PAper Dental Biomaterials

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Dental biomaterials: challenges in the

translation from lab to patient
SADJ February 2020, Vol. 75 No. 1 p16 - p28

E Patel1, YE Choonara2, V Pillay3


Biomaterials are essential components of modern CaP: Calcium Phosphate, Ca3PO4
medicine. Dental biomaterials include any material or PPA: Provisional Patent Application
device used within the oral cavity for the diagnosis and RPA: Regular Patent Application
treatment of oral conditions, diseases, and disorders. USPTO: US Patents and Trademarks Office

Whilst the literature remains abuzz with innovative and

diverse technologies, an apparent disconnect is evident
in the follow-through, affecting the impact on current Biomaterials have become essential components in
clinical treatment regimens. modern medicine. Advancements in medical techno-
logy have led to an updated definition, which, accord-
This review will explore the product development process ing to the journal Biomaterials (Elsevier), may be quoted
from concept to clinical application, in conjunction with as: “any substance that is engineered to take a form,
the commercial aspects that affect clinical translation. which either alone or as part of a complex system,
interacts with components of living tissue to direct the
Though serving the purpose of a roadmap for novice course of any therapeutic or diagnostic procedure”.
inventors, the primary intention of the paper is to focus
on some of the challenges cited in the literature and to In general, biomaterials are categorized as being
highlight factors that delay or, in due course, actually pre- either bioinert, bioactive or biodegradable. Bioinert
vent clinical translation of even the grandest inventions. materials do not interact with the tissue/environment
in which they are placed e.g. bone screws and plates.
Clinicians should also be alert to the complexities affec- In contrast, bioactive materials directly interact with
ting the arrival in their surgeries of new products their surrounding environment. Such interactions in-
and technologies, The ultimate aim is to assist in the clude those in which the material binds chemically to
decision-making of researchers when they may be initia- hard or soft tissue, those which induce the release of
ting novel advances in oral-related therapies, by ensuring a biological substance, or those improving the healing
they are cognisant of past errors and limitations, whilst ability of a tissue, etc. The objective of a biodegra-
at the same time recognizing present hurdles. dable material is to offer distinct advantages for a
limited time period. A typical example would be
Keywords suture materials that degrade at a rate similar to
Biomaterials, challenges, clinical translation, dental bio- tissue regeneration. 1,2
material challenges, biomaterial commercial challenges.
There are five major classes of biomaterials; namely:
polymers, metals, bioceramics, natural materials, and
Author affiliations:
1. Ebrahim Patel: BDS, MSc (Dent), Department of Paediatric &
Restorative Dentistry, School of Oral Health Sciences, Faculty of Polymers
Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Polymers represent the largest class of biomaterials.
ORCID Number: 0000-0002-7683-4867 They may be harvested from natural resources (such
2. Yahya E Choonara: B.Pharm, M.Pharm, PhD, Wits Advanced Drug
Delivery Platform Research Unit, Department of Pharmacy and as plant and animal materials) or synthesized in a
Pharmacology, School of Therapeutic Sciences, Faculty of Health laboratory. Examples of polymers derived from plant
Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. material include cellulose and sodium alginate, where-
ORCID Number: 0000-0002-3889-1529
3. Viness Pillay: B.Pharm, M.Pharm, PhD, Wits Advanced Drug as polymers derived from animals include collagen,
Delivery Platform Research Unit, Department of Pharmacy and hyaluronic acid and heparin. Synthetic polymers are
Pharmacology, School of Therapeutic Sciences, Faculty of Health produced by the co-polymerization of conventional
Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
ORCID Number: 0000-0002-8119-3347
monomers. Due to the nature of their synthesis, they
Corresponding author: Ebrahim Patel can be manipulated to suit almost any environment.
Department of Paediatric & Restorative Dentistry, School of Oral Health
Science, 7 York Road, Parktown, Johannesburg,2193, South Africa.
These materials can be biocompatible, hydrophobic or
Email: [email protected]
Author contributions: hydrophilic, biodegradable or non-resorbable, and so
1. Ebrahim Patel: First author - 70% forth. Their versatility allows for structural changes to
2. Yahya E Choonara: Second author - 15% occur upon introduction to a biological environment,
3. Viness Pillay: Third author - 15%
which is why they are a favoured component of / SADJ Vol. 75 No. 1

controlled drug release systems. Examples of syn- The product development process
thetic polymers include polyamides, poly (D,L-lactide-
co-glycolide) and polyethylene.4 The development of a novel biomaterial requires seve-
ral steps prior to its use in clinical treatment.
Metals Figure 1 outlines a generic timeline from conceptualiza-
Metallic biomaterials have been used in medical treat- tion to application in patient treatment.
ment for over a century. Whilst Lane in 1895 reported
the use of metallic plates for fixation of bone frac-
tures, there is archaeological evidence of gold being •• Identify a need
used in dentistry as early as 1600 BC in Egypt. 5,6 •• Material selection
Examples of metal biomaterials include stainless steel, •• Design and fabrication
titanium, aluminium and cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr).

The use of these materials has gained much popularity

in the fields of Orthopaedics and Dentistry. Biomedical
•• Characterization
applications in these fields include dental implants, den- •• In vitro studies
tal prosthetics (denture, crown and bridgework), hard •• Animal (in vivo) studies
tissue replacements (artificial joints) as well as cardiac Lab
implants (artificial vascular stents).

