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Venture Capital and Private Equity

1. __________________ is a road towards a high growth economy.

a. Venture Capital
b. Merchant Banking
c. Leasing
d. Initial Public Offer (IPO)

2. ________________ is needed for developing a product in the initial stages.

a. Seed Capital
b. Start-up Capital
c. Second Round Financing
d. Third Round Financing

3. ________________ is a broad term that refers to any type of non-public ownership equity
securities that are not listed on a public exchange.

a. Debt Capital
b. Mezzanine Financing
c. Private Equity
d. Public Listing

4. The Purpose of Valuation is to assess the ___________ and viability of the venture and to
divide of the percentage of the VCF ownership in the new venture.

a. Availability
b. Feasibility
c. Profitability
d. Capital
5. Which of the following regulator has issued guidelines for PE funds investment in insurance
b) RBI
6. Which of the following is the investment phase of private equity?
a) Second phase
b) First phase
c) Third phase
d) Fourth phase
7. A sale of the portfolio company to another private equity is known as?
a) Merger
b) Primary sale
c) Buyback
d) Secondary sale
8. The analysis method in which analysis comes from the ‘tree’ like shape the analysis creates
where each ‘branch’ is a particular decision that can be undertaken?
a) Decision tree Method
b) Discussion tree method
c) Directing tree method
d) Dual tree method
9. NPV stands for?
a) Net Present Value
b) National Present Value
c) Notional Present Value
d) Non Present Value
10. Company issue securities for the first time publically is called as?
a) Open market
b) IPO
c) Right issue
d) Bonus issue
11. In following method company offer securities to their existing shareholders?
a) Right Issue
b) IPO
c) FPO
d) Open market
12. Which of the following regulatory authority supervises and control banking sector in India?
d) RBI
13. Which of the following capital used to acquire other assets?
a) Acquisition capital
b) Merger capital
c) Takeover capital
14. Bridge financing is also called as?
a) Mezzanine finance
b) Share capital
c) Seed capital
d) Preference capital

15. _______________ are equity shares with special rights. For example, they may be entitled to
a fixed dividend or shares of the profits.

a. Ordinary Shares
b. Preferred Ordinary Shares
c. Preference Shares
d. Debentures

16. ________________ act as an intermediary to link up the sources of ideas and the sources of

a. Merchant Banking
b. Leasing
c. Venture Capital
d. Equity Capital

17. Loan Financing that is halfway between equity and secure debt is provided by
_____________________ Firms.

a. Private Equity
b. Mezzanine
c. Public Listed
d. Partnership

18. The Term _______________ refers financial investment in a highly risky and growth
oriented venture with the objective of earning a high rate of return.

a. Leasing
b. Venture Capital
c. Merchant Banking
d. Paid up Capital
19. Which of the following is generally the first capital invested by sources outside the firm, and
the last to exit?
a) Venture capital
b) Borrowed fund
c) Cash Flow
d) Loan
20. Which of the following firm provides loan finance that is halfway between equity and
secured debt?
a) Term loan
b) Mezzanine
c) Preferred ordinary share
d) Seed capital
21. The liability of general partner is?
a) Limited
b) Unlimited
c) No liability
d) Lowest liability
22. Which of the following acts as an intermediary link between sources of idea and the sources
of fund?
a) Merchant banker
b) Credit Rating agency
c) Venture Capital
d) Term Loan
23. What is LBO?
a) Leveraged buyout
b) Long borrowing
c) List Buyout
d) Limited buyout

24. ____________________ Financing is provided to the companies for expansion.

a. First Stage
b. Second Stage
c. Third Stage
d. Acquisition

25. __________________ involves an agreement between the venture capitalist and

management of the terms of the term sheet, often called as Memorandum of Understanding
a. Negotiating Investment
b. Monitoring Process
c. Due Diligence
d. Evaluation

26. ___________ provide finance by buying trade debts at a discount, either on a recourse basis
or on a non-recourse basis.
a. Merchant Bankers
b. Factoring Companies
c. Mezzanine Firms
d. Venture Capital
27. Second Stage financing is typically known as _____________ because it finances the
growth of expanding companies prior to an IPO.

a. Bridge Financing
b. Term Financing
c. Seed Financing
d. Loan Financing

28. _____________is the Initial Meeting between the venture capitalist and Entrepreneur and
key members of management team for review of business plan and due diligence.

a. Expansion Financing
b. Preliminary Screening
c. Acquisition or Buyout
d. Buy Back

29. The Venture Capitalist is a _____________ sharing together the risk and rewards.

a. Financial Institution
b. Corporate Partner
c. Public Listed Company
d. Corporate Employee
Correct Answer: Corporate Partner

15. ____________ phase is known as the launch phase, whereby production is commenced and
sales happens.

a. Second stage financing

b. Seed financing
c. Start-up financing
d. Expansion financing
16. ____________is the capital used to acquire other assets.

a. Working Capital
b. Public Capital
c. Acquisition Capital
d. Borrowed Capital

17. _______________ are non-equity shares.

a. Ordinary Shares
b. Preference Shares
c. Preferred Ordinary Shares
d. Bonus Shares
18. In a venture capital deal _____________ are shares usually held by the management and
family shareholders rather than the venture capital firm.

a. Preference Shares
b. Preferred Ordinary Shares
c. Ordinary Shares
d. Hedge Funds

19. ______________ principally provides overdrafts and short to medium term loans at fixed or
variable rates of interest.

a. Merchant Bankers
b. Clearing Banks
c. Finance Houses
d. Factoring Companies

20. Private Equity is a _________________ Investment fund, as its current market price cannot
be easily determined and cannot be transferred for a certain period of time.

a. Close Ended
b. Open Ended
c. Fund
d. Active
21. ________________ sits between public equity and outright ownership in terms of
investment horizon and degree of corporate control.

