Review: Streptococcus Pneumoniae Consists of 90 Immunologically Distinct Serotypes, of Which Some Pos

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Epidemiological differences among pneumococcal serotypes

William P Hausdorff, Daniel R Feikin, and Keith P Klugman Lancet Infect Dis 2005; 5: 83–93
WPH is the director of
The bacterial species Streptococcus pneumoniae consists of 90 immunologically distinct serotypes, of which some pos- epidemiology, GlaxoSmithKline
Biologicals, King of Prussia, PA,
sess distinct epidemiological properties. Certain serotypes are much more likely to be associated with nasopharyngeal
USA; DRF is a medical
colonisation than to cause invasive disease. Compared with transient or infrequent colonisers, serotypes carried at epidemiologist in the Respiratory
high rates by young children may rapidly elicit age-associated natural immunity to invasive disease. Other serotypes Diseases Branch, Division of
seem to be of disproportionate importance as causes of disease in very young infants, in older children, in immuno- Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases,
National Center for Infectious
compromised individuals, or in elderly people. Some serotypes seem to be associated with particular disease syn-
Diseases, Centers for Disease
dromes, such as complicated pneumonias in children, or with higher rates of hospitalisation in children or mortality Control and Prevention, Atlanta,
in adults, or are consistently responsible for outbreaks in certain populations. Since pneumococcal conjugate vaccines GA, USA; and KPK is Professor of
are directed at specific serotypes, national immunisation advisory committees may wish to consider these serotype- Global Health, Rollins School of
Public Health, and Professor of
specific properties when considering which vaccine formulation to introduce into a national programme. Medicine, Division of Infectious
Diseases, School of Medicine,
Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) is a major serotype-specific properties, and to discuss their poten- Emory University, Atlanta, and
cause of acute otitis media (AOM), pneumonia, blood- tial implications in the era of conjugate pneumococcal Director, Medical Research
Council/National Institute for
stream infections (bacteraemia), and of a particularly vir- vaccines. Communicable
ulent form of meningitis. The highest incidence of Diseases/University of the
pneumococcal disease occurs in the first few years of life Serotype distribution studies Witwatersrand Respiratory and
and again in elderly people. Pneumonia, especially The 90 pneumococcal serotypes are grouped in 46 Meningeal Pathogens Research
Unit, Johannesburg, South Africa.
pneumococcal pneumonia, is considered one of the serogroups, based on immunological similarities.5 A
Correspondence to:
major causes of childhood mortality in developing coun- review of more than 70 studies concluded that ten Dr William P Hausdorff,
tries,1 and of adult mortality worldwide.2 The existence of serogroups accounted for most paediatric invasive dis- GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals,
90 immunologically distinct serotypes, differing in the ease in each geographic region (continent), with 2301 Renaissance Blvd, RN0220,
chemical compositions of their respective polysaccha- serogroups 1, 6, 14, 19, and 23 among the most promi- PO Box 61540, King of Prussia,
