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Importance of Accounting in Business

All business have one thing in common, they need  Sole Proprietorship
financial information before making decisions. And this - This business organization has a single owner
financial information is being provided by the accountant called the proprietor who generally is also the manager.
by preparing the following financial statements: This tend to be small service-type businesses and retail
 Statement of Financial Position - list of assets and establishments.
liabilities  Partnership
 Income Statement - revenues against costs and - Is a business owned and operated by two or
expenses more persons who bind themselves to contribute money,
 Statement of Cash Flows - cash inflows and outflows property, or industry to a common fund, with the
 Statement of Owner's Net Worth - showing changes in intention of dividing the profits among themselves.
wealth  Corporation
- A corporation is a business owned by its
A business is an economic unit that engages in buying and stockholders.
selling of goods or services.
A major concern of a business is how best to use its TYPES OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS
resources:  Service
 money -Selling people’s time
 machines -Hiring skilled staff and selling their time.
 materials  Merchandising
 men -Buying and selling products.
It focuses on productivity: produce and sell more to  Manufacturing
obtain profit. -Designing products, aggregating components and
Most often its success is measured in terms of profit. assembling finished products.

• Profit generates more funds or resources for the ACTIVITIES IN BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS
business. The three types of business activities are as follows:
• With more funds, it is possible for the business to  Financing Activities
expand and create more job opportunities. -are the methods an organization uses to obtain
• Subsequently, more properties acquired, more goods financial resources from financial markets and how it
produced and sold and more taxes are paid to the manages these resources.
government • A business starts with financing activities when the
owner finances the business.
FUNDING A BUSINESS • If the owner’s contribution is insufficient, additional
• The primary source of funds or capital (resources such financing can be extended by banks and other financing
as money) is the investor or owner of the business. institution.
• If the capital put up by the owner is not enough, other • Included under this activities are capital withdrawn by
sources of capital are the relatives, friends or financing the owner and loan repayment.
institutions such as banks and cooperatives.  Investing Activities
- Involve the selection and management of long term
resources that will be used to develop, produce and sell
goods and services.
• It also involves disposal and replacement of these income and expenses of a business.
resources. Examples are acquisition of properties in land, 2. Measuring – this is the process of assigning
furniture, machineries and equipment and other amounts or value to the accountable economic
resources needed in the business and selling them when transactions and events.
they are no longer needed.
3. Communicating – this is the process of
communicating accounting information to
 Operating Activities
interested users by preparing and distributing
- involve the use of resources to design, produce,
distribute, and market goods and services. accounting reports, the most common form of which
• It includes activities involving business operations such is the financial statements.
as activities related to earning of income when goods or
services are sold and the incurring of expenses when they
are paid.  Accounting is a process which function is to
provide financial information about economic entities
to statement users so that they could make informed
“Accounting is a service activity. Its function is to judgment and better decision.
provide quantitative information, primarily financial
in nature, about economic entities, that is intended ACCOUNTING AS A BUSINESS LANGUAGE
to be useful in making economic decision.” –  Accounting is a bridge between the company and the
Accounting Standards Council (ASC), succeeded by statements users. From the business activities which
Financial Reporting Standards Council (FRSC). accounting accumulates, reports will be prepared and vital
information communicated to the users.
Other definitions of accounting from other  Accounting speaks in a language that enables readers to
organizations: understand what is happening in a business, if it is doing
well in terms of finances, before readers or users make
 “Accounting is the art of recording, classifying, and
summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of
 It is difficult for users to make financial decisions that
money, transactions and events which are, in part at are not supported by facts. These facts are contained in
least, of financial character, and interpreting the the accounting reports.
results thereof.” – American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants (AICPA) COMPANY
 “Accounting is the process of identifying, accumulates financial data
through its various activities
measuring and communicating economic
information to permit informed judgment and
decision by users of the information.” –American ACCOUNTING
Accounting Association (AAA) processes the financial data and
From the definitions above, we can have the prepares financial reports

following processes of accounting:

