Non-Pulmonary Critical Care
Non-Pulmonary Critical Care
Non-Pulmonary Critical Care
C are of the critically ill patient is truly multi- gan dysfunction in the ICU setting. Clearly, a compre-
system management of highly complex patients who hensive review of the numerous organ system–based
typically have numerous acute physiological derange- medical conditions seen in our ICUs is well beyond
ments superimposed upon underlying medical ailments. the scope of a single issue of Seminars, more appropri-
Historically, the majority of patients admitted to inten- ately filling several thousand pages and hundreds of
sive care units (particularly medical ICUs) have respira- chapters typical of current major textbooks on critical
tory failure requiring mechanical ventilation, often along care medicine. Nevertheless, we have identified a cross-
with other acute and chronic pulmonary problems. section of key topics and have solicited state-of-the-art
Much ICU-related research and education has similarly reviews by highly qualified experts.
focused on pulmonary issues such as the acute respiratory Starting at the top, so to speak, Dr. Bleck presents
distress syndrome (ARDS), pneumonia, and mechanical a discussion of neurological complications of critical
ventilation. Additionally, a great majority of intensivists illness, with particular emphasis on metabolic encepha-
have received training in pulmonary and critical care lopathies, seizures, and neuromuscular conditions. Drs.
medicine. Thus it is not surprising that the phrase ‘‘non- Miller and Ely share their current understanding of the
pulmonary critical care’’ has arisen to address many rapidly evolving areas of delirium and cognitive dysfunc-
general critical care issues. However, this vast body of tion in the ICU. Drs. Tarditi and Hollenberg present a
knowledge might more appropriately be considered structured approach to the ICU patient who has cardiac
‘‘multisystem critical care’’ as an inclusive term that arrhythmias, emphasizing the challenges of managing
encompasses the many important organ system derange- tachyarrhythmias, whereas Dr. Axler discusses the eval-
ments that plague our ICU patients. uation and management of shock. Drs. Rinella and
This issue of Seminars provides scholarly and Sanyal provide a comprehensive review of acute hepatic
clinically relevant reviews of major non–pulmonary or- failure as well as acute complications of chronic advanced
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Virginia Com- Non-pulmonary Critical Care: Managing Multisystem Critical Illness;
monwealth University Health System, Richmond, Virginia. Guest Editor, Curtis N. Sessler, M.D.
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Curtis N. Sessler, Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2006;27:199–200. Copyright # 2006
M.D., Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Box 980050, by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York,
Virginia Commonwealth University Health System, Richmond, VA NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
23298-0050. E-mail: [email protected]. DOI 10.1055/s-2006-945524. ISSN 1069-3424.
liver disease. Drs. Weisbord and Palevsky examine acute overview of infection control and prevention of nosoco-
renal failure, including sections on epidemiology, causes, mial infections in the ICU, with emphasis on ventilator-
prevention, and management. associated pneumonia and catheter-related bloodstream
Drs. Raghavan and Marik present an in-depth infection.
review of adrenal insufficiency and the many issues I would like to acknowledge the amazing exper-
related to hyperglycemia and glycemic control in the tise, attention to detail, and hard work of the authors of
ICU. Drs. Mercer, Macik, and Williams expertly ad- these articles, and convey my thanks for the steady hand
dress hematological disorders in the ICU, with particular of the Seminars Editor-in-Chief, Joseph P. Lynch, III,
emphasis on thrombocytopenia and bleeding disorders. M.D., and the understanding and support of my wife
Drs. Afessa and Peters provide a practical framework for and children, in creating this issue of Seminars.
evaluating and managing the many serious infectious
and non-infectious complications related to hemato-
poietic stem cell transplantation. Drs. Bearman, Munro, Curtis N. Sessler, M.D.
Sessler, and Wenzel conclude with a comprehensive Guest Editor 1
Neurological Disorders in the Intensive Care
Thomas P. Bleck, M.D., F.C.C.M.1,2,3
Neurological problems are common among critically ill patients; they often signal
that other organs are failing, but are themselves important causes of morbidity and
mortality. Cognitive function may suffer as a consequence of septic encephalopathy, the
pathophysiology of which is poorly understood; however, the affected patients usually
return to their baseline when sepsis resolves. Seizures and cerebrovascular disorders are also
common in the intensive care unit. Neuromuscular complications are important causes of
failure to wean from mechanical ventilation and lead to substantial long-term morbidity.
Many conditions encountered in intensive care within 72 hours of admission.3 The study included all
affect the nervous system. The onset of an abrupt neuro- patients in need of intensive care except those with
logical complication is frequently obscured by the effects primarily cardiac disorders. Eighteen were admitted for
of the primary illness (e.g., metabolic encephalopathy acute neurological disease and five others for encephal-
may delay the recognition of an intracerebral hemor- opathy caused by drug overdose. Of the remaining 67,
rhage) or its treatment (such as sedation to allow greater 33% had a neurological complication of their medical
synchrony with a ventilator). Other neural problems, conditions (11 metabolic encephalopathy, four hypoxic-
such as critical illness polyneuropathy, may develop ischemic encephalopathy [HIE], and seven other neuro-
insidiously and become apparent only as the patient logical problems). Fifty-nine percent of the patients with
improves. At times the neurological problem has been neurological complications died, compared with 20% of
visible, but its manifestations may be inappropriately the nonneurological patients.
attributed to the presenting illness.1 The intensivist At the same time, we performed a 2-year pro-
should be perspicacious about changes in level of con- spective study of neurological complications among
sciousness or movement when investigating a fall in medical intensive care unit (MICU) patients to describe
oxygen saturation or a rising white blood cell count.2 the neurological complications encountered and to iden-
tify their effects on mortality and length of stay (LOS).4
Patients with a primarily neurological reason for admis-
EPIDEMIOLOGY sion to the MICU were excluded from analyses of
Isensee et al evaluated neurological problems in 100 mortality and LOS; more than half of this group had
consecutive medical intensive care unit (ICU) patients ischemic stroke or intracranial hemorrhage. The others
Departments of 1Neurology, 2Neurological Surgery, 3Internal Medicine, Non-pulmonary Critical Care: Managing Multisystem Critical Ill-
University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia. ness; Guest Editor, Curtis N. Sessler, M.D.
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Thomas P. Bleck, Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2006;27:201–209. Copyright # 2006
M.D., University of Virginia School of Medicine, Neurology 800394, by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York,
McKim Hall 2025, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0394. E-mail: tbleck@ NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662. DOI 10.1055/s-2006-945531. ISSN 1069-3424.
were classified as having a complication of a critical these, septic encephalopathy, without evidence for sig-
illness if they developed a neurological problem from a nificant hepatic or renal dysfunction or hypoxemia, was
medical disorder or its treatment. We collapsed the most common. The frequencies of different forms of
medical diagnoses into four categories: (1) sepsis, in- metabolic encephalopathy are detailed in Table 3. Seiz-
cluding bacteremia with shock, the sepsis syndrome, ures occurred in 61 patients, most often in patients with
and the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS); vascular lesions. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy oc-
(2) acute coronary artery disease; (3) other cardiac curred in 51 patients; in 27, the cause was primarily
disorders; and (4) all other patients (e.g., ventilatory cardiac, with pulmonary disease accounting for the re-
failure, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, hypotension not maining 24.
assigned to another category). Patients with neuro- Forty-eight patients suffered strokes while in the
logical complications were further divided into those MICU. Thirty-two of these were ischemic infarcts, 14
with metabolic encephalopathies, seizures, cerebrovas- were intracerebral hemorrhages, and two were subar-
cular disorders, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, or achnoid hemorrhages. Thirteen stroke patients had an
other global brain disorders. These latter categories identified cause other than arteriosclerosis, including
were not mutually exclusive. Patients with clinically underlying autoimmune diseases and bacterial endocar-
apparent peripheral nervous system disorders were in- ditis. Stroke occurred in only 1% of patients with acute
cluded in the ‘‘other’’ group. myocardial infarction. This was less than the usually
We studied 1850 consecutively admitted patients; cited range of 1.7 to 2.4%.5,6
of these, 92 (4.9%) were admitted for a primary neuro-
logical reason. Of the remaining 1758 patients, 217
(12%) experienced neurological complications of their SEPSIS AND SEPTIC ENCEPHALOPATHY
underlying medical disease (Table 1). Table 2 details During the past 40 years, clinical analyses and investiga-
the neurological complication rates by admission cate- tions of cytokine mechanisms have markedly improved
gory. The mortality rate for all MICU patients was 32%, our understanding of the causes and pathogenesis of
but it was 55% for the 217 patients with neurological sepsis.7 Although bacteremia was previously considered
complications, compared with 29% for those without to be the sine qua non of systemic disease, occurring as a
neurological complications. Patients with neurological consequence of local infection, many patients suffer the
complications also had significantly longer MICU and same vasomotor disturbances and organ dysfunctions
hospital stays. without positive blood cultures. The foregoing epidemio-
Metabolic encephalopathy was the complication logical data indicate that septic encephalopathy is the
most frequently encountered, seen in 62 patients. Of most frequent neurological disorder encountered in
Sepsis 11 6 10 21 11
Other medical condition 4 3 4 3 6
Coronary artery disease 1 1 1 1 1
Other cardiac condition 4 3 3 2 4
Modified from Bleck et al.4
medical intensive care; it is also one of the more poorly puric lesions. Eight of the patients had electroencepha-
recognized and understood. Septic encephalopathy was lograms (EEGs), three of which showed multifocal
described in 18278 but has only recently become a subject epileptiform activity. Pendlebury and associates identi-
of organized neurological interest. Young and coworkers fied 35 patients with multiple CNS microabscesses
provided a thorough prospective analysis of this disorder among 2107 consecutive autopsies.15 All these patients
in a large university ICU.9 This group required fever and had chronic, usually immunocompromising, diseases,
a positive blood culture for inclusion in their study, a very and were frequently septic before death. The most
restrictive definition of sepsis, which provided a homo- common organisms implicated were Staphylococcus aureus
geneous group for analysis. Patients were excluded for and Candida albicans. In contrast, we did not find
preexisting brain disease; frequent sedative or opiate microabscesses in four patients autopsied of our 14 fatal
administration; pulmonary, hepatic, or renal failure; en- septic encephalopathy cases; this may represent sampling
docarditis; or long bone fractures that might have pro- error or other differences in the populations studied.4
duced fat embolism. The pathophysiology of septic encephalopathy is
These workers identified 69 patients over 31 of great interest. The systemic mediators of inflamma-
months; by clinical examination, 20 of them were not tion are capable of damaging the blood–brain barrier.16
encephalopathic (NE), 17 were mildly encephalopathic Such disruption has been documented in an animal
(ME), and 32 were severely encephalopathic (SE). Pa- model early in sepsis.17 The behavioral effects of cyto-
tient age, blood pressure on entry into the study, and kines vary with the neuroanatomical structures affected
temperature did not vary significantly among the groups. but include thermogenic behaviors in the hypothala-
The lowest systolic and diastolic blood pressures were mus18 and somnolence in the locus caeruleus.19 Inter-
statistically significantly lower (but probably not biolog- ferons also alter individual cortical and hippocampal
ically significantly lower) in the ME and SE groups when neuronal functions, suggesting a myriad of effects on
compared with the NE group. Mortality depended on the memory and emotion.20 Brain catecholamine concen-
category of encephalopathy: none of the NE patients trations are decreased in experimental sepsis.21 Sepsis
died, whereas 35% of the ME and 53% of the SE patients leads to the release of S-100B, a protein predominantly
died. Several laboratory values showed a linear relation- expressed in CNS glial cells, into the systemic circula-
ship with the severity of encephalopathy, including white tion; this leakage was not affected by steroids in a human
blood cell count, PaO2, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), trial.22 Increased serum concentrations of S-100B are
creatinine, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, and potas- usually viewed as evidence of cellular damage, which may
sium. The serum albumin concentration was inversely not be reparable.
related to encephalopathy. cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral oxygen
protein content was mildly elevated (60 to 85 mg/dL). extraction decrease in septic encephalopathy,23 along
Electroencephalographic abnormalities are more sensitive with the development of cerebral edema and disruption
indicators of central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction of the blood–brain barrier.24 Preliminary human studies
than the clinical examination, and also a powerful pre- suggest that these problems occur in several gray matter
dictor of survival.10 Evoked potential studies suggest that structures of the brain.25,26 Failure of cerebrovascular
brain dysfunction is even more prevalent in sepsis, being autoregulation is likely to compound these disorders,27
abnormal in 84%.11 A Veterans Administration (VA) producing cerebral ischemia. Both cerebral edema and
cooperative sepsis study also showed that ‘‘alterations in blood–brain barrier disruption appear to correlate with
mental status are common in septic patients, and are damage to astrocytic foot-processes.28,29 Aquaporin-4
associated with significantly higher mortality.’’12 expression increases in septic encephalopathy, but the
Eidelman and colleagues studied 50 patients with cellular events that trigger this change in sepsis require
severe sepsis and showed that encephalopathy was asso- further research.30
ciated with bacteremia and hepatic dysfunction.13 The The cause of the changes in CBF and oxygen
severity of encephalopathy correlated with mortality. extraction are less well understood. Focal elevations in
intracellular free calcium may cause neuronal dysfunc-
tion and also contribute to apoptotic31 or necrotic cell
PATHOLOGY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY loss.32 Activation of adenosine A1 receptors may be
The pathological basis of septic encephalopathy remains important in the development of a local CNS inflam-
obscure. Jackson et al autopsied 12 patients dying after matory response.33 Although cytokines have been sug-
severe, prolonged sepsis.14 They found cerebral micro- gested as mediators, a study of the effects of tumor
abscesses in eight patients and proliferation of astrocytes necrosis factor was unable to confirm its role in this
and microglia in three others; these findings suggested regard.34 However, a decline in CSF ascorbic acid
metastatic infection. Three of these patients also had concentration may reflect difficulty in safely handling
central pontine myelinolysis, and three had ischemic the oxygen-derived free radicals potentially resulting
strokes. The remaining patient demonstrated only pur- from both cytokine and nitric oxide excess.35 These
radicals may interfere with the mitochondrial electron Hyperventilation had previously been thought to
transport chain, leading to cellular energy deprivation.36 increase mortality, but a controlled trial demonstrated its
Magnesium administration may be able to attenuate utility.52 High-dose barbiturates may be used if mannitol
some of these problems,37 although this remains to be and hyperventilation fail to control ICP.53 The effect of
demonstrated in humans. posture is unpredictable,54 and computed tomographic
Abnormal systemic metabolism in sepsis may also (CT) scanning is debated as an indicator of the severity
contribute to CNS dysfunction. Mizock et al demon- of intracranial hypertension.55,56 Attempts to lower ICP
strated altered phenylalanine metabolism (elevated blood by reducing extracellular volume through hemofiltration
and CSF levels, and elevated phenylalanine metabolites) have not been effective.57 Dialysis against albumin may
in 11 patients with septic encephalopathy; in contrast, hold more promise.58 There is no current substitute for
patients with hepatic encephalopathy had elevated CSF invasive ICP monitoring in patients with FHF who are
concentrations of many other aromatic amino acids.38 in grade 3 (stuporous) or grade 4 (comatose). The need
Sprung and coworkers found elevated serum levels of for monitoring extends through the liver transplant
phenylalanine, ammonia, and tryptophan in encephalo- operation into at least the first postoperative day.59
pathic patients compared with infected patients with Recombinant factor VII administration immediately
normal sensoria, along with lower concentrations of before ICP monitor placement appears to reduce the
isoleucine.39 Other studies have confirmed this, and risk of intracerebral hemorrhage.60
find it linked to concentrations of calcitonin precursors Patients with FHF may also have elevated levels
and interleukin-6.40 The significance of these correlative of apparently endogenous 1,4-benzodiazepines,(3)
studies for the pathogenesis of encephalopathy is un- which may explain stupor or coma in patients who do
certain. Several authors have tried to implicate abnormal not have ICP elevations. An interaction between
hepatic and muscular metabolism of aromatic amino gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) and elevated con-
acids in both hepatic and septic encephalopathies, but centrations of ammonia may be important in both FHF
this hypothesis has been challenged (see further discus- and more chronic forms of hepatic encephalopathy.61
sion in the next section). Antibiotic treatment of septic More recent work has concentrated on the putative role
patients may actually enhance these problems.41 of neurosteroid agonists of the benzodiazepine recep-
Septic patients are prey to a wide variety of other tor62 because researchers have been unable to identify a
metabolic disorders and intoxications that cause ence- compound that structurally resembles the pharmaceut-
phalopathy apart from the direct effects of sepsis on the ical benzodiazepine nucleus.
brain and on cerebral blood flow.42 Nonconvulsive status Chronic hepatic encephalopathy does not appear
epilepticus is an underrecognized problem in the pop- to cause ICP elevation unless intracranial bleeding
ulation at risk.43 There is neither a diagnostic test to supervenes. As in FHF, endogenous benzodiazepine-
discriminate sepsis from other causes of encephalopathy like compounds (GABAA agonists) likely play a major
nor a specific treatment for the CNS disturbance. From a role,(4) and the use of GABA antagonists is being
clinical standpoint, the diagnosis of septic encephalop- actively investigated but has not yet become standard
athy remains one of exclusion.44 practice. About 70% of chronic hepatic encephalopathy
patients awaken rapidly when given flumazenil (for the
duration of the drug’s effect).63,64 These patients have
Hepatic Failure and the Central Nervous System numerous other metabolic abnormalities that may con-
The current debate over the pathogenesis of hepatic tribute to their encephalopathy, including abnormalities
encephalopathy is of great importance to clinical neuro- in the Krebs cycle65 and of methionine metabolism.66
scientists. In fulminant hepatic failure (FHF), increased
intracranial pressure (ICP) has become a major cause of
death in patients awaiting transplantation.45 Patients OTHER CAUSES OF ENCEPHALOPATHY IN
whose ICP has been elevated may survive a transplant THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT SETTING
but be left with CNS deficits.46 Renal and hypoxic encephalopathies are quite common
The mechanism of the cerebral edema that devel- in the ICU environment. Details of their diagnosis and
ops in FHF appears to be related to mitochondrial management are beyond the scope of this article, and
dysfunction47; it requires aggressive treatment.48 Ste- have been reviewed.67
roids are not effective, but mannitol has been useful.49 Iatrogenic causes of encephalopathy are also com-
As in many other causes of brain edema, abnormal mon in ICUs and should be actively excluded. Hypno-
function of matrix metalloproteinases probably contrib- sedative drugs and narcotic analgesics are the most
utes to the problem.50 As with most other causes of brain common agents in this category. Flumazenil and nalox-
edema, aquaporin-4 expression is involved; it may be one will reverse these drug-induced encephalopathies.
possible to decrease this by the administration of calci- The need to reverse the effects of these drugs in an
neurin antagonists.51 individual ICU patient should be carefully assessed
because the emergence of agitation or severe pain may be of anticonvulsant therapy; this was often justified by the
detrimental to the patient. If these drugs are used to argument that their underlying medical condition might
determine whether encephalopathy is due to medica- be adversely affected by subsequent seizures. We believe
tions, doses much smaller than those to treat respiratory that this constitutes excessively aggressive management
depression should be used initially. Flumazenil (0.1 to and that it postpones an appropriate search for etiology.
0.2 mg intravenously over 15 seconds), may be given For example, all three patients with recurrent seizures
every 60 seconds to a maximum of 1.0 mg. The risk of caused by nonketotic hyperglycemia were treated with at
seizures is always present when this drug is adminis- least two anticonvulsants; these drugs are known to be
tered.68 Naloxone, 0.04 to 0.08 mg intravenously, may ineffective in this condition.70
be given every 60 seconds to a total dose of 0.8 mg. When ICU patients do require treatment, phe-
Barbiturates are not antagonized by available agents. It nytoin remains a reasonable first choice. However, a
should be apparent from the preceding section on second agent, usually phenobarbital, was required in
hepatic encephalopathy that a response to flumazenil is most patients. Lorazepam was useful for the suppression
not specific for a benzodiazepine overdose. of breakthrough seizures, but the use of this drug was
Other encephalopathic conditions may arise dur- often continued without adequate attention to optimal
ing the course of ICU treatment. One of our poorly use of phenytoin or phenobarbital.
nourished patients developed Wernicke’s encephalop- Pentobarbital coma is often considered the treat-
athy from the dextrose administered as the vehicle for a ment of choice for refractory status epilepticus in ICU
lidocaine infusion to treat ventricular arrhythmias after patients. We have adopted the use of high-dose mid-
an acute myocardial infarction. The clinician must al- azolam in this circumstance.71 This method appears to
ways be aware that admission to the ICU does not be more rapidly effective and to have substantially fewer
prevent the development of intercurrent illnesses. and less severe adverse effects than pentobarbital, thio-
pental, or propofol.72
commonly after vecuronium use, it also occurs after NMJ increased cerebrospinal fluid protein concentration. An-
blocking agents that do not depend on renal or hepatic tecedent infection with Campylobacter jejeuni is fre-
excretion (e.g., atracurium).82 Myopathy may also occur quently in patients with the axonal form of Guillain-
in the setting of some viral infections, such as influenza. Barré.94 Other differential diagnostic concerns are bot-
A syndrome of disseminated pyogenic myopathy has also ulism, which impairs presynaptic acetylcholine release,
been described,83 presumably as a consequence of bac- and myasthenia gravis, in which the motor end plate is
teremic seeding of muscles. damaged. These conditions have characteristic nerve
Critical illness polyneuropathy has also been conduction and electromyographic characteristics. No
noted after organ transplantation without sepsis.84 specific treatment for critical illness polyneuropathy is
Although most of the patients reported to have critical available. Anecdotal evidence does not favor the use of
illness polyneuropathy have been adults, this condition plasma exchange or intravenous immunoglobulin, but
has been recognized with increasing frequency in chil- there have been no definitive trials. Almost all patients
dren as well.85 recover eventually, but this may require 6 months or
In contrast to the body of experimental work on more of ventilatory support.
septic encephalopathy, very little is understood about the The prolonged effect of NMJ blocking agents can
pathogenesis of the neuromuscular complications of be suspected by lack of tendon reflexes and inability to
sepsis.86 Hyperglycemia correlates with the development produce muscle contraction with a bedside neuromus-
of critical illness polyneuropathy, but these may be cular stimulator. If the diagnosis is in question, it can be
independent markers of disease severity. However, the confirmed by formal nerve conduction studies and elec-
dramatic reduction in critical illness polyneuropathy tromyography. There is no specific treatment, but the
with intensive control of blood glucose in both medical87 condition will resolve when the agent in question has
and surgical88 ICU patients points to an important role cleared.
of hyperglycemia in the genesis of this condition, as well Critical illness myopathy is often accompanied by
as in many other neurological problems seen in critical substantial elevation of the serum creatine kinase (CK)
care units.89 The neuronal microenvironment is similar concentration, which serves to distinguish this condition
to that of the extracellular space of the brain; the same from steroid myopathy, in which the CK is usually
alterations that produce septic encephalopathy may be normal. Electromyography is usually an adequate diag-
responsible for critical illness polyneuropathy, but fur- nostic study, and muscle biopsy is only rarely required.95
ther investigation is clearly needed. Critical illness myo- Again, no specific treatment is available, but the con-
pathy may result from the functional denervation dition will resolve; whether it will resolve faster if
induced by NMJ blockade; it does not appear to be systemic steroids are reduced or discontinued is uncer-
simply a severe form of steroid myopathy. tain. A more recently described syndrome of acute
quadriplegic myopathy is also probably associated with
steroids; in this condition, muscle is electrically inexcit-
Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis, and Prognosis able even with direct stimulation.96 Nerves are histolog-
Recognition of a neuromuscular complication of sepsis ically normal, but muscles show thick filament loss.97
generally occurs as the patient begins to recover from the Although no treatment is known, the prognosis for this
critical illness that first required ventilatory support. condition is for more rapid recovery than that for critical
Critical illness polyneuropathy is usually suspected illness polyneuropathy.
when the patient’s pulmonary mechanics (e.g., static There are many other neurological problems that
compliance) and gas exchange suggest that weaning may arise during the course of an ICU stay which may
should be possible, but the patient is too weak to tolerate impede weaning from mechanical ventilation. Kelly and
it.90 There is commonly some evidence of distal weak- Matthay prospectively studied 66 consecutive adult pa-
ness on examination. Tendon reflexes are often absent or tients requiring mechanical ventilation for more than
diminished, but critical illness polyneuropathy may be 48 hours to determine the reasons for their ventilatory
present without alteration in reflexes.91 Gorson provides problems.95 Neurological problems, primarily encepha-
an excellent framework for the evaluation of patients lopathies, were held responsible for the continuing need
with these problems.92 for ventilatory support in 32% of the patients, and
The diagnosis depends on electrophysiological contributed to this problem in another 41%. Although
studies, which demonstrate an axonal disorder. Electro- this study was not directed at patients who failed to wean
myographic studies of the diaphragm confirm the pres- after resolution of their presenting disease, it does high-
ence of denervation.93 The differential diagnosis is light the role of neurological problems early in critical
usually limited to consideration of the axonal form of illness. Spitzer and colleagues studied 21 patients who
the Guillain-Barré syndrome; this condition usually failed to wean after their presenting disease had im-
causes much more severe generalized weakness than proved to the point that their intensivists believed that
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Delirium and Cognitive Dysfunction in the
Intensive Care Unit
Russell R. Miller III, M.D., M.P.H.1 and E. Wesley Ely, M.D., M.P.H.1,2,3
In 2002, the Society of Critical Care Medicine issue among intensive care unit (ICU) patients. From
suggested that all critically ill patients should be moni- pharmacological to nonpharmacological interventions,
tored both for level of sedation and for delirium.1 With progress seems possible. It is likely as well that subsyn-
the advent of diagnostic tools to assess for sedation and dromal delirium—that is, the presence of some delirium
delirium since the last version of this topic in Seminars in features within a patient not otherwise diagnostic of full
2001,2 the Society’s guidelines have become possible. No delirium—may represent a form of brain dysfunction
longer should delirium be a ‘‘part of the scenery,’’ as along a spectrum heretofore not described among crit-
described in 2001, because the presence of delirium using ically ill patients. This article updates the knowledge
these tools has been shown independently to predict about how to predict and measure the frequency of
myriad untoward outcomes. delirium in the ICU, what its consequences are, how
An understanding of how to prevent and treat potentially to treat or prevent it, and how to think of
delirium is only in its infancy, though numerous med- delirium within the broader context of acute brain
ications and several trials have attempted to address this dysfunction in the ICU.
Division of Allergy, Pulmonary, and Critical Care Medicine, Van- Medicine, Center for Health Services Research, 6th Fl. Medical Center
derbilt University School of Medicine; 2Department of Medicine, East 6100, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN
Center for Health Services Research, 3Veterans Affairs Tennessee 37232-8300. E-mail: [email protected].
Valley Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC), Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2006;27:210–220. Copyright # 2006
Nashville, Tennessee. by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York,
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Russell R. Miller NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
III, M.D., M.P.H., Division of Allergy, Pulmonary, and Critical Care DOI 10.1055/s-2006-945532. ISSN 1069-3424.
