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IEC 60840
Edition 5.0 2020-05



Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages
above 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) – Test methods and


ICS 29.060.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-8381-3

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® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission

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–2– IEC 60840:2020 RLV © IEC 2020


FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 8
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 10
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 12
2 Normative references .................................................................................................... 12
3 Terms and definitions .................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Definitions of dimensional values (thicknesses, cross-sections, etc.) .................... 15
3.2 Definitions concerning tests .................................................................................. 15
3.3 Other definitions ................................................................................................... 16
4 Voltage designations, materials and rounding of numbers ............................................. 17
4.1 Rated voltages ...................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Cable insulating materials compounds .................................................................. 17
4.3 Cable metal screens/sheaths ................................................................................ 17
4.4 Cable oversheathing materials compounds ........................................................... 18
4.5 Rounding of numbers ............................................................................................ 18
5 Precautions against water penetration in cables ............................................................ 18
6 Cable characteristics ..................................................................................................... 19
7 Accessories characteristics ........................................................................................... 20
7.1 Gas immersed cable terminations ......................................................................... 20
7.2 Composite insulators for outdoor cable terminations ............................................. 20
7.3 Accessory characteristics to be declared .............................................................. 20
8 Test conditions .............................................................................................................. 21
8.1 Ambient temperature............................................................................................. 21
8.2 Frequency and waveform of power frequency test voltages .......................................
8.2 High voltage tests ................................................................................................. 21
8.3 Waveform of lightning impulse test voltages .......................................................... 21
8.4 Relationship of test voltages to rated voltages ...................................................... 21
8.5 Determination of the cable conductor temperature ................................................ 22
9 Routine tests on cables and on the main insulation of prefabricated accessories ........... 22
9.1 General ................................................................................................................. 22
9.2 Partial discharge test ............................................................................................ 22
9.3 Voltage test .......................................................................................................... 23
9.4 Electrical test on oversheath of the cable .............................................................. 23
10 Sample tests on cables .................................................................................................. 23
10.1 General ................................................................................................................. 23
10.2 Frequency of tests ................................................................................................ 23
10.3 Repetition of tests ................................................................................................. 23
10.4 Conductor examination ......................................................................................... 24
10.5 Measurement of electrical resistance of conductor and metal screen .................... 24
10.6 Measurement of thickness of cable insulation and oversheath .............................. 24
10.6.1 General ......................................................................................................... 24
10.6.2 Requirements for the insulation ..................................................................... 25
10.6.3 Requirements for the cable oversheath .......................................................... 25
10.7 Measurement of thickness of metal sheath ............................................................ 25
10.7.1 General ......................................................................................................... 25
10.7.2 Lead or lead alloy sheath ............................................................................... 26
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10.7.3 Plain or corrugated Copper or aluminium sheath ........................................... 26

10.7.4 Metal tape for CD design ............................................................................... 27
10.8 Measurement of diameters .................................................................................... 27
10.9 Hot set test for XLPE, EPR and HEPR insulations................................................. 27
10.9.1 Procedure ...................................................................................................... 27
10.9.2 Requirements ................................................................................................ 27
10.10 Measurement of capacitance ................................................................................ 27
10.11 Measurement of density of HDPE insulation .......................................................... 27
10.11.1 Procedure ...................................................................................................... 27
10.11.2 Requirements ................................................................................................ 27
10.12 Lightning impulse voltage test ............................................................................... 27
10.13 Water penetration test ........................................................................................... 28
10.14 Additional tests on components of cables with a longitudinally applied metal
tape or foil, bonded to the oversheath ................................................................... 28
11 Sample tests on accessories ......................................................................................... 28
11.1 Tests on components of accessory ....................................................................... 28
11.2 Tests on complete accessory ................................................................................ 28
12 Type tests on cable systems .......................................................................................... 29
12.1 General ................................................................................................................. 29
12.2 Range of type approval ......................................................................................... 29
12.3 Summary of type tests .......................................................................................... 31
12.4 Electrical type tests on complete cable systems .................................................... 31
12.4.1 Test voltage values ........................................................................................ 31
12.4.2 Tests and sequence of tests .......................................................................... 32
12.4.3 Bending test .................................................................................................. 32
12.4.4 Partial discharge tests ................................................................................... 33
12.4.5 Tan δ measurement ....................................................................................... 34
12.4.6 Heating cycle voltage test .............................................................................. 34
12.4.7 Lightning impulse voltage test followed by a power frequency voltage
test ................................................................................................................ 35
12.4.8 Examination ................................................................................................... 35
12.4.9 Resistivity of semi-conducting screens .......................................................... 35
12.5 Non-electrical type tests on cable components and on complete cable .................. 36
12.5.1 General ......................................................................................................... 36
12.5.2 Check of cable construction ........................................................................... 36
12.5.3 Tests for determining the mechanical properties of insulation before and
after ageing ................................................................................................... 36
12.5.4 Tests for determining the mechanical properties of oversheaths before
and after ageing ............................................................................................ 37
12.5.5 Ageing tests on pieces of complete cable to check compatibility of
materials ....................................................................................................... 37
12.5.6 Loss of mass test on PVC oversheaths of type ST 2 ....................................... 38
12.5.7 Pressure test at high temperature on oversheaths ......................................... 38
12.5.8 Test on PVC oversheaths (ST 1, ST 2 ) and LSHF oversheaths (ST 12 ) at
low temperature ............................................................................................. 39
12.5.9 Heat shock test for PVC oversheaths (ST 1 and ST 2 ) ..................................... 39
12.5.10 Ozone resistance test for EPR and HEPR insulations .................................... 39
12.5.11 Hot set test for EPR, HEPR and XLPE insulations ......................................... 39
12.5.12 Measurement of density of HDPE insulation .................................................. 40
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12.5.13 Measurement of carbon black content of black PE oversheaths (ST 3

and ST 7 ) ....................................................................................................... 40
12.5.14 Test under fire conditions .............................................................................. 40
12.5.15 Water penetration test ................................................................................... 41
12.5.16 Tests on components of cables with a longitudinally applied metal tape
or foil, bonded to the oversheath ................................................................... 41
12.5.17 Shrinkage test for PE, HDPE and XLPE insulations ....................................... 41
12.5.18 Shrinkage test for PE oversheaths (ST 3 , ST 7 ) and LSHF oversheaths
(ST12) ........................................................................................................... 42
12.5.19 Determination of hardness of HEPR insulation ............................................... 42
12.5.20 Determination of the elastic modulus of HEPR insulation ............................... 42
13 Prequalification test of the cable system ........................................................................ 42
13.1 General and range of prequalification test approval .............................................. 42
13.2 Prequalification test on complete system .............................................................. 43
13.2.1 Summary of prequalification tests .................................................................. 43
13.2.2 Test voltage values ........................................................................................ 44
13.2.3 Test arrangement .......................................................................................... 44
13.2.4 Heating cycle voltage test .............................................................................. 45
13.2.5 Lightning impulse voltage test ........................................................................ 46
13.2.6 Examination ................................................................................................... 46
13.3 Tests for the extension of the prequalification of a cable system ........................... 46
13.3.1 Summary of the extension of prequalification test .......................................... 46
13.3.2 Electrical part of the extension of prequalification tests on complete
cable system ................................................................................................. 46
14 Type tests on cables ...................................................................................................... 48
14.1 General ................................................................................................................. 48
14.2 Range of type approval ......................................................................................... 49
14.3 Summary of type tests .......................................................................................... 49
14.4 Electrical type tests on completed cables .............................................................. 50
15 Type tests on accessories ............................................................................................. 50
15.1 General ................................................................................................................. 50
15.2 Range of type approval ......................................................................................... 50
15.3 Summary of type tests .......................................................................................... 51
15.4 Electrical type tests on accessories ...................................................................... 52
15.4.1 Test voltage values ........................................................................................ 52
15.4.2 Tests and sequence of tests .......................................................................... 52
16 Electrical tests after installation ..................................................................................... 52
16.1 General ................................................................................................................. 52
16.2 DC voltage test of the oversheath ......................................................................... 52
16.3 AC voltage test of the insulation ............................................................................ 53
Annex A (informative) Determination of the cable conductor temperature ............................. 66
A.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................ 66
A.2 Calibration of the temperature of the main test loop .............................................. 66
A.2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 66
A.2.2 Installation of cable and temperature sensors ................................................ 66
A.2.3 Calibration method ........................................................................................ 68
A.3 Heating for the test ............................................................................................... 68
A.3.1 Method 1 – Test using a reference cable ....................................................... 68
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A.3.2 Method 2 – Test using conductor temperature calculations and

measurement of the surface temperature ....................................................... 69
Annex B (normative) Rounding of numbers .......................................................................... 71
Annex C (informative) List of type, prequalification and extension of prequalification
tests for cable systems, cables and accessories ................................................................... 72
Annex D (normative) Method of measuring resistivity of semi-conducting screens ............... 75
Annex E (normative) Water penetration test ......................................................................... 78
E.1 Test piece ............................................................................................................. 78
E.2 Test ...................................................................................................................... 78
E.3 Requirements ....................................................................................................... 79
Annex F (normative) Test for water penetration in the conductor .......................................... 83
F.1 Test piece ............................................................................................................. 83
F.2 Test ...................................................................................................................... 83
F.3 Requirements ....................................................................................................... 83
Annex G (normative) Tests on components of cables with a longitudinally applied
metal tape or foil, bonded to the oversheath ......................................................................... 87
G.1 Visual examination ................................................................................................ 87
G.2 Adhesion and peel strength................................................................................... 87
G.2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 87
G.2.2 Test: Adhesion strength ................................................................................. 87
G.2.3 Test: Peel strength of overlapped metal foil ................................................... 88
G.2.4 Requirements ................................................................................................ 89
Annex H (normative) Additional tests for accessories ........................................................... 91
H.1 General ................................................................................................................. 91
H.2 Range of approval................................................................................................. 92
H.2.1 Range of approval for joints without screen or metal sheath interruption ........ 92
H.2.2 Range of approval for joints with screen or metal sheath interruption ............. 92
H.2.3 Range of approval for accessories for cable screen interruption and/or
earth connection ............................................................................................ 92
H.2.4 Range of approval for terminations with sectionalizing insulation ................... 93
H.3 Tests of joints with or without screen or metal sheath interruption and
accessories for cable screen interruption and/or earth connection ........................ 93
H.3.1 Water immersion ........................................................................................... 93
H.3.2 Electrical tests ............................................................................................... 93
H.4 Tests of terminations with sheath sectionalizing insulation .................................... 95
H.4.1 DC voltage withstand test between screen and earth ..................................... 95
H.4.2 Lightning impulse voltage withstand test between screen and earth ............... 95
H.5 Examination .......................................................................................................... 95
H.6 Tests for composite insulators for outdoor terminations ......................................... 96
H.6.1 General ......................................................................................................... 96
H.6.2 Internal pressure test ..................................................................................... 96
H.6.3 Cantilever load test ........................................................................................ 96
Annex I (normative) Determination of hardness of HEPR insulations .................................... 97
I.1 Test piece ............................................................................................................. 97
I.2 Test procedure ...................................................................................................... 97
I.2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 97
I.2.2 Surfaces of large radius of curvature ............................................................. 97
I.2.3 Surfaces of small radius of curvature ............................................................. 97
I.2.4 Conditioning and test temperature ................................................................. 97
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I.2.5 Number of measurements .............................................................................. 98

