Laforgia 1997

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Comparison of energy expenditure elevations after

submaximal and supramaximal running

J. Laforgia, R. T. Withers, N. J. Shipp and C. J. Gore
J Appl Physiol 82:661-666, 1997.

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Comparison of energy expenditure elevations
after submaximal and supramaximal running
Exercise Physiology Laboratory, School of Education, The Flinders
University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia 5001, Australia

Laforgia, J., R. T. Withers, N. J. Shipp, and C. J. Gore. by far the most exhausting bout for any of the EPOC
Comparison of energy expenditure elevations after submaxi- studies. They concluded that even after a 35-km run,
mal and supramaximal running. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(2): which is well beyond the capacities of sedentary per-
661–666, 1997.—Although exercise intensity has been identi- sons, the contribution of the postexercise increase in
fied as a major determinant of the excess postexercise oxygen metabolism to weight loss is relatively minor when
consumption (EPOC), no studies have compared the EPOC
after submaximal continuous running and supramaximal
compared with the net energy expenditure during the
interval running. Eight male middle-distance runners [age 5 run.
21.1 6 3.1 (SD) yr; mass 5 67.8 6 5.1 kg; maximal oxygen Bahr and Sejersted (6) have reported an exponential
consumption (V̇O2 max) 5 69.2 6 4.0 ml · kg21 · min21] therefore relationship between exercise intensity and the EPOC
completed two equated treatments of treadmill running for prolonged exercise. Furthermore, Gore and Withers
(continuous running: 30 min at 70% V̇O2 max; interval running: (17) demonstrated that exercise intensity was the
20 3 1-min intervals at 105% V̇O2 max with intervening 2-min major determinant of the EPOC because it explained
rest periods) and a control session (no exercise) in a counter- five times more of the EPOC variance than either
balanced research design. The 9-h EPOC values were 6.9 6 exercise duration or total work completed. This may be
3.8 and 15.0 6 3.3 liters (t-test: P 5 0.001) for the submaximal pertinent to athletes who perform supramaximal exer-
and supramaximal treatments, respectively. These values cise (intensity .100% V̇O2 max) during interval training.
represent 7.1 and 13.8% of the net total oxygen cost of both

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Bahr et al. (2) measured the EPOC after supramaximal
treatments. Notwithstanding the higher EPOC for supramaxi-
mal interval running compared with submaximal continuous cycling. However, the treatment (three 2-min intervals
running, the major contribution of both to weight loss is of 108% V̇O2 max) administered to their untrained sub-
therefore via the energy expended during the actual exercise. jects is well below the training loads of competitive
cyclists. There is also scope for their experimental
excess postexercise oxygen consumption; indirect calorimetry
design to be extended to determine the effect of inten-
sity per se by an attempt to match the total work
performed during the high-intensity interval training
THE ELEVATION in O2 consumption (V̇O2) above the with that accomplished during lower intensity continu-
resting level after exercise, which Gaesser and Brooks ous cycling. No studies were located that examined the
(15) have called the excess postexercise oxygen con- EPOC associated with supramaximal running. The
sumption (EPOC), was initially thought to contribute purpose of this research was therefore to examine the
significantly to the energy cost of exercise (11, 21). This EPOC difference between submaximal continuous run-
finding is often used to enhance the attractiveness of ning (30 min at 70% V̇O2 max) and supramaximal inter-
exercise as an integral component of weight-reduction val running (twenty 1-min runs at 105% V̇O2 max with
programs. However, neither study quantified the inten- intervening 2-min recovery periods). On the basis of the
sity and duration of the exercise, and there is minimal work by Gore and Withers (17), it was hypothesized
information on the controls (24) that should have been that the EPOC of supramaximal interval running
observed when the baseline V̇O2 data were collected. would be greater than that for the matched work of
Bahr and Maehlum (4), accordingly, concluded that the submaximal continuous running. If the EPOC differ-
reported large sustained increases in the postexercise ence between these two types of training is physiologi-
V̇O2 may be more an artifact of the experimental design cally significant, then this may have implications for
than the exercise stimulus. the energy requirements of high-performance athletes
Although there have been improvements in the ex- (29) and the design of exercise protocols for weight loss.
perimental design of more recent EPOC studies, only METHODS
five (7, 14, 18, 25, 33) of them have examined the V̇O2
after quantified weight-bearing exercise by using experi- Subjects. Eight male middle-distance runners [age 5 21.1 6
mental designs that accounted for the diurnal variation 3.1 (SD) yr; mass 5 67.8 6 5.1 kg; V̇O2 max 5 69.2 6 4.0
in resting metabolic rate (RMR). The study by Gore and ml · kg21 · min21; height 5 174.9 6 5.3 cm; body fat 5 9.1 6
Withers (17) is the most comprehensive because the 2.3%] participated in the study. Table 1 contains the average
treatments ranged from a 20-min walk at 30% maximal weekly training loads during the preceding 12 mo.
Hydrodensitometry. The subject controls and methodology
V̇O2 (V̇O2 max; 6.8 km/h) to an 80-min training run at 70% for measuring body density (BD) by underwater weighing
V̇O2 max (13.4 km/h). The maximal 8-h EPOC, which have been described previously (32). The Brožek et al. (9)
occurred after 80 min at 70% V̇O2 max, was 14.6 liters equation (%body fat 5 497.1/BD 2 451.9) was used to estimate
(,297 kJ). Withers et al. (33) also reported an 8-h percent body fat from BD.
EPOC of 32.4 liters (,594 kJ) after a 35-km road run Determination of V̇O2 max and treatment workloads. These
[,70% V̇O2 max; time 5 164.1 6 14.0 (SD) min], which is measurements were conducted with the automated indirect