Whilst the metals remain bioinert in most cases, surface

modifications (for example, those in dental implants) •• Patenting and registration
allow for interaction with the biological system making •• Clinical trials
•• Manufacture & scale up production
them bioactive.7,8 Business
Bioceramics refers to the use of specifically designed
ceramics for the reconstruction and repair of damaged
•• Clinical application
or diseased areas of the body. They may be bioinert
(e.g. aluminium and zirconia), biodegradable (e.g. tri-
calcium phosphate) or bioactive (e.g. hydroxyapatite and Clinic
bioactive glass). Bioceramics are employed in Dentis-
try for periodontal treatment, endodontic treatment, and
maxillofacial reconstruction. Their use in orthopaedics
includes, but is not limited to, the treatment/replace- Figure 1. Schematic representation of the translation process of the pre-
ment of hips, knees, tendons and ligaments.9,10 final version of SA POQL tool .

Natural materials
Natural biomaterials are further classified as: protein- Concept
based (collagen, gelatin), polysaccharide-based (cellu-
lose, chitosan) and tissue-derived (decellularized heart a. Identifying a need
valves, blood vessels) materials. They offer distinct ad- The conceptualization of a novel biomaterial is the
vantages over the synthetic materials, including bio- foundation of the development journey. To identify a
compatibility, biodegradability and remodelling. need within a specific treatment modality, or to recognize
a gap within the current literature, the researcher/scien-
In addition, they offer prospects of functioning at a tist requires a certain level of expertise in the chosen
molecular level, as opposed to the macroscopic level. field of study.
However, due to their complex structure, more intricate
strategies are often required for their manipulation to The creativity and open mindedness of the researcher
achieve the desired function.11,12 at this initial phase is conceivably the greatest limiting
factor. Great inventions are reliant on the ideas and am-
Composites bitions of workers in the field, who identify and explore
Composites refer to biomaterials that contain two or new areas to improve and augment current medical
more constituent materials or distinct phases. They are strategies. An additional factor that hinders the begin-
either synthetic (such as dental composite filling ning of the journey is the perceived disconnect between
materials) or natural (such as bone). They may also clinician and scientist.
be either particulate or fibrous, or both, in nature.
Often we find that the clinician is in fact the scientist
Similar to polymers, a major advantage of composites and it is in those cases that many great ideas are
is the ability to manipulate the manufacturing pro- conceptualized. Whilst scientists possess the knowledge
cess to yield the desired material properties. These of materials and their capabilities, it is the clinicians
materials can be employed in both hard and soft who will recognize shortcomings within their respec-
tissue applications including: dental restorations, bone tive fields. Collaborations are thus important to yield
fracture repair, joint replacement, wound dressings, discussions that will cultivate innovative strategies for
implants and grafts.4,8 improved and enhanced patient care.
18 >

b. Material Selection The particle size of the CaP’s must also be account-
The dynamic environment of the oral cavity requires a ed for. Particles exceeding 200 nm in size may lead to
concerted effort from oral biologists in the unveiling of excessive entry of calcium ions in to cells endangering
its intricate mechanisms. Biomedical engineers attempt homeostasis. The challenge to maintain these CaP
to replicate these processes using biomaterials. nanoparticle sizes occurs following drug incorporation
where maintenance of the size within range is difficult.17
Clinicians then assist in the translation of these materials As previously described, polymers represent the largest
to patient treatment. 13 In the hope to hasten clinical class of biomaterials and have been employed in
application, scientists often choose to use for their several materials. Natural polymers such as chitosan,
novel inventions constituents which had been previously hyaluronic acid, alginate, fibrin and collagen etc. are
approved by regulators. derived from natural sources. A major advantage of
this subgroup is their biocompatibility and biological
There are stringent criteria governing the selection of activity which is often manipulated in tissue engineering
constituents which may be incorporated in dental bio- for cell adhesion and growth.18
materials. These criteria stem from the expectations of
functions in a complex environment. Materials exposed The shortcomings of natural materials relate to their
to the oral cavity are constantly bathed by saliva and its low mechanical strength which makes them difficult to
components including enzymes (salivary amylase) and engineer, and restricts processing and manufacturing
immunoglobulins (IgA). Sporadic thermal changes may capabilities. In addition, batch variability and the risk of
also occur during mastication when ingested food and pathogen transmission negatively impact decisions to
liquids come into contact with these materials. use this polymer subgroup.13