Annex J (informative) Guidance on examination of cable and accessories ........................... 99
Annex K (XXX) Void ........................................................................................................... 100
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 101

Figure 1 – Example of the test arrangement for the prequalification test ............................... 45
Figure 2 – Example of extension of prequalification test arrangement for the
prequalification of a system with another joint, designed for rigid as well as flexible
installation ............................................................................................................................ 47
Figure A.1 – Typical test set-up for the reference loop and the main test loop ....................... 67
Figure A.2 – Example of an arrangement of the temperature sensors on the conductor
of the reference loop ............................................................................................................. 68
Figure D.1 – Preparation of samples for measurement of resistivity of conductor and
insulation screens ................................................................................................................. 77
Figure E.1 – Schematic diagram of apparatus for water penetration test ............................... 79
Figure F.1 – Schematic diagram of apparatus for water penetration test in the
conductor .............................................................................................................................. 84
Figure G.1 – Adhesion of metal tape or foil ........................................................................... 88
Figure G.2 – Example of overlapped metal foil ...................................................................... 89
Figure G.3 – Peel strength of overlapped metal foil ............................................................... 89
Figure G.4 – Typical strength versus grip spacing curve (1) .................................................. 90
Figure G.5 – Typical strength versus grip spacing curve (2) .................................................. 90
Figure I.1 – Test on surfaces of large radius of curvature ...................................................... 98
Figure I.2 – Test on surfaces of small radius of curvature ..................................................... 98

Table 1 – Insulating compounds for cables ........................................................................... 53

Table 2 – Oversheathing compounds for cables .................................................................... 53
Table 3 – Tan δ requirements for insulating compounds for cables ........................................ 54
Table 4 – Test voltages ......................................................................................................... 54
Table 5 – Non-electrical type tests for insulating and oversheathing compounds for
cables ................................................................................................................................... 55
Table 6 – Test requirements for mechanical characteristics of insulating compounds for
cables (before and after ageing) ........................................................................................... 57
Table 7 – Test requirements for mechanical characteristics of oversheathing
compounds for cables (before and after ageing) ................................................................... 59
Table 8 – Test requirements for particular characteristics of insulating compounds for
cables ................................................................................................................................... 61
Table 9 – Test requirements for particular characteristics of PVC and LSHF
oversheathing for cables ....................................................................................................... 63
Table 10 – Maximum mechanical load for composite insulators for outdoor terminations ....... 65
Table C.1 – Type tests on cable systems, on cables and on accessories .............................. 73
Table C.2 – Prequalification tests on cable systems with a calculated nominal
conductor electric stress above 8,0 kV/mm or a calculated nominal insulation electric
stress above 4,0 kV/mm ........................................................................................................ 73
Table C.3 – Extension of prequalification tests on cable systems with a calculated
nominal conductor electric stress above 8,0 kV/mm or a calculated nominal insulation
electric stress above 4,0 kV/mm ........................................................................................... 74
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Table G.1 – Minimum acceptable adhesion or peel strength forces ....................................... 90

Table H.1 – Test sequence ................................................................................................... 91
Table H.2 – Lightning impulse voltage withstand test between screen and earth of
joints with or without screen or metal sheath interruption and accessories for cable
screen interruption and/or earth connection .......................................................................... 94
Table H.3 – Lightning impulse voltage withstand test between screen and screen of
joints with screen or metal sheath interruption and accessories for cable screen
interruption and/or earth connection ...................................................................................... 95
Table H.4 – Lightning impulse voltage withstand tests between screen and earth of
terminations with sheath sectionalizing insulation ................................................................. 95
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ABOVE 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) UP TO 150 kV (U m = 170 kV) –

1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
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9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of patent
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This redline version of the official IEC Standard allows the user to identify the changes
made to the previous edition. A vertical bar appears in the margin wherever a change has
been made. Additions are in green text, deletions are in strikethrough red text.
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IEC 60840:2020 RLV © IEC 2020 –9–

International Standard IEC 60840 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 20: Electric

This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition, published in 2011. This edition
constitutes a technical revision.

This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous

• Gas immersed cable terminations for use at rated voltages above 52 kV are required to be
designed, type and routine tested in accordance with IEC 62271-209 in addition to the
routine and type tests specified in this document.
• Requirements are introduced for composite outdoor termination insulators.
• The test cylinder diameters specified for the bending test (type and prequalification tests)
have been modified in line with IEC TR 61901:2016.
• A low smoke halogen free oversheath material, designated ST 12 is introduced.
• Additional tests under fire conditions are introduced: vertical flame spread, smoke density,
acidity and conductivity, which shall be applied according to the fire performance declared
for the cable.
• A test for water penetration in the conductor is added.
• In addition to tests on the outer protection of joints, type tests on the screen sectionalizing
insulation of all accessories have been introduced.
NOTE For a more detailed history of events leading up to this fifth edition, see the Introduction.

The text of this International Standard is based on the following documents:

FDIS Report on voting

20/1909/FDIS 20/1910/RVD

Full information on the voting for the approval of this International Standard can be found in the
report on voting indicated in the above table.

This document has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The committee has decided that the contents of this document will remain unchanged until the
stability date indicated on the IEC website under "" in the data related to
the specific document. At this date, the document will be

• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.

IMPORTANT – The 'colour inside' logo on the cover page of this publication indicates
that it contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct understanding
of its contents. Users should therefore print this document using a colour printer.

The contents of the corrigendum of February 2021 have been included in this copy.
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The first edition of IEC 60840, published in 1988, dealt only with cables. Accessories were
added to the second edition, published in February 1999, which separately covered test
methods and test requirements for

a) cables alone,
b) cables together with accessories (a cable system).

Some countries then suggested that a better discrimination be made between systems, cables
and accessories, particularly for the lower voltages of the scope, for example 45 kV. This was
taken into account in the third edition (2004) and is has been retained in this revision, which
gives subsequently, giving the type approval requirements and the range of approvals for:

a) cable systems,
b) cables alone,
c) accessories alone.

Manufacturers and users may choose the most appropriate option for type approval.

At its meeting in November 2004, TC 20 decided to prepare a further major revision of

IEC 60840 and concluded that this edition should incorporate the recommendations for testing
HV and EHV extruded cables that were under preparation by CIGRE study committee B1 WG
B1.06. This work was made available as CIGRE technical brochure No. 303, before the meeting
of TC 20 in October 2006. The brochure, entitled “Revision of qualification procedures for
extruded (extra) high voltage a.c. underground cables”, has therefore been considered by TC
20, and considerable parts implemented in this standard. Cables with high electrical stresses
at the conductor screen and/or insulation screen are now required to undergo a prequalification
test procedure (simplified compared to that in IEC 62067) as a cable system inclusive of

The fourth edition (2011) introduced the prequalification test procedure, as a cable system
inclusive of accessories, for cables with high electrical stresses at the conductor screen and/or
insulation screen.

Additionally the following other significant changes to this standard have been introduced Other
significant changes in the fourth edition were:

a) The clause numbering of this document and IEC 62067 (which has been revised at the same
time as this standard) has been was coordinated to achieve as much commonality as
possible to assist users who use both standards.
b) In the case of the sample test, the lightning impulse voltage test is no longer followed by a
power frequency voltage test.

In this fifth edition the principle changes are as follows:

a) New definitions have been added for three different cable screen designs following
IEC TR 61901:2016.
b) Gas immersed cable terminations for use at rated voltages above 52 kV are required to be
designed, type and routine tested in accordance with IEC 62271-209 in addition to the
routine and type tests specified in this document.
c) Requirements are introduced for composite outdoor termination insulators.
d) The test cylinder diameters specified for the bending test (type and prequalification tests)
have been modified in line with IEC TR 61901:2016.
e) A low smoke halogen free oversheath material, designated ST 12 is introduced.
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f) Additional tests under fire conditions are introduced: vertical flame spread, smoke density,
acidity and conductivity, which are applied according to the fire performance declared for
the cable.
g) A test for water penetration in the conductor is added.
h) In addition to tests on the outer protection of joints, type tests on the screen sectionalizing
insulation of all accessories have been introduced.
i) A list of relevant CIGRE references is given in the bibliography.
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ABOVE 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) UP TO 150 kV (U m = 170 kV) –

1 Scope

This document specifies test methods and requirements for power cable systems, cables alone
and accessories alone, for fixed installations and for rated voltages above 30 kV (U m = 36 kV)
up to and including 150 kV (U m = 170 kV).

The requirements apply to single-core cables and to individually screened three-core cables
and to their accessories for usual conditions of installation and operation, but not to special
cables, such as submarine cables and their accessories, for which modifications to the standard
tests may be necessary or the setup of special test conditions may need to can be devised can
be necessary.

This document does not cover transition joints between cables with extruded insulation and
paper insulated cables.

2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.

NOTE The IEC 60811 series is currently undergoing a revision, which will lead to a restructuring of its parts. A
description of this, as well as a cross-reference table between the current and planned parts will be given in
IEC 60811-100.