PA 19406-2772, USA.
ride capsules, further complicates simple epidemiolog- nent in every region.3 The same serogroups, along with Tel +1 610 787 3875;
ical descriptions.3 serotype 3, also predominated in older children and fax +1 610 787 7055;
Current pneumococcal vaccines elicit immune adults. [email protected]
responses to the polysaccharide capsules. The adult vac- These analyses revealed substantial variation in the
cine formulation is comprised of polysaccharides puri- proportions of disease-causing serotypes covered by
fied from the 23 most prevalent serotypes, and these PCV7 in different populations. In young children, the
stimulate B cells to produce protective antibodies. In highest serogroup coverage for PCV7 has been reported
vaccine formulations designed for infants and young for the USA, Canada, and Australia (80–90%), followed
children with relatively immature B cells, polysaccha- by Europe and Africa (70–75%), Latin America (about
rides and oligosaccharides from seven to 11 of the most 65%), and then Asia (approximately 50%). By contrast,
prevalent types are chemically linked to carrier proteins. serogroup coverage in each region for the 11-valent
These conjugates activate T cells to provide sufficient (PCV11, PCV7 plus serotypes 1, 3, 5, and 7F) vaccine for-
immunological help to elicit antibody production, and mulation has usually been found to be at least 80%. For
to stimulate immunological memory. Introduction of a older children and adults, PCV7 coverage figures were
heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine formula- lower (30–60%) but also varied by region; coverages aver-
tion (PCV7, representing serotypes 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, aged 70–80% for PCV11.3
19F, and 23F) into the US infant-immunisation pro- The prominence of so-called “developing country
gramme in 2000 has had a major impact on invasive serotypes” within several industrialised country popula-
pneumococcal disease (IPD) incidence in young chil- tions, most notably serotypes 1 and 5, led to the suggestion
dren, as well as in older age groups through herd that developed and developing countries are not useful
immunity.4 epidemiological categories for pneumococcal serotype dis-
Many publications detail the serotypes of S pneumo- tribution,3,6 though this remains controversial.7
niae isolated from a variety of populations. These have
been important in defining the serotype composition of The serotype as a valid unit of analysis
vaccine formulations, and in understanding their rela- Although the pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide rep-
tive epidemiological value in different parts of the world. resents an important virulence factor,8 other gene prod-
However, studies that focus on “groups” of vaccine- ucts also contribute to the pathogenic potential of the
defined serotypes that cause IPD in wide age ranges, organism.9 Furthermore, for another encapsulated bac-
and/or in large geographic regions, may mask epidemi- teria (Neisseria meningitidis), there is growing evidence
ological differences among individual serotypes. The that clonal variations in non-capsular elements may be
purpose of this paper is to review what is known about better predictors of virulence than the identity of the cap- Vol 5 February 2005 83


