Strategies Affecting Stock Market

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Strategies Affecting Stock

The stock market can be unpredictable, but having a strategy can increase your
chances of success. Here are some important strategies investors need to know.

AK by Aditya Kanchan Baras

Market Analysis

Market Trends Bull or Bear? Patience and

Analysing the stock market Identifying market trends helps
trends to predict performance. to determine whether a stock is Long-term investors should have
Using market indicators, like in an upward or downward patience and knowledge.
volume and price action helps trend. Research the market before
investors make decisions. Investors use technical and investing. Avoid herd mentality
fundamental analysis to and emotional trading.
determine this.
Fundamental Analysis
Market Cap PE Ratio

Market capitalisation is the total value of the This number shows how much investors are willing
company. Divide the market cap by the number of to pay per rupee of earnings. High PE ratio suggests
shares to get the stock’s price per share investors are optimistic about the company’s

Revenue Trends Debt-to-Equity Ratio

Studying the company’s revenue over the past 3-5 This ratio shows the amount of debt a company
years. This helps to identify their profitability trends owes and its shareholder investments. A lower ratio
and potential future growth opportunities. is better, indicating a company can comfortably
handle its debt.
Technical Analysis
1 2 3

Trend Identification Patterns and Timing of

Utilising charts and graphs
Indicators Trades
to identify trends of a Analysing technical signals
company’s stock price Identifying specific to decide the right time to
performance – upwards, candlestick patterns, trading enter and exit a trade,
downwards, or sideways. volume, and moving thereby maximising return
averages, as well as other on investment.
technical indicators to
determine stock
Event-Driven Analysis

Product Launch Company Conferences Industry News

Analysing a company's new Attending corporate conferences Keeping up-to-date on industry

product launch and the impact it to learn about any new news, as it could adversely or
will have on their share prices developments, regulatory positively impact a company’s
before investing. changes, or future plans. share prices.
Quantitative Analysis
EPS (Earnings Per Share) ROE (Return on Equity)

EPS is calculated by subtracting the company’s ROE is calculated by dividing net income by
expenses from its revenue and dividing by the total shareholder equity. It helps investors evaluate the
number of outstanding shares in the market. company’s efficiency.

PEG (Price to Earnings Growth Ratio) Beta

PEG is calculated by dividing the stock's price-to- Beta measures the volatility of a company’s stock in
earnings ratio by the expected growth rate of the relation to the overall market. A beta of 1 implies
company. It's an easy valuation metric to help the stock is moving along with the market; higher
compare companies with different growth rates. values indicate a more volatile stock.
Investment Strategy

1 Value Investing

Investing in stocks that are undervalued compared to the market, where the intrinsic value is greater
than the current price.

2 Growth Investing

Investing in companies that have the potential to grow and expand, with a high growth rate and
strong profit margins.

3 Income Investing

Investing in companies with a history of strong dividends and stable returns. Typically less risky but
provides lower returns compared to growth investing.
Risk Management

Diversified Portfolio Stop-Loss Orders Professional Help

A diversified portfolio spreads the A stop-loss order is a tool A professional portfolio

risk across different stocks, investors use to protect manager can help with the
sectors, and asset classes. This themselves from downside risk. It complexities of risk
helps to reduce the impact of helps to minimise losses by management.
stock price fluctuations. triggering an automatic sell at a
certain price.

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