WHAT IS DELIRIUM? became the new reference standard for delirium among
Delirium is a disturbance of consciousness that develops non-ICU patients. However, the CAM’s adaptation and
acutely, tends to fluctuate, and is associated with in- applicability to a cohort of critically ill patients had not
attention, impaired cognition, and perceptual disturban- been tested as of the previous publication of this topic in
ces. Although delirium arguably has a clear definition, Seminars in 2001. Efforts to enhance the feasibility,
there may be significant heterogeneity of the disease, validity, and reliability of the CAM among ICU patients,
suggestive of complex neuropsychiatric pathophysiology. resulting in the CAM-ICU, have since revolutionized
Attempts to better characterize delirium have resulted in and standardized the detection and monitoring of delir-
the description of motoric subtypes: hyperactive, hypo- ium among the critically ill.
active, and mixed (both hyperactive and hypoactive
features).3,4 Hyperactive delirium is characterized by
increased psychomotor activity and hallucinations or DEMOGRAPHICS OF DELIRIUM
other active perceptual disturbances. Decreased psycho- Approximately 15 to 60% of hospitalized general med-
motor activity and inattention frequently constitute ical or surgical patients become delirious, with the
hypoactive delirium. Many patients demonstrate a com- occurrence highest among older patients.8–11 The prev-
bination of the two types. For instance, in a study by alence of delirium among mechanically ventilated ICU
Peterson et al of 614 consecutive medical ICU patients patients ranges from 7 to 80%, with the highest rates
who were monitored for delirium over 1 year, hypoactive likewise among patients > 65 years old.12–25
(44%) and mixed (55%) delirium were much more Prior supposition has been that the wide variation
common than pure hyperactive delirium ( 2%). The in prevalence of delirium among cohorts of critically ill
majority of patients exhibited hypoactive delirium at patients was due to differences among patient popula-
some point during their ICU stay, especially patients tions or by different severities of illness. Three caveats
> 65 years old.5 Accordingly, prior assumptions as to the exist. First, application of tools not intended for use
manifestations of delirium, and thus the frequency with among largely nonverbal cohorts of ICU patients (such
which it has been previously detected, may be fallacious. as the original CAM) may not be appropriate. McNicoll
Inadequate recognition of a complex disease and and colleagues compared the CAM to the CAM-ICU
reliance upon imperfect tools for detection limited rec- in a study of 22 alert, nonintubated ICU patients, noting
ognition of delirium into the 21st century. For many that the two instruments agreed 82% of the time but that
years, delirium has been described in the literature using the CAM identified delirium in four patients that the
such terms as ICU psychosis, encephalopathy of critical CAM-ICU did not.23 However, the frequent use of
illness, septic encephalopathy, acute confusion, neurological sedation and analgesia, even among nonventilated ICU
impairment, and toxic confusional state, among others. patients, calls into question the validity and reliability of
However, several, significant modifications in the termi- the CAM’s verbal assessment, and the authors did not
nology regarding delirium have occurred over the last 25 employ a reference standard (i.e., formal psychiatric
or more years, prompted in part by nosological stand- assessment). Second, the most recent revision of the
ardization from the American Psychiatric Association. DSM (DSM-IV) has been found to yield a higher
Since 1980 the reference standard for diagnosis of delir- prevalence of delirium than did the DSM-IIIR.26,27
ium by psychiatrists among verbal patients has been the Third, a recent, unpublished, prospective cohort study
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of critically ill surgical and trauma patients suggests that
(DSM). Then, in 1990 Inouye et al6 adapted DSM-IIIR7 the prevalence of delirium among that cohort is 68%
criteria for delirium for use in noncritically ill patients. (pers. comm., P. Pandharipande, Vanderbilt University
The authors formally operationalized the resultant Con- Medical Center); therefore, the prevalence of delirium
fusion Assessment Method (CAM) as an algorithm using may not, as has been suggested, be any lower among
four of the features of delirium as described in the nonmedical ICU patients. Accounting for these caveats,
DSM-IIIR: acute onset, fluctuating course, altered level the prevalence of delirium among mechanically ventilated
of consciousness, inattention, disorganized thinking, al- ICU patients appears to vary from 50% to 80%, with a
tered level of consciousness, disorientation, memory range for nonventilated ICU patients from 21 to 68%.
impairment, perceptual disturbances (e.g., hallucinations,
delusions), psychomotor retardation or agitation, inap-
propriate speech or mood, and sleep/wake cycle disturb- RISK FACTORS FOR DELIRIUM
ance. The CAM required the presence of both (1) acute Because there have been relatively few studies of risk
onset of altered mental status and fluctuation thereof and factors for delirium, numerous potential risk factors
(2) inattention and either (3) disorganized thinking or exist. Moreover, there are likely multiple factors even
(4) altered level of consciousness. Following successful within a given patient that could lead to delirium. For
validation of the CAM and determination of its reli- many patients the ICU represents the intersection
ability even when used by nonpsychiatrists, the CAM of multiorgan dysfunction necessitating mechanical
ventilation, which begets sedatives and/or narcotics to medications. It is possible that delirium represents an
ensure patient comfort and patient–ventilator synchrony. idiosyncratic reaction to psychoactive (or other) med-
Those patients who do not require mechanical ventilation ications, accounting for some of the difference in the
frequently still evidence frequent disruptions of sleep (i.e., limited data to date. Further evaluation of the role of
from alarming monitors or intravenous pumps, blood psychoactive medications commonly used in the ICU
draws, bathing, or changes in positioning to prevent is warranted to elucidate mechanisms and the role of
decubitus ulcer formation); moreover, nonventilated these medications in the development of delirium.
ICU patients not uncommonly still require sedatives or Efforts to minimize the use of sedatives and analgesics
narcotics and suffer multiple organ dysfunctions. have been strongly encouraged for ventilated patients.32
For practicality and simplicity, we divide proven Additionally, alternative medications should be sought,
or potential risk factors among three categories: (1) host such as dexmedetomidine in place of benzodiazepines
characteristics, (2) features of the acute illness, and (3) for sedation.
environmental or iatrogenic factors (Table 1).27a Another important and common risk factor,
The accumulation of risk factors likely portends though unalterable, among hospitalized patients is older
development of delirium. In separate cohorts of non-ICU age. Increasing age has been shown to independently
patients, Francis et al28 and Inouye and Charpentier29 predict delirium among non-ICU patients.33,34 How-
noted at least a 60% risk of developing delirium among ever, this relationship has been unproven among ICU
patients with three or more risk factors. Critically ill patients > 65 years old, who account for nearly 60% of all
patients easily have at least three risk factors. In fact, in a ICU patient-days.35 Some have suggested that this
study of 53 consecutive medical ICU patients, Ely et al disconnect may be due to a generally faulty assumption
discovered that each patient had a mean ( standard that the risk factors outside the ICU are the same as
deviation) of 11 ( 4) delirium risk factors, with a range those within. For example, in a cohort of 216 critically ill
of three to 17.30 The accumulation of risk factors in medical and surgical patients in whom the overall
critically ill patients undoubtedly contributes to a high prevalence of delirium was low (19%), the authors
prevalence of delirium. were unable to show that common risk factors for
Perhaps the most universal and potentially mod- delirium (e.g., age) outside the ICU were significant
ifiable risk factor among critically ill patients is expo- among the critically ill.16 Likewise in a cohort of 818
sure to psychoactive medications such as sedatives and surgical ICU patients, age was not associated with
analgesics. Ely et al identified exposure to benzodiaze- delirium using logistic regression. However, this pop-
pines or narcotics in 98% of patients in an ICU ulation was young compared with typical ICU popula-
cohort.30 In a cohort of 216 medical and surgical ICU tions.13 Moreover, both of these studies suffered from
patients, Dubois et al found that morphine was the insufficient power or methodological problems, poten-
strongest predictor of delirium in a multivariable model, tially limiting their ability to detect differences among
with an increase in odds of at least sixfold over patients > 65 years old. Finally, in 2006 Pandharipande
5 months.16 Additionally, in a cohort of 198 mechanically et al demonstrated that age significantly increases risk
ventilated medical and cardiac ICU patients, Pandhar- for development of ICU delirium.31 The authors noted
ipande et al found that lorazepam had an independent a statistically significant, 2% increase in probability of
and dose-related temporal association with delirium.31 transition to delirium for each year beyond age 65, even
The risk for daily transition to delirium increased by 20% after controlling for relevant covariates.
per milligram of lorazepam [odds ratio (OR) ¼ 1.2 per
mg; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.1 to 1.4; p ¼ .003]
after adjusting for 11 relevant covariates. Despite a trend HOW DO WE MEASURE DELIRIUM
toward significance, midazolam and fentanyl did not IN THE ICU?
significantly portend the same risk, likely because the At best, and despite its prevalence, medical doctors and
study was underpowered to detect a difference with these intensivists have markedly underdiagnosed delirium
Figure 1 Diagnosis of delirium with the Confusion Assessment Method for the intensive care unit (CAM-ICU). Adapted from Inouye
et al6 and copyright # 2002, E. Wesley Ely, M.D., M.P.H. and Vanderbilt University, all rights reserved. See
for more information.
since its nosological inception in 1980.36–38 After the appropriate for use in screening for (rather than diag-
1987 revision of the DSM, Inouye et al6 developed and nosing) delirium.
validated a tool (the CAM) to assess hospitalized pa- Developed in 2001, the CAM-ICU is the only
tients for delirium. Other tools for use outside the ICU delirium assessment tool for use in critically ill patients
were subsequently developed and tested with varying that has been validated against a reference standard rater
degrees of success.39,40 However, they were not practical in multiple cohorts.14,15,21 Building upon the work of
for use in critically ill patients because they required Inouye et al,6 Hart et al,41,42 and others43 as well as the
verbal responses, took at least 5 to 10 minutes to DSM-IV,44 Ely et al14 created the CAM-ICU (Fig. 1)
complete, were not found valid and reliable among for use by nonpsychiatrists in mechanically ventilated
ICU patients, or were not demonstrated to be associated patients. When features 1 and 2 and either feature 3 or
with clinical outcomes. Hence, delirium continued to be feature 4 are present, a patient is said to be delirious, or
underrecognized in the ICU population. ‘‘CAM-ICU positive.’’ In the largest validation cohort of
Efforts to create an instrument to objectively 111 medical ICU patients using the CAM-ICU and as
evaluate for delirium among ICU patients began in compared with reference standard raters, two study
1996 and led to the development and validation of the nurses demonstrated high sensitivity (93 to 100%),
Cognitive Test for Delirium41,42 and the Intensive high specificity (98 to 100%), and high interrater reli-
Care Delirium Screening Checklist.17 The abbreviated ability (k ¼ 0.96; 95% CI, 0.92 to 0.99).14 Importantly,
version of the Cognitive Test for Delirium was pre- the CAM-ICU also distinguishes delirium from
sented in 1997 by Hart et al42 after evaluation in 19 coma—defined as the state of unarousability, unaware-
delirious patients (15 critically ill). Although it took but ness of the environment, and absence of spontaneous
a few minutes to complete and was shown to discrim- interaction or awareness of the interviewer—and de-
inate well among delirium, dementia, depression, and mentia. Requiring on average less than 2 minutes to
schizophrenia (p < .0001), the abbreviated Cognitive complete, the CAM-ICU has been validated, and its
Test for Delirium has not been prospectively validated reliability has been confirmed in other languages and at
in a cohort of ICU patients. In contrast, when the least one other region of the world.21 Its ease of use
Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist was first among nonpsychiatrists also makes the CAM-ICU
reported in 2001, it was heralded as valid in a general practical.45 Subsequent revisions of the CAM-ICU,
population of ICU patients. Using a consultant psy- including use of the validated Richmond Agitation
chiatrist as the reference standard rater and relying Sedation Scale to monitor level of consciousness46–48
largely upon chart review, the checklist of eight differ- and a greater reliance upon a form of the Vigilance A
ent delirium features derived from DSM criteria pre- random letter test43 rather than the picture recognition
dicted delirium with reported 99% sensitivity but only tool for the attention screening examination, are being
64% specificity, using a cutoff of four or more features incorporated in ongoing clinical trials. The development
as indicating delirium. Because of the low specificity, of a simple, objective, brief, valid, reliable, and widely
the authors concluded that the checklist was most accepted, bedside assessment tool for critically ill, often
Figure 2 Kaplan-Meier analysis of delirium in the intensive care unit and 6-month survival. Adapted from Ely et al.20
mechanically ventilated, patients has revolutionized discharge and noted a threefold increase in the risk of
the detection of delirium but also revealed its serious death by 6 months, even after adjustment for age,
sequelae. severity of illness, comorbid conditions, coma, and the
use of sedatives and analgesics (Fig. 2, adjusted hazard
ratio ¼ 3.2; 95% CI, 1.4 to 7.7; p ¼ 0.008).20
With an effective tool to diagnose delirium, the next step Costs of care in the ICU are significantly higher among
was to determine the independent association of delir- those who develop delirium than in those who do not.
ium with multiple, clinically significant end points. In Milbrandt et al reported in 2004 that the costs to care for
the last 5 years, much has been learned about the impact a delirious, critically ill patient were significantly higher
of delirium both during hospitalization and for up to than for patients who never became delirious, even after
2 years later. On a daily basis, delirium and/or altered controlling for several covariates.51 The costs of caring
levels of consciousness contribute to an increased risk of for delirious, critically ill patients were a median $9014
complications related to the complex bedside monitor- and $14,730 higher for ICU and hospital stays, respec-
ing, drug delivery,16 and life-supporting therapies that tively. At least part of this increase would likely be
are commonplace in ICUs. Given that most patients accounted for by longer lengths of stay.
who develop delirium survive to hospital discharge, these
long-term sequelae will likely prove to be more burden-
some than currently imagined. Length of Stay
That ICU delirium independently prolongs hospital
length of stay has been demonstrated in two cohorts.
Mortality The first of these, a prospective cohort of 275 mechan-
Increased risk of death among delirious, noncritically ill ically ventilated ICU patients, demonstrated an ad-
patients for up to 2 years has been previously identi- justed hazard ratio of 2.0 ( p < .001) for longer
fied.49,50 In the last 5 years, additional data on critically hospital stay among delirious patients, even after
ill patients have shown a similar impact of delirium, controlling for covariates.20 Similarly, in a cohort of
though not always during the immediate hospitalization 261 consecutive, non-intubated medical ICU patients,
period.12,16,24 Lin et al demonstrated a 13-fold increased patients who had experienced delirium in the ICU had
risk for in-hospital death among 111 mechanically a 41% greater risk of remaining in the hospital relative
ventilated patients.21 Furthermore, Ely et al prospec- to non-delirious patients (p ¼ .023).25 Whether intu-
tively followed 275 mechanically ventilated, medical bated or not, it appears delirium may prolong length of
ICU patients for 6 months from the time of hospital hospital stay.
Drug Therapy
STRATEGIES FOR OPTIMAL That nonpharmacological interventions to prevent a
MANAGEMENT disease are prudent is no surprise. However, with a
With the development of effective diagnostic tools such widening array of medications at our disposal, physi-
as the CAM-ICU and the Richmond Agitation Seda- cians are tempted to act when faced with medical
tion Scale, the Society of Critical Care Medicine’s abnormalities. Accordingly, the temptation to seek
recommendations to monitor for delirium and sedation pharmacological interventions for diseases such as de-
level in all critically ill patients are easier to follow—and lirium in the ICU frequently outpaces the scientific
evidence to support their use. One need look no further plasma concentrations are typically reached within 5 to 8
than a 2004 survey of 912 intensivists, of whom 92% hours following enteral ingestion, though risperidone
considered delirium a substantial problem in the ICU reaches peak concentration within 1 hour, or within
despite only 40% routinely screening for it. Yet, 79% 1 hour for drugs administered intramuscularly. In con-
reported that delirium requires active intervention and trast to haloperidol, the atypical antipsychotics cause few
66% felt haloperidol should be the treatment of choice, side effects usually, though weight gain and hypotension
followed by lorazepam (12%) and atypical antipsy- are not uncommon, and there may be an increased risk of
chotics (4%). Despite this impulse to intervene phar- hyperglycemia or diabetes.75 The risk of extrapyramidal
macologically with haloperidol and the support of this symptoms or neuroleptic malignant syndrome is lower
position by both the Society of Critical Care Medicine1 than with haloperidol.
and the American Psychiatric Association,63 there are Data supporting the use of haloperidol either
no randomized, placebo-controlled trials to confirm alone or versus other medications is limited. Evidence
the efficacy of haloperidol in either the prevention or for the potential benefit of haloperidol, however, was
the treatment of delirium. Not surprisingly, no drugs recognized by Milbrandt et al. In a cohort of 989
have Food and Drug Administration approval for the mechanically ventilated ICU patients, those who re-
prevention or the treatment of delirium. Through 2005, ceived haloperidol within the first 48 hours were 16%
anecdotal evidence, uncontrolled trials, and a few less likely to die during the hospitalization.76 One
randomized trials comparing haloperidol to neurolep- explanation for this finding is the purported antiinflam-
tics or benzodiazepines constitute the basis for profes- matory effect of haloperidol.
sional societies’ recommendation of haloperidol. The only prospective trials to our knowledge to
Medications such as haloperidol and the so-called evaluate the efficacy of treatment of delirium in the ICU
atypical antipsychotics (e.g., olanzapine, risperidone, with antipsychotics are fraught with limitations but
ziprasidone, aripiprazole, quetiapine) are thought to provide reassurance as to the safety of the atypical
exert their antidelirium effect in at least two ways. First, antipsychotics. One unblinded study evaluated the effi-
the drugs are thought to ‘‘normalize’’ cerebral function by cacy and safety of enteral olanzapine as compared with
disinhibition of acetylcholine, blockade of dopamine enteral haloperidol in the treatment of 73 ICU patients
receptors, and activation of serotonin receptors. Second, who screened positive for delirium according to DSM-
some data suggest that haloperidol may exhibit antiin- IV criteria.22 Although there was no difference in the
flammatory effects upon the production of proinflam- development of delirium between the treatment groups,
matory cytokines.64,65 the study confirmed the safety of olanzapine because
The atypical antipsychotics do not have intra- none of the patients in the olanzapine arm but six
venous formulations. As such, those who have or are patients in the haloperidol arm experienced extrapyra-
investigating haloperidol as compared with an atypical midal symptoms. In addition to a simplistic random-
antipsychotic must rely upon either enteral or intra- ization scheme, a predominance of surgical ICU
muscular administration. Nonetheless, intravenous hal- patients, and a low severity of illness score (mean Acute
operidol is not only common but recommended,1,66,67 Physiology and Chronic Health II score of 12.7), the low
with a protocol of escalating dose (e.g., doubling every overall prevalence of delirium (21%) relative to other
30 minutes until desired effect) noted in professional ICU cohorts calls into question the generalizability of
guidelines.1 this study’s results. Although the trial did not intend to
Pharmacokinetics is important with antipsy- answer the question of whether olanzapine is equal or
chotics, as with all drugs, in portending risk of adverse superior to haloperidol, it did suggest that the former is
events. The half-life of haloperidol is 21 hours, with no more, and perhaps less, harmful. Moreover, similar
peak plasma concentrations noted within 2 to 6 hours results were found in a separate trial comparing haloper-
of dosing (enteral) or 20 minutes (intramuscular). idol to risperidone.77 Again, delirium scores decreased
Notable adverse effects can include hypotension that during drug administration in both groups (p < .05), but
antagonizes adrenaline (especially in parenteral there was no difference in the scores between the two
form), and dose-dependent QTc prolongation leading treatment groups (p ¼ .51). A placebo-controlled study
to cardiac tachyarrhythmias such as torsades de comparing placebo to haloperidol and to an atypical
pointes68–70 —particularly among patients with preex- antipsychotic would most appropriately address this
isting cardiac disease, those receiving other medica- question.
tions that prolong the QTc, those receiving > 35 mg As suggested by the first admonition of the
cumulative dose, and those with extrapyramidal symp- Hippocratic oath, it may be as important what medi-
toms,71 neuroleptic malignant syndrome,72 dyspho- cations we do not use as those we do use to alter the
ria,73 or laryngospasm.74 Meanwhile, the atypical occurrence and course of delirium. Almost all ICU
antipsychotics typically have half-lives of 20 þ hours, patients require and receive sedatives and analgesics,
with the exception of ziprasidone ( 7 hours). Peak particularly during the early part of their ICU stay, and
avoidance of harmful medications during that time at postacute skilled nursing facilities. They found that
seems prudent. Little evidence exists to date to guide patients with subsyndromal delirium had intermediate
this type of decision, but in a study by Breitbart et al,78 6-month mortality rates (25.0, 18.3, and 5.7% for
the authors randomized 30 hospitalized and subse- delirious, subsyndromal delirium, and ‘‘normal’’ patients,
quently delirious acquired immunodeficiency syn- respectively), intermediate rehospitalization rates, and
drome patients to receive either lorazepam (n ¼ 6), intermediate rates of complications, even after adjusting
chlorpromazine (n ¼ 13), or haloperidol (n ¼ 11).78 for age, preexisting dementia, and medical comorbidity.
They found that either haloperidol or chlorpromazine Identification of similar phenomenonology of acute
significantly reduced the delirium score as compared brain dysfunction in the ICU might help better target
with lorazepam (p < .001), leading the authors to therapeutic interventions.
suggest that lorazepam alone is ineffective in decreas-
ing delirium symptoms. That it is a known risk factor
further validates the assertion that outside well-known SUMMARY
drug withdrawal syndromes, benzodiazepines are not Since 2001 our knowledge of delirium in the ICU has
recommended for routine treatment of delirium. changed dramatically. There has been greater under-
Moreover, when used, they should be used in the standing, if persistent underappreciation, of the occur-
context of sedation protocols that employ intermittent rence of delirium among the critically ill. Also efforts to
bolus sedation, if at all possible.32,79,80 identify risk factors for delirium in the ICU have
Although minimal data beyond consensus opinion increased and are suggesting targets for refinements of
exist currently to guide prevention or treatment decisions ICU practice that will hopefully diminish the sequelae of
in ICU delirium, the CAM-ICU provides an effective delirium. With the additional development of the
way to evaluate the safety and efficacy of nonpharmaco- CAM-ICU, the independent association of delirium
logical and pharmacological interventions alike. Several, with untoward outcomes from mortality to long-term
ongoing, randomized, and/or placebo-controlled trials cognitive impairment has been possible to describe.
should begin to clarify the indications for use of the Now, further efforts to determine appropriate interven-
typical and atypical antipsychotics and the indications for tions and management of delirium must come to the
use of agents other than benzodiazepines for sedation. fore. Placebo-controlled trials for treatment of delirium
are on the horizon. In avoiding harmful medications or
pursuing beneficial ones, the prevention and treatment
SPECTRUM OF ACUTE BRAIN of delirium or any of the various subtypes along the
DYSFUNCTION continuum of acute brain dysfunction in the ICU will
In addition to delirium, other forms of brain dysfunction require a multidisciplinary approach. Diligent investiga-
such as coma, stupor, and the more recently described tion, including large cohort studies, will help identify
subsyndromal delirium may represent a continuum of potential new targets for intervention in the years ahead.
acute brain dysfunction (Fig. 3). Subsyndromal delirium
is perhaps best defined as the presence of some, but not
all, of the criteria for delirium.81–84 In the case of the GRANT SUPPORT
CAM-ICU, that could mean disorganized thinking Dr. Ely is a recipient of a K23 from the National
despite normal levels of consciousness and attention or Institute of Health (#AG01023–01A1).
a fluctuating level of consciousness despite preserved
attention and thinking. Distinction of these subtypes
of brain dysfunction may be pertinent in light of the
prevailing notion that increasing severity of delirium is REFERENCES
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Cardiac Arrhythmias in the Intensive Care Unit
Daniel J. Tarditi, D.O.1 and Steven M. Hollenberg, M.D.1
Cardiac arrhythmias are a common problem encountered in the intensive care unit
(ICU) and represent a major source of morbidity. Arrhythmias are most likely to occur in
patients with structural heart disease. The inciting factor for an arrhythmia in a given
patient may be an insult such as hypoxia, infection, cardiac ischemia, catecholamine excess
(endogenous or exogenous), or an electrolyte abnormality. Management includes correc-
tion of these imbalances as well as medical therapy directed at the arrhythmia itself. The
physiological impact of arrhythmias depends on ventricular response rate and duration, and
the impact of a given arrhythmia in a given situation depends on the patient’s cardiac
physiology and function. Similarly, urgency and type of treatment are determined by the
physiological impact of the arrhythmia as well as by underlying cardiac status. The purpose
of this review is to provide an update regarding current concepts of diagnosis and acute
management of arrhythmias in the ICU. A systematic approach to diagnosis and evaluation
will be presented, followed by consideration of specific arrhythmias.
A rrhythmias are a common dilemma confront- of an atrial kick may cause a dramatic increase in
ing the intensivist. They represent a major source of pulmonary pressures in patients with diastolic dysfunc-
morbidity, and they lengthen hospital stay. Arrhythmias tion. Similarly, tachyarrhythmias can decrease diastolic
are most likely to occur in patients with structural heart filling and reduce cardiac output, resulting in hypoten-
disease. The inciting factor for an arrhythmia in a given sion, in addition to producing myocardial ischemia.
patient may be an insult such as hypoxia, infection, Clearly, the impact of a given arrhythmia in a given
cardiac ischemia, catecholamine excess (endogenous or situation depends on the patient’s cardiac physiology and
exogenous), or an electrolyte abnormality. Management function. Similarly, urgency and type of treatment are
includes correction of these imbalances as well as medical determined by the physiological impact of the arrhyth-
therapy directed at the arrhythmia itself. mia as well as by underlying cardiac status.
The physiological impact of arrhythmias depends This review provides an update regarding current
on ventricular response rate and duration as well as on concepts of diagnosis and acute management of arrhyth-
the underlying cardiac function. Bradyarrhythmias may mias in the intensive care unit (ICU). A systematic
decrease cardiac output due to heart rate alone in approach to diagnosis and evaluation will be presented,
patients with relatively fixed stroke volumes, and loss followed by consideration of specific arrhythmias.
Divisions of Cardiovascular Disease and Critical Care Medicine, Non-pulmonary Critical Care: Managing Multisystem Critical Ill-
Cooper University Hospital, Camden, New Jersey. ness; Guest Editor, Curtis N. Sessler, M.D.