sular serogroup.10 Therefore, it has been an open question transience of episodes of invasive disease),28 it is in the
as to whether the pneumococcal capsule per se should be nasopharynx where strains are likely to be exposed to pro-
considered a useful variable in epidemiological analyses. longed antibiotic pressure and to other commensal
To examine this question, two studies characterised species with the ability to pass on antibiotic-resistance
both the genotypes and serotypes of several hundred genes. Indeed, the frequency with which certain serotypes
nasopharyngeal and invasive isolates from children in are isolated from the nasopharynx seems to roughly cor-
Oxford, and children and adults in Stockholm.11,12 Both relate with their likelihood to become resistant to antibi-
studies assessed the invasiveness of each strain, defined otics.19,23–26 These serotypes are largely represented in
as the relative frequency with which a given strain was PCV7, in particular 6B, 9V, 14, 19F, 23F, and the vaccine-
carried asymptomatically in the nasopharynx versus the related types 6A and 19A.29 Conversely, serotype 1
frequency with which it was isolated from a sterile site. remains highly susceptible to antibiotics. Some serotypes
Both studies identified serotypes 1, 4, and 7F as having a (3, 18C, 15A, and members of serogroup 35), however, are
high level of invasiveness. Overall, the variation in inva- routinely detected in carriage studies but nonetheless
siveness among strains was associated more with the have remained susceptible to antibiotics,21,22,30,31 at least
identity of the capsular serotype, rather than with a spe- until the past 2–3 years.32–35 These findings may reflect the
cific genotype.11,12 This finding is consistent with the observation25 that certain serotypes/serogroups may be
findings of two other studies. One was unable to identify carried for longer periods (eg, 6, 14, 19, and 23) than
any difference in invasiveness in three geographically others (eg, 3, 12, and 33).25 Lastly, it is worth noting that
diverse genotypic lineages of serotype 1.13 A second study there are some clones of common serotypes—eg, Spanish
failed to detect any temporal or geographic differences in 23F clone—that are particularly associated with multidrug
invasiveness for several major serotypes.14 resistance, indicating that the genotype, as well as the
Taken together, these analyses provide some justifica- serotype, has a role in antibiotic resistance. Indeed,
tion for using serotype as the unit of analysis of other studies of the clonality of penicillin-resistant pneumo-
biological properties of pneumococci. Indeed, there is cocci in the USA suggest that only a few clones make up
evidence that individual serotypes can differ in their rel- more than 80% of such strains.36–38
ative abilities to activate, deposit, and/or degrade com-
plement, to resist phagocytosis,15 and to elicit immune Serotype differences in hospitalisation rates
responses.16 Nonetheless, because all of these studies The incidence of IPD in children under 6 years of age is
examined only a relatively limited number of isolates in consistently reported to be five to ten-fold higher in the
a small geographic area, we cannot exclude the possi- USA than in western Europe, probably reflecting the
bility that more-invasive or less-invasive clones of certain much greater extent of blood culturing in US clinical
serotypes may exist in other parts of the world, as some practice.6,39–41 In a departure from this broad pattern, the
have suggested.12,17 reported incidence of IPD caused by serotypes 1, 5, and
7F appears comparable in the two regions.39 Since
Serotype differences in nasopharyngeal carriage European studies tend to include only hospitalised
Certain serotypes commonly account for the majority of patients—US studies also include ambulatory cases, a
nasopharyngeal carriage isolates from children.18 These large proportion of which are occult bacteraemias—it
include most of the serotypes represented in PCV7, with has been hypothesised that serotypes 1, 5, and 7F may be
the exception of serotype 4, as well as vaccine-related disproportionately responsible for disease that requires
types 6A and 19A, and PCV11 types 3 and 7F. Other hospitalisation (compared with other serotypes), and
serotypes routinely isolated include members of rarely cause mild bacteraemia in this age group, and
serogroups 10, 11, 13, 15, 33, and 35.14,18–22 Conversely, thus are detected at similar rates in both the USA and
serotypes 1, 5, and 46 are rarely detected in nasopharyn- Europe. Consistent with this hypothesis, a US study
geal carriage samples, even in populations in which they restricted to 92 occult bacteraemia patients under 2 years
comprise a high proportion of invasive-disease iso- of age found only serotypes represented in PCV7 or the
lates,19,23–26 except perhaps during large outbreaks of these closely related 6A.42
serotypes or in certain children with lobar pneumonias.27 To test the ambulatory/hospitalisation hypothesis
The inability to culture specific pneumococcal serotypes would require a direct comparison of the contribution of
from the nasopharynx is presumably a function of their each of these serotypes to mild bacteraemia, and to dis-
density and duration of colonisation,25 since all invasive ease requiring hospitalisation within a single population
serotypes are presumed to be carried, at least transiently, of children under 6 years old. In an analysis of children
before invasion.27 under 36 months of age with IPD done in Santiago,
Chile, Lagos and colleagues43 found that 34/221 hospi-
Serotype differences in antibiotic resistance talised patients (15·4%) had disease caused by serotypes
Selection of antibiotic-resistant strains is likely to occur in 1, 5, and 7F, only a slightly greater proportion than that
the nasopharynx, and not sterile sites. Due to the pro- seen with ambulatory patients (20/178 [11·2%], p=0·29).
longed nature of carriage (by contrast with the relative However, inclusion of children between 36 and 72