a. Venture Capital
b. Private Equity
c. Growth Capital
d. LBO

22. ____________ typically are made up of endowments, pensions, high net worth individuals
and institutional capital.
a. General Partners
b. Issuers
c. Limited Partners
d. None of these

23. The Organized private equity market has three major players, Private Equity issuers,
Intermediaries and ___________________.
a. Government Companies
b. Investment Managers
c. Merchant Bankers
d. Investors

24. A _________ is a form of ‘investment club’ in which the principal investors are institutional
investors such as pension funds, investment funds, endowment funds, insurance companies,
family offices / high net worth individuals and funds-of funds, and private equity fund

a. Debt fund
b. Equity fund
c. Private equity fund
d. Private equity firm

25. ________ in private equity market vary widely in size and their reasons for raising capital
as well as in other ways.
a. Limited Partners
b. Issuers
c. Intermediaries
d. None of these

26. ________ aims at reducing risk, enhance returns and minimize the correlation with equity
and bond markets.
a. Equity Funds
b. Venture Capital
c. Hedge Funds
d. Private Equity

27. ___________ is an open-ended investment fund where there is no restriction on the

transferability of funds and assets are readily marked-to-market.
a. LBO
b. Private Equity
c. Growth Capital
d. Venture Capital

28. A sale of the portfolio company to another private equity is known as ________________.
a. Mergers
b. Secondary Sale
c. Buyback
d. IPO

29. _________ Structure is generally used where domestic investors are also expected to
participate in the fund.
a. Offshore
b. Co-investment
c. Unified
d. Mezzanine

30. Private equity funds typically operate as a limited partnership, which is controlled by a
private equity firm referred to as the ______________.

a. Limited Partners
b. General Partners
c. Investment Partners
d. Sleeping Partners

31. ________________Approach is used in determining the value by using one or more

methods that convert anticipated economic benefits into a present single amount.

a. Asset- Based
b. Market
c. Income
d. Customer Based

32. The process by which the returned capital will be distributed to the investors and allocated
between Limited and General Partner is Called as___________________.

a. Distribution Waterfall
b. Carried Interest
c. Valuation
d. Private Equity Multiple
Correct Answer: Distribution Waterfall

33. ______________ is used for providing funding to a Venture Capital.

a. Equity and Debt

b. Debt only
c. Equity only
d. Hedge Funds

34. Lock in period for money invested in Venture Capital is mostly for _______________.

a. 6 years
b. 3 years
c. 5 years
d. 10 years
35. Private Equity is just a rebranded version of what were called __________.

a. Leveraged Buyouts (LBO)

b. Hedge Funds
c. Merger & Acquisition
d. Public Companies

36. The general partners earn a share of the profits of the fund, referred to as

a. Deferred Interest
b. Accrued Interest
c. Carried Interest
d. Management fees

37. ____________ Capital is raised to buy equity stakes in high-potential companies.

a. Venture Capital
b. Private Equity
c. Growth Capital
d. Mezzanine Capital

38. A _____________ structure is combination of offshore and domestic investment, two

separate pools of capital for offshore investors as well as domestic investors are been raised.
a. Offshore
b. Co-investment
c. Unified
d. Mezzanine
39. Which of the following is a partial exit strategy in which a company restructures its capital
structure by portfolio company issuing new debt in order?
a) Leveraged recapitalization
b) Operation leverage
c) Financial operation
d) Leverage
40. Combination of one or more entities into one is called as?
a) Takeover
b) Merger
c) Secondary market
d) Primary market
41. The market deals with long term claims is called as?
a) Primary market
b) Money Market
c) Capital market
d) Stock market
42. Which of the following term refers to financial investment in a highly risky and growth
oriented venture with the objective of earning a high rate of return?
a) Merchant Banking
b) Venture capital
c) Leasing
d) Factoring
43. Which of the following is the example of primary market?
a) IPO
b) Stock market
c) stocks
d) sale
44. The market refers to any of the purchase and sales of securities without any intervention is
called as?
a) Share market
b) Open market
c) Close market
d) Wide market

45. Private equity funds typically operate as limited partnership, which is controlled by a
private equity firm referred to as the ________________.

a. Limited Partner
b. Sleeping Partner
c. Investment Partner
d. General Partner

46. Under ____________________ fund structure, an investment vehicle in the form of a

limited liability company or limited liability partnership organized in an offshore tax
favourable jurisdiction makes portfolio investments into Indian companies.

a. Offshore
b. Co-investment
c. Unified
d. Mezzanine

47. In Unified structure, a domestic investment vehicle is established in India preferably as a

trust in addition to the _____________________ fund.
a. Mezzanine
b. Unified
c. Co-investment
d. Offshore

48. The _____________ has unlimited liability with regard to third parties.
a. Limited Partners
b. General Partners
c. Investment Partner
d. Sleeping Partner

49. ______________ is an investment period of Private Equity

a. Phase One
b. Phase Two
c. Phase Three
d. Phase Four

50. FEMA Regulations were passed in the year _________.

a. 1969
b. 1992
c. 2000
d. 1990

51. In ____________ phase the General Partners conceptualize the investment strategy and
offer capital raising to the potential investors on private placement basis.

a. Investment Period
b. Exit Stage
c. Profit distribution
d. Fund raising stage

52. ______________ holds the shares of many private partnerships that invest in private equities.

a. Private equity fund-of- fund

b. Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
c. Public Limited Companies
d. None of these

53. As per Investment guidelines of SEBI FVCI Regulations at least _______________ of the
investible funds must be invested in unlisted equity shares or equity linked instruments.
a. 80%
b. 66.67%
c. 50%
d. 45%

54. _________________ are extensively used by real estate investors to structure investments
and also develop joint ventures.

a. Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)

b. Funds of Funds
c. Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV)
d. Hedge Funds