0161-7567/97 $5.00 Copyright r 1997 the American Physiological Society 661


Table 1. Weekly training loads Heart rate. Heart rate (HR) was monitored continuously
during all V̇O2 measurements by an electrocardiogram (Becton-
Subject Running, km Other Dickinson, Sharon, MA) by using a CM-5 electrode placement.
Rectal temperature. During the treatment and control days,
MJ 49–60 2 h of cycling; 2-h weight session
FA 120
rectal temperature (Tre ) was monitored continuously by cus-
SH 60–70 tomized equipment (18) that was calibrated before data col-
MM 80–90 2.5 km of swimming lection against a glass thermometer that had been certified by
MP 25–35 1.25 h of swimming, 2.5 h of cycling the National Association of Testing Authorities (Australia).
MH 50 2-h weight session Experimental design. All subjects participated in a control
MDH 55 day and two treatment days that were counterbalanced to
NT 95–100 eliminate any order effect. Such a design with eight subjects
Listed are average weekly training loads for 12 mo preceding is sensitive enough to detect (a 5 0.05 and power 5 0.9) an
experiment. EPOC difference of 5 liters [excess postexercise energy expen-
diture (EPEE) 5 ,100 kJ] between the two treatments.
Subjects were familiarized with the laboratory on three
separate occasions before the control and treatments. Two of
calorimetry system described by Sainsbury et al. (27). The
these visits involved RMR-habituation trials. Subjects in-
Beckman LB-2 CO2 analyzer (Anaheim, CA) and Ametek
gested a standard dinner (,5,800 kJ; 70% carbohydrate, 15%
S-3A O2 analyzer (Pittsburgh, PA) were calibrated before
fat, 15% protein) by 2000 h before the control and treatment
testing and checked for drift at the end of the test by using
days, which commenced at 0720, and they were only permit-
three gases that had been authenticated by Lloyd-Haldane
ted to drink water thereafter. On arriving at the laboratory,
analyses. Inspired volume was measured by a P. K. Morgan
subjects were asked to void and empty their bowel before
MK2 turbine-volume transducer (Rainham, Kent, UK) that
being weighed. After subjects were weighed, a rectal tempera-
was calibrated before and after testing by using a 1-liter
ture probe (18) was inserted and chest electrodes were
syringe in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
attached. The subjects then rested quietly on a bed with their
The accuracy of the turbine had previously been established
shoulders slightly elevated.
throughout the range spanning light to maximum exercise
RMR was determined after 50 min of bed rest and was

