Week 6maint MGMT BIE2016 Mechanical

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Basic Services System – Mechanical 2:

Air Conditioning/Ventilation

Yasmin Mohd Adnan


Outline of Lecture

• Definition
• Various types of air conditioning systems
• Choice of System
• Central Chilled Water Air Conditioning Systems and
Direct Expansion Systems
• Distribution systems
• A brief presentation for Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is the process of altering the properties of air (primarily

temperature and humidity) to more favourable conditions. More generally, air
conditioning can refer to any form of technological cooling, heating, ventilation, or
disinfection that modifies the condition of air.

An air conditioner (often referred to as AC) is a major or home appliance,

system, or mechanism designed to change the air temperature and humidity
within an area (used for cooling and sometimes heating depending on the air
properties at a given time). The cooling is typically done using a simple
refrigeration cycle, but sometimes evaporation is used, commonly for comfort
cooling in buildings and motor vehicles. In construction, a complete system of
heating, ventilation and air conditioning is referred to as “HVAC".

The basic concept behind air conditioning is known to have been applied in
ancient Egypt where reeds hung in windows had water trickling down. The
evaporation of water cooled the air blowing through the window, though this
process also made the air more humid.
Air conditioning

is a method of providing conditioned air to an area at the

proper temperature and humidity.

The term usually describes a refrigeration system designed

to cool the air within a space. In the process of removing
heat, the system also removes moisture, further increasing
comfort levels.

Auxiliary filters may also remove pollen, dust and other

pollutants from the air as well. Sometimes entire buildings can
be designed that air temperature, humidity and air freshness
can be controlled from a central air conditioning plant. Other
buildings can be temperature controlled by individual units
placed at strategic points.
Penyaman Udara

Penyaman Udara: proses pengawalan dan perawatan bagi semua

kandungan udara untuk ruang atau tempat tertutup.

Perawatan secara mekanikal dilakukan terhadapa suhu, kelembapan,

pembaharuan udara, kebersihan dan pengagihan udara tersebut bagi
mencapai keperluan dan fungsi tertentu.

Untuk mencapai keperluan ini, pemanasan atau penyejukan dilakukan

dalam pengawalan suhu.
- Kelembapan dikawal dengan proses pelembapan dan
- Kebersihan udara, proses penapisan, penyucian dan peresapan
siperlukan semasa pengagihan udara dilakukan.
- Penagihan udara dilakukan selepas melalui proses perawatan dan
diagihkan ke bahagian lain dalam bangunan
Penyaman Udara
Sistem penyaman Udara perlu ada:

i) Kawalan suhu secara pemanasan dan penyejukan

ii) Kawalan kelembapan secara pelembapan atau penyahlembapan
iii) Kawalan kebersihan secara penapisan, penyucian dan peresapan
bagi membuang kekotoran
iv) Pengagihan udara iaitu jenis pengudaraan dan cara aliran.

Keperluan Penyaman Udara:

i) Keselesaan
ii) Prestasi Pekerja dan Bahan Pengeluaran
iii) Kesihatan
iv) Peralatan

Faktor rekaan dapat menentukan pengaliran haba ke ruang – beban

pendinginan (cooling load) : Orientasi Bangunan, Iklim dll.
Mechanical ventilation
includes the moving of air by means of :
fans, air filtration, heating, humidification, heat reclaim for
economy of operation and free cooling that can be obtained
from the external atmosphere.

The CIBSE Guide B3 (CIBSE, 1986b, Section B3) states that

air conditioning differs from mechanical ventilation by the
incorporation of refrigeration. Thus adding mechanical
refrigeration equipment and a cooling coil to a mechanical
ventilation system turns it into air conditioning.

Air conditioning for people is the control of temperature,

humidity, air movement and air cleanliness, heat radiation
sometimes [e.g. by chilled ceiling ], normally with mechanical
means, to achieve human thermal comfort.
Air conditioning systems can be categorized according to the means by
which the controllable cooling is accomplished in the conditioned
space. They are further segregated to accomplish specific purposes by
special equipment arrangement.

