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Addis Ababa Science &

Technology University March

Instructor: Behailu Getachew
(Asst. Prof.)

Formal Languages and Automata Theory

Chapter 1 : Introduction
• An automaton is a construct that possesses all the
indispensable features of a digital computer.
– It accepts input, produces output, may have some
temporary storage, and can make decisions in transforming the
input into the output.
• A formal language is an abstraction of the general
characteristics of programming languages.
– It consists of a set of symbols and some rules of formation by
which these symbols can be combined into entities called
– It is the set of all sentences permitted by the rules of formation.
FLAT: Implication of Real-World Problem
Mathematical Preliminaries and Notation

NB: A something is a special something if it possesses

property p.
=> R→Q, iff R holds P.

Definition 1. A set is a group of objects . The objects in a

set are called the elements, or members, of the set.

Example 1

The set of positive integers less than 100 can be denoted as { 1,2,3 , .. . , 99 } .

Example 2
A set can also consists of seemingly unrelated elements:{ a, 2 ,Fred,NewJersey } .

Definition 2. Two sets are equal if and only if they have the
same elements.
Example 3
Set { 1,3,3,3,5,5,5,5 } is the same as set { 1,3,5 } .
• A set can be described by using a set builder notation.
Example 3
O= { x | x is an odd positive integer less than 10 }

Example 4
N= { x|natural numbers }= { 1,2,3,. . . }
Z= { x| integers }= {. .. ,- 2 ,-1,0,1 ,. . . }
Z= { x|positive integers } ={ 1,2,3,. . . }
R= { x|real numbers }
• A set can be described by using a Venn diagram.
Example 5
Draw a Venn diagram that presents V, the set of vowels in English alphabet.

• The set that has no elements is called empty set, denoted by φ .

Definition 3. The set A is said to be a subset of B if and

only if every element of A is also an element of B. We use
the notation A ⊆ B to indicate that A is a subset of the set B.

A ⊆ B if and only if ∀ x ( x ∈ A → x ∈ B)
For any set P , φ ⊆ P and P ⊆ P .
If A ⊆ B and B ⊆ A , then A=B .
Example 6
{ φ, { a } , { b } , { a,b } }= { x|x is a subset of the set { a,b } } .
If a set A is a subset of set B but that A ≠B, A is called to be a proper subset of B,
denoted as A ⊂ B .

Definition 4. The power set of a set S is the set of all subsets of S,
denoted by P(S) or 2 .

Example 7
What is the power set of the set S= { 0,1,2 } ?
Solution : P( { 0,1,2 } )(or 2 S )={ φ, { 0 } , { 1 } ,|{ 2 } , { 0,1 } , { 0,2 } , {1,2 } , { 0,1,2 } } .

• Set Operations:

C omp lement

U nion A ∪ B= { x |x ∈ A or x ∈ B }

Intersection A ∩ B= { x |x ∈ A and x ∈ B }

D ifference A − B= { x|x ∈ A and x ∉ B }

Example 8
{ 1,3,5 }∪ {1,2,3 }= { 1,2,3,5 } .
{ 1,3,5 }∩ {1,2,3 }= { 1,3 } .
{ 1,3,5 }− {1,2,3 }= { 5 } .

Example 9
Let A= { a,e,i,o,u } and the universal set is the set of the letters of the English
alphabet . Then A= { b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z } .

• Set Identities Revision
Table 1 Set Identities
Identity Name
A ∪φ=A
Identity laws
A ∩U=A
A ∪U=U
Domination laws
A ∩φ=φ
A ∪ A=A
A ∩ A=A Idempotent laws

( Ā )=A Complementation laws

A ∪ B=B∪ A
Commutative laws
A ∩ B=B∩ A
A ∪( B ∪C )=( A ∪ B )∪C
A ∩( B ∩C )=( A ∩ B )∩C
Associative laws
A ∩( B ∪C )=( A ∩ B )∪( A ∩ C )
A ∪( B ∩C )=( A ∪ B )∩( A ∪ C )
Distributive laws
De Morgan’s law
Cartisian product of A and B , denoted by A×B , is the set of all ordered pairs (a,b ),
where a∈ A and b ∈ B . Hence, A ×B= {( a,b )| a ∈ A ∧b ∈ B } .

