TQM Book
TQM Book
TQM Book
KeyTerms and
William 1, Duncan
hftig & Warren International
1. A general framework for ready reference that outlines the phases of TQM
implementation. An overview of the phases of successful T Q M implementa-
tion is provided in this Introduction, and each phase is detailed in individ-
ual listings within the publication’s definitions. The outline should allow
practitioners to quickly reference this book for (1) an objective benchmark
of the types of activities that should be completed or under way at any point
in the TQM implementation process and (2) a general understanding of
what lies ahead. This information will also prove invaluable in developing
introductory and overview materials about how T Q M implementations
work and what they involve. (A detailed implementation plan is not in-
cluded here, since many already exist in popular TQM books, and the spe-
cifics of each implementation plan vary greatly from organization to organi-
zation, reflecting the needs of the company involved.)
2. A glossary of TQM terminology. Cultures are held together not only by
a system of values and beliefs, but also by a common language. The lan-
guage of TQM is unique, and most of the terminology involved is listed and
defined within this text. Related terms are cross-references as appropriate.
Glossary entries span the entire spectrum of the quality field-from techni-
cal terms such as Poisson distribution to less technical but more frequently
used terms such as empowerment. (Note that a term may be more commonly
used without necessarily being more commonly understood!)
iv Introduction
use TQM or another approach to meet the needs of all of the company’s
stakeholders. For more detailed information, see the entry preparation
phase (phase I) in the glossary portion of this text.
Introduction iii
kaizen-kutosis 95
N - np-chart 107
accqtable quality leuel (AQL) The percentage of defects that are accept-
able without rejecting an entire lot sampled. This concept, developed in
the 194Os, contradicts the philosophy of TQM in many important ways: It
allows d e f m to pass through to the final product, it implicitly encourages
suppliers to ship defective materials to their customers, and it reduces
quality to a statistical game in which the customer is the ultimate loser.
Also called acceptance number.
2 accuracy
activity-bcLsed costing
)C‘( A cost accounting process that begins with
the premise that products consume activities and that the activities in turn
consume resources (rather than beginning with the premise that products
consume resources). ABC differs sigmficantly from traditional methods of
accounting and is much more supportive of TQM-related improvement
activities. By i d e n w g the cost driver activities, a much more accurate
picture of costs associated with any given product can be obtained. The
two major elements of ABC systems are the process value analysis and
the cost driver analysis. The culmination of these efforts provides tight
linkage between financial performance and quality improvement activi-
alpha (a) The probability of making a Type I error; that is, reject-
ing a hypothesis when it is true. For control charts, the probability
that we think a process is out of control although it is still in control.
(5 Categories)
Flow Cham Arrinity Diagram Pareto Diagrams Run Charts Matrix
T w Diagrams Techniques ControlCharts
Matrix Diagrams
6 American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
basic calculational models are fixed, random, and mixed, often re-
ferred to as Model I, Model 11, and Model I11 respectively.
arithmetic mean For any set of values, the average or the sum of the
values divided by the number of values summed. It is typically de-
noted in quality applications by K or X-bar. See also mean.
Public Processor
, Voice/Data
Telephone PABX
Mainframes A A
Workstations! Workstations!
artijcial intelligence (AI) 9
Other Communications
Local Area Controllers Departmental
Networks Systems
Sewers Various
End User End User Local Area
Devices Devices Networks
3 days
assessment phase (phase ZZZ) The third major phase of a TQM im-
plementation plan. (See the Introduction for an overview of all five
phases.) This phase involves identifying the structure, strengths, and
weaknesses of:
average (mean) chart A control chart that uses the sample or sub-
group average, X-bar, to determine the stability of the process mean.
r! (n-r)! PTr
See Figure 4.
needed. At the end of the period covered, the order may or may not
be renewed at the discretion of either party. This type of order is
frequently used in just-in-time manufacturing environments where
operations can be streamlined and individual releases may be made
via telephone authorization or an electronic data interchange link.
business lead team See discussion under planning phase (phase 11).
1. Group of processes that are found along the value chain. In a man-
ufacturing company, value-adding processes include prod-
uctlprocess definition, production, distribution, and prod-
uctlcustomer support. This is the most important category.
See value.
2. Support processes. Procurement, industrial engineering, tool-
ing production, machine maintenance, and receiving and
shipping are processes that are required to directly support
the value-added processes.