84 Vol 5 February 2005


months of age might have substantially altered their find- Reference and pneumonia category Serotype
ings, since other studies indicate that serotype 1 is dispro- 1 3
portionately associated with complicated pneumonias in Heffron8
older children. In addition, different clinical thresholds Lobar (n=826) 22·4% 5·5%
for taking blood cultures (and thus different definitions of Broncho (n=622) 9·0% 5·9%
mild bacteraemia) in the Chilean and US contexts also Tan et al48
Complicated (n=133) 24·4% 8·4%
make it difficult to clearly interpret these results. Uncomplicated (n=235) 3·6% 2·7%
p* 0·001 0·02
Serotype differences in disease syndromes Byington et al49
Several studies published in the past few years have sug- With empyema (n=26) 50% 0%
Without empyema (n=14) 7·1% 0%
gested that, although all common serotypes can cause p* 0·007 NA
any disease syndrome, some are frequently associated Buckingham et al50
with certain disease presentations. For example, mem- Complicated parapneumonic 25% 0%
effusion (n=20)
bers of serogroups 6, 10, and 23 are consistently isolated
Eltringham et al51
more frequently from cerebrospinal fluid than from Empyema (n=26) 63% 11%
blood in children and adults, whereas the converse is Hardie et al52
true for serotypes 1, 4, and 14.44 Unfortunately, variables Empyema (n=13) 31% 0%
Camou et al53
such as precise age, hospitalisation rates, and antibiotic
Pleural effusions (n=137) † % not given % not given
resistance are often closely associated with one another, p‡ <0·00001 <0·005
as well as with serotype, making it difficult to disen-
tangle the exact contribution of each. For example, Values represent the percentages of pneumococcal cases in each pneumonia category
that are caused by serotype 1 or 3. *Comparison of pneumonia categories. †Serotypes
younger children are more likely to present with pneu- 1 and 3 were responsible for 41 (12.4%) and 19 (5.8%), respectively, of of 330 invasive
mococcal meningitis than are older children, may be pneumonia cases. Pleural effusions represented 42% of all pneumonias, but the
number of pleural effusions caused by each serotype was not provided. ‡Comparison of
more likely than older children to be hospitalised for frequency of serotype 1 or 3 isolation in pneumococcal pneumonias with or without
bacteraemia or pneumonia, and are more likely to show pleural effusions.
high levels of antibiotic resistance.45–47
Table 1: Studies noting association of serotypes 1 and 3 with certain
With these caveats in mind, it is noteworthy that sev- manifestations of pneumonia in children
eral studies have noted a high proportion of severe pneu-
monia cases caused by serotype 1 and, sometimes,
serotype 3 (table 1). Intriguingly, a preliminary report narrow age ranges. In neonates (<28 days old), 20–25%
suggests that nasopharyngeal carriage of serotypes 1 and of IPD cases were due to serotype 1 alone,6,70 or serotypes
5 may be highly associated with radiographically and 1 and 5,41 or types 1, 3, and 5,71,72 or types 3 and 7F.41,70,73
clinically more severe childhood pneumonias.27 In the same studies, these serotypes were detected in
It should be noted that, for the two studies that provided less than 5% of children older than neonates but less
information on the comparison groups,48,49 the median than 2 years of age.41,70 One report noted a high per-
ages of patients with “complicated pneumonia” and centage of serotype 2 meningitis cases in neonates.74 As
“empyema” were 18–24 months older than the patients a consequence of the prominence of serotypes 1, 3, 5,
with “uncomplicated pneumonia” or “without and 7F in the youngest children, some studies have
empyema”, respectively. Heffron8 also cited the common noted that PCV7 serogroups only comprised 40–50% of
occurrence of type 1 empyemas in the pre-penicillin era, all IPD isolates in children under 6 months old.40,41,70
especially in older children. Several studies have specifically examined serotype dis-
The picture in adults may be less clear cut. Whereas tribution in children aged 6–24 months old, when inva-
serotype 3 has long been reported to have a higher case- sive-disease incidence is highest, and also when
fatality rate compared with other serotypes,54–59 this has infant-immunisation programmes are likely to be most
not been observed in all studies.60,61 Conversely, serotype protective. Most—but not all—studies from Europe and
1 has been reported to have a lower case-fatality rate in Latin America have shown more than 20% higher cov-
adults.54,56,58,60 Additionally, serotypes 1 and 3 have been erage for PCV7 serogroups in this age range, compared
implicated in two small studies of pneumococcal peri- with that calculated for children 2–6 years of age.41,75–78 In
tonitis in adults: each comprised 25–50% of the the USA, the picture is mixed. The PCV7 serogroup cov-
serotypes isolated.62,63 Finally, non-typeable (ie, non- erage has been reported to be approximately 12% higher
encapsulated) strains of pneumococci seem to rarely in children under 2 years old, compared with those aged
cause invasive disease, but have caused sporadic cases64 2–4 years in IPD cases seen at the hospital or among
and outbreaks of conjunctivitis.65–69 Navajo children.32,79 However, no difference between the
age groups was seen in a population much more enriched
Serotype differences by age: children in outpatient bacteraemias without a focus of infection.80,81
A number of paediatric studies have suggested that cer- The decline in serotype coverage with PCV7 after the
tain serotypes dominate pneumococcal disease within age of 2 years, as expressed as percentage of all IPD, is Vol 5 February 2005 85