55. _____________ prescribes the manner in which a foreign venture capital investor can make
a. SEBI Regulations
b. FEMA Regulations
c. Income- Tax Act, 1961
d. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)

56. In ___________ stage, the capital is raised to buy equity stakes in high potential companies.
a. Fund raising
b. Investment Period
c. Exit
d. Winding up

57. The ______________prescribe the sectoral limits on foreign investments into India.
a. FEMA Regulations
b. SEBI Regulations
c. Income Tax Act, 1961
d. Credit Rating Agency

58. Venture capital is _____________ type of AIF as per SEBI regulations.

a. Category I
b. Category II
c. Category III
d. Category IV

59. As per SEBI guidelines the minimum tenure of each scheme of a Private Equity fund is
_____________ years.
a. Seven
b. Two
c. Three
d. Five
60. Which of the following model where dividends continue to grow at a constant rate for an
extended period of time?
a) The Gordon Growth Model
b) Zero Growth Model
c) Market Comparable Method
d) Venture capital method
61. Which of the following is a transaction of a company used to acquire other business?
a) LBO
b) Growth fund
c) Distressed debt
d) Term loan
62. An activity by which investors support entrepreneurial talent with finance and business
skills to exploit capital gain is called as
a) Venture capital
b) Term loan
c) Borrowed fund
d) Bond
63. Which of the following is the combination of offshore and domestic investment?
a) Unified Investment
b) Offshore Fund Structure
c) Co-investment fund structure
d) Share capital
64. Who among the following provides investment advisory services to private equity firms?
a) Management company
b) Broker
c) Sub broker
d) Portfolio

65. ____________ is the beneficial interest of an investor in an AIF

a. Unit
b. Leverage
c. Corpus
d. Carried Interest

66. The purpose of _____________ is to ensure that the start-up grows into a profitable
business enterprise

a. Business Incubators
b. Initial Public Offer (IPO)
c. Financial Institutions
d. Convertible Debentures

67. __________ are high net worth individuals.

a. Venture Capitalist
b. Angel Investors
c. Fund Managers
d. Equity Share Holders
68. A ________________ is a document which outlines the key financial and other terms of a
proposed investment in a venture capital undertaking.

a. Secured Premium Note

b. Carried Interest
c. Offer Document
d. Term Sheet

69. Private Equity funds have been classified under ________________ of Alternative
Investment Funds by SEBI.

a. Category IV
b. Category III
c. Category II
d. Category I

70. Each Private Equity fund must have a minimum corpus of at least __________________
Crore Rupees.

a. 20
b. 10
c. 15
d. 30

71. Expenses for Managing the fund including Management Fee falls under
__________________ Expenses.

a. Extraordinary
b. Operational
c. Organizational
d. Tax-Related

72. The Venture Capitalist or Private Equity Investors usually seek protection against dilution
through ____________________.

a. Ratchet Mechanism
b. Representations and Warranties
c. Investor Side Letters
d. Investment Committee (IC)
73. The _______________ is expected to compensate investors for giving up access to their

a. Seed Capital
b. Illiquidity Premium
c. Management Fees
d. Loan Capital

74. The _____________ concerns’ expected earnings at the initial stage and also at the time of

a. Lending
b. IPO
c. Revenue
d. Borrowing

75. _____________ Multiple is commonly based on an assumption as to the Normalised level

of earnings that can be generated from that revenue.

a. Income
b. Revenue
c. Sponsor
d. Profit

76. _________ Valuation is the act or process of assessing value or price of financial asset or

a. Debenture
b. Financial
c. Share
d. Business

77. There are three methods for ___________ of Private Equity - Conventional method, first
Chicago method and revenue multiplier method.
a. Valuation
b. Exit
c. Funding Risk
d. Investments
78. There are various types of risk involved in _____________ such as counterparty risk,
market risk, liquidity risk, legal, regulatory funding risk.
a. Merchant Banking
b. Private Equity
c. Leverage Buy Out (LBO)
d. Growth Capital

79. The __________ trade-off is an effort to achieve a balance between the desire for the lowest
possible risk and the highest possible return.
a. Risk
b. Return
c. Dividend
d. Risk Return

80. _______________ risk is risk of default in payment or interest or principal on a specified


a. Legal
b. Liquidity
c. Regulatory
d. Price or Market

81. _____________________Method involves deriving the value of a business by calculating

the present value of expected future cash flows.
a. Earnings Multiple
b. Price of Recent Investment
c. Discounted Cash Flows
d. Net Assets

82. Valuation techniques that are expected to be used to estimate fair value in the future should
be evaluated using market inputs as of the date the investment was made. This process is
known as ______________.
a. Calibration
b. Venture Capital Method
c. Net Assets
d. Multiple Growth Model

83. _______________ risk is faced by investors in emerging markets if revenue is generated in

local currency and loans are to be serviced in hard currency.
a. Policy and Regulatory
b. Exchange Rate
c. Environmental
d. Transaction

84. The Valuers should seek to understand any substantive differences that legitimately occur
between the exit price and the previous fair value assessment. This concept is known as
a. Calibration
b. Multiple Growth Model
c. Earnings Multiple
d. Back Testing

85. Venture Capitalist Method will value the entrepreneur’s business and the amount of
___________that must be surrendered to the Venture Capitalist.

a. Management Fees
b. Loans
c. Equity
d. Carried Interest

86. The _______________ method attempts to estimate a valuation based on the market
capitalization of comparable listed companies.
a. Market Comparable
b. Decision Tree Analysis
c. Venture Capital
d. Discounted Cash Flow

87. ______________ is mainly applied to value mature companies that are expected to grow at
the same rate forever.
a. Zero Growth Dividend Model
b. The Gordon Growth Model
c. Multiple Growth Model
d. Price Earning Valuation Method