IEC 60060-1:2010, High-voltage test techniques – Part 1: General definitions and test

IEC 60183, Guide to the selection of high-voltage cables

IEC 60228, Conductors of insulated cables

IEC 60229:2007, Electric cables – Tests on extruded oversheaths with a special protective

IEC 60230, Impulse tests on cables and their accessories

IEC 60287-1-1:2006, Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 1-1: Current rating
equations (100 % load factor) and calculation of losses – General

IEC 60332-1-2, Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions – Part 1-2: Test
for vertical flame propagation for a single insulated wire or cable – Procedure for 1 kW
pre-mixed flame

IEC 60332-3-24, Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions – Part 3-24:
Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables – Category C
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IEC 60840:2020 RLV © IEC 2020 – 13 –

IEC 60754-2, Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables – Part 2:
Determination of acidity (by pH measurement) and conductivity

IEC 60811-1-1:1993, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables – Part 1: Methods for general application – Section 1: Measurement of thickness and
overall dimensions – Tests for determining the mechanical properties
Amendment 1 (2001)

IEC 60811-1-2:1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables – Part 1: Methods for general application – Section Two: Thermal ageing methods
Amendment 1 (1989)
Amendment 2 (2000)

IEC 60811-1-3:1993, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables – Part 1-3: General application – Methods for determining the density – Water absorption
tests – Shrinkage test
Amendment 1 (2001)

IEC 60811-1-4:1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables – Part 1: Methods for general application – Section Four: Tests at low temperature
Amendment 1 (1993)
Amendment 2 (2001)

IEC 60811-2-1:1998, Common test methods for Insulating and sheathing materials of electric
and optical cables –Part 2-1: Methods specific to elastomeric compounds – Ozone resistance,
hot set and mineral oil immersion tests
Amendment 1 (2001)

IEC 60811-3-1:1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables – Part 3-1: Methods specific to PVC compounds –Pressure test at high temperature –
Tests for resistance to cracking
Amendment 1 (1994)
Amendment 2 (2001)

IEC 60811-3-2:1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric
cables – Part 3: Methods specific to PVC compounds –Loss of mass test – Section two: Thermal
stability test
Amendment 1 (1993)
Amendment 2 (2003)

IEC 60811-4-1:2004, Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables –
Common test methods – Part 4-1: Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene
compounds – Resistance to environmental stress cracking –Measurement of the melt flow index
– Carbon black and/or mineral filler content measurement in polyethylene by direct combustion
– Measurement of carbon black content by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) – Assessment of
carbon black dispersion in polyethylene using a microscope

IEC 60811-201, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 201: General tests – Measurement of insulation thickness

IEC 60811-202:2012, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials
– Part 202: General tests – Measurement of thickness of non-metallic sheath
IEC 60811-202:2012/AMD1:2017

IEC 60811-203, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 203: General tests – Measurement of overall dimensions
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IEC 60811-401, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 401: Miscellaneous tests – Thermal ageing methods – Ageing in an air oven

IEC 60811-403, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 403: Miscellaneous tests – Ozone resistance test on cross-linked compounds

IEC 60811-409, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 409: Miscellaneous tests – Loss of mass test for thermoplastic insulations and sheaths

IEC 60811-501:2012, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials
– Part 501: Mechanical tests – Tests for determining the mechanical properties of insulation
and sheathing compounds
IEC 60811-501:2012/AMD1:2018

IEC 60811-502:2012, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials
– Part 502: Mechanical tests – Shrinkage test for insulations

IEC 60811-503, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 503: Mechanical tests – Shrinkage test for sheaths

IEC 60811-505, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 505: Mechanical tests – Elongation at low temperature for insulations and sheaths

IEC 60811-506, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 506: Mechanical tests – Impact test at low temperature for insulations and sheaths

IEC 60811-507, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 507: Mechanical tests – Hot set test for cross-linked materials

IEC 60811-508:2012, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials
– Part 508: Mechanical tests – Pressure test at high temperature for insulations and sheaths
IEC 60811-508:2012/AMD1:2017

IEC 60811-509, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 509: Mechanical tests – Test for resistance of insulations and sheaths to cracking (heat
shock test)

IEC 60811-605:2012, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials
– Part 605: Physical tests – Measurement of carbon black and/or mineral filler in polyethylene

IEC 60811-606, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 606: Physical tests – Methods for determining the density

IEC 60885-3, Electrical test methods for electric cables – Part 3: Test methods for partial
discharge measurements on lengths of extruded power cables

IEC 61034-2:2005, Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions
–Part 2: Test procedure and requirements
IEC 61034-2:2005/AMD1:2013

IEC 61462:2007, Composite hollow insulators – Pressurized and unpressurized insulators for
use in electrical equipment with rated voltage greater than 1 000 V – Definitions, test methods,
acceptance criteria and design recommendations
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IEC 60840:2020 RLV © IEC 2020 – 15 –

IEC 62271-209, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 209: Cable connections for
gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV. Fluid-filled and
extruded insulation cables – Fluid-filled and dry-type cable-terminations

ISO 48, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of hardness (hardness between

10 IRHD and 100 IRHD)

ISO 48-2, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of hardness – Part 2: Hardness

between 10 IRHD and 100 IRHD

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following

• IEC Electropedia: available at

• ISO Online browsing platform: available at

3.1 Definitions of dimensional values (thicknesses, cross-sections, etc.)

nominal value
value by which a quantity is designated and which is often used in tables

Note 1 to entry: Usually, in this document, nominal values give rise to values to be checked by measurements
taking into account specified tolerances.

median value
when several test results have been obtained and ordered in an increasing (or decreasing)
succession, middle value if the number of available values is odd, and mean of the two middle
values if the number is even

3.2 Definitions concerning tests

routine test
test made by the manufacturer on each manufactured component (length of cable or accessory)
to check that the component meets the specified requirements

sample test
test made by the manufacturer on samples of completed cable or components taken from a
completed cable or accessory, at a specified frequency so as to verify that the finished product
meets the specified requirements

type test
test made before supplying on a general commercial basis a type of cable system or cable or
accessory covered by IEC 60840, in order to demonstrate satisfactory performance
characteristics to meet the intended application

Note 1 to entry: Once successfully completed, these tests need not be repeated, unless changes are made in the
cable or accessory with respect to materials, manufacturing process, design or design electrical stress levels, which
might adversely change the performance characteristics. Type tests are of such a nature that, after they have been
made, they need not be repeated unless changes are made in the materials, design or type of manufacturing process
of cable or accessory which might change the performance characteristics.
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IEC 60840
Edition 5.0 2020-05


Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages
above 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) – Test methods and

Câbles d'énergie à isolation extrudée et leurs accessoires pour des tensions

assignées supérieures à 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) et jusqu'à 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) –
Méthodes et exigences d'essai
IEC 60840:2020-05(en-fr)
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–2– IEC 60840:2020 © IEC 2020


FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 8
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 10
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 11
2 Normative references .................................................................................................... 11
3 Terms and definitions .................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Definitions of dimensional values (thicknesses, cross-sections, etc.) .................... 13
3.2 Definitions concerning tests .................................................................................. 13
3.3 Other definitions ................................................................................................... 14
4 Voltage designations, materials and rounding of numbers ............................................. 15
4.1 Rated voltages ...................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Cable insulating compounds ................................................................................. 15
4.3 Cable metal screens/sheaths ................................................................................ 15
4.4 Cable oversheathing compounds .......................................................................... 16
4.5 Rounding of numbers ............................................................................................ 16
5 Precautions against water penetration in cables ............................................................ 16
6 Cable characteristics ..................................................................................................... 17
7 Accessories characteristics ........................................................................................... 18
7.1 Gas immersed cable terminations ......................................................................... 18
7.2 Composite insulators for outdoor cable terminations ............................................. 18
7.3 Accessory characteristics to be declared .............................................................. 18
8 Test conditions .............................................................................................................. 19
8.1 Ambient temperature............................................................................................. 19
8.2 High voltage tests ................................................................................................. 19
8.3 Waveform of lightning impulse test voltages .......................................................... 19
8.4 Relationship of test voltages to rated voltages ...................................................... 19
8.5 Determination of the cable conductor temperature ................................................ 19
9 Routine tests on cables and accessories ....................................................................... 19
9.1 General ................................................................................................................. 19
9.2 Partial discharge test ............................................................................................ 20
9.3 Voltage test .......................................................................................................... 20
9.4 Electrical test on oversheath of the cable .............................................................. 21
10 Sample tests on cables .................................................................................................. 21
10.1 General ................................................................................................................. 21
10.2 Frequency of tests ................................................................................................ 21
10.3 Repetition of tests ................................................................................................. 21
10.4 Conductor examination ......................................................................................... 21
10.5 Measurement of electrical resistance of conductor and metal screen .................... 22
10.6 Measurement of thickness of cable insulation and oversheath .............................. 22
10.6.1 General ......................................................................................................... 22
10.6.2 Requirements for the insulation ..................................................................... 22
10.6.3 Requirements for the cable oversheath .......................................................... 23
10.7 Measurement of thickness of metal sheath ............................................................ 23
10.7.1 General ......................................................................................................... 23
10.7.2 Lead or lead alloy sheath ............................................................................... 23
10.7.3 Copper or aluminium sheath .......................................................................... 24
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10.7.4 Metal tape for CD design ............................................................................... 24