In selecting a suitable air conditioning system for a particular

application, consideration should also look to the following:-
▪ System constraints : Cooling load, Zoning requirements, Heating
and ventilation
▪ Architectural Constraints : Size and appearance of terminal
devices, acceptable noise level, Space available to house
equipment and its location relative to the conditioned space,
acceptability of components obtruding into the conditioned
▪ Financial Constraints : Capital cost, Operating cost, Maintenance
Various Definitions :

Evaporator – Facilitates compression of refrigerant coolant to

evaporate from liquid to gas, absorbing heat in the process

Condenser – Facilitates heat transfer. It has high pressure

where the refrigerant vapour constantly liquefy and release

Expansion Valve – Controls the amount of refrigerant flow in

the evaporator and condenser

Compressor – Compresses refrigerant gas to high pressure

Air Handling Unit – A device used to circulate air as a part of

ventilating and air conditioning
Air Handling Unit

1 – Supply duct 2 – Fan compartment 3 – Vibration isolator ('flex joint') 4

– Heating and/or cooling coil 5 – Filter compartment 6 – Mixed
(recirculated + outside) air duct
Various Definitions :

A chiller : is a machine that removes heat from a liquid via a vapour

compression or absorption refrigeration cycle. This liquid can then
be circulated through a heat exchanger to cool equipment, or
another process stream (such as air or process water).

In air conditioning systems, chilled water is typically distributed to

heat exchangers, or coils, in AHU or other types of terminal devices
which cool the air in their respective space(s). The water is then re-
circulated back to the chiller to be cooled again. These cooling coils
transfer sensible heat and latent heat from the air to the chilled
water, thus cooling and usually dehumidifying the air stream.
Various Definitions :

A cooling tower is a heat rejection device which rejects waste heat to the
atmosphere through the cooling of a water stream to a lower temperature.
Cooling towers may either use the evaporation of water to remove process heat
and cool the working fluid to near the wet-bulb air temperature or, in the case of
closed circuit dry cooling towers, rely solely on air to cool the working fluid to
near the dry-bulb air temperature.

An Air Conditioning cooling tower is used to dispose of ("reject") unwanted heat

from a chiller. Water-cooled chillers are normally more energy efficient than air-
cooled chillers due to heat rejection to tower water at or near wet-bulb
temperatures. In areas with a hot climate, large office buildings, hospitals, and
schools typically use one or more cooling towers as part of their air conditioning
Various types of air conditioning systems:
1) Window Air conditioner: This is the most commonly used air
conditioner for single rooms. In this air conditioner all the components,
namely the compressor, condenser, expansion valve or coil,
evaporator and cooling coil are enclosed in a single box. This unit is
fitted in a slot made in the wall of the room.

2) Split Air Conditioner: The split unit is comprised of two parts: the
outdoor unit and the indoor unit. The outdoor unit, fitted outside the room,
houses components like the compressor, condenser and expansion
valve. The indoor unit comprises the evaporator or cooling coil and the
cooling fan. For this unit no slot in the wall of the room is required.
Further, the present day split units have aesthetic looks and add to the
beauty of the room. The split air conditioner can be used to cool one or
two rooms.
Types (cont’)

3) Packaged Air Conditioner: This type of air conditioner is suggested if more

than two rooms or a larger space are to be cooled. There are two possible
arrangements with the package unit. In the first one all the components, namely
the compressor, condenser (which can be air cooled or water cooled), expansion
valve and evaporator are housed in a single box. The cooled air is thrown by the
high capacity blower, and it flows through the ducts laid through various rooms. In
the second arrangement, the compressor and condenser are housed in one
casing. The compressed gas passes through individual units, comprised of the
expansion valve and cooling coil, located in various rooms.