88. The Investor employs ____________method to identify whether the stock is dealing at a
premium or at discount.
a. The Gordon Growth Model
b. Price Earning Valuation
c. Zero Growth Dividend Model
d. Multiple Growth Model
89. In Price Earnings Valuation Method, A higher than Average PE may mean that the market
expects earnings to __________ in the future.
a. Rise
b. Fall
c. Remain Unchanged
d. Fluctuate

90. Three alternative Scenarios of Success (Best), Sideways Survival (Base) and Failure
(Downside) are part of _______________ evaluation method.
a. Conventional Venture Capitalist
b. The First Chicago
c. Revenue Multiplier
d. Zero Growth Dividend Model

91. In ____________ method importance is given to the time of starting the investment and the
time of leaving the investment.
a. The First Chicago
b. Zero Growth Dividend Model
c. Revenue Multiplier
d. Conventional Venture Capitalist Evaluation

92. _________________ provides a highly effective structure within which you can lay out
options and investigate the possible outcomes of choosing those options.
a. Decision Tree Analysis
b. Market Comparable Method
c. Discounted Cash Flow
d. Venture Capital Method

93. Survival is based on less growth and delays in bringing the projects to completion,
necessitating ___________ cost.

a. Lower
b. Zero
c. Higher
d. Negative

94. ____________ pays for the operating cost of the fund manager’s business and any excess
belongs to the partners of the fund management company.
a. Carried Interest
b. Income Fee
c. Salaries
d. Bonus
95. Any Private Equity deal will primarily focus on the ___________ valuation of the company.
a. Post-Money
b. Exit Money
c. Pre-Money
d. Earnest Money

96. Post-Money Valuation = Pre-Money Valuation + _________________.

a. Price Per Share
b. Invested Capital
c. Profits
d. Inventory Valuation

97. _____________ for private equity investments is still relatively small when compared to the
total size of the private equity fund market.
a. Secondary Market
b. Primary Market
c. Bond Market
d. Currency Market

98. ____________ helps the companies ‘Going Public’.

a. Clearing Banks
b. Finance houses
c. Merchant Banks
d. Venture Capital

99. In India, the acquiring company can form a ________ which is a subsidiary of the acquirer
with a minimum equity capital.

a. Joint Venture
b. Fund of Fund
c. Sponsor
d. SPV

100. Lenders who are involved in mezzanine finance are ________ term investors.
a. Long
b. Short
c. Medium
d. Quick
101. Which of the following entity has the legal power to act on behalf of the investment
a) General Partner
b) Limited liability partner
c) Unlimited liability partner
d) Bank
102. Which of the following regulatory authority will regulate and supervise the Foreign
Venture capital investment route?
a) SEBI ( Venture capital funds) Regulations
b) SEBI ( Foreign Venture Capital Investors) Regulations
c) RBI
103. Which of the following is needed for developing a product in the initial stages?
a) Seed capital
b) Second round capital
c) Merchant Banking
d) Leasing

104. Private equity strategies are often categorized

according to the stage of the company and how the company_____________.
a. Liquidates capital
b. Utilises capital
c. Saves capital
d. Saves tax

105. Leverage Buyout is mainly financed by ____________ to obtain the domination of a

matured company.
a. Bank Loan
b. Project Loan
c. IPO
d. FPO

93. A form of Buyout whereby a small portion of stakes will be held by the management and
remaining by the private equity financing is known as____________.

a. Partial Buyout
b. Equity Buyout
c. Private Equity Buyout
d. Management Buyout

94. ______________________is usually known as bridge financing because it finances the

growth of expanding companies prior to an IPO.
a. Seed Financing
b. Mezzanine Financing
c. Acquisition or Buyout Financing
d. Loan Financing

95. ______________ are an excellent way for investors to gain a diversified exposure to the
private equity asset class.

a. Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

b. Initial Public Offer (IPO)
c. Fund of Funds
d. Unified Investment Fund

96. The risk that the organization is exposed due to human error or mis-judgment is called as

a. Capital Risk
b. Operational Risk
c. Legal Risk
d. Price Risk

97. In ____________________ the extent and terms of debt financing play a major role in
structuring and completion of the transaction.

a. Leverage Buy-Outs (LBO)

b. Unified Investment Fund
c. Co-Investment Fund
d. Offshore Fund

98. To arrive at a standard market value, the fund managers calculate _______________ using a
standard method.

a. Net Asset Value (NAV)

b. Net Profit
c. Gross Profit
d. Revenue
99. ______________ is the most vital section of the Business Plan and is usually written at last
and includes the key fundamentals of the business plan.

a. Exit Opportunities
b. Marketing Analysis
c. Financial Projections
d. Executive Summary

100. Return on Investment (ROI) = Terminal Value ÷ ______________________

a. Post -Money Valuation

b. Pre -Money Valuation
c. Operating Profits
d. Net Sales

101. Venture capital is ___________ type of AIF as per SEBI regulations.

a. Category II
b. Category I
c. Category III
d. Category IV
102. Private Equity investments are made in __________.
a. Unlisted Equity Shares
b. Listed Equity Shares
c. Only Debts
d. Preference Shares

103. Venture capital investment are usually made at ___________ stage as compared to private
a. Later
b. Earlier
c. Expansion
d. Contraction

104. As per SEBI guidelines, the minimum tenure of each scheme of a PE fund is _______ years.
a. Seven
b. Three
c. Five
d. Two

105. _____________ is the beneficial interest of an investor in an AIF.

a. Unit
b. Leverage
c. Corpus
d. Carried interest

106. __________ is a Category III type of AIF as per SEBI regulations.

a. Hedge Funds
b. Business Incubators
c. IRR
d. Angle Investors

107. ____________ play the role of nurturing the business.

a. Hedge Funds
b. Business Incubators
c. IRR
d. Angle Investors

108. ____________ is a minimum rate of return on the capital invested to be earned before the
General Partner can earn carried interest.
a. Hedge Funds
b. IRR
c. Angle Investors
d. Hurdle Rate