Example 10
Let A= { 1,2 } and B= { a,b,c } .
A×B= { (1 ,a ),(1 ,b ),(1 ,c ),(2 ,a ),(2 ,b),(2 ,c ) }
B× A= {(a, 1 ), (a, 2),(b, 1),( b,2 ),(c, 1),(c, 2 ) }
A×B≠B× A
Functions and Relations
Definition 1. Let A and B be sets. A function f from A to B is an assignment of
exactly one element of B to each element of A. We write f(a)=b if b is the
unique element of B assigned by the function f to the element a of A. If f is a
function from A to B, we write f : A → B.

x x
A function Not a function
Example 1
Let set A={Adams, Chou, Goodfriend, Rodriguez, Stevens} and B={A,B,C,D,F}.
Let G be the function that assigns a grade to a student in our theory of
computation. G
Adames A
Chou B
The domain of G is the set A={Adams,
Goodfriend C Chou, Goodfriend, Rodriguez, Stevens},
Rodriguez D and the range of G is the set {A,B,C,F}.

Stevens F
• Considering the function whose domain and range are in the set of
integers. We are often interested only in the behavior of these
functions as their arguments become very large.
Let f (n)and g( n) be functions whose domain is a subset of the positive integers .
(1) If there exists a positive constant c such that for all n
if |f (n)|≤ c|g (n )|, we say that f has order at most g , denoted as f (n)=O( g (n)),
if |f (n)|≥c|g( n)|, then f has order at least g , denoted as f (n )=Ω(g(n )
(2) If there exist constants c 1 and c 2 ,such that c1|g(n )|≤|f (n)|≤c 2|g(n)|, f and g
have the same order of magnitude, denoted as f (n)=Θ(g (n)).

Example 2

Let f (n)=2 n2 +3n,g (n)=n 3 ,h(n)=10 n2 +100

Then f (n)=O( g(n)), g( n)=Ω(h(n)), f (n)=Θ( h(n))
Definition 3
Let A and B be the sets. A relation R from A to B is a subset of A × B .
From the definition, relation R is a set of pairs .
If (a,b)∈ R, we say a has a relation R with b, denoted as aRb.
• Functions can be considered as relations, but relations
are more general than functions.
Example 3
Let A={1,2,3,4}. R={(1,2), (2,3),(3,1),(4,4)} is a relation from A to A,
and it is also a function from A to A.
Example 4
R={(1,2), (2,3),(1,3),(1,4)} is a relation but not a function.
Example 5
•Let A be the set of students in the AASTU. Let B the set of courses. The
set R that consists of those pairs (a,b), where a is a student enrolled in
course b, is a relation from A to B.
Definition 4
R is an equivalence relation if for any pair (x,y) of R
xRx for all x (reflexivity)
If xRy then yRx (symmetry)
If xRy and yRz, then xRz. (transitivity)
We usually use to denote equivalence relation.

Example 6
Let I be the integer set and let R be a relation from I to I,
where ( x,y )∈ R if and only if x mod 3=y mod 3.
Then 2 R 5, 12 R 0, and 0 R 36 .
It is an equivalence relation, as it satisfies reflexity, symmetry,and transitivity .

Example 7
‘=’ on the set of integers is an equivalence relation.
Graphs and Trees
Definition 1
A graph is a construct consisting of two sets, denoted as G=(V,E),
where V= {v 1 ,v 2 ,. . .,v n } is a set of vertices and E= {e 1 ,e 2 ,. . . ,e m } is a set of edges .
Each edge is a pair from V .

Example 1 Example 2
v3 v3
e1 v2 e3 e1 v2 e3
e7 e7
v1 e1 v7 e8 v1 e4 e1 v7 e8
v5 e5 e6 v8 0
v5 e5 e6 v8
v9 e2 v4 e9 v9 e2 v4 e9

A directed graph An undirected graph

Definition 2
(1) A sequence of edges ( v i ,v j ),(v j ,v k ),. . ., (v m ,v n ) is a walk .
(2) The length of a walk is the total number of edges traversed
in going from the intial vertex to the final one .
(3 ) A walk with no repeated is said to be a path.
(4 ) A path is simple if no vertex is repeated .
(5) A walk from v i to itself with no repeated edges is called as a cycle with base v i .
(6 ) An edge from a vertex to itself is called a loop.

Example 3
v3 walk: ( v1,v 2),(v 2,v 9),( v 9,v 7),( v 7,v 2),( v 2,v9)
e1 v2 e3
e7 path: (v 1,v2),(v 2,v 9),(v 9,v 7),(v 7,v 2)
v1 e1 v7 e8
e4 cycle: ( v 2,v9),( v 9,v7),( v7 ,v 2)
v5 e5 e6 v8 loop: ( v 3,v 3)
v9 e2 v4 e9
Definition 3
A tree is a directed graph that has no cycles. There is a one distinct
vertex in tree, called the root.