4) Central Air Conditioning System: The central air conditioning system is used
for cooling big buildings, houses, offices, entire hotels, gym, cinema hall, factory
etc. If the whole building is to be air conditioned, HVAC engineers find that putting
individual units in each of the rooms is very expensive initially as well in the long
run. The central air conditioning system is comprised of a huge compressor that
has the capacity to produce hundreds of tons of air conditioning. Cooling big
halls, malls, huge spaces, galleries etc. is usually feasible with central
conditioning units only.
Window Unit Package Units

Split Units
Central Air Conditioning
Choice of System will depend on building
purpose and degree of occupancy (use of
medium of cooling)

Can fall into 3 categories:

1. All air systems

2. Air-Water systems
3. Packaged units
Central Chilled Water Air
Conditioning Systems
and Direct Expansion
There are four basic system categories:
1. Central Chilled Water Air Conditioning Systems – All Air Systems
2. Central Chilled Water Air Conditioning Systems – Air and water
3. Central Chilled Water Air Conditioning Systems – All Water Systems
including cooling towers which can also be applied to systems 1 & 2
4. Direct Expansion Systems [i.e. direct expansion of refrigerant, without
the chilled water cooling medium ]
1 Central Chilled Water Air Conditioning Systems – All Air Systems 1.1 Single Zone
1.2 Reheat
1.3 Variable Air Volume
1.4 Dual Duct
1.5 Multizone

2. Central Chilled Water Air Conditioning Systems – Air and Water Systems
2.1 Induction
2.2 Fan Coil
2.3 Two Pipe
2.4 Three Pipe

3. Central Chilled Water Air Conditioning Systems – All Water Systems including cooling
towers which can also be applied to systems 1 & 2 above
3.1 Fan-coil units
3.2 Central air conditioning with chilled water with fan coils and other devices
3.3 Water cooling towers

4. Direct Expansion Systems [i.e. direct expansion of refrigerant, without the chilled water
cooling medium ]
4.1 Window air conditioners
4.2 Unitary and Rooftop Air Conditioners
4.3 Split type and package air conditioning systems
4.4 Heat pumps
1. Central chilled water air conditioning systems - All Air Systems
An all-air system provides complete sensible and latent cooling capacity in the cold air
supplied by the system. All-air systems can be classified into 2 categories:-
-Single duct systems
-Dual duct systems

System Advantages
1. The central plant is located in unoccupied areas, hence facilitating operating and
maintenance, noise control and choice of suitable equipment.
2. No piping, electrical wiring and filters are located inside the conditioned space.
3. Allows the use of the greatest numbers of potential cooling seasons house with
outside air in place of mechanical refrigeration.
4. Seasonal changeover is simple and readily adaptable to climatic control.
5. Gives a wide choice of zonability, flexibility, and humidity control under all operating
6. Heat recovery system may be readily incorporated.
7. Allows good design flexibility for optimum air distribution, draft control, and local
System Advantages (cont)

8. Well suited to applications requiring unusual exhaust makeup.

System Disadvantages

1. Requires additional duct clearance which can reduce the usable

floor space.
2. Air-balancing is difficult and requires great care.
3. Accessibility to terminals demands close cooperation between
architectural, mechanical and structural engineers.
A Variable Air Volume system (VAVS) controls
temperature within a space by varying the quantity of
supply air rather than the supply air temperature.
However, as the cooling demand in a zone decreases,
the air flow to it is reduced to a "minimum fraction"
typically on the order of 15 - 30% of the full flow rate.
Distribution systems have a number of important components:

1. The Air Handling Unit is a cabinet that includes or houses the central furnace, air
conditioner, or heat pump and the plenum and blower assembly that forces air through
the ductwork.
2. The Supply Ductwork carries air from the air handler to the rooms in a house. Typically
each room has at least one supply duct and larger rooms may have several.
3. The Return Ductwork carries air from the conditioned space back to the air handler.
Most houses have only one or two main return ducts located in a central area.
4. Supply and Return Plenums are boxes made of duct board, metal, drywall or wood that
distribute air to individual ducts or registers.
5. The Ductwork is a branching network of round or rectangular tubes generally
constructed of sheet metal, fiberglass board, or a flexible plastic and wire composite
material located within the walls, floors, and ceilings. The three most common types of
duct material used in home construction are metal, fiberglass duct board, and flex-
6. Flex-duct is installed between the register and plenum box, or plenum box and air
handler, usually in a single, continuous piece. While flex-duct has fewer seams, the
inner lining and outer insulated covering can tear or be pinched closed. Also longer
flex-duct runs can restrict the flow of air; proper design and installation is very
7. Both metal and fiberglass duct board are rigid and installed in pieces. Fiberglass
duct board, like flex-duct, is made of an insulation material. Ducts are built of
sections of the duct board. The seams in the duct board should be carefully sealed
with mastic or high quality duct tape.

8. Rectangular metal duct, especially the kind used for plenums and larger trunk runs,
is often insulated on the inside with fiberglass duct liner. If it is not insulated on
the inside, metal ducts should be insulated on the outside using a fiberglass batt
with an attached metal foil vapor retarder. The insulation should be at least two
inches thick, and the vapor barrier installed on the outside of the insulation facing
away from the duct.
The seams in the insulation are usually stapled together around the duct and then
taped. All of the seams should be sealed before insulation is installed. All return
and supply ducts located outside the conditioned space, in attics, crawlspaces, or
basements, for example, should be sealed and insulated.

9. Ductwork Joints join pieces of ductwork.

10. Elbows are manufactured pieces of duct used for turns.
11. Boots connect ductwork to registers.
12. Registers and Grilles are the coverings for duct openings into the conditioned space.
Single Zone System
The all-air single-zone air conditioning
system is the basic central system which
can supply a constant air volume or a
variable air volume at low, medium or high
pressure. Normally, the equipment is
located outside the conditioned space but
can also be installed within the conditioned
are if conditions permit. Typical
applications include:-
-Space with uniform loads
-Small spaces requiring precision control
-Multiple systems for large areas
a) Capital cost is lower since diversities of loads from lights, occupancy,
solar and equipment of as much as 30% are permitted.
b Virtually self-balancing.
c) It is easy and inexpensive to subdivide into new zones and to handle
increased loads with new tenancy or usage if load does not exceed the
original design simultaneous peak.
d) No zoning is required in central equipment.
e) Lower operating cost because
(i) Fans run long hours at reduced volume
(ii) Refrigeration, heating and pumping matches diversity of
(iii) Unoccupied areas may be fully cut-off
f) Reduced noise level when the system is running at off-peak loads.
g) Allows simultaneous heating and cooling without seasonal changeover.
Multi-zone System
The multi-zone system applies to a Advantages (in addition to those
relatively small number of zones served by common to all-air systems)
a single, central air-handling unit. Different 1. Easy to balance.
zone requirements are met by mixing cold 2. Air transmission and
and warm air through zone dampers at the distribution is simplified.
central air handler in response to zone
Variable Air Volume System
The variable air volume system
compensates for varying cooling loads by
regulating the volume of cooling air
supplied through a single duct.
(a) Simple Variable Air Volume (VAV)
Simple VAV systems typically cools only
and have no requirement for simultaneous
heating and cooling in various zones.
Split Systems
Chilled Water Pumps

Schematic of the central chilled water system

Typical water-cooled chiller system

Fan Coil Units

Cassette Fan Coil Units

2. Central chilled water A/C systems : Air-and-Water Systems
An air-and-water system is one in which both air and water (cooled or heated in
central plant room) are distributed to room terminals to perform cooling or
heating function. The air side is comprised of central air conditioning equipment, a
duct distribution system, and a room terminal. The supply air, called primary air,
usually has a constant volume which is determined by:

1. The ventilation requirement.

2. The required sensible cooling capacity at maximum cooling load.
3. The maximum sensible cooling capacity following changeover to the winter
cycle when chilled water is no longer circulated to the room terminal.