109. The rate of discount at which the series of cash outflows and inflows are discounted and net
present value of cash flows is zero is known as______________
a. Hedge Funds
b. Business Incubators
c. IRR
d. Angle Investors
110. HNIs who invest in very early stage of businesses _____________
a. Hedge Funds
b. Business Incubators
c. IRR
d. Angle Investors

111. The investee Company paying the dividend has to pay ______________.
a. Capital Gains Tax
b. Short Term Capital gains Tax
c. Dividend distribution tax
d. Long term Capital gains tax

112. Discounted Cash Flows (DCF) is a ___________ approach of valuation

a. Income Approach
b. Market Approach
c. Replacement cost Approach
d. Multiples Approach
113. As per SEBI regulations a ___________ has to appoint a designated bank.
a. Investee Company
c. Domestic PE fund
d. Domestic investor
114. ______________ is the most common structure of VC/PE funds in India.
a. Company
b. LLP
c. Body Corporate
d. Trust

115. ________________ is known as measurement of risk from a behavioural point of view

a. Sensitivity Analysis
c. Standard Deviation
d. Fair Value
116. ______________ is a statistical measurement of risk
a. Standard Deviation
b. Fair Value
d. Sensitivity Analysis
117.__________ is a form of investment club.
a. Debt fund
b. Private Equity Fund
c. Money Market
d. Capital Market
Correct Answer: Private Equity Fund
118. Second Phase financing is provided for____________
a. Acquisition
b. Beginning expansion
c. Mezzanine financing
d. Take over
119. _______ Structure is normally used where domestic investors are expected to participate in
the fund.
a. Co-Investment
b. Unified
c. Offshore
d. Bilateral

120. Third phase of Private equity is called as _______________

a. Divestment Period
b. Investment Period
c. Negotiation Period
d. Expansion Period
Q. Fill in the Blanks with appropriate options:

121. Banks debts are __________ .

a. Junior Debts
b. Senior Debts
c. Junior Unsecured Debts
d. Junior Secured Debts

122. LBO Involves use of _____________ to finance the acquisition of a company.

a. Equity
b. Cash
c. Leverage
d. Plant

123. ______________ is the most preferred exit option among PE firms

a. Trade Sale
b. Strategic Sale
c. Liquidation
d. IPO

124. ____________ is a common investment strategy among PE firms in emerging markets

a. Seed Funding
b. Buyouts
c. Distress Fund
d. Bridge Financing

125. Emerging markets are characterized by _________________

a. Conglomerates
b. Large Organizations
c. Family owned business
d. Multinational companies

126. ______________ expects to emphasize investments in existing private companies that are
expanding through growth strategies or stages of business cycle

a. Private Equity
b. Corporate Finance
c. Venture capital
d. LBO

127. A _______________, is a transaction that companies use to acquire other business.

a. Private Equity
b. Corporate finance
c. Venture Capital
d. LBO

128. In ____________ option of LBO, shareholders simply sell their stock and all interest in the
target company to the buying groups and then the two firms may be merged.

a. Asset purchase
b. Stock Purchase
c. Venture capital
d. Special investing

129. _____________ is a hybrid of debt and equity financing that is typically used to finance the
expansion of existing companies.

a. Private Equity
b. Mezzanine Financing
c. Venture Capital
d. LBO

130. Venture capital and growth capital both are parts of ________________

a. Private Equity
b. Mezzanine Financing
c. Venture Capital
d. LBO

131. In India, the acquiring company can form a _____________ which was a 100% subsidiary
of the acquirer with a minimum equity capital

a. Special Purpose Vehicle

b. Private Equity
c. Growth Capital
d. LBO

132. LBO, growth capital, Mezzanine Financing are parts of _____________ strategies.

a. Private Equity
b. Growth capital
c. Seed Funding
d. Bridge Financing

133. ______________ popularly known as expansion capital provided to relatively mature

companies that require money to expand that require money to expand or restructure operations
or explore and enter new markets.

a. Leverage buyouts
b. Growth capital
c. Due Diligence
d. Special Purpose vehicle

134. _____________ allow for the sale of companies that are in distress or going through a

a. Leverage buyouts
b. Growth capital
c. Due Diligence
d. Special Purpose vehicle

135. ______________ refers to an examination of a potential investment to confirm all material

facts of the prospective business opportunity.

a. Private equity
b. Due Diligence
c. Growth capital
d. Mezzanine Financing

136. A leveraged buyout is a strategy involving the ____________ of another company using a
significant amount of borrowed money.

a. Acquisition
b. Sale
c. Merger
d. Liquidation

137. Due Diligence refers to an examination of a potential __________to conform all material
facts of the prospective business opportunity.

a. Investment
b. Trade sale
c. Strategic Sale
d. Seed Funding

138. In India, the acquiring company can form a SPV which was ________ % subsidiary of the
acquirer with a minimum equity capital.

a. 100
b. 25
c. 50
d. 75

139. Leverage buy-out is acquisition of business by combination of debt and __________.

a. Equity
b. Debt
c. Cash
d. Assets

140. Growth Capital is also known as _____________

a. Expansion Capital
b. Diversification Capital
c. Human Capital
d. Working Capital

141. _____________ Funds focus on Companies that require funds for entering new markets

a. Growth
b. Distressed
c. Equity
d. Short-term

142. Private Equity Strategies are often categorized according to the stage of company and how
the company utilizes ____________

a. Capital
b. Land
c. Labour
d. Machinery

143. Corporate Finance expects to emphasize _____________ in existing Private companies that
are expanding through growth strategies

a. Investments
b. Strategic Sale
c. Buyouts
d. Liquidation

144. ____________ Debt is defined as raising new loan to pay out an existing loan

a. Refinanced
b. Non- controlling
c. Controlling
d. High – Yield

145. In ______________ target shareholders simply selltheir stock and all interest in the target
company to the buying group.