1. Identifying – this is the process of identifying STAKEHOLDERS or USERS
business transactions as accountable events or non read the reports
accountable events. Only accountable events are and make decisions
recorded in the books of accounts and non
accountable events are not. Accountable events are
events that affect the assets, liabilities, equity,
BRIEF HISTORY OF ACCOUNTING  Financial Accounting – focused on the recording of
- Accounting can be traced back as far as ancient business transactions and the periodic preparation of
civilizations of China, Babylonia, Greece and Egypt. reports on financial position and results of operation.
 It was initiated in Babylonia and Egypt around 3600B.C. Financial Management – a relatively new branch of
They maintained various types of records of their business accounting that deals more on the management of the
activities. Clay tablets were used to record payment of entity’s financials.
wages.  Management Accounting – deals with financial and non
 Archaeologists have found clay tokens in Mesopotamia -financial information primarily for managers and other
as old as 8500 B.C. which were usually cones, disks, internal users to assist them in planning,
spheres and pellets. They were used in keeping records. directing and controlling the affairs of the business.
 Between 13th and 15th centuries, trade flourishes in  Tax Accounting – involves the preparation of tax
places such as Florence, Venice and Genoa which brought returns and the consideration of the tax consequences of
advancement in account keeping records. proposed business transactions or alternative course
of actions.
Amatino Manucci was the inventor of the double
 Government Accounting – deals with the
entry bookkeeping. He is a partner in Giovanno, Farolfi &
administration or use of public funds to bring about
Company, Florence merchants. He kept financial records
service to the people. It is concerned with the
for the firm’s branch in Salon, Provence which survive
identification of the sources and uses of resources
from 1299 to 1300. These financial records, although
consistent with the law to ensure proper custody
incomplete show enough detail to be identified as double
and disposition of these public funds.
entry bookkeeping. They are the oldest known existing
examples of double entry system.
Luca Pacioli, a Franciscan friar and a mathematician • The core competencies for accountants identify the
formulated the first systematic record keeping dealing
knowledge , skill and professional values that the new
with the double entry recording system in 1494. The
CPAs need to have in order to face the challenges of
double entry recording system was included in Pacioli’s
todays changing environment successfully.
book titled “Summa de Arithmetica Geometria
• The strategic goal is to produce technically competent
Proportioni and Proportionista” published on November
and ethical professional accountants ready to compete
10, 1494 in Venice.
locally and internationally.

INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING PART 2 Therefore, the higher education structure should

develop the following minimum core competencies:
BRANCHES OF ACCOUNTING  Knowledge - the CPA’s knowledge must cover general
The main branches of accounting and their brief
knowledge, business knowledge, information technology
description are as follows:
knowledge and accounting knowledge.
 Auditing – is the independent verification and
 Skills - the skills to be developed include:
examination that ensures the fairness and reliability of the
o intellectual skills which involve skills in analysis, problem
reports that management submits to users outside the
solving, strategic/critical thinking, o interpersonal skills
business entity.
which involve developing the ability of CPAs to work in
 Bookkeeping – is the routine activity of recording,
groups and being a team player, o communication skills
classifying and summarizing business transactions in a
which involve active listening skills and the ability to
systematic manner. It is the procedural aspect of
communicate effectively.
o Values
 Cost Accounting – is the process that involves the
recording of cost data in books of accounts..
o Professional ethics – the accountancy profession aims students and finance subjects for accountancy students
to work in accordance with the highest standards of should be handled by CPAs only.
professionalism. Hence, the need for CPAs to conform to
the ethical standards of the profession become vital. ACCOUNTANCY ACT OF 2004
These ethical standards include integrity, objectivity,  The accountancy profession is governed by a law,
independence, professional competence and due care, Republic Act No. 9298 known as the "Philippine
confidentiality and professional behavior. Accountancy Act of 2004"
o Moral values – CPAs need also to distinguish between  An Act regulating the practice of Accountancy in the
what is morally right or wrong. Philippines, This was signed into law by President Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo on May 13, 2004.
CARREER OPPORTUNITIES  This law repealed Presidential Decree No. 692,
The professional accountant is presented with a lot of otherwise known as The Revised Accountancy Law which
opportunities. They can be engaged in any of the was enacted May 5, 1975.
following areas of competence:

 Public Practice  Objectives of the Act: (Article I, sec. 3, RA 9298)