Periodontal materials are bathed by crevicular fluid Synthetic polymers have overshadowed the natural
and possibly constituents of the inflammatory process materials due to their apparent advantages including
(should the tissue be injured by disease or otherwise). well-defined chemistry and formulations, ease of pro-
Whilst materials used in endodontic treatment are pro- cessing, tunable degradation kinetics and function-
tected from the effects of the oral cavity at large, they specific manipulation.19 Then again, the synthetic variants
function in an anaerobic environment with little or no fluid. are not inherently biocompatible and often provoke
unsolicited inflammatory responses.
This affects biodegradeable materials which usually re-
quire a catalyst to drive their degradation. An additional The magnitude of this inflammatory response is often
subset of dental biomaterials includes those used within driven by the heterogeneity, surface topography, and
bone such as dental implants. These materials are sub- physical and chemical properties of the material.1
ject to innate and humoral immune responses and often Efforts to overcome this challenge are usually linked
come in close contact with adjacent blood vessels. to the attachment of biomolecules to reduce the cyto-
toxicity of the material.20 One such example is the
Nanotechnology is one of the cornerstone achieve- addition of sodium phosphorylated chitosan to reduce
ments of dental biomaterials. Dental nanomaterials offer the cytotoxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles.
several functions including: antimicrobial activity, me-
chanical reinforcement, aesthetics and therapeutic An additional group of polymers that have gained pop-
effects.14,15 Nanoparticles such as silver, zinc oxide ularity, with a greater intensity observed in associated
and titanium dioxide are utilized in endodontic, res- research, are “smart” or “intelligent” polymers. Smart
torative and implant treatments for their antibacterial polymers offer trigger-related drug delivery and are
properties. sensitive to changes in temperature, light, pH, magnetic
field and ionic strength.21-23 Smart polymers that have
Other nanoparticles such as gold have been used as a low critical solution temperature are valuable drug
radiosensitizers, photothermal agents and drug delivery delivery agents for fever and/or local infections and are
carriers. Apprehension around these materials usually therefore employed as thermo-sensitive biomaterials.
stems from technical challenges (related to agglomer-
ation that hinders expected properties) and a failure to A prior challenge for thermo-sensitive polymers was
fully understand their possible toxicity in vivo. to create a biodegradable material that functioned
(with a release of the drug) at just above normal body
An important example of a dental nanomaterial is temperatures.
calcium phosphate, Ca3PO4 (CaP). CaP is often uti-
lized for dental applications due to its biocompatibility, This requirement was supposedly solved, with excellent
bioactivity and composition which is comparable to prospects for thermo-sensitive polymers.24 However,
mineralized tissue (bone and teeth). A major compo- the intra-oral applications for these materials may
nent of natural mineralized tissue is carbonate apatite still be limited in areas of poor thermal control (e.g.
which is a form of CaP.16 the dental root canal space).

Whilst CaP’s are osteoconductive, they lack the ability to Similarly, light-activated smart polymers require the
induce bone de novo. Thus, periodontal and maxillofacial patient to maintain the device in a dark environment
applications for these materials require the addition of to prevent premature drug release. This phenomenon
bioactive proteins, growth factors and osteogenic drugs has been termed “dark toxicity” and is an additional
to enable inductive properties.17 concern for light activated smart polymers.25 / SADJ Vol. 75 No. 1

Design and fabrication Fabrication methods incorporating surface modifications

of biomaterials to improve properties such as biointe-
Once the appropriate materials have been chosen for gration have gained momentum. Padovani et al. descri-
incorporation into a novel biomaterial or drug delivery bed the possible difficulties experienced whilst optimi-
device, the scientist must then decide on a suitable zing the concentration of nanoparticles at the implant
design and method of fabrication. Whilst the particular surface.15 They inferred that an overactive rate of drug
methods of synthesis may be generic for most mate- of nanoparticle/drug release could produce toxicity that
rials, the clinical requirements often guide deviations would result in necrosis of healthy cells.
from the norm. Moghanjoughi et al. listed some of the
disadvantages of controlled drug delivery systems that Furthermore, León & Jansen described the non-uniform
hinder clinical translation. 23 deposition of CaP coatings on bone screws when tech-
niques such as sputter deposition, pulsed laser depo-
Amongst the factors were possible dose dumping, sition and ion beam deposition were used.29 A recent
cytotoxicity, delayed onset of action, increased risk method, biofabrication, attempts to incorporate cells into
of hepatic first-pass metabolism, high manufacturing biomaterial constructs that enhance cellular attachment,
costs, and surgical procedures which may be re- migration and growth.
quired for insertion or removal of the device/material.
To counter these factors, the design and fabrication Biofabrication may also serve as a method for control-
process often requires remodelling to yield the desired led drug delivery and release. However, at present,
clinical results. However, manufacturing costs may then there is no engineered substitute generated by such
increase, placing further strain on the possibility of clini- biofabrication techniques that can be scaled up for
cal translation. clinical use.30