a. Stock Purchase
b. Refinancing
c. Asset Purchase
d. Debt Servicing

146. ____________ is a hazy investment category residing between venture capital and buyouts.
a. Growth Equity
b. Mezzanine Capital
c. LBO
d. Distressed debt

147. The lack of free cash flow makes it difficult for the company to obtain _________ financing

a. Debt
b. Equity
c. Medium term
d. Short term

148. The main difference between venture capital and ______________ is their risk profile and
investment strategy.

a. Growth equity
b. Private equity
c. LBO
d. Distressed Financing

149. The word ______________ refers to half middle or lower.

a. Mezzanine
b. Debt
c. Equity
d. All of the above

150. A private equity firm may offer mezzanine financing in the form of debt or preferred equity
where return expectations are around ____________ per year.

a. 15%-20%
b. 25%-30%
c. 25%-75%
d. 80%-100%

151. Companies will often search for other sources of capital before turning to mezzanine capital
because it is ______________

a. Expensive
b. Inexpensive
c. Irrelevant
d. None of the above

152. Under ___________ financing the lender has a right of ownership of the borrower’s share in
case the latter fails to pay back the funds in full on time.
a. Mezzanine
b. LBO
c. Distressed
d. Growth

153. _______________ debt is considered ant type of loan that is paid after all other corporate
debts and loans are repaid, in case of borrowers default.

a. Subordinate
b. Senior
c. Sub senior
d. Junior

154. The _________ participation is a distinguished feature of mezzanine financing where one or
more persons take an equity stake in a company, but without assuming any liability of the
company’s creditors

a. Silent
b. Loud
c. Sleeping
d. Active

155. Mezzanine Funds, due to their innovative structure are classified under _________ Capital

a. Tier I
b. Tier II
c. Tier III
d. Tier IV

156. Lenders willing to enter into the world of mezzanine financing tend to be _________

a. Long Term
b. Short term
c. Medium Term
d. None of the above

157. ______________is a comparatively small but growing sector of the private equity and
hedge fund market.

a. Distressed debt
b. LBO
c. Mezzanine financing
d. Growth Capital
158. Special situation strategies are also known as _______________ strategies

a. Turnaround
b. Fund of Funds
c. Bridge Financing
d. PIPE deals

159. ____________ is a fund set up to distribute investments among a selection of private equity
fund managers, who in turn invest in capital directly.

a. Turnaround
b. Fund of Funds
c. Bridge Financing
d. PIPE deals

160. The Capital committed but yet to be invested is known as _________________

a. Dry powder
b. Trade Sale
c. Secondary Sale
d. High-yield Debt

161. ___________ is known as the sale of stake by a PE firm to another PE firm

a. Mezzanine Capital
b. Secondary Sale
c. Trade Sale
d. Dry Powder

162._______________ is known as the sale of stake by a PE firm to a corporate entity.

a. Mezzanine Capital
b. Secondary Sale
c. Trade Sale
d. Dry Powder

163. __________________ is financing of businesses that have overcome the high risk stage

a. Mezzanine Capital
b. Secondary Sale
c. Trade Sale
d. Dry Powder

164.________________ invest in Portfolio Company

a. Venture Capital
b. Due Diligence
c. LBO
d. Growth Capital

165. _______________ is defined as a change in a company’s situation from one of losses or

low profitability to one with higher profits

a. Turnaround
b. Bridge Financing
c. Buying a stake
d. PIPE Deals

166. PIPE stands for ______________________

a. Private Investment in Public Equity

b. Personal investment in private equity
c. Private Interest in Public Equity
d. None of the above

167.____________ debt is a comparatively small but growing sector of the private equity and
hedge fund market.

a. Mezzanine Capital
b. Secondary Sale
c. Trade Sale
d. Distressed Debt

168. ________________ involves the assessment of both the microeconomics and

macroeconomics factors that can affect the earnings growth of the target company.

a. Due Diligence
b. Fund of Funds
c. Trade Sale
d. Distressed Buyouts

169. Many _____________ are “blind” pools, meaning that exposure to particular underlying
funds is not guaranteed.

a. Due Diligence
b. Fund of Funds
c. Trade Sale
d. Distressed Buyouts

170. Indian Private Equity Market has a _______________ growth

a. Fast
b. Steady
c. Slow
d. Simple

Module IV

171. Private Equity funds typically have fixed life spans of about ______________ years.

a. 5-6
b. 8-10
c. 7-9
d. 8-9

172. When a fund exits its investment through an ______________ it does so through on
offering of shares to the public of either the portfolio company or the parent holding company.

a. IPO
b. Promoter buyback
c. Sale to other PE
d. Mergers and acquisition

173. The _____________ can easily look out for all for a Full exit from its investment in a
relatively short time and for an easily demonstrated price

a. Promoter
b. Venture capitalist
c. Sponsor
d. Director

174. The ___________ concern that an exit of the fund in the IPO tells investor that the
company has limited upside, which is the wrong message to send.

a. Promoter
b. Venture Capitalist
c. Sponsor
d. Underwriter

175. A sale of the portfolio company to another private equity firm is also known as a
______________ in private equity.

a. Secondary sale
b. BUY back
c. IPO
d. Merger & Acquisition
176. _____________ is a partial exit strategy in which a company restructures its capital
structure by Portfolio Company issuing new debt in order to be a special dividend to private
investors or shareholders.

a. Leveraged Recapitalization
b. Secondary Sale
c. Merger
d. Trade Sale

177. A ______________ refers to the buying and selling of an investor’s ownership in a

privately held, frequently venture-backed or private equity-backed, company.

a. Leveraged Recapitalization
b. Secondary Sale
c. Merger
d. Trade Sale

178. A _________________ is a combination of two or more entities into one; the desired effect
being not just the accumulation of assets and liabilities of the distinct entities, but organization of
such entity into one business.