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Steven M. Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2006;27:221–229. Copyright # 2006
Hollenberg, M.D., Divisions of Cardiovascular Disease and Critical by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York,
Care Medicine, Cooper University Hospital, One Cooper Plaza, NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
366 Dorrance, Camden, NJ 08103. E-mail: Hollenberg-Steven@ DOI 10.1055/s-2006-945525. ISSN 1069-3424.
Figure 1 (A) Atrioventricular (AV) node demonstrating dual pathways: slow (a) pathway with short refractory period and fast (b)
pathway with long refractory period. (B) Premature impulse conducts down slow pathway while fast pathway is still refractory to
conduction. (C) As impulse conducts down slow pathway, the fast pathway recovers. (D) Impulse goes up fast pathway as it conducts to
the ventricle. (E) Impulse reenters cycle in AV node completing reentrant circuit.
option. However, it is worth considering that the sinus 250 to 350 bpm. Patients often present with 2:1 AV
tachycardia may be an appropriate hemodynamic response conduction with a ventricular rate of 150 bpm,
to hypotension, hypovolemia, or low cardiac output; if this although the AV conduction ratio can change abruptly.
is the case, overzealous use of b-blockers can reduce Acute treatment consists of AV-nodal-blocking drugs
cardiac output, with potentially disastrous consequences. for rate control. If the patient becomes clinically un-
stable, direct current–synchronized (DC-synchronized)
ATRIOVENTRICULAR NODAL REENTRANT TACHYCARDIA cardioversion with 50 J is usually sufficient, with success
AVNRT typically occurs at a heart rate of 140 to rate of 95 to 100%.5 IV ibutilide has an efficacy rate of
180 bpm. It is more prevalent in females and is not 76% for conversion to sinus rhythm in clinical trials
usually associated with structural heart disease. AVNRT but prolongs the QT interval and can provoke sustained
involves dual AV nodal pathways, usually with slow polymorphic VT in 1 to 2% of cases.6,7 Ibutilide should
conduction antegrade and retrograde conduction via a not be used in patients with a prolonged QTc interval
transiently refractory second pathway (Fig. 1). Therefore, (greater than 420 msec), or in those with underlying
the key to treatment is to block AV conduction. Acute sinus node disease. Other antiarrhythmics such as
treatment includes vagal maneuvers and IV adenosine. sotalol, procainamide, and flecainide have demon-
Long-term preventative therapy includes medications strated less efficacy for acute conversion.8–10 If a tem-
that suppress the initiating premature atrial contractions porary or permanent pacemaker is in place, atrial
(b-blockers) or slow AV conduction (nondihydropyridine overdrive (burst) pacing can sometimes restore sinus
calcium-channel blockers, b-blockers, and digoxin),4 or rhythm via overdrive suppression.
catheter ablation of one of the pathways. Long-term treatment of the ventricular rate in
atrial flutter usually consists of diltiazem, verapamil, b-
ATRIAL FLUTTER blockers, or digoxin. Class IC drugs (flecainide) are very
Atrial flutter is a macroreentrant arrhythmia identified effective in preventing atrial flutter, but by slowing the
by flutter waves, often best seen in the inferior leads, at atrial rate, they have the potential to cause 1:1 AV
Diltiazem 0.25 mg/kg over 2 min 2–7 min 5–15 mg/h infusion
Esmolol 0.5 mg/kg over 1 min 5 min 0.05–0.2 mg/kg/min
Metoprolol 2.5–5.0 mg over 2 min up to three doses 5 min NA
Propanolol 0.15 mg/kg 5 min NA
Verapamil 0.075–0.15 mg/kg over 2 min 3–5 min NA
Digoxin 0.25 mg each 2 h up to 1.5 mg 2h 0.125–0.25 mg daily
conduction, and should always be combined with AV- Digoxin controls ventricular response through a
nodal-blocking agents. centrally mediated vagal mechanism and by direct action
on the AV node. It controls resting heart rates in patients
who do not have increased catecholamine levels but is
Irregular Rhythms less effective in the ICU. IV digoxin begins to slow the
Irregular narrow complex SVT includes AF, multifocal heart rate in 30 minutes.18
atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter with variable block, and Cardioversion of a patient with AF carries a
sinus tachycardia with frequent premature atrial com- stroke risk from 1.1% if anticoagulated for 3 weeks to
plexes. 7% if not anticoagulated, even if AF duration is less than
1 week.19 Due to delay between resumption of organized
ATRIAL FIBRILLATION atrial electrical activity and of organized mechanical
AF is the most common narrow complex tachyarrhyth- contraction, there can be delay between cardioversion
mia in the ICU (second to VT overall).11 The preva- and embolic events ranging from 6 hours to 7 days.20
lence of AF in the general population increases Postcardiac surgery AF occurs in 25 to 40% of
exponentially with age, from 0.9% at age 40 to 5.9% patients, with peak incidence on day 2.21,22 Use of b-
in those over age 65.12 The most important risk factors blockers, amiodarone, sotalol and biatrial overdrive pac-
for development of AF in the general population are ing to prevent postoperative AF has been studied in
structural heart disease (70% in Framingham study clinical trials.23 Preoperative administration of sotalol
over 22-year follow-up), hypertension (50%),13 valvular and amiodarone is equally effective, but side effects of
heart disease (34%),14 and left ventricular hypertrophy. sotalol limit its use in comparison to amiodarone or b-
AF should be approached in the following manner: blockers. Standard treatment for postoperative AF is to
find the cause, fix the cause, control the rate, consider establish rate control, initially with IV (Table 2) and
rhythm control, and consider anticoagulation. Pharma- then with oral AV nodal blocking medications. There
cological agents for acute rate control include b-block- are numerous risk factors for postoperative AF, with
ers, nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers, and advanced age being the most important. AF often runs a
digoxin. self-correcting course in this setting, with resumption of
Beta-blockers provide more effective rate control sinus rhythm in more than 90% of patients by 6 to 8
than calcium channel blockers at rest and during exer- weeks after surgery, and so cardioversion is not always
cise.15 Both oral and IV formulations are available. The necessary.24 Immediate cardioversion should be per-
most often used IV medication is metoprolol given at 2.5 formed in patients with recent onset AF accompanied
to 5.0 mg IV over 1 to 2 minutes every 5 to 10 minutes by symptoms or signs of hemodynamic instability result-
for a total of 15 mg as blood pressure tolerates. Esmolol, ing in angina, myocardial ischemia, shock, or pulmonary
0.5 mg/kg bolus, then 0.05 mg/kg/min infusion, is an edema without waiting for prior anticoagulation.
alternative with a more rapid onset and offset, which can Anticoagulation with IV heparin should be con-
be useful in unstable patients. sidered if AF persists for greater than 48 hours. The
Nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers stroke risk in unanticoagulated patients taken as a whole
(diltiazem and verapamil) are also effective AV nodal is 2% per year (0.05% per day), but individual factors
blockers. Verapamil may have more negative inotropic modulate that risk. The risk factors for stroke are heart
properties than diltiazem and thus may induce hypo- failure, hypertension, age > 75 years, diabetes, prior
tension in patients with left ventricular dysfunction and history of transient ischemic attack (TIA) or stroke,
borderline blood pressure.16 Diltiazem is available in IV and female gender.25
form and is commonly used as a continuous infusion at a
rate of 5 to 15 mg per hour. Up to 93% of patients will MULTIFOCAL ATRIAL TACHYCARDIA
maintain a ventricular response rate < 100 bpm during a MAT is an irregular atrial tachycardia diagnosed by
24-hour infusion.17 identification of three or more p wave morphologies
and PR intervals. MAT is most often associated with 30% of cases of VT.32 Fusion beats, a hybrid of the
hypoxia in the setting of pulmonary disease but may supraventricular and ventricular complexes, occur when
occasionally be due to use of theophylline, metabolic two impulses, one supraventricular and one ventricular,
derangements, and end-stage cardiomyopathy. Treat- simultaneously activate the same territory of ventricular
ment consists of correcting hypoxia by either or both myocardium. The implication is that the wide complexes
treating underlying pulmonary disease and correcting are ventricular. Capture beats are occasional beats con-
electrolyte abnormalities.26 AV nodal blockers are some- ducted with a narrow complex, and such beats rule out
times useful to control the ventricular response in the fixed bundle branch block.
interim. It is better to err on the side of overdiagnosis of
VT. The potential consequences of misdiagnosis were
demonstrated in a study analyzing adverse events in-
WIDE COMPLEX TACHYCARDIA curred by patients with VT misdiagnosed as SVT and
The most frequently reported tachyarrhythmia in the given calcium channel blockers.33 Many of the patients
ICU setting is a wide complex tachycardia. The first promptly decompensated and some required resuscita-
step in treatment is establishing the diagnosis because VT tion. Interestingly, all of these patients were hemody-
is more ominous than SVT with aberrancy. VT is defined namically stable when first seen in VT.
by three or more consecutive ventricular beats. Sustained
VT is defined as more than 30 seconds of ventricular
beats at a rate of more than 100 bpm.27,28 Initial evalua- NONSUSTAINED VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA
tion should include obtaining a 12-lead ECG, and This common clinical problem, occurring equally in
measurement of serum potassium, calcium, and magne- women and men, is usually asymptomatic, with an
sium. The ECG should be examined and compared with incidence of 0 to 4% in the general population.34,35 A
prior ECGs with attention to QRS width in sinus major determinant of prognosis is the presence or
rhythm, prior Q waves that may indicate prior myocardial absence of underlying structural heart disease. The
infarction (MI), the presence of delta waves, as well as the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging screened pa-
QT interval. A careful review of medications is para- tients aged 60 to 85 years old for cardiovascular disease
mount in excluding iatrogenic causes of VT. and followed them for 10 years; nonsustained ventricular
VT can be diagnosed using some clinical and tachycardia (NSVT) did not predict coronary events in
electrocardiographic clues, as outlined following here: this population.36 Therefore, in asymptomatic patients
with NSVT, a thorough history and physical examina-
1. Play the odds. VT is approximately four times more tion, echocardiography, and stress testing are usually
common than SVT with aberrancy. In one study of sufficient to exclude prognostically significant structural
200 consecutive patients with a wide QRS tachy- heart disease. Patients with symptoms of palpitations,
cardia, 164 were ventricular, 30 were SVT with syncope, or presyncope should undergo further evalua-
aberrancy, and six were SVT with antegrade con- tion to exclude episodes of sustained VT or other
duction.29 arrhythmias.
2. Ask the right questions. VT is much more common in Patients who have NSVT with structural heart
patients who have a history of MI or heart failure. disease (coronary heart disease, dilated cardiomyopathy,
3. Do not rely on hemodynamics alone. Circulatory col- or valvular heart disease) require more comprehensive
lapse is more common with VT than with SVT, but evaluation and management. As will be discussed here,
patients with VT may maintain a normal blood the prognosis of NSVT following a myocardial MI is
pressure. dependent upon the timing of onset of VT in relation to
4. Do not count on AV dissociation. This is present in less the incident MI. NSVT occurring in the first 48 hours of
than 50% of cases of VT and is difficult to identify at an MI is most likely related to reperfusion or ischemia
faster heart rates. and has no prognostic significance. However, NSVT
5. Do not count on irregularity. Regularity was identified occurring more than 1 week after MI doubles the risk of
in 90% of patients with SVT versus 78% with VT.30 sudden cardiac death (SCD) in patients with preserved
left ventricular function.37 The risk of SCD is increased
Other clues are useful in distinguishing VT from more than fivefold in patients with left ventricular
SVT. A QRS width of more than 0.14 seconds with dysfunction (ejection fraction less than 40%).38 The
right bundle branch block or 0.16 seconds during left risk of SCD is greatest in the first 6 months post-MI
bundle branch block favors VT.31 Comparison of QRS and persists for up to 2 years.
morphology during the tachycardia with the morphol- NSVT is present in up to 80% of patients with an
ogy of ventricular premature beats in sinus rhythm can be idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (ejection fraction
helpful. Other diagnostic clues suggestive of VT are [EF] < 40%).39 The current American College of
fusion and capture beats, but these are seen in only 20 to Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines
recommend implantation of an internal cardiac defib- stopped if the patient becomes hypotensive or the QRS
rillator (ICD) for nonsustained VT in patients with widens by 50% above baseline. The most serious side
coronary disease, prior MI, LV (left ventricular) dys- effects of procainamide are hypotension and proarrhyth-
function, and inducible VF or sustained VT at electro- mia (most commonly torsades de pointes), both of which
physiological study that is not suppressible by a class I increase in frequency in patients with renal insufficiency
antiarrhythmic drug.40 Initial treatment of NSVT in the because of decreased excretion. If the QTc is longer than
setting of dilated cardiomyopathy should include cor- 500 msec the drug should be stopped immediately and
rection of electrolyte abnormalities, removal of exacer- the QTc followed closely. Cimetidine and amiodarone
bating factors (hypoxia, dehydration, medications, can increase levels of procainamide and its metabolite N-
vasopressors, etc.), and up titration of b-blockers. acetyl procainamide.45 Measurement of serum levels may
Mitral and aortic valve disease is associated with be useful, especially in patients with renal insufficiency.
NSVT, occurring in up to 20% of patients with mitral In patients with transvenous or epicardial pace-
valve prolapse (MVP) and 5% of patients with aortic makers, overdrive antitachycardia pacing is an option.
stenosis. In both severe mitral regurgitation and aortic The ventricular pacing rate should be 10 to 20 bpm
stenosis, NSVT does not appear to be associated with faster than the VT. Absent a reversible cause, an im-
increased risk of SCD.41–43 plantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) should be
In patients at high risk as already described, considered in patients with recurrent monomorphic
further evaluation is warranted. This may include cardiac VT and an ejection fraction less than 40% or a history
catheterization, electrophysiological testing, and/or sig- of syncope.
nal-averaged ECG.
MONOMORPHIC VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA Polymorphic VT with a normal QT interval is consid-
Monomorphic VT in the setting of a normal QT interval ered to be an ischemic rhythm that typically degenerates
usually occurs from a fixed substrate (i.e., scar) rather into VF. It is almost never asymptomatic and thus DC
than acute ischemia. The importance of monomorphic synchronized cardioversion is the initial recommended
VT depends on the clinical milieu in which it occurs and treatment. Polymorphic VT with a normal QTc is a
on the presence of underlying structural heart disease. more ominous sign than monomorphic VT in patients
Sustained monomorphic VT, either with or without with myocardial ischemia. Medications that might pre-
acute ischemia, portends a worse prognosis even after dispose to ischemia, such as inotropes or vasopressors,
hospital discharge.44 should be stopped or tapered, if possible, and b-blockers
The approach to treatment of sustained mono- started if blood pressure permits. Intraaortic balloon
morphic VT is based on the presence of hemodynamic pumping may be useful as a supportive measure, but
instability and/or other clinical factors (heart failure, revascularization is usually required. If withdrawal of
pulmonary congestion, shortness of breath, decreased vasopressors is contraindicated on a clinical basis, IV
level of consciousness, or myocardial ischemia). If any infusion of lidocaine or amiodarone should be initiated.
are present, then synchronized cardioversion is indi-
cated. Stable or recurrent monomorphic VT can be TORSADES DE POINTES
treated with lidocaine, procainamide, or amiodarone. Torsades de pointes is a French term translated as ‘‘twist-
The next step in evaluation and management of the ing of the points.’’ It is a syndrome composed of
patient is dependent on left ventricular function. If left polymorphic VT and a prolonged QTc interval (by
ventricular function is normal and the patient is not in definition 460 millisecondsec). This may be due to
heart failure, treatment with procainamide, amiodarone, various medications, including procainamide, disopyra-
lidocaine, or sotalol is recommended. The choices are mide, sotalol, phenothiazines, quinidine, some antibi-
limited to amiodarone or lidocaine in those with im- otics (erythromycin, pentamidine, ketoconazole), some
paired left ventricular function (EF < 40%). Amiodar- antihistamines (terfenadine, astemizole), and tricyclic
one can be given as a 150 mg IV bolus over 10 minutes antidepressants. Other etiologies include hypokalemia,
followed by an infusion of 360 mg (1 mg/min) over 6 hypocalcemia, subarachnoid hemorrhage, congenital
hours, and then 540 mg (0.5 mg/min) over the remain- prolongation of the QTc interval, and insecticide
ing 18 hours. The maximum total dose is 2.2 g over 24 poisoning.46 A key to treatment is correction of any
hours. Bradycardia and hypotension can result from IV exacerbating factors and normalization of electrolyte
amiodarone, in which case the rate of the infusion should disturbances, particularly hypomagnesemia, hypocalce-
be decreased. Lidocaine is administered by IV bolus of mia, and hypokalemia. Magnesium should be given 1 to
0.5 to 0.75 mg/kg, followed by continuous infusion at 1 2 g IV push over 30 to 60 minutes. Other potential
to 4 mg/min. Procainamide is administered at 20 mg/ treatments may include overdrive pacing or isoproterenol
min IV for a loading dose of 17 mg/kg, then continued to increase heart rate and thus shorten QTc. Admin-
as an infusion at 1 to 4 mg/min. The infusion should be istration of sodium bicarbonate IV can be useful to
antagonize the proarrhythmic effects of class I antiar- reduce sympathetic activation. Mechanical ventilatory
rhythmics.47 support and IV b-blockers can be used in conjunction,
but IV amiodarone is the pharmacological treatment of
WOLFF-PARKINSON-WHITE SYNDROME choice for this condition. If pharmacological therapy
(VENTRICULAR PREEXCITATION) and antitachycardia pacing are unsuccessful, electro-
AVRT using an accessory bypass tract, WPW, occurs in physiology mapping–guided catheter ablation can be
0.1 to 0.3% of the general population. An accessory considered, although this is often difficult in unstable
pathway bypass tract (bundle of Kent), bypasses the AV patients.55 The prognosis of patients with electrical
node and can activate the ventricles prematurely in sinus storm after ICD implantation is poor, with a 2.4-fold
rhythm, producing the characteristic delta wave. The increase in the risk of subsequent death, independent of
diagnosis of WPW is reserved for patients with both ejection fraction. The risk of SCD is greatest 3 months
preexcitation and tachyarrhythmias. In AVRT conduc- after an electrical storm.
tion can go down the bypass tract and back up the AV
node, producing a wide QRS complex (antidromic) or
down the AV node and back up the bypass tract, BRADYARRHYTHMIAS AND PACING
producing a narrow QRS complex (orthodromic). Asymptomatic bradyarrhythmias do not carry a poor
AVRT should be suspected in any patient whose heart prognosis and in general no therapy is indicated.56
rate exceeds 200 bpm. AF is a potentially life-threat- Recommended initial therapy for bradycardia inducing
ening arrhythmia in patients with WPW syndrome end organ perfusion problems is atropine IV 1.0 mg. The
because it can generate a rapid ventricular response presence of syncope, heart failure, or other symptoms
with subsequent degeneration into VF. This is impor- accompanying bradycardias is an indication for pace-
tant because one third of patients with WPW syndrome maker implantation. Third degree or advanced heart
have AF.48 block with either symptomatic bradycardia, pauses 3
Adenosine should be used with caution in any sec, or heart rate < 40 bpm is also an indication for
young patient suspected of having WPW because it pacemaker insertion. Class I indications (general agree-
may precipitate AF with a rapid ventricular response ment that a treatment is beneficial) for temporary trans-
rate down an antegrade accessory pathway. Procaina- venous pacing after an acute MI are listed here:
mide, ibutilide, and flecainide are preferred agents
because they slow conduction through the bypass tract. 1. Asystole
The long-term treatment of choice for symptomatic 2. Symptomatic bradycardia
patients is radiofrequency catheter ablation of the 3. Bilateral bundle branch block (BBB)
accessory pathway. a. Alternating BBB or right BBB (RBBB) with
alternating left anterior fascicular block (LAFB)/
ELECTRICAL STORM left posterior fascicular block (LPFB)
The definition of an electrical storm is more than three 4. New or indeterminate age bifascicular block with
distinct episodes of VT/VF within a 24-hour period.49 first-degree AV block
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implantation, the incidence of ventricular storm ranges b. Left BBB (LBBB)
from 10 to 30%.50,51 According to one study, the event 5. Mobitz type II second-degree AV block
occurred at an average of 133 135 days after ICD
implantation. Precipitating factors (hypokalemia, myo-
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Am J Cardiol 1977;40:514–520 tion). J Am Coll Cardiol 1998;31:1175–1209
Evaluation and Management of Shock
Olivier Axler, M.D., Ph.D., F.C.C.P.1
Shock is one of the most frequent situations encountered in the intensive care unit
(ICU). Important new concepts have emerged for shock management in recent years. The
concept of early goal-directed therapy has evolved from the basic management concepts for
septic shock delivered in a structured fashion. Numerous cardiovascular techniques,
methods, and strategies have been developed as novel alternatives to the use of the
pulmonary artery catheter. Among these techniques, echocardiography, esophageal Dop-
pler, and arterial pulse contour analysis show great promise. Prediction of responsiveness to
fluid administration is a key component of the management of shock, as is assessing
cardiovascular performance. The intensivist has several options to evaluate and treat shock.
Further research should yield additional important advances.
Cardiology Department, Centre Hospitalier Territorial Gaston Non-pulmonary Critical Care: Managing Multisystem Critical Illness;
Bourret, Noumea, New Caledonia, France. Guest Editor, Curtis N. Sessler, M.D.
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Olivier Axler, Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2006;27:230–240. Copyright # 2006
M.D., Ph.D., F.C.C.P., Cardiology Department, CHT Gaston by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York,
Bourret, 98800 Noumea, New Caledonia, France. E-mail: olivier. NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
[email protected]. DOI 10.1055/s-2006-945526. ISSN 1069-3424.
comprehensive reviews.1,10 Several points are worthy of TRADITIONAL AND NEWER METHODS
emphasis. First, the diagnosis must be made quickly, AND TECHNIQUES TO ASSESS
followed by classification of type of shock. Second, the MECHANISMS OF SHOCK
sensitivity and specificity of each sign are highly variable. Several simple tools used in the initial management of
Third, the quantitative aspects of these signs are useful shock (e.g., electrocardiogram; chest radiographs; routine
but vary depending upon the clinical circumstances. The hospital chemistries; blood gases) are well known and will
first step is to begin the correct resuscitation measures, not be further discussed here. In this section, invasive and
not only to achieve therapeutic goals but also to confirm noninvasive techniques to assess hemodynamics are dis-
the diagnosis. Depending on the response to the ther- cussed. Measurement of central venous pressure (CVP)
apeutic intervention, the diagnosis can be confirmed or or pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) may be useful to
corrected, allowing adjustment of treatment. classify the mechanism of shock. Further, measurement
In its complete clinical presentation, shock clas- of SCVO2 [via a catheter in the superior vena cava
sically includes: tachypnea; tachycardia; low systolic, (SVC)] or mixed SVO2 (via a pulmonary arterial cathe-
diastolic, and mean blood pressures (BPs); diaphoresis; ter) may be useful to diagnose and monitor the impact of
poorly perfused skin and extremities; cyanosis; mottling therapeutic interventions in patients with shock.17
of cool and moist extremities; altered mental status Arterial pulse contour techniques are used to
(ranging from decreased state of consciousness to agi- measure cardiac output (CO), and requires arterial
tation); and decreased urine output. Joly and Weil access.18,19 This technique is incorporated in more
emphasized the role of the ‘‘cold great toe,’’11 whereas sophisticated devices, measuring other parameters as
we have noted that cold knees have an excellent diag- preload with an estimation of fluid responsiveness for
nostic specificity and sensitivity for shock (unpublished the LiDCO plus System (LiDCO Ltd., Cambridge,
data). UK) via a pulse power analysis.18–20 Another system,
However, these signs are not always present con- PiCCO (Pulsion Medical Systems AG, Munich,
comitantly, and some of these features may be absent or Germany) also measures intrathoracic volumes and
borderline. For instance, in classical shock, BP is de- extravascular lung water from transpulmonary indica-
creased, and a commonly accepted threshold for a tor dilution.21,22 This latter technique mandates fem-
resuscitation goal in septic shock is 65 mm Hg for oral arterial and central venous access, whereas the
mean arterial pressure (MAP).6 However, not all hypo- former requires only a radial artery and a peripheral
tensive states are associated with shock, and not all vein. Analysis of the systemic systolic pressure, pulse
shocks present with hypotension. In fact, some shock pressure and stroke volume (SV), and their respiratory
states present with high BP at the onset because of the variations, provides an excellent assessment of preload
adaptive adrenergic response. Early septic shock is clas- and estimation of fluid responsiveness.19
sically ‘‘hyperdynamic,’’ with increased pulse pressure Ultrasound techniques that are useful to assess
and warm extremities. In addition, low BP is relative fluid status and cardiac function include esophageal
to the baseline BP for a given patient. Invasively meas- Doppler23 and echocardiography (transthoracic and
ured BP using an intra-arterial catheter is more accurate transesophageal).24 Methods such as monitoring splanch-
than cuff measurements.12 Chronotropic medications, or nic blood flow or monitoring the microcirculation with
sinus or atrioventricular dysfunction, can blunt the videomicroscopy have been utilized in research investiga-
tachycardic response. Oliguria is often defined as urine tions but have no or limited clinical utility.
output less than 0.5 mL/kg/hr.6 From a laboratory
standpoint, blood lactate is a robust clue of shock arising
from cellular and tissue hypoxia,3 and precedes acidemia. Traditional Methods
This was recently confirmed,2 with a threshold of
4 mmol/L consistent with shock. However, the specific- CENTRAL VENOUS PRESSURE MONITORING
ity of blood lactate is imperfect because any condition Although CVP was recently shown to be somewhat
exceeding the aerobic threshold leads to increased lactate inaccurate to assess preload,25,26 CVP, when integrated
levels, and some metabolic conditions increase lactate into an algorithm, was a useful parameter to guide volume
levels without shock (i.e., any sympathetic activation).13 administration in a cohort of septic patients.2 However,
Tissue hypercapnia is known to correlate well CVP measurements should be interpreted with caution,
with decreased blood flow.14 The first organ to be even at low or high values, when the value is used in
studied was the gastric mucosa, but this technique has isolation.10,25–28 Some authors emphasize the need to
largely been abandoned. Sublingual PCO2 has emerged incorporate the cardiac and venous return curves for a
as a good predictor of shock (irrespective of cause), and correct interpretation of CVP.29,30 Indeed, the basic con-
in some studies was superior to blood lactate levels and cept espoused is to use CVP with simultaneous measure-
mixed venous oxygen saturation (SVO2) or central ment of cardiac output. In a study of 33 ICU patients, the
venous oxygen saturation (SCVO2).15,16 right atrial pressure (RAP) decreased at least 1 mm Hg
with inspiration [with a decreased pulmonary artery oc- ICU echocardiography24,44 and pulse contour analysis
clusion pressure (PAOP) of at least 2 mm Hg with techniques (PiCCO and LiDCO)18,19,21,22 have sup-
inspiration] and increases in CO of 250 mL/min.30 planted PACs in most European ICUs. Despite the
This analysis can differentiate ‘‘relative hypovolemia’’ (or limitations of PACs, recent guidelines (e.g., the Survival
more accurately a fluid responsive state) from euvolemia. Sepsis Campaign) continue to recommend PACs for
This concept was discussed in a recent excellent review.31 the assessment of severe sepsis and septic shock.6 More-
Despite the low reliability of CVP to assess preload, this over, a recent paper focusing on ‘‘practice parameters
parameter continued to be widely measured by 93% of a for hemodynamic support of sepsis in adult patients’’
cohort of European intensivists in 1998.32 favors the use of PACs, and states that ‘‘echocardiography
may also be useful to assess ventricular volumes and
The O2 saturation in a central vein (most often the SVC) Several measured and derived values are available
was recently shown to be a key component of early goal- from a PAC to determine the mechanism of shock:
directed therapy in the emergency department (ED)2; PAP, PAOP, right ventricular pressure (RVP) and
values < 70% are consistent with incomplete resuscita- RAP, CO by thermodilution, and its modified deriva-
tion. This parameter is less useful after several days of tives: (1) semicontinuous cardiac output (using a thermal
severe critical illness and severe tissue oxygenation defi- coil in the right ventricular portion of the PAC;
cit.17,33,34 A low SVO2 generally reflects low CO because (2) calculation of right ventricular end-diastolic volume
oxygen extraction by the tissues is greater in cardiac (RVEDV) from measurement of right ventricular ejec-
failure.34,35 Low SCVO2 is also associated with a poor tion fraction (RVEF); SVO2 and related oygenation
prognosis34 and often appears earlier than any other variables; oxygen consumption (VO2); oxygen delivery
clinical sign of shock.2 In a cohort of patients with septic (DO2); and O2 extraction ratio (O2ER).
shock, Rivers and colleagues demonstrated mortality Measurement of PAP is a very important param-
reduction of 15% by maintaining a therapeutic algorithm eter to diagnose pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)
that maintained the following parameters: SCVO2 as may be seen in ARDS, pulmonary embolism, right
> 70%; CVP > 8 to 12 mm Hg; MAP > 65 mm Hg; ventricular infarction, obstructive lung disease, left heart
urine output > 0.5 mL/kg/h.2 SCVO2 and SVO2 are diseases, and primary PAH. Its measurement is generally
usually similar but can diverge in some cases, particularly easy and its interpretation is the least problematic of all
in severe sepsis, due to greater O2 extraction in the PAC-derived data.
hepatosplanchnic circulation. However, SCVO2 is pre- Using the PAOP is one of the most controversial
ferred to SVO2 because it can be measured more simply issues related to PAC. Classically, hypovolemic shock has
from a central venous catheter rather than a pulmonary low right and left heart filling pressures, whereas left
artery catheter (PAC).36–38 SCVO2 can be continuously ventricular cardiogenic shock is associated with elevated
monitored using a special catheter or intermittently by PAOP and RAP. Historically, PAOP has been consid-
direct repeated samples. SCVO2 correlates with outcome ered to provide information regarding preload and the
in all kinds of shock, even during cardiopulmonary presence or absence of pulmonary edema. However,
resuscitation.17,33,34 The research by Rivers and col- measurement and interpretation of PAOP may be diffi-
leagues addressed very early shock,2 and studies have cult.37,38,45 The utility of PAOP to assess volume status
not demonstrated benefit for patients later in the course has recently been challenged 25,26,46; this is also true for
of shock when oxygen extraction may be impaired and RAP.25,26,46 This can be explained by a frequent absence
SCVO2 exceeds 80%.17,33,34 of linearity between left ventricular end-diastolic volume
(LVEDV) and left ventricular end-diastolic pressure
PULMONARY ARTERY CATHETERS (LVEDP); second, disparity between LVEDP and
The PAC has been used to differentiate various mecha- PAOP may exist. The LVEDV/LVEDP relationship
nisms of shock since the early 1970s, but utilization of data can be profoundly modified by LV compliance factors
from PACs has many pitfalls. First, hemodynamic values such as left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), myocardial
are frequently misinterpreted, leading to incorrect treat- ischemia, positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), and
ment.37,38 Second, recent studies found that the use of active exhalation. Further, PAOP can overestimate
PAC did not confer any benefit compared with no PAC LVEDP if mitral stenosis or mitral regurgitation are
use36,39,39a,39b; further, some studies suggested deleterious present, and conversely underestimates LVEDP when
effects of PACs, particularly in patients presenting diastolic dysfunction or hypervolemia exist. These con-
with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or ditions are frequent in patients presenting with shock but
shock.35,36,39 However, PAC-directed therapy was shown are often not appreciated. Thus PAOP should be inter-
to be cost effective in the preoperative period.40–43 In preted cautiously.45 Notwithstanding these pitfalls, 58%
North America, there continues to be relatively wide- of European intensivists continued to measure PAOP as
spread use of PACs,6 whereas newer techniques such as part of monitoring critically ill ICU patients in 1998.32
Measurement of CO is one of the most important thoracic echocardiography (TTE) is noninvasive and
issues in the management of shock.1,47–49 Thermodilu- relatively easy to perform after an adequate training.