Level 0 v1

Level 1 v2 v4 v3 Parent of v6
Level 2 v8 v5 v6 Child of v3

Level 3 v7 v9
A Proof Technique - Mathematical Induction
Definition 1
Mathematical induction is a method we use to prove a sequence of statements
P1 ,P 2 , .. . to be true .
(i) Basis: Proving that for some k=1 , P1 is true .
(ii ) Inductive Assumption: Supposing for any n ≥k, Pn is true .
(iii ) Inductive Step: Proving that P n+1 is true .
Example 1
A binary tree (no parent has more than two chidren ) of height n has at most 2 n leaves.
Proof: We use l(n ) to denote the maximum number of leaves in a binary tree of height n.
Basis: Clealy l (0 )=1=20 .
Inductive Assumption: l(i)≤2i , for i= 0,1 ,. . .,n .
Inductive Step: To get a binary tree of height n+1 from one of height n , we can create, at most,
two leaves in place of each previous one .
Therefore, l(n+1 )=2 l(n ).
Using the inductive assumption, we get l(n+ 1)≤2×l(n )=2n+1 .
Example 2
n( n+ 1)
Show that Sn = ∑ i= .
i= 0 2
Basis: S1 =∑ i=1=
i=0 2
n(n+1 )
Inductive Assumption: Assuming that Sn =∑ i= for all n≥1.
i= 0 2
n (n+1 ) ( n+1)( n+2 )
Inductive Step: Sn+1 =∑ i =Sn +n+1= +n+ 1= .
i=0 2 2
Strings and Languages

• Alphabet: Finite, nonempty set of symbols

– Examples:
  = {0, 1}: binary alphabet
  = {a, b, c, …, z}: the set of all lower case letters
• The set of all ASCII characters

• String: Finite sequence of symbols from an alphabet 

– Examples:
• 01101 where  = {0, 1}
• abracadabra where  = {a, b, c, …, z}
Strings and Languages …
• Empty String: The string with zero occurrences of
symbols from  and is denoted or 
• Length of String: Number of symbols in the string
– The length of a string w is usually written |w|
– |1010| = 4
– || = 0
– |uv| = |u| + |v|
• Reverse : wR
– If w = abc, wR = cba
Strings and Languages …

• Concatenation: if x and y are strings, then xy is the

string obtained by placing a copy of y immediately after
a copy of x
– x = a1a2 …ai, y = b1b2 …bj
– xy = a1a2 …aib1b2 …bj
– Example: x = 01101, y = 110, xy = 01101110
– x = x = x
Strings and Languages …
• Power of an Alphabet: k = the set of strings of length k with
symbols from 
– Example:  = {0, 1}
 1 =  = {0, 1}
 2 = {00, 01, 10, 11}
 0 = 

• Question: How many strings are there in 3?

• The set of all strings over  is denoted *

 * = 0  1  2  3  …
• Also
 + = 1  2  3  …
 * = +  
 + = * - 
Strings and Languages…
• Substring: any string of consecutive characters in some
string w
– If w = abc
 , a, ab, abc are substrings of w

• Prefix and suffix:

– if w = vu
– v is a prefix of w
– u is a suffix of w
– Example
• If w = abc
• a, ab , abc are prefixes of w
• c, bc, abc are suffixes of w
Strings and Languages…

• Suppose: S is the string banana

– Prefix : ban, banana
– Suffix : ana, banana
– Substring : nan, ban, ana, banana
Strings and Languages…
• Language: set of strings chosen from some alphabet.
• A language is a subset of *
– Example of languages:
• The set of valid Arabic words
• The set of strings consisting of n 0’s followed by n 1’s
– {, 01, 0011, 000111, …}
• The set of strings with equal number of 0’s and 1’s
– {, 01, 10, 0011, 0101, 1010, 1001, 1100, …}
• Empty language:  = { }
• The language  consisting of the empty string.
• Note:  
Strings and Languages …
• Can concatenate languages
– L1L2 = {xy | x L1, y L2}
– Ln = L concatenated with itself n times
– L0 = {}; L1 = L
• Star-closure
– L* = L0 L1 L2 
– L+ = L* - L0
• Languages can be finite or infinite
– L = {a, aba, bba}
– L = {an | n > 0}
Strings and Languages …

union of L and M L  M = {s | s is in L or s is in M}
written L  M
concatenation of L LM = {st | s is in L and t is in M}
and M written LM
Kleene closure of L L* =  Li , i=0,.., 
written L*
L* denotes “zero or more concatenations of “ L
positive closure of
L written L+ L+ =  Li, i=1,.., 
L+ denotes “one or more concatenations of “ L