a. Leveraged Recapitalization
b. Secondary Sale
c. Merger
d. Trade Sale

179. The majority of venture capital exits have been achieved through _________________,
whereby company’s shares are being sold to another company, perhaps in the same industry

a. Leveraged Recapitalization
b. Secondary Sale
c. Merger
d. Trade Sale

180. One of the advantages for the buyer in a secondary sale is ______________

a. Longer J curve effect

b. Deeper J curve effect
c. Shallower and shorter J curve effect
d. Longer and deeper J curve

181._______________ is a strategy where company takes on significant additional debt for

paying a large dividend or for repurchasing shares.
a. Leverages recapitalization
b. Strategic Sale
c. IPO
d. Secondary Sale

182. In a secondary sale, PE investors sell their stake to_________________

a. Promoters
b. Management
c. Another PE fund
d. Competitors

183. Sponsored ___________ are those in which the non U.S Company enters into an agreement
directly with a U.S. depository bank.

a. ADR
b. GDR
c. IDR
d. FDR

184. SEBI regulations state that _____________ means any person who is engaged in the
business of issue management.

a. Merchant banker
b. Private banker
c. Credit Banker
d. Investment banker

185. ______________ is a document which contains all the relevant information about the
company, promoters, projects, financial details etc.

a. Offer Document
b. MOU
c. AOA
d. GDR

186. Offer Document is also called ____________ in case of a Public Issue.

a. Prospectus
b. Sale Certificate
c. MOU
d. AOA

187. __________ is the first step in exit process of private equity.

a. Identification of exiting opportunity
b. Designing exit process
c. Preparation of exit process
d. Conduct Process
188. Most of PE players _____ their investments assuming they have achieved predetermined
a. Sell Off
b. Expand
c. Exit
d. Diversify

189. By increasing the value of sales EBITDA will___________

a. Decrease
b. Increase
c. Will remain same
d. Mismatch
190. An IPO provides a sponsor with ____ future liquidity.
a. Increased
b. Decreased
c. High risk
d. Low risk
191. _______ is scheme where in companies re-purchase their own shares.
a. IPO
b. Buyback
c. LBO
d. Buy out
192. A sale of the portfolio company to another private equity firm is also known as _______
a. Primary
b. IPO
c. Secondary sale
d. Open market
193. ________ brings about complete and immediate exit of private equity firm.

a. IPO
b. Sale to another PE fund
c. Sale of strategic investors
d. Due Diligence
194. A ____________ is a combination of two or more entities in to one.
a. Merger
b. Acquisition
c. Takeover
d. Joint Venture
195. ______ refers to any of the purchase or sale of securities without any intervention.
a. Takeover
b. Amalgamation
c. Open market
d. Hostile takeover
196. ______ is a partial exit strategy in which company restructure the capital structure.
a. Recapitalization
b. Leveraged recapitalization
c. Secondary sale
d. Joint Venture
197. In leveraged recapitalization shareholders ______ control of the company.
a. Remain in
b. Losses
c. Transfer
d. Regains
198. If a company files the prospectus for IPO as well as pursue the trade sale the process is
called ___________
a. Public offer
b. Dual track
c. Secondary sale
d. Private Placement
199. Swap takes are the portfolio of _____ contracts.
a. Forward
b. Options
c. Call
d. Hedge
200. __________ can easily go for a full exit from investment in relatively short time.
a. Sponsors
b. Venture capitalist
c. Promoter
d. Merchant Banker
201. IPO is a ____________ process.
a. Easy
b. Time saving
c. Lengthy
d. Simple
202. Leverage Buyout is mainly financed by ____________ to obtain the domination of a
matured company.

a. Bank Loan
b. Project Finance
c. IPO
d. FPO

203. In India, the acquiring company can form a ____________ which is a 100% of subsidiary of
the acquirer with a minimum capital for the purpose of LBO.

a. Special Purpose Vehicle

b. Hedge Fund
c. Venture Capital
d. Merchant Bank

204. Increased leverage result in ______________ to private equity sponsor

a. Increased financial return

b. Decreased financial return
c. Increased Savings
d. Increased Investments

205. In LBO, capitalized value of cash flowing to debt is ____________ than the same cash
stream flowing to equity.

a. Smaller
b. Greater
c. Equal
d. Lesser

206. From seller’s perspective, LBO is considered, because______________.

a. It is only one way available.

b. It is very quick
c. It is Simple
d. It gives desired price.

207. A form of Buyout whereby a small portion of stakes will be hold by the management and
remaining by the private equity financing is known as____________.

a. Partial Buyout
b. Equity Buyout
c. Private Equity Buyout
d. Management Buyout
208. Growth equity is provided for the companies that require money for restructure operations
or _______.

a. Contract the existing market

b. Explore the new market
c. Reduce the size of business
d. Reduce the number of markets

209. Growth equity investment is traditionally done in company’s which have not take
prior_______ investment.

a. Institutional
b. Bonds
c. Debentures
d. Equity

210. From the target company’s perspective, growth capital is preferred when there is chance
that EBITDA multiple might _______________ the company.

a. Undervalue
b. Overvalue
c. Not assign value
d. Put into high risk category

211. Growth equity funds are typically _____________ partnerships.

a. Unlimited
b. Limited
c. Long term
d. Medium term

212. Private and public listed company’s selling part of the business is termed as ____________

a. Sale off
b. Flip off
c. Spin Off
d. Cut off

213. Lack of free cash flow makes it difficult for the company to obtain____________.

a. Growth Capital
b. Mezzanine capital
c. Equity finance
d. Debt financing
214. Growth equity investors invest more in ______________ industry

a. Modern
b. Small
c. Medium
d. Traditional

215. If one or more persons take an equity stake in the company without assuming any liability
to the company’s creditors, it is known as ________________ in mezzanine financing

a. Active
b. Silent
c. Sleeping
d. Dorment

216.___________ are most common form of mezzanine financing which are unsecured.