The water side consists of a pump and piping to convey water to heat transfer surfaces
within each conditioned space. The water is commonly cooled by the introduction of chilled
water from the primary cooling system and is refereed to as the secondary water
loop. Individual room temperature control is by regulation of either the water flow through
it or the air flow over it.
Fan-Coil System
The fan-coil system is similar to the inducting system, with the induction unit
replaced by the fan-coil unit. The basic elements of the fan-coil units are a finned-
tube coil and a fan section. The fan section recirculates air continuously from
within the perimeter space through the coil which is supplied with either hot or
chilled water. Auxiliary air may be delivered to the conditioned space for
dehumidification and ventilation purposes.

Fan-coil units
A fan-coil unit basically consists of a finned
tube coil, a filter and a fan section. The fan
recirculates air continuously from the
space through the coil, which contains
either hot or chilled water.
3 Water cooling tower

A water cooling tower cools the water entering it from 35 deg. C to 30 deg. C
nominally. The warmer water is sprayed inside the cooling tower amidst the stream
of an upward air flow produced by the fan at the top of the tower. The air stream
going out carries water particles. These water particles should not be taken into
buildings, to avoid Legionnaire disease to occur. Condenser water pumps move
condenser water through this circuit. Water in this circuit has to be treated. There
is water loss to atmosphere in using cooling towers.

4. Direct expansion Systems

[i.e. direct expansion of refrigerant, without the chilled water cooling medium ]
Cooling Tower Scheme
The air conditioning system uses
evaporative cooling tower for heat
rejection. Water in cooling tower will be lost
due to continuous evaporation, bleed-off
and wind drift. The water lost will be
replaced by water coming from the city
water mains.

Typical components of Chilled

Water Systems
4.1 Direct expansion Systems

A window unit is an encased assembly designed primarily for mounting in a

window, through a wall, or as a console. These units are designed for comfort
cooling and to provide delivery of conditioned air to a room either without ducts
or with very short ducts. They include a prime source of refrigeration,
dehumidification, means for circulating and cleaning air, and may also include
means for ventilating, and/or exhausting and heating.
In a window air conditioner, the indoor unit and outdoor unit of the split
system is put into one single unit. The refrigerant compressor now is part
of the machine locating at the window area.

Since this compressor gives out most noise, among other components,
the window unit will make the room acoustically inferior to other air
conditioning systems.

Fresh air exchange for the room can be provided by :-

-(1) setting the “ventilator” switch of the window air conditioner to “open”

-(2) installing a ventilating extract fan in the room to extract room air to
outside – caution- not to oversize the fan

-(3) naturally leaking of air in and out of the room

The basic concepts of a split air conditioning system [ Small system]

a. A split air conditioning system consists of an indoor unit and an outdoor unit connected together by
refrigerant pipes. The refrigerant circulates between these 2 units [i.e. 2 parts of the system] to take
heat from indoor to outdoor, by firstly having heat of the room air absorbed into the refrigerant via
an air-refrigerant heat exchanger which is the indoor unit, then conveying the heat to the outdoor
unit for disposal.
b. The indoor unit comprises a finned coil and a fan which is driven by an electric motor. Refrigerant is
circulated inside the finned coil to the outside unit and then back to the indoor unit. The fan pulls or
pushes air around the outer surfaces of the coil inside the indoor unit, taking warm air from the
room and injecting cooled air into the room in summer. The refrigerant has no direct contact with air.
So the heat of the room air is transferred into the refrigerant in the indoor unit. Inside the coil,
refrigerant evaporates, and the indoor unit is therefore commonly called an evaporator by the
engineers. The indoor unit is wall-mount or ceiling mount unit.
c. The outdoor unit - The refrigerant then takes the heat from the indoor unit to the outdoor unit,
which is commonly called a condensing unit.
[ i.e. a unit for refrigerant to condense] In an air-cooled outdoor unit, heat exchange occurs in the
same way as the indoor unit. However, the outdoor unit contains a refrigerant compressor, in
addition to having a finned coil and motor-driven fan. The refrigerant does not have direct contact
with air. Refrigerant going through this outdoor coil is losing its energy across the metal surface of
the coil to the atmosphere, as outside air is drawn pass the surface of the finned coil by the fan. By
passing through this finned coil, the outside air is heated up, by normally about 5 deg. rise in
temperature. The outside air passing through the outdoor unit is an open circuit. That is, air path
is not recirculated.