This is a career field where the accountants offer (a) The standardization and regulation of accounting
to the public expert services for a fee. These services education;
include accounting, auditing, tax and management (b) The examination for registration of certified public
advisory services. Public accountants, who practice accountants; and
individually or as members of public accounting firms, (c) The supervision, control, and regulation of the practice
should be certified public accountants (CPAs). of accountancy in the Philippines.
 Commerce and Industry
Another career field, where accountants are Professional Regulatory Board of Accountancy
employed. Entry level positions are financial accounting  Article II of the Accountancy Act provides for the
staff, management accounting staff, tax accounting staff, creation of the Professional Regulatory Board of
cost accountant. Middle level positions - comptroller, Accountancy.
budget officer, senior auditor, senior information system  The agency tasks to enforce the provisions of the
auditor, senior forensic auditor. Advanced level positions Accountancy Act.
– Chief financial officer, chief information officer.  Included in its powers and function is the supervision of
the registration, licensure and practice of accountancy in
 Government the Philippines as well as the right to suspend, revoke, or
Another career field where accountants work as reinstate the Certificate of Registration for the practice of
an accountant, auditor, budget officer, or electronic data the accountancy profession. (Section9,
processing head of any of the government agencies and Article II of the Act)
non-profit organizations. They man be hired by the
following government agencies: Commission on Audit, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT LICENSURE
Bureau of Internal Revenue, Department of Finance, EXAMINATION
Department of Budget and Management, Bangko  SEC. 13, Article III of the Accountancy Act - Certified
Sentral ng Pilipinas and local government units. Public Accountant Examinations -All applicants for
 Education registration for the practice of accountancy shall be
Another professional field where the accountants required to undergo a licensure examination to be
assume the role of a teacher, researcher and reviewer. given by the Board in such places and dates as the
Accounting professors develop students to be competent Commission may designate subject to compliance with the
and prepare them for the CPA licensure examinations. All requirements prescribed by the Commission in
accounting subjects for accountancy and non accountancy accordance with Republic Act No. 8981.
 SEC. 14. Qualifications of Applicants for Examinations. ACCOUNTING STANDARDS
– Any person applying for examination shall establish the ▪ Accounting standards like the basic accounting concepts
following requisites to the satisfaction of the Board that serve as guide when recording and communicating
he/she: (a) is a Filipino citizen; (b) is of good accounting information.
moral character; (c) is a holder of the degree of Bachelor ▪ The difference of standards from concepts is that the
of Science in Accountancy conferred by a school, college, standards provide a more detailed application of
academy or institute duly recognized and/or accredited by concepts.
the CHED or other authorized government offices; and (d) ▪ They also prescribe which principle is most appropriate
has not been convicted of any criminal offense involving for specific economic transactions.
moral turpitude.