3. Processes that bear little direct relationship to the value-added pro-
cesses, but are still a necessary part of any business (e.g., most ac-
counting and finance processes, business development pro-
cesses, and strategic planning).
22 cause, common
Figure 5. c-chart.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Month (1/92-4/94)
NOTE. The point below the lower h i t of expected variatron (21st month) indicates
that there was somethrng drfferent about that month that led to fewer injuries
(e g , equrpment down)
an effect (symptom)or quality problem (see Figure 6). See also dispersion
Indqmta U n W PoaFdback
Tranmg Schedule to Deaign
centralline or center line (CL) The horizontal solid line in the center of a
process control chart that represents the central tendency of the sample
values, which (if the process is in a state of control) may be directly or
indirectly employed to assess a population parameter.
24 central tendency
Grand Total 52
even distribution between values with higher and lower values alter-
nating regularly. This phenomenon usually indicates errors in the
way data are grouped during histogram construction. Systematic
bias in the rounding of values may yield a similar result. See Figure
commodity Any group of parts that requires the same raw materials
and the same production resources/equipment to produce them.
1 Expected Value
Due to Chance
(Sampling Error)
Recorded Data
cost of quality (COQ A term used to describe the total cost associ-
ated with the quality of products or services. Costs of quality include
prevention costs, appraisal costs, and internal and external failure
costs. (See internal failure costs and external failure costs.) These
costs are usually much greater than those immediately recognized
because they include systems costs and personnel costs usually con-
sidered fixed. Among the least recognized elements are engineering
changes resulting from poor-quality designs and customer relations
costs associated with poor-quality products and services.
Thickness A
No Effect on
Customer I) Product
8 vs C Yields
Effect: A vs B Significant
Meaningful Critical
Thickness A Difference
Secondary Potential
Opportunity Area Attributes for
for Future Focused
Strategic initiatives Differentiation
Quality Stratv
Product- arket
Us Competition
x x (Both) Time
Product Design Ongoing
& Planning x x (Both)
Us and the
Product Competition
price Dlssatisfiers A P Process
Delivery Service C D
D-chrt See demerit chart.
assianments. deDbvments. etc.
Workstations To displa critical information needed Workers running
to contm and monitor a process or
o eration (control charts, SOPS,
the process or
cEeck sheets)
Kanbans To control the flow of material Workers and
through a series of operations supervisors
or processes running the area
data coaection The gathering of data to iden* methods of, and prog-
ress toward, process improvement. A sound strategy for data collection
includes the answers to these questions:
Gathering too much data and gathering the wrong data can be
counterproductive. Faulty analysis of even flawlessly gathered data
can be misleading. However, good, solid data-gathering strategies
and tactics are essential to monitoring and improving process and
system health.
50 data encryption standards (DES)
12 -l " " " " i ' " ' ~ ' ' " l ' " ' ~ ' " ' ~
- -
- - -
4 - -
2 - -
...................................................................................... LCL
0 - -
l ~ ~ . . i . ~ ~ . l ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ .
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Month (1/92-4/94)
award is named after W. Edwards Deming, though its criteria are not
directly aligned with Deming's teachings. The three separate award
categories are the Deming Application Prize, the Deming Prize for
Individuals, and the Deming Prize for Overseas Companies. The De-
ming Prize Committee of the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engi-
neers (JUSE) in Tokyo oversees the award process.
design for disassembly 53
I m
duty cycle (Run time) divided by (run time plus setup time for the
economic order 4uantity ( E W See batch manubcturing.
education and training fbr total quality) The required knowledge for
total quality implementation and management. (See also training.) The
education and training requirements for TQM operations vary widely de-
pending on the type of environment (manubcturing vs. service, no prior
TQM exposure vs. mature quality environment, etc.).
employee selection and training 61
of Engineering
Ana sisfor
Initial arget and
Specification Approval
A proval and
Characteristic Coordination
Approval and of Specification
Rewew System Modification and
Im act Analysis
Coordination kocedures
of Internal QFD
Table for Critical
68 external customer
70 facilitator’s role
u?udyi.s An analysis procedure in complex experimental de-
signs. In hctorial analysis, the influence of the experimental hctors is
evaluated in terms of what their main effkct or, in combination with other
hctors, what their interaction effects have on some criterion measure or
quality characteristic (satisfier).The designs in which hctorial analysis is
appropriate may be full hctorial designs, when each factor level of each
hctor appears in combination with each and every level of every other
factor in the design. Or, since this setup can lead to numerous combma-
tions in complex designs, a f i m W hctorial design may be employed.