tion is the gold standard method for measuring CO for Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is modestly
clinical use because measurement is relatively straight- invasive and requires some degree of sedation for patient
forward and does not present the same technical diffi- comfort but is safe and highly accurate. Echocardiog-
culties as PAOP. Additionally, the thermodilution raphy provides an excellent assessment of cardiac func-
technique was validated against electromagnetic flow, tion and estimates left and right heart filling pressures
Fick, and dye dilutions techniques. However, thermo- and can be useful to determine the cause of shock.56
dilution has important limitations. Specifically, thermo- Echocardiography provides acceptable estimates of most
dilution can overestimate CO in low output states, parameters gleaned from pulmonary artery catheters
whereas significant tricuspid regurgitation leads to (PACs) (i.e., CO; right arterial pressure (RAP) from
underestimation of CO. Other confounding issues in- inferior vena cava (IVC) size and ventilatory variations,
clude intracardiac shunts and temperature issues.47 In systolic pulmonary artery pressure (SPAP); left and right
this context, echocardiography is helpful. Recently, the ventricular filling pressures; ejection fraction; ventricular
left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) pulsed Doppler interdependence; right heart function; diastolic dysfunc-
method has been employed as an alternative method to tion; left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH); ischemic heart
measure CO.49,50 Some authors believe that this should disease, valvular diseases, and so on). Recent publications
become the new gold standard49,50 unless significant emphasized the value of echocardiography to predict
aortic valve disease exists. fluid responsiveness using heart–lung interactions ba-
Cardiac output can be monitored with a modified sics.57–65 Many studies have shown that echocardiogra-
PAC. This PAC incorporates a thermal coil in the right phy (either TTE or TEE) may be invaluable to monitor
ventricular portion of the catheter, and continuous CO therapeutic interventions or hemodynamic changes in
measurement is based on the delivery of electrically critically ill patients.62–80 TEE is more useful than TTE
generated heat to the blood near the right atrium and for this purpose.66–79 In most of the studies, TEE
ventricle and the resulting temperature change in the provided clinically useful information in 60 to 90% of
PA. This technique avoids performing an intermittent cases. More importantly, TEE had a direct favorable
injection and yields a continuous CO display. The impact on the acute care management.79
accuracy is good compared with thermodilution, pro- Our recent experience with TTE has been favor-
vided regular calibration is performed.51 able (unpublished data). The value of TTE was recently
Recent refinements of the PAC allow calculation underscored in a study by Joseph et al, who noted
of RVEF. This catheter has a rapid-response thermo clinically useful and reliable information in 70 to 80%
‘‘slur’’ and intracardiac electrocardiogram electrode, al- of critically ill ICU patients who had TTE.80 Recent
lowing the calculation of RVEF. Combined with SV, improvement in imaging, software, and electronic sys-
the RVEF allows the calculation of right ventricular end tems have improved the quality and utility of images
diastolic volume (RVEDV). This parameter has been gleaned from TTE. Transthoracic echocardiography is
extensively studied in circulatory shock,52,53 but in the useful as a diagnostic tool for critically ill patients in
most important studies comparing RVEDV before and shock (or impending shock) but in some cases, TEE is
after a fluid challenge, significant difference was found in necessary for a more accurate assessment.79 Specific
only one of 15 studies.53 Intraindividual changes in indications for TEE include: aortic dissection (when
RDEDV with various treatments are more useful than computed tomographic angiography is inconclusive, or
absolute values.25,52,54 Continuous fiberoptic measure- to complete it if necessary); endocarditis (especially when
ment of SVO2, coupled with traditional PAC parame- a valvular prosthesis is present); complicated cardiac
ters, is available with some catheters. surgery; marked obesity; poor echogenicity with TTE;
Finally, the relationship of oxygen delivery/con- intracavitary thrombi; and cardiac sources of emboli.
sumption ratio (DO2/VO2) has been used for both TEE is the preferred method to assess the SVC size
research and clinical indications among critically ill and its ventilatory variations, a new powerful parameter
patients for more than 3 decades.55 However, awareness to predict fluid volume responsiveness.64
and incorporation of these variables into clinical proto- In a patient with shock, echocardiography (usu-
cols have not been shown to influence outcome.55 ally TTE) can provide prompt (within 15 minutes)
assessment of critical variables, including size of cardiac
chambers; left and right systolic function; cardiac output
Newer Methods (49); wall motion abnormalities; valvular pathology; LV
filling pressures from a combination of parameters ob-
ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY-DOPPLER tained from mitral flow, Doppler tissue imaging (DTI),
Cardiac ultrasound (echocardiography) has increasingly pulmonary venous flow (PVF), early diastolic mitral flow
been utilized in ICUs within the past few years. Trans- propagation velocity (Vp), PA pressures; RV filling
pressures; and pericardial imaging. Echocardiography Additionally, in a cohort of septic patients on MV,
can estimate fluid volume responsiveness using heart– measurement of the SVC by TEE, and ventilatory
lung interactions. This concept assumes that the meas- collapsibility of the SVC predicted the cardiac response
urement of some parameters before fluid loading can to fluid challenge.64 The 36% threshold of variability
predict a significant increase of cardiac ouput in hemo- (Dmax-Dmin:Dmax) could define responders and non-
dynamically unstable patients.54 This estimation uses responders in CO, with 90% sensitivity and 87% specif-
inferior vena cava (IVC)62,63 or SVC,64 size and ven- icity.64 Although measurement of IVC diameter
tilatory variations, as well as the respiratory variations of ventilatory variations was studied only in septic patients
the LVOT.57–59 These parameters correlated strongly in on MV, we use it in every patient in acute circulatory or
these 5 studies with the concept of ‘‘fluid responsive- acute respiratory failure, even among patients not requir-
ness.’’ The measurement of left heart filling pressures ing MV. However, outcomes data in these other patient
requires more sophisticated echo devices. These two new populations are lacking.
steps represent one of the major advances in the manage- The second important new parameter in assessing
ment of shock. shock is the ventilatory variation of left ventricular out-
Some echocardiographists prefer to use TTE first, flow tract (LVOT) (called also aortic) Doppler veloc-
and then TEE if necessary, and some always use directly ities. Two studies found that this parameter was a strong
TEE. This is an ongoing discussion, and this choice predictor of preload responsiveness: one in septic pa-
depends upon the ability of each echocardiographist. tients on MV (using TEE),57 and one with a rabbit
Published data regarding the assessment of pre- model.58 The first study defined the respiratory variation
load using echocardiography are disappointing. Preload as the ratio of the difference between maximal velocities
was initially assessed by measuring left ventricular end- to the mean of these two velocities. A ventilatory
diastolic diameters, areas, or volumes; close correlations variation of LVOT blood flow velocity > 12% was
were found with blood loss or expansion in normal associated with a 15% increase of CI with a 91% positive
subjects81 or perioperative conditions.82 However, in predictive value. A ventilatory variation < 12% had a
ICU settings, recent studies found that the left ventricle 100% negative predictive value. This could imply that no
end-diastolic area (LVEDA) failed to accurately predict volume expansion was necessary with a high degree of
fluid requirement or fluid overload status, particularly confidence. There was a high degree of correlation
when compared with newer methods to assess fluid between baseline ventilatory variation and degree of CI
responsiveness.57,83–85 Therefore, echocardiographic increase after volume expansion.57 This important study
measurements of LV and RV size are no longer used can be extended to TTE. We regularly use this method
to assess volume status. However, diameter of the IVC in all patients in shock to assess potential fluid respon-
and its ventilatory variations are invaluable to predict siveness. Patients must be on MV and well adapted to
fluid responsiveness. This measurement is simple to their ventilator, and must be free of arrhythmias. Slama
assess, with a short learning curve (1 hour). The IVC et al found similar results in a rabbit model, using TTE,
diameter and its ventilatory variations are measured with with progressive blood withdrawal.58 In these two stud-
TTE, on a subcostal view, in M mode. Measurement ies, this parameter was more powerful than all other
parameters include IVC diameter (D) at end-expiration parameters (CVP, PAOP, left ventricular end-diastolic
(Dmin) and at end-inspiration (Dmax); distensibility area) that had been used for the past several years. The
index of the IVC (dIVC) calculated as the ratio of most recent studies showed that ‘‘static’’ echocardio-
Dmax-Dmin:Dmin and expressed as a percentage, or graphic parameters failed to consistently predict re-
((Dmax-Dmin:Dmax þ Dmin):2 ).62,63,86 Measurement sponse to fluid loading.57–59,83–85
of IVC size and respiratory variation is useful to predict The second important advance is the ability of
response to a fluid challenge.62,63,65 The useful threshold echocardiography to estimate LV and RV filling pres-
was 12% of variability, with a positive and negative sures (LVFP and RVFP). These measurements were
predictive value of 93% and 92% in one study of septic extensively studied over the past 10 years in the cardio-
patients requiring mechanical ventilation (MV).62 An- logical arena86–90 but were only recently applied to the
other group studied 23 patients in septic shock requiring critically ill (noncardiac) patients in ICUs.91–93 These
MV.63 The size and ventilatory variation of the IVC measurements do not accurately measure preload, but
(IVCVV) predicted a positive response to a fluid chal- may predict fluid responsiveness. An algorithm is now
lenge [ 15% increase of the cardiac index (CI) follow- available to determine if LVFP are predictive of PAOP
ing a 7 mL/kg fluid challenge]. IVCVV was defined in as ‘‘high’’ (> 15 mm Hg) or ‘‘not high’’ ( 15 mm Hg).
this study by Dmax-Dmin:Dmin. There was an excellent This analysis is usually applied when the LVEF is
correlation (r ¼ 0.9) between an 18% IVCVV at baseline decreased (< 45%). This algorithm is determined by
and 15% increase in CI after a fluid loading, with 90% the analysis of the combination of pulsed Doppler of
specificity and 90% sensitivity.63 Importantly, baseline mitral flow, tissue Doppler imaging, color M-mode of
CVP did not accurately predict fluid responsiveness. mitral flow, pulmonary venous flow (PVF), left atrial
size, interatrial septum shape and movement, diastolic Ea, Em/E/a, Vp, Em/Vp, LA size. When LVEF is
PA pressure from pulmonary regurgitation. Mitral flow normal (except in cases of LVH), LVFP is rarely high.
pulsed Doppler shows an early wave (E wave) and a later This algorithm has been used for several years in cardiac
wave (A wave) if the rhythm is sinus. The peak velocities patients89,90 but has only recently been tested among
are measured (Em and Am). A small E wave, with critically ill noncardiac ICU patients.91–93
an E:A ratio < 1, and an E deceleration time (DTE) Right ventricular filling pressures can also be
> 150 msec are usually associated with diastolic assessed from systolic and mean PA pressures derived
LVFP < 15 mm Hg; when some discrepancies appear, from the tricuspid regurgitation jet and from the early
other parameters help to determine LVFP. These pa- diastolic pulmonary regurgitant jet, respectively. IVC
rameters are (1) the maximal early diastolic velocity (Ea) size and its collapsibility index, as were discussed earlier,
of the mitral annulus at the lateral- or septal most basal are markers of RAP. Hepatic vein pulsed Doppler also
point, measured from DTI; (2) early flow (LV flow provides information on right heart filling pressures.
propagation velocity) Vp using M-mode color Doppler; Despite these intriguing data, no study has exam-
(3) PVF, where the systolic fraction is measured: this ined the impact of echocardiography in critically ill
fraction is the ratio between the velocity time integral noncardiac ICU patients on mortality. Because echocar-
(VTI) of the systolic component of PVF, to the sum of diography is commonly employed in many ICUs, a
the VTI of the diastolic and systolic waves (S:S þ D); randomized trial to assess the clinical impact of this
this ratio is nevertheless less and less used and replaced technique may be difficult to accomplish.61
by the difference between duration of pulmonary A wave
and mitral A wave (Apd–Amd) duration; if this ratio is ESOPHAGEAL DOPPLER MONITORING
greater than 20 ms, this is in keeping with a high LVFP; Esophageal Doppler monitoring is an exciting method
(4) left atrial (LA) diameter and area, an indirect to manage shock because it couples ultrasonography with
indicator of LVFP; (5) diastolic PAP (PAPd) obtained continuous monitoring capabilities.23 This is a simple
from the end-diastolic velocity of the pulmonary regur- and quick technique, with a short period of training.
gitant flow because this parameter approximates PAOP; Analysis of the size and shapes of the waveform allows
(6) interatrial septal motion and curvature; (7) mitral therapeutic modifications regarding fluid therapy and
regurgitant flow from continuous Doppler allows to the use of inotropic, vasodilator, and vasopressor agents.
assess left ventricle diastolic pressure (LVDP) from the Outcome and hospital stay have improved with this
difference between systolic blood pressure SBP and technique in high-risk surgical patients.23
pressure gradient from mitral regurgitation maximal
velocity; (8) aortic regurgitation flow from continuous VENOUS AND TISSUE PCO2
Doppler allows to assess LVFP (difference between Venous and tissue PCO2 have been used for more than 3
diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and diastolic left ven- decades to manage shock, but sublingual PCO2 has
tricle-aorta ( LV–AO gradient). Systemic blood pres- emerged as the simplest and most reliable technique to
sures (BP) must be measured simultaneously. The assess venous and tissue PCO2. In patients in the ED
quantitative combination of mitral flow (Em, Am, E and in the ICU, sublingual PCO2 indicates the presence
wave deceleration time, DTEm), with DTI (Ea), early of shock but does not allow any classification of
flow Vp using M-mode color Doppler data, PVF, LA shock.3,15,16
size, and the other parameters just defined has led to an
algorithm to assess if LVFP are ‘‘high’’ (left atrial pressure ARTERIAL PRESSURE VARIATION
(LAP or PAOP > 15 mm Hg) or ‘‘not high’’ (normal or Arterial pressure variation yields important information
low). These values can be estimated for ‘‘not high’’ LVFP: for volume status in hemodynamically unstable patients
Em:Ea < 1, DTE > 150 to 200 ms, Em:Vp < 1.5, Em/ mechanically ventilated and perfectly sedated and may
Ea < 8, S/S þ D > 55%, LA size normal, Apd–Amd predict fluid responsiveness in these patients. Measure-
< 20 ms (Amd ¼ duration of atrial mitral wave, Apd ¼ ment of SV and pulse pressure respiratory variations
duration of atrial pulmonary wave), LVFP < 15 mmHg provides ancillary information.94–96 Values above 10 to
from aortic and mitral regurgitation, atrial septum shifted 13% indicate with a high sensitivity and specificity that
to the left. a volume expansion will increase CO.94–96 Perel and
LVFP can be estimated ‘‘high’’ (PAOP > 15 mm colleagues developed a respiratory systolic variation test
Hg), if Em/Am > 2, DTE < 150 ms, Em/Vp > 2.5, (RSVT) that uses three consecutive incremental pres-
Em/Ea > 15, S/S þ D < 55%, LA size increased, Apd– sure-controlled (10, 20, and 30 cm H2O) breaths to test
Amd > 20 ms, LVFP > 15 mmHg form aortic and the response of venous return, left ventricular stroke
mitral regurgitation, atrial septum shifted to the right. volume (LVSV), and systolic arterial pressure. A slope is
However, because areas of uncertainty exist, multiple then determined, and a prediction of an increased CO
parameters must be examined. The order of importance can be tested with volume expansion.94,95 In interpreting
of measurements is as follows: LVEF, Em, Am, DTE, these tests, it is important to note that a positive fluid
responsiveness test does not imply that there is an THORACIC ELECTRICAL BIOIMPEDANCE
indication for giving fluids, because a normal heart will Thoracic electrical bioimpedance has been used by some
increase CO with any volume expansion. By contrast, teams to assess CO continuously,3 but it has limited
even in a real hypovolemic status, CO may not increase if application.
one or both ventricles is not on its ascending limb of the
Starling curve. Thus RSVT is not 100% sensitive and
specific. Performing and interpreting these tests require MANAGEMENT OF SHOCK
a knowledge of heart–lung interactions.54,61 The classification of mechanisms of shock has been
elegantly analyzed elsewhere.1,3,10 The initial manage-
ARTERIAL PULSE CONTOUR ANALYSIS METHODS ment of shock requires an immediate clinical assessment,
Arterial pulse contour analysis permits continuous mon- basic vital signs, and clinical examination. Prompt as-
itoring of SV and CO.18,19,21,22 These methods calculate sessment and decision are imperative regarding fluid
the area under the systolic portion of the arterial pressure resuscitation, MV, and use of inotropic, vasoconstrictor,
waveform, which, divided by aortic impedance, allows or vasodilator agents.1 Echocardiography can be per-
estimation of LVSV. Generally, the CO obtained by formed at the bedside and may be invaluable in planning
these techniques is calibrated with an absolute CO value, resuscitative efforts. A standardized ‘‘ABC’’ resuscitation
as an indicator dilution technique. Preload and fluid protocol [management that incorporates components of
responsiveness can be estimated, in continuously meas- airway (A), breathing (B), and circulation (C)] such as
uring respiratory variations of systolic arterial pressure, advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) guidelines, can
pulse pressure, pulse pressure variation (PPV), and improve outcomes in the first few minutes of severe
stroke volume (SV). Two systems are commercially cardiorespiratory failure. Intubation and MV are corner-
available using arterial pulse contour analysis: the stones of therapy in this setting.1
PiCCO system and the PulseCo or LiDCO system. The circulation step has evolved recently because
Although the basic principle to measure CO is the such protocols have been shown to improve survival.1,2
same, the LiDCO system uses a very sophisticated algo- Current guidelines for hemodynamic support of sepsis
rithm that appears very accurate. This algorithm is set up advise following predetermined protocols in patients in
on arterial pulse power analysis rather than morphology.94 shock. The protocol espoused by Rivers and colleagues
This technology uses lithium (Li) as an indicator and has advocates aggressive volume resuscitation in septic shock
been extensively tested in the United States and Europe and aims to achieve threshold values of multiple param-
but is not available in some countries. We have used this eters (e.g., hemoglobin, MAP, CVP, SCVO2, urine
system extensively in our critically ill patients in New output, and lactate) within the first hour. Adoption of
Caledonia and have found it easy to use (unpublished this goal-directed protocol was associated with a clear
data). This technique generally uses a radial arterial reduction of mortality. However, protocols must be dis-
catheter and a peripheral or central venous catheter. cussed and accepted by whole ICU or ED teams. Further,
The PiCCO technology has been more adoption of such protocols should not preclude careful
widely employed in ICUs, and enables measurement assessment of the causes of shock because therapeutic
of volumetric parameters and extravascular lung interventions may differ depending upon the underlying
water.18,19,21,22 The analysis of the wave form is simpler cause.1,6,7 Protocolized cardiovascular management based
than with with the LiDCO technology and is a calcu- on ventricular–arterial coupling has been proposed by
lation of the area under the systolic portion of the Pinsky.97,97a,97b The Pinsky protocol involves both im-
arterial pressure waveform. Ideally, PiCCO requires a mediate and ‘‘second-step’’ procedures. The second step
femoral arterial catheter, but a peripheral vein may be relies on therapies based on specific mechanisms of shock.
usable. This technology allows measurement of volu- Specific drugs and therapeutics are tailored to the under-
metric parameters such as the global end-diastolic lying cause of shock (e.g., thrombolysis of a myocardial
volume index (GEDVI) and the intrathoracic blood infarction or pulmonary embolism; drainage for pericar-
volume index (ITBVI) by transcardiopulmonary ther- dial tamponade; appropriate cardiovascular drugs, antiar-
modilution. These parameters are more accurate than rhythmic drugs, inotropic, vasoconstrictor, or vasodilator
left and right cardiac filling pressures to estimate pre- agents; adequate fluid loading, etc.).1
load in critically ill patients but do not reliably assess
fluid responsiveness.19,25
The noninvasive Modelflow-Finapress (Finapress COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF EACH METHOD
Medical Systems, Arnhem, The Netherlands) method AND STRATEGY
also uses similar arterial pulse contour analysis of finger Data comparing morbidity, mortality, and cost of ther-
arterial pressure in critically ill patients.18 Expressed as apeutic interventions are critical.43
cardiac index (CI), the results are similar to studies using Regarding cost-effectiveness, only the PAC
more invasive methods.18 has been extensively studied. Esophageal Doppler and
echocardiography are increasingly being used in many using passive leg raising.96,102 This is an important step
ICUs, but outcomes data comparing these strategies to because previous studies assessing prediction of preload
conventional strategies are lacking. Randomized studies responsiveness were validated in patients requiring
to compare the clinical impact of echocardiography with continuous MV and sedation. In patients with cardio-
arterial pulse contour analysis would be of interest but to vascular or respiratory instability, we use in our ICU,
our knowledge have not been done. The appropriate use echocardiography to predict fluid responsiveness using
and optimal interpretation of data are at least as im- IVC and aortic Doppler respiratory variations, even in
portant as the choice of the technique itself. patients not requiring MV (unpublished data).
Although the classification of shock has not changed, Within the last few years, protocol-driven management
several major changes have evolved within the past few of patients with shock has been associated with improved
years. First, the major scientific critical care societies outcomes. These sentinel studies focused on septic and
have defined quantitative parameters (primarily for sep- hypovolemic shock, but lessons learned may apply to
tic shock) to allow a faster and a more unified diagnosis other types of shock states. Monitoring techniques that
not only at the bedside but also for common inclusion couple measurement of CO with ventilatory variations
criteria in clinical studies.2,8,98,99 Second, early manage- of systolic arterial pressure, pulse pressure, and SV
ment of patients in shock must be aggressive and enhance the ability to predict fluid responsiveness in
orchestrated. This critical time has been called ‘‘the circulatory failure. With this strategy, inappropriate
golden first hour,’’ and is to be compared with the delays volume expansion can be avoided in some patients,
defined for thrombolysis of cerebral vascular accidents whereas patients who may benefit from fluid expansion
(CVAs) and ST elevation myocardial infarction are more easily and readily identified.
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Intensive Management of Hepatic Failure
Mary E. Rinella, M.D.1 and Arun Sanyal, M.D.2
A substantial number of patients with liver failure are admitted to the intensive
care unit; thus a thorough understanding of the prevention and treatment of complications
in such patients is imperative. The management of liver failure is demanding and often
involves the combined efforts of many specialists. Critically ill patients with hepatic failure
encompass a broad spectrum of disease, ranging from acute liver failure in a patient with no
prior history of liver disease, to acute on chronic liver failure. The initial assessment and
management of acute liver failure are reviewed with an emphasis on the prevention and
treatment of brain edema in the pretransplant setting. The current treatment of compli-
cations resulting from decompensated chronic liver disease such as portal hypertensive
bleeding; infection, renal failure, and hepatic encephalopathy are then discussed.
T he management of liver failure is demanding plantation. Although ALF remains one of the most acute
and often involves the combined efforts of many special- serious illnesses, thoughtful intensive management can
ists. Critically ill patients with hepatic failure encompass optimize the patient’s chances for spontaneous hepatic
a broad spectrum of disease, ranging from acute liver regeneration or a successful liver transplant.3 When
failure in a patient with no prior history of liver disease, possible, etiology-targeted therapy should be initiated
to end-stage decompensated cirrhosis. Both sides of this (Table 1). The goal of management should be focused
spectrum present clinical challenges that involve many on the prevention of systemic infection, multiorgan fail-
organ systems. Although both sides in acute and chronic ure, hepatic encephalopathy (HE), and ultimately the
liver failure can have a poor prognosis, careful and development of brain edema.4–6 At this time liver trans-
comprehensive intensive care can improve outcome and plantation is the only definitive therapy for those who
bridge eligible patients to liver transplantation. Because fulfill criteria for poor prognosis7–9 (Table 2). The
acute and chronic liver failure are very distinct clinical challenge to the clinician is selection of patients for
entities, they will be discussed separately. transplant that have low likelihood of spontaneous sur-
vival but are not too ill to benefit from transplantation.
The principles of management of ALF are reviewed here:
Acute liver failure (ALF) is a rapidly progressive, often
fatal syndrome characterized by jaundice, encephalop-
athy, and coagulopathy leading to multiorgan failure in a INITIAL EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT
patient with no prior history of liver disease.1,2 In recent Early diagnosis and identification of the subject that is
years, advancements in supportive care have improved unlikely to improve spontaneously constitute a critical
survival and provided a more effective bridge to trans- first step in the management of ALF. The initial triage
Division of Hepatology, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois; Non-pulmonary Critical Care: Managing Multisystem Critical Ill-
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, ness; Guest Editor, Curtis N. Sessler, M.D.
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia. Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2006;27:241–261. Copyright # 2006
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Arun Sanyal, by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York,
M.D., Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Med- NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
icine, Virginia Commonwealth University, MCV Box 980341, DOI 10.1055/s-2006-945528. ISSN 1069-3424.
Richmond, VA 23298-0341. E-mail: [email protected].
Monitoring IV access, CVP and arterial Blood sugar Mental status Mechanical intubation,
line, Foley catheter ICP monitoring
Laboratories Liver panel, renal panel, Basic laboratories, AFP, Blood gas Changes in
CBC, PT, Hep A,B,C arterial ammonia ICP monitor
serologies, HSV, CMV, (or more if mental
EBV, ceruloplasmin, ANA, status deteriorating
anti-sm Ab, SPEP, phosphate,
HIV, acetaminophen factor V level
level, toxicology screen,
cosyntropin stimulation
test, TSH, blood type,
blood cultures
MONITORING AND GENERAL GUIDELINES overload and pulmonary edema, especially when renal
Acute hepatic dysfunction has profound effects on many function begins to deteriorate. Alternate approaches in-
organs. Therefore, one must remain cognizant of the clude the use of plasmapheresis where a volume of plasma
ramifications of specific therapies on other systems. The equal to the amount infused is removed to prevent
mental status must be documented several times daily, in volume overload. Recently, recombinant factor VII
addition to frequent assessment of hepatic synthetic (40 mg/kg) has been used in conjunction with FFP to
function and blood glucose (Table 3). Although a liver rapidly correct coagulopathy prior to either intracranial
biopsy may be helpful if the diagnosis is in question, it can pressure monitor or central line placement in patients
be unreliable in predicting outcome and is risky given the with ALF.25
presence of underlying coagulopathy.21 Low serum phos-
phate and elevated a fetoprotein can be encouraging signs
of hepatic regeneration.22,23 In a retrospective analysis of MECHANICAL VENTILATION
ALF patients, 74% of patients with phosphate levels Mechanical ventilation should be initiated once ence-
< 2.5 were alive at 1 week, in contrast to none in those phalopathy deteriorates to grade 3 (West Haven cri-
with a serum phosphate > 5.24 teria) to protect the airway.26,27 In addition to preventing
Coagulopathy in ALF does not usually require aspiration in the patient with compromised mental status,
correction unless an invasive procedure is planned or intubation and sedatives help control agitation, which can
overt bleeding is present because the use of fresh frozen lead to surges in intracranial pressure. Patients with
plasma (FFP) can mask deterioration of liver function. A encephalopathy beyond grade 3 are very difficult to
common indication for the correction of coagulopathy manage without intubation and sedation.28
is placement of a central line. Traditionally, FFP and Sedation is best achieved with a short-acting
cryoprecipitates have been used for the correction of sedative alone or in combination with a short-acting
coagulopathy in subjects with ALF. This is only partially narcotic. Recent evidence supports the use of propofol
effective in correcting coagulopathy and its effects are for this purpose. In a small study, propofol was given to
short-lived. It is also associated with a risk of transmitting seven patients with ALF and profound encephalopathy.
cytomegalovirus infection and may contribute to volume Intracranial pressure (ICP) remained normal in six of
Figure 2 Factors leading to the development of brain edema and potential therapeutic interventions.
to respond to volume resuscitation.35 In sepsis, supra- on ICP.55,56 Moreover, intermittent hemodialysis has
physiological doses of steroids in patients with adrenal been associated with increases in ICP and decreases in
insufficiency have been shown to reduce vasopressor CPP, whereas the opposite has been shown in patients
requirements and improve outcome.36,53 Adrenal receiving CVVH.55,57
dysfunction appears to also be prevalent in patients
with ALF; 62% of patients with ALF were found to
have an abnormal response to high-dose corticotrophin Hepatic Encephalopathy and the Development
stimulation. The patients with pronounced hemody- of Intracranial Hypertension
namic instability had more marked evidence of adrenal The development of HE and subsequent cerebral edema
insufficiency, suggesting that it may contribute to the and intracranial hypertension (ICH) define prognosis in
pattern of cardiovascular collapse seen in liver failure.54 patients with ALF.2,7,58 Treatment options for such
The benefit of stress-dose steroids in this population patients are limited. As a result, 30% of patients
needs to be tested in a randomized-controlled trial; with ALF and cerebral edema succumb to cerebral
however, given these data, it is reasonable to look for herniation while awaiting an organ.7,31 Without urgent
and consider treating adrenal insufficiency in patients transplantation, mortality can exceed 90% in those who
with ALF. have uncontrolled ICH.