THE ACCOUNTING EQUATION AND THE ▪ They also require certain information that should be
DOUBLE –ENTRY SYSTEM included in financial reports and how this information is
Accounting concepts and principles are a set of Development of the Accounting Standards
logical ideas and procedures that guide the accountant in ◻ International Accounting Standard Committee (IASC)
recording and communicating economic information. was created in 1973
to harmonize accounting standards across different
Separate Entity Concept – Under this concept, the countries
business is considered separate and distinct from its ⮚ International Accounting Standards (IAS) - standards
owner. Only business transactions are recorded in the promulgated by the
books of accounts of the business and the personal IASC.
transactions of the owner are not included. ◻ International Accounting Standard Board (IASB)
succeeded IASC in 2001.
Time Period (Periodicity Concept) – This concept assumes
Main objective of the board - to develop a uniform set of
that the operating life of an enterprise maybe divided into
high quality, understandable and enforceable global
series of reporting periods. This allows accounting to
accounting standards. The purpose is to achieve a higher
report on a timely basis the needed information of the
degree of comparability and transparency of financial
users of financial statements to assess the
reporting to help the world’s capital markets and other
condition and performance of the business.
users make economic decisions.
Going Concern Assumption – Under this concept, the
⮚ International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) –
business is assumed to continue in operation for an
standards promulgated by the IASB, consists of the
indefinite period of time.
Stable Monetary Unit – Under this concept , all business
transactions are recorded and measured using only one
unit of measurement. The unit of measurement in the
■ Interpretation of IFRS and IAS
Philippines is the Philippine peso. It is also assumed that
the purchasing power of peso is stable and therefore The Accounting Standards in the Philippines
changes in the purchasing power due to inflation are ◻ Accounting Standard Council (ASC) - created in Nov.
ignored. 18, 1981 by PICPA- accounting standard setting body in
Materiality Concept – This concept guides the accountant the Philippines. composed of eight members. It was
when applying accounting principles. This is because formed to establish and improve accounting standards
accounting principles are applicable only to material that will be generally accepted in the Philippines.
items. An item is considered material if its omission or ⮚ The accounting standards in the Philippines called
misstatement could influence economic decision. “Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS)
were basically US bases until gradually the Philippines THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR
adopt the IAS and IFRS starting 1997.
Financial Reporting Standard Council (FRSC) – created in ◻ Objective of Financial Reporting
2004 by PRC replacing the ASC – was created to assist the ◻ Qualitative Characteristics of Useful Information -
BOA to carry out its powers and functions provided under fundamental, enhancing
the Republic Act 9298, the Philippine Accountancy Act of ◻ Elements –definition, recognition, measurement
2004. ◻ Capital and capital maintenance
⮚ It was then that the Philippines decided to adopt the
Qualitative Characteristics of Useful Information
accounting standards issued by the IASC and IASB and
◻ Fundamental qualities
they are known as:
■ Relevance – predictive value, confirmatory value
■ PFRS corresponding to IFRS
■ Faithful representation – completeness, neutrality, free
■ PAS corresponding to IAS
from bias
■ Interpretation of the PFRS and PAS corresponding to
◻ Enhancing qualities
■ Understandability
◻ The FRSC consists of 15 members with a chairman.
■ Verifiability
The Philippines has three financial reporting frameworks: ■ Timeliness
 the Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRSs) ■ Comparability
 the Philippine Financial Reporting Standard for Small
General Purpose Financial Statements
and Medium-Sized Entities (PFRS for SMEs) and
The general purpose financial statements are:
 the Philippine Financial Reporting Standard for Small 1. Statement of Financial Performance (Income
Entities (PFRS for SEs). Statement)
The Securities and Exchange Commission has the 2. Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity
authority to prescribe the financial reporting framework 3. Statement of Financial Position
to be used by corporations in the Philippines. 4. Statement of Cash Flow
In September 2022, the Professional Regulatory Board of
Accountancy (BOA) issued Board Resolution No. 44
(s. 2022) that contains the approval of the following: Elements of Financial Position:
 Adoption of the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure ❖ Asset- is a present economic resource controlled by
Standards that will be developed by the International the entity as a result of past event. An economic resource
Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) in the preparation is a right that has the potential to produce economic
of the general-purpose financial statements; and benefits.
 Renaming of the Financial Reporting Standards Council Examples:
(FRSC) to Financial and Sustainability Reporting ◻ Current Assets - Cash, Accounts Receivable, Notes
Standards Council (FSRSC) receivable, Inventories, Prepaid expenses
 The change in name considers the expanded role of ◻ Noncurrent Assets – Property, Plant and Equipment,
FSRSC in the adoption of future Sustainability Disclosure Intangible Assets
Standards. This is in light of the increasing demand for
❖ Liability – is a present obligation of the entity to
high quality, transparent, reliable and comparable
transfer an economic resource as a result of past events.
reporting by companies on climate and other
environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters.
• Current Liabilities- Accounts Payable, Notes Payable,
Accrued Liabilities, Unearned Revenues
• Non current Liabilities – Mortgage Payable, Bonds
❖Equity – is the residual interest in the assets of the equation
enterprise after deducting all liabilities. ◻ Increase in Asset = Increase in liability
Examples: ◻ Increase in Asset = Increase in equity
• Capital, Withdrawals/Drawing, Income Summary ◻ Increase one Asset = Decrease in another Asset
◻ Decrease in Asset = Decrease in Liability
Elements of Financial Performance: ◻ Decrease in Asset = Decrease in Owner’s Equity
❖ Income – is increase in assets, or decrease in liabilities, ◻ Increase in Liability = Decrease in Owner’s Equity
that result in increases in equity, other than those relating ◻ Increase in Owner’s Equity = Decrease in Liability
to contributions from holders of equity claims. ◻ Increase in one Liability = Decrease in another Liability
Examples: ◻ Increase in one Owner’s Equity = Decrease in another
• Service income, Sales Owner’s Equity

What is an account?
❖ Expenses – are decreases in assets, or increases ❖ An account is a basic summary device of
liabilities that result in decreases in equity, other than accounting. It is a detailed record of the increases,
those relating to distribution to holders of equity claims. decreases and balance of each element that appears
Examples: in an entity’s financial statements. It resembles the
• Cost of Sales, Salaries Expense, Rent Expense, Utilities
letter T the reason why it is called T Account
Expense, Supplies Expense, Insurance Expense,
Depreciation Expense, Interest Expense. DEBITS AND CREDITS- THE DOUBLE ENTRY
❖ Accounting is based on a double entry system
which means that the dual effect of a business
❖ A business transaction is an exchange of values
transaction is recorded. A debit side entry must have
involving two parties or within the enterprise.
❖ All business transactions that are taken up in the a corresponding credit side entry. Each transactions
accounting records of the enterprise should have affects at least two accounts. The total debits for a
supporting source documents. transaction must always equal the total credits.
❖ In accounting, business transactions are presented in ❖ An account is debited when an amount is entered
terms of the elements of the financial statements that are on the left side of the account and credited when an
affected by each transaction. This is done through the amount is entered on the right side of the account.
basic accounting equation, which states that:
Note: Income is added while expenses are deducted
BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS AND THE ACCOUNTING in the equation. These are because income increases
equity and expenses decreases equity. This is also the
In analyzing business transactions for purposes of
reason increase in income is recorded on the credit
recording, always remember the following:
side while increase in expense is recorded on the
✔ In every transaction, value received = value parted
with, the two values must always be equal. debit side.
✔ The basic accounting equation must always be

Effects of business transactions on the accounting

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