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(20). The system was checked daily for leaks. Before data
followed by one of two equated treatments (continuous run-
collection, a V̇O2 max-reliability trial (n 5 6) produced an
ning: 30 min at 70% V̇O2 max; interval running: 20 3 1-min
intraclass correlation (ICC) of 0.98 and a coefficient of varia-
intervals at 105% V̇O2 max with intervening 2-min rest periods)
tion (CV) of 1.5%.
or a control session (no running). The treatments were
Subjects visited the laboratory before the V̇O2 max test to be
followed by 9 h of bed rest, during which V̇O2 was measured
familiarized with running on the Quinton treadmill (model
frequently during the first hour and thereafter for one 10-min
18–60; Seattle, WA), operating the emergency-stop lever, and
period every hour. A standardized lunch, which was identical
breathing through the Hans Rudolph R2700 respiratory
to the dinner on the preceding evening, was provided at 1230
valve (Kansas City, MO) while a noseclip was attached. A
on both treatment and control days. The laboratory tempera-
3-min warmup at 7.5 km/h and 0% grade was followed by a
ture in the vicinity of the subjects was maintained at 24.0 6
treadmill speed of either 12 or 15 km/h, with the grade
0.5°C, and they were covered with a blanket.
increased by 2%/min until the subject was unable to continue.
Statistical analyses. The trapezoidal rule was used to
V̇O2 max was held to occur when the V̇O2 for successive work-
approximate the integral for the exercise, 9-h postexercise,
loads differed by ,2 ml · kg21 · min21. This criterion is less
and control V̇O2 values over time. This facilitated the calcu-
than two SD for the increments in V̇O2 that are associated
lation of the net total oxygen cost (NTOC) of exercise (exercise
with the step increments of the protocols. The largest V̇O2
V̇O2 1 9-h postexercise V̇O2 2 exercise and postexercise
difference between the last two increments of the eight V̇O2 max
control V̇O2) and 9-h EPOC (9-h postexercise V̇O2 2 9-h
tests was 1.3 ml · kg21 · min21. The 70 and 105% V̇O2 max
control V̇O2). Similar computations determined the 9-h net
workloads were subsequently predicted from the regression
total energy expenditure (NTEE) and 9-h EPEE after each
of steady-state V̇O2 at ,40, 50, 70, and 80% V̇O2 max, respec-
V̇O2 data point was converted to an energy equivalent by
tively, on treadmill speed at 5% elevation.
using the equation of Elia and Livesey (12). Dependent t-tests
Recovery and resting V̇O2. V̇O2 was measured for the first 25
(P # 0.05) were used to locate statistically significant between-
min postexercise by using the previously described auto-
treatment differences for the EPOC and EPEE data. The V̇O2,
mated system. Subsequent RMR, resting V̇O2, and recovery
respiratory exchange ratio (RER), Tre, and HR data were
V̇O2 were determined by using the Douglas bag method.
analyzed via analyses of variance with repeated measures
Douglas bags (150 liter; Plysu Industrial, Milton Keynes,
across both time and treatments/control. In the event of a
Buckinghamshire, UK), which had been previously flushed
statistically significant F-ratio (P # 0.05), differences between
with the subject’s expirate, were connected via a two-way
experimental and control conditions for temporally matched
straight-through valve to the expiratory port of a Hans
variables were identified via Dunnett’s post hoc test (31).
Rudolph R2600 respiratory valve. Subjects were connected to
the respiratory valve for 2.5 min before the two-way valve
was switched into the Douglas bag at the end of an expiration.
Collection was completed at the end of an expiration ,10 min Postexercise V̇O2. The postexercise V̇O2 was signifi-
later, and the exact collection time was recorded by stop- cantly greater than the matched control values for 1
watch. The volume of expirate was determined by using a
and 8 h after the submaximal and supramaximal
350-liter Tissot spirometer (Warren Collins, Braintree, MA)
that had been mapped for constant cross-sectional area treatments, respectively (Fig. 1A). The ,27% increase
throughout its elevation. The preexperimental reliability in V̇O2 at 4 h for the control and two treatments was ,1
trials for the resting V̇O2 of six subjects who were measured h after the ingestion of the standard meal.
on consecutive days resulted in an ICC of 0.93 and a CV EPOC/EPEE. The submaximal and supramaximal
of 1.8%. treatments resulted in 9-h recovery O2 consumption of

163.8 6 12.8 and 171.8 6 13.4 liters, respectively.

These values were significantly greater (P , 0.001 for
both treatments) than the control day O2 consumption
of 156.8 6 10.9 liters. Table 2 indicates that the
differences among the submaximal and supramaximal
treatments for EPOC (P 5 0.001), NTOC (P 5 0.001),
EPEE (P 5 0.007), and NTEE (P 5 0.005) were all
statistically significant. When both the EPOC and
EPEE values were expressed as percentages of the
NTOC and NTEE, respectively, the submaximal treat-
ment comprised 7.1 and 6.6% of the NTOC and NTEE
of exercise, respectively, whereas the corresponding
values were 13.8 and 11.9% for the supramaximal
treatment (Table 2).
Figure 1, B-D, summarizes the recovery data for
RER, Tre, and HR, respectively. The pretreatment
values for each of these variables were not significantly
different from those for the corresponding control val-
ues. Although the RER values for the supramaximal
treatment were significantly lower than the control
values for the first 4 h of recovery and at 8 h, those for
the submaximal treatment were lower at 4 h postexer-
cise, which corresponded to the first postprandial mea-
surement. Tre returned to control values for both treat-