usually accompanied by a rise in the percentage of IPD tent with the hypothesis that immune maturation of
caused by serotype 1 (and to a lesser extent, serotype young children, perhaps stimulated by natural expo-
5).41,70,75,77–79 In the 2–5-year-old7,41,53,70,77,78 and over 5-year- sure through nasopharyngeal colonisation, eventually
old age groups,7,41,77,79,82–84 especially in hospital-based sur- renders all but a small proportion of children immune
veillance settings, serotype 1 can constitute 15% and to disease caused by those commonly carried
25–50%, respectively, of invasive-disease cases, espe- serotypes. Since most children will have been exposed
cially pneumonia.41,70,75,77,79 A similar phenomenon was to only a small fraction of the known capsular types by
described by Heffron 60 years ago: in children under 2 the age of 2 years, it is probable that immune mecha-
years of age and in 2–13-year-olds, serotype 1 accounted nisms, in addition to antibody to capsule, contribute to
for 5·8% and 26·1% of pneumococcal pneumonias, this protection.
respectively.8 Some investigators have noted a similar The incidence of disease caused by serotypes 1 and 5
trend for serotype 18C, which comprised 4–9% and together also peaks in the first year of life, mostly due
14–25% of isolates from children under 2 years of age to infection and subsequent disease within the first few
and over 2 years old, respectively.46,70,83,85 Figure 1 presents months, and falls substantially by the second year.
a schematic depiction of serogroup coverage by paedi- Then, in sharp contrast to the pattern seen with the
atric age group by PCV7 and by PCV11. PCV7 types, its incidence remains constant or even
slightly increases over the next several years. This pat-
Differences in serotype incidence as a function tern is apparent in both settings with a high incidence
of age of serotype 1 (eg, Alaskan natives, South Africa, and
Thus far, we have discussed the relative percentage of Israel) and lower incidence settings (eg, USA and
disease caused by one or another serotype. However, the western Europe). These observations suggest that, after
absolute incidence of IPD also changes with age. To the first year of life, only gradual immune maturation
better understand the association of serotype with age, to these serotypes occurs, perhaps due to the lack of
we calculated serotype-specific incidence rates by com- prolonged nasopharyngeal colonisation in most set-
bining population-based incidence figures and serotype tings. Not depicted here is the mixed picture with 18C,
distribution percentages for the same population (A von which in one study showed an age-associated pattern
Gottberg and KPK, National Institute for Communicable similar to other PCV7 types,40 and in three others was
Diseases, Johannesburg, South Africa; D Fraser and R like serotypes 1 and 5.70,83,86
Dagan, Soroka University Health Centre, Beersheva, When the absolute incidence by serotype is translated
Israel; and C Whitney, Centers for Disease Control and into numbers of IPD cases, it becomes apparent that a
Prevention, Atlanta, USA; personal communica- substantial proportion of disease occurs outside of the
tions).7,40,41,70,83,86 Figure 2 shows that, in each of the 6–24-month age range, when PCV7 coverage is relatively
studies, the absolute incidence of IPD caused by low. In Denmark, for example, of 1123 IPD cases
serotypes represented in PCV7, together or individually, described in children under 7 years of age, 170 (15.1%)
is highest in the first 2 years of life, but then drops by occurred in children under 6 months old, and 317 (28%)
70% or more in the next few years,40,70,83,86 eventually occurred in children 2–6 years old,70 proportions similar
reaching levels in older children that are 2–3% of those to those seen in Germany.41 In the German study, about
seen in the youngest infants. These results are consis- 15% of cases in children under 15 years of age occurred
in children between 7 and 15 years old.
100 The existence of a substantial proportion of disease in
Cases covered by vaccine formulation (%)

90 the first few months of life and in older children could

80 PCV11 limit the effectiveness of infant-immunisation schedules
70 for PCV7 in the USA or Europe, because the current pri-
60 mary series consists of three doses beginning at 2 or 3
50 months of age and given 1–2 months apart, followed by
40 PCV7 a booster in the second year of life. However, immuno-
30 genicity and case-control studies in the UK and the USA,
respectively, found substantial vaccine effectiveness
even in children who received one or two doses.87,88 This
finding could explain why there has been a major





decrease in IPD in young children following the intro-




Paediatric age group duction of PCV7 into the US infant-immunisation pro-

gramme, despite many children receiving less than the
Figure 1: Schematic depiction of serotype coverage against IPD provided by full primary series due to vaccine shortages.4 The US
PCV7 and PCV11, as a function of paediatric age group
post-marketing surveillance also suggested that a con-
Curves may shift upward or downward, depending on the specific population.
For some populations, such as in the USA, the relative decline in PCV7 coverage siderable portion of IPD cases occurring outside the
relative to PCV11 above the age of 2 years may not be as pronounced as shown. 6–24-month age range is preventable by herd immunity.4

86 Vol 5 February 2005


1000 1000
Alaska natives PCV7 Denmark PCV7
Alaska natives 1 and 5 Denmark 1 and 5
Israeli Jews PCV7 Germany PCV7
Israeli Jews 1 and 5 Germany 1 and 5
Israeli Bedouin PCV7 E and W PCV7
Israeli Bedouin 1 and 5 E and W 1 and 5
100 South Africa PCV7 100 Slovenia PCV7
South Africa 1 and 5 Slovenia 1 and 5
US 1 and 5
Cases/105 children per year