Fabrication methods are based on the functions for Larry Hench, the father of modern bioactive glass and
which the material is intended. Examples of oral drug eramics, admitted that whilst dozens of ceramic com-
delivery devices include: tablets, sprays, mouthwashes, positions are tested in vitro, few ever achieve clinical
gels, patches, pastes and wafers/films. These formula- application. 31 He further explained that the clinical
tions are dependent on trans-mucosal delivery of the success of these materials requires the simultaneous
active constituent and must offer practicality, adequate achievement of similar mechanical behaviour between
drug release, and most importantly, patient acceptabil- the material and tissue, coupled with a stable interface
ity. Drug release is directly dependent on the ability to at the connective tissue juncture. In addition, the com-
penetrate the oral mucosa’s epithelium, whilst factors plications of these materials were linked to their failure
that deter patients from accepting a new drug include to maintain strength and stability during the material
disturbances to eating, taste and speech.26 More recent degradation-tissue replacement phase of healing. 31-33
technologies to aid trans-mucosal delivery include
permeability enhancers, absorption enhancers, enzyme Requiring the resorption rate of the material to match
inhibitors, drug delivery vectors (liposomes & polymero- the repair rate of the biological tissue, while ensuring
somes) and muco-adhesives. that the material consists only of metabolically accept-
able elements, has imposed considerable limitations on
Muco-adhesive drug delivery systems present an addi- the composition, design and fabrication of these bio-
tional domain in fabrication methods. Within the con- active materials.31- 33
fines of the oral cavity, these systems include: mucosal
patches, films, gels and ointments. These systems Electrospinning is a technique used to synthesize
boast many advantages over their systemic counter- continuous nanofibers from various polymers such
parts including; prolonged adhesion that enhances as polycaprolactone (PCL), polyethylene oxide (PEO)
absorption (further amplified by the blood circulation of and poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). Electrospun nanofibers
the region), a faster onset of action, increased drug bio- have been explored for use in endodontic disinfection,
availability due to no first-pass metabolism, decreased tooth regeneration, caries prevention, mucosal and
drug degradation in the acidic GIT environments and wound repair, implant modification and tissue guided
improved patient compliance.26,27 However, they are not regeneration.34-36 Several limitations with electrospinning
exempt from the complexities of the oral environment. as a technique have been reported in the literature, as
Differences in the degree of keratinization and epithelial well as with their resultant fibres.
thicknesses across the varying mucosal surfaces lead
to diverse permeabilities which in turn affect drug ab- Electrospinning requires the use of solvents and cross
sorption rates and bioavailability. linking agents for which in vivo biocompatibility may
not be well established.37 Degradable synthetic poly-
The buccal mucosa is considerably less permeable than mers yield acidic by-products (during degradation) that
the sublingual mucosa, which decreases absorption and cause inflammation in the region of their implantation.38
bioavailability. On the other hand, the sublingual muco- In addition, electrospun materials are mechanically
sa is uneven, mobile and constantly washed by saliva weaker than their cast membrane counterparts and
making it an unsuitable area for muco-adhesion.28 do not provide an ideal structure for dental regenera-
A compromise is thus made with current systems that tion applications requiring cellular infiltration. This is attri-
utilize the buccal mucosa. Novel inventions must ac- buted to the technique yielding random unwoven mats
count for these shortcomings if they are to improve and pore sizes, as well as not being able to fabricate
current therapeutic standards. micron size fibres.39,40
20 >

Furthermore the production efficiency of these fibres is Anselmo & Mitragotri reported that whilst a plethora of
quite low, complicating scale up production and clini- preclinical studies described cellular interactions related
cal translation.36 However, the plausible advantages to the introduction of inorganic nanoparticles, experi-
of electrospun scaffolds for dental therapies warrant mental conditions could not be normalized, leading to
further investment and research. questionable and inconclusive claims.50 Thus, the results
of biocompatibility studies must be viewed prudently
Multiple fabrication methods and technologies have especially for studies that do not acceptably simulate
been described over the years. More recent advances the oral tissue and oral environment.
include additive manufacturing techniques which incor-
porate selective laser sintering, robocasting, stereo- Novel biomaterials require methodologies for investi-
lithography, fused deposition modelling and three gating the reaction between the material and living
dimensional (3D) printing.41 The motivation to employ tissues. There is no one-size-fits-all in this regard.
such technology in Dentistry is driven by the oppor- Dental materials must account for the interactions with
tunity for patient-personalized models. the tissues they encounter, which are specific to the
function of the material. These include enamel, dentine,
At present, 3D metallic and ceramic constructs have bone, periodontal ligament, and the varying oral muco-
been explored for implants, crowns and bridges using sal tissues (depending on the site of action).
biocompatible polymers. Biological constructs including
DNA plasmids, peptides, proteins and polysaccharides Materials utilized within tooth structure must be cha-
have also been described for use in tissue engineering racterized according to their effects on the enamel
therapies such as periodontal regeneration.42,43 and dentine. Those meant to bond with dentine
often undergo testing for surface mechanical properties.
Dental laboratories, on the other hand, have employed
3D printing for dental wax ups, orthodontic patterns, One such example is the modulus of elasticity which
crown and bridge moulds, prosthodontic casts, etc.44 may be measured by nano-indentation tests or, by
Whilst the indications for 3D printing are promising, the more conventional, three-points bending tests. Whilst
current laser- and inkjet-associated bioprinting tech- nano-indentation boasts superior precision by quanti-
niques offer low output, with print speeds around 5kHz, fying changes in the submicron surface depth, it is
limiting manufacture to small scale.45 unable to measure overall change in the dentine as
a whole and is acutely affected by dentine surface
Furthermore, biological scaffolds are plagued by chal- roughness (which may be altered during specimen
lenges facing the degradation kinetics and by the preparation).52
by-products of materials, due to the mass transport
limitations that occur in thicker scaffolds.43 Thus, prior In order to establish an accurate biological profile for
to encouraging the use of a 3D printed construct a particular material, a combination of qualitative and
in clinical practice, factors such as: material costs, quantitative tests should be employed. This is necessary
production volume and speed, energy costs, long-term as, if used alone, tests may contradict one another,
construct performance, etc., must be evaluated and yielding completely different conclusions. An example
compared with traditional fabrication methods.46 of this requisite can be found in the studies by Camp
et al.,53 Tawil et al.,54 and Torabinejad and Abu-Tahun.55
Laboratory studies
Camp compared the cell attachment properties of
a. Characterization and in vitro studies Mineral Trioxide Aggregate by using quantitative attach-
In vitro studies involve testing of a novel material ment tests with fluorescent dye.53 The same test, when
following successful fabrication and characterization. later compared with in vivo histological examinations,
In vitro cytotoxicity tests are an essential component yielded the controversial findings reported in the studies
of biocompatibility screening, with several tests being by Tawil54 and Torabinejad.55
used to ascertain the effects of a material on cell
membrane integrity, cell growth and enzyme activity, or Ding and Ma emphasized the inefficiencies with in vitro
genetic expression.47 and in vivo studies in tumour research.56 They explained
that the several barriers to tumour drug delivery require
Examples of in vitro studies found in the dental an in-depth understanding of the molecular mechanisms
implant literature include cell adhesion assays, cell of translocations in varying pH environments. It is not
proliferation assays and cell differentiation assays. 48 possible to reproduce these environments without that
Epithelial and fibroblast cell lineages are often chosen knowledge in place. Gjorevski et al. highlighted the im-
for biocompatibility evaluation, as ultimately these portance of reproducing the mechanical environment
are the cells in contact with a majority of dental in devices functioning within the extracellular matrix and
materials.49 Of special note here is that the cell pheno- its components.57
types used in culture must match those found in vivo.
The authors acknowledged that these environments
These cultured cells must be monitored not only for are often difficult to establish and control in culture,
cell death, but for changes in their cell cycles, differen- in spite of recent advances in synthetic analogs and
tiation, and molecular biology. These are of utmost stem cell research. Hence, in the absence of this
importance to account for cellular modifications that knowledge, results from in vitro studies must be
may occur following exposure to a material or device.50 interpreted with caution. / SADJ Vol. 75 No. 1

