Department of Education: Monday

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Republic of the Philippines

SCHOOL Department of Education
Region IV-A
Schools Division of Quezon Province
Cabay National High School LEARNING AREAS Media and Information
LYN R. GUINTOTiaong, Quezon Literacy
September 4-


I. At the end of lesson, the At the end of lesson, the At the end of lesson, the learners are At the end of lesson, the
OBJECTIVES learners are able to: learners are able to: able to: learners are able to:

 Define the key concepts

(media, information,  Create an e-  Identify the devices used by  Create a timeline of
technology literacy, and Portfolio (personal people to communicate with their exposure to
media and information online page). each other, store information, traditional and new
literacies). and broadcast information media.
 Sign-up/enroll online
across the different ages.
 Compare and relate the in the MIL Portal as the  Editorialize the roles
media and information class learning  Examine the technology or and functions of media in
literacy framework to management system. resources available during the democratic society
their own prehistoric age, the industrial
understandings and  Share to the class  Search and look up the
age, the electronic age, and the
competencies media habits, latest theories on
new or digital age.
lifestyles and information and media.
 Create a log that reflects preferences.  Reflect on the importance of
their current use and traditional and new media.
interaction with media
and information.
A. Content The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an
Standards understanding of… an understanding of… understanding of… understanding of…

media and information media and information the historical background of media The learners demonstrate an
sources, and values them as sources, and values them and information; basic theories of understanding of the
part of as part of historical
communication tools. communication tools. media and information systems; and background of media and
concepts of ownership, control, and information; basic theories of
regulation of media. media and information
systems; and concepts of
ownership, control, and
regulation of media.
B. The learners shall be able to: The learners shall be able to: The learners shall be able to:
The learners shall be able to:
Standard The learners shall be able to
The learners shall be able to
create a log of their use and The learners shall be able The learners shall be able to make a timeline or historical
interaction with media and to enroll in the earning examine technology and identify record of their interaction
information providers to aid management system and media through the different ages. with and exposure to
in their understanding of explore portal features and traditional and new media.
media and information functions.
C. Learning The learners: The learners: The learners: The learners:

Describes how much media Identifies the similarities and Identify traditional media and new Identify traditional media
and information affect differences of media literacy, media, and their relationships. and new media, and their
communication. information literacy, and relationships.
technology literacy
II. LEARNING Laptop, CG, reading Laptop, CG, reading Laptop, CG, reading materials, Laptop, CG, reading
RESOURCES materials, internet materials, internet internet materials, internet

PRELIMINARI Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer
Checking of attendance Checking of attendance Checking of attendance Checking of attendance
Communicate learning Communicate Communicate learning objectives Communicate
objectives learning objectives learning objectives
Review previous lesson
Review previous lesson
Review previous lesson Review previous lesson

The teacher will ask the Media and Information Show a picture of the maiden Timeline
learners to imagine waking Design Framework voyage or sinking of the RMS
Have the learners draft a
up one day to find no (Royal Mail Ship) Titanic.
1. Facilitate the activity timeline of their exposure
Internet, libraries, and cell Talk about this famous
among the learners: to traditional and new
phones. Newspapers, world event of April 14,
“Imagine yourself as a media on a bond paper.
magazines, radio stations 1912.
journalist.Learners will be
and TV channels have also
tasked to write an article.
Accomplish the media
and information design
framework for this article
by answering the matrix
- How would you be
informed of anything now? If the Titanic sank In your own words, define
somewhere in the Atlantic Internet of Things.
- What ways would you Ocean, how do you think the
have to communicate with news reached people in
one another? England and New York at What brought this theory
- How would you share that time? about? (example: ideas,
information and technology, another theory)
“How did these questions
communicate news and help you as a
events? If the Titanic sank today, in
what format would people Do you like the concept of
- What would happen receive or read the news? IoT ? In what situations do
with the decisions you you encounter IoT in the
usually make? Philippines?
How would it affect the
way you live?
What would you
personally miss most in
such a situation?
What would society lose in
this situation?
C. ABSTRACTION The teacher will unlock the The teacher will discuss The teacher will engage The teacher will discuss
definitions. the learners in a
Online Policies, discussion on how Internet of Things as
Security, Theory of
Netiquette media and information Media and Information
has evolved
throughout history.
D. APPLICATION Small Group Discussions Knowing You

The teacher will engage the Media at

learners in a class
Different Ages.
discussion by asking the
following questions: Essay writing on
MIL Portal
• In your opinion, what The teacher will have the “Internet of Things as
Registration Start
makes an individual literate learners form groups of six Theory of Media and
in media and information? an ePortfolio (6) members. Using Manila Information”
paper and markers, each
• What activities/habits do group should provide
you practice which illustrate answers to fill in the table to
media and information be displayed by the teacher.
literacy? Give at least three
Given the available media
that we now have in the
world, what are its roles and
functions in a democratic Study Internet of
Study Online Policies, society? Things as Theory of
Security, In what way does media Media and
Review the unlocked Netiquette affect your life (personal, Information
professional, academic,
social, others)?

“Cabay: Gabay sa Tagumpay!”

Address: Brgy. Cabay, Tiaong, Quezon 4325
Landline No.: (042) 784-5824 / (042)545-6923
Email Address: [email protected]

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