The pathogenesis of cerebral edema is complex
(Fig. 2). ALF leads to many hemodynamic changes,
Renal Failure including impairment of cerebrovascular autoregulation
Renal failure is common in those with advanced liver and blood flow. This impairment makes the standard
failure and is multifactorial in etiology. Common causes assumption that CPP ¼ MAP ICP less reliable.38
of renal failure in this population include prerenal Other factors such as high arterial ammonia levels
azotemia, renal ischemia, acute tubular necrosis, and contribute to brain edema through the accumulation
hepatorenal syndrome. A majority of patients with of glutamine and alanine in astrocytes. In response to
ALF complicated by profound hypotension and cerebral swelling, a vasodilating factor is released that leads to
edema will require renal replacement therapy.31 Due to increased CBF and thus increased ICP.59
the marked vasodilation that characterizes such patients, Arterial ammonia levels > 200 mmol/L in the
continuous venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH) tends to setting of ALF have been shown to herald impending
be better tolerated and may have more beneficial effects cerebral herniation and poor outcome.60,61 Other
markers of brain cell dysfunction and damage such as Although treatments aimed at reducing ICP can
s100-b and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) have also be used without an ICP monitor, an accurate ICP
been evaluated as potential predictors of impending reading permits targeted therapy to optimize CPP and
herniation in the setting of ALF and acute on chronic detect abrupt surges in pressure that necessitate addi-
liver failure with negative results.62 Currently, no serum tional therapy. Concomitant measurement of jugular
markers of brain cell dysfunction reliably demonstrate bulb oxygen saturation,32,66 which allows measurement
neurological injury and poor outcome. of brain oxygen utilization, can also be useful in the
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to predict which management of these patients.32 Jugular bulb oxygen
patients are likely to develop elevated ICP. Clinical signs saturation > 80% or < 60% predicts elevation in ICP
such as arterial hypertension, fever, and agitation can with good sensitivity and specificity.31 Jugulovenous O2
precede episodes of severe ICH; however, these are not saturations < 50% may herald an increase in anaerobic
reliable predictors because elevated ICP is often clin- cerebral glycolysis, increased lactate:pyruvate ratio, and
ically silent.63 Although a computed tomographic (CT) worsening cerebral edema.67
scan is usually used to look for cerebral edema, a normal
scan does not exclude the presence of edema because its
appearance on imaging may be delayed. When and in Whom to Insert an Intracranial
Pressure Monitor
To justify the risks of ICP monitor placement, the
INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE MONITORING monitor needs to be placed under controlled circum-
A significant clinical challenge in the management of stances, when increased ICP is likely to rise but before
ALF is the decision to place an ICP monitor. There are uncontrolled ICH and herniation occur. ICP monitor-
no strict guidelines related to the use of these monitors ing should be considered for mechanically ventilated
and experience across institutions is highly variable. patients with grade 3 or 4 encephalopathy with poor
Noninvasive techniques have not proven to be benefi- prognosis (Table 2) but who are otherwise good candi-
cial and direct ICP monitoring is the only reliable dates for liver transplant (Fig. 3). Other predictors of
modality for the measurement of ICP. The benefit increased ICP such as arterial ammonia > 150 mmol/L
that can be derived from ICP monitoring is twofold. could be used to time monitor placement. In those with
First, it allows for the early detection and treatment of poor prognosis without orthopedic liver transplant
ICH because it can be clinically silent.63 Second, it can (OLT), ICP monitoring can guide therapy and prevent
provide invaluable information about the likelihood of surges in ICH before and during OLT.
neurological recovery when deciding whether to pro-
ceed with liver transplantation, such as when CPP is
persistently low. Sustained CPP < 40 mm Hg predicts Risks of Intracranial Pressure Monitoring
a high likelihood of ischemic brain injury that typically As with all interventions, the risks of ICP monitor
results in a poor neurological outcome after transplan- placement need to be balanced against the accuracy and
tation.64,65 Figure 3 proposes an algorithm for the use usefulness of the information to be gained. No random-
of ICP monitors in ALF. ized, controlled trial is available to compare different
catheters in the setting of ALF. Types of catheters include induction and maintenance of hypernatremia (145 to
epidural, subdural, parenchymal, and intraventricular 155 mmol/L) in patients with grade 3 or 4 encephalop-
catheters. Blei et al performed a survey of transplant athy resulted in a decreased incidence and severity of
centers across the United States. They estimated that ICH.72 Other techniques to reduce brain water accu-
20% of ICP monitoring resulted in intracranial bleeding. mulation through the reduction of arterial ammonia
Epidural catheters had the lowest rate of bleeding com- remain under investigation.73–75
plications (3.8%) and subdural and parenchymal catheters
the highest; 20% and 22%, respectively.68 A recent multi- MANNITOL
center study from the ALF study group showed that ICP Mannitol administration leads to increased plasma os-
monitors were only used in 92/332 patients (28%) with molality in brain capillaries, resulting in movement of
ALF and severe encephalopathy; however, the frequency water out of the brain according to Starling’s law. It has
of monitoring differed between centers. Ten percent had been shown to decrease episodes of cerebral edema and
intracranial bleeding as a result of the ICP monitor. In result in improved survival in a cohort of patients with
two of these patients, ICP monitoring was directly ALF (47.1 and 5.9%, respectively, p ¼ .008).76 Its use,
associated with the patient’s death.69 Although the risk however, is limited in renal failure and can lead to a
of complications is greater,70 subdural catheters give a paradoxical increase in brain swelling if osmolality is not
more reliable estimate of ICP than epidural catheters.68 controlled. If more than two doses are to be used, plasma
Bleeding complications can be decreased signifi- osmolality must be checked to assure that it remains
cantly with the use of recombinant factor rVIIa given < 320 Osm/L.
immediately before the procedure.25 The frequency of
factor VII dosing was variable in this study; however, as a HYPERVENTILATION
group all patients that received factor VII normalized Hyperventilation is an effective technique to decrease
their prothrombin time (PT) and were able to have ICP cerebral blood flow (CBF) and ICP. It does so through
monitors placed (compared with 38% in the FFP alone precapillary hypocapnic vasoconstriction and helps re-
group). The ideal initial dose and subsequent doses of store CBF autoregulation.61,77–79 Although prophylactic
factor VII necessitates further study.71 The data show hyperventilation appears to be ineffective in preventing
that ICP monitoring can be an effective tool for manag- the development of ICH,77 it can be useful in controlling
ing elevated intracranial pressure; however, ICP mon- acute surges in ICP.
itors have not been shown to improve survival. Currently
there is no consensus about the use of ICP monitoring or INDOMETHACIN
whether the more accurate but higher-risk subdural Indomethacin leads to cerebral vasoconstriction effects
catheters or the less accurate but safer epidural catheter via altering cerebral temperature and extracellular pH
should be used. Individual centers will continue to use and inhibition of the endothelial cyclooxygenase path-
what they are comfortable with; however, their decision way.80 Its effectiveness has been proven in an animal
may be influenced by the decreased availability of epi- model81 and in a small cohort of patients with ALF.82
dural catheters. However, due to its multiple systemic side effects in
patients with ALF, its routine use cannot be supported.
hypothermia is effective in the prevention of ICH in oped thrombocytopenia; thus its use should be restricted
ALF, as a bridge to transplant,87 and during liver trans- in patients with DIC.102
plantation88 to prevent surges in ICP. The mechanism
of action is presumed to be multifactorial but includes
reduction of CBF, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) ammonia, LIVER TRANSPLANTATION FOR ACUTE
and extracellular glutamate concentrations. Although LIVER FAILURE
hypothermia may be beneficial to the brain in decreasing Because the mortality of patients with ALF is almost
ICP, it also impacts coagulation and may promote universal once they meet criteria for poor prognosis
infection and cardiac rhythm disturbances. It is difficult (Table 2), they receive the utmost priority. The Status
to know, however, if hypothermia exacerbates such 1 classification has remained from the former process of
factors because these are well-known complications of organ allocation. To receive this listing, the patient must
liver failure per se. Some have raised concern that have no prior history of liver disease and fulfill criteria for
hypothermia may impair hepatic regeneration and ‘‘com- ALF with poor prognosis.
mit’’ patients to transplant.89,90 The degree to which Intensive medical supportive care is geared toward
hypothermia influences such factors needs to be ad- the avoidance of complications that could preclude
dressed in a well-designed randomized, controlled trial transplant. The decision to proceed with transplantation
before its use in routine practice can be justified. is a difficult one not only from a medical management
perspective but also due to the limited time available to
assess the patient’s social support network, mental stabil-
LIVER ASSIST DEVICES ity, compliance, and wishes. Psychiatric stability and
Liver assist devices are of two general types: biological strong social support are essential to a successful trans-
devices and artificial devices. Biological devices use living plant. It is imperative to accurately document active
hepatocytes to replace liver function, whereas artificial drug or alcohol abuse, suicidal ideation, or history of a
devices such as the molecular absorbent recirculating previous suicide attempt because these are examples of
system (MARS) aim to remove injurious substances potential contraindications to transplant.
from the circulation. Most of the trials in ALF have
used either porcine hepatocytes [bioartificial liver (BAL)
device]91 or human HepG2 cells (ELAD [extracorporeal ACUTE OR CHRONIC LIVER
liver assist device]).92 A large multicenter study of BAL FAILURE—GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS
in ALF resulted in no survival advantage.93 In a small Critically ill patients with cirrhosis admitted to the ICU
randomized controlled trial, ELAD resulted in less have poor survival even if they survive the initial ICU
severity of encephalopathy without improvement in stay. Mortality can reach 100% in cases complicated by
survival.94 Overall, the data on bioartificial liver devices septic shock.103–106 Acute hepatic decompensation in a
are disappointing in that they are quite costly and have patient with chronic liver disease (AoCLF) is most
not resulted in improved synthetic function or survival.95 commonly precipitated by gastrointestinal bleeding or
MARS removes free and albumin-bound toxins infection. As a result of this, major functions of the liver
via a polysulfone membrane.96,97 In contrast to bioartifi- such as the synthesis of key proteins, detoxification, and
cial devices, MARS has mainly been tested in acute on metabolic regulation are impaired to various degrees.
chronic liver failure (AoCLF). Two small randomized The imbalance created by the physiological needs of the
clinical trials have shown improvement in encephalop- critically ill patient and the liver’s limited ability to
athy and increased survival.98,99 MARS also appears to be perform key functions leads to life-threatening compli-
effective in ameliorating renal function in hepatorenal cations such as renal failure, infection, HE, cholestasis,
syndrome and hemodynamics through increasing sys- ascites, and bleeding.
temic vascular resistance (SVR).100 Although not a An important step in the initial management of
primary end point, survival was improved in a prospec- patients with AoCLF is the identification and treatment
tive, randomized, controlled trial of MARS in liver fail- of the precipitating factor that led to acute decompen-
ure.99 The study was terminated prematurely due to sation. Patients admitted to the ICU with AoCLF
perceived ethical considerations. Unfortunately, had as should be managed with a simultaneous multifaceted
little as one or two deaths occurred in the MARS group approach that will bridge eligible patients to transplan-
the difference in survival would have no longer been tation and improve short-term survival in nontransplant
statistically significant. The results of this trial would candidates.
have had a more profound impact if the study had
achieved its targeted enrollment. A recent meta-analysis
found that MARS offered no significant survival benefit PORTAL HYPERTENSIVE BLEEDING
over standard medical therapy.101 MARS appears to be Portal hypertensive hemorrhage is a serious and frequent
well tolerated; however, a fair number of patients devel- complication of advanced cirrhosis.107–109 Bleeding can
originate from gastroesophageal varices, portal hyper- namic instability is often present and needs to be
tensive gastropathy, or less commonly from portal col- addressed with continuous cardiac monitoring and
opathy, duodenal or rectal varices. A successful outcome good intravenous access. Knowledge of the central
depends on accurate diagnosis, prompt resuscitation, venous pressure is helpful to gauge the adequacy of
hemodynamic support, management of complications, volume administration without overresuscitating the
and control of active bleeding. Clinical factors associated patient because this can provoke more bleeding from
with bleeding include deterioration of liver function, previously decompressed varices or lead to other com-
portal vein thrombosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and plications such as acute pulmonary edema.121,122 Pro-
ongoing alcohol use.110 phylactic endotracheal intubation should be considered
In cirrhosis, portal hypertension is the result of in the setting of significant upper gastrointestinal
the combined effects of increased portal venous inflow hemorrhage prior to endoscopic intervention for airway
and an increased resistance to that flow.111 The corrected protection. Figure 4 proposes an algorithm for the
sinusoidal pressure gradient is inversely associated with management of AVH.
risk of bleeding as well as outcome after bleeding.112–114
A hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) of 12 mm
Hg is a threshold value, with variceal hemorrhage Esophageal Variceal Hemorrhage
occurring above this level112 and therapeutic interven- Mortality associated with AVH has improved in the
tion aiming at a reduction below this value.115,116 How- past decade.123 Based on data comparing patients
ever, many studies have shown that if portal pressure is presenting with AVH from 1981–82 to 1988–91, the
reduced in a sustained manner by 20%, the risk of late cohort experienced a significant decline in mortal-
bleeding is low (10% at 2 years), even if the HVPG ity at 30 days (20.8% vs 29.6%, p ¼ .0001) and at 6 years
remains above 12 mm Hg.109,117 (69.7% vs 74.5%, p ¼ .0001). For patients who survived
Acute variceal hemorrhage (AVH) occurs in 30 to the first 30 days, survival was slightly better in the late
35% of patients with cirrhosis and is associated with cohort on multivariate analysis (p ¼ .01).124 Spontane-
significant mortality. A recent retrospective analysis re- ous cessation of bleeding occurs in 50% of patients;
ported in-hospital, 6-week, and overall mortality rates of however, 60% of these patients will rebleed if there is no
14.2%, 17.5%, and 33.5%, respectively, suggesting im- intervention.120 Therapeutic options for the manage-
proved therapy of AVH has impacted survival.118 One- ment of variceal hemorrhage include pharmacological
year survival following a variceal bleed greatly depends on therapy (somatostatin, octreotide, vasopressin, or terli-
the severity of liver disease assessed by the Child-Pugh pressin), endoscopic therapy (endoscopic band ligation
classification (Table 4). Mortality after a variceal hemor- or sclerotherapy), balloon tamponade, transjugular in-
rhage is 5% and 50% in Child-Pugh A and C cirrhotic trahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) or surgical
patients, respectively,119 and 70% of those that survive shunts (Fig. 4). Pharmacological treatment is effective
will rebleed.110,120 A hepatic venous pressure gradient and should be initiated on admission to the ICU.
> 20 mm Hg after an acute bleed is an independent Although studies have shown some drugs to be as
predictor of poor outcome. Such measurements may be effective as endoscopic therapy,125,126 this is controver-
useful to assess prognosis and tailor therapy.114 sial; thus we recommend endoscopic intervention in
The management of patients with gastroesopha- addition to pharmacotherapy for the control of variceal
geal varices involves (1) prevention of the initial bleed hemorrhage.
(primary prophylaxis is beyond the scope of this review),
(2) management of the acute bleed, and (3) prevention of
rebleeding (secondary prophylaxis). Gastric Variceal Hemorrhage
Gastric varices represent a less frequent, but important
source of bleeding in patients with portal hypertension.
Variceal Hemorrhage—General Considerations They are present in up to 57% of patients with esoph-
Acute hemorrhage typically presents with hematemesis ageal varices secondary to portal hypertension.127 Less
with or without melena or hematochezia. Hemody- commonly, they are found in the absence of esophageal
varices.128 If isolated gastric varices are noted imaging and cardiac and pulmonary vascular glue emboli.136–138
must be performed to exclude splenic vein thrombosis Recently, pilot studies have found thrombin injections
because this is managed with splenectomy. In 117 to be another promising approach.139 Yet another way
patients with fundal varices, the size of the vessels, the to control bleeding gastric varices is with special de-
presence of red spots, and the degree of liver decom- tachable endoscopically placed snares.140,141 Although
pensation were predictors of bleeding.129 Although there is limited experience with the technique in the
bleeding from gastric varices is less common than bleed- United States, the Japanese report success with balloon-
ing from esophageal varices, bleeding episodes are often occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (B-RTO)
more severe and carry a higher mortality.128,130–132 of isolated gastric varices.142,143 Unfortunately, most of
The management of bleeding from gastric vari- these modalities are not routinely available in the
ces differs from that of esophageal varices. Although United States.
gastric varices in continuity with esophageal varices can The first-line approach to the control of actively
be managed by endoscopic band ligation, isolated bleeding fundic varices is balloon tamponade. The air-
varices in the fundus of the stomach are not amenable way must be protected when this approach is taken. This
to either sclerotherapy or band ligation.133 However, is, however, a temporizing measure and such varices have
numerous reports have documented the efficacy of a great propensity to rebleed over time. It is therefore
cyanoacrylate injections (tissue glue) in achieving he- reasonable to decompress the portal vein with a TIPS as
mostasis in bleeding fundic varices.134,135 Cyanoacry- the definitive procedure of choice in most patients before
late glue leads to more rapid variceal obliteration and discharge from the hospital.144,145 It is often necessary to
more effective hemostasis than alcohol injection.134 embolize prominent portosystemic collaterals at the time
Severe complications associated with intravariceal cya- of TIPS to reduce the risk of bleeding. When this is not
noacrylate glue injection include mediastinitis, CVA, done, nonselective b-blockers may be used to reduce the
risks of rebleeding, although the data to support such an variceal hemorrhage; however, its use is limited due to
approach are weak at best. In those with well-preserved systemic effects such as coronary and mesenteric ische-
liver function, a surgical shunt can also provide long- mia.156 If vasopressin is used in conjunction with nitro-
term relief from bleeding.146 glycerin, these effects can be minimized.157,158
Terlipressin is a synthetic analogue of vasopressin
with a longer half-life and fewer side effects. It is
Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy effective in the treatment of acute variceal bleeding
Portal hypertensive gastropathy (PHG) is a manifes- with or without endoscopic therapy and has been shown
tation of portal hypertension. Endoscopically it is to reduce mortality.125,159 It appears to be as effective as
characterized by a mosaic mucosal pattern with varying vasopressin or endoscopic treatment126,160 in controlling
degrees of submucosal hemorrhage. It is often asymp- acute variceal hemorrhage, but is not yet available in the
tomatic but may lead to chronic transfusion–requiring United States.
blood loss or acute bleeding (rarely). Although portal
gastropathy is more often seen in the setting of gastro-
esophageal varices, its severity does not correlate with Endoscopic Therapy
portal pressure. Nevertheless, bleeding is often amelio- Endoscopic variceal band ligation (EBL) is currently the
rated by reduction of portal pressure. Both octreotide preferred endoscopic technique for the management of
and nonselective b-blockade can be helpful in decreas- esophageal varices. It is at least as effective as endoscopic
ing acute bleeding and the degree of rebleeding from sclerotherapy (EST) but has a superior safety profile and
PHG via reduction of portal blood flow.147–149 In lower complication rate.133,161,162 EBL also decreases
refractory cases, TIPS can be effective at reducing the incidence of bleeding, when given as primary pro-
transfusion requirements.150 phylaxis,163,164 and death165 from variceal bleeding.
Band ligation leads to strangulation and subsequent
obliteration of the banded varix.
THERAPIES TO ACHIEVE HEMOSTASIS EST involves the injection of a sclerosant (sodium
morrhuate, ethanolamine, or polidocanol) into or around
Drug Therapy a varix. This leads to coagulative necrosis and obliter-
Drug therapy is an integral component of the manage- ation of varices in the vicinity of the injection. Compli-
ment of acute portal hypertensive hemorrhage and cations related to EST tend to occur more frequently and
should be started on presentation. To optimize the be more severe than with EBL and include esophageal
effectiveness of drug or endoscopic therapy, clotting ulceration, stricturing, esophageal perforation, pleural
abnormalities must be corrected. Target INR and effusion, and sepsis. Despite a higher complication
platelet count should be 1.5 and 75, respectively. In rate, a role still exists for EST. It can be a useful adjunct
the setting of renal failure platelets may be dysfunc- to EBL in the setting of massive hemorrhage with poor
tional and DDAVP (Desamino-D-Arginine Vasopres- visibility because the location of injection need not be as
sin) should be considered. FFP alone or in combination precise to achieve hemostasis.
with rFVIIa can be given to rapidly correct coagulop- Regardless of the choice of endoscopic manage-
athy. A recent randomized, clinical trial showed that ment for acute bleeding, follow-up endoscopy within
when given in addition to standard therapy, 100 mg/kg 1 to 2 weeks for further banding is essential to decrease
of rFVIIa may improve control of bleeding in patients the risk of rebleeding. EBL should then be continued in
with advanced cirrhosis.151 the future until variceal obliteration is achieved.
Somatostatin or octreotide, its synthetic analogue,
stops acute bleeding from varices in 80% of cases.152 It
does so through a reduction of portal pressure via effects Balloon Occlusion
on vasoactive peptides or through the prevention of Balloon tamponade is effective in the 5 to 10% of
postprandial hyperemia (blood meal). Octreotide has patients in which hemostasis cannot be achieved acutely
an excellent safety profile and can be given initially as a with medical or endoscopic therapy. It successfully stops
subcutaneous bolus of 50 to 100 mg followed by a bleeding from esophagogastric varices through external
continuous infusion of 50 mg/h for 3 to 5 days. Although compression of varices, but rebleeding occurs in 50%.166
it does decrease portal pressure acutely, these effects Many types of tubes exist (Sengsten-Blake Tube, Warne
appear to be short lived due to rapid tachyphylaxis.153 Surgical Products, Ltd., Armagh, Ireland, UK; and
Nevertheless, studies have shown a significant decrease Linton Tube, Bard Manufacturing, Covington, Geor-
in rebleeding after endoscopic therapy in those receiving gia, USA) with mild variations; however, in most cases;
octreotide infusion.154,155 inflation of the gastric balloon is adequate to stop
Vasopressin reduces splanchnic blood flow in variceal hemorrhage. It is quite effective as a bridge to
addition to portal pressure. It is effective in controlling more definitive therapy (TIPS or surgery) and cannot be
in place for more than 24 hours given the significant risk dures (Suguira or modification) or liver transplantation.
of esophageal necrosis and rupture.167 If surgery is necessary, it is best done at a center with
extensive experience.
Table 6 Diagnostic Criteria for Hepatorenal Syndrome location from the gut is thought to be the most common
(International Ascites Club) mode of ascitic fluid inoculation.189,190 Predisposing
MAJOR factors for the development of SBP include advanced
Chronic or acute liver disease with advanced hepatic failure liver disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, ascitic total pro-
and portal hypetension tein fluid content 1 g/dL and a previous history of
Creatinine > 1.5 mg/dL or24-hour creatinineclearance < 40mL/min SBP.181,191–193
Absence of shock, ongoing infection, use of nephrotoxic
drugs, gastrointestinal or renal fluid losses > 500 g/d or INTERPRETATION OF A DIAGNOSTIC PERITONEAL TAP
> 1000 g/d in the setting of edema It is crucial to have a very low threshold to perform a
Urine protein < 500 mg/dL diagnostic paracentesis in the patient with suspected
No ultrasonographic evidence of primary renal disease SBP. Ideally, this should be done prior to the initia-
No sustained improvement in renal function after hydration tion of antibiotics. Peritoneal fluid should be sent
MINOR for cell count, culture, albumin, total protein, LDH
Urine sodium < 10 mEq/L (lactate dehydrogenase) and glucose. Blood culture
Urine osmolality > plasma osmolality bottles should be inoculated at the bedside to improve
Urine red blood cells < 50 per high power field yield.
Urine output < 500 mL/d SBP is defined as an ascitic fluid polymorphonu-
Serum sodium < 130 mEq/L clear (PMN) 250 cells/mm3, in the setting of a
positive monomicrobial ascitic fluid culture.194,195 Cul-
For the diagnosis of hepatorenal syndrome, all major criteria must be
met. Minor criteria are supportive but not necessary for the diagnosis. ture positivity can fluctuate from one tap to the next;
thus culture-negative neutrocytic ascites should be
to look for a prominent portosystemic collateral that treated with antibiotics as previously outlined.196
could be radiographically embolized.178 Monomicrobial non-neutrocytic bacterascites is
another common variant of SBP. It is defined as a fluid
cell count < 250 cells/ mm3 with a positive culture.197
Infection Runyon and Hoefs and Chu et al found that 62 to 86%
Bacterial infections complicate 35 to 66% of cases of of cases of monomicrobial bacterial ascites resolve spon-
gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with AoCLF.179–184 taneously, and those that did not resolve were sympto-
Not only is infection common after bleeding, it may also matic on presentation.197,198 Thus, in a clinically stable
provoke rebleeding.179 Furthermore, bacterial infection asymptomatic patient, one could observe or consider
and the use of prophylactic antibiotics are independently repeat diagnostic paracentesis. However, in a critically
associated with failure to control variceal hemorrhage in ill patient with AoCLF in the ICU, antibiotic therapy
the first 5 days of admission.180 Many randomized, may be the best course of action.
controlled trials have shown that antibiotic prophylaxis
targeted at enteric organisms (such as quinolones or TREATMENT OF SPONTANEOUS BACTERIAL PERITONITIS
third-generation cephalosporin) is effective in the pre- Patients should be given a non-nephrotoxic antibiotic
vention of postbleeding infection in cirrhotic patients. In with good enteric coverage such as a third-generation
addition, a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled cephalosporin. Cefotaxime 2 g (q8h) is the best-
trials concluded that antibiotic prophylaxis resulted in studied antibiotic for the treatment of SBP.199,200
less infections and improved short-term survival in Other antibiotics of comparable spectrum can be
bleeding patients with cirrhosis.185 Given these data, used and can be tailored if the organism is identified.
prophylactic systemic antibiotics should be given to Once the patient has been on antibiotics for 48 hours,
cirrhotic patients with gastrointestinal hemorrhage. a diagnostic tap must be repeated to assess response to
treatment. If there is not a significant decrement in the
white blood cell (WBC) count, antibiotic coverage
Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis should be broadened. Once treatment efficacy is estab-
SBP is a frequent and severe complication in those with lished, antibiotics should be given for 5 days.201 Intra-
cirrhosis and ascites.186 It is associated with significant venous albumin is integral to the treatment of SBP
morbidity and mortality by precipitating renal failure in and should be used in conjunction with antibiotics. It
30%,187 worsening HE, and causing hemodynamic col- has been shown in a randomized, controlled trial to
lapse in an already critically ill patient. The deterioration decrease the incidence of renal failure and subsequent
of renal function is the most sensitive predictor of in- mortality when compared with antibiotics alone.202
hospital mortality.187,188 Renal failure often results from Based on these data, albumin should be given at a
a reduction in effective circulating blood volume, cyto- dose of 1.5 mg/kg on day 1 and 1 mg/kg on day 3. A
kine surges, and activation of the renin-angiotensin recent study compared albumin to plasma expansion
system precipitated by infection.187,188 Bacterial trans- with hydroxyethyl starch. Fernandez and colleagues
found that only albumin improved hemodynamics in Table 6 illustrates the International Ascites Club classi-
patients with SBP, suggesting that it may also have fication of HRS.
direct effects on the vascular endothelium.203 Lifelong The pathophysiology of HRS is complex.
secondary antibiotic prophylaxis is mandatory in the Splanchnic arteriolar vasodilation leads to central vaso-
patient with a history of SBP. Oral quinolones are dilation and compensatory activation of systemic and
most commonly used (norfloxacin); however, many renal vasoconstrictor systems.107,211 The resultant renal
antibiotics are effective for secondary prophylaxis of vasoconstriction leads to reduced glomerular filtration
SBP. rate and increased water and sodium retention.
