Agile Accessibility Handbook

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Agile Accessibility Handbook

©2020 Dylan Barrell. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be
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permission of the author.

Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the
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ISBN-13: 978-1-64543-478-8

1. What Do I Mean by “Agile”?

2. Why Is Accessibility Hard?
2.1 The Bubble
2.2 The Empathy Gap
2.3 The Skills Gap

3. Transformation Practices
3.1 Practice: Create a Central Accessibility Team
3.2 Practice: Obtain Executive Buy-In
3.3 Practice: Create and Enforce an Accessibility Policy
3.4 Practice: Report on Your Accessibility Transformation
3.5 Practice: Give the Teams Accessibility Coaches
3.6 Practice: Execute on an Ongoing Empathy Campaign
3.7 Practice: Publish Learning Resources and Bulletins

4. Team Practices
4.1 Practice: Attend and Host Empathy Events
4.2 Practice: Include Disabilities in UX Design
4.3 Practice: Communicate Intent with Accessibility Design Annotation
4.4 Practice: Create a User Interface Pattern Library
4.5 Practice: Leverage an Accessibility Automation Library
4.6 Practice: Automate Device and Assistive Technology Testing
4.7 Practice: Manage Accessibility Defects Systematically
4.8 Practice: Measure Accessibility
4.9 Practice: Include Accessibility in Retrospectives and Sprint Planning

5. Putting It Together
Glossary of Terms
Issue Prevention Opportunity

At Deque, we have worked with dozens of organizations, from the largest

companies that belong to the Fortune 500, to some small organizations who
outsource most of their development. In the process, we have worked with
hundreds of development teams and thousands of developers. Our work has
encompassed everything from arms-length assess-and-report engagements
(where the developers receive a “report” of all the accessibility issues and
some generic instructions on how to x them) to long-term engagements
(where we were embedded in the development teams and sat in the same
cube rows or collaborative working spaces with access to their source code
repository, their ticket tracking systems, testing and build environments,
In the process, we have learned—sometimes the hard way—what works
and what does not for remediation jobs on large existing code bases and for
teaching these teams to become independent.
We also develop our own soware and have been using agile development
processes in one form or another for almost a decade. When we develop
soware with a user interface, we develop it to be “accessible by default,” and
we will not ship any soware with known serious accessibility issues that we
can control. is has taught us valuable principles for developing accessible
soware in an agile environment, and we teach these principles to our
Deque also facilitates an “accessibility user group” meeting, where the
executives in charge of accessibility at large organizations can share their
experiences with each other. We have learned from these discussions; they
have driven the development of some new practices and helped us to re ne
existing ones.
One of the most valuable advantages of the agile development process is
that the process itself is not seen as something xed, but as an artifact that is
to be improved as part of the process. I have presented in this book the best
practices as we know them today, but we continue to improve and re ne
them and identify new or better ones. I hope you will learn something from
this book, but I hope even more that it will inspire you to teach us
something, too.
e book is inspired by the one that rst introduced me to agile
development back in the late nineties—Extreme Programming Explained
( rst edition). In particular, section two, which introduces the practices
required for extreme programming.
is book is intended to be read by three audiences: People involved in
running or setting up a central accessibility function within an organization,
the executives that set soware development and business priorities, and the
people involved in the agile teams that are delivering the soware to meet
those business objectives.
Executives should read the entire book so they understand the challenges
that stand in the way of sustainable accessibility, the organizational
structures required to make the necessary transition, and the impact this
will have on the work performed by the different groups.
e central accessibility function should read the book so that they
understand what their role is in making the changes happen, the resources
that they must create and maintain, and the support they must provide to
the teams doing the work.
e developers need to understand the changes they must make to their
development processes and what they can expect from the rest of the
organization to help them make this happen.
Sections 1 and 2 provide an overview of the problems that need to be
solved. Section 3 details the role of the central accessibility function and the
practices that can help to make their work successful. Section 4 lays out the
team practices that help teams to make accessible soware development
efficient and effective.
At the end of the book, I have provided a glossary of terms that will help
readers to understand some of the technical terms that may not be familiar
to them. Development team members can nd accessibility jargon (e.g.
WCAG) de ned in the glossary, and accessibility experts can nd technical
terms (e.g. Sprint) explained.
What Does “Agile” Mean?
Agile is a term that is overused almost to the point of being useless, but I
have my own interpretation. For the purposes of this book, I mean
speci cally the soware development and deployment process where:

1. Soware is being constantly released, weekly, monthly, or in some cases,

multiple times daily. is is important, because “traditional” accessibility
testing is impossible to do in this sort of environment; and
2. e teams are committed to continuous improvement of their practices,
and these practices are designed to make the team more efficient, allow
them to gather data from users, and respond to this data with the aim of
producing soware that satis es customer and market needs and
provides an excellent user experience.
ese two principles have a lot of follow-on requirements that teams must
learn to meet, including,

1. e need for a team to be self-sufficient and able to make decisions in

real time; and
2. e need to automate as much as humanly possible to avoid costly and
slow release cycles.
If your agile methodology does not embrace these principles or your
organization still practices waterfall soware development, then the bene ts
to your development process will be diminished, but they will still provide
some value. e more technical team practices will still be applicable as-is,
as will most of the the transformation practices.
Why is Accessibility Hard?
Accessibility, at its core, is quite simple. It basically comes down to three

1. Can all your users, with the abilities and senses that they possess,
perceive the information your application presents to them? For
example, can they “see” the meaning of the little icon button with an
image of a pen inside it?
2. Can your users, with their speci c input device or assistive technology,
operate all the controls within your application’s user interface? For
example, if your application supports the operation of a button through
touching the screen, does it also allow that button to be operated
through a keyboard and a voice command?
3. Can your users understand the information and the user interface
controls? For example, if the application requires the creation of a
password with constraints, are those constraints clearly communicated
in a way that allows the user to complete the task without undue
difficulty or an unreasonable degree of intellectual skill?
Given that the principles are this simple, why do development teams made
up of the best and the brightest graduates of the best schools in the world
routinely develop and ship soware that is horribly inaccessible, shutting out
large swathes of potential users and customers?

2.1 The Bubble

Current best practice in soware user interface development calls for
personas, wireframes, prototypes, user testing, user observation and
discovery, and whatever the latest fashion is in UI design (as of this writing,
at material design is a big thing). ese practices are supposed to discover
hidden needs and common use cases and result in simple, minimally viable
designs and easy-to-use interfaces.
e personas that are created can be seen as very diverse. ey include
working mothers, people of different ethnicities, stay-at-home dads, remote
workers, people who are gay, queer, gender uid, etc.
e agile team members (most in their mid-to-late twenties) attend
usability testing sessions to observe for themselves how the participants use
their solution. ey have sessions to analyze the difficulties certain
participants found, empathizing with the user to try to understand the root
causes and come up with potential solutions. ey create wireframes and
prototypes to attempt to solve these usability problems and iterate until they
have nailed the problem. “e Uber of . . .2” is written on the wall of the
team workspace in big, bold letters to remind everyone of the big picture
All of this is designed to take the team out of its bubble, away from the
natural tendency to use their own experiences as a lter or a guide for the
product they are creating.
e team may have gone to great lengths to avoid the “white male bias”
that is all too prevalent in technology, but they are still blind to another
hidden bias: they are all healthy, highly intelligent, physically t and capable,
mostly twenty-somethings with almost no impairments to their abilities.
ey have (for the most part) zero experience with people with disabilities
and they have little experience with older people.
Put another way, most of the people on these teams are living in an “able-
bodied bubble” and they don’t know it.
e following is an abstracted—but very representative—conversation I
have had many times with developers, product owners, testers, UX designers
and executives as I have worked with customers or interacted with visitors to
the Deque booth at conferences and trade shows:

Me: Hi. My name is Dylan. What is your name?

Mary: Hi. I’m Mary. What does Deque do?

Me: Do you know what accessibility is?

I can see the gears turning in Mary’s head as she tries to figure out the correct
answer (as any self-respecting developer would expect to be able to do).

Mary: Well, yes, it’s about making sure people can get to your application . . .?

Me: Well, not really. Accessibility is about making sure that people with
disabilities can use your application.