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ments within 2 h postexercise. Although the majority of
postexercise HR values for the supramaximal treat-
ment were elevated significantly (P # 0.05), they ranged
from only 2 to 6 beats/min above the matched controls
after 1 h of recovery. HR returned to control levels after
1 h for the submaximal treatment.
The HR values for both treatments at 9 h postexer-
cise were not significantly different from the control

This is the first study to investigate the relationship

between the EPOC values when supramaximal and
submaximal workloads are equated. Table 2 indicates
that the supramaximal work produced a significantly
greater 9-h EPOC compared with that for the submaxi-
mal treatment; the two EPOC values comprised 7.1 and
13.8% of their respective NTOC values. Furthermore,
the energy content of 1 kg of adipose tissue is approxi-
mately equivalent to 1) 215 EPEE and 16 NTEE for the
submaximal treatment and 2) 116 EPEE and 14 NTEE
for the supramaximal treatment. Notwithstanding the
higher EPEE for supramaximal interval running com-
pared with submaximal continuous running, the major
contribution of both to weight loss is therefore via the
energy expended during the actual exercise. The 135-kJ
greater EPEE for the interval treatment is of little
physiological significance to the energy balance of
athletes because this amount of energy is equivalent to
the kilojoules in only 75 ml of orange juice. However,
when exercise for weight loss is utilized, the EPEE
would have a cumulative effect when the exercise is

Fig. 1. Mean postexercise O2 consumption (V̇O2; A), respiratory

exchange ratio (B), rectal temperature (C), and heart rate (D) after
submaximal (n) and supramaximal (k) running. s, Control. No
control measurements were made between 0 and 1 h. * Significant
difference between treatment and control means, P # 0.05.

Table 2. Total and recovery oxygen and energy consumption for 2 treatments
Treatment EPOC, liters NTOC, liters EPOC/NTOC, % EPEE, kJ NTEE, kJ EPEE/NTEE, %

Submaximal running 6.9 6 3.8 97.3 6 10.4 7.1 133 6 82 2,019 6 206 6.6
Supramaximal running 15.0 6 3.3 108.4 6 12.2 13.8 268 6 87 2,256 6 264 11.9
Between-treatment comparison
t-Test 5.40 5.35 3.81 3.98
P 0.001 0.001 0.007 0.005
Values are means 6 SD; n 5 8 subjects. EPOC, excess postexercise oxygen consumption; NTOC, net total oxygen cost; EPEE, excess
postexercise energy expenditure; NTEE, net total energy expenditure.

undertaken regularly. Although the EPEE resultant from untrained young male subjects completed one, two, and
supramaximal running in this study would be associ- three 2-min bouts of cycling at 108% V̇O2 max, which
ated with a greater cumulative effect, the exercise were associated with an elevation of recovery V̇O2 for
intensity and duration involved would be beyond the 30, 60, and 240 min and with EPOC values of 4.8, 10.4,
capabilities of nonathletes. It has also been reported and 16.6 liters, respectively. Although Brockman et al.
that exercise programs utilizing intensities .85% (8) also employed interval treadmill running, their
V̇O2 max are associated with significant increases in maximum workload was not supramaximal (7 3 2-min
dropout rates and injuries (22). exercise bouts at 90% V̇O2max with 2-min active rest peri-
Few researchers (1, 2, 17, 33) have reported the ods). They reported a 12.7% elevation in recovery V̇O2
precision of their indirect calorimetry system, and this after 1 h for their young female distance runners, which
is a key issue underlying our conclusions. The lack of is similar to that found in this study for the supramaxi-
reliability data, combined with inadequate controls for mal treatment. The difference in recovery times be-
the factors known to influence RMR, often confound tween the preceding studies and our treatments could