10 10

1·0 1·0

0·1 0·1
yr yr r r
<1 2 y 1 y r r r yr yr yr
4y 5y 6y



<2 2–
4 14 –15 –17

< 2– 2– 2– 5–

6 5
Age group (years) Age group (years)

Figure 2: Incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease caused by the seven serotypes represented in PCV7 (4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, and 23F), and by serotypes
1 and 5
Studies reporting higher or lower absolute incidence of PCV7 disease are depicted in the left and right panels, respectively. Note logarithmic scale of the y-axis. Data
sources: Germany,41 England and Wales (E and W),40 Alaska,86 Slovenia,83 Denmark,70 Israel7 and D Fraser and R Dagan (personal communication), South Africa (A von
Gottberg and KPK, personal communication), and USA (C Whitney, personal communication).

Multi-year surveillance will be needed to assess the dura- pared with non-elderly adults, particularly types 6B, 14,
tion of protection afforded to older children by previous and 23F.93–96 The reason why elderly people have an
immunisation as infants. increase in infections with these serotypes may, in part,
be due to contact with young grandchildren. The
Serotype differences by age: adults increase might be also related to a gradual waning of
The proportion of infections caused by the seven “paedi- immunity with age, making them once again susceptible
atric” serotypes included in PCV7 is lower among adults to those types that infect young children. This finding
than children in all geographic regions.3 Nonetheless, has relevance for the use of PCV7 in the adult popula-
PCV7 serotypes constituted 59% of adult invasive dis- tion, because it has already been shown that IPD due to
ease in the USA in 1998.28 Family transmission of pneu- these serotypes has declined considerably in the elderly
mococci from young infants to their susceptible parents since the introduction of conjugate vaccine for children.4
and grandparents is the likely mode of transmission of HIV-infected adults also tend to have more infections
these strains. The presence of a child in daycare has with PCV7 serotypes, as evidenced by remarkably con-
been found to be a significant risk factor for IPD in sistent data now from at least six studies on two conti-
adults.89 Such intrafamily transmission of pneumococcal nents—Africa and North America (table 2). Several
serotypes is well described,90 and is being investigated studies showed that the association between paediatric
with molecular tools able to discriminate among pneu- serotype and invasive disease in HIV-infected adults is
mococcal strains belonging to a single serotype.91 There not due to the increased burden of antibiotic resistance
is some suggestion that transmission from children to in this population.26,97–102 Although small studies in the
adults may be most likely to occur when there is a sus- USA have failed to find an increase in the carriage of
ceptible adult in the family.92 pneumococci in HIV-infected adults, this has been doc-
Studies in several countries indicate that PCV7 umented in Africa (28% versus 16%, p=0·003).102
serotypes are more prevalent in elderly adults, as com- Susceptibility to carriage may play a role in increased Vol 5 February 2005 87