The gear-churning goes into overdrive as this statement sinks in, so I continue
unabated . . .

Me: Have you ever thought about how a blind person would use your

Mary looks at me quizzically, a wry smile on her face; she thinks I’m punking her.

I whip out my iPhone and with three presses on the home button, turn on
Voiceover and put the iPhone up to her ear so she can hear it. I have it turned
down to what most blind users would consider an “irritatingly slow” speech speed
so that “light-dependent” people can understand it.

Mary: Oh, cool, did you write that software?

Me: No, that software is called a screen reader, and you have it on your phone,
too. What we do is we help developers figure out how to make their applications
work with that software so that people with disabilities can use their applications.
How do you think a blind person could (air quotes) see an image?

Gears churning . . .

Me: Well, it’s actually very simple, you just have to add a textual description of
that image and attach it to the image in the appropriate way. Then, the screen
reader will read it out, giving the blind user some understanding of what a
sighted user would see in the image . . .

e conversation goes on, and there is always a genuine interest in trying

to understand more about this “new” topic: How do I make my application
usable by blind people? Where can I learn about this? Why have I not heard
about this before? Sometimes I hear something along the lines of, “Oh yeah,
we got sued once, and we had this company come in and help us x our
Website,” or “Yeah, is that Section 508 or something? We had an external
company create a VPAT for us once.”

2.2 The Empathy Gap

is is what I call the empathy gap; it is a blind spot that exists in 99% of all
development teams. It leads to unconscious bias in the development of user
interfaces and serves as a barrier to acquiring the skills and knowledge
necessary to do accessible soware development. If you want your teams to
develop soware that is “accessible by default,” then removing this block
(thereby increasing their motivation to learn) is the rst and most important
thing you need to do.
e empathy gap starts to be lled when someone (like Mary) becomes
aware of these groups of people who they are unintentionally and
unnecessarily excluding. However, there is more to closing the gap than that.
Once someone realizes blind people can actually use a touch device using a
screen reader, there is still a long way to go before they understand how
blind people use that screen reader and what the capabilities of the screen
reader are.
Closing the empathy gap acts as a motivator that drives people to want to
learn about people with disabilities, how they use assistive technologies, and
what this means for soware development teams.
is empathy gap is exacerbated by the fact that, for many user interface
interaction patterns, the group of professionals referred to as “human
computer interaction professionals” or “user experience designers” has
compiled a rich collection of best practices and principles that application
developers can fall back on. ese have been developed over time and tested
using research techniques like eye tracking, click tracking, observation,
analytics, and the like. ere is very little comparable information for people
with different abilities and users of assistive technologies.
is lack of well understood best practices means that developers have to
start answering questions like:

1. How does a blind user scan the page?

2. How does a blind user identify the important parts of a user interface?
3. How does a user of voice recognition scroll to the information that is
“below the fold?”
Some of the practices listed later in the book are designed to
systematically ll the empathy gap in your agile teams and motivate them to
learn the answers to these questions and more.
2.3 The Skills Gap
Once a team has begun to understand the different disabilities and
mechanisms that are used to accommodate for these disabilities with
assistive technologies, they then realize that they do not know how to ensure
that their applications will be usable with these assistive technologies. ey
also still need to learn what they need to do to enable ease of use for users
with disabilities for which no special assistive technology is available—like
users with cognitive disabilities, repetitive stress injuries (keyboard only
users), color-blind users, and deaf users.
Closing the empathy gap helps the team to understand that a screen
reader user scans the page by asking the screen reader (using keyboard or
gesture commands) to expose various semantic structures—such as
headings and regions that they can easily navigate around the page using
commands to jump to particular structures, like the next heading or the
next table. e team then needs to determine the answers to questions like,
“What do I need to do to make sure my application is exposing all the right
structures and information so that the screen reader user will be able to
successfully navigate the user interface?”
e answer to these sorts of questions is the skills gap. Any organization
that is serious about accessibility must take systematic steps to give the agile
team members both up-front training and on-demand resources that allow
them to learn the appropriate markup attributes, technologies, and APIs, as
well as allowing them to nd and understand the best practices for solving
particular user interface and usability challenges.
A person with a visual disability demonstrates using a braille keyboard
attached to their computer. The pins move up and down as the user interface
changes to be able to represent the currently spoken screen reader text.

1 Those of you familiar with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines might ask yourselves where the fourth principle,
“robustness,” is. I have not forgotten it; I believe that it is an explicitly technical principle that does not add much to
the understanding of accessibility, and have therefore excluded it for simplicity.

2 Insert the appropriate product category here

Transformation Practices
If your organization has been developing soware for a signi cant amount
of time, it is highly likely that you did not start out using an agile
methodology. Your organization probably went through some form of agile
transformation or (more recently perhaps) a digital transformation. You
probably hired some consultants to manage this process, and they probably
brought in a bevy of agile coaches, trainers, and scrum masters to help your
Successfully adopting agile accessibility will require a large amount of
change in behavior throughout the organization. If you want to be
successful, you will need to manage the agile accessibility transformation
process. You will need to bring in the missing skills and knowledge and nd
ways to support teams as they go through the process of adopting new
e practices covered in the next chapter in the book are designed to help
the organization manage this agile accessibility transformation and ensure
that it is successful, even in the face of active or passive resistance in the
agile teams or in the managers who are responsible for setting the priorities
of these teams.
e Transformation Practices are designed to help your organization
manage the agile accessibility transformation. Successfully implementing
these practices is the prerequisite for successful agile accessibility. at is not
to say that you cannot have some teams successfully adopt agile accessibility,
but without these practices, you will nd it very difficult (if not impossible)
to get consistent adoption and execution across the organization, and you
will see a degradation in the abilities over time through team member
At the end of the day, becoming accessible involves change in large parts
of the organization; this change will not happen if it is not motivated,
measured, and managed.

3.1 Practice: Create a Central Accessibility Team

Every organization that has successfully scaled accessibility (agile or
otherwise) has always started with a central accessibility team. e
difference in an agile environment is that this central team is not responsible
for doing accessibility (as was oen the case before agile), but rather for
helping the agile teams learn to do accessibility within their agile process. In
short, it is the job of the central accessibility team to manage the
transformation to sustainable agile accessibility.
e central team’s primary responsibilities are:

1. Educate executives on the business case for accessibility and obtain

executive buy-in;
2. Create and manage the corporate accessibility policy;
3. Create and maintain the learning resources for the entire organization,
including (but not limited to) agile teams, customer support, and
4. Create, gather, and report the metrics that are being used to measure the
transformation and to identify the opportunities for more coaching,
training, and tools. is responsibility includes performing spot audits
of newly-released content and presenting the results back to the teams
during their retrospectives;
5. Keep abreast of developments in accessibility (including understanding
accessibility for new platforms [like virtual reality, speech inputs, etc.],
improvements in tools and new or improved best practices) and then
planning the steps to incorporate the acquired knowledge into the
organization’s processes at the appropriate time;
6. Create and maintain the organization’s accessibility standards
(interpreting the industry guidelines and standards and applying them
to the organization’s technologies) and the selection and con guration
of the tools being used by the various teams; and
7. Provide the pool of accessibility coaches and other shared resources that
are required during the transition.

3.2 Practice: Obtain Executive Buy-In

e motherhood and apple pie of accessibility transformation is that you
need executive buy-in. If you have managed to put together a central team,
then you have the basis for getting the right sort of executive buy-in.
Ultimately, the CEO needs to buy in to accessibility, or it will constantly be
overridden by competing priorities; however, starting at the top is not
always practical and is oen not enough.
Buy-in is required from all the levels of management in the compliance,
marketing, and IT/development parts of the organization, because any one
of these could become an impediment to success.
e ultimate goal here is to ensure that none of the executives will
seriously challenge the implementation of the policy that is instrumental to
making accessibility stick.
e ways that you achieve this buy-in will depend to a large degree on
your organizational priorities, but there are three business cases that you can
use to help your efforts:

1. e business opportunity represented by households with a disability.

e numbers that are of interest here are:

i. 20% of people in the United States have a disability, and

improvements in usability (or falling behind the competition)
represent a major portion of the market;
ii. $490 million is the aer-tax disposable income of adults with a
disability in the United States (as of 2019). is is comparable in size
to the African American or Hispanic market segments; and
iii. $10.3 billion is the e-commerce market size for accessibility.
2. e number of disability-related lawsuits increased by 181% in 2019
alone, and the cost of responding to a lawsuit (independent of the
settlement costs) is $350,000. is does not take into account the cost of
brand damage or future lawsuits; and
3. Accessibility is a human right, it is the right thing to do, and it probably
aligns with the organization’s values and its desire to improve digital
user experiences.
Find the right opportunities to get in front of the executives and pitch
these cases to them.