In both cases, factorial analysis, typically employing analysis of variance
techniques, is proper and desirable.
1. Loss of speed
2. Performance degradation
3. Out-of-adjustment conditions
fault tree analysis (FTA) 71
4. Lackofquality
5. Leaks
6. Operational malfunction
failure costs See internal failure costs and external failure costs.
Primary or Basic And Gate: Or Gate (inclusive):
Fault Event ail inputs are required if any input events occur,
dependent on lower events; to produce output event; the output event will occur;
develop separate fault tree parallel redundancy series reliability
Normal Event:
event that must occur
Transfer Event:
information in or out
fixible manufacturing 73
1. Seim’ (organization)
2. Seiton (neatness)
3. Seiso (cleaning)
4. Seiketsu (standardization)
5. Shitsuke (discipline)
or Step
or Step
The focal point chart serves as the end of the policy deployment
process at each level of the organization. It also serves as the subse-
quent initiation of the daily management function. See Figure 24.
See also customer needs, satisfier, and dissatisfier.
Figure 24. A focal point chart for the organization of deployed criti-
cal characteristics.
External Internal
Customer Needs Customer Needs
Quali Defects 8, Safety, Quality, Projects
Charactenstics Defectives Operational Costs,
(Sabsfiers) (Dissatisfiers) Housekeeping, etc.
1. Flatness Scratches Accident Reduction New Press Start-up
2. Hardness Edge Bums Recovery New Alloy Develop.
3. Tensile Strength Voids Eliminating Cobbles
4. Surface Quality Smears
5. Profile
applied in the manner that parts can only be assembled in the in-
tended sequence, with the intended orientation.
1. Functionability
2. Usability
3. Reliability and Performance
4. Supportability/Serviceability
5. Availability
6. Price
GAAP See generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
Gantt chart A chart that uses horizontal bars to depict planned and com-
pleted work activities on a scale of time. See Figure 25.
0 5 10
15 20 25
30 35 40
golno go 81
goals, strategic Defined conditions that flow from the vision of the
organization and that, if achieved, would necessarily result in the at-
tainment of the vision. Strategic goals typically span more than five
years in their achievement, and are each further defined as contribu-
tory strategic objectives.
Employee-Management Trust and Respect
Management Self-Discipline
84 histogram
hoshin planning A planning technique that derives its name from the
Japanese term hoshin kanri, which means “shining metal” and “pointing
direction.” This planning method uses relatively short-term, high-impact
goals to achieve breakthrough improvements in company performance.
Companies use vision statements to develop their goals, objectives, and
operating strategies. Periodic audits are performed to assess and encour-
age progress toward achieving the envisioned hture state. See also policy
16 -
low = 10
high = 40
2 14- range = 30
mean = 21.5
5 12-
g 10-
FIow Rates
hypothesis 85
Figure 28. House of quality for making instant coffee with a micro-
Strong Relationship
0 Medium Relationship
A LOW Relationship
Temperature 01.1 I
Flavor 0
hypothesis An unproven theory, supposition, or assertion that is used to
explain certain facts or relationships between variables. Hypotheses are
generally used to provide a foundation for hrther investigation about
possible cause-andeffect relationships.
impe$echn S e e nonconformity.
’ phase (phase N) The fourth phase of the T Q M process.
(Seethe Introduction of this publication for an overview of all five phases.)
This phase, also called the deploymentphase by some TQM practitioners, is
the portion of a TQM implementation that contains initial pilot activities
and long-term management commitment to the overall TQM process.
The implementation phase of a T Q M program typically involves the fol-
lowing steps:
in-process testing 87
independent variable Any factor that may have an effect on the de-
pendent variable under investigation. Under certain circumstances,
the independent variable may also be called a covariate.
IS0 9000 registration shows that the company has been audited and
approved according to the applicable standard(s) by an independent
IS0 9000 registrar. See also certification, I S 0 9000.