10.8 Measurement of diameters .................................................................................... 24
10.9 Hot set test for XLPE, EPR and HEPR insulations................................................. 24
10.9.1 Procedure ...................................................................................................... 24
10.9.2 Requirements ................................................................................................ 24
10.10 Measurement of capacitance ................................................................................ 25
10.11 Measurement of density of HDPE insulation .......................................................... 25
10.11.1 Procedure ...................................................................................................... 25
10.11.2 Requirements ................................................................................................ 25
10.12 Lightning impulse voltage test ............................................................................... 25
10.13 Water penetration test ........................................................................................... 25
10.14 Additional tests on components of cables with a longitudinally applied metal
tape or foil, bonded to the oversheath ................................................................... 25
11 Sample tests on accessories ......................................................................................... 26
11.1 Tests on components of accessory ....................................................................... 26
11.2 Tests on complete accessory ................................................................................ 26
12 Type tests on cable systems .......................................................................................... 26
12.1 General ................................................................................................................. 26
12.2 Range of type approval ......................................................................................... 27
12.3 Summary of type tests .......................................................................................... 28
12.4 Electrical type tests on cable systems ................................................................... 28
12.4.1 Test voltage values ........................................................................................ 28
12.4.2 Tests and sequence of tests .......................................................................... 29
12.4.3 Bending test .................................................................................................. 29
12.4.4 Partial discharge tests ................................................................................... 30
12.4.5 Tan δ measurement ....................................................................................... 30
12.4.6 Heating cycle voltage test .............................................................................. 30
12.4.7 Lightning impulse voltage test followed by a power frequency voltage
test ................................................................................................................ 31
12.4.8 Examination ................................................................................................... 31
12.4.9 Resistivity of semi-conducting screens .......................................................... 32
12.5 Non-electrical type tests on cable components and on complete cable .................. 32
12.5.1 General ......................................................................................................... 32
12.5.2 Check of cable construction ........................................................................... 33
12.5.3 Tests for determining the mechanical properties of insulation before and
after ageing ................................................................................................... 33
12.5.4 Tests for determining the mechanical properties of oversheaths before
and after ageing ............................................................................................ 33
12.5.5 Ageing tests on pieces of complete cable to check compatibility of
materials ....................................................................................................... 34
12.5.6 Loss of mass test on PVC oversheaths of type ST 2 ....................................... 34
12.5.7 Pressure test at high temperature on oversheaths ......................................... 34
12.5.8 Test on PVC oversheaths (ST 1 , ST 2 ) and LSHF oversheaths (ST 12 ) at
low temperature ............................................................................................. 35
12.5.9 Heat shock test for PVC oversheaths (ST 1 and ST 2 ) ..................................... 35
12.5.10 Ozone resistance test for EPR and HEPR insulations .................................... 35
12.5.11 Hot set test for EPR, HEPR and XLPE insulations ......................................... 35
12.5.12 Measurement of density of HDPE insulation .................................................. 35
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–4– IEC 60840:2020 © IEC 2020

12.5.13 Measurement of carbon black content of black PE oversheaths (ST 3

and ST 7 ) ....................................................................................................... 36
12.5.14 Test under fire conditions .............................................................................. 36
12.5.15 Water penetration test ................................................................................... 37
12.5.16 Tests on components of cables with a longitudinally applied metal tape
or foil, bonded to the oversheath ................................................................... 37
12.5.17 Shrinkage test for PE, HDPE and XLPE insulations ....................................... 37
12.5.18 Shrinkage test for PE oversheaths (ST 3 , ST 7 ) and LSHF oversheaths
(ST 12 ) ........................................................................................................... 37
12.5.19 Determination of hardness of HEPR insulation ............................................... 38
12.5.20 Determination of the elastic modulus of HEPR insulation ............................... 38
13 Prequalification test of the cable system ........................................................................ 38
13.1 General and range of prequalification test approval .............................................. 38
13.2 Prequalification test on complete system .............................................................. 39
13.2.1 Summary of prequalification tests .................................................................. 39
13.2.2 Test voltage values ........................................................................................ 39
13.2.3 Test arrangement .......................................................................................... 39
13.2.4 Heating cycle voltage test .............................................................................. 40
13.2.5 Lightning impulse voltage test ........................................................................ 41
13.2.6 Examination ................................................................................................... 41
13.3 Tests for the extension of the prequalification of a cable system ........................... 41
13.3.1 Summary of the extension of prequalification test .......................................... 41
13.3.2 Electrical part of the extension of prequalification tests on complete
cable system ................................................................................................. 41
14 Type tests on cables ...................................................................................................... 43
14.1 General ................................................................................................................. 43
14.2 Range of type approval ......................................................................................... 44
14.3 Summary of type tests .......................................................................................... 44
14.4 Electrical type tests on completed cables .............................................................. 45
15 Type tests on accessories ............................................................................................. 45
15.1 General ................................................................................................................. 45
15.2 Range of type approval ......................................................................................... 45
15.3 Summary of type tests .......................................................................................... 46
15.4 Electrical type tests on accessories ...................................................................... 47
15.4.1 Test voltage values ........................................................................................ 47
15.4.2 Tests and sequence of tests .......................................................................... 47
16 Electrical tests after installation ..................................................................................... 47
16.1 General ................................................................................................................. 47
16.2 DC voltage test of the oversheath ......................................................................... 47
16.3 AC voltage test of the insulation ............................................................................ 47
Annex A (informative) Determination of the cable conductor temperature ............................. 55
A.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................ 55
A.2 Calibration of the temperature of the main test loop .............................................. 55
A.2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 55
A.2.2 Installation of cable and temperature sensors ................................................ 55
A.2.3 Calibration method ........................................................................................ 57
A.3 Heating for the test ............................................................................................... 57
A.3.1 Method 1 – Test using a reference cable ....................................................... 57
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IEC 60840:2020 © IEC 2020 –5–

A.3.2 Method 2 – Test using conductor temperature calculations and

measurement of the surface temperature ....................................................... 58
Annex B (normative) Rounding of numbers .......................................................................... 59
Annex C (informative) List of type, prequalification and extension of prequalification
tests for cable systems, cables and accessories ................................................................... 60
Annex D (normative) Method of measuring resistivity of semi-conducting screens ............... 62
Annex E (normative) Water penetration test ......................................................................... 65
E.1 Test piece ............................................................................................................. 65
E.2 Test ...................................................................................................................... 65
E.3 Requirements ....................................................................................................... 66
Annex F (normative) Test for water penetration in the conductor .......................................... 67
F.1 Test piece ............................................................................................................. 67
F.2 Test ...................................................................................................................... 67
F.3 Requirements ....................................................................................................... 67
Annex G (normative) Tests on components of cables with a longitudinally applied
metal tape or foil, bonded to the oversheath .................................................................. 69
G.1 Visual examination ................................................................................................ 69
G.2 Adhesion and peel strength................................................................................... 69
G.2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 69
G.2.2 Test: Adhesion strength ................................................................................. 69
G.2.3 Test: Peel strength of overlapped metal foil ................................................... 70
G.2.4 Requirements ................................................................................................ 71
Annex H (normative) Additional tests for accessories ........................................................... 73
H.1 General ................................................................................................................. 73
H.2 Range of approval................................................................................................. 74
H.2.1 Range of approval for joints without screen or metal sheath interruption ........ 74
H.2.2 Range of approval for joints with screen or metal sheath interruption ............. 74
H.2.3 Range of approval for accessories for cable screen interruption and/or
earth connection ............................................................................................ 74
H.2.4 Range of approval for terminations with sectionalizing insulation ................... 75
H.3 Tests of joints with or without screen or metal sheath interruption and
accessories for cable screen interruption and/or earth connection ........................ 75
H.3.1 Water immersion ........................................................................................... 75
H.3.2 Electrical tests ............................................................................................... 75
H.4 Tests of terminations with sheath sectionalizing insulation .................................... 77
H.4.1 DC voltage withstand test between screen and earth ..................................... 77
H.4.2 Lightning impulse voltage withstand test between screen and earth ............... 77
H.5 Examination .......................................................................................................... 77
H.6 Tests for composite insulators for outdoor terminations ......................................... 78
H.6.1 General ......................................................................................................... 78
H.6.2 Internal pressure test ..................................................................................... 78
H.6.3 Cantilever load test ........................................................................................ 78
Annex I (normative) Determination of hardness of HEPR insulations .................................... 79
I.1 Test piece ............................................................................................................. 79
I.2 Test procedure ...................................................................................................... 79
I.2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 79
I.2.2 Surfaces of large radius of curvature ............................................................. 79
I.2.3 Surfaces of small radius of curvature ............................................................. 79
I.2.4 Conditioning and test temperature ................................................................. 79
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I.2.5 Number of measurements .............................................................................. 80

Annex J (informative) Guidance on examination of cable and accessories ........................... 81
Annex K (xxx) Void .............................................................................................................. 82
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 83

Figure 1 – Example of the test arrangement for the prequalification test ............................... 40
Figure 2 – Example of extension of prequalification test arrangement for the
prequalification of a system with another joint, designed for rigid as well as flexible
installation ............................................................................................................................ 42
Figure A.1 – Typical test set-up for the reference loop and the main test loop ....................... 56
Figure A.2 – Example of an arrangement of the temperature sensors on the conductor
of the reference loop ............................................................................................................. 57
Figure D.1 – Preparation of samples for measurement of resistivity of conductor and
insulation screens ................................................................................................................. 64
Figure E.1 – Schematic diagram of apparatus for water penetration test ............................... 66
Figure F.1 – Schematic diagram of apparatus for water penetration test in the
conductor .............................................................................................................................. 68
Figure G.1 – Adhesion of metal tape or foil ........................................................................... 70
Figure G.2 – Example of overlapped metal foil ...................................................................... 71
Figure G.3 – Peel strength of overlapped metal foil ............................................................... 71
Figure G.4 – Typical strength versus grip spacing curve (1) .................................................. 72
Figure G.5 – Typical strength versus grip spacing curve (2) .................................................. 72
Figure I.1 – Test on surfaces of large radius of curvature ...................................................... 80
Figure I.2 – Test on surfaces of small radius of curvature ..................................................... 80

Table 1 – Insulating compounds for cables ........................................................................... 48

Table 2 – Oversheathing compounds for cables .................................................................... 48
Table 3 – Tan δ requirements for insulating compounds for cables ........................................ 48
Table 4 – Test voltages ......................................................................................................... 49
Table 5 – Non-electrical type tests for insulating and oversheathing compounds for
cables ................................................................................................................................... 49
Table 6 – Test requirements for mechanical characteristics of insulating compounds for
cables (before and after ageing) ........................................................................................... 50
Table 7 – Test requirements for mechanical characteristics of oversheathing
compounds for cables (before and after ageing) ................................................................... 51
Table 8 – Test requirements for particular characteristics of insulating compounds for
cables ................................................................................................................................... 52
Table 9 – Test requirements for particular characteristics of PVC and LSHF
oversheathing for cables ....................................................................................................... 53
Table 10 – Maximum mechanical load for composite insulators for outdoor terminations ....... 54
Table C.1 – Type tests on cable systems, on cables and on accessories .............................. 60
Table C.2 – Prequalification tests on cable systems with a calculated nominal
conductor electric stress above 8,0 kV/mm or a calculated nominal insulation electric
stress above 4,0 kV/mm ........................................................................................................ 61
Table C.3 – Extension of prequalification tests on cable systems with a calculated
nominal conductor electric stress above 8,0 kV/mm or a calculated nominal insulation
electric stress above 4,0 kV/mm ........................................................................................... 61
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Table G.1 – Minimum acceptable adhesion or peel strength forces ....................................... 72