3.3 Practice: Create and Enforce an Accessibility Policy

Once you have enough executive support, you need to ensure that this
support gets into the organization’s official policy and the risks are exposed
and managed appropriately.
Understand how your organization manages risk. If you are in a regulated
industry, this will be relatively easy, and the attention to risks that show up
in the system will be at the appropriate level.
Your policy should be written in such a way that it minimizes the
loopholes that will inevitably be exploited by savvy managers.
Some attributes of successful policies are to:

1. Require all digital properties to be registered in a central repository;

2. Require all digital properties to report their accessibility (the format of a
VPAT is a good starting point) and treat non-reporting as tantamount to
critical defects in critical business ows;
3. Create a place in your risk management system for registering the
speci c accessibility defects with their impact and a timeline for
remediation. Tie accessibility risks to existing mechanisms for
escalation; and
4. Produce regular reports for delivery to the chief compliance officer and
the CEO, summarizing the trends and highlighting the business areas
that are not addressing their risk in the appropriate way.
e rest of this book is dedicated to the carrots, but having the policy stick
can be very useful, especially when dealing with intransigent managers.
e way that this policy is enforced—and the perception of the central
accessibility team in the enforcement of this policy—can be instrumental in
the success of the program. e central accessibility team needs to be viewed
as a helping hand with useful resources and advice to help the teams achieve
accessibility. is can be undermined if the central team is also the face of
policy enforcement. Try to locate the enforcement function in the
compliance department and the rest of the central accessibility team within
a different function such as IT, soware development, or the office of the
e central accessibility team may help teams provide data to compliance
but it must never be seen as the cop or a scuttlebutt.

3.4 Practice: Report on Your Accessibility Transformation

In order to manage the adoption of accessibility at your organization, you
will need to have senior management buy-in; you will need to provide
management with periodic reporting that is easy for them to understand
and allows them to recognize what is working well and what needs
attention. is means you should create a dashboard report that surfaces
this information across all areas of the business.
Organizations adopt accessibility for a variety of reasons. Some
organizations are proactive and attempt to create delightful experiences and
win market share. Some organizations are reactive and respond to a
complaint or a consent decree. e way your organization reports on the
accessibility program will need to re ect the underlying motivation.
Regardless of the motivation, your dashboard should be designed to help
you measure how your process is changing over time and to measure the
direction of that change. Adopting accessibility is about adopting new
behaviors which, in turn, leads to a change in the desired outcomes. is
means that early on in your process, you should focus on a dashboard that
allows you to measure the adoption of new behaviors.
A mid-sized regional bank we work with has a team responsible for
creating and maintaining tools for their development teams to use in their
testing and continuous integration pipeline. As a part of their agile
transformation, the team also assists development teams in learning how to
adopt and use automation. ey have built an analytics dashboard that
shows how the use and adoption of the automation tools is changing over
time. When they added automated accessibility testing to this tool set, they
saw an opportunity to also measure the adoption of the automated
accessibility testing as an early indicator of successful accessibility
In a large accessibility remediation project that needs to meet a speci c
deadline, the dashboard should include some sort of overall effort metrics as
well as the effect of those efforts over time. e goal of this report is to
predict whether the deadline is likely to be met. A variation of a “burndown”
report is a good candidate to consider for this purpose. Seeing the overall
effort at the enterprise-level is useful, but you will also need to drill down to
see how individual teams, products, applications, or sites are doing. A good
dashboard should allow for viewing the progress in ways that align with how
the organization is managing the development and/or remediation effort.
is provides updates to the executives in charge of these teams and
identi es teams that could bene t from additional support from the central
Simple indicators of health status, like red, green, and yellow (with
appropriate accessible equivalents), can help to communicate complex
information efficiently and are great tools for high-level dashboards. Once
you start to get down to the individual team, application, or website, you will
need to answer questions like, “What is the cause of the change?” is will
require you to be able to answer questions like, “What changed?” A high-
level aggregate score that did not change between two releases (but was
expected to) could be masking the fact that a large number of issues were
remediated and a large number of new issues were introduced. ere could
be some new pages, new functionality, or a change in the scope of what was
being included in the report.
Your reporting system should be able to answer questions like, “Which
pages/views are new?” “Which pages/views were removed?” and “What, if
anything, has changed on the pages/views that are common between the two
reporting dates?” ese questions will need to be answered at aggregate
levels (an entire application or site) as well as at the level of individual
pages/views and components.
One of our customers has a report that shows the engagement level of the
teams. ey differentiate between teams that are still remediating and teams
that are trying to ensure that their new content and functionality is
accessible. is is reported as “team maturity.”

3.5 Practice: Give the Teams Accessibility Coaches

Agile teams need training in the skills required to successfully implement
accessible soware development. is training can take many forms, from
intense in-person, multi-day workshops to on-demand online learning.
Intense training workshops give team members a jump-start in the basic
technical knowledge. When the team starts to exercise this knowledge, they
will make mistakes, misinterpret some of the information, forget some
aspects of the implementation, or encounter problems that go beyond the
basics. Practical experience is required to cement the theoretical knowledge
and to ll in the gaps in recall that all of us experience when learning new
Accessibility coaches can help teams identify the areas where they need to
reinforce their training, help answer difficult implementation questions, and
provide coaching on some of the ner points or tradeoffs between different
implementation decisions.
In the initial phases, accessibility coaches attend many of the agile
activities where decisions on implementation are made. is includes
backlog grooming meetings, design reviews, sprint planning, daily standup,
and retrospectives.
During these meetings, they encourage the agile team to consider
accessibility concerns, remember to use existing automation libraries and
tools in the development process, and include accessibility testing and
implementation in their planning estimates and tests. ey help team
members think through the various approaches to inclusive design and
present the results of the spot audits and the accessibility testing during
e use of the term “coach” is explicit. It makes it clear to everyone where
the responsibility for doing the work lies. Coaches do not make the free
throws, throw the strikes, or score the goals. Coaches help the players
practice the skills they need and interact with other team members in ways
that make the team successful.

3.6 Practice: Execute on an Ongoing Empathy Campaign

To become an organization where inclusive design and accessible soware
development is the norm, your organization will need to systematically
eliminate the empathy gap. is can only happen if the central accessibility
team maintains an ongoing campaign to achieve it.
e central accessibility team should create a schedule of activities, to be
held on an ongoing basis, the aim of which is to systematically build
empathy for people with disabilities.
ese activities should target new and existing employees to build and
reinforce empathy continually. While most of the targets for these activities
should be agile soware development team members, it is essential to secure
participation by senior managers and executives, too.
e following lists some activities that have shown success at Deque and
our customers:

1. Events where persons with disabilities demonstrate using the company’s

applications with assistive technologies;
2. Events where participants play games that simulate disabilities;
3. Posters, yers, success stories, and other motivational marketing; and
4. Hackathons or hack weeks with an accessibility focus.
In addition to scheduling and holding these events, the central
accessibility team should make themselves and their resources available to
support team empathy events. ey should create stickers that teams can
place on their laptops. It is very encouraging to show up at a meeting with a
team and see accessibility stickers on the backs of laptops. It allows teams
and team members to show their support and helps drive awareness.
e Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), founded by Jennison
Asuncion and Joe Devon, is a once-a-year opportunity to highlight
accessibility in a very intensive way. Held in the middle of May, it is
celebrated all over the world. Your employees can attend events in person or
online; it is a great opportunity to host and/or participate in events in your
area. Visit to nd events and to
register your own. Hosting events that are open to the public is also a great
way to recruit employees who are motivated and can help to drive change
within your organization.