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20. Harrison PM, Keays R, Bray GP, Alexander GJ, Williams R.
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Acute Renal Failure in the Intensive Care Unit
Steven D. Weisbord, M.D., M.Sc.1,2,3 and Paul M. Palevsky, M.D.1,3
Acute renal failure (ARF) is a common complication in critically ill patients, with
ARF requiring renal replacement therapy (RRT) developing in 5 to 10% of intensive
care unit (ICU) patients. Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that ARF is an
independent risk factor for mortality. Interventions to prevent the development of ARF are
currently limited to a small number of settings, primarily radiocontrast nephropathy and
rhabdomyolysis. There are no effective pharmacological agents for the treatment of
established ARF. Renal replacement therapy remains the primary treatment for patients
with severe ARF; however, the data guiding selection of modality of RRT and the optimal
timing of initiation and dose of therapy are inconclusive. This review focuses on the
epidemiology and diagnostic approach to ARF in the ICU and summarizes our current
understanding of therapeutic approaches including RRT.
EPIDEMIOLOGY OF ACUTE RENAL 209 cases per million persons.1,2 Other series have
FAILURE demonstrated community-acquired ARF in 0.4 to
Acute renal failure (ARF) is an abrupt decline in kidney 0.9% of hospital admissions,3 whereas hospital-acquired
function that develops over a period of hours to days. ARF developed during 4.9 to 7.2% of hospitalizations,
Although simple to define conceptually, there is no with an apparent increase in incidence over a 2 decade
consensus on an operational definition of ARF. Defi- interval.4,5
nitions that have been used in clinical studies have been With a well-recognized relationship between se-
highly variable. Some have been based on changes in the verity of illness and risk for ARF, it is not surprising
serum creatinine (Scr) concentration with wide variabil- that the incidence of ARF increases dramatically in the
ity in the relative or absolute magnitude of change, intensive care unit (ICU) setting. Over a 10-month
others on the presence of oliguria, and still others on period spanning 1991 to 1992, Liano and Pascual
the need for renal replacement therapy (RRT). This studied the epidemiology of ARF in 13 tertiary-care
variation in definitions has confounded efforts to char- hospitals in Madrid, Spain.2 Of the 747 episodes of ARF
acterize the epidemiology of ARF. Interpretation and that were identified, 253 (34%) occurred in ICU pa-
comparison of epidemiological studies must therefore tients. In other studies, the prevalence of ARF in
take into consideration not only the characteristics of the critically ill patients has ranged from 3 to 25%. In a
patient population studied but also the particular criteria large, multinational study published a decade ago, ARF,
used to define ARF. defined as an increase in Scr to more than 3.5 mg/dL
In two large European studies, the overall or the presence of oliguria, was observed in 348
population-based annual incidence of ARF was 140 to of 1411 ICU patients (24.7%).6 Nearly half of these
Renal Section, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Pittsburgh, Penn- Non-pulmonary Critical Care: Managing Multisystem Critical Illness;
sylvania; 2Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion; Guest Editor, Curtis N. Sessler, M.D.
Renal-Electrolyte Division, Department of Medicine, University of Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2006;27:262–273. Published by
Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Paul M. Palevsky, 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
M.D., Rm. 7E123 (111F-U), VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Univer- DOI 10.1055/s-2006-945527. ISSN 1069-3424.
sity Drive Division, Pittsburgh, PA 15240. E-mail: [email protected].
patients had primarily medical causes for ICU admis- and colleagues observed an independent mortality risk
sion; however, in 25% of cases, ARF developed in the in patients developing radiocontrast nephropathy
setting of trauma or during the postoperative period. In (RCN).15 After adjustment for comorbidities, there
contrast, in a study of 17,126 patients in 30 Austrian was a 5.5-fold increased mortality risk associated with
ICUs, the incidence of ARF was only 4.9%, with ARF the development of ARF. The increased mortality risk
defined by the need for RRT.7 Similarly, Uchino and was greatest in patients with the lowest levels of comor-
colleagues reported a prevalence of severe ARF of 5.7% bid illness, and declined as the burden of comorbid
in 29,269 patients treated at 54 centers in 23 countries, conditions increased. Although this study was not re-
using a definition of ARF based on the presence of stricted to critically ill patients, other studies restricted to
oliguria or azotemia severe enough to warrant RRT.8 critically ill patients have demonstrated a similar in-
Although the varying incidence of ARF in these and creased mortality risk. Using their database of patients
other studies almost certainly relates to the different treated in Austrian ICUs, Metnitz and colleagues com-
criteria employed to define this syndrome, it is quite clear pared survival in patients with and without ARF based
that ARF complicates the clinical course of a substantial on disease-specific observed to expected (O:E) mortality
proportion of patients requiring ICU care. ratios.7,16 Among patients with lower severity of illness,
ARF was associated with a sevenfold higher O:E mortal-
ity ratio.16 Differences in the more severely ill patients
OUTCOMES OF ACUTE RENAL FAILURE were less robust, suggesting that among the most crit-
Much like efforts to describe the epidemiology of ARF, ically ill, risk-adjustment for severity of illness becomes
attempts to characterize outcomes associated with ARF increasingly difficult, and extrarenal factors are progres-
are confounded by the different definitions that have sively more important predictors of outcome. Similarly,
been employed. A series of studies in demographically Chertow and colleagues demonstrated a nearly eightfold
diverse populations have demonstrated in-hospital mor- increased mortality risk associated with ARF following
tality rates in critically ill patients with ARF that range open heart surgery.17
from 35% to as high as 75%.7,9–13 A variety of factors As part of a study addressing the effect of ARF in
have been associated with mortality risk. In the recent ICU patients, Clermont and colleagues prospectively
multinational study by Uchino and colleagues, tracked outcomes of 1530 ICU admissions at a single
independent predictors of hospital mortality included institution over a 10-month period, categorizing patients
use of vasopressors and mechanical ventilation, septic into three groups: patients with ARF, patients with end-
shock, cardiogenic shock, and hepatorenal syndrome.8 stage renal disease (ESRD), and patients without evi-
Although the definition of ARF used in this study dence of renal failure.9 Mortality among patients who
precluded an assessment of the effect of RRT on hospital developed ARF was double that observed among pa-
mortality, this variable has emerged as one of the primary tients with ESRD and four times greater than that seen
predictors of hospital mortality in multiple other studies in patients without renal dysfunction (23% vs 11% vs
of ARF in critically ill patients. Metnitz and colleagues 5%). Although Acute Physiology and Chronic Health
found a fourfold higher mortality rate among patients Evaluation (APACHE) III scores were comparable in
requiring RRT for ARF than in patients without ARF the ARF and ESRD cohorts, hemodynamic instability
(62.8% vs 15.6%; p < .001).7 This excess mortality per- and leukocytosis were more common in patients with
sisted after adjustments for illness severity, age, and ARF and the study lacked a robust multivariable adjust-
treatment center. Similarly, in the Program to Improve ment for confounding factors. Despite these limitations,
Care in Acute Renal Disease (PICARD), a multicenter the results of this study imply that the pathophysiolog-
observational study of ARF in the United States, Mehta ical effects of ARF extend beyond the loss of organ
and colleagues also demonstrated markedly higher mor- function.
tality rates in patients with ARF who required RRT than
in those who did not (45% vs 24%).14 Thus it appears
that not only is ARF associated with increased mortality ETIOLOGIES OF ACUTE RENAL FAILURE
risk compared with other critically ill patients, but RRT Early recognition of ARF and prompt determination of
is one of the strongest negative prognostic factors, its etiology facilitate the institution of appropriate ther-
although this may merely reflect RRT serving as a apy and can potentially mitigate its severity. ARF can be
surrogate for severity of renal injury. broadly classified into prerenal, intrinsic, and postrenal
It had been widely believed that with the wide- etiologies. Prerenal azotemia, the most common form of
spread availability of RRT to manage the uremic con- hospital-acquired ARF, represents a decline in glomer-
sequences of renal failure, patients with ARF died ular filtration rate (GFR) due to hemodynamic factors
with, but not of, their renal failure. However, evidence that diminish effective renal perfusion. The defining
accrued over the past decade suggests that this paradigm pathological feature in prerenal azotemia is the absence
is incorrect. In the earliest of these studies, Levy of histological damage to the renal parenchyma. The
Prerenal ARF > 20:1 < 20 < 1% Bland specific gravity > 1.015 FEurea < 35% hyperuricemia
Intrinsic ARF
ATN 10:1 > 40 > 2% Granular casts specific FEurea > 50%
gravity 1.010
AIN 10:1 Variable Variable RBCs, WBCs, WBC casts, Eosinophilia
GN Variable < 20 < 1% RBCs, RBC casts —
Intratubular Variable Variable Variable Crystalluria or immunoglobulin Urine or serum monoclonal
Obstruction light chains paraprotein
Vascular Variable Variable Variable Variable Hematuria
Postrenal ARF > 20:1 Variable Variable Variable Fluctuating urine output elevated
postvoid bladder
volume hydronephrosis
ATN, acute tubular necrosis; AIN, acute interstitial nephritis; GN, glomerulonephritis; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; Scr, serum creatinine; UNa, urine
sodium concentration; FENa, fractional excretion of sodium; FEurea, fractional excretion of urea; RBC, red blood cell; WBC, white blood cell.
physiological response to diminished renal perfusion is with upper tract obstruction, ureteral stenting or percu-
an increase in renal tubular sodium avidity and urinary taneous nephrostomies are required.
concentration. Clinically, the increase in sodium avid- Although pre- and postrenal ARF can cause or
ity is manifested by a urine sodium concentration less exacerbate a decline in renal function in critically ill
than 20 mEq/L and a fractional excretion of sodium patients, the most common etiology of ARF in the ICU
less than 1% (Table 1). In patients on diuretics, urinary is intrinsic ARF, most commonly due to ATN. In a
sodium may be increased as a result of pharmacological prospective analysis of patients hospitalized in 28 ICUs
blockade of reabsorptive pathways. In such patients, in France, 83% of recorded cases of ARF were attributed
a fractional excretion of urea of less than 35% is to ATN, with 54% associated with ischemic renal injury,
highly suggestive of a prerenal state. The hemody- 8% from nephrotoxic injury, and 21% of mixed etiol-
namically mediated secretion of vasopressin increases ogy.11 Among 253 episodes of ARF in critically ill
urinary concentration, resulting in a urine specific patients reported by Liano and colleagues, ATN ac-
gravity greater than 1.015 to 1.020 and urine osmo- counted for 75.9% of episodes compared with 61.4% in
lality greater than 300 mOsm/kg H2O. Increased non-ICU patients.18 Prerenal azotemia was the second
tubular reabsorption of urea in prerenal azotemia leading cause of ARF, with obstructive disease account-
may result in a disproportionate elevation in blood ing for less than 1% of cases.
urea nitrogen (BUN) concentration relative to Scr. Unlike prerenal azotemia, ATN is defined by the
Severe and protracted renal hypoperfusion can lead presence of tubular epithelial cell injury, apoptosis, and
to ischemic injury to the renal parenchyma and can necrosis, and is associated with the characteristic urinary
contribute to the development of acute tubular ne- finding of coarse granular ‘‘muddy brown’’ casts com-
crosis (ATN), making early recognition and treatment posed of sloughed epithelial cells and cellular debris. The
of prerenal azotemia essential. Prompt reversal of the resulting defects in renal tubular function generally result
abnormal hemodynamics will usually lead to full re- in impaired sodium reabsorption, a urine sodium con-
covery of renal function. centration greater than 40 mEq/L, and fractional ex-
Postrenal ARF results from anatomical obstruc- cretion of sodium greater than 2 to 3%. Defective urinary
tion to urine flow at the levels of the ureters or bladder concentration and dilution are manifested by isosthenu-
outlet. Although obstructive disease may be unilateral, ric urine, with a specific gravity of 1.010 and an
renal failure requires the presence of bilateral obstruction osmolality of 250 to 300 mOsm/kg H2O.
or unilateral obstruction of a solitary functional kidney. ATN may result from renal ischemia, endoge-
Postrenal ARF is usually readily diagnosed on the basis nous or exogenous nephrotoxins, and/or sepsis.
of bilateral hydronephrosis on renal ultrasound or the Although the pathophysiology of ATN remains in-
finding of an elevated postvoid residual bladder volume completely understood, robust conceptual models of its
(> 100 mL). Treatment of postrenal disease requires pathogenesis have been developed. In ischemic ATN,
relief of the obstruction. In patients in whom the the initial insult causes hypoxia of highly metabolically
obstruction is at the level of the urinary bladder, im- active tubular cells. Cells at the corticomedullary junc-
provement in renal function may be accomplished with tion are particularly susceptible to ischemic injury due
simple placement of a bladder catheter. Among patients to their high basal oxygen demand and relatively low
regional oxygen delivery. Although ATN associated Table 2 Prevention of Radiocontrast-Induced Acute
with sepsis has commonly been viewed as mediated Renal Failure
primarily by ischemic injury, recent data suggest pri- Effective interventions
macy of other pathophysiological processes.19 Recent Volume expansion with isotonic saline solutions
experimental animal models and limited human studies Avoidance of high-osmolar radiocontrast agents
suggest that overall renal perfusion is preserved or even Minimization of volume of radiocontrast
increased with sepsis, yet regional redistribution of Discontinuation of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
blood flow within the kidney may shunt blood away Potentially effective interventions
from the corticomedullary junction.20–22 Although spe- Sodium bicarbonate (as compared with sodium chloride)
cific mechanisms for deterioration in renal function in N-acetylcysteine
hyperdynamic sepsis remain unknown, recent work Iso-osmolar radiocontrast agents (as compared with
suggests that activation of cellular and humoral inflam- low-osmolar agents)
matory mediators and of coagulation pathways play a Theophylline
central role.23–27 In nephrotoxic ATN, direct cytotox- Ineffective or potentially harmful interventions
icity to tubular epithelial cells is the primary mechanism Dopamine
of renal injury. Epithelial cell injury leads to loss of Fenoldopam
polarity, activation of apoptotic pathways resulting in Atrial natriuretic peptide
both apoptotic and necrotic cell death, and sloughing of Diuretics
both viable and dying epithelial cells into the tubular Mannitol
lumen. The associated fall in GFR that defines ARF is Renal replacement therapy
mediated by a combination of intratubular obstruction
from the sloughed debris, backleak of glomerular fil-
trate across the denuded tubular basement membrane, that utilize intravascular radiocontrast, even in critically
and intrarenal vasoconstriction. Although the tubular ill patients, are planned sufficiently in advance to permit
epithelial cell injury has been the central focus of the implementation of preventative measures. Factors
understanding ATN, the role of endothelial cell injury, that predispose to the development of RCN include
generation of reactive oxygen species, and activation of preexisting renal insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, and
inflammatory pathways have been increasingly recog- effective intravascular volume depletion. The presence
nized as critical to the pathogenesis of ATN.28–31 of one or more of these risk factors should prompt the
A variety of other intrinsic forms of ARF such as institution of preventive interventions. The best vali-
acute interstitial nephritis, acute glomerular disease, dated of these strategies are the administration of intra-
atheromboembolic disease, and tumor lysis syndrome venous (IV) fluids and discontinuation of diuretics to
account for some cases of ARF in critically ill patients. expand the intravascular space. Although initial regi-
Nonetheless, the following discussion of the prevention mens for fluid administration in the prevention of RCN
and treatment of ARF will focus on patients with ATN employed hypotonic saline,32 isotonic saline, infused at
because it is the predominant form of ARF in the ICU 1 mL/kg/h for 12 hours prior to and 12 hours following
setting. the administration of radiocontrast, provides greater
protection than equal volumes of hypotonic saline.33
More recently, Merten and colleagues reported an in-
PREVENTION OF ACUTE RENAL FAILURE cidence of RCN of only 1.7% using isotonic sodium
The morbidity and mortality associated with ARF have bicarbonate administered at 3 mL/kg/h for 1 hour prior
energized multiple efforts to identify strategies to fore- to and at 1 mL/kg/h for 6 hours following radiocontrast
stall its development. Unfortunately, most episodes of administration compared with an incidence of 13.6%
ARF are unpredictable, and hence prophylactic inter- with equal volumes of isotonic sodium chloride.34
ventions are impractical. There are, however, specific Although these results are notable, the protocol for fluid
settings in which it is possible to identify high-risk administration was not comparable to that used in the
patients and institute preemptive strategies to decrease majority of other studies. It is therefore not possible to
the risk of ARF. establish the superiority of this regimen to more conven-
tional regimens. In addition, the mechanism for the
benefit associated with sodium bicarbonate is not well
Radiocontrast Nephropathy understood, although it is speculated that it may relate to
The administration of intravascular radiocontrast media decreased production of reactive oxygen species. Addi-
represents one of the most important settings for such tional studies involving multiple centers and with larger
strategies (Table 2). RCN is one of the most common numbers of patients are needed to validate the conclu-
forms of ATN, accounting for 10% of hospital- sions of this study. However, because the risks associated
acquired ARF.4 Many of the radiographic procedures with isotonic sodium bicarbonate administration are
minimal in the majority of patients, use of this agent is a decline in kidney function.50 The implications of this
reasonable alternative to infusions of isotonic saline. are significant because even small changes in Scr are
The role of the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine in associated with increased postoperative mortality,51
preventing RCN is controversial. Although the initial whereas postoperative ARF severe enough to require
study describing its use suggested a marked benefit,35 the use of RRT is associated with an approximately
subsequent studies have reached conflicting conclu- eightfold increased risk of death after adjusting for
sions.36,37 Because this agent is both inexpensive and comorbidities.17 Factors predisposing to the develop-
without significant side effects, its use is not unreason- ment of ARF following cardiac surgery include preop-
able while awaiting more definitive data. Theophylline, erative renal insufficiency, decreased left ventricular
an adenosine antagonist, has also been proposed as ejection fraction, and valvular surgery.52 Although
potentially beneficial in preventing RCN. In a meta- high-risk patients can be identified preoperatively, in-
analysis of six published studies, the effect size observed terventions to prevent postoperative ARF have not been
was similar to that seen with N-acetylcysteine; however, effective. In a randomized, controlled trial, prophylactic
this result did not reach statistical significance.38 Given administration of dopamine did not decrease the risk of
the potential for complications with this agent, partic- ARF, whereas furosemide increased its incidence.53
ularly in patients with cardiac disease, it is a less Although earlier studies of atrial natriuretic peptide
attractive agent than N-acetylcysteine for use in the did not demonstrate a benefit, a recent small study of
absence of a clear benefit. A variety of other pharmaco- low-dose recombinant human atrial natriuretic peptide
logical agents, including dopamine, mannitol, furose- reduced the need for dialysis in patients manifesting a
mide, atrial natriuretic peptide, and fenoldopam, have 50% increase in Scr following cardiac surgery.54 This
been shown to be ineffective, or even harmful, in suggests a potential benefit, but additional evaluation
preventing RCN and should not be used.39 will be necessary for confirmation. The potential benefit
The selection of radiocontrast agent is also an im- of off-pump coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) sur-
portant consideration in preventing RCN. Low-osmolar gery in decreasing the risk for renal injury compared with
radiocontrast agents are associated with a lower risk of on-pump CABG is controversial. Although case series
RCN compared with the older high-osmolar agents, have suggested a decreased risk of ARF,55,56 no benefit
particularly in patients with underlying kidney dis- in renal outcomes was reported in a more recent pro-
ease.40,41 In patients with both diabetes mellitus and spective observational study.57
renal insufficiency, iso-osmolar agents may be more
beneficial than low osmolar agents.42 Regardless of the
class of radiocontrast, the volume administered should be TREATMENT OF ESTABLISHED ACUTE
minimized because volumes in excess of 250 to 300 mL RENAL FAILURE
are associated with increased risk of RCN.43,44
Pharmacological Therapy
Multiple pharmacological agents including dopamine,
Rhabdomyolysis the dopamine receptor agonist fenoldopam, loop diu-
Rhabdomyolysis is an important cause of ARF, espe- retics, atrial natriuretic peptide, insulin-like growth
cially in trauma patients. The sine qua non of this factor-1 (IGF-1) and thyroxine are effective for the
condition is an elevation in the creatine phosphokinase treatment of ARF in animal models. However, similar
concentration. ARF results from the toxicity of myoglo- success has not been observed in human studies. No
bin and other intracellular constituents released from pharmacological agents have been clinically validated for
damaged myocytes. The early and aggressive adminis- the treatment of established ARF.
tration of IV fluids is well recognized as effective at
preventing ARF in this setting.45,46 In patients with DOPAMINE AND FENOLDOPAM
crush injuries, fluid administration with 1 L/h of normal When dopamine is administered in low doses (0.5–
saline should be initiated promptly, even before extrac- 2.0 mg/kg/min), renal plasma flow and GFR rise, and
tion of the patient, if possible. Although urinary alka- urinary sodium excretion increases.58,59 Based on these
linization with bicarbonate-containing fluids,47 and physiological effects, low-dose dopamine has been, and
forced mannitol diuresis48 have been advocated, the continues to be, used in critical care settings to attenu-
benefit of these agents is uncertain.49 ate the clinical impact of ARF and augment urine
output. However, its use is not supported by clinical
studies. In the largest prospective trial, Bellomo and
Postsurgical Acute Tubular Necrosis colleagues randomized 328 critically ill patients with
The incidence of ARF following cardiac and vascular early ARF to infusions of low dose dopamine or
surgery is significant, with some series demonstrating placebo.60 There was no benefit with regard to duration
that up to 40% of patients manifest a perioperative of ARF, need for RRT, or mortality associated with
dopamine. In a meta-analysis of over 60 published the use of diuretics to delay the initiation of RRT is
studies, Friedrich and colleagues also found no benefit associated with benefit or harm.67
of low dose dopamine on mortality or need for dialysis,
although there was a small benefit in terms of urine GROWTH FACTORS
volume excreted on the first day of therapy. However, Growth factors accelerate recovery of renal function in
even this benefit was not sustained beyond the first experimental models of ATN. In human trials, similar
day.61 Given the lack of benefit and the recognized benefit has not been observed. IGF-1 did not hasten
complications, most notably cardiac arrhythmias, asso- recovery of renal function, decrease the need for dial-
ciated with this agent, there is no role for low-dose ysis, or alter mortality.68 Not only did thyroxine not
dopamine in the management of ARF. improve renal recovery, it was associated with increased
The dopamine-receptor agonist fenoldopam has mortality.69,70
been evaluated in a small pilot study for the treatment of
ARF. In 155 critically ill patients with early ARF
randomized to fenoldopam or placebo, fenoldopam Renal Replacement Therapy
was associated with a trend toward decreased need for
dialysis and improved survival, although these findings TIMING OF INITIATION
did not reach statistical significance.62 Further evalua- RRT is the primary means for managing severe ARF,
tion using a larger patient sample will be necessary to especially when complicated by hyperkalemia, severe
adequately assess the potential role for this agent. metabolic acidosis, volume overload, or overt uremic
symptoms. Although the recognition of these clinical
LOOP DIURETICS indications for renal support is relatively straightfor-
Loop diuretics inhibit sodium transport in the loop of ward, there is uncertainty regarding the optimal time
Henle through inhibition of the Na-K-2Cl cotrans- to initiate RRT in the absence of these complications.
porter. It has been hypothesized that, by decreasing Advocates for the early initiation of RRT argue that
metabolic demand in this nephron segment, increasing RRT should be provided as soon as it is clear that the
urine flow, and washing out intratubular debris in more patient has sustained a significant and persistent re-
distal tubular segments, loop diuretics may be beneficial duction in GFR in order to maintain as normal a
in patients with ARF. Moreover, based on the observa- metabolic milieu as possible. The argument against
tion that patients with nonoliguric ARF have a better early initiation is that it will subject some patients to
prognosis than patients with oliguric ARF, loop diu- the risks of RRT who, if managed conservatively,
retics have been used in attempts to convert patients might recover renal function without requiring renal
from an oliguric to a nonoliguric state. Unfortunately, support. In addition, there is, at best, only limited data
clinical trials have failed to support the utility of loop suggesting an outcome benefit associated with early
diuretics in the treatment of ARF. In studies that are initiation of therapy.
over 2 decades old, the use of furosemide to increase The debate regarding timing of initiation of RRT
urine output had no impact the requirement for dialysis, extends back to the early 1960s when Teschan and
recovery of ARF, or mortality.63,64 colleagues, and Easterling and Forland reported benefits
A more recent observational study used propen- to ‘‘prophylactic’’ dialysis, initiated prior to uremic
sity scoring to adjust for factors leading to diuretic use.65 symptoms, in uncontrolled case series of patients with
Diuretic use was associated with an adjusted odds ratio ARF.71,72 During the next decade, a series of retrospec-
for mortality of 1.68 (CI, 1.96–2.64), for nonrecovery of tive studies supported the conclusion that earlier initia-
renal function of 1.79 (CI, 1.19–2.68), and for a com- tion of dialysis, prior to the development of advanced
posite end point of death or nonrecovery of renal azotemia, was associated with improved survival.73–75
function of 1.77 (CI, 1.14–2.76), suggesting potential The first prospective analysis of this issue was a study
harm with diuretic use. However, analysis of data from a of 18 consecutive patients assigned in an alternating
multinational study of 1743 critically ill patients with fashion to an early dialysis regimen (to maintain the
ARF did not reproduce these findings.66 Because all of BUN < 70 mg/dL and the Scr < 5 mg/dL), or late
the increased risk in the initial study was attributable to dialysis (BUN 150 mg/dL, Scr 10 mg/dL, or clin-
the diuretic-unresponsive patients, it has been suggested ical symptoms) published by Conger in 1975.76 Survival
that the adverse impact of diuretic therapy may result among patients receiving the intensive regimen was
from a delay in instituting RRT while using escalating superior to that observed in the nonintensive cohort
doses of diuretics. (64% vs 20% p < .01), and the frequency of gram-
In summary, diuretic therapy is not associated negative sepsis and gastrointestinal hemorrhage was
with an alteration in the clinical course of ARF. In diminished. In a subsequent study, Gillum and collea-
diuretic-responsive patients, their use may facilitate gues76a randomized 34 patients to receive either inten-
volume management; however, it is uncertain whether sive dialysis (maintaining the BUN < 60 mg/dL and
the Scr < 5 mg/dL) or nonintensive dialysis (BUN CRRT is an umbrella term used to describe a
100 mg/dL and Scr 9 mg/dL). Mortality was family of therapies that provide slow continuous
higher (59% vs 47%), although hemorrhagic and septic removal of solute and fluid. The variants of CRRT
complications were less frequent in the intensively differ with regard to the mode of vascular access for
treated patients; yet these differences did not achieve the extracorporeal circuit [arteriovenous (AV) or
statistical significance. These data form the basis for the venovenous (VV)] and the mechanism of solute re-
conventional teaching that dialysis should be initiated moval (hemodialysis, hemofiltration, or hemodiafiltra-
when the BUN approaches 100 mg/dL and that no tion).80,81 When CRRT was first introduced, arterial
further benefit is seen with earlier initiation of therapy. cannulation was utilized, with the gradient between
This dictum, however, is subject to the inherent limi- mean arterial pressure and central venous pressure
tations of retrospective analyses and underpowered pro- providing the driving force for blood flow through the
spective studies. extracorporeal circuit. Although the use of an AV
More recent investigation into the timing of RRT circuit provided for technological simplicity without
has focused on continuous RRT (CRRT). Gettings and the need for a blood pump or pressure monitors,
colleagues retrospectively compared outcomes among reliance on the AV pressure gradient limited the blood
100 adults with posttraumatic ARF who were initiated flow through the extracorporeal circuit. Moreover,
on CRRT when their BUN was < 60 mg/dL (early) or prolonged arterial cannulation was associated with un-
> 60 mg/dL (late).77 The early group was initiated on acceptably high complication rates.82 For these reasons,
CRRT an average of 9 days before the late group pump-driven VV modalities are now nearly universally
(10 15 days vs 19 27 days, p < .0001) and had a used.
substantially lower BUN at the time of initiation of Solute removal during CRRT can be provided by
therapy (43 13 mg/dL vs 94 28 mg/dL, p < .0001). either diffusion or convection. In continuous hemodial-
Survival was 39% in the early group compared with 20% ysis, diffusive solute transport predominates; in hemofil-
in the late initiation group (p ¼ .041). Although the two tration, convective transport predominates; and in
groups had similar levels of acuity of illness, the retro- hemodiafiltration there is a combination of both mech-
spective design of the study does not eliminate the anisms. Theoretically, convective clearance allows for
possibility that differences in outcomes were related to greater removal of middle and higher molecular weight
unrecognized differences in the clinical characteristics of solutes. It has been postulated that the potentially
the two groups. Similar findings have also been observed greater removal of inflammatory mediators using hemo-
in a recent retrospective study of CRRT following filtration favors this technique over purely diffusive
cardiac surgery.78 In the only prospective study evaluat- therapies. In one study, lower tumor necrosis factor-
ing timing of initiation of CRRT, Bouman and col- alpha (TNF-a) levels were achieved during continuous
leagues did not observe improved outcomes with early VV hemofiltration (CVVH) than during continuous
initiation of therapy, although the study is notable for its venovenous hemodialysis (CVVHD).83 However, no
small sample size and an overall patient survival that difference in clinical outcomes based on modality of
suggests a lower acuity of illness than most studies of CRRT has been reported.