Table H.1 – Test sequence ................................................................................................... 73
Table H.2 – Lightning impulse voltage withstand test between screen and earth of
joints with or without screen or metal sheath interruption and accessories for cable
screen interruption and/or earth connection .......................................................................... 76
Table H.3 – Lightning impulse voltage withstand test between screen and screen of
joints with screen or metal sheath interruption and accessories for cable screen
interruption and/or earth connection ...................................................................................... 77
Table H.4 – Lightning impulse voltage withstand tests between screen and earth of
terminations with sheath sectionalizing insulation ................................................................. 77
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–8– IEC 60840:2020 © IEC 2020




ABOVE 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) UP TO 150 kV (U m = 170 kV) –

1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote international
co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end and
in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports,
Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as “IEC Publication(s)”). Their
preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with
may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaising
with the IEC also participate in this preparation. IEC collaborates closely with the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations.
2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international
consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from all
interested IEC National Committees.
3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National
Committees in that sense. While all reasonable efforts are made to ensure that the technical content of IEC
Publications is accurate, IEC cannot be held responsible for the way in which they are used or for any
misinterpretation by any end user.
4) In order to promote international uniformity, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publications
transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional publications. Any divergence between
any IEC Publication and the corresponding national or regional publication shall be clearly indicated in the latter.
5) IEC itself does not provide any attestation of conformity. Independent certification bodies provide conformity
assessment services and, in some areas, access to IEC marks of conformity. IEC is not responsible for any
services carried out by independent certification bodies.
6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.
7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors, employees, servants or agents including individual experts and
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other damage of any nature whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, or for costs (including legal fees) and
expenses arising out of the publication, use of, or reliance upon, this IEC Publication or any other IEC Publications.
8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is
indispensable for the correct application of this publication.
9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of patent
rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

International Standard IEC 60840 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 20: Electric

This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition, published in 2011. This edition
constitutes a technical revision.

This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous

• Gas immersed cable terminations for use at rated voltages above 52 kV are required to be
designed, type and routine tested in accordance with IEC 62271-209 in addition to the
routine and type tests specified in this document.
• Requirements are introduced for composite outdoor termination insulators.
• The test cylinder diameters specified for the bending test (type and prequalification tests)
have been modified in line with IEC TR 61901:2016.
• A low smoke halogen free oversheath material, designated ST 12 is introduced.
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IEC 60840:2020 © IEC 2020 –9–

• Additional tests under fire conditions are introduced: vertical flame spread, smoke density,
acidity and conductivity, which shall be applied according to the fire performance declared
for the cable.
• A test for water penetration in the conductor is added.
• In addition to tests on the outer protection of joints, type tests on the screen sectionalizing
insulation of all accessories have been introduced.
NOTE For a more detailed history of events leading up to this fifth edition, see the Introduction.

The text of this International Standard is based on the following documents:

FDIS Report on voting

20/1909/FDIS 20/1910/RVD

Full information on the voting for the approval of this International Standard can be found in the
report on voting indicated in the above table.

This document has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The committee has decided that the contents of this document will remain unchanged until the
stability date indicated on the IEC website under "" in the data related to
the specific document. At this date, the document will be

• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.

The contents of the corrigendum of February 2021 have been included in this copy.
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– 10 – IEC 60840:2020 © IEC 2020


The first edition of IEC 60840, published in 1988, dealt only with cables. Accessories were
added to the second edition, published in February 1999, which separately covered test
methods and test requirements for

a) cables alone,
b) cables together with accessories (a cable system).

Some countries then suggested that a better discrimination be made between systems, cables
and accessories, particularly for the lower voltages of the scope, for example 45 kV. This was
taken into account in the third edition (2004) and has been retained subsequently, giving the
type approval requirements and the range of approvals for:

a) cable systems,
b) cables alone,
c) accessories alone.

Manufacturers and users may choose the most appropriate option for type approval.

The fourth edition (2011) introduced the prequalification test procedure, as a cable system
inclusive of accessories, for cables with high electrical stresses at the conductor screen and/or
insulation screen.

Other significant changes in the fourth edition were:

a) The clause numbering of this document and IEC 62067 was coordinated to achieve as much
commonality as possible.
b) In the case of the sample test, the lightning impulse voltage test is no longer followed by a
power frequency voltage test.

In this fifth edition the principle changes are as follows:

a) New definitions have been added for three different cable screen designs following
IEC TR 61901:2016.
b) Gas immersed cable terminations for use at rated voltages above 52 kV are required to be
designed, type and routine tested in accordance with IEC 62271-209 in addition to the
routine and type tests specified in this document.
c) Requirements are introduced for composite outdoor termination insulators.
d) The test cylinder diameters specified for the bending test (type and prequalification tests)
have been modified in line with IEC TR 61901:2016.
e) A low smoke halogen free oversheath material, designated ST 12 is introduced.
f) Additional tests under fire conditions are introduced: vertical flame spread, smoke density,
acidity and conductivity, which are applied according to the fire performance declared for
the cable.
g) A test for water penetration in the conductor is added.
h) In addition to tests on the outer protection of joints, type tests on the screen sectionalizing
insulation of all accessories have been introduced.
i) A list of relevant CIGRE references is given in the bibliography.
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IEC 60840:2020 © IEC 2020 – 11 –


ABOVE 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) UP TO 150 kV (U m = 170 kV) –

1 Scope

This document specifies test methods and requirements for power cable systems, cables alone
and accessories alone, for fixed installations and for rated voltages above 30 kV (U m = 36 kV)
up to and including 150 kV (U m = 170 kV).

The requirements apply to single-core cables and to individually screened three-core cables
and to their accessories for usual conditions of installation and operation, but not to special
cables, such as submarine cables and their accessories, for which modifications to the standard
tests or the setup of special test conditions can be necessary.

This document does not cover transition joints between cables with extruded insulation and
paper insulated cables.

2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.

IEC 60060-1:2010, High-voltage test techniques – Part 1: General definitions and test

IEC 60228, Conductors of insulated cables

IEC 60229:2007, Electric cables – Tests on extruded oversheaths with a special protective

IEC 60230, Impulse tests on cables and their accessories

IEC 60287-1-1:2006, Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 1-1: Current rating
equations (100 % load factor) and calculation of losses – General

IEC 60332-1-2, Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions – Part 1-2: Test
for vertical flame propagation for a single insulated wire or cable – Procedure for 1 kW
pre-mixed flame

IEC 60332-3-24, Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions – Part 3-24:
Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables – Category C

IEC 60754-2, Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables – Part 2:
Determination of acidity (by pH measurement) and conductivity

IEC 60811-201, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 201: General tests – Measurement of insulation thickness
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– 12 – IEC 60840:2020 © IEC 2020

IEC 60811-202:2012, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials
– Part 202: General tests – Measurement of thickness of non-metallic sheath
IEC 60811-202:2012/AMD1:2017

IEC 60811-203, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 203: General tests – Measurement of overall dimensions

IEC 60811-401, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 401: Miscellaneous tests – Thermal ageing methods – Ageing in an air oven

IEC 60811-403, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 403: Miscellaneous tests – Ozone resistance test on cross-linked compounds

IEC 60811-409, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 409: Miscellaneous tests – Loss of mass test for thermoplastic insulations and sheaths

IEC 60811-501:2012, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials
– Part 501: Mechanical tests – Tests for determining the mechanical properties of insulation
and sheathing compounds
IEC 60811-501:2012/AMD1:2018

IEC 60811-502:2012, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials
– Part 502: Mechanical tests – Shrinkage test for insulations

IEC 60811-503, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 503: Mechanical tests – Shrinkage test for sheaths

IEC 60811-505, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 505: Mechanical tests – Elongation at low temperature for insulations and sheaths

IEC 60811-506, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 506: Mechanical tests – Impact test at low temperature for insulations and sheaths

IEC 60811-507, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 507: Mechanical tests – Hot set test for cross-linked materials

IEC 60811-508:2012, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials
– Part 508: Mechanical tests – Pressure test at high temperature for insulations and sheaths
IEC 60811-508:2012/AMD1:2017

IEC 60811-509, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 509: Mechanical tests – Test for resistance of insulations and sheaths to cracking (heat
shock test)

IEC 60811-605:2012, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials
– Part 605: Physical tests – Measurement of carbon black and/or mineral filler in polyethylene

IEC 60811-606, Electric and optical fibre cables – Test methods for non-metallic materials –
Part 606: Physical tests – Methods for determining the density

IEC 60885-3, Electrical test methods for electric cables – Part 3: Test methods for partial
discharge measurements on lengths of extruded power cables

IEC 61034-2:2005, Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions
–Part 2: Test procedure and requirements
IEC 61034-2:2005/AMD1:2013
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IEC 60840:2020 © IEC 2020 – 13 –

IEC 61462:2007, Composite hollow insulators – Pressurized and unpressurized insulators for
use in electrical equipment with rated voltage greater than 1 000 V – Definitions, test methods,
acceptance criteria and design recommendations

IEC 62271-209, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 209: Cable connections for
gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV. Fluid-filled and
extruded insulation cables – Fluid-filled and dry-type cable-terminations

ISO 48-2, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of hardness – Part 2: Hardness

between 10 IRHD and 100 IRHD

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following

• IEC Electropedia: available at

• ISO Online browsing platform: available at

3.1 Definitions of dimensional values (thicknesses, cross-sections, etc.)

nominal value
value by which a quantity is designated and which is often used in tables

Note 1 to entry: Usually, in this document, nominal values give rise to values to be checked by measurements
taking into account specified tolerances.

median value
when several test results have been obtained and ordered in an increasing (or decreasing)
succession, middle value if the number of available values is odd, and mean of the two middle
values if the number is even

3.2 Definitions concerning tests

routine test
test made by the manufacturer on each manufactured component (length of cable or accessory)
to check that the component meets the specified requirements

sample test
test made by the manufacturer on samples of completed cable or components taken from a
completed cable or accessory, at a specified frequency so as to verify that the finished product
meets the specified requirements

type test
test made before supplying on a general commercial basis a type of cable system or cable or
accessory covered by IEC 60840, in order to demonstrate satisfactory performance
characteristics to meet the intended application