Jumn, Joseph M . One of the first quality leaders to deal with the broad
management aspects of quality. Juran first introduced the cost of quality
concept in his book The rzualzcy CmhoZ Handbook (New York: McGraw-Hill)
in 1951.Juran advocates structured improvement initiatives, the sense of
urgency, extensive training, and strong upper-level management commit-
just-in-time (IIT) manufacturing 93
96 kurtosis
Mesokuiic Curve
Leptokurtic Curve
Platykurtic Curve
latent defcts Defects that are not identified until they are experienced
during customer ownership. Latent defects are generally caused by inade-
quate design margin, product complexity, and/or low process capability.
The solution to latent defects most often lies in increasing the ratio of
design margin to process capability.
ed teum, business See discussion under planning phase (phase II).
lead time The time ahead of a specified milestone at which the prior
activity must be started. In manuhcturing, there are several segments of
lead time. For example, material requirements planning systems usually
contain manuhcturing lead time to produce the product, supplier lead
times (to procure parts for the product), and move and queue times for
material handling between production operations. See also cycle time.
98 leadership
LL Seelowerlimit.
lot sire The quantity of product or number of units (or parts) within a
lot. See lot.
lower process limit The threshold below which exactly .135%of the mea-
sures, scores, values, or observations M.
lower speciication limit (LSL) The point below which any measured
value of a critical characteristic will result in a defective product in that
it no longer conforms to specifications. See also process capability and
‘ ,and machines
manpower, methods, materials See four M’s.
mean time between failures (MTBF) The average time between a re-
pairable product’s failures for a specific unit of measure (e.g., operat-
ing hours or cycles).
mean time toJirst failure (MTTFF) The average time interval be-
tween the first usage of a repairable product and the first failure of
that product for a defined unit of measure (e.g., operating hours or
growing more tightly linked from top to bottom throughout the com-
pany and focusing increasingly on process-oriented measurement
median The middle of a set of data points, or the point that sepa-
rates the data into halves. Fifty percent of the data values fall below
the median, and 50% fall above it. The median is also referred to as
the separation boundary between the second and third quartile of
median and range ( X - R ) chart A control chart that uses the me-
dian and the range of sample values recorded in order to determine
whether a process is in control or if an assignable cause is present
and should be addressed. See in-control process.
mode The score or value that occurs most frequently in a set of ob-
108 natural work team
natural work team A natural work group that has a clearly defined
mission, usually continuous improvement.
nominal data Discrete data with only two classifications. For exam-
ple, numeric values that represent open circuit vs. closed circuit, us-
able vs. unusable, and occurs vs. does not occur. The control charts
used for nominal data are the np-chart and the c-chart.
112 operating plan
they are doing? Regulation can come in the form of reaction plans,
product disposition plans, and process adjustment procedures, etc.
If all these needs and criteria have been met, without exception, then
the operators are in a state of self-control. They have all the means
needed to do good work and any errors are operator-controllable.
(See operator-controllable errors.) If any of these criteria or needs
have not been met, then the managerial job has not been completed.
Therefore, all resulting errors are considered management-control-
The control charts used for ordinal data are the c-chart and the
u-chart. See also attribute data.
Process in Control
(6 consecutive increasing or decreasing)
........................................... I
Figure 32. Patterns indicating possible out-of-control conditions.
1 ' '
Cyclical Effect
PY54 .-----.-----.--~.
Lack of Variability
(15 consecutive points in center 1/3)
, 1 1 1
Excessive Variability
1 1
1 1
pchurt A control chart, based on the normal approximation of the bino-
mial distribution, reflecting sample percentages or proportions of defec-
tive units. When the process is found to be in a state of control, the pro-
cess average (p-BAR)can be employed to estimate n (pi), the percentage
or proportion defective in a population. See Figure 33.
Pureto unaEysis An analysis that identifies and differentiates the vital few
from the trivial many (or the “important many” as Juran suggested they
may in bct be). Pareto analysis was originally developed by Vilfredo Par-
eto, a nineteenthcentury Italian economist who discovered this relation-
ship in the context of wealth and its distribution among the general popu-
lation. The principle was defined in its broader context by Juran in 1950.
In almost any population, 2Wo of the population represent 8Wo of the
value in that population. When ranked in descending order, it becomes
Pareto chart 119
12 - 1 " " 1 " " 1 " " 1 " " 1 " " 1 " " 1
10 - -
2 - -
. 1.11%
0 - I l . . . . l . . . . I . . . . l . . . . l . . . . l
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
relatively easy to identlftr the most sigdicant items to control. For exam-
ple, when performing cycle counts of inventory, the highest dollar value
items should be counted most frequently. In most cases, this means that
counting just 2Wo of the part numbers involved will cover 80% of the
dollars in inventory. Similarly, when identlfylng where to focus improve-
ment efforts, a Pareto analysis is ofien used to iden* the relatively few
causes that generate most of the problem conditions.