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comparisons between studies. In the present investiga- be attributed to a number of factors, including exercise
tion, temporally matched measurements of each sub- modality and/or the greater V̇O2 max values for our
ject’s RMR were conducted on the control day and subjects. Furthermore, some of the investigators (8, 10,
before each treatment. These three measurements 29, 31) used a resting V̇O2 baseline that was extrapo-
produced a CV of 3% and an ICC of 0.88. The smallest lated from a pretreatment measure, and different meth-
difference between the control and treatment V̇O2 that ods have also been used to determine when V̇O2 had
achieved statistical significance was ,5%, which ex- returned to baseline.
ceeds the precision of our V̇O2 measurement. Garrow A further consideration, which has not been previ-
(16) also reported that the intraindividual biological ously discussed in studies (2, 8) utilizing interval work,
variability in RMR is ,5%. This value is greater than is the contribution to the EPOC of the increased V̇O2
our precision data, which include both biological vari- during the recovery intervals. When the recovery inter-
ability and technical or equipment error. val V̇O2, which is in excess of both the control day V̇O2
Our results suggest that supramaximal workloads and O2 deficit incurred during the work intervals, was
produce more prolonged elevations in recovery V̇O2 added to the 15.0-liter 9-h EPOC determined from the
than moderate work intensities (i.e., 70–75% V̇O2 max). cessation of the last work interval, then the overall
This is in accordance with the positive linear relation- EPOC is 37.2 liters. However, this represents an in-
ship between submaximal exercise intensity and EPOC flated EPOC estimate because the subjects were stand-
that was reported by Gore and Withers (17). After the ing and moving their legs to prevent venous pooling
submaximal treatment, postexercise V̇O2 was generally during the recovery intervals. It was not feasible to
not significantly different from control values after 1 h have them lying down during the recovery intervals to
of recovery, whereas recovery V̇O2 after the supramaxi- replicate the control day conditions from which the V̇O2
mal treatment did not return to baseline until 9 h baseline was derived. In our laboratory, results in two
postexercise. The V̇O2 recovery pattern for the submaxi- subjects demonstrated that moving and stretching the
mal treatment falls between that obtained by Gore and legs while standing required a V̇O2 that was threefold
Withers (17) for 20 and 50 min of exercise at 70% greater than that on the control day (unpublished
V̇O2 max. Quinn et al. (25) reported a significantly ele- observations). Allowance for this elevation led to an
vated recovery V̇O2 for 3 h after 30 min of treadmill overall EPOC estimate of 17.3 liters, which is not
walking at 70% V̇O2 max by young trained women. In markedly different from that of 15.0 liters determined
contrast to the earlier work of Bahr et al. (3), Sedlock et from cessation of the last work interval. However,
al. (28) reported that V̇O2 was elevated for only 33 min further work is required with interval treatments when
after the cessation of 20 min of cycling at 74% V̇O2 max. the corresponding control periods replicate the recov-
Smith and McNaughton (30) and Chad and Wenger ery movement patterns of the intermittent exercise.
(10) utilized cycling with young trained men and women There is good agreement between the 9-h EPOC for
at 70% V̇O2 max for 30 min and found recovery to be our submaximal treatment and those reported for
complete within 50 and 128 min, respectively. Bahr et experiments that measured recovery V̇O2 until it re-
al. (2) are the only other investigators to use supramaxi- turned to baseline. The average EPOC of two previous
mal interval exercise to investigate recovery V̇O2. Their studies that used treadmill running and controlled for

the diurnal variation in RMR (17, 25) was 7.1 liters min more than the matched control values. Given that
compared with our value of 6.9 liters. In the only study the heart consumes ,10% of the resting V̇O2 (19) and
of supramaximal exercise, Bahr et al. (2) reported an the elevations in HR beyond 1 h of recovery were low
EPOC of 16.3 liters for 14 h postexercise. However, they (2–6 beats/min), the contribution of extra myocardial
utilized untrained men who exercised supramaximally V̇O2 to the EPOC would be negligible.
for only 6 min compared with the 20 min used in our Several other factors have been proposed to contrib-
investigation, which was associated with a 9-h EPOC of ute to EPOC. These include the potentiated thermic
15.0 liters. It is interesting to note that the Gore and effect of feeding (TEF), elevated ventilation (V̇E), lac-
Withers (17) data for 80 min of treadmill running at tate metabolism, hormonal influences, substrate cy-
70% V̇O2 max, which is over double the work performed in cling, and glycogen synthesis from ingested carbohy-
our supramaximal protocol, produced a similar 8-h drate. Bahr and Sejersted (5) reported that a 4.5-MJ
EPOC of 14.6 liters. test meal 2 h after cessation of 80-min cycling at 75%
The dip in RER values for both treatments before 1 h V̇O2 max did not potentiate the TEF. Hence, it is unlikely
postexercise (Fig. 1B) is indicative of CO2 retention that any of the EPOC differences in this study can be
after strenuous exercise to replenish the bicarbonate attributed to a 5.8-MJ meal 3 h after the cessation of
used to buffer lactic acid. The more pronounced fall for exercise. V̇E for the treatments in this study was
the interval treatment was probably due to greater elevated above the control V̇E by ,9% at 1 h postexer-
lactate buffering. Recovery RER values were signifi- cise but had returned to control levels for both treat-
cantly lower than the control values during the first 4 h ments by 2 h postexercise. The V̇O2 of the respiratory
of recovery for the supramaximal treatment. Muscle muscles at rest is 1–2% of the RMR (26); it is therefore
glycogen stores would have been depleted to a greater likely that the modest elevation in V̇E before 2 h postexer-
extent during the supramaximal treatment, thereby cise would have a negligible effect on the EPOC. The
leading to a greater reliance on fat metabolism in the impact of the other factors on the EPOC have been
recovery period. For the same V̇O2, fat yields less energy reviewed by Bahr (1) and lactate metabolism could