Note 1 to entry: Type tests are of such a nature that, after they have been made, they need not be repeated unless
changes are made in the materials, design or type of manufacturing process of cable or accessory which might
change the performance characteristics.
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AVANT-PROPOS .................................................................................................................. 90
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 92
1 Domaine d'application ................................................................................................... 93
2 Références normatives .................................................................................................. 93
3 Termes et définitions ..................................................................................................... 95
3.1 Définitions de valeurs dimensionnelles (épaisseurs, sections, etc.) ....................... 95
3.2 Définitions relatives aux essais ............................................................................. 95
3.3 Autres définitions .................................................................................................. 96
4 Désignations des tensions, matériaux et arrondissement des nombres .......................... 97
4.1 Tensions assignées .............................................................................................. 97
4.2 Mélanges isolants pour câbles .............................................................................. 97
4.3 Ecrans et gaines métalliques pour câbles ............................................................. 97
4.4 Mélanges pour gaines extérieures de câbles ......................................................... 98
4.5 Arrondissement des nombres ................................................................................ 98
5 Précautions contre la pénétration d'eau dans les câbles ................................................ 99
6 Caractéristiques du câble .............................................................................................. 99
7 Caractéristiques des accessoires ................................................................................ 100
7.1 Extrémités de câble immergées dans du gaz ...................................................... 100
7.2 Isolateurs composites pour extrémités de câble extérieures ................................ 100
7.3 Caractéristiques d'accessoire à déclarer ............................................................. 100
8 Conditions d'essai ....................................................................................................... 101
8.1 Température ambiante ........................................................................................ 101
8.2 Essais à haute tension ........................................................................................ 101
8.3 Forme d'onde des tensions d'essai en choc de foudre ........................................ 101
8.4 Relations entre tensions d'essai et tensions assignées ....................................... 101
8.5 Détermination de la température de l'âme du câble ............................................. 102
9 Essais individuels de série des câbles et des accessoires ........................................... 102
9.1 Généralités ......................................................................................................... 102
9.2 Essai de décharges partielles ............................................................................. 102
9.3 Essai de tension ................................................................................................. 103
9.4 Essai électrique sur la gaine extérieure du câble ................................................ 103
10 Essais sur prélèvements des câbles ............................................................................ 103
10.1 Généralités ......................................................................................................... 103
10.2 Fréquence des essais ......................................................................................... 103
10.3 Répétition des essais .......................................................................................... 104
10.4 Examen de l'âme ................................................................................................ 104
10.5 Mesure de la résistance électrique de l'âme et de l'écran métallique ................... 104
10.6 Mesure de l'épaisseur de l'enveloppe isolante et de celle de la gaine
extérieure du câble ............................................................................................. 104
10.6.1 Généralités .................................................................................................. 104
10.6.2 Exigences relatives à l'enveloppe isolante ................................................... 105
10.6.3 Exigences relatives à la gaine extérieure du câble ....................................... 105
10.7 Mesure de l'épaisseur de la gaine métallique ...................................................... 105
10.7.1 Généralités .................................................................................................. 105
10.7.2 Gaine de plomb ou d'alliage de plomb ......................................................... 105
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10.7.3 Gaine de cuivre ou d'aluminium ................................................................... 106

10.7.4 Ruban métallique pour construction CD ....................................................... 106
10.8 Mesure des diamètres ......................................................................................... 106
10.9 Essai d'allongement à chaud des enveloppes isolantes en PR, EPR et HEPR .... 107
10.9.1 Mode opératoire .......................................................................................... 107
10.9.2 Exigences .................................................................................................... 107
10.10 Mesure de la capacité ......................................................................................... 107
10.11 Mesure de la masse volumique des enveloppes isolantes en PEHD .................... 107
10.11.1 Mode opératoire .......................................................................................... 107
10.11.2 Exigences .................................................................................................... 107
10.12 Essai au choc de foudre...................................................................................... 107
10.13 Essai de pénétration d'eau .................................................................................. 107
10.14 Essais supplémentaires sur les composants de câbles comportant un ruban
ou une feuille métallique appliqué en long et contrecollé à la gaine
extérieure ........................................................................................................... 108
11 Essais sur prélèvements des accessoires .................................................................... 108
11.1 Essais des composants d'accessoire .................................................................. 108
11.2 Essais sur accessoires complets ......................................................................... 108
12 Essais de type des systèmes de câbles ....................................................................... 108
12.1 Généralités ......................................................................................................... 108
12.2 Etendue de l'acceptation de type ........................................................................ 109
12.3 Récapitulatif des essais de type .......................................................................... 110
12.4 Essais de type électriques sur systèmes de câbles ............................................. 110
12.4.1 Valeurs des tensions d'essai ....................................................................... 110
12.4.2 Essais et séquence d'essais ........................................................................ 111
12.4.3 Essai d'enroulement .................................................................................... 111
12.4.4 Essais de décharges partielles .................................................................... 112
12.4.5 Mesure de tan δ ........................................................................................... 112
12.4.6 Essai de cycles de chauffage sous tension .................................................. 113
12.4.7 Essai au choc de foudre suivi d'un essai sous tension à la fréquence
industrielle ................................................................................................... 113
12.4.8 Examen ....................................................................................................... 114
12.4.9 Résistivité des écrans semiconducteurs ...................................................... 114
12.5 Essais de type non électriques sur les composants du câble et sur câble
complet ............................................................................................................... 114
12.5.1 Généralités .................................................................................................. 114
12.5.2 Vérification de la constitution du câble ......................................................... 115
12.5.3 Détermination des propriétés mécaniques des enveloppes isolantes
avant et après vieillissement ........................................................................ 115
12.5.4 Détermination des propriétés mécaniques des gaines extérieures avant
et après vieillissement ................................................................................. 115
12.5.5 Essais de vieillissement sur tronçons de câbles complets pour vérifier la
compatibilité des matériaux ......................................................................... 116
12.5.6 Essai de perte de masse pour les gaines extérieures en PVC du type
ST 2 ............................................................................................................. 116
12.5.7 Essai de pression à température élevée sur les gaines extérieures ............. 117
12.5.8 Essais à basse température pour les gaines extérieures en PVC de type
ST 1 et ST 2 et pour les gaines extérieures en LSHF de type ST 12 ............... 117
12.5.9 Essai de choc thermique pour les gaines extérieures en PVC (ST 1 et
ST 2 ) ............................................................................................................ 117
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12.5.10 Essai de résistance à l'ozone des enveloppes isolantes en EPR et en

HEPR .......................................................................................................... 117
12.5.11 Essai d'allongement à chaud pour les enveloppes isolantes en EPR, en
HEPR et en PR ............................................................................................ 117
12.5.12 Mesure de la masse volumique des enveloppes isolantes en PEHD ............ 118
12.5.13 Mesure du taux de noir de carbone des gaines extérieures en PE de
couleur noire (ST 3 et ST 7 ) .......................................................................... 118
12.5.14 Essai des câbles soumis au feu ................................................................... 118
12.5.15 Essai de pénétration d'eau .......................................................................... 119
12.5.16 Essais sur les composants de câbles comportant un ruban ou une
feuille métallique appliqué en long et contrecollé à la gaine extérieure ........ 119
12.5.17 Essai de rétraction des enveloppes isolantes en PE, en PEHD et en PR ..... 119
12.5.18 Essai de rétraction des gaines extérieures en PE (ST 3 , ST 7 ) et en
LSHF (ST12) ............................................................................................... 119
12.5.19 Détermination de la dureté de l'enveloppe isolante en HEPR ....................... 119
12.5.20 Détermination du module d'élasticité de l'enveloppe isolante en HEPR ........ 120
13 Essai de préqualification sur le système de câble ........................................................ 120
13.1 Généralités et domaine d'acceptation de l'essai de préqualification .................... 120
13.2 Essai de préqualification sur système de câble complet ...................................... 121
13.2.1 Récapitulatif des essais de préqualification ................................................. 121
13.2.2 Valeurs des tensions d'essai ....................................................................... 121
13.2.3 Montage d'essai .......................................................................................... 121
13.2.4 Essai de cycles de chauffage sous tension .................................................. 122
13.2.5 Essai au choc de foudre .............................................................................. 123
13.2.6 Examen ....................................................................................................... 123
13.3 Essais d'extension de préqualification d'un système de câble ............................. 123
13.3.1 Récapitulatif des essais d'extension de préqualification ............................... 123
13.3.2 Partie électrique des essais d'extension de préqualification sur un
système de câble complet ........................................................................... 123
14 Essais de type des câbles ........................................................................................... 125
14.1 Généralités ......................................................................................................... 125
14.2 Etendue de l'acceptation de type ........................................................................ 125
14.3 Récapitulatif des essais de type .......................................................................... 126
14.4 Essais de type électriques sur câbles complets................................................... 126
15 Essais de type des accessoires ................................................................................... 127
15.1 Généralités ......................................................................................................... 127
15.2 Etendue de l'acceptation de type ........................................................................ 127
15.3 Récapitulatif des essais de type .......................................................................... 128
15.4 Essais de type électriques des accessoires ........................................................ 128
15.4.1 Valeurs des tensions d'essai ....................................................................... 128
15.4.2 Essais et séquence d'essais ........................................................................ 128
16 Essais électriques après pose ..................................................................................... 129
16.1 Généralités ......................................................................................................... 129
16.2 Essai sous tension continue de la gaine extérieure ............................................. 129
16.3 Essai sous tension alternative de l'enveloppe isolante ........................................ 129
Annexe A (informative) Détermination de la température de l'âme du câble ....................... 136
A.1 Objectif ............................................................................................................... 136
A.2 Etalonnage de la température de la boucle d'essai principale ............................. 136
A.2.1 Généralités .................................................................................................. 136
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A.2.2 Montage du câble et des capteurs de température ....................................... 136