ARF in critically ill patients.79 Thus, to date there are From a conceptual standpoint, it seems logical
inadequate data to permit consensus on the optimal that the use of CRRT with its gradual fluid and solute
timing of initiation of RRT. Resolution of this question removal would be superior to the rapid volume and
will require adequately powered randomized, controlled solute flux associated with IHD in the critically ill
trials because this question cannot be adequately an- patient with hemodynamic instability. However, clin-
swered using retrospective or observational data. ical trials have not demonstrated outcome benefits
associated with CRRT. The majority of studies com-
MODALITY OF RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY paring these modalities have been fraught with prob-
Over the past 2 decades there has been a rapid expansion lems related to disparities in disease severity because
of the modalities of RRT available for the management more seriously ill patients are more likely to receive
of ARF. Although the options were once limited to CRRT. Additionally, nonrandomized and/or retro-
intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) and peritoneal dialysis, spective study designs have confounded these compar-
the current armamentarium of therapies includes multi- isons. In a single-center retrospective comparison,
ple variants of CRRT and the more recently introduced Swartz and colleagues observed a twofold greater mor-
‘‘hybrid’’ therapies, such as sustained low-efficiency dial- tality in patients treated with CVVH compared with
ysis (SLED) and extended daily dialysis (EDD), which patients whose ARF was managed using IHD.84 After
combine the machine technology of conventional IHD adjusting for the greater burden of comorbid conditions
with the extended duration of CRRT. Unfortunately, in the patients managed using CVVH using two
despite the growing number of options, objective data to separate multivariate models, no difference in the
guide the selection of modality are limited. odds of death was observed between modalities. Similar
results were observed in a prospective, multicenter, The data comparing other modalities of RRT are
observational study by Guérin and colleagues.85 In limited. One randomized, controlled trial demonstrated
this series, mortality was 79% in 354 patients managed CVVH to be superior to peritoneal dialysis in infection-
with CRRT and 59% in patients managed with IHD. associated ARF.93 The generalizability of this study is
However, after performing logistic regression to adjust limited, however, by the predominance of malaria as the
for comorbidities, modality of RRT was not independ- underlying etiology of ARF. No studies have directly
ently associated with outcome. compared outcomes with ‘‘hybrid’’ therapies to either
In a randomized, controlled trial of 166 patients IHD or CRRT, although these therapies have been
with ARF conducted by Mehta and colleagues, ICU and shown to provide similar hemodynamic stability and
hospital mortality rates were 59.5% and 65.5%, respec- metabolic control to CRRT.94
tively, in patients randomized to CRRT and 41.5% In summary, current data are inadequate to guide
and 47.6%, respectively, in patients randomized to IHD selection of modality of RRT in ARF. Issues associated
(p < .02).86 Unfortunately, the randomization in this with study methodology, lack of comparability of treat-
study was imbalanced, resulting in higher APACHE III ment groups, and inadequate sample size limit the
scores and a higher prevalence of liver failure in the interpretation of studies that have attempted to address
patients randomized to CRRT. After adjusting for this question. The choice of modality of RRT should
the differences between groups using either logistic therefore be dictated primarily by local expertise and
regression or proportional hazards regression, there was availability of equipment and personnel.
no difference in mortality attributable to modality
of RRT. Two meta-analyses have attempted to compare DOSE OF RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY
outcomes between these modalities.87,88 One meta-anal- Guidelines for the dosing of dialysis for patients with
ysis that included both randomized and nonrandomized ESRD are well established. Unfortunately, similar
studies concluded that weakness in study quality signifi- guidelines for the dose of RRT for patients with ARF
cantly limited comparison between modalities, although do not exist. When determining the dose of IHD for
there was a suggestion that CRRT might be potentially patients with ARF, both the frequency and the dose of
superior when studies were weighted based on assessment each treatment session need to be considered. Only one
of study quality.87 The second meta-analysis restricted the study has evaluated the effect of IHD frequency on
included studies to six randomized trials, only one of outcomes among patients with ARF. In this study,
which, the study by Mehta and colleagues already dis- Schiffl and colleagues assigned 160 critically ill patients
cussed, was designed to evaluate mortality as an outcome with ATN in an alternating fashion to daily or alternate
and had been published as a peer-reviewed manuscript.88 day dialysis.95 Patients who received daily dialysis had
This meta-analysis found no difference in survival asso- decreased mortality 14 days after discontinuation of
ciated with modality of RRT. RRT (28% vs 46%, p ¼ .01), and shorter duration of
An additional randomized, controlled trial com- ARF (9 2 vs 16 6 days, p ¼ .001). Although these
paring IHD to CRRT was published subsequent to results are striking, concern has been raised that the dose
these two meta-analyses.89 In this study of 80 patients, of dialysis delivered to the alternate-day treatment group
acuity of illness was similar between the two treatment was exceptionally low, resulting in a markedly elevated
arms. Although CRRT was associated with greater net time-averaged BUN in these patients and a high in-
volume removal during the first 72 hours of therapy cidence of uremic complications, including gastrointes-
and greater hemodynamic stability than IHD, there was tinal bleeding, altered mental status, and infections.96
no observed difference in mortality between the two Thus, although demonstrating that increasing the dose
treatments. of dialysis from a very low level of alternate-day therapy
It has been suggested that, despite the absence of is associated with improved outcomes, this study does
a survival benefit with CRRT, recovery of renal function not provide convincing evidence that increasing the
may be more likely with this mode of therapy.86,90,91 The frequency of therapy provides added benefit to patients
clinical mechanism postulated for this benefit is the receiving an ‘‘adequate’’ delivered dose of therapy on an
lesser degree of hemodynamic instability with CRRT every other day or three-times per week schedule.
compared with IHD, leading to fewer episodes of intra- There are only limited data to establish what the
dialytic hypotension and associated renal ischemia. ‘‘adequate’’ dose of therapy should be. In a retrospective
Although greater recovery of renal function has been study, Paganini and colleagues evaluated survival as a
observed in surviving patients in these studies, limiting function of the delivered dose of dialysis in critically ill
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competing risk of mortality. When analyzed using the appeared to have no impact on outcome among patients
combined end point of death or nonrecovery of renal with either very high or very low acuity of illness, in
function, no difference in outcome can be ascribed to patients with intermediate severity of illness, doses of
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Stress Hyperglycemia and Adrenal
Insufficiency in the Critically Ill
Murugan Raghavan, M.D., M.R.C.P. (UK)1 and
Paul E. Marik, M.D., F.R.C.P. (C), F.C.C.P.2
S tress hyperglycemia and adrenal insufficiency reported incidence of A-1 varies widely (0 to 77%) in the
are the most common endocrine disorders during critical ICU depending on the population of patients studied and
illness that impact survival. An increasingly robust body the diagnostic criteria used.9,10 However, the overall
of literature describes adverse clinical outcomes associ- incidence of A-1 in critically ill patients approximates
ated with hyperglycemia in critically ill patients.1–7 A 30%, with an incidence as high as 50 to 60% in patients
recent review of 1826 consecutive patients admitted to a with septic shock.10 It is important to recognize these
medical-surgical intensive care unit (ICU) showed that patients because this disorder has a high mortality rate if
hospital mortality was strongly associated with glycemic untreated.11 Therapy of patients with relative A-1 with
control during ICU stay. Patients with mean glucose corticosteroids has been shown to increase survival.10
levels between 80 and 99 mg/dL during ICU stay had a
9.6% hospital mortality; this increased to 12.5% among
patients with a mean glucose level of 100 to 119 mg/dL ENDOCRINOLOGY OF STRESS
and was as high as 42.5% in patients whose mean glucose Stress associated with critical illness is characterized by
level exceeded 300 mg/dL.8 activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)
The second most common endocrine disorder axis with the release of cortisol from the adrenal
during critical illness is adrenal insufficiency (A-1). The gland.9,12 This phenomenon is an essential component
Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh 19107. E-mail: [email protected].
Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 2Division of Pulmonary Non-pulmonary Critical Care: Managing Multisystem Critical
and Critical Care Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadel- Illness; Guest Editor, Curtis N. Sessler, M.D.
phia, Pennsylvania. Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2006;27:274–285. Copyright # 2006
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Paul E. Marik, by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York,
M.D., Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Thomas NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
Jefferson University, 834 Walnut St., Ste. 650, Philadelphia, PA DOI 10.1055/s-2006-945533. ISSN 1069-3424.
of general adaptation to stress and contributes to the Stress hyperglycemia but not preexisting diabetes has
maintenance of cellular and organ homeostasis. In addi- been shown to be associated with a worse outcome
tion to increased cortisol secretion the stress response is following acute myocardial infarction and stroke.22–25
characterized by a marked increase in the release of The plasma glucose level on admission has been shown
norepinephrine, epinephrine, as well as glucagon and to be an independent predictor of prognosis after
growth hormone.13–15 Insulin levels are usually normal myocardial infarction.22,23 In diabetic patients with
or decreased, despite peripheral insulin resistance.16–18 It acute myocardial infarction, therapy to maintain blood
has been suggested that insulin release may be sup- glucose at a level below 215 mg/dL improves out-
pressed as the result of increased activation of the come.24,26,27 The presence of hyperglycemia following
pancreatic a receptors.17 In addition to causing insulin an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke is associated with a
resistance, cytokines such as interleukin-1 (IL-1) and two to threefold increased mortality and significant
tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibit insulin release, an impairment in functional recovery.25,28
effect that appears to be concentration dependent.19 The Glucose has been shown to be a powerful proin-
low to normal insulin levels together with insulin resist- flammatory mediator,29,30 and tight glycemic control
ance in the presence of increased secretion of the below 110 mg/dL with insulin has been shown to exert
counterregulatory hormones results in stress hypergly- antiinflammatory effects in the critically ill patient.31
cemia. An inability to respond to stress by mounting an Glucose also has been shown to exert prothrombotic
appropriate cortisol response or cortisol resistance results effects and to increase oxidative stress due to increased
in clinical adrenal insufficiency syndrome (Fig. 1). lipid peroxidation.32 In critically ill surgical and burn
patients tight glycemic control has been demonstrated to
reduce the risk of sepsis-related morbidity.1,33–35 The in
EPIDEMIOLOGY OF STRESS vitro responsiveness of leukocytes stimulated by inflam-
HYPERGLYCEMIA matory mediators has been shown to inversely correlate
The prevalence of stress hyperglycemia during critical with glycemic control.36,37
illness is difficult to establish due to limited data and In critically ill patients, hyperglycemia has been
variations in the definition of hyperglycemia. Stress shown to cause deleterious effects on mitochondrial
hyperglycemia has been previously defined as plasma oxidation, whereas intensive insulin therapy (blood glu-
glucose above 200 mg/dL20; however, in view of the cose < 110 mg/dL) contributes to mitochondrial integ-
results of the Leuven Intensive Insulin Therapy Trial rity.38 Vanhorebeek et al showed that in seven of nine
(see later discussion), stress hyperglycemia should be patients who died in the ICU with hyperglycemia,
considered in any critically ill patient with a blood hepatic mitochondria exhibited hypertrophic abnormal
glucose in excess of 110 mg/dL.1 In a study of septic irregular cristae and reduced matrix electron density.
nondiabetic ICU patients 75% had a baseline blood However, only one of 11 patients given intensive insulin
glucose level above 110 mg/dL.21 In the Leuven Inten- treatment had these morphological abnormalities
sive Insulin Therapy Trial, 12% of patients had a base- (p ¼ .005). This effect on ultrastructure was associated
line blood glucose above 200 mg/dL; however, 74.5% of with higher activity of respiratory-chain complex I and
patients had a baseline blood glucose above 110 mg/dL, complex IV in the intensive group than in the conven-
with 97.5% having a recorded blood glucose level above tional group, suggesting a direct link between hyper-
110 mg/dL sometime during their ICU stay.1 glycemia and cellular energetic dysfunction. Strict
The metabolic milieu in which stress-induced glycemic control with intensive insulin therapy pre-
hyperglycemia develops in the critically ill in the absence vented or reversed ultrastructural and functional abnor-
of preexisting diabetes mellitus is complex. A combina- malities of hepatocyte mitochondria and maintained
tion of several factors, including the presence of excessive cellular integrity.38
counterregulatory hormones such as glucagon, growth
hormone, catecholamines, glucocorticoids, and cyto-
kines such as IL-1, IL-6, and TNF combined with BENEFICIAL IMMUNE-MODULATORY
exogenous administration of catecholamines, dextrose, ROLE OF INSULIN DURING CRITICAL
and nutritional support together with relative insulin ILLNESS
deficiency, play an important role.12 Besides control of hyperglycemia, insulin has potent
acute antiinflammatory effects. In a group of obese
subjects, Dandona and colleagues demonstrated that an
DELETERIOUS EFFECTS OF STRESS infusion of insulin was associated with a significant fall in
HYPERGLYCEMIA IN THE CRITICALLY ILL proinflammatory transcription factor nuclear factor
To some extent the deleterious effects of hyperglyce- kappa-B (NF-kB), and increase in inhibitory kappa-B
mia in the critically ill are similar to that of actual (IkB) in mononuclear cells.39 Intensive insulin therapy
diabetes, although the time scale obviously differs. has been shown to reduce endothelial activation and
Figure 1 Pathogenesis of stress hyperglycemia and adrenal insufficiency in critically ill. Stress induced by various stimuli results in
release of CRH (corticotropin releasing hormone) from hypothalamus and adrenal corticotropic hormone (ACTH) from pituitary. ACTH
stimulates cortisol release from the adrenal gland. Various cytokines inhibit cortisol synthesis and release through the hypothalamic-
pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis modulation. In addition epinephrine, norepinephrine, and glucagon, along with cytokines and endotoxins,
inhibit insulin release, induce insulin resistance, and promote hepatic gluconeogenesis, thereby contributing to stress hyperglycemia.
Cytokine-induced inhibition of high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and CLA-1 (lysosomal integral membrane protein-II analogous
1) receptor synthesis results in decreased delivery of HDL to the adrenal gland, thereby causing substrate deficiency for cortisol
synthesis, resulting in adrenal insufficiency (A-1) (hepatoadrenal syndrome). Decreased release of cortisol coupled with increased tissue
resistance contributes to clinical A-1 syndrome. A-1, adrenal insufficiency; ACTH, adrenocorticotrophic hormone; Apo-1, apolipoprotein,
CRH, corticotropin; IL, interleukin; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor a; TGF, tumor growth factor; HDL, high density lipoprotein cholesterol;
CLA-1, scavenger receptor for HDL in liver and adrenals.
end-organ dysfunction.40 Endothelial-derived adhesion Intensive insulin therapy lowers ICAM-1 and E-selectin
molecules such as intracellular adhesion molecule-1 levels in critically ill patients, thereby reducing endothe-
(ICAM-1) and E-selectin are expressed in patients lial dysfunction.40 Insulin therapy is also a powerful
with prolonged critical illness and in nonsurvivors.41,42 anabolic stimulus to promote protein synthesis during
critical illness thereby counteracting the protein catabo- of bacteremia, acute renal failure, critical illness poly-
lism that occurs during critical illness.43–45 neuropathy, and transfusion requirements, a blood
glucose level of less than 110 mg/dL was required.
Indeed, a blood glucose level of 110–150 mg/dL was
INTENSIVE INSULIN THERAPY IN THE not effective on these morbidity measures as compared
CRITICALLY ILL with > 150 mg/dL.46
Van Den Berghe et al, in a prospective, randomized, Krinsley and Grissler,47evaluated an intensive
controlled study involving 1548 patients, demonstrated glucose management protocol in 800 heterogeneous
that intensive insulin therapy reduced mortality and critically ill adult patients. The protocol involved in-
morbidity among patients admitted to a surgical critical tensive monitoring and treatment to maintain plasma
care unit (the Leuven Intensive Insulin Therapy glucose values lower than 140 mg/dL. Continuous
Trial).1,46 These authors compared an intensive insulin intravenous insulin was used if glucose values exceeded
therapy regimen aimed to maintain blood glucose be- 200 mg/dL. The mean glucose value decreased
tween 80 and 110 mg/dL with conventional treatment in from 152.3 to 130.7 mg/dL (p < .001), marked by a
which insulin infusion was only initiated when glucose 56.3% reduction in the percentage of glucose values of
level was greater than 215 mg/dL and maintenance of 200 mg/dL or higher, without a significant change in
glucose between 180 and 200 mg/dL. At 12 months the incidence of hypoglycemia. The development of new
mortality was 4.6% with the intensive insulin regimen renal insufficiency decreased by 75% (p ¼ 0.03), and the
compared with 8.0% in the control group. The benefit number of patients undergoing transfusion of packed
was most apparent in patients with greater than 5 days of red blood cells decreased by 18.7% (p ¼ .04). Hospital
stay in the intensive care unit. Tight and early glycemic mortality decreased by 29.3% (p ¼ .002), and length
control was associated with the more rapid improvement of stay in the ICU decreased by 10.8% (p ¼ .01). In
of insulin resistance.46 Intensive insulin therapy was addition, intensive insulin therapy was shown to cause a
associated with reduced bloodstream infections by significant reduction in the incidence of total nosoco-
46%, acute renal failure by 41%, and critical illness mial infections, including intravascular device, blood-
polyneuropathy by 44%. Using multivariate analysis the stream, intravascular device–related bloodstream, and
authors suggested that improved metabolic control, as surgical site infections.
reflected by normoglycemia, rather than the infused Grey and Perdrizet48 randomized 61 surgical
insulin dose per se, was responsible for the beneficial ICU patients requiring treatment of hyperglycemia
effects of intensive insulin therapy. However, achieving (glucose values > or ¼ 140 mg/dL) to receive either
normoglycemia and the administration of insulin are standard insulin therapy (target glucose range, 180 to
linked, and from the available evidence it appears likely 220 mg/dL) or strict insulin therapy (target glucose
that both factors played a key role in the improved range, 80 to 120 mg/dL) throughout their ICU stay. A
outcome. significant reduction (p < .001) in mean daily glucose
The outcome data from the Leuven Intensive level was achieved in the strict glycemic control group
Insulin Therapy Trial indicates that there is a direct (125 36 mg/dL) in comparison with the standard
relationship between the degree of glycemic control and glycemic control group (179 61 mg/dL). A significant
hospital mortality.46 In the long-stay patients (> 5 days reduction (p < .05) in the incidence of total nosocomial
in the ICU) the cumulative hospital mortality was 15% infections, including intravascular device, bloodstream,
in patients with a mean blood glucose less than 110 mg/ and surgical wound infections, was observed in the strict
dL, 25% in those with a blood glucose between 110 and glucose control group in comparison with the standard
150 mg/dL, and 40% in those with a mean blood glucose glucose control group.
of greater than 150 mg/dL. In diabetic patients with It is noteworthy that in the Leuven Intensive
acute myocardial infarction, therapy to maintain blood Insulin Therapy Trial, all patients received between
glucose at a level below 215 mg/dL improves out- 200 and 300 g of intravenous glucose on the day of
come.24,26,27 These data suggest that even ‘‘modest’’ admission followed by parenteral or enteral (or both)
glycemic control will have an impact on patient outcome. nutrition started on the second ICU day. However,
This is important because in the ‘‘real world’’ it may be although early enteral feeding has been reported to
difficult (if not somewhat risky) to attempt to maintain improve organ function and decrease the length of
blood glucose in the range of 80 to 110 mg/dL. This hospital stay,49 parenteral nutrition is associated with
often requires the use of a continuous insulin infusion adverse outcomes during critical illness.50 Furthermore,
protocol and frequent blood glucose monitoring. How- hypocaloric enteral nutrition administered with slowly
ever, this goal may only be achievable in ICUs with a absorbed carbohydrate induces less hyperglycemia than
high nursing to patient ratio and close physician super- parenteral nutrition among critically ill.51–53
vision. On the other hand, the Leuven study showed Based on the foregoing results we recommend the
that to improve morbidity by reducing the incidence initiation of early enteral nutrition in all ICU patients on
the day of ICU admission.49,50,54 Enteral nutrition Table 1 Etiology of Adrenal Insufficiency during
should be commenced at a rate of 33 to 66% of calculated Critical Illness
intake (15 to 20 kcal/kg/d) and advanced to full calorific Syndromes Mechanism of A-1
goal of 20 to 25 kcal/kg/d over 3 to 5 days.55 Insulin
infusion should be commenced in patients with blood
Reversible dysfunction of the HPA axis
glucose above 150 mg/dL (a threshold of 110 mg/dL
Sepsis/SIRS Primarya and secondaryb
may be appropriate in select ICUs). Subcutaneous in-
sulin ‘‘sliding scales’’ may control stress hyperglycemia.
Corticosteroids Secondary
However, an insulin infusion is recommended if the
Etomidate Primary
blood glucose remains above 150 mg/dL after 24 hours
Ketoconazole Primary
on a sliding scale.
Rifampin Increased cortisol metabolism
Phenytoin Increased cortisol metabolism
ACTH and cortisol resistance Primary and secondary
Adrenal Exhaustion Secondary
Hypothermia Primary
In critically ill patients there has been a great deal of
Liver disease (hepatoadrenal
interest regarding the assessment of adrenal function and
the indications for adrenal replacement therapy.9,11,56–58
HDL (apolipoprotein-1) Primary
A-1, although once considered a rare diagnosis in the
ICU, is currently being reported with increased fre-
Fulminant hepatic failure Primary and secondary
quency in critically ill patients. Although the exact
Chronic liver failure (cirrhosis) Primary
incidence of A-1 varies with the diagnostic test and
Liver transplantation Primary
concentration of cortisol used to diagnose the disorder,
Anticoagulation Primary and secondary
in one series 61% of critically ill septic shock patients
Heparin-induced Primary and secondary
had A-1 when a baseline cortisol concentration of
< 25 mg/dL was used as the diagnostic threshold.56
Brain dead organ donors Primary and secondary
Adrenal failure can be caused by structural damage to
the adrenal gland, pituitary gland, or hypothalamus;
Metastatic cancer Primary and secondary
however, many critically ill patients develop reversible
Pituitary diseases Secondary
failure of the HPA axis.9
HIV infection Primary and secondary
Granulomatous diseases Primary and secondary
HYPOTHALAMO-PITUITARY AXIS AND ACTH, adrenal corticotropic hormone; A-1, adrenal Insufficiency;
HDL, high density lipoprotein; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus;
CORTISOL DURING STRESS HPA, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal; SIRS, systemic inflammatory
Severe illness and stress activate the HPA axis and response syndrome.