3.7 Practice: Publish Learning Resources and Bulletins

Intensive training can help to jumpstart the knowledge of agile team
members. We recommend making bootcamp style in-person training
available to the teams. We also recommend including some form of
accessibility training in the on-boarding training of all employees involved
in soware development or client-facing roles.
Most people will absorb some fraction of the training and will bene t
from resources that they can access at the time they are required to exercise
the new skills. Developers in particular like to learn as they implement
functionality. Stack Over ow is an example of a system that supports this
“on-demand” learning.
e quality of accessibility information available on Stack Over ow and
on the Internet in general is varied, both in terms of validity and how up-to-
date it is. is can lead to a lot of wasted time as team members research
solutions and implement partial or out-of-date solutions.
Providing access to a quality knowledge base of up-to-date accessibility
information, examples, and courses can mitigate this problem. In addition,
reinforcing the awareness of this knowledge base will support the behavior
of using it as the resource of rst resort.
To eliminate the frustration and false starts that result from following bad
or out-of-date accessibility advice, license or create a set of resources that
document known and proven solutions to various accessibility issues such

1. Procedures for testing different types of content or applications;

2. Technical solutions to speci c UI component implementations and user
interface patterns; and
3. Documentation on best practices.
ere are commercial solutions with knowledge bases and online courses
that include tests, examples, and tools, but very successful accessibility
programs have also taken a low-cost approach to this. One of our customers
keeps a single Web page with links to information that has been gathered
and curated over time. is page serves as a starting point for teams when
they’re looking for a solution or some learning resources.
Sending out regular information bulletins that highlight new topical
accessibility insights, speci c techniques, and notices of upcoming industry
events can help to keep accessibility top-of-mind for the development teams.
If you do this, embed links to the knowledge base in these updates to
maintain and increase awareness of the resource.
Empathy lab participants write their names using a Braille template and then
try to read them with their eyes closed.
Team Practices
In my opinion, one of the most valuable aspects of the agile approach to
soware development is the commitment to continuous improvement.
Sprint retrospectives are one of the most valuable practices that support this
continuous improvement. Teams that do this well have metrics that they
inspect and track over time, identify the things that are going well and
identify and address de ciencies or problems.
Changes that get identi ed in these meetings can be modi cations to
practices to ensure that they are actually achieving the outcomes for which
they were adopted in the rst place. In order to do this, all team members
need to have a thorough understanding of the intended outcome and/or
goal of every practice, and the team has to regularly evaluate each practice
for its effectiveness within their team.
I have structured the following nine team practices to make the goal of
each explicit so that teams that adopt them can evaluate their effectiveness
As with any new practice, your team should try to adopt it “as-is” so you
can get experience with it before attempting to modify it using your own
insights. However, aer some experience has been gained, I highly
encourage teams to experiment with new variants or new practices in the
attempt to efficiently achieve the target outcomes.
As is the case with many agile practices, some advantage can be gained by
implementing individual practices; however, the full bene t can only be seen
when all practices are adopted and implemented well together.

4.1 Practice: Attend and Host Empathy Events


1. To help team members better understand what it is like to live with different
disabilities; and
2. To help team members understand how users with disabilities use assistive
PRACTICE DESCRIPTION: Hold events that simulate for the team members
what it is like to have a specific disability and how this might affect the use of
technology. Hold events where people with disabilities demonstrate the use of
assistive technologies and/or attempt to use the team’s application with an
assistive technology.

EXAMPLE: When first learning that blind people use a screen reader that reads
out the content of the user interface and a keyboard to navigate the page, Web
developers often mistakenly believe that every textual element on a Web page
must be tab-focusable; they will start to place tabindex=0 on every
element. This reaction is based on a misunderstanding of how screen readers
work as well as a failure to understand how a browser can be controlled with a
keyboard. Making every element tab focusable results in a Web page that is less
usable by keyboard-only users; it also does nothing to improve the experience of
a screen reader user.
By bringing a screen reader user in to demonstrate the many ways that
they can navigate a Web page, the team will learn that the tabindex is not
required. ey will also begin to understand the importance of semantic
markup, good heading structure, and landmarks. ey will start to be able to
use heuristics to predict what good experiences might be for screen reader
and keyboard-only users.
Examples of empathy events:

1. Dining in the dark, where the group eats an entire dinner in complete
darkness. is can be enhanced by including a blind person, who will,
for once, be at an advantage;
2. Empathy lab, a dedicated location with a collection of activities made up
of devices, exercises, and games that team members can participate in to
simulate the difficulties that various disabilities impose. e activities
can simulate physical conditions such as hearing impairment, vision
loss, aging, or motor impairment. e exercises can force the
participants to use accommodations similar to those used by people
with disabilities to achieve the goal or win the game. e aim of using an
empathy lab is to motivate the need for learning new skills and to
jumpstart the understanding of how people with disabilities experience
the world and technology;
3. Assistive technology show-and-tell booths, where people with
disabilities show how they use the technologies to overcome their
disabilities and also how bad implementations can block these
technologies or make them more difficult to use; and
4. Device impairment, where a computer or touch device is modi ed to
remove one form of output and/or input, forcing the user to use a
modality commonly used by a person with a disability. is can be as
simple as unplugging the mouse, replacing the keyboard with a single-
switch device, or removing all color to simulate color blindness.
4.2 Practice: Include Disabilities in UX Design
When the ADA was enacted, the industries most affected by the law at the
time (builders, landlords, and cities) complained about the burden that it
would place on them and the economy. One of the requirements that owed
out of the ADA was the implementation of the ramps at the corners of
streets known as “curb cuts.” Curb cuts (and other related ramps) have
allowed parents with strollers complete and easy access to all aspects of our
cities, where previously they had to struggle to navigate the sidewalks and
the entrances to buildings. Curb cuts allow skateboarders, bicyclers, and
rollerbladers to easily navigate the sidewalks, keeping them out of the streets
and safer from bad interactions with traffic. None of these bene ts were
anticipated when the ADA was enacted, but the result is cities that are more
usable by everyone.
In the accessibility industry, this is known as “e Curb Cut Principle,”
and it applies equally to online and digital experiences. Inclusive design is
the practice that achieves this in the digital world.
e question for the teams becomes, “How do we learn to do inclusive
design?” While there are books that focus just on the practices of inclusive
design, including users with disabilities in design and UX research goes a
long way towards achieving many of the same outcomes.

GOAL: To make thinking about users with disabilities an integral part of the user
interface and user experience design process so that the final product works
better for all users.

PRACTICE DESCRIPTION: Create a collection of attributes that represent a

particular type of disability. We call these “particularities,” because they represent
a particular way in which a person with that disability differs from someone
without the disability. In all other ways, they are exactly the same. Your team can
then use these particularities to evaluate the UX/UI to determine how that would
affect use.
If your team employs user personas, each particularity can be added to an
existing persona, or the personas can be modi ed using the particularities.
is practice is also known as creating “inclusive personas.”

EXAMPLE: The image following shows an inclusive persona used by a fitness

tracking device company.
is inclusive persona describes Lucy, a thirty-three-year-old event
organizer who has very normal goals related to the tness tracking device—
she wants to use it to motivate her to be more active and healthy. She also
wants a tracker that has good haptic and audio feedback, because she just
happens to be blind, and most tness tracking devices have output
modalities that require sight.
Incorporating particularities into the personas allows you to identify
speci c frustrations; in this case, Lucy is forced to always use the app when
looking at her data, which means that she oen cannot easily access it while
working out.
Another approach to achieve similar outcomes is to consider versions of
your personas with “temporary disabilities” that may be caused by
situational changes or temporary health events. Using a cell phone in bright
sunlight is similar to having low vision; using a cell phone in a noisy
restaurant is similar to having a hearing disability; having a broken arm is a
temporary situation that has the same effect as a similar permanent motor
impairment. Microso has published some excellent material in this area
that can be found on their inclusive design Web site,

4.3 Practice: Communicate Intent with Accessibility

Design Annotation

User interface and user experience designers create very robust models of
their designs in their heads that include a lot of information that is essential
to implementing an accessible experience. Many designers do not know that
much of this information needs to be communicated to the rest of the team
in order to implement the design in an accessible way. ey also do not
know which information needs to be communicated to the rest of the team
in order to ensure that the user interface is accessible. is leads to
developers either making up the missing information (e.g., adding their own
image text alternative) or simply omitting that semantic or information
completely because they are not sure what to apply. Our analyses have
shown that up to 70%3 of accessibility issues can be avoided by
systematically communicating the necessary information to the entire
development team.