A.2.3 Méthode d'étalonnage ................................................................................. 138
A.3 Chauffage pour l'essai ........................................................................................ 138
A.3.1 Méthode 1 – Utilisation d'un câble de référence ........................................... 138
A.3.2 Méthode 2 – Utilisation de calculs et de mesures de la température de
surface pour déterminer la température de l'âme ......................................... 139
Annexe B (normative) Arrondissement des nombres .......................................................... 140
Annexe C (informative) Liste des essais de type, des essais de préqualification et
d'extension de préqualification pour des systèmes de câbles, câbles et accessoires .......... 141
Annexe D (normative) Méthode de mesure de la résistivité des écrans
semiconducteurs ................................................................................................................. 143
Annexe E (normative) Essai de pénétration d'eau .............................................................. 145
E.1 Eprouvette .......................................................................................................... 145
E.2 Essai .................................................................................................................. 145
E.3 Exigences ........................................................................................................... 146
Annexe F (normative) Essai de pénétration d'eau dans l'âme ............................................ 147
F.1 Eprouvette .......................................................................................................... 147
F.2 Essai .................................................................................................................. 147
F.3 Exigences ........................................................................................................... 147
Annexe G (normative) Essais sur les composants de câbles comportant un ruban ou
une feuille métallique appliqué en long et contrecollé à la gaine extérieure ......................... 149
G.1 Examen visuel .................................................................................................... 149
G.2 Force d'adhérence et de décollement .................................................................. 149
G.2.1 Généralités .................................................................................................. 149
G.2.2 Essai: force d'adhérence ............................................................................. 149
G.2.3 Essai: force de décollement du recouvrement de la feuille métallique .......... 150
G.2.4 Exigences .................................................................................................... 151
Annexe H (normative) Essais supplémentaires des accessoires ........................................ 153
H.1 Généralités ......................................................................................................... 153
H.2 Etendue de l'acceptation ..................................................................................... 154
H.2.1 Etendue de l'acceptation pour les jonctions sans interruption d'écran ou
de gaine métallique ..................................................................................... 154
H.2.2 Etendue de l'acceptation pour les jonctions avec interruption d'écran ou
de gaine métallique ..................................................................................... 154
H.2.3 Etendue de l'acceptation des accessoires pour interruption d'écran
et/ou raccordement à la terre du câble ......................................................... 155
H.2.4 Etendue de l'acceptation pour les extrémités avec arrêt d'écran .................. 155
H.3 Essais des jonctions avec ou sans interruption d'écran ou de gaine
métallique et des accessoires pour interruption d'écran et/ou raccordement à
la terre du câble .................................................................................................. 155
H.3.1 Immersion dans l'eau ................................................................................... 155
H.3.2 Essais électriques ....................................................................................... 155
H.4 Essais des extrémités avec arrêt d'écran ............................................................ 157
H.4.1 Essai de tenue en tension continue entre écran et terre .............................. 157
H.4.2 Essai de tenue au choc de foudre entre écran et terre ................................. 157
H.5 Examen .............................................................................................................. 157
H.6 Essais des isolateurs composites pour extrémités extérieures ............................ 158
H.6.1 Généralités .................................................................................................. 158
H.6.2 Essai de pression interne ............................................................................ 158
H.6.3 Essai de charge en porte-à-faux .................................................................. 158
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Annexe I (normative) Détermination de la dureté des enveloppes isolantes en HEPR ........ 159
I.1 Eprouvette .......................................................................................................... 159
I.2 Procédure d'essai ............................................................................................... 159
I.2.1 Généralités .................................................................................................. 159
I.2.2 Surfaces de grands rayons de courbure....................................................... 159
I.2.3 Surfaces de petits rayons de courbure ......................................................... 159
I.2.4 Conditionnement et température d'essai ...................................................... 159
I.2.5 Nombre de mesures .................................................................................... 160
Annexe J (informative) Recommandations pour l'examen du câble et des accessoires ...... 161
Annexe K (xxx) Vide .......................................................................................................... 162
Bibliographie ....................................................................................................................... 163

Figure 1 – Exemple de montage d'essai pour l'essai de préqualification.............................. 122

Figure 2 – Exemple de dispositif d'essai d'extension de préqualification d'un système
pour la préqualification d'un système avec une autre jonction, prévue pour une
installation rigide aussi bien qu'une installation souple ....................................................... 124
Figure A.1 – Montage type de la boucle de référence et de la boucle d'essai principale ...... 137
Figure A.2 – Exemple de mise en place des capteurs de température sur l'âme de la
boucle de référence ............................................................................................................ 138
Figure D.1 – Préparation des échantillons pour la mesure de la résistivité des écrans
sur âme et sur enveloppe isolante ...................................................................................... 144
Figure E.1 – Schéma de principe de l'appareillage pour l'essai de pénétration d'eau .......... 146
Figure F.1 – Schéma de principe de l'appareillage pour l'essai de pénétration d'eau
dans l'âme .......................................................................................................................... 148
Figure G.1 – Adhérence du ruban ou de la feuille métallique .............................................. 150
Figure G.2 – Exemple de feuille métallique avec recouvrement ........................................... 150
Figure G.3 – Force de décollement du recouvrement de la feuille métallique ...................... 151
Figure G.4 – Courbe type de la force en fonction de l'espacement des mâchoires (1) ......... 151
Figure G.5 – Courbe type de la force en fonction de l'espacement des mâchoires (2) ......... 152
Figure I.1 – Essai des surfaces de grands rayons de courbure ........................................... 160
Figure I.2 – Essai des surfaces de petits rayons de courbure .............................................. 160

Tableau 1 – Mélanges isolants pour câbles ......................................................................... 130

Tableau 2 – Mélanges pour gaines extérieures de câbles ................................................... 130
Tableau 3 – Exigences pour tan δ pour les mélanges isolants pour câbles .......................... 130
Tableau 4 – Tensions d'essai .............................................................................................. 130
Tableau 5 – Essais de type non électriques pour mélanges pour enveloppes isolantes
et pour gaines extérieures de câbles................................................................................... 131
Tableau 6 – Exigences d'essai pour les caractéristiques mécaniques des mélanges
pour enveloppes isolantes de câbles (avant et après vieillissement) ................................... 132
Tableau 7 – Exigences d'essai pour les caractéristiques mécaniques des mélanges
pour gaines extérieures de câbles (avant et après vieillissement) ....................................... 132
Tableau 8 – Exigences d'essai pour les caractéristiques particulières des mélanges
pour enveloppes isolantes de câbles .................................................................................. 133
Tableau 9 – Exigences d'essai pour les caractéristiques particulières des mélanges à
base de PVC et de LSHF pour gaines extérieures de câbles ............................................... 133
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Tableau 10 – Charge mécanique maximale des isolateurs composites pour extrémités

extérieures.......................................................................................................................... 135
Tableau C.1 – Essais de type des systèmes de câbles, des câbles et des accessoires ....... 141
Tableau C.2 – Essais de préqualification pour des systèmes de câbles avec un
gradient calculé nominal sur âme supérieur à 8,0 kV/mm ou avec un gradient calculé
nominal sur enveloppe isolante supérieur à 4,0 kV/mm ....................................................... 142
Tableau C.3 – Essais d'extension de préqualification pour des systèmes de câbles
avec un gradient calculé nominal sur âme supérieur à 8,0 kV/mm ou avec un gradient
calculé nominal sur enveloppe isolante supérieur à 4,0 kV/mm ........................................... 142
Tableau G.1 – Forces d'adhérence et de décollement minimales acceptables ..................... 152
Tableau H.1 – Séquence d'essais ....................................................................................... 153
Tableau H.2 – Essai de tenue au choc de foudre entre écran et terre des jonctions
avec ou sans interruption d'écran ou de gaine métallique et des accessoires pour
interruption d'écran et/ou raccordement à la terre du câble ................................................. 156
Tableau H.3 – Essai de tenue au choc de foudre entre écrans des jonctions avec
interruption d'écran ou de gaine métallique et des accessoires pour interruption
d'écran et/ou raccordement à la terre du câble ................................................................... 157
Tableau H.4 – Essais de tenue au choc de foudre entre écran et terre des extrémités
avec arrêt d'écran ............................................................................................................... 157
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À 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) ET JUSQU'À 150 kV (U m = 170 kV) –

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La Norme internationale IEC 60840 a été établie par le comité d'études 20 de l'IEC: Câbles

Cette cinquième édition annule et remplace la quatrième édition parue en 2011. Cette édition
constitue une révision technique.
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IEC 60840:2020 © IEC 2020 – 91 –

Cette édition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport à l'édition

• il est exigé que les extrémités de câble immergées dans du gaz pour une utilisation à des
tensions assignées supérieures à 52 kV soient soumises à des essais de type et des essais
individuels de série conformément à l'IEC 62271-209 en plus des essais individuels de série
et des essais de type spécifiés dans le présent document;
• les exigences relatives aux isolateurs composites pour extrémités de câble extérieures ont
été introduites;
• les diamètres des cylindres d'essai spécifiés pour l'essai d'enroulement (essais de type et
de préqualification) ont été modifiés conformément à l'IEC TR 61901:2016;
• un matériau de gaine extérieure sans halogène à faible dégagement de fumée, appelé ST 12
a été introduit;
• les essais supplémentaires des câbles soumis au feu (propagation verticale de flammes,
densité de fumées, acidité et conductivité) qui doivent être appliqués conformément aux
performances de résistance au feu déclarées pour le câble ont été introduits;
• un essai de pénétration d'eau dans l'âme a été ajouté;
• en plus des essais des protections externes des jonctions, les essais de type de l'arrêt
d'écran ont été étendus à tous les accessoires.
NOTE Voir l'Introduction pour un historique plus complet des événements conduisant à la publication de cette
cinquième édition.

Le texte de cette Norme internationale est issu des documents suivants:

FDIS Rapport de vote

20/1909/FDIS 20/1910/RVD

Le rapport de vote indiqué dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le vote ayant
abouti à l'approbation de cette Norme internationale.

Ce document a été rédigé selon les Directives ISO/IEC, Partie 2.

Le comité a décidé que le contenu de ce document ne sera pas modifié avant la date de stabilité
indiquée sur le site web de l'IEC sous "" dans les données relatives au
document recherché. A cette date, le document sera

• reconduit,
• supprimé,
• remplacé par une édition révisée, ou
• amendé.