Hench expressed concern that many materials are Rosa et al. demonstrated the successful regeneration
introduced to the clinic without lifetime prediction tests.31 of pulpal tissue when transplanting human roots in the
He reinforced the need for standardized test methods subcutaneous tissue of mice.63 However, the authors
to determine the lifetime performance of materials recognized the inability of this model to completely
(specifically bioceramics) under realistic physiological simulate clinical conditions such as the presence of
stresses, including grain-boundary attack and slow stem cells in the apical papilla. Furthermore, Guilak et
crack growth.31,33 al. observed that a majority of the current in vivo models
simulate only normal tissue. 64 Advanced disease and
Chai et al. in their review of CaP-driven osteogene- degenerative processes lead to major compositional
sis, highlighted the difficulties of translating intricate and/or structural changes, which then require complex
in vivo osteogenic environments to in vitro systems.58 simulation models in vivo.64 Failure to achieve such en-
The authors cautioned against the reliability of predic- vironments accounts for the poor correlation of such
tions and the correlation of in vitro results to what may studies to human disease.
actually occur in vivo.
The oral cavity poses a greater challenge to biomateri-
Their argument was based on key issues relating to als than most other aspects of the human body. In vivo
the selection of cell types and culture conditions for elucidation of the effects of mucosal contact, pH and the
specific CaP-based materials. Moreover, blood vessel buffering capacity of saliva are required to negate any
infiltration and body fluid composition and dynamics possible toxicity of the materials in this environment.15
pose technical challenges to translation from in vitro. In addition, materials exposed to the oral cavity are
at risk of pellicle formation on their bare surfaces.
Ultimately, the aim of in vitro studies should be to de- Whilst there are advantages to pellicle formation, minimal
velop human cell-based tests that are predictable, cost- colonization with pathogenic bacteria is always desired.
effective and appropriately reliable. This will decrease
the dependence of using in vivo animal tests to estab- Pellicle formation interferes with the physicochemical
lish product safety, which in itself poses many ethical surface properties of a material, and may act as a hin-
and economic concerns. drance to materials possessing functions of ion and/or
drug release. Furthermore, bacterial invasion may lead
a. In vivo studies to infection and suboptimal tissue integration decreasing
In vivo studies require the selection of an appropriate the lifespan of the device.65 Hence, low-energy surfaces
animal model. The selected model should mimic human are desirable to reduce these phenomena.66
physiology as closely as possible so that appropriate
conclusions can be drawn. In addition, a full description Biomaterials intended for long term survival (such as
of the animal model design and evaluation (including dental restorations) face the challenge of water uptake,
microbiology, radiopathology and histopathology) should hydrolytic degradation and hygrothermal degradation.67- 69
be available in order that the efficacy and feasibility of These phenomena lead to surface softening, exposing
the material/device be established relative to current susceptible bonds which then become targets for
therapeutics.59 oral enzymes, thus promoting further destruction of
the material.70 Whilst water-repellant monomers have
Animal ethics clearance must be obtained from the been explored, they are unsuitable due to their extensive
appropriate Animal Ethics Committee/s prior to initiating curing time.71 Studies have proposed an antibacterial-
any animal study. Researchers may select an appropriate laden monomer on the surface of oral biomaterials with
animal model for tests, but it is not always possible to the aim of preventing these challenges. However, to
gain approval based on the specific ethical guidelines of date, no such commercial product exists, possibly due
the relevant country. This may hinder the selection of the to the augmented water uptake effect that may occur.72
best suited model which at times may lead to question-
able correlations and assumptions, which in turn will a In vivo studies are crucial to ascertain the effects
ffect and delay approval for clinical trials. of proposed biomaterials in a well simulated tissue
environment. Researchers must strive to select and
Examples of animal models identified in the literature develop clinically appropriate animal models that will
include monkeys, beagle dogs, pigs, rats and sheep.60 generate predictive data that closely correlates to hu-
Furthermore, promising studies in mice and rats must man disease, which in turn will streamline the process
also be translated to higher animals such as pigs, dogs to clinical trials.
and sheep to confirm the transltional potential of
prior results.13 Pigs, in particular, share higher sequence
Business model
homology with Homo sapiens making them a superior
choice for animal study (as opposed to mice and rats).61 Biomaterials have been an area of great research
activity with numerous novel ideas and inventions
An additional challenge to in vivo studies is the require- being developed in the past decades. Yet, the number
ment to reliably and reproducibly induce the same con- of products reaching clinical therapeutics is limited.
dition/s for which the experimental material/device will
be indicated. An example of this necessity was explain- Whilst researchers, scientists and inventors are able
ed by Jackson et al., whereby osteoradionecrosis was rapidly to develop prototypes in their laboratories, they
reliably reproduced in the mandibles of athymic rats, may at times lack the business acumen to ensure the
whilst minimizing any sources of error and variation.62 progression of their inventions. There are several as-
22 >