 Suitable for apartments and residences

 Suitable for individual offices


 Small hole (63 mm dia) through the wall required for

the plumbing.

 Manual or automatic start

 13 Amp. Or 20 Amp. According to Units

The split air conditioners comprises of two parts: the outdoor unit and the indoor
unit. The outdoor unit, placed outside the room, houses components like the
compressor, condenser and expansion valve.

• The indoor unit comprises the evaporator or cooling coil and the cooling fan.
• The outdoor unit connects with the indoor unit by two refrigerant tubes.
• The cooling capacity of split-type air-conditioner is usually larger than that of
Warm humid air passes through the vanes of an evaporator coil where in, sealed
tubes liquid refrigerant is “boiling off”. This process absorbs heat energy from the
air so that it cools down. Moisture is also removed from the air during this process
and collects in a tray beneath the evaporator. The water collected is commonly
referred to as “condensate” this is drained away naturally or pumped using an
internal pump unit.
Fig 2, illustrates an evaporator coil, found inside most air conditioning units. Size
and shape will vary depending on the type of unit.
Centralized air conditioning systems are used for cooling large spaces or entire
Generally, the COP (Coefficient of Performance) of centralized air conditioning
system is higher than room coolers.

In centralized air conditioning systems, large compressor, condenser, thermostatic

expansion valve and the evaporator are accommodated in large plant rooms. The
components perform all the functions similar to a typical refrigeration system.
However, all these parts are larger in size and have higher capacities.





A brief presentation for Air
conditioning as prepared
Assoc Prof Rao, Dept of
An Air conditioning system

is an arrangement of equipment used to

achieve and maintain desired conditions of
temperature, Relative Humidity and
cleanliness of the air in a given space.
Packaged air conditioning unit
is one which has been predesigned and
engineered by a manufacturer for a
specified performance standard.
The parts of a packaged
air-conditioning system fall into two main
categories viz.,
(i) air handling component and
(ii) the refrigeration equipment.
However, more flexibility can be obtained
by splitting the two functions completely

This lecture would look

at various ways
of achieving the above objective.
Merits and demerits of the system
would be discussed.
Also applications of the system
would be considered, with
reference to their implications
to the design of the
external facade of a building.


Return Air




Mixing Box

Refrigerating Machinery


Window unit air- conditioner

Evaporator Compressor, Condenser

and Fan and Fan


External Wall
Possible locations for
indoor and outdoor units

S.P. Ra

Return Air




Mixing Box Cooling

Return Air




The function of a duct system

is to transmit the conditioned air
from the A.H.U to the
area to be conditioned.

The purpose of the ductwork

is to deliver the conditioned air
to the area served, as directly,
as quietly and as economically
as possible.


the structural features

of the building require
some compromise,
often placing a limit
on the DEPTH of the duct
The system must be designed
within the prescribed limits of

1. Available Space

2. Friction Loss

3. Sound Level and

4. Heat and Leakage losses

and / or Gains


Air - conditioning Duct


30° 45°



30° 45°



Chilled water air-conditioning system

2. Let us then trace the

flow of the chilled water
45 deg C
Filler Material
30 deg C

30 deg C 5 deg C

12 deg C
45 deg C 14 deg C

Air-Conditioned Ro

1. Let us first trace the flow

of the condenser water 26 deg C

3. Lastly, let us trace the flow of

S P Rao air into the air-conditioned room.

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