L+ = LL* , If L = {ε}, then L* is also {ε}, but

L* - {ε} iff ε ∉ L.
Kleene Star

L* = {} 
{w  * : k  1
(w1, w2, … wk  L (w = w1 w2 … wk))}


L = {dog, cat, fish}

L* = {, dog, cat, fish, dogdog,
dogcat, fishcatfish,
fishdogdogfishcat, …}
Summary Notes : Strings and Languages …
L = {A, B, …, Z, a, b, …z} D = {1, 2, …, 9}
• L  D = the set of letters and digits
• LD = all strings consisting of a letter followed by a digit
• L2 = the set of all two-letter strings
• L4 = L2 L2 = the set of all four-letter strings
• L* = { All possible strings of L plus  }, L+ = L* - 
• D+ = set of strings of one or more digits
• L (L  D ) = set of all strings consisting of a letter followed by a
a letter or a digit
• L (L  D )* = set of all strings consisting of letters and digits
beginning with a letter
Strings and Languages …

• The language L consists of strings over {a,b} in which

each string begins with a should have an even length.
• aa, ab  L
• aaaa,aaab,aaba,aabb,abaa,abab,abba,abbb  L
• baa  L
Strings and Languages …

• The language L consists of strings over {a,b} in which

each occurring of b is immediately preceded by an a.
•  L
• abaab  L
• bb  L
• bab  L
• abb  L
Strings and Languages …

• Let X = {a,b,c} and Y = {abb, ba}. Then

• XY = {aabb, babb, cabb, aba, bba, cba}
• X0 = {}
• X1 = X = {a,b,c}
• X2 = XX =
» {aa,ab,ac,ba,bb,bc,ca,cb,cc}
• X3 = XXX =
» {aaa,aab,aac,aba,abb,abc,aca,acb,acc,baa,bab,bac,bba,bbb,bbc
Strings and Languages …
• The language L = {a,b}*{bb}{a,b}* = *{bb}* consists
of the strings over {a,b} that contain the substring
• bb  L
• abb  L
• bbb  L
• aabb  L
• bbaaa  L
• bbabba  L
• abab  L
• bab  L
Strings and Languages …
• Let L be the language that consists of all strings that begin with aa
or end with bb.
• L1 = {aa}{a,b}*
• L2 = {a,b}*{bb}
• L = L1  L2 = {aa}{a,b}*  {a,b}*{bb}
• bb  L, abb  L, bbb  L, aabb  L
• bbaaa  L, bbabba  L, abab  L, bab  L. ba  L
Strings and Languages …

• Let L1 = {bb} and L2 = {, bb, bbbb} over b.

• The languages L1* and L2* both contain precisely

the strings consisting of an even number of b’s.

•  , with length zero, is an element of L1* and L2*

Strings and Languages … Exercise
• What is the language of all even-length strings over
– Answer
 L = {aa, bb, ab, ba}* = (aa|bb|ab|ba)*

• What is the language of all odd-length strings over

– Answer
 L = {a,b}* - {aa, bb, ab, ba}* or
 L = {a,b}{aa, bb, ab, ba}* or
 L = {aa, bb, ab, ba}* {a,b}
Strings and Languages … Exercise

List 1 List 2
1 b bbb
2 babbb ba
3 ba a
4 bbbaa babbb

List 1 babbb
List 2 ba
Strings and Languages … Exercise

List 1 List 2
1 b bbb
2 babbb ba
3 ba a
4 bbbaa babbb

2 1
List 1 babbbb
List 2 babbb
Strings and Languages … Exercise

List 1 List 2
1 b bbb
2 babbb ba
3 ba a
4 bbbaa babbb

2 1 1
List 1 babbbbb
List 2 babbbbbb
Strings and Languages … Exercise

List 1 List 2
1 b bbb
2 babbb ba
3 ba a
4 bbbaa babbb

2 1 1 3
List 1 babbbbbba
List 2 babbbbbba
Strings and Languages … Exercise
List 1 List 2
1 11 011
2 01 0
3 001 110
Concatenation and Reverse of Languages