GOAL: Communicate all of the necessary accessibility design intent to the team
so that designs can be turned into accessible applications, and this accessibility
can be tested and validated efficiently.

PRACTICE DESCRIPTION: Train all team members to expect user experience

and user interface designers to provide them with all the following information
for a new or modified user interface design:

1. e role of every element in the user interface, whether interactive or

not. is includes communicating the role of regions of information and
groups of controls. For example, if your design has a group of
navigational controls at the top and some information in the footer,
indicate where the main content begins and ends, then mark this up in a
wireframe or design comp so that everyone knows what those regions
2. e states that every user interface element can take on and the text
description of those states. For example, if your application has an order
work ow with many steps, ensure that the states for the future steps, the
current step, and the completed steps are identi ed and described;
3. All of the discrete values that the elements can take on and the text
description of those values. For example, if a section of the user interface
can be expanded and collapsed, describe these different states in text;
4. e name of every element, region, or group of controls in the user
interface. For example, if your interface has a main section of content
and then some supplemental content, identify the content regions and
describe them in text;
5. A complete description of the interaction for each interactive element
and its surrounding elements, including all inputs for all supported
devices and how this affects the focus, the states, and the values of the
interactive element and related elements;
6. e intended order in which elements should be encountered and read
on the page (reading order/focus order); and
7. e minimum sizes of all interactive elements at all device or browser
Different teams may use different ways to communicate their user
experience designs in such a way that developers and testers can implement
and validate the functionality. We do not dictate how this communication
takes place, but rather that it takes place. We have seen teams use white
boards and cell phone photos appended to JIRA tickets; we have also seen
teams use high-resolution Photoshop comps with annotations built in.
Choose the mechanism that works best for your team.
ere are also many different ways to make the annotations; the
important thing is that your team agrees on an annotation convention and
uses it consistently.

EXAMPLE: The image following shows a very simple player toolbar component
with three buttons—a previous track button, a play/pause button, and a next track
button. One could imagine this widget being used in different scenarios:
Sometimes on its own, and others with a real-time frequency histogram or a
control that shows the progress of the track being played.
is image has been annotated with a lot of the necessary accessibility
e rst thing to note is that the role of every element has been speci ed.
is includes the role of the toolbar itself, which is, of course, “toolbar.” is
may seem at rst to be super uous, but we have seen situations where a
designer has intended for something to be a button, and they believe that
their design comp clearly shows a button, only to be implemented by a
<div> element with a click handler or an anchor element styled to look like
a button.
Second, the name of each element has been speci ed. Once again, this
may seem obvious given that the toolbar buttons are all image buttons, but
one of the most common accessibility violations we nd during testing is a
button that has no text name at all, or is simply the name of the image le.
Having the designer specify the name allows for more consistent usage of
terminology throughout the user experience and also allows the testers to
validate something that is not visible through automation, thereby making it
more difficult to miss a regression where this hidden text is changed or
ird, each of the different states of the buttons has been speci ed. ere
is a disabled state (slightly darker gray background), the focusable state, and
the focused state (light gray background at the bottom of the image). ere
are no values in this design comp, but you could easily imagine that the
number of previous or next tracks might be a value and how this might be
Fourth, you will notice that the interaction of each element and of the
elements within the toolbar is described. Of great importance are things like
what happens to focus when the pause/play button is pressed. Focus
management is one of the most frequent accessibility issues in Web
applications and can lead to applications that are very difficult for blind
users to use; content changes, appears, or disappears without informing the
user at all, leading to the belief that the application is not responding to the
user’s input.
In this speci c component, it is important because it would be easy for
developers to implement this not as one button, but as two buttons whose
visibility is toggled based on the component’s internal state. Specifying what
happens with the focus allows the testers (or, more likely, the automated
tests) to validate that focus does, in fact, get maintained correctly during this
state transition.
Finally, the size of the objects is speci ed, which, in this case (because
everything is square), is a very simple annotation.

EXAMPLE: The images following show a design comp without and then with
additional accessibility annotations that are important for keyboard and screen
reader users. The user interface shown is the axe browser extension, which allows
for testing Web applications for accessibility issues.

The second image shows annotations that provide the information about where
the focus should go and in what order the interactive elements should receive
focus when a keyboard or screen reader user tabs into the application and then
continues to tab through the user interface. Tabbing should skip over the non-
focusable elements.

The third annotation shows the reading order of the content. Note that the
reading order and the focus order are aligned. This is important to avoid breaking
the meaning of the content in the application (which can inadvertently occur if
there is a mismatch between these two orders).
You will also notice that there is more content that is readable than the
content that is focusable; this is important because keyboards and screen
readers have different mechanisms for reading static content versus
navigating-to and interacting-with interactive elements, so these two should
be separated out very explicitly.

UPSIDE: The first advantage of this approach is that the design comps provide
input to both the test writers (whether developers write the tests or whether the
test are written by a QA function) and the developers themselves. Developers use
the information to choose the correct semantic elements and semantic markup,
and the testers use them to validate these choices.

e second advantage of the process of thinking through all the roles,

names, and interactions is that it can lead to the identi cation of what my
colleague, Matt Isner, likes to call a “user-interface chimera.”
A user-interface chimera is a UI design that is trying to be too many
things at the same time. An example of this might be a menu item that is
trying to serve as a control to open a sub-menu, and at the same time as a
link that leads to a different page. While it is possible to use such a control
with a mouse with mouseover logic, it is impossible to communicate the
duplicate roles to a screen reader user, and the interaction mechanism for a
keyboard is not intuitive. is means the functionality appears absent for
some types of users. By going through the process of having to specify the
role of the element, you have exposed the fact that it is acting as both a link
and a menu item—leading to the realization that it is an accessibility and
usability problem.
inking through the communication of the design intent can also
identify designs that are very difficult to make accessible. is is oen a “bail
out,” where the UI designer did not have enough time and/or information to
make a better design decision, or it might simply be an example of the
adoption of a common technology without much thought.
ese chimeras and difficult designs offer the team an opportunity to
design a better solution by asking, “What does the user want to do?” or
“Why are we using this standard approach?” e end result of this process is
oen a solution that is more usable for everyone and completely accessible
for people with disabilities.
WARNING: This practice often changes the previous separation of duties
between designers and developers. Designers may have been told in the past
that it is not their role to tell developers how to implement features. In our
opinion, it is not changing anything except clarifying requirements that were
previously unstated. Developers do not have to use a <button> element to
implement a UI component with a role of button, but if not, then they have to
implement some of the functionality that a <button> element provides for
free, including keyboard interaction, correct handling of enabled/disabled states,

4.4 Practice: Create a User Interface Pattern Library

GOAL: Leverage accessible interaction designs, markup, and implementations
across a large number of development teams while maintaining flexibility of
implementation and look.

PRACTICE DESCRIPTION: Making applications accessible consists of paying

attention to four high-level aspects of user interface design and implementation.

1. e color, font, iconography, and layout design choices that represent

the roles, states, and values of the user interface elements across
viewport sizes—the look;
2. e markup used to represent the names, roles, values, and states of the
user interface elements—the markup;
3. e multi-input device interaction designs of the user interface
components—the interaction; and
4. e implementation of the interactions and generation of the UI content
—the implementation.
A pattern library is the de nition of these four aspects where only the
fourth aspect is dependent on the technology-speci c framework or
technology (within reason). is allows the implementing team to choose
which aspects of the pattern they want to adopt and which aspects they need
to adapt to their speci c situation.
For example, if a team has adopted a new UI development framework—
say Vue.js—and the existing pattern library has implementations in React,
then this team can take the look, the markup, and the speci cation for the
interaction from the pattern library and implement these in Vue.
At a minimum, this eliminates accessibility issues because it clearly
speci es the markup (and how that changes throughout all the different UI
states and values) and the different modes of interaction with that
component that support different devices and abilities. ese are two very
high-volume sources of custom component accessibility defects; by adopting
the pattern library solutions, teams can avoid falling into these traps.