pects of the business model, each with its own hurdles, An additional factor the inventor must be mindful of
which must be fulfilled prior to clinical entry. For the is that the registration of a patent is region and/or
purposes of this review, we have categorized them as country specific, with no mutually agreed standardised
patenting, registration, clinical trials, manufacture and guidelines. Some countries, like South Africa, allow for
scale up production. An additional factor to consider non-examinable patents whereas others, such as the US
in the business model is cost. Cost will not be featured Patents and Trademarks Office (USPTO) and European
separately but will be discussed alongside every other Patents Office (EPO), examine patents prior to granting
facet of the model. them. The disadvantage of a non-examined patent is that
errors and over-extended claims may go undetected.
a. Patenting and registration
Novel inventions must be patented to protect the in- Patents that have unjustifiably broad claims also hinder
tellectual property of the inventors. Intellectual property future research and development in the field. Some in-
refers to the any idea born of the intellectual creative ventions may not even meet patentable criteria (‘sub-
efforts of an individual or team. It can be owned, patentable inventions’).75 The research team must iden-
licensed or transferred. tify all of the countries in which they wish to register
their patent and apply as required. The researcher may
Forms of ownership include copyright, trademarks, then pursue publication once the patent application has
utility patents, design patents, plant patents and trade been successfully filed.
secrets. This ownership is fundamental to ensuring the
development and growth of a specified field, as well as There are two types of patent applications: a Provi-
granting companies expanded business and financial sional Patent Application (PPA) and a Regular Patent
opportunities.73 Application (RPA). The benefit of a PPA is that it
grants an earlier filing date prior to building and testing
Pressman provides useful definitions in his book “Patent an invention and does not count toward the 20 year
It Yourself”, to familiarize one’s self with patents. 74 patent term. However, no amendments or additions
An invention is “any new article, machine, composi- may be made to the PPA once filed and the earlier filing
tion, or process or new use developed by a human”. date is only valid if the description of the invention is
A patent application is “a set of papers that describe legally sufficient.
an invention and that are suitable for filing in a patent
office in order to apply for (or in the case of a Provisio- The inventors must bear in mind that PPA’s are not
nal Patent application, establish a date to apply for) a examined, have no legal grounds other than the filing
patent on the invention”. Furthermore, a patent is defined date, and require the RPA be filed within one year
as “a grant from a government that confers upon an following the initial PPA.74 Figure 2 outlines the process
inventor the right to exclude others from making, using, for obtaining a utility patent as described by the USPTO
selling, importing, or offering an invention for sale for on their official website.76
a fixed period of time”.74
Recent partnerships between academic laboratories and
The regulations and laws around patenting of an inven- pharmaceutical companies have augmented fundamen-
tion must be well understood by the research team to tal drug delivery research, patenting and registration and
ensure successful patents. Firstly, the inventor must en- the resultant translation to improved clinical therapeutics.
sure that the invention satisfies the “novelty” and “un-
obviousness” requirement of the Patent and Trademark Once a prototype is patented and, and preclinical stu-
Office (PTO) examiner. Second, the inventor must cog- dies confirm its function and value, inventors will look
nisant of the “First-to-File” law which came in to effect to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for regu-
in March 2013. latory approval. The FDA poses an enormous barrier to
the clinical translation of new materials and devices.
Under the provisions of this law, should two inventors
submit an application for the same patentable inven- The FDA’s Office of Medical Products and Tobacco
tion, the patent will be awarded to the person who houses three centres of regulation; namely: the Centre
files first, irrespective of who initially conceived and for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), the Centre
tested the invention. Exceptions are only entertained for Biologic Evaluation and Research (CBER), and the
in cases where one inventor can prove the unlawful Centre for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH).
acquisition of the invention by the other inventor. New materials must pass through clinical trials, which
Third, and of great importance, is timing. Researchers often extend over a 6 -12 year testing and review
must register a patent application to secure their intel- period, involving thousands of patients with resultant
lectual property prior to any research publications. costs escalating to the hundreds of millions of dollars.

This refers not only to journal publications, but any form Start-up companies, funded by venture capitalists, are
of conference or congress proceedings, meetings, etc. at their highest risk during this process. The risk of
Once the invention is made public, it loses novel inventions failing to gain FDA approval, coupled with
status and the patenting process is placed in jeopardy. poor initial sales (failing to overcome production costs)
are often factors cited for the shutting down of small
The only country that grants a one-year grace period companies. One such example is the company Organo-
for the submission of a patent application following genesis (Canton, MA) who launched Apligraf Ò skin
public disclosure, is the United States of America. equivalent. / SADJ Vol. 75 No. 1

Step Who? Activity

Has your invention already been patented? Yes
1. Applicant End
Search: http//


Design patent Plant Patent

2. Applicant What type of application
(Ornamental are you filling (New variety of asexually
characteristics) produced plant))

Utility patent (most common)

(Useful process, machine, article
of manufacture, composition
of matter)

3. Applicant Determine filing strategy

Yes Need No
File globally? File in U.S.? End
International protection?