Pureto chart A graph (usually a bar chart) that depicts the values of char-
ted Occurrences in descending order, identdjmg those that represent
roughly 20% of the occurrences and roughly 80% of the value of the
occurrences measured. The ranking of defect causes from most to least
120 Pareto diagram
Categories (e.g., defect types)
percent chart 121
ACT identify
- Adopt Targets
- Abandon and Goals
- Adjust
to Achieve
Act Plan theTwrets
and Goals
D 4. Implement work.
Engage in
Check work. Do
A 6. Take appropriate action.
phase W,implementaturn
* phase See implementation phase (phase IV).
PIT Process improvement team. See also planning phase (phase 11).
The PDCA cycle is sometimes called the Shewhart cycle and the
Deming cycle-Walter Shewhart developed the concept and described
it in his book Statistical Methods from the Viewpoint of Quality Control
(Washington, D.C.: The Graduate School, Department of Agricul-
ture, 1939), and W. Edwards Deming popularized the concept in
gets and time frames are tied directly to the reward struc-
ture of these employees, and they are required to state
their commitment or withdraw from the process. See also
reward and recognition system.
--- 1
- 5
mmmm 10
0.0 10 20 30 40 50
Visions, Values,
Beliefs, Guiding
Policies Deployed
to Organization
Corporate/ Annually
Strategic Plan
Product-Market Business or
Analysis Operating Plan
1. Reasons for improvement. Adopt team mission that defines the
improvement theme (general problem). Document impor-
tance and why problem should be worked on. Schedule prob-
lem-solving activities.
2. Current situation. Understand the nature of the problem. Se-
lect appropriate components of the theme (subproblem) for
improvement. Set an improvement target.
3. Analysis. Identify and verify the root causes of the problem or
undesired state.
4. Countemeasures. Select and implement countermeasures that
will counteract the root causes of the problem.
5. Results. Check the effectiveness of the countermeasures. De-
termine if problem correction or desired change has been
achieved. If not, return to step 3.
6. Standardization. Prevent the problem from recurring. Stan-
dardize and achieve control to maintain the gains. (See also
standardization and standard operating procedure.)
7. Future plans. Plan what to do about any remaining problems
and evaluate the team’s effectiveness.
cp= (USL6a
- LSL)
The Cpk index considers not only process variability, but also the
degree of centering. Cpk can be understood as decreasing the value
of C, as a function of the degree to which the process average devi-
ates from the center of the specification limits. Indeed, an initial for-
mula for Cpk was:
i"' LsLl
Another more popular and easy-to-follow calculation for C,k in-
volves the use of z-scores calculated for the specification limit values
relative to the process distribution. A z-score is calculated for the USL
called Z, and for the LSL called Z,. The absolute values of these two
z-scores are taken and the smaller of the two is used in calculating
Cpk as follows:
5. Maintain the chart. Since the actual work time required always
varies from estimated times, the actual critical path will shift
back and forth between lengthening and shortening strings
of activity.
pull signals Devices used to signal the prior operators that they are
authorized to produce another unit. Pull signals may be as sophisti-
cated as electronic messages on a computer screen or as simple as an
empty spot in the previous operation’s outgoing area.
pull system A way of managing shop floor (or even office-level) activ-
ity that minimizes work-in-process and dramatically improves
throughput time by eliminating interoperation queues. A pull system
requires two things: a pull signal and a fixed upper volume limit. A
fixed upper volume limit means that operators must stop producing
parts whenever they have not received their (pull signal) authoriza-
tion to produce more. If only two pull signal devices are provided
between operations, then a maximum of two parts will exist in flow
between those operations at any given point in time. Pull signals are
sometimes called kanbans. See also push systems.
push systems The antithesis of the pull system. Push systems allow
production to continue based on a predetermined schedule. Push
systems launch orders into the production system on a scheduled
interval and assume that they will come out the end of the process at
push systems I41
the end of the designated throughput times. Even the best closed-
loop push systems are much less responsive to in-process variation,
and therefore much less effective for controlling production and
work-in-process than pull systems.
QA See quality assurance.
quality circles 143
mngechart SeeRchart.