EXAMPLE: The Deque product user interfaces are all currently based on a
pattern library called Cauldron ( At its
base level, Cauldron specifies the look, the use, and the markup of the UI
components. Building on top of this are the implementations in different
technologies, including and http

EXAMPLE: One of Deque’s customers created a user interface widget library and
had used it very extensively for a couple of years before they became aware of
their accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with
Disabilities Act. The widespread use of this component library was one of the
major reasons the customer was able to become compliant within a reasonable
time frame, because fixing a small number of components addressed 60% of the
accessibility issues within their large portfolio of applications.

Your agile methodology might not allow you to develop a library like this
ahead of time, but you can build one up over time, thereby reducing the
effort necessary to develop and x accessible components over time.

4.5 Practice: Leverage an Accessibility Automation Library

When developed by a team with little accessibility knowledge, our data
shows that the average Web page averages twenty accessibility issues. Some
surveys of a large numbers of sites claim that the number is as high as
seventy defects per page. While mobile applications tend to have simpler
views, a similar number of issues is to be expected over the course of an
entire user work ow.
Automated testing of functionality saves time in development by allowing
releases to happen more oen. e same holds true for accessibility testing.
Writing automated tests takes time and effort, and there are a lot of
additional assertions that need to be made when testing accessibility. Using
an off-the-shelf automated accessibility testing library can save a large
amount of time in the creation of an automated test suite.
Choose a library that generates zero false positives; this allows your tests
to make assertions on the results, secure in the knowledge that if a test fails,
the failure needs to be taken seriously. is, in turn, allows these tests to be
embedded into continuous integration pipelines as checks that must be
passed before code changes can be approved and merged.
ink about the ways that your developers work when xing issues that
are found in the automated tests and choose a tool that makes that easy. A
tool should integrate into the browser or IDE’s debugging environment and
provide both an interactive testing mode (e.g., a browser extension) and an
API that can be embedded into automated tests. A spider- or robot-like
utility can also be very useful for teams that do not have full test coverage of
all their UI states and/or functionality.
Studies that we have done on behalf of our large customers have shown
that the use of these tools can eliminate 50% of the accessibility errors (by
number of occurrences), eliminating a lot of cost from the development
process by avoiding issues making it to later stages of the development cycle.

GOAL: Save time during development by eliminating all of the common

accessibility defects that can be found through generic automation before the
code makes it into the code base.

A side effect of this goal is an increase in the accessibility skills of the

developers and testers who use the automated tool.

PRACTICE DESCRIPTION: Require developers to test all changed or new user

interface states prior to submitting code to the repository. Integrate the execution
of these tests into the build process on the continuous integration server, and
include checks in your source code repository that do not allow changes to be
merged if the tests fail.

is testing is best done by integrating the automation API calls into
integration functional tests that test the new UI functionality, then asserting
that the automation library returned zero accessibility errors.
When starting out, it is best to embed these API calls into all functional
tests; however, with experience, teams will realize that there are subtle
differences between functional testing and accessibility testing that might
require the writing of speci c tests to expose speci c states of the user
interface purely for accessibility. Also, many functional tests expose the same
UI over and over, and it is only necessary to perform the accessibility testing
on one iteration of each UI state.

EXAMPLE: The following code shows a React login form component accessibility
unit test using Jest and Enzyme with JSDOM for emulating the browser DOM.
This unit test is a small fraction of the unit tests covering all of the functionality of
the component.

import axe from 'axe-core'

test('Form has no accessibility violations', (done) => {
const fields = [ 'Dogs', 'Cats' ]
const FormComponent = utils.mountToDoc(
<LoginForm headline='Woof and hiss' fields={fields} />
const formNode = FormComponent.getDOMNode(), config)
.then(({ violations }) => {
if (violations.length) {
const err = utils.printViolations(violations)
} else {

Note that the unit test mounts the component and obtains a DOM node in order
to do the testing. This is because accessibility tests need to know the real display
state of the DOM nodes in order to be able to determine what will be exposed to
the assistive technologies and their users. Unit tests like this can cover about 80%
of what generic libraries can test. The rest of the testing should occur on the
complete assembled user interface. For this reason, we recommend integrating a
library like this into integration (end-to-end) tests.

The following code shows how to use the axe-core testing library in an end-to-end
test using Mocha and JavaScript Selenium.
const Selenium = require('selenium-webdriver'),
AxeBuilder = require('axe-webdriverjs');

driver = new Selenium.Builder()

it('should find no violations', function(done) {
.then(function() {
new AxeBuilder(driver)
.analyze(function(results) {
assert.equal(results.violations.length, 0);

4.6 Practice: Automate Device and Assistive Technology


Testing with assistive technologies and different input devices (like the
keyboard) is expensive and time consuming. is means that in an agile
environment, it will either slow down the process while also increasing
expense, or it will not be done, leading to accessibility regressions.
While it is not currently possible to directly automate assistive
technologies and write automated tests in a cross-platform way, it is possible
to write tests that con rm the required markup and code that makes the
assistive technologies work meet the requirements.

GOAL: To ensure that implementations work with the set of assistive

technologies required to meet the “accessibility supported” WCAG 2
requirement, while also leveraging automation for regression testing. This
eliminates costly manual regression testing and allows faster, less expensive
iterations that result in high quality, accessible code.
PRACTICE DESCRIPTION: During development, have developers write specific
tests to validate the conditions required to communicate name, role, value, and
state to the assistive technologies, and ensure that these are correctly interpreted
by the assistive technologies by performing tests using a representative set of
assistive technologies, including at least one screen reader and a keyboard
without a screen reader.

Of particular importance are tests for the alternative device interactions.

A good example of this is the JavaScript handlers that are required to
implement custom-component keyboard interactions. e tests should be
written to include assertions on what happens as the user “interacts” with
the UI. For example, if clicking a button should open a dialog and set focus
into that dialog, then add assertions to test that.
Write tests that make assertions on the ARIA attribute and other state
changes that should occur as a user “interacts” with the UI. ese state
changes should have corresponding changes to attributes and/or off-screen
text that allow assistive technologies to expose the changed state, value, or
name to users of assistive technologies.
Write tests that assert the expectations with respect to the order in which
interactive components will be focused using TAB key navigation (Web) and
write tests to assert the order in which content will be read by the user (Web
and native mobile).

EXAMPLE: One of the components of accessibility testing which requires

humans is the validation that the meaning conveyed by the visual user interface
corresponds with the meaning conveyed through other senses, like voice. A
simple example of this is validating that the alternative text of an image matches
the image visuals. Websites often contain standard symbols and logos that
appear in different locations. Simple assertions can be written to validate that the
alternative texts for these graphics match the resource location. Doing this will
ensure that if either the resource locator or the text changes, the test will alert the
developer to check whether the text is still relevant and update the test.
EXAMPLE: The ARIA authoring guidelines provide a description of how widgets
should behave when being used with different input devices. This includes
keyboards. Much of this keyboard interaction can be tested in a fully automated
fashion using keyboard event simulation.

