Joyce Travelbee

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Human-to-human relationship MODEL

‘A nurse does not only seek to alleviate
physical pain or render physical care- she - The nurses have a responsibility toward
ministers to the whole person. The the patient.
existence of suffering, whether physical, - Does not only focus on the physical
mental or spiritual is the proper concern of defects, difficulties or illnesses they
the nurses.’ experience but as well as with their total
-Travelbee (1926-197 being in emotional, psychological and
To provide quality health care to
- Born in 1926 thepatients, they must:
- Psychiatric nurse, educator, and a writer
- 1956 - completed her Bachelor of • Good interaction and working
Science degree in Nursing at the relationship
Louisiana State University • Gain their trust, and respect and
- 1959- completed her Master’s Degree in establish rapport.
nursing at Yale University • Assess the person as a whole not just by
- 1973 - she started a doctoral program in mainly focusing on each problem that they
Florida; however she didn’t finish it verbalize and complain about.
because she died a year later at the age
of 47 due to a brief sickness. Concepts

Works Illness
- classification and category. An individual
- Instructor in Psychiatric nursing at will react to illness depending on culture
Depaul Hospital Affiliate School, New and symptom burden
Orleans while working on her
baccalaureate degree. - Depending on the impairment of
functioning as well as the health-care
- Project Director at Hotel Dieu School of Provider’s responses, a human
Nursing in New Orleans and a director of connection that fosters an understanding
Graduate Education at Louisiana of the illness isdeveloped
StateUniversity School
Books - a feeling of displeasure that ranges from
simple transitory mental, physical or
- Published in the year 1966 and 1971- spiritual discomfort to extreme anguish-
Interpersonal Aspects of Nursing. the malignant phase of despairful “not
- Intervention in Psychiatric Nursing: caring” and apathetic indifference.
Process in a one-to-one relationship
- the nurse will assist the ill patient to
experience hope in order to cope with the
stress of illness and suffering.
Future-oriented. Without hope, there is no - The feeling that you understand and
direction for lessening suffering. share another person's experiences and
Communication - the ability to share someone else's
- to know an ill person, to ascertain and feelings
meet nursing needs and to achieve the
purpose of nursing. Sympathy

Pain - The nurse wants to lessen the cause of

-is not observable. A unique experience. the patient’s suffering.
Pain is a lonely experience that is difficult
to communicate fully to another individual - The nurse should use a disciplined
intellectual approach together with the
Rapport therapeutic use of self to make helpful
-“a process, a happening, an experience nursing action.
between two persons. It may not be a
mutual affair at first, but the sharing of the Rapport
experience and participation in it grows as
each individual unfolds him or herself in - Nursing interventions that lessen the
the interpersonal situation. patient’s suffering.

STAGES OF THE HUMAN-TO-HUMAN - Nurse and patient are relating as human

RELATIONSHIP MODEL beings to the human being

Original encounter - The patient shows trust and confidence

in the nurse
- First impression by the nurse of the sick
person and vice-versa. VIEW OF THE THEORY OF THE FOUR
- The nurse and patient see each other in
stereotyped or traditional roles Person
- Human being
Emerging identities - Patient and nurse

- The nurse and patient perceive each Environment

other as a unique individuals. - Not clearly defined
- She defined human conditions and life
- The link of the relationship begins to experiences encountered by all men as
form suffering, hope, pain and illness.

Empathy Health

Two qualities that enhance the Subjective and Objective

empathy process:
Subjective health
•Similarities of experience - an individually defined state of well-being
•Desire to understand another person in accord with self-appraisal of physical,
emotional and spiritual status.
Empirical precision
Objective health Travelbee’s language is existential and
- the absence of discernible disease; requires an understanding of one’s
disability of detection as measured by perceptions of illness and suffering to find
physical examination and lab test. meaning. The descriptive structure of this
theory is more concrete than its process.
Nursing Although
is “an interpersonal process whereby the
professional nurse practitioner assists an Travelbee’s theory lacks simplicity, her
individual, family or community to prevent language and rhetoric can reach
or cope with experience or illness and researchers and practitioners in human
suffering, and if necessary to find meaning science, thus creating the foundation for
in these experiences.” generating knowledge.

ANALYSIS The derivable consequence

of Joyce Travelbee’s theory as a whole, it
Clarity encourages the nurse to take a step
- Her theory is clear but is layered with closer to their patients. Being able to
definitions but she also defined and clearly share freely or to act like an efficient nurse
outlines the steps to understand her is, will help the patient for a faster
concept of suffering, hope, illness, and the recovery and face problems with hope.
steps to establish a rapport.

- If the Human-to-Human Relationship
Theorywere merely accounts for nurses
and patients being both human and
therefore able to relate on an equal
playing field,
- Travelbee’s theory would appear simply
stated and parsimonious. This is not the
case. Multiple variables exist to define our
being human, thus separating us via the
level of distress and suffering. How
humans define or accept their distress and
suffering is multifaceted.

Her theory has a potential for global use
within nursing and last for her empirical
precision, she didn’t show the proposition
of her findings in her research.

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