Theorem: (L1 L2)R = L2R L1R.

x (y ((xy)R = yRxR)) Theorem 2.1

(L1 L2)R = {(xy)R : x  L1 and y  L2}Definition of

concatenation of languages
= {yRxR : x  L1 and y  L2}Lines 1 and 2
= L2R L1R Definition of
concatenation of languages
Let us see a grammar for English. Typically, we are told “a sentence can
Consist of a noun phrase followed by a predicate”. We can write this
grammar as follows: variables start variables
⟨ sentence ⟩ → ⟨ noun phrase ⟩ ⟨ predicate ⟩
Furthermore, we have
⟨ noun phrase ⟩→ ⟨ article ⟩ ⟨noun ⟩ , productions
⟨ predicate ⟩ → ⟨ verb ⟩
terminal symbols
From this grammar, we can produce the sentence like “a boy runs”.
Definition 1
A grammar G is defined as a quadruple We assume V and T are
G=(V,T,S,P ), nonempty and disjoint
where V is a finite set of objects called variables,
T is a finite set of objects called terminal symbols,
S∈ V is a special symbol called the start variable,
P is a finite set of productions .

Production rules are the heart of a grammar. We let them

be of the form x → y, where x ∈ ( V ∪T )+ and y ∈ ( V ∪T ).

From a string w=uxv and a production rule x → y

we can obtain a new string z=uyv .
This is said that w derives z, denoted as w ⇒ z .

If w 1 ⇒ w2 ⇒⋯⇒ wn , we say that w 1 derives w n

and write as w 1 *⇒ wn .

The * means that an unspecified number of steps (including zero ).

Therefore, w ⇒*w .
Definition 1 .2
Let G=(V,T,S,P ) be a grammer . Then the set
L(G )= { w ∈ T*: S⇒* w }
is the language generated by G.
If w ∈ L( G ) , then the sequence
S ⇒ w 1 ⇒ w 2 ⇒ ⋯⇒ w n ⇒ w
is a derivation of the sentence w .
Example 1
n n
Consider the grammar We can prove that L (G )= a b : n≥ 0 } .
G=( { S } , { a,b } ,S,P ) ,
with P given by Proof:
S → aSb Whenever we generate sentences we use
S→ λ . S →aSb n (n≥0 ) times and then use S→ λ once.
We have S ⇒ aSb ⇒ aaSbb ⇒ aabb, It means that G generates and only generates
n n
that is S*⇒ aabb . the sentence a b (n≥0).
Thus, aabb is a sentence in L(G ).
Example 2
Find a grammar that generates
L= { an bn+ 1 : n≥0 } .
The idea of example 1 can be used here . All we need to do is generate an extra b .
This can be done by a production rule S → Ab , and let A derive the language in example 1 .
Therefore, we have
G= { { S,A } , { a,b } ,S,P } , where P consists of
A→ λ .

A given language may have many grammars that generate it .

We say that two grammars G 1 and G 2 are equivalent if L( G 1 ) =L( G 2 ).
Grammars, Languages, and Machines

L Language

Grammar Accepts

Transducer Machine
• An automaton is an abstract model of a digital computer.
Current configuration
Input file
… ( current state, input and storage )

Control unit ( using Transition function)
Next configuration

Storage ( Next state, input and storage )

• Deterministic automata: each move is uniquely determined.
Nondeterministic automata: the moves are not uniquely determined.
• An automata is called an accepter if its output response is limited to “yes” or “no”.
• An automata is called a transducer if it is capable of producing strings of symbols
as output.

FSMs for parity checkers, vending machines, communication
protocols, and building security devices.

Interactive games as nondeterministic FSMs.

Programming languages, compilers, and context-free grammars.

Natural languages are mostly context-free. Speech understanding
systems use probabilistic FSMs.

Computational biology: DNA and proteins are strings.

The undecidability of a simple security model.

Artificial intelligence: the undecidability of first-order logic.
Applications ...
• Compiler design
• Pattern matching
• Example:
Applications ...
• In this grammar, the variables are id , letter , digit , undrscr ,
and rest .
• The letters, digits, and the underscore are terminals.
• A derivation of a0 is:
id ⇒(letter)(rest)
⇒ a(rest)
⇒ a(digit)(rest)
⇒ a0(rest)
⇒ a0.
Applications ...
• Example: Automata
1 2

An automaton can be represented by a graph in which the
vertices give the internal states and the edges transitions.

The labels on the edges show what happens (in terms of input
and output) during the transition.

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