No Yes

4. Applicant Yes Which type of utility patent application to file?

File in U.S.? Provisional or

5. Applicant Consider expedited examination

Prioritized examination
Accelerated examination program
First action interview
Patents prosecution highway

6. Applicant Who should file?

File yourself (pro se)
Use a registered attorney or agent (recommended)

7. Applicant Prepare for electronic filing

Determine application processing fees
Apply for a customer number and digital certificate

8. Applicant Apply for patent using Electronic Filing System

as a registered eFiler (recommended)
About EFS-Web

9. USPTO USPTO examines application

Check application status


10. Applicant Applicant files replies, requests for reconsideration, and appeals
as necessary

11. USPTO If objections and rejection of the examiner are overcome, USPTO
sends Notice of Allowence and Fee(s) due

12. Applicant Applicant pays the issue fee and the publication fee
13. Applicant Maintenance fees due 3½, 7½, and 11½ years after
patent grant

Figure 2. Process for Obtaining a Utility Patent (Reproduced from the USPTO, 2015).
24 >

Whilst the product gained regulatory approval, market c. Manufacture and scale up production
sales failed to achieve profits leading to the company Reaching this stage of the business model sheds first
filing for bankruptcy in 2001.77 Lysaght et al. further light on clinical entry. No doubt, the monetary investment
described 18 other companies that either filed for of the invention has surpassed millions at this stage
bankruptcy or simply closed their doors following de- and it is in the interest of the investors to push forward.
vastating results from their clinical trials, combined with At this juncture, the calculation of potential cost/profit
irredeemable financial losses.77 Hence, both new and and risk/reward ratios are not yet possible and the
existing companies must take into account that the decision to proceed is based on the confidence of all
uptake of their product in the market will be gradual. those concerned.
Whilst high profits may be attained, but in all likeli-
hood that will be over a period of several years. Furthermore, the company launching the products needs
to survive through to the realisation of profit. The phase
b. Clinical trials from breaking even to realizing acceptable profit mar-
Following successful in vitro and in vivo tests that estab- gins must be accelerated and is frequently a challenge
lish manufacturing standardization, efficacy and safety for smaller businesses. However, money aside, the
of an invention, ethical clearance is acquired for human manufacture and scale up process comes with its
clinical trials. The main objective of clinical trials is to con- own challenges.
firm the safety and efficacy of the invention in humans.
These are then followed by an application for regula-
tory approval of commercial sales of the invention which •• Genetic and phenotypic instability
is submitted to the appropriate regulatory authority, for •• Capacity to generate adult phenotypes
example, the FDA. •• Tumorigenicity risks
•• Immonological considerations
Anselmo and Mitragotri aligned the success of clinical
translation of an invention to it being safe, performing
its desired function, offering convenient administration
and easy fabrication.51 Whilst numerous inventions are •• Cost of cell culture processes
•• Clarity of intellectual property protection
explored at laboratory level, few develop to clinical Commercial
•• Paucity of regulatory and
products. sponsor familiarity
•• Limited positive cell therapy outocmes
The failure to obtain regulatory approval for clinical •• Scalability and manufacturability
trials may be attributed to limited in vitro and in vivo
data, and perhaps short-sightedness on the part of Figure 3. Regulatory challenges to successful clinical translation of stem
inventors in not completely understanding the biolo- cells (adapted from French et al., 2015)
gical mechanisms of the regions in which the invention
will be applicable.78 A restriction of clinical trials is that Laboratory synthesized inventions face severe engi-
study samples are limited to tissue biopsies, swabs neering challenges in their scale up to safe, repro-
or fluid aspirates. Animal (in vivo) studies, on the other ducible, clinically effective, and economically stable
hand, allow for endpoint microbiological and histo- designs. 80
logical examinations of the tissue, enabling more rigo-
rous analysis.59 The sale volumes of inventions are dependent on
the cost of production and the resultant price to con-
Regulatory approval requires a satisfactory set of pre- sumer. These prices must be within an acceptable
clinical data backed up by equivalent in vivo (animal) range to ensure buy-in from the market and con-
data. A large quantity of animal data may at times be sequent patient benefit. Furthermore, inventions that
required, which escalates costs. In addition, the clinical require additional procedures (such as surgery) may
trial in itself poses a severe cost factor which is difficult initially be frowned upon unless the market demand
to predict. One such prediction required for approval is high and the invention is replacing alternatives that
is survivability, which for inventions such as implants, are more expensive.81
must be established for 3 - 5 years.33
A plethora of inventions are usually synthesized within
French et al. explored the use of human pluripotent laboratories, by researchers and scientists who them-
stem cells to address unmet clinical needs.79 They iden- selves drive the processes. These manual methods
tified two companies, Geron Corporation (Menlo Park, of fabrication make scaling up difficult. One such
California) and Advance Cell Technology Inc. (Santa example is cell-based therapies that rely on manual
Monica, California), who were the first to evaluate the seeding and culturing of scaffolds, which is inefficient,
safety of embryonic stem cells in clinical (patient) trials. time-consuming and operator dependent.82

Whilst not all of these trials ran until completion, the An opportunity presents here for synergistic collabo-
exercise proved educational for the researchers and for ration between large companies and scientists to re-
the regulatory authority. The authors noted several regu- model and automate fabrication methods that ensure
latory challenges to the clinical translation of stem cells successful scale up. This requires the development
(depicted in Figure 3) and concluded that uncontrolled of reproducible and consistent techniques that will
irreproducibility and variability were the key factors hin- optimise manufacturing processes, and enable an
dering clinical therapeutics. increase in production volumes whilst reducing costs. / SADJ Vol. 75 No. 1

