(MODUL) - Praktikum Modul 4

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1. Introduction
Rotating machine is a type of machine which is widely used in the industry. Rotating machine
always uses bearing as one of its important components. Bearing is called as “the heart of rotating
machine” because it performs as a support for the machine, thus the rotating machine will not be
able to operate without bearing. Therefore, the understanding of bearing failure characteristics is
necessary to prevent unscheduled or unpredictable machine shut down. However, any types of
machine must be shut down when its vibration level exceeds the allowable vibration level
regardless any types of bearing failure characteristic occurred.
The vibration level of a machine is obtained through vibration measurement. The measurement
results will be compared with a standard to determine whether the machine is still in a good
condition or not. Normally, the vibration standard used in the industry is ISO 10816. In this
module, students will observe and measure the vibration level of a machine and compare it with
the ISO standard. Furthermore, students will also learn how to differentiate types of bearing failure
through vibration spectrum analysis.

2. Theory
There are four methods which are commonly used to predict machine condition, such as:
vibration spectrum analysis, temperature, lubrication, and sound. However, the vibration spectrum
analysis is the most favorable method among others to evaluate machine condition. The overall
condition of a machine can be evaluated through vibration measurement. The measurement result
will be compared with ISO 10816. The ISO 10816 is classified into 4 classes as shown in Figure
1. These classes are:
• Class I: Individual parts of machines connected to the complete machine in its normal
operating condition. (small machine up to 15 kW are typical examples of machines in this

• Class II: Medium machines (typically between 15 kW and 75 kW) without special
foundations or rigidly mounted machines (up to 300 kW) on special foundations.
• Class III: Large machines mounted on rigid and heavy foundations which are reasonably
stiff in the direction of vibration measurements.
• Class IV: Large machines mounted on foundations which are relatively soft in the direction
of vibration measurements.

Figure 1. ISO Standard 10816

After determining the machine class, the overall machine condition will be evaluate based on
vibration level (RMS) in velocity unit. If the machine vibration level is lower than the standard
level and categorized as “good” or “satisfactory” based on ISO standard 10816, then the observed
machine is in a good condition. Meanwhile, “unsatisfactory” or “unacceptable” category refers to
bad machine condition.

In addition, vibration spectrum analysis can be used to identify bearing defect because this
method can indicate the location of local defect on the bearing. The location of local defect is
represented by the occurrence of vibration at specific frequency. This frequency can be divided
into 4 types, i.e. Ball Pass Frequency Outer (BPFO), Ball Pass Frequency Inner (BPFI),
Fundamental Train Frequency (FTF), dan Ball Spin Frequency (BSF). Each type has its own
unique frequency. Thus, the bearing failure characteristics can be distinguished based on it. These
four unique frequencies and its formula is explained below:

• Ball Pass Frequency Outer (BPFO)
BPFO is the frequency related to vibration characteristic of outer ring defect. BPFO can be
calculated based on the following equation:
BPFO = 2 (1 − Pd cos ∅), (2.1)
60 d

RPM = rotating shaft speed [RPM]
n = number of rolling elements in the bearing
Bd = diameter of rolling elements [mm]
Pd = pitch diameter [mm]
∅ = contact angle [degree (°)]

• Ball Pass Frequency Inner (BPFI)

BPFI is the frequency related to vibration characteristic of inner ring defect. BPFI can be
calculated based on the following equation:
BPFI = 2 (1 + Pd cos ∅). (2.2)
60 d

• Fundamental Train Frequency (FTF)

FTF is the frequency related to vibration characteristic of cage defect. FTF can be
calculated based on the following equation:
FTF = 2 (1 − Pd cos ∅). (2.3)
60 d

• Ball Spin Frequency (BSF)

BSF is the frequency related to vibration characteristic of rolling element defect. BSF can
be calculated based on the following equation:
BSF = 2Bd [1 − (Pd ) cos 2 ∅]. (2.4)
d 60 d

3. Learning Objectives
• Conduct vibration measurement and compare the measurement result with the ISO standard
• Learn and understand bearing failure characteristics

4. Procedure
• Conduct vibration measurement on hydraulic pump
• Compare the measurement result with the ISO standard
• Observe the laboratory apparatus (especially sensor’s type and measurement direction)
• Measure vibration level for the laboratory apparatus, then compare it with the ISO standard
• Draw the vibration spectrum and analyze it. Is the tested bearing in a good condition?
• Change the tested bearing on laboratory apparatus
• Redo the previous steps to measure vibration level and analyze the vibration spectrum.

Student Worksheet – Bearing Failure Characteristic and Vibration ISO Standard
I. Vibration measurement on hydraulic pump
Machine Measurement RMS of 1st RMS of 2nd RMS of 3rd
Type Direction Measurement Measurement Measurement

II. Compare the measurement result with ISO 10816! Give conclusions!




III. Complete the following schematic diagram!

Please pay attention to the sensor’s position and measurement direction.

IV. Calculate the frequency of bearing failure characteristic
Specifications of the tested bearing:
• Number of rolling elements = 11
• Bore diameter = 20 mm
• Pitch diameter = 33,5 mm
• Diameter of rolling element = 6,5 mm
• Thickness of bearing = 14 mm
• Contact angle of rolling element = 0°

n RPM Bd
BPFO = (1 − cos ∅)
2 60 Pd

n RPM Bd
BPFI = (1 + cos ∅)
2 60 Pd

1 RPM Bd
FTF = (1 − cos ∅)
2 60 Pd

Pd RPM Bd 2
BSF = [1 − ( ) cos2 ∅]
2Bd 60 Pd

V. Vibration measurement on laboratory apparatus

Position of RMS Value of RMS Value of RMS Value of
measuring point 1st Measurement 2 Measurement 3rd Measurement

VI. Based on the ISO standard, what is the condition of the laboratory apparatus?



VII. Draw the vibration spectrum!

VIII. Give your analysis about bearing condition based on the vibration spectrum!




IX. Vibration measurement on laboratory apparatus (after bearing replacement)

Position of RMS Value of RMS Value of RMS Value of
measuring point 1st Measurement 2 Measurement 3rd Measurement

X. Based on the ISO standard, what is the condition of the laboratory apparatus?



XI. Draw the vibration spectrum! (after bearing replacement)

XII. Give your analysis about bearing condition based on the vibration spectrum!




XIII. Give your conclusions about vibration ISO standard and bearing failure characteristic!




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