When writing the code for a widget, developers are adding the
appropriate markup and event handlers and writing assertions for these. At
various points during this process, when testing with the mouse and/or
touch, the developers should test the functionality using a screen reader and
a keyboard to ensure that the state changes and other information are
announced correctly and that the event handlers work correctly with a
screen reader and without one. Changes are encoded into the tests. is
functionality then only needs to be tested manually if the code changes, or
the supported set of assistive technologies changes.
e following code snippet shows ARIA markup validation for the
implementation of an ARIA menu widget. is example has been lied from
the a11yfy library and shortened for brevity. e full source code is available
on Github at

test(“That the markup of the menu is applied correctly", function () {
var $menu = jQuery("#menu-test-1"),
$topMenuItems = $menu.find(">li[role='menuitem']");
equal($menu.attr("role"), "menubar", "top ul should have role menubar");
ok($menu.hasClass("a11yfy-top-level-menu"), "should have to level menu class");
$topMenuItems.each(function(index, value) {
if (index === 0) {
equal(jQuery(value).attr("tabindex"), “0",
"the first top level menu item should be focusable");
} else {
equal(jQuery(value).attr("tabindex"), “-1",
"All other top level menu items should not be focusable");
equal($menu.find(">li.a11yfy-has-submenu").length, 2,
"There should be two top level menu items with sub menus");
equal(jQuery($topMenuItems[1]).attr("aria-haspopup"), “true",
"The second top level menu item should have an aia-haspopup attribute of
.attr("aria-haspopup"), “true",
"The sub-submenu item must also have aria-haspopup true");

4.7 Practice: Manage Accessibility Defects Systematically

Many accessibility experts have expectations about the quality of soware
that are out of sync with the reality of soware development. While we all
strive for defect-free soware and implement practices like test driven
development (TDD) to try to achieve this, defects are a fact that we have to
manage. Accessibility defects are no different, and they should be managed
in a very similar way.
In one aspect, accessibility defects are quite different from functional
defects: Organizations that sell soware to the US Federal Government and
related institutions are required to produce a document that lists all the
known accessibility defects in the form of a Voluntary Product Accessibility
Template (VPAT). In the world of waterfall soware development, the VPAT
production process involved a comprehensive accessibility audit, which is
incompatible with agile practices.

GOAL: Implement an accessibility defect management policy that allows for the
consistent prioritization of accessibility issues in ways that mirror the prioritization
of other classes of defects, and produce and maintain an accurate and complete
VPAT with each release in an agile manner.
PRACTICE DESCRIPTION: There are two components to this practice:

1. Creating and implementing a way to evaluate the impact of an

accessibility issue and assigning it a priority that matches the equivalent
defect priority for other functional and non-functional defects; and
2. Maintaining a defect management system where every accessibility
defect is identi able along with the other relevant VPAT information,
allowing the defect management system to be used to generate the
VPAT as a release artifact.
Not all accessibility defects are created equal: A missing alternative text for
an image can be a blocker for a blind user if that image is part of an image
button required to complete the main business ow of a Web application, or
it could be a minor inconvenience if it is a social icon in the footer of the
page. is should underpin the priority system assigned to any accessibility
defect. If the organization has defect priorities that are used to determine
ship/no-ship, then the accessibility impact should be mapped to these. e
table following is an example accessibility-prioritization-table with
mappings to the standard actions the organization takes for comparable
functional defects.
Your team should map these actions onto your processes in such a way
that the intent is maintained.

Criteria for
Accessibility Priority Action
Criteria for
Accessibility Priority Action

Stop deployment/release
of affected software until
The issue affects at least the defect is remediated. If
one disability such that a the defect is discovered in
critical business function production, implement a
cannot be used by a user hot fix immediately. If the
with an affected disability. hot fix cannot be
Critical implemented
Think about the impact immediately, create an
from this perspective: If all alternative channel for
users could not use this achieving the functionality
functionality, would we and train support and call
consider that critical? center staff on how to
direct users to the
alternative channel.

The issue affects at least

one disability such that Fix the defect in the very
critical business next deployment/release.
functionality can only be Publish documentation on
used with an acceptable the workaround and train
workaround, or support and call center
Serious staff on how to deal with
The issue affects the issue. If the defect is
functionality that is not discovered in production,
essential, but prevents at update the VPAT to reflect
least one disability from the newly discovered
being able to use this defect.
Criteria for
Accessibility Priority Action

Publish documentation on
the workaround. Train
support and call center
staff on how to deal with
The issue affects the issue. If the defect is
functionality that is not discovered in production,
Moderate essential and has an update the VPAT.
acceptable workaround.
Assign defect fix priority in
a similar way to defects
that affect general site

The issue affects If the defect is discovered

functionality in a in production, update the
distracting way (e.g., VPAT.
duplicate accessible
Minor names, presentational Assign defect fix priority in
elements that are not a similar way to defects
marked as presentational, that affect brand,
or inconsistent use of consistency of use, and
markup). look-and-feel.

is triage and assignment obviously require judgement; so, how do

automatically-generated issues get assigned priorities? In the axe-core
library, we take the following approach: If the defect could affect a particular
disability in such a way that could be a blocker of essential functionality,
then we assign it an impact of “critical.” We expect a human to review this
default decision and downgrade it if applicable. You could take a similar
approach in your automated tests, but you also likely know whether the
affected functionality is essential and make more nuanced decisions.
In agile development, the backlog should represent the complete state of
all known defects as well as the current best understanding of planned
future improvements. If your team is implementing this well and layering
the defect prioritization process described above on top of it, then you
should be able to generate at any point in time a complete list of all known
defects. By meeting a few criteria (some of which may be new), your existing
practice will allow you to generate a complete list of all known accessibility
defects for any given release with enough information to generate a VPAT
from it. (Note: I have included the requirements for generating the WCAG
2.1 VPAT; similar but slightly different requirements need to be met if
generating one of the other variants of this document. See
policy/accessibility/vpat for details on all the variants and for the document
templates for all variants.)

1. Ensure that part of your de nition of “done” for any ticket includes
accessibility testing (see the relevant practices above);
2. Ensure that bugs can be tagged with:

i. A tag that identi es them as affecting accessibility;

ii. A set of tags that identify which WCAG success criteria are affected;
iii. A short description of the way the defect affects people with
iv. e version(s) affected;
v. e version(s) where the defect was rst xed; and
vi. e open/closed (or equivalent) status.
3. Implement a process that ensures that all of the above tags and statuses
are created, maintained, and reviewed for accuracy and quality.
Whenever a release is “cut,” a query can be applied to the defect
management system to generate all known “open” accessibility issues that
affect that release. is includes all the information required to generate or
edit the VPAT template for that release.
4.8 Practice: Measure Accessibility
Adopting accessible development practices is no different than any other
organizational change initiative. It requires the adoption of a lot of new
practices, new skills, and changes to existing practices. Teams should be
encouraged to improve incrementally over time with realistic and achievable
goals that can be measured and celebrated.

GOAL: Reinforce the change in practices and skills and motivate the teams to
continue to improve.

PRACTICE DESCRIPTION: Break accessibility into milestones with achievable,

measurable goals. Have each successive milestone build on the previous ones
towards the final goal of a sustainable development process that produces
accessible applications.

Have accessibility coaches perform spotcheck audits on content and

produce reports for retrospectives with the intent of celebrating wins and
identifying opportunities for improvement.
An example of a set of progressive milestones is:

1. Achieve a state where all code is clean of all issues that can be found
with a generic automated accessibility testing tool;
2. Achieve a state where the meaning of all states, names, values, and roles
of all the content are being correctly exposed to assistive technologies
and tested automatically;
3. Achieve a state where all interactive elements are comprehensively tested
with the keyboard and assistive technologies, and the regression testing
is automated; and
4. Achieve 100% accessible content and functionality.
Breaking the milestones up further into ones that cover new functionality
rst and existing code and functionality later is another technique for
making them smaller and easier to achieve.
With a set of milestones, it is possible to create metrics that measure the
progress towards them in a way that makes sense for the team. Examples of
metrics that match the milestones above are:

1. Percentage of designs that have used inclusive personas and included

accessibility markup;
2. Percentage of UI code with a generic accessibility library integrated into
the automated tests; and
3. Percentage of new features that meet the current standard for
accessibility at release.
Another good practice is to measure the team’s maturation process:

1. Coach has gained the trust of the team;

2. Developer, designer, and BSA training completion; and
3. Frequency of use of tools.
Put in place technologies that allow these metrics to be gathered and
tracked, and publish the results in a location that is prominent and visible to
the whole team (physical and/or virtual).

4.9 Practice: Include Accessibility in Retrospectives and S

print Planning

Early in the transformation to agile accessibility, team members will not be

pro cient in the skills and the practices required; they will have to take
action to support the learning and improvement process.

GOAL: To reinforce the adoption of agile accessibility and allow the team to
improve their accessibility practices and skills.

PRACTICE DESCRIPTION: Include accessibility coaches in the sprint

retrospective meetings. Have the accessibility coaches bring the most up-to-date
accessibility metrics and their spot check results to the meeting and foster
discussion amongst the team about areas that are either not improving or which
may have regressed.

