CHL Unit 5 Task 6

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From: Francois Damba

Date: 27 November 2023


There is some concern that we have not always complied with the local Betaland legislation
related to transport.

There have been one or two instances recently of vehicle documentation not being correctly
completed, or not having been completed at all.

Recently, one of the Drivers had a traffic accident involving another vehicle.

This was not correctly dealt with and the Local Authorities have warned that SCILaid need to
tighten up on their internal procedures, particularly the briefing of Drivers.

1. Write a process document to address these two issues.

For addressing the two issues referred to above and for avoiding such issues and other similar
ones to happen in the future , the following process document regarding the fleet
management process must be in place :

Filing System

 SCILaid Fleet manager must adhere to using filing system as an important aspect of
fleet management .
 Each vehicle must have its individual file that includes the following documents :
 Effective -to-date ownership card .
 Insurance certificate document .
 Daily defect reports .
 Maintenance History Sheet that shows the maintenance done and the
recommended maintenance in future and in a date or KMs .

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 Incidents and Accidents reports .
 Import or Export documents if applicable .
 Tax payment receipt/s.

Performance Monitoring

 The administrative system must be founded by the fleet manager to be able to ensure
that all activities related to the fleet management are recorded in such system in such
a way that provide an easy access to the data when required .
 The performance monitoring and control of the vehicles operations must take place to
help achieving cost-effective and efficient use of the vehicles .

Vehicle Pool System

 A vehicle pool system must be in a place to ensure efficient use of vehicles on

operations Fleet Dispatcher must control drivers and vehicles .
 All drivers and vehicles must be managed in such a way that ensures the vehicles are
available to cover all the potential activities and that makes the drivers available in the
suitable number and gets the overtimes and holidays covered by those drivers
efficiently and effectively .
 Duty driver system must be in a place .

Drivers Recruitment and Selection .

 There must be strict procedures for recruiting and selecting the drivers .
 Candidates for drivers vacancies must be subject to written , interview and practical
tests .
 Well- trained drivers and technicians must be involved in the practical tests of the
drivers .
 Strict criteria of selection must be applied .
 Planned and skills oriented training courses must be in a place
 Regular driving performance appraisal must be applied .
 Driving rules , regulations and internal instructions must be signed on by each
individual driver .

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 A Code of conduct and HSE policies must be distributed and read by all drivers during
the induction .

2. To further ensure sure that Drivers are aware of their responsibilities, write a
memo for the Drivers highlighting the issues and legislation concerning road
transport in Betaland. Conclude the memo by highlighting the key SCILaid Fleet
Management Guidelines Drivers need to be aware of.

 Vehicle documentation requirements.

It is the responsibility of a driver to ensure that a vehicle’s documents are complete and
effective . These documents include the following :

 Valid driving license.

 Valid vehicle registration documents.
 Insurance documents & stickers.
 Incident report form
 Radio contact list (if radios are permitted by Betaland authorities)
 Vehicle handover signed form.
 Passenger Waiver signed forms (for the unSCILaid staff, who have been
permitted to be transported by SCILaid vehicles).
 vehicle log book (updated with all information and vehicle trips / movements must
be recorded and reflected at the log book).
 Accident report form.
 Emergency contact lists (SCILaid key crises staff, insurance company emergency
numbers, and etc).

 Betaland transport legislation

SCILaid drivers should comply with the local traffic & transport guidelines. The following
Betaland transport regulations must be considered.

 Drivers must have valid driving license. As it’s an offence to drive a vehicle without
valid driving license.
 Vehicle documentation such as valid vehicle registration, vehicle ownership, valid
vehicle insurance, and
 There is a specific speed limit in urban areas, highway, major road. Thus it’s
mandatory to comply with the country transport speed limitation according to the
speed limit sign boards in each area or street.

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 Poor road and vehicle maintenance are a clear sign of increasing the road hazard.
Therefore, vehicle maintenance must be conducted in a monthly basis according to
the maintenance plan.

 General Security precautions that should be followed at any

 Obeying driving regulations and traffic rules, traffic signs, changing of lanes and
 Seat belts save lives and reduce injuries, and provide the greatest protection when
worn properly. Thus it’s a must that drivers and passengers need to wear their seat
belts prior of starting any trip.
 Following speed limit, and appropriate speed in rough and jammed roads.
 Understanding the hazards of different road conditions.
 Vehicles doors should be locked during the vehicle movement specially at jammed
 Vehicle must be properly locked and to consider closing the vehicle windows when
the driver is away from the vehicle.
 Plan for the required trip / travel to drive as effectively as possible.
 During overnight the vehicle should be locked properly and to consider parking the
vehicle in a secure area.

 Accident guidelines.
In addition to the points mentioned in the Fleet management guidelines , the following
actions must be taken by all SCILaid drivers in regards to any potential incident or
accident :

 Reporting the incident or the accident immediately to the logistics staff in concern
and the organization security focal point staff . This report must be carried out by
phone at the first and then by official accident report form .
 Keeping the vehicle involved in the incident /accident in the location till the local
police attends along with the insurance staff in concern for reporting the accident
and do their investigations and findings .
 Informing the local authorities immediately and showing high level of cooperation
with them .

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 Do not make any agreements with anyone involved in the accident on behalf of
the organization and never acknowledge any liability for the accident and let this
action to the police and the insurance company representative.

3. How would you brief the basic legislative requirements, and internal SCILaid
procedures, and then check Drivers understand?

Briefing the basic legislative requirements , internal SCILaid procedures will be initially
referred to in the vacancy announcement through the tasks and responsibilities and
competencies required for the job that will make all the applicants read carefully about
that. Moreover , all the selected drivers will be given such legislative requirements and
the internal SCILaid procedures during the induction and will be subject to probational
period during which they will be briefed directly and indirectly to such legislative
requirements and procedures . At the end of such probational period , the drivers will
be subject to performance appraisal through which the drivers’ understanding check will
be taken place and their permanent employment decision will be taken in accordance
with the positive results .Afterwards and when the drivers continue their work for the
organization and through the continuous training and awareness sessions that are held
from time to time all these legislative requirements and procedures besides the other
driving skills will be instilled in the drivers minds to be a part of their day to day driving
behaviour .


To answer this task, you will find the following learning material section helpful:

5.3. Managing a Fleet

5.4. Managing People

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