Le contenu du corrigendum de février 2021 a été pris en considération dans cet exemplaire.
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– 92 – IEC 60840:2020 © IEC 2020

La première édition de l'IEC 60840, publiée en 1988, traitait seulement des câbles. Les
accessoires ont été ajoutés à la deuxième édition, publiée en février 1999, qui couvrait
séparément les méthodes d'essais et les exigences d'essais pour:

a) les câbles seuls;

b) les câbles avec les accessoires (système de câble).
Certains pays ont suggéré qu'une meilleure distinction soit faite entre systèmes, câbles et
accessoires, plus particulièrement pour les tensions les plus basses du domaine d'application,
par exemple 45 kV. Cela a été pris en compte dans la troisième édition (2004) et a ensuite été
maintenu, donnant les exigences d'acceptation de type et l'étendue de celle-ci pour:

a) les systèmes de câbles;

b) les câbles seuls;
c) les accessoires seuls.
Les fabricants et utilisateurs peuvent choisir l'option la mieux appropriée pour l'acceptation de

La quatrième édition (2011) a introduit la procédure d'essai de préqualification, en tant que

système de câble incluant les accessoires, pour les câbles présentant des gradients élevés au
niveau du semiconducteur sur âme et/ou sur enveloppe.

Les autres modifications significatives de la quatrième édition sont les suivantes:

a) les numérotations des articles du présent document et de l'IEC 62067 ont été coordonnées
de manière à présenter autant de similitudes que possible;
b) lors de l'essai de prélèvement, l'essai au choc de foudre n'est plus suivi d'un essai sous
tension à la fréquence industrielle.
Dans la présente cinquième édition, les principales modifications sont les suivantes:

a) de nouvelles définitions pour trois constructions différentes d'écran de câble selon

l'IEC TR 61901:2016 ont été ajoutées;
b) il est exigé que les extrémités de câble immergées dans du gaz pour une utilisation à des
tensions assignées supérieures à 52 kV, soient soumises à des essais de type et des essais
individuels de série conformément à l'IEC 62271-209 en plus des essais individuels de série
et des essais de type spécifiés dans le présent document;
c) les exigences relatives aux isolateurs composites pour extrémités de câble extérieures ont
été introduites;
d) les diamètres des cylindres d'essai spécifiés pour l'essai d'enroulement (essais de type et
de préqualification) ont été modifiés conformément à l'IEC TR 61901:2016;
e) un matériau de gaine extérieure sans halogène à faible dégagement de fumée, appelé ST 12
a été introduit;
f) les essais supplémentaires des câbles soumis au feu (propagation verticale de flammes,
densité de fumées, acidité et conductivité) qui sont appliqués conformément aux
performances de résistance au feu déclarées pour le câble ont été introduits;
g) un essai de pénétration d'eau dans l'âme a été ajouté;
h) en plus des essais des protections externes des jonctions, les essais de type de l'arrêt
d'écran ont été étendus à tous les accessoires;
i) une liste des références CIGRE appropriées est donnée dans la bibliographie.
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IEC 60840:2020 © IEC 2020 – 93 –


À 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) ET JUSQU'À 150 kV (U m = 170 kV) –

1 Domaine d'application
Le présent document spécifie les méthodes et les exigences d'essai applicables aux systèmes
de câbles d'énergie, câbles seuls et accessoires seuls, pour installations fixes, pour des
tensions assignées supérieures à 30 kV (U m = 36 kV) et jusqu'à 150 kV (U m = 170 kV) inclus.

Les exigences s'appliquent aux câbles unipolaires, aux câbles tripolaires à écran individuel et
à leurs accessoires, pour des conditions habituelles d'installation et de fonctionnement, mais
pas aux câbles spéciaux, tels que les câbles sous-marins et leurs accessoires, pour lesquels il
peut être nécessaire d'apporter des modifications aux essais normaux ou d'élaborer des
conditions d'essai particulières.

Les jonctions assurant le raccordement des câbles à isolant extrudé aux câbles isolés au papier
ne sont pas couvertes par le présent document.

2 Références normatives
Les documents suivants sont cités dans le texte de sorte qu'ils constituent, pour tout ou partie
de leur contenu, des exigences du présent document. Pour les références datées, seule
l'édition citée s'applique. Pour les références non datées, la dernière édition du document de
référence s'applique (y compris les éventuels amendements).

IEC 60060-1:2010, Techniques des essais à haute tension – Partie 1: Définitions et exigences

IEC 60228, Ames des câbles isolés

IEC 60229:2007, Câbles électriques – Essais sur les gaines extérieures extrudées avec
fonction spéciale de protection

IEC 60230, Essais de choc des câbles et de leurs accessoires

IEC 60287-1-1:2006, Câbles électriques – Calcul du courant admissible – Partie 1-1: Equations
de l'intensité du courant admissible (facteur de charge 100 %) et calcul des pertes – Généralités

IEC 60332-1-2, Essais des câbles électriques et à fibres optiques soumis au feu – Partie 1-2:
Essai de propagation verticale de la flamme sur conducteur ou câble isolé – Procédure pour
flamme à prémélange de 1 kW

IEC 60332-3-24, Essais des câbles électriques et à fibres optiques soumis au feu – Partie 3-24:
Essai de propagation verticale de la flamme des fils ou câbles montés en nappes en position
verticale – Catégorie C

IEC 60754-2, Essais sur les gaz émis lors de la combustion des matériaux prélevés sur câbles
– Partie 2: Détermination de la conductivité et de l'acidité (par mesure du pH)

IEC 60811-201, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les matériaux
non-métalliques – Partie 201: Essais généraux – Mesure de l'épaisseur des enveloppes

IEC 60811-202:2012, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les
matériaux non-métalliques – Partie 202: Essais généraux – Mesure de l'épaisseur des gaines
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– 94 – IEC 60840:2020 © IEC 2020

IEC 60811-202:2012/AMD1:2017

IEC 60811-203, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les matériaux
non-métalliques – Partie 203: Essais généraux – Mesure des dimensions extérieures

IEC 60811-401, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les matériaux
non-métalliques – Partie 401: Essais divers – Méthodes de vieillissement thermique –
Vieillissement en étuve à air

IEC 60811-403, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les matériaux
non-métalliques – Partie 403: Essais divers – Essai de résistance à l'ozone sur les mélanges

IEC 60811-409, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les matériaux
non-métalliques – Partie 409: Essais divers – Essai de perte de masse des enveloppes
isolantes et gaines thermoplastiques

IEC 60811-501:2012, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les
matériaux non-métalliques – Partie 501: Essais mécaniques – Détermination des propriétés
mécaniques des mélanges pour les enveloppes isolantes et les gaines
IEC 60811-501:2012/AMD1:2018

IEC 60811-502:2012, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les
matériaux non-métalliques – Partie 502: Essais mécaniques – Essai de rétraction des
enveloppes isolantes

IEC 60811-503, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les matériaux
non-métalliques – Partie 503: Essais mécaniques – Essai de rétraction des gaines

IEC 60811-505, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les matériaux
non-métalliques – Partie 505: Essais mécaniques – Essai d'allongement à basse température
pour les enveloppes isolantes et les gaines

IEC 60811-506, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les matériaux
non-métalliques – Partie 506: Essais mécaniques – Essai de choc à basse température pour
les enveloppes isolantes et les gaines

IEC 60811-507, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les matériaux
non-métalliques – Partie 507: Essais mécaniques – Essai d'allongement à chaud pour les
matériaux réticulés

IEC 60811-508:2012, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les
matériaux non-métalliques – Partie 508: Essais mécaniques – Essai de pression à température
élevée pour les enveloppes isolantes et les gaines
IEC 60811-508:2012/AMD1:2017

IEC 60811-509, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les matériaux
non-métalliques – Partie 509: Essais mécaniques – Essai de résistance à la fissuration des
enveloppes isolantes et des gaines (essai de choc thermique)

IEC 60811-605:2012, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les
matériaux non-métalliques – Partie 605: Essais physiques – Mesure du taux de noir de carbone
et/ou des charges minérales dans les mélanges en polyéthylène

IEC 60811-606, Câbles électriques et à fibres optiques – Méthodes d'essai pour les matériaux
non-métalliques – Partie 606: Essais physiques – Méthodes de détermination de la masse

IEC 60885-3, Méthodes d'essais électriques pour les câbles électriques – Partie 3: Méthodes
d'essais pour mesures de décharges partielles sur longueurs de câbles de puissance extrudés
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IEC 60840:2020 © IEC 2020 – 95 –

IEC 61034-2:2005, Mesure de la densité de fumées dégagées par des câbles brûlant dans des
conditions définies – Partie 2: Procédure d'essai et exigences
IEC 61034-2:2005/AMD1:2013

IEC 61462:2007, Isolateurs composites creux – Isolateurs avec ou sans pression interne pour
utilisation dans des appareillages électriques de tensions nominales supérieures à 1 000 V –
Définitions, méthodes d'essai, critères d'acceptation et recommandations de conception

IEC 62271-209, Appareillage haute tension – Partie 209: Raccordement de câbles pour
appareillage sous enveloppe métallique à isolation gazeuse de tension assignée supérieure à
52 kV – Câbles remplis d'un fluide ou à isolation extrudée – Extrémité de câble de type sec ou
remplie d'un fluide

ISO 48-2, Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique – Détermination de la dureté – Partie 2:

Dureté comprise entre 10 DIDC et 100 DIDC

3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s'appliquent.

L'ISO et l'IEC tiennent à jour des bases de données terminologiques destinées à être utilisées
en normalisation, consultables aux adresses suivantes:

• IEC Electropedia: disponible à l'adresse

• ISO Online browsing platform: disponible à l'adresse
3.1 Définitions de valeurs dimensionnelles (épaisseurs, sections, etc.)
valeur nominale
valeur par laquelle une grandeur est dénommée et qui est souvent utilisée dans les tableaux

Note 1 à l'article: Généralement, dans le présent document, les valeurs nominales correspondent à des valeurs qui
sont vérifiées par des mesures, en tenant compte des tolérances spécifiées.

valeur médiane
quand plusieurs résultats d'essais sont obtenus et classés par ordre de valeurs croissantes (ou
décroissantes), valeur du milieu de la série si le nombre de valeurs disponibles est impair, et
moyenne arithmétique des deux valeurs centrales de la série si le nombre est pair

3.2 Définitions relatives aux essais

essai individuel de série
essai effectué par le fabricant sur chacun des composants fabriqués (longueur de câble ou
accessoire) afin de vérifier qu'il satisfait aux exigences spécifiées

essai sur prélèvement
essai effectué par le fabricant sur des échantillons de câble complet ou sur des composants
prélevés sur câble complet ou sur accessoire, à une fréquence spécifiée, afin de vérifier que le
produit fini satisfait aux exigences spécifiées

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