transmission within the setting of a heterosexual HIV Finnish AOM efficacy study.109,110 In that randomised,
epidemic. In keeping with the idea of vertical transmis- double-blind trial, children received one of two PCV7
sion from children to at-risk adults within Africa is the formulations or a placebo (hepatitis B vaccine). Children
demonstration that HIV-positive women are at greater who received either conjugate vaccine had fewer pneu-
risk of disease due to PCV7 serotypes than are HIV-pos- mococcal AOM cases overall, and fewer AOM cases
itive men.101 In addition, patients with immunocompro- caused by each of the seven vaccine types compared with
mising conditions, but excluding HIV, represent the placebo group. By contrast, children who received
another significant risk group for invasive disease due to the conjugate vaccines had more cases of AOM caused
PCV7 or related serotypes, including 6B, 9N, 18C, 19F, by members of serogroups 33, 35, and 38, which are
and 23F (adjusted odds ratio 1·56, 95% CI 1·12–2·18; unrelated to the vaccine. These results may suggest that,
p=0·008).98 in the absence of vaccination, certain non-vaccine
serotypes are prevented from causing AOM by the pres-
Serotype differences in replacement after ence of vaccine serotypes in the nasopharynx or middle
conjugate vaccination ear fluid. However, this indirect effect of PCV7 may be
Many clinical studies have shown that receipt of conju- limited, since the considerable numbers of cases of
gate vaccine is accompanied by a rapid and complete AOM caused by non-PCV7 serogroups 3 and 22 in the
shift, at the level of the nasopharynx, from colonisation placebo group did not increase in the PCV7-vaccinated
with predominantly vaccine serotypes to predominantly groups. It is important to reiterate that, overall, there still
non-vaccine serotypes.103 However, none of the large was a net decrease of pneumococcal AOM in the PCV7-
invasive-disease clinical trials with PCV7 showed evi- immunised population.
dence of a corresponding large increase in invasive-dis- In a similar vein, the demonstration that a conjugate
ease cases caused by non-vaccine serotypes.104–106 vaccine formulation had a substantial impact on pneu-
Post-marketing surveillance in US children 2 years after monia,105 despite evidence of rapid and complete non-
the introduction of routine infant vaccination with vaccine-type replacement in carried strains in the same
Prevnar (Wyeth’s PCV7 formulation), showed that the community,24 suggests that non-vaccine types are less
massive reduction in overall IPD in children was accom- able than vaccine types to cause pneumonia.
panied by only a small, statistically insignificant rise in
disease caused by non-vaccine types.4 A second, hospital- Serotypes causing pneumococcal outbreaks
based study also reported a large decrease in overall dis- Historically, the pneumococcus was a major cause of
ease, but noted a small increase in disease caused by large, lethal epidemics of pneumonia. In the early part
non-vaccine serotypes, in particular, serogroups 15 and of the 20th century, multiple pneumococcal outbreaks
33.107 A preliminary report in the USA noted decreases were described among military recruits, prisoners,
in vaccine-type disease in immunocompromised (HIV- institutionalised people, and miners.8,111–121 Heffron8
positive) adults, presumably by herd immunity, but also pointed out that serotypes 1, 2, and 5 caused most of
statistically significant rises in non-vaccine-type disease. these outbreaks. Pharyngeal carriage of the homologous
Although small in absolute terms, these rises were suffi- type was increased among people in the setting of an
ciently large to blunt the impact of herd immunity in outbreak. By contrast, he noted that carriage of these
HIV-positive women.108 Continued epidemiological sur- three serotypes was rare among healthy individuals in
veillance will reveal to what extent invasive-disease the general community.8
replacement may continue to evolve and occur in other Pneumococcal outbreaks have become rare today. A
population groups, and whether it may be limited to cer- review of the literature identified 25 pneumococcal out-
tain serotypes.108 That disease replacement may be only breaks of IPD in the 1990s, none of which involved more
partial and/or limited to certain non-vaccine serotypes than 35 people.122 It is not clear why pneumococcal out-
has been suggested by careful examination of the breaks have become uncommon, but it is likely related to

Reference and location Paediatric types* Non-paediatric types Odds ratio: association 95% CI p
of paediatric types with HIV
Colorado, USA97 24 45 23 99 2·3 1·11–4·75 0·01
USA98 197 534 219 1396 2·35 1·88–2·94 <0·001
Soweto, South Africa99 48 74 52 185 2·31 1·39–3·82 <0·001
Soweto, South Africa100 22 14 35 55 2·47 1·04–5·9 0·02
Johannesburg and Soweto, 314 44 382 138 2·58 1·75–3·8 <0·001
South Africa101
Kenya26 13 6 26 30 2·5 0·74–8·71 0·1

*The paediatric serotypes for this table are serogroups 6, 9, 19, 23, and serotype 14. Crewe-Brown et al99 and Jones et al100 exclude type 9; Fry et al98 excludes 14.

Table 2: Association of paediatric serotypes with HIV status (numbers of cases)