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than carbohydrate: it is therefore logical that the possibly explain some of the EPOC difference between
EPOC/NTOC of 13.8% for the supramaximal treatment the two treatments used in this study, but plasma and
is greater than the EPEE/NTEE of 11.9% (Table 2). The muscle lactate were not measured. Bahr et al. (2)
contribution of elevated fat metabolism toward the estimated that 4 liters of O2 were required to synthesize
EPOC in this case was estimated to be only 0.8 liter. glycogen from 50% of the lactate generated from 3 3
RER values were significantly lower than control val- 2-min bouts of cycling at 108% V̇O2 max. This value only
ues for both treatments for the 1 h postprandial, represents a little over one-half of the difference be-
presumably while repletion of muscle glycogen was tween the EPOC values in our study, but, given our
occurring. It has been reported (17) that postprandial more strenuous (20-min) supramaximal protocol, it is
glycogen synthesis may account for ,1 liter of the possible that glycogenesis from lactate could account
EPOC. However, Bahr (1) has suggested that this value for the EPOC difference between the two treatments.
should be disregarded because it is probably less than However, estimates of V̇O2 in relation to lactate metabo-
the O2 consumed in the control condition when excess lism need to be treated with caution. The determina-
carbohydrate is converted to fat as opposed to glycogen. tion of lactate kinetics is difficult because plasma
Only 5.3% of the energy content of ingested carbohy- lactate is not indicative of the total lactate produced
drate is required to store it as glycogen, compared with during exercise. Furthermore, extrapolation of the lac-
23–24% for conversion to triglyceride (13). tate concentration in a single muscle biopsy to the
Tre for both treatments had returned to control levels amount of lactate in an estimated active muscle mass
within 2 h. It is therefore unlikely that Tre contributed may be erroneous. Moreover, uncertainty exists in
to the significantly greater EPOC associated with the relation to what proportion of lactate is channeled into
supramaximal treatment. The sum of the Tre differ- glycogenesis, which is the component of lactate metabo-
ences between the control and treatments over the lism that contributes to the EPOC.
entire postexercise period for each subject did not In conclusion, this study has demonstrated that the
correlate significantly with the EPOC. These correla- EPEE is significantly greater for supramaximal run-
tions were 0.30 and 0.13 for the submaximal and ning compared with submaximal running when there is
supramaximal treatments, respectively. Tre therefore an attempt to equate the amounts of work performed.
accounted for only 9 and 2% of the EPOC variance. Notwithstanding the higher EPEE for supramaximal
Maehlum et al. (23), Bahr et al. (2), and Gore and interval running, the major contribution of both treat-
Withers (17) also reported that Tre only accounted for a ments to weight loss was via the energy expended
small proportion of the EPOC. It has been suggested during the actual exercise. The EPEE is therefore of
(17) that muscle temperature may be more closely negligible physiological significance as far as weight
correlated with the EPOC, but this was not measured.
loss is concerned, unless the exercise is undertaken
Although HR was significantly elevated above con-
regularly when the EPEE would have a cumulative
trol levels for much of the supramaximal recovery
period, the physiological significance of this is doubtful.
All the postexercise HR values after 1 h of recovery for We are indebted to Helen Houghton, Peter Sinclair, and David
the supramaximal treatment ranged from 2 to 6 beats/ Adams for assistance in preparing this manuscript.

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18. Gore, C. J., R. T. Withers, G. F. Woods, and L. Day. Inexpen-
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