a. Subordinated debt
b. Loans
c. Margin Financing
d. Securitisation

217.___________ loan are normal loans, but their interest is not fixed, but is provisional upon
the results of business.

a. Mortgage loans
b. Participating loans
c. Long term loans
d. Short term loans

218. Holders of _________ bonds have right to acquire shares or other equity instruments of the
company instead of accepting repayment

a. Non-convertible
b. Warrants
c. Convertible
d. Debentures

219. Mezzanine funding provides for _________ amount of funding than an asset backed loan

a. Lower
b. Similar
c. Higher
d. Shorter
220. Arranging for mezzanine finance is ____________ process

a. Simpler
b. Easier
c. Lengthy
d. Short

221. The lender of Mezzanine financing is assuming ________ risk as compared to traditional

a. Greater
b. Lesser
c. Similar
d. No risk

222.__________ is a smaller but growing sector of private equity market

a. LBO
b. Expansion Credit
c. Distressed Buyout
d. Mezzanine finance

223. When a private equity firm purchases a financially weak company below market value with
the intention of divesting the company in future for a higher value is known as ____________.

a. Distressed Buyout
b. Collateralized loan
c. Growth Equity
d. Leveraged Buyout

224.__________ strategies involve, investor providing debt and equity investments, in the form
of rescue financing.

a. Fund of Funds
b. Hedge financing
c. Special Situation
d. Endowments

225. Making investments in which companies are likely to undergo bankruptcies is


a. Opportunistic distressed debt

b. Acquisition
c. Takeover
d. Growth Capital
226. Investing in Fund of Funds results in___________ of risk of investing in the private equity
since they invest in variety of funds.

a. Increase
b. Avoiding
c. Spread
d. Decrease

227.__________ usually referred in the context of mergers and acquisitions before finalizing

a. Due diligence
b. Company Analysis
c. Fundamental Analysis
d. Technical Analysis

228. Extensive due diligence in the private equity market is needed as _________ information
available to the public about the company

a. Extensive
b. Exhaustive
c. Collaborative
d. Little

229. In the process of diligence, a schedule of the Company’s ___________ largest customers in
terms of sale is utilized to study customer information.

a. 12
b. 15
c. 20
d. 50

230. Due diligence check list for start –up companies include Financial Information, Customer
Information and details of___________.

a. Income Statement
b. Cash Flow Statement
c. Fund Flow Statement
d. Organization Goodwill

231. Due diligence is a ____________.

a. Mandatory test
b. Reality Test
c. Blind test
d. Acid test

232. Second Stage Financing is provided to the companies for _____________.

a. Merger
b. Acquisition
c. Expansion
d. Diversification
233. The _______________ is a Corporate Partner sharing together the risk and rewards.

a. Financial Institution
b. Venture Capitalist
c. Public Listed Company
d. Corporate Employee

234. The Term Venture Capital refers to financial investment in a highly risky and growth
oriented venture with the objective of earning a. _______________.
a. High rate of return
b. Low rate of return
c. Moderate rate of return
d. No rate of return

235. Negotiating Investment involves an agreement between the venture capitalist and
management of the terms of the term sheet, often called as _____________.
a. Articles of Association
b. Registration Certificate
c. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
d. Certificate of incorporation
236. ______________financing is typically known as Bridge Financing because it finances the
growth of expanding companies prior to an IPO.
a. Second Stage
b. First Stage
c. Third Stage
d. Fourth Stage
237. _____________ is a close ended Investment fund, as its current market price cannot be
easily determined and cannot be transferred for a certain period of time.
a. Mezzanine Finance
b. Public Fund
c. Growth Capital
d. Private Equity
238. The Organized private equity market has three major players, Private Equity issuers,
_____________ and Investors
a. Government Companies
b. Investment Managers
c. Merchant Bankers
d. Intermediaries
239. The Organized private equity market has three major players, _____________ ,
Intermediaries and Investors.
a. Private Equity issuers
b. Government Companies
c. Investment Managers
d. Merchant Bankers
240. Hedge Fund aims at reducing ____________, enhance returns and minimize the correlation
with equity and bond markets.
a. Risk
b. Return
c. Capital
d. Work
241. A _____________ of the portfolio company to another private equity is known as Merger
a. Sale
b. Auction
c. Buyback
d. IPO
242. The process by which the returned __________will be distributed to the investors and
allocated between Limited and General Partner is called as Distribution Waterfall
a. Capital
b. Share
c. Ownership
d. Funds
243. The process by which the returned capital will be distributed to the investors and allocated
between ____________ and General Partner is called as Distribution Waterfall.
a. Shareholders
b. Customers
c. Limited Partner
d. Employees
244. The process by which the returned capital will be distributed to the investors and allocated
between Limited Partner and ______________is called as Distribution Waterfall.
a. Shareholders
b. Customers
c. General Partner
d. Employees
245. Lock in period for money invested in ____________ is mostly for 10 years.
a. Money Market
b. Venture Capital
c. Equity Share
d. Joint Venture
246. The ___________ earn a share of the profits of the fund, referred to as Carried Interest.
a. General partners
b. Limited Partners
c. Shareholders
d. Vendors
247. Due Diligence refers to an _____________of a potential investment to confirm all material
facts of the prospective business opportunity.

a. Examination
b. Verification
c. Turnaround
d. Sale

248. _________________ is also known as Expansion Capital

a. Growth Capital
b. Diversification Capital
c. Human Capital
d. Working Capital

249. ____________ takes are the portfolio of Forward contracts.

a. Options
b. Call
c. Hedge
d. Swap
250. ______________ is a Reality Test
a. Due diligence
b. Fund of Funds
c. Hedge financing
d. Special Situation

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