, room types, system types, etc., for more detailed
study within the programs.

A Conceptual Framework for BIM-based Sustainability Analyses

Based on the data collected in the first two phases of this research and overall
discussion with the industry experts, a conceptual framework for BIM-based sustain-
ability analyses during different phases of a project life-cycle is demonstrated in
Figure 14. The framework is divided into two primary columns. The left side
column, titled ‘‘Implementation of performance analyses types by project phase in
BIM-based coordination, and responsible stakeholders’’ contains a list of each
project phase from both the design and construction industry standpoints, as well
as a list identifying which project stakeholder is responsible for initiating the use
of BIM-based sustainability analyses. The columns to the right contain a checklist
of the various types of BIM-based sustainability analyses. Within these columns,
a ‘‘diamond shape’’ identifies relationships which exist between the project phases
and the analyses types. This conceptual framework could serve as a guide for various
project stakeholders that might be interested in performing BIM-based sustainability
analyses at the different project phases. It can also help to identify the roles and
responsibilities of various stakeholders in regards to sustainability analyses and
could serve as a foundation for a more detailed framework to establish a ‘‘link’’
between BIM-based sustainability analyses and LEED1 rating process. The second
phase of this research project will investigate this aspect.

Figure 14. A conceptual framework depicting BIM-based sustainability analyses throughout

project life-cycle.
BIM for Sustainability Analyses 291

Concluding Remarks
This exploratory study indicates that BIM can facilitate the very complex process of
sustainable design as well as automate the drudgery of activities like material take-
offs, cost estimation and construction schedules, while capturing and coordinating
information into a single integrated model. It is found that the majority of practi-
tioners who are implementing BIM-based sustainability analyses are primarily archi-
tects and contractors. The analyses types with the most prevalent use are energy
analysis, daylighting=solar analysis, building orientation analysis, massing analysis
and site analysis. Most of these practitioners realized some-to-significant time and
costs savings as compared to the traditional methods. The software types which seem
to have the most prevalent use are Autodesk EcotectTM, Autodesk Green Building
Studio (GBS)TM, and Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES)1, Virtual Environ-
ment (VE)TM. Based on the evaluation of these softwares, Virtual EnvironmentTM
appears to be both the most versatile and powerful software in terms of sustainabil-
ity analyses capabilities. EcotectTM, although stronger than Green Building
StudioTM in numerous categories is apparently the least versatile of the three. Green
Building StudioTM received the lowest overall score. However, it appears to be more
versatile program than EcotectTM. The conceptual framework presented in this
paper could be used as a guide to identify the types of sustainability analyses which
can be performed at different phases of the project life-cycle.

The opinions and recommendations expressed in this paper are the authors’ personal
opinions and do not necessarily represent the official position of any organization.
This paper does not endorse any software in any capacity.

The authors thank Mr. Paul Hedgepath and Mr. Michael Hasamoh of Holder Con-
struction Company, Atlanta, and Mr. Chirag Mistry of HOK, Atlanta for providing
necessary data and feedback. The study is supported by the research grant from the
Alabama State Licensing Board for General Contractors Construction Industry

Autodesk, Inc. (2005). Building information modeling for sustainable design [WWW
Document]. URL
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ence, Gainesville, Florida, April 1–4, 2009.
Azhar, S., Hein, M., & Sketo, B. (2008). Building information modeling (BIM): Benefits, risks
and challenges. Proceedings of the 44th ASC Annual Conference, Auburn, Alabama,
April 2–5, 2008.
292 S. Azhar and J. Brown

Gleeson, J. (2008). Computer-aided green design [WWW Document]. URL http://www.
Hardin, B. (2009). BIM and construction management. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing.
Kriegel, E. & Nies, B. (2008). Green BIM. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing.
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Stephen, R. (2009). Green building XML schema: A building information modeling solution
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