148 ratio data
ratio data An interval data scale, structured such that the ratio between
any two measures results in a meaningfbl metric. See also continuous data
and variables data.
recovery Good output from the operation divided by the total output
from the operation. Also known as yield.
1 2 3
Infant + - 4 Random -b 4 Wearout
Mortality Failures Failures
again in the later wearout period at the end of the system’s life cycle.
Since the middle period or useful life period is much longer than
either of the other two periods, the graphing of this failure probabil-
ity curve produces the “bathtub” look, and hence the name. At these
different stages, and depending on the nature and quantity of the
equipment involved in the process, different mathematical models
may be utilized to determine the reliability level of the system. The
exponential model, the reliability series, the reliability of parallel sys-
tems series, and the k-out-of-n system are among the reliability mod-
els employed. See also process/equipment reliability.
tion is present that has caused a shift in the process average. See also
out-of-control process.
156 scatter diagram
a. a
Part Size
setup time reduction 157
1. Cause-and-effect diagrams
2. Check sheets
3. Control charts
4. Flowcharts
5. Histograms
6. Pareto charts
7. Scatter diagrams
Shewhart, WalterA . The man who created the control chart, who is
also known as the father of statistical quality control. Shewhart,
ASQC’s first honorary member, described the basic principles of SQC
in his book Economic Control of the Quality of Manufactured Products
(New York: Van Nostrand, 1931).
Human Resource
II Average performance of top companies in that category
Status of your company’s performance
164 sponsor’s role
stakeholders All those inside and outside the company who have a
significant interest in company performance. See shareholders vs.
Supplier cost of
Selection and Quality
Qualification Accounting
Critical Characteristic
Approval and Review
170 supplier selection and qualijcation
Theory X A theory of behavior that suggests and acts on the belief that
people are basically lazy,find work repulsive, and prefer to be directed in
their work activities.
tool wear A condition under which the variability of the process at any
one point in time will be less than the distribution over the life of the tool.
174 tooling reliability
toding reliubdiiy The probability that a given tool will produce parts
within control limits.Poor tooling reliability is usually symptomatic of a
more hndamental problem. It is important to look for the more hnda-
mental problem (e.g., machine vibration) and solve it in order to maintain
long-term process control.
total cost concept in purcMng The concept that the true cost of a pur-
chased item is the cost associated with procurement and use of the item.
See also supplier cost of quality accounting systems.
total quuliiy management (QM) A term initially coined by the Naval Air
Systems Command to describe its Japanese-style management approach
to quality improvement. Since then, the term TQM has taken on many
meanings. Simply stated, TQM is a system by which continuous improve-
ment of all value-adding processes performed by the organization may be
achieved. The customer determines if value has been added based on his
or her satishction. (See customer satisfaction and valueadded analysis.)
training 175
0 Quality function deployment
0 Problem-solving strategy
0 Quality improvement strategy
Industrial statistics
0 Design of experiments
Team effectiveness
Basic T Q M awareness
0 New roles for T Q M leaders (managers and supervisors)
See also education and training (for total quality) and employee
selection and training.
true value The theoretically correct and actual value of the charac-
teristic being measured.
- -
- -
-- -
USL 179
upper process limit The threshold above which exactly .135% of the mea-
sures, scores, values, or observations fill.
upper specification hmit (USL) The threshold above which the character-
istic beiig measured is considered to be defective, because it no longer
conforms to specifications. See also conformance.
vision (company/corporate) 181
and the overall strategy the company intends to use to achieve its objec-
tives. See vision statement and vision, development of.
vitalfm A term emerging from the Pareto analysis, which refers to the
minority (roughly 2Wo) of any population, which represents the majority
(roughly 800/0)of the value of the population. See also trivial many.
waste Any expenditure of resources (including time) that does not add
value in terms of a customer-satisfjmg quality characteristic (satisfier).
See also valueadded analysis.
184 wide area networks (WANs)
W P See work-in-process.
WWU class As good as, or better than, anyone else in the business in
which a company is involved. “Good” in this context means “able to iden-
and satisfy the needs of the customer.”
& RM c h r t Individuals and moving range chart. See X chart and &
ykZd Seerecovery.
2 score The number of standard deviations separating a given value
fiom the mean of a distribution. A standardized value used to transform
a continuous data set into a standard normal distribution (a normal distri-
bution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one).