Schiller et al. (2015) described a novel focused ultra- The product acquired FDA approval in 1999 and was
sound technique to manufacture nanoparticles which marketed by Genentech. However, Nutropin® was
could possibly serve as a tool to enhance clinical discontinued in 2004 for reasons associated with its
translation of such particles.83 Additive Manufacturing high costs and protracted manufacturing process,
(AM), also known as rapid prototyping, is another two weeks being required to synthesise each batch.89
example of a developed technique that guarantees
standardisation of the manufacturing process, and
Clinical application
allows for the fabrication of materials that meet
stringent performance criteria for clinical use, whilst Accomplishing clinical entry is a great achievement
offering the flexibility to scale up fabrication.30 for any material or device. No doubt, by this time,
millions have been invested in the product and the
Ramshaw et al. stressed that straightforward purifi- investors will be anxious about the market response.
cation processes are required to display the scalability However, the success of previously introduced novel
of products, whilst Langer and Peppas also highlighted products may offer some solace. One such example
the issue of immunogenicity and purification (of con- is Abraxane®, for which the company reported a 52
taminants) during large scale production.84,85 Strategies percent year-on-year increase with a value of $649
for the preservation, packaging and distribution of the million.90
invention must also be developed at this stage due to
their financial impact on the final product. 64,81 Luong et One of the final challenges to clinical entry is to
al. demonstrated dry storage strategies for bioactive gain buy-in from the end users. Clinicians are often
hydrogels that yielded adequate shelf life, when ap- resistant to change and will be unlikely to try a
propriate stabilization was employed. 86 It is worthwhile new product in the absence of quality assurance.
considering and improving these factors prior to the This poses a challenge to companies introducing
application for clinical trials. Clinical trials pose a major novel inventions in that the data displayed by the
financial burden on the company, and further escalate company is often seen as biased, with clinicians
the price of the emerging product. looking to other sources for confirmation of the
proposed claims for the inventions. Studies in which
The constituent materials of an invention may also a conflict of interest exists are commonly distrusted
affect the manufacturing process. A reproducible as the authors are supposedly seen as biased toward
invention requires consistent properties of the consti- the product. One approach of the dental companies
tuent materials. Unfortunately, due to the differing has been to approach university faculty staff to
production processes between the various suppliers, assess the claims of an invention. This has led to
companies may be left with no choice but to independent research that either confirms or refutes
select a sole supplier. This introduces an additional the claims of the product and which seeks to confirm
risk factor to the manufacturing process, in that reproducible results whilst satisfying the required
suppliers may raise material costs, or unexpectedly clinical criteria. Padovani et al. suggested that for
close down. 51 While a brief explanation of natural dental restorative materials, the important factors for
and synthetic polymers has already been given, it consideration must be the results from long-term
is necessary at this point to discuss some of the studies, post-operative sensitivity, retention of pros-
reservations around the use of natural materials. thodontic restorations and marginal sealing ability.15
Thus, further clinical studies are always recommen-
The natural variability of animal tissue preparations ded to augment understanding of the mechanism of
has led to concerns regarding their purity, predicta- action of each material within the dynamic oral cavity.
bility of performance, and the possibility that disease
transmission that may occur.84 In addition, though Additional factors to consider are cost and product
having been proven to be safe and effective, some comparison. Novel products must outperform their
natural materials (such as bovine collagen) have in- existing counterparts, at a competitive cost not con-
deed induced adverse immune reactions in a small siderably greater, if they are to be accepted by clini-
percentage of patients.87 These shortfalls have been cians. Companies often approach leading clinicians
countered by more recent advances in genetic re- in a field to test their inventions (free of charge).
combinant technology which offers scientific superi-
ority in designing biologically complex structures. Should the chosen clinicians provide positive feed-
back, they are invited to become the face of the new
Other advantages include standardized product qua- product to drive acceptability and incorporation of
lity and ease of isolation and purification with no the novel material or device in to clinical treatment
risk of cross infection. However, the initial setback modalities.
of this technology is that a thorough knowledge
of the genetic sequence is required before it can be CONCLUSION
employed.88 Furthermore, commercial scale produc-
tion of recombinant technology is more difficult to In 1987, Williams defined a biomaterial as a nonviable
achieve and requires evaluation of the manufacturing material used in a medical device, intended to interact
and economical processes. 81 A good example to de- with biological systems.91 Material science has come
monstrate the importance of these mechanisms is the a long way since then and newer definitions are being
product Nutropin®, a recombinant growth hormone offered with every passing year to account for novel
for paediatric application. advances in clinical medicine.
26 >

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Do the CPD questionnaire on page 53

The Continuous Professional Development (CPD) section provides for twenty general questions and five
ethics questions. The section provides members with a valuable source of CPD points whilst also achieving
the objective of CPD, to assure continuing education. The importance of continuing professional development
should not be underestimated, it is a career-long obligation for practicing professionals.

Online CPD in 6 Easy Steps

1 Go to the SADA website

2 Log into the ‘member only’ section with your unique SADA username and password.

3 Select the CPD navigation tab.

4 Select the questionnaire that you wish to complete.

5 Enter your multiple choice answers. Please note that you have two attempts to obtain at least 70%.

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