Reserve time on the agenda for discussing accessibility practices and the
accessibility skills of team members. Seek open discussion on instances
where the skills or practices were well-implemented and where they were
either forgotten or did not work well. Identify opportunities for additional
coaching, skills training, or tools to help improve outcomes.
During sprint planning, have the team members brainstorm the
accessibility impacts of the stories that are being proposed and also identify
complex interactions, new widgets, or other novel functionality that might
require either input from an accessibility coach or additional research.
Encourage team members to think about the impact of accessibility on the
story points and the team’s overall velocity.

3 This number is calculated in different ways, all arriving at around the same number. Some of these calculations have
been done with the data from accessibility audits done by Deque over many years, and then classifying each issue as
to whether better direction from the designs could have avoided it. A more direct approach is to categorize all WCAG
2 A and AA as to whether design should have a major influence on the success of the criterion. When you do this,
67% of the success criteria fall into the “major influence” category.
Putting It Together
It might seem obvious to you at this point, but it is worth stating: ese
practices, when applied, will result in accessibility becoming an integral part
of your soware development process. e key point is that accessibility is
only scalable, affordable, and sustainable when it is fully integrated into all
aspects of the soware ideation and development process.
Getting from where you currently are to where you need to be requires
change. is change will not happen if it is not acknowledged and explicitly
managed. Some of the practices help with implementing and managing that
change explicitly.
Getting from where you are to where you need to be requires learning
new skills. Some of the practices are, in themselves, new skills that need to
be learned and developed. Some of the practices help support the learning
Some practices are very technical and practical in that they help with the
speci cs of implementation. Some practices help with user experience:
Empathy, design, and measuring the outcomes as experienced by users.
Some practices help to ensure the quality of new features, user interfaces,
and code; some practices help to ensure that this quality is maintained over
the lifetimes of these artifacts.
Finally, some practices help with one of the foundations of agile soware
All of the practices help to inject accessibility into the process at the
earliest point possible. By implementing them, you will have shied your
accessibility activities as far “le” in your process as possible. is will drive
down the costs and drive up the results.
I look forward to learning from you as you travel on this journey. Please
send me your feedback on Twitter @dylanbarrell or via email [email protected].
Glossary of Terms

is book is written to be used by agile team members as well as people

working in or managing the central accessibility team. is glossary
translates common terms used by one of these groups for the bene t of the

ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act): US Federal legislation that aims to

protect the rights of people with disabilities.

API (Application Programming Interface): a mechanism for one piece of

soware to interact, programmatically, with another piece of soware.

ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications): a W3C standard speci cation for
additional markup that can be applied to languages like HTML to add
accessibility information that is not possible with standard HTML.

BSA (Business Systems Analyst): a common role within development teams;

while the exact de nition of the role will differ from organization to
organization, the BSA is generally responsible for specifying the business
and end-user requirements of stories and setting priorities.
Comp (Comprehensive Layout): a visual layout that is a dra of what the
application’s user interface will look like. Comps are used in many forms of
creative design, including soware user interface design.

DOM (Document Object Model): the manifestation of an HTML Web page

with the browser that allows for programmatic access to inspect and
manipulate the Web page. Dynamic Web applications manipulate the DOM
to implement the changes in content and appearance that users see.

IDE (Integrated Development Environment): an editor with other tools

integrated that makes developing, testing, and xing soware more efficient.

JIRA: a system that is used to track and manage bugs, enhancement requests,
tasks, tickets, and many other types of work related to soware

JSDOM: an implementation of the DOM APIs in JavaScript that does not

include the full functionality of a browser. It is used in automated testing
environments because it is more lightweight than a full browser.

Minimally Viable Designs, or Minimally Viable Product: these are product

designs and de nitions that minimize the amount of soware that has to be
written while at the same time providing enough value that the product can
be commercially viable.

Persona: a ctitious character created by user experience designers to inspire

the design of exceptional user experiences for the intended target user base.
ey are intended to allow the designers to really understand who they are
designing products for.

Sprint: a period of time between one and three weeks, during which an agile
team will develop a series of features, improvements, and bug xes for
release at the end of the sprint. Tends to be used by agile teams following the
SCRUM methodology.
Sprint Retrospective: a meeting that occurs at the end of every sprint where
the team members discuss what went well, what did not, and brainstorm
ideas for how they can improve the processes to eliminate the recurrence of
the things that did not go well. It is designed to foster the culture of
continuous improvement.

TDD (Test Driven Development): a practice whereby soware is developed by

rst writing the automated tests for the functionality and then implementing
that functionality and validating that it passes the tests.

WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines): a series of W3C standards that

specify the requirements for applications to meet in order for these to meet
certain accessibility levels. WCAG 2 is the most commonly used version of
this standard.

UI (User Interface): the user interface is any component of the system that
takes user input and provides output to the user. For the most part, user
interfaces are implemented on some sort of at-screen device, but virtual
reality goggles, voice input, and gestures are becoming more common forms
of input and output.

UX (User Experience): generally refers to the practice of creating great

experiences for users as they encounter the company and its offerings. While
the practice is oen broader than just soware, many teams’ abilities to
in uence the overall experience are restricted to their speci c soware
component or application.

VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template): a standard format for

reporting on the accessibility of a speci c soware product and how it was
tested for accessibility. It is required by all US Federal agencies when they
purchase soware, but is gaining traction outside of this domain.
Issue Prevention Opportunity

WCAG 2.0 Success

UX/UI Design Coding Automated Testing
Criteria (A & AA)

1.1.1 Non-text Content Strong Moderate Moderate

1.3.1 Info and

Strong Strong Moderate
1.3.2 Meaningful
Strong Strong None
1.3.3 Sensory
Strong None None

1.4.1 Use of Color Strong None None

1.4.2 Audio Control Strong None None

1.4.3 Contrast
Strong None Strong

1.4.4 Resize text None Strong None

1.4.5 Images of Text Strong Moderate None

2.1.1 Keyboard Strong Strong Weak

WCAG 2.0 Success
UX/UI Design Coding Automated Testing
Criteria (A & AA)

2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap None Strong None

2.2.1 Timing
Strong None Weak

2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide Strong None Weak

2.3.1 Three Flashes or

Strong None None
Below Threshold

2.4.1 Bypass Blocks Strong Strong Moderate

2.4.2 Page Titled Strong Moderate Strong

2.4.3 Focus Order Strong Strong None

2.4.4 Link Purpose (In

Moderate None None

2.4.5 Multiple Ways Moderate None None

2.4.6 Headings and

Moderate Moderate None

2.4.7 Focus Visible Strong Moderate None

3.1.1 Language of Page None Strong Strong

3.1.2 Language of Parts None Strong Weak

3.2.1 On Focus Strong Moderate None

3.2.2 On Input Strong Moderate None

3.2.3 Consistent
Strong None None
3.2.4 Consistent
Strong None None
3.3.1 Error
Strong Moderate None
WCAG 2.0 Success
UX/UI Design Coding Automated Testing
Criteria (A & AA)
3.3.2 Labels or
Strong Moderate None

3.3.3 Error Suggestion Strong None None

3.3.4 Error Prevention

Strong None None
(Legal, Financial, Data)

4.1.1 Parsing None Strong Strong

4.1.2 Name, Role,

Strong Strong Moderate

I would like to thank everyone who made it possible for me to write this
ank you to those who reviewed and gave me feedback on the early
dras. Special thanks to Camron Shimy from Google, who was particularly
insightful and gave me ideas that led to the chapter on defect management.
Denis Boudreau provided inspiration on the personas and also provided
the image of Lucy.
Ben Allen gave thoughtful feedback that helped to clarify many sections.
anks to my colleagues, Chris McMeeking, Noah Mashni, and Keith
Rhodes, for feedback that helped me improve the book in many ways.
ank you to Anik Ganguly, who introduced me to Deque Systems and
therefore to accessibility. ank you for your feedback on this book and your
mentoring, inspiration, and encouragement for the many years I have had
the privilege to work with you.
ank you to Preety Kumar for the opportunity she has afforded all of us
at Deque, for her vision that created the company, and for her leadership in
the accessibility eld.
ank you to all my colleagues at Deque who inspire me every day and
without whom this work would not be possible.

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