TCP Geotech Drilling at KK08 Access - KKV Leach Pad
TCP Geotech Drilling at KK08 Access - KKV Leach Pad
TCP Geotech Drilling at KK08 Access - KKV Leach Pad
Traffic Control Plan
Location: KK08 Access Road - KKV Application Dates (From- October 20-25, 2023
Leach Pad To/Permanent):
3. SubContractors
Speed Limit and • Batas kecepatan di sekitar area adalah minimum 20 km/jam
The speed limit around the area is a minimum of 20 km/h
Drainage • N/A
Roadway Capacity • Jalur Iveco menjadi satu jalur dengan prioritas yang bermuatan
The Iveco lane will be consolidated into a single lane with priority for loaded
Traffic Signal • Semua rambu/marka bersifat sementara dan berlaku hingga kegiatan drilling
Capacity selesai
All signs/markings are temporary and will remain in effect until the drilling
activities are completed.
Traffic Generation / • Layout rencana kendali lalu lintas akan diinformasikan kepada semua pekerja
Re-distribution dan ditampilkan di lokasi
Traffic control plan layout will be shared with all workers and displayed on site
Modeling • Not Applicable
Safety Barriers and Terminal : Rambu/marka jalan akan di tempatkan di area kerja
Treatments Road signs/markings will be placed in the work area
Agreed Lane Closure Times : Pembatasan penggunaan hauling dilakukan berlaku sejak TCP ini di
terbitkan dan di setujui oleh pihak berwenang
The restriction on the use of hauling will be effective from the
issuance of this TCP and approval by the competent authorities.:
Road Closures and Detours
Item Detail