88 Vol 5 February 2005


availability of antibiotics and improvements in socioeco- caused isolated outbreaks in these populations (table 3).
nomic conditions, such as crowding, and perhaps to the Although the sizes of these outbreaks are smaller than
secular trend of an increasing proportion of PCV7 types those of the past, they share similar social conditions—
in recent years.28 By contrast with the pre-antibiotic era crowded, often impoverished, communal settings—with
outbreaks, the recent outbreaks have a wider serotype the large outbreaks of the past. The persistent propensity
distribution, and seem to fall into two epidemiological of type 1 to cause outbreaks raises the question whether
patterns—outbreaks in the very young and in elderly much of the sporadic invasive disease ascribed to type 1
people, and those in non-elderly adults (table 3). in non-US studies is in fact part of undetected local or
Outbreaks among the very young and the very old are community-wide outbreaks.3 Some support for this
mostly caused by serotypes that tend to be frequent notion lies in the high variability in the proportion of
colonisers of the nasopharynx, including some of the IPD due to type 1 in contemporaneous studies done in
serotypes in the heptavalent conjugate vaccine (ie, 4, 9V, the same country in different sites,3 among distinct pop-
14, and 23F) and type 3. Although not included in the ulations in one site,7 and in the same population in con-
table, most small outbreaks in hospitalised patients have secutive years.84,142,143
also been caused by these types.122 It is not surprising
that paediatric types can cause outbreaks in daycare cen- Conclusion
tres, since these types cause most invasive disease, and We examine the epidemiological differences between
are often carried by children. As has been pointed out, pneumococcal serotypes beyond their overall prevalence
the very elderly tend to get more invasive disease with in different parts of the world. Serotypes included in
the paediatric types and so seem likewise susceptible to PCV7 are among those that are most prevalent in chil-
outbreaks of these types. How commonly carried strains dren 6 months to 2 years of age, comprise most of the
that cause sporadic disease can sometimes cause out- antibiotic-resistant types, and are more highly repre-
breaks of invasive disease is not known, although it has sented in immunocompromised individuals and in eld-
been postulated that viral respiratory infections in a pop- erly people than in other adults. Some other serotypes
ulation can predispose it to an outbreak of pneumo- appear to possess properties that may make them more
coccal pneumonia with the predominantly carried noteworthy than their absolute prevalence figures would
strains in that population.111,124,140,141 indicate, and suggest that PCV11 may provide consider-
By contrast, outbreaks occurring among non-elderly ably broader and greater protection, even in countries
adults in homeless shelters, jails, and military settings where PCV7 coverage is high. Serotypes 1 and 3, for
have mostly been caused by type 1, a leading cause of example, seem to predominate in certain narrow age
outbreaks in the pre-antibiotic era. Types 5, 12F, and 8 ranges, such as neonates and older children, to be asso-
are, like type 1, rarely carried in children, and have also ciated with complicated pneumonia and with peritonitis,

Reference Date Location Age Number ill/number with IPD Serotype Carriage of
outbreak type
Elderly (nursing homes/long-term care facilities)
Quick et al123 1990 WA, USA 81 years (mean) 7/3 9V 3%
Fiore et al124 1995 MA, USA 90 years (median) 10/1 14 NA
CDC 125
1996 MD, USA 86 years (median) 14/4 4 NA
Nuorti et al126 1996 OK, USA 85 years (median) 11/4 23F 23%
Gleich et al122 1997 NY, USA 85 years (mean) 18/3 4 NA
Sheppard et al127 1997 CA, USA NA 15/4 14 0%
CDC128 2001 NJ, USA 86 years (median) 9/7 14 NA
Bescos et al 129
2002 Spain 88 years (mean) 13/1 3 NA
Children (daycare centres)
Rauch et al130 1988 TX, USA 13 months (mean) 2/2 14 12%
Cherian et al131 1992 MD, USA 15 months (mean) 4/3 12F 100%
Craig et al132 1996 TN, USA 13 months (median) 3/3 14 19%
Non-elderly adults
Mufson et al 133
1968/1969 IL, USA* Adults NA/23 5 NA
De Maria et al134 1978 MA, USA* 59 years (mean) NA/18 1 10%
Mercat et al135 1988/1999 France* 46 years (mean) 39/24 1 2%
Hoge et al136 1989 TX, USA† 30 years (mean) 46/12 12F 7%
Gratten et al137 1991 Australia* 36 years (mean) NA/18 1 17%
Dagan et al 138
1997 Israel** NA (none >60 years) 12/3 1 5%
Proulx et al139 2000 Canada§ “Young adults” 84/10 1 NA
Crum et al140 2000 CA, USA‡ 19 years (median) 25/6 4 and 9V 4 (5%), 9V (4%)
CDC, unpublished data 2004 CA, USA* 52 years (median) 9/8 12F 0.8%

IPD=invasive pneumococcal disease; NA=not applicable or not given. *Homeless shelter; †jail; ‡military-training setting; §impoverished community.

Table 3: Recent non-hospital outbreaks of invasive pneumococcal disease Vol 5 February 2005 89


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