Primary A-1 is defined as the failure of the adrenal gland to produce
stimulate the release of corticotropin [also known as cortisol.9
adrenal corticotropic hormone (ACTH)] from the pi- Secondary A-1 is defined as adrenal failure secondary to hypo-
thalmo-pituitary-axis dysfunction.9,61
tuitary, which in turn increases the release of cortisol
from the adrenal cortex. This activation is an essential
component of the general adaptation to illness and stress, patients.56,59–62 However, the most common cause of
and contributes to the maintenance of cellular and organ acute A-1 is sepsis and systemic inflammatory response
homeostasis. syndrome (SIRS)56,63,64 (Table 1).
untreated.67 In our series of 59 patients with septic hospitalization. The baseline serum cortisol was
shock, 15 patients (25%) had primary A-1, 10 patients 18.8 16.2 mg/dL in the nonsurvivors compared with
(17%) had HPA-axis failure, and 11 patients (19%) had 13.0 11.8 mg/dL in the survivors (p < .001). Of those
ACTH resistance.56 Surviving septic patients had return patients with adrenal failure who were treated with
of adrenal function and did not require long-term treat- glucocorticoids, the mortality rate was 26% compared
ment with corticosteroids. with 46% (p < .002) in those who were not treated. In
those patients receiving vasopressor agents at the time of
adrenal testing, the baseline cortisol was 10.0 4.8 mg/
Adrenocorticotropin and Cortisol Resistance dL in those with A-1 compared with 35.6 21.2 mg/dL
Patients with systemic infections [e.g., sepsis, human in those with normal adrenal function. Vasopressor-
immunodeficiency virus (HIV)] may acquire A-1 asso- dependent patients who did not have adrenal failure
ciated with resistance to ACTH. In two recent studies in had a mortality rate of 75%.72
critically ill patients, we found that 30% of patients with
septic shock and 25% of critically ill, HIV-infected
patients acquired A-1 associated with ACTH resist- High Density Lipoprotein Deficiency
ance.59,68 In these patients pharmacological doses of and Adrenal Insufficiency
exogenous corticotropin did not increase their serum A-1 is increasingly being reported in patients with acute
cortisol levels, but high doses of corticotropin were able and subacute liver failure.60,72–75 The finding of an
to increase the levels into the normal range suggesting association between low serum apolipoprotein A-1
corticotropin resistance. (Apo-1) in patients with hepatic failure and A-1 sup-
Ali and colleagues reported a 40% decline in the ports the notion that liver disease may lead to impaired
number of glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) in the liver of cortisol synthesis.74–76 Apo-1 is the major protein com-
septic rats.69 The decline in hormone-binding activity ponent of HDL cholesterol synthesized principally by
was associated with a fall in GR messenger ribonucleic the liver. Experimental studies suggest that HDL is the
acid (mRNA). Decreased affinity of the GR from preferred lipoprotein source of steroidogenic substrate in
mononuclear leukocytes of patients with sepsis has the adrenal gland.76 At rest and during stress, 80% of
also been reported.70 In addition, Norbiato et al re- circulating cortisol is derived from plasma cholesterol,
ported resistance to glucocorticoids in patients with the remaining 20% being synthesized in situ from acetate
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).68 Cor- and other precursors.77
tisol-resistant patients had clinical evidence of A-1 Recently, mouse scavenger receptor, class B, type
associated with decreased affinity of GRs for glucocor- 1 (SR-B1) and its human homologue (CLA-1) were
ticoids and decreased GR function. We as well as others identified as the high affinity HDL receptor mediating
have found that cortisol clearance from the circulation selective cholesterol uptake.78 The receptor for HDL
is impaired in many critically ill patients.71 This de- (CLA-1) is expressed at high levels in the parenchymal
creased clearance reflects decreased tissue uptake and cells of the liver and the steroidogenic cells of the adrenal
metabolism of cortisol. glands, ovaries, and testes. CLA-1 mRNA is highly
expressed in human adrenal glands, and the accumula-
tion of CLA-1 messenger RNA is upregulated by
Liver Failure–Associated Adrenal Insufficiency adrenocorticotropin in primary cultures of normal hu-
(the ‘‘Hepatoadrenal’’ Syndrome) man adrenocortical cells.77 Low Apo-1/HDL levels in
We have found a high incidence of adrenal failure in the critically ill may be pathogenetically linked to the
critically ill patients with liver disease, an entity for high incidence of adrenal failure in this group of
which we have coined the term hepatoadrenal syndrome.72 patients. Van der Voort and colleagues79 demonstrated
In our study of 245 patients with hepatoadrenal syn- that in critically ill patients, low HDL levels were
drome, high density lipoprotein (HDL) level at the time associated with an attenuated response to Synacthen.
of adrenal testing was the only variable predictive of Indeed, an inverse relationship noted between proin-
adrenal insufficiency (p < .0001). In vasopressor-de- flammatory mediators and HDL/Apo-1 levels is asso-
pendent patients with A-1, treatment with hydrocorti- ciated with poor outcome in the critically ill.80 This may
sone was associated with a significant reduction (p < .02) be mediated by low serum cortisol level and A-1,
in the dose of norepinephrine at 24 hours, whereas the suggesting that further studies are required to define
dose of norepinephrine was significantly higher (p < .04) the pathogenetic role and mechanisms of altered HDL/
in those patients with adrenal failure not treated with Apo-1 metabolism in acute illness.74
hydrocortisone. In vasopressor-dependent patients with- In our series of patients with end-stage liver
out A-1, treatment with hydrocortisone did not affect failure, we noted an incidence of adrenal failure in
vasopressor dose at 24 hours. One hundred and forty- 15% of patients with fulminant liver failure, 40 to
one of a total 340 patients (41%) died during their 50% in patients with end-stage liver failure, and 90%
of patients undergoing liver transplantation.72 Because both upregulated or downregulated (tissue resistance)
HDL is synthesized primarily by the liver and plays a during stress.91,92 These data suggest that the total
fundamental role in transporting cholesterol to the circulating cortisol level may be a poor indicator of
adrenal gland, patients with the hepatoadrenal syndrome glucocorticoid activity at the nuclear level. Notwith-
have low HDL levels. In our study, the mean HDL level standing these caveats and the fact that we currently
was 8 mg/dL in patients with hepatoadrenal syndrome, do not have a test that measures glucocorticoid activity,
whereas it was 34 mg/dL (p ¼ .01) in patients with assessment of the HPA axis is usually made on the basis
normal adrenal function. Furthermore, a low HDL level of a random (stress) cortisol level or the corticotropin
at admission to the ICU was predictive of the develop- stimulation test. In a highly stressed patient such as with
ment of adrenal failure (adrenal exhaustion syndrome) in severe sepsis and other shock states a random cortisol
patients who had preserved adrenal function at admis- level assesses the integrity of the entire HPA axis.88
sion. Based on these findings, we suggest the routine Dysfunction at the hypothalamic, pituitary, or adrenal
measurement of a random cortisol and HDL level in all level will result in low circulating cortisol levels
patients with end-stage liver disease and in all critically (< 20 mg/dL). A stress cortisol level of < 20 mg/dL in
ill patients at risk of adrenal failure. a patient with refractory hypotension should be treated
with low-dose (stress dose) hydrocortisone.9 Because
this cutoff is rather arbitrary, a patient with a cortisol
Endotoxemia and Adrenal Insufficiency level greater than 20 mg/dL but less than 35 mg/dL, who
Apart from low HDL levels and the reduced delivery of has refractory hypotension may warrant a trial of low-
substrate for cortisol synthesis, other mechanisms may dose hydrocortisone. It should be emphasized that a
contribute to the pathophysiology of the hepatoadrenal cortisol level of > 20 mg/dl does not exclude A-1 due to
syndrome. Patients with acute and chronic liver disease tissue resistance.
have increased levels of circulating endotoxin [lipopoly- A random cortisol level of < 15 mg/dL in a
saccharide (LPS)] and proinflammatory mediators such moderately stressed (vasopressor-independent) ICU pa-
as TNF.81 It is postulated that intestinal bacterial over- tient is suggestive of HPA dysfunction.57 In moderately
growth with increased bacterial translocation, together stressed patients, ‘‘adrenal reserve’’ can be assessed by the
with reduced Kupffer cell activity and portosystemic low dose (LD; 1 mg) corticotropin (Synacthen) stimula-
shunting results in systemic endotoxemia with increased tion test. A serum cortisol level of < 20 mg/dL
transcription of proinflammatory mediators.82,83 In ad- 30 minutes after an LD corticotropin stimulation test
dition, serum endotoxin levels increase further during is suggestive of primary A-1. It is important to empha-
the anhepatic phase of liver transplantation and remain size that the random and stimulated cortisol levels must
high for several days following transplantation.82 LPS as be interpreted in conjunction with the severity of illness
well as TNF may inhibit cortisol synthesis. Endotoxin and the patient’s clinical features.89 A moderately
has been shown to bind with high affinity to the HDL stressed ICU patient with a random cortisol level of
receptor (CLA-1) with subsequent internalization of the < 15 mg/dL or a stimulated level of < 20 mg/dL who has
receptor.84,85 LPS may therefore limit the delivery of no clinical signs of A-1 (unexplained fever, confusion,
HDL cholesterol to the adrenal gland. Furthermore, hemodynamic instability, or eosinophilia) does not
TNF as well as interleukin-1b and interleukin-6 has warrant treatment with stress doses of hydrocortisone.
been demonstrated to decrease hepatocyte synthesis and Annane et al11 showed that a high baseline cortisol
secretion of Apo-186 (Fig. 1). as well as inability to increase cortisol by 9 mg/dL
(delta cortisol) after a high dose corticotropin (250 mg
tetracosactrin) stimulation test was associated with a
DIAGNOSIS OF HYPOTHALAMIC- worse likelihood of survival. Following this study the
PITUITARY-ADRENAL AXIS FAILURE delta cortisol has become the standard diagnostic test of
Because there are no clinically useful tests to assess the choice to diagnose A-1 in the ICU (see later discussion).
cellular actions of cortisol (i.e., end-organ effects), the The ‘‘delta 9’’ has become the magical number that
diagnosis of A-1 is based on the measurement of serum distinguishes normal adrenal function from ‘‘relative’’
cortisol levels; this has resulted in much confusion and adrenal failure. However, the delta cortisol is a measure
misunderstanding.58,87–90 Circulating cortisol is bound of adrenal reserve and adrenal responsiveness to cortico-
to corticosteroid-binding globulin with < 10% in the tropin; it does not assess the integrity of the HPA axis
free bioavailable form. During acute illness, there is an and is not a measure of adrenal function. In a study by
acute decline in the concentration of corticosteroid- Dimopoulou and coauthors who evaluated the HPA axis
binding globulin as well as decreased binding affinity dysfunction in critically ill patients with traumatic brain
for cortisol, resulting in an increase in the free bio- injury, > 50% of healthy volunteers had a delta cortisol of
logically active fraction of the hormone.65,90 In addition, < 9 mg/dL.93 Similarly, in a study of patients with
the number of intracellular GRs has been reported to be respiratory failure and no evidence of HPA disease,
50% had a delta cortisol of < 9 mg/dL after endotracheal if the pressor agent could be discontinued within
intubation with midazolam anesthesia.94 We believe that 24 hours of the first dose of hydrocortisone.
the standard corticotropin stimulation test lacks sensitiv- Sixty-one percent of patients met the criteria of
ity for the diagnosis of A-1.89 As already discussed, a A-1 when a baseline cortisol concentration of < 25 mg/dL
threshold cortisol level of < 20 g/dL is inappropriately was used. Ninety-five percent of steroid-responsive pa-
low in critically ill patients. ‘‘Normal’’ critically ill patients tients had a baseline cortisol concentration < 25 mg/dL.
should elevate their cortisol level 25 mg/dL. Further- Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed
more, 250 mg of corticotropin is supraphysiological that a stress cortisol concentration of 23.7 mg/dL was the
( 100-fold higher than normal maximal-stress ACTH most accurate diagnostic threshold for determination of
levels).87,95 The very high levels of corticotropin obtained the hemodynamic response to glucocorticoid therapy.
with 250 mg can override adrenal resistance to ACTH The sensitivity of a baseline cortisol < 25 mg/dL in
and result in a normal cortisol response. Therefore the predicting steroid responsiveness was 96%, compared
decision to treat patients with glucocorticoids should be with 54% for the low-dose test and 22% for the high
based on serum cortisol levels in conjunction with the dose test. The specificities of the tests were 57, 97, and
patient’s clinical features and severity of illness. In pa- 100%, respectively. The area under the receiver operating
tients with subtle clinical signs or a borderline random characteristic curve of the stress (baseline) cortisol con-
cortisol level, a therapeutic trial of treatment with stress- centration was 0.84; a stress cortisol concentration of
level doses of glucocorticoids may be warranted. The 23.7 mg/dL had the best discriminating power, with a
potential benefit of treatment with hydrocortisone in sensitivity of 0.86, a specificity of 0.66, a likelihood ratio of
certain patient groups, including those with severe sepsis 2.6, a positive predictive value of 0.62, and a negative
(not septic shock), hemodynamic instability in nonseptic predictive value of 0.88.
patients, severe community acquired pneumonia; patients However, as discussed previously, it is unclear at
treated with etomidate; and patients being weaned from this time whether a threshold of 20 mg/dL or 25 mg/dL
mechanical ventilation, deserve further investigation. should be used to determine treatment with hydro-
cortisone. Due to poor sensitivity of low-dose and
high-dose corticotropin stimulation testing we recom-
THERAPY OF ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCY mend that these tests be avoided in severely stressed,
During septic shock, treatment with stress-level doses of vasopressor-dependant septic shock patients to diagnose
hydrocortisone has been demonstrated to improve he- A-1.56,89,99
modynamic status, downregulate the proinflammatory From a practical point of view it is reasonable to
response, and improve survival10,11,96–98 Annane and initiate treatment with low-dose steroids in any patient
colleagues in a landmark placebo-controlled, random- presenting with septic shock and refractory hypotension
ized, double-blind, multicenter study, enrolled 300 adult pending the results of random cortisol (Fig. 2).97 Glu-
patients with septic shock after undergoing a short high- cocorticoids should be continued in those patients with a
dose (250 mg) corticotropin test.11 Patients were ran- stress cortisol level of < 20 mg/dL and in those patients
domly assigned to receive either hydrocortisone (50 mg with a level > 20 mg/dL who have demonstrated a clear-
IV q6h) and fludrocortisone (50 mg tablet once daily) cut hemodynamic response (lesser vasopressor require-
(n ¼ 151) or matching placebos (n ¼ 149) for 7 days. The ment) to glucocorticoid replacement.56,64,89 We believe
mortality was 53% in the corticosteroid group and 63% this to be a useful (although not the only) approach to
in the placebo group. Vasopressor therapy was with- the management of adrenal failure in the critically ill
drawn in 40% of patients who received placebo and in patient until more specific diagnostic tests become avail-
57% in the corticosteroid group (hazard ratio, 1.91; 95% able that can quantitate glucocorticoid activity at the
confidence interval, 1.29 to 2.84; p ¼ .001). cellular or nuclear level. The ‘‘best’’ dosing schedule has
Marik and Zaloga compared whether a baseline yet to be determined; however, currently hydrocortisone
(random) cortisol concentration < 25 mg/dL was a better at a dose of 50 mg q6h or 100 mg q8h is recommended.
discriminator of adrenal insufficiency than the standard Alternatively hydrocortisone can be given as a 100 mg
(250 mg) and the low-dose (1 mg) corticotropin stim- bolus, followed by an infusion at 10 mg/h. This latter
ulation tests in 59 patients with septic shock.56 Follow- regimen may result in better glycemic control. Hydro-
ing baseline cortisol level, patients were given 1 mg of cortisone should be continued for 5 to 7 days at the above
corticotropin (low dose), followed 60 minutes later by an dose before tapering, assuming that there is no recur-
injection of 249 mg of corticotropin (high-dose test). rence of signs of sepsis or shock. The hydrocortisone
Cortisol concentrations were obtained 30 and 60 mi- dose should then be reduced every 2 to 3 days by 50%,
nutes after low- and high-dose corticotropin. All pa- unless there is clinical deterioration, which would re-
tients were administered hydrocortisone (100 mg q8h) quire an increase in hydrocortisone dose. Currently,
for the first 24 hours while awaiting results of cortisol there are no data available to suggest how long hydro-
assessment. Patients were considered steroid responsive cortisone should be continued and when and if ACTH
Figure 2 Recommended strategy for evaluation and treatment of adrenal insufficiency among the critically ill.
testing should be performed (to confirm recovery of flammation. If untreated, both are associated with a
adrenal function). Furthermore, although there are few higher mortality. Currently available evidence is robust
data, routine treatment with fludrocortisone is not rec- enough to suggest that a tight glycemic control with
ommended at this time. insulin and therapy of A-1 with steroid supplementation
will improve survival in critically ill patients.
Stress hyperglycemia and A-1 are common in critically AUTHORS’ NOTE
ill patients. Multiple pathogenetic mechanisms are re- The authors have no financial interest in any of the
sponsible for each of these distinct metabolic syndromes; products mentioned in this article.
however, increased release of proinflammatory mediators
and counterregulatory hormones may play a pivotal role.
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Hematologic Disorders in Critically Ill
Kelly W. Mercer, M.D.,1 B. Gail Macik, M.D.,1 and Michael E. Williams, M.D.1
H ematologic disorders are common among crit- clinical scenarios. Thrombocytopenia may result in a
ically ill patients and frequently contribute to adverse bleeding diathesis necessitating transfusions; it may
outcomes. This review describes the most frequent non- also predict for increased morbidity and mortality.
neoplastic hematologic problems encountered in the Successful management of thrombocytopenia requires
intensive care unit and summarizes current approaches prompt and accurate recognition of its underlying
to diagnosis and management. cause. Drug-induced thrombocytopenia can be partic-
ularly challenging because many critically ill patients
receive multiple medications. Heparin-induced throm-
THROMBOCYTOPENIA IN THE INTENSIVE bocytopenia is of special concern, given the associated
CARE UNIT risk of thrombosis and the unique treatment of this
Thrombocytopenia is one of the most common labo- disorder.
ratory abnormalities in the intensive care unit (ICU). It Thrombocytopenia is frequently defined as a
may occur via several mechanisms and in a variety of platelet count below 100,000/mL. The incidence of
Division of Hematology/Oncology, University of Virginia School of Non-pulmonary Critical Care: Managing Multisystem Critical Illness;
Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia. Guest Editor, Curtis N. Sessler, M.D.
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Michael E. Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2006;27:286–296. Copyright # 2006
Williams, M.D., Hematology/Oncology Division, Box 800716, Uni- by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York,
versity of Virginia School of Medicine, Jefferson Park Ave., Charlot- NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
tesville, VA 22908. E-mail: [email protected]. DOI 10.1055/s-2006-945529. ISSN 1069-3424.
thrombocytopenia in studies of medical and surgical necessary, particularly if a primary bone marrow disorder
ICU patients has ranged from 21 to 41%.1–7 Severe is suspected.
thrombocytopenia (platelets less than 20,000/mL) is
much less common, typically developing in less than
5% of ICU patients.1–4,7 Risk factors for the develop- HEPARIN-INDUCED THROMBOCYTOPENIA
ment of thrombocytopenia in the ICU have included Recognition of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
sepsis, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), (HIT) and HIT with thrombosis (HITT) is of particular
organ failure, central or arterial lines, episodes of bleed- importance given its paradoxical association with throm-
ing or transfusion, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and bosis. HIT/HITT is an immune-mediated disorder that
use of chemotherapy.1,3–6,8,9 Drug-related thrombocy- is triggered by exposure to any form of heparin13,14; it is
topenia was seen in only a minority of cases.1–5 Develop- also known as type II HIT, to distinguish it from the
ment of a low platelet count has been associated with non-immune-mediated, mild thrombocytopenia associ-
several adverse outcomes, including longer ICU and ated with heparin termed type I HIT. Type II HIT is
hospital stays, increased incidence of major bleeding caused by the generation of heparin-induced, platelet-
and requirement for transfusions, and increased morta- activating immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies that
lity.3–9 Correction of thrombocytopenia has been asso- recognize heparin-platelet factor 4 complexes.15–18 The
ciated with a decreased risk of death.5,6 resulting platelet activation and thrombin generation lead
Four major mechanisms can explain the develop- to a significant risk of both arterial and venous throm-
ment of low platelet counts: spurious thrombocytopenia, bosis. Depending on the patient population studied, the
decreased platelet production, disorders of distribution risk of thrombosis has ranged from 29 to 89%.14,19–23
and dilution, and increased platelet destruction.10,11 A Even after cessation of heparin therapy, the threat of
low platelet count should always be repeated because thrombosis persists.21,22 In one study, the 30-day risk of
improper collection techniques or laboratory error may thrombosis after the diagnosis of HIT was 53%.22
be to blame. Examination of the peripheral blood film is The incidence of HIT varies depending on the
essential; this may reveal platelet clumping, which can be patient population and the type of heparin preparation
induced by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)- used. Patients undergoing cardiac or orthopedic surgery
dependent antibodies.12 If this is suspected, blood are among those at highest risk of developing HIT.24,25
should be redrawn in a tube containing an alternative HIT is less common in medical patients, with studies
anticoagulant such as heparin or citrate. suggesting a frequency of 1% or less.19,20,26 Patients
Platelet production may be adversely affected by receiving unfractionated heparin (UFH) are at increased
several conditions. These include congenital or acquired risk of HIT compared with those given the low molec-
disorders of hematopoiesis; liver disease with decreased ular weight heparin (LMWH) preparations.14,27 How-
production of thrombopoietin; bone marrow suppression ever, there is a high risk of in vivo cross-reactivity
secondary to drugs, toxins, or infectious agents; and between UFH and LMWH, and one agent may not be
nutritional deficiencies such as folate and vitamin B12 substituted for the other if HIT is suspected.24,28
deficiency. A dilutional thrombocytopenia may occur Diagnosis of HIT requires consideration of both
following massive transfusion of blood and plasma prod- clinical and serologic findings.29,30 Because nonpatho-
ucts. Patients with marked splenomegaly may have dis- genic heparin-platelet factor 4 antibodies occur com-
tributional thrombocytopenia secondary to increased monly in patients treated with heparin,30 a positive test
splenic sequestration. Increased platelet destruction, by for HIT antibodies is not sufficient to make the diag-
both immune and nonimmune mechanisms, represents nosis. Additionally, given the risk of thrombosis in
the most common reason for thrombocytopenia in ICU patients with HIT, appropriate therapy should not be
patients.10 Sepsis syndrome, DIC, immune thrombocy- withheld while awaiting the results of serologic testing.
topenic purpura (ITP), drug-induced thrombocytopenia, HIT should be suspected in patients who develop
and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura-hemolytic thrombocytopenia or experience a relative drop in pla-
uremic syndrome (TTP-HUS) are all associated with telet count of 50%,29 typically occurring 4 to 10 days
increased platelet destruction. after initiation of heparin therapy.31 Thrombocytopenia
Assessment of the patient with thrombocytopenia may occur much more rapidly after exposure to heparin,
should involve a thorough history and physical examina- however, in patients who have received heparin within
tion, as well as a review of all recent and current the previous 100 days.31 New or recurrent venous or
medications. Coagulation parameters and the presence arterial thromboses in patients who are receiving, or have
or absence of other cytopenias should be considered in recently received, a heparin product should also raise
conjunction with the patient’s platelet count. Evaluation suspicion for HIT. Lastly, skin lesions at heparin in-
of a peripheral blood smear may provide important jection sites or acute systemic reactions after bolus
information regarding the cause of the patient’s throm- administration of intravenous heparin are other clues
bocytopenia. Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy may be to a diagnosis of HIT.29,32
The diagnosis of HIT is necessarily based on sulfated heparan sulfate, is no longer available in the
clinical suspicion, although laboratory testing for HIT United States but is approved in some other countries for
antibodies may help confirm or exclude the diagnosis. management of HIT. Other agents under investigation
Both platelet activation and antigen-based assays are but not yet FDA-approved include bivalirudin, a paren-
available. The serotonin release assay and the heparin- teral DTI, and fondaparinux, a pentasaccharide with
induced platelet aggregation assay are functional tests of exclusive antifactor Xa activity.34,35 Vitamin K antago-
platelet activation. Although these assays are more nists such as warfarin may cause venous limb gangrene
specific for clinical HIT than antigen-based tests, they and skin necrosis in patients with HIT, and are therefore
are technically demanding to perform and are not widely contraindicated in the acute setting. It is recommended
available.16,33 The most commonly used test is an that vitamin K antagonists be given in HIT only once
enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) that directly de- the platelet count has recovered to at least 100 109/L,
tects the presence of antibodies binding to heparin- and only when given during overlapping therapy with an
platelet factor 4 complexes. Although simpler to perform alternate anticoagulant.29
and highly sensitive for the detection of HIT antibodies,
ELISA testing is less specific for clinically relevant
heparin antibodies than the functional assays.16,33 A COAGULOPATHY IN THE INTENSIVE
positive ELISA test should be interpreted in the context CARE UNIT
of the patient’s clinical findings. Coagulation defects are common in critically ill pa-
If HIT is suspected, all heparin products must tients.3–7 An adequate assessment of the bleeding patient
immediately be discontinued, including heparin flushes requires not only a thorough history and physical exami-
and heparin-coated catheters.29 Given the high risk of nation but also a good understanding of coagulation
thrombosis with HIT, even after discontinuation of laboratory tests. Frequent causes of coagulopathies in-
heparin,21 it is currently recommended that an alternate, clude vitamin K deficiency, use of warfarin, liver dys-
nonheparin anticoagulant replace heparin in patients function, and DIC. Treatment strategies are dictated by
strongly suspected of having HIT.29 In the United the severity of the coagulation disorder as well as its
States, the direct thrombin inhibitors (DTIs) argatroban underlying cause. Coagulopathy due to DIC is of par-
and lepirudin are the only agents approved by the Food ticular interest, given recent advances regarding its
and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management. Recombinant
HIT. Characteristics and dosing information for these factor VIIa (rFVIIa) is a novel hemostatic agent being
drugs are reviewed in Table 1. Danaparoid, a heparinoid tested in several off-label clinical settings including
containing a mixture of dermatan sulfate and low- trauma, intracerebral hemorrhage, and liver disease.
Coagulopathic bleeding typically presents with S. Decreased production of these factors in vitamin K–
the development of large soft tissue hematomas and deficient patients causes prolongation of the PT and a
palpable ecchymoses. Bleeding into joints, or hemarth- rise in the INR. In cases of protracted and severe
rosis, is a hallmark of the inherited hemophilias. deficiency, the aPTT may also lengthen. Vitamin K
Generalized oozing around intravenous catheters deficiency is a common cause of acquired coagulopathy
or from mucocutaneous sites is also suggestive of a in critical care patients.7,36,37 Factors contributing to the
systemic coagulation problem. Delayed bleeding fol- development of vitamin K deficiency include inadequate
lowing trauma or surgical procedures commonly devel- oral intake, recent major surgery, gastrointestinal disor-
ops in patients with coagulation defects because intact ders, and the use of broad spectrum antibiotics.38–40
platelet function achieves primary hemostasis. Special Recent guidelines developed by the British Committee
attention should be paid to any personal history of for Standards in Hematology recommend that adult
bleeding, including the timing and nature of previous ICU patients receive routine vitamin K supplementa-
episodes of bleeding and their relation to surgical tion, 10 mg thrice weekly. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) is
procedures, tooth extractions, or trauma. A family not the treatment of choice to replenish vitamin K
history of bleeding and a detailed medication history stores.41
should also be obtained. Treatment of vitamin K deficiency involves re-
The initial laboratory assessment in patients with placement of vitamin K. Most studies that examined
coagulopathy includes evaluation of routine clotting vitamin K administration have involved patients who
tests: the prothrombin time (PT) and international were overanticoagulated with warfarin, an oral agent that
normalized ratio (INR); the activated partial thrombo- inhibits carboxylation of the vitamin K-dependent clot-
plastin time (aPTT); and fibrinogen. Analysis of the ting factors, causing a functional deficiency of these
pattern of abnormalities in the PT-INR and aPTT can proteins and elevating the PT-INR. Excessive antico-
be useful in defining the coagulation defect. Additional agulation is common in patients receiving warfarin.42
testing may be required if the cause of the coagulopathy Randomized, controlled trials have demonstrated that
remains unclear. The additional testing may include both oral and intravenous vitamin K preparations are
assays that measure levels of specific clotting factors; more efficacious, and shorten the INR more rapidly,
mixing studies to distinguish factor deficiencies from than subcutaneous vitamin K.43,44 In most patients,
factor inhibitors; and fibrin-fibrinogen degradation oral vitamin K results in significant INR reversal by
products (FDPs) and D-dimers, both of which indicate 24 hours.44–46 Intravenous vitamin K acts more rapidly,
fibrinolysis and are elevated in consumptive coagulo- lowering the INR within 4 to 6 hours.46,47 However,
pathies such as DIC. Examination of the peripheral administration of intravenous vitamin K has been asso-
blood smear can help rule out a microangiopathic ciated with a small risk of anaphylaxis48 and should
process. therefore be used only if rapid and urgent INR reversal
Coagulopathy associated with clinically important is necessary. The American College of Chest Physician
bleeding is noted in a significant minority of critical care Consensus Conference has recently published specific
patients. Chakraverty et al studied 235 intensive care guidelines for the correction of excessive anticoagulation
patients; a coagulopathy was identified based on clinical with warfarin.49
findings in approximately one in seven patients.7 Labo-
ratory evidence of coagulopathy was even more common
in this population because two thirds of patients had an DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCULAR
INR greater than 1.5. These patients had a significantly COAGULATION
higher rate of mortality than those who did not have a DIC is a systemic disorder characterized by derange-
coagulopathy. In a retrospective analysis, vitamin K ments of the coagulation and fibrinolytic systems, leading
deficiency was noted in 20% of patients, representing to widespread thrombosis and bleeding. Proinflammatory
the most common explanation for a prolonged PT. stimuli such as endotoxin and cytokines trigger tissue
Other investigators have described similar rates of vita- factor expression on mononuclear cells and vascular
min K deficiency in ICU patients.36 Liver failure, DIC, endothelium.50 Exposure of the blood to procoagulants
and use of drugs such as warfarin and heparin were also (largely tissue factor) causes systemic activation of the
identified as causes of coagulopathy. coagulation cascade, with increased thrombin production
and fibrin formation.51,52 Thrombin generation is en-
hanced by impaired antithrombotic mechanisms, with
VITAMIN K DEFICIENCY diminished levels of antithrombin (formerly known as
Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a critical antithrombin III) and protein C.53–56 Fibrinolytic path-
role in the clotting system, functioning as a coenzyme in ways are also downregulated during DIC, secondary to
the posttranslational carboxylation of clotting factors II, increased levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor, type
VII, IX, and X, as well as the regulatory proteins C and 1 (PAI-1).57–59 Extensive intravascular fibrin deposition
Table 3 Scoring System for Overt Disseminated Abraham et al.84 Enrollment was terminated early, after
Intravascular Coagulation accrual of 2640 patients, due to the low likelihood of
Laboratory Test Points Values achieving a significant reduction in 28 day mortality with
rhAPC. Twenty-eight day mortality and in-hospital
Platelet count > 100 ¼ 0
mortality were the same in the rhAPC and placebo
< 100 ¼ 1
arms; serious bleeding was significantly greater in the
< 50 ¼ 2
rhAPC-treated patients. In light of these results, the use
Elevated fibrin-related markers No increase ¼ 0
of rhAPC should be considered only in those patients
(e.g., soluble fibrin, fibrin Moderate increase ¼ 2
with severe sepsis and a high risk of death.
degradation products) Strong increase ¼ 3
Prolonged prothrombin time < 3 second ¼ 0
> 3 but < 6 second ¼ 1
> 6 second ¼ 2
In 1999, the FDA approved recombinant factor VIIa
Fibrinogen > 1 g/L ¼ 0
(rFVIIa) for the treatment of patients with congenital
< 1 g/L ¼ 1
hemophilia A or B and circulating inhibitors to factors
The above scoring system is for use only in patients with an under- VIII or IX. Recombinant FVIIa has since been evaluated
lying condition known to be associated with disseminated intra-
vascular coagulation. as a hemostatic agent in a growing number of off-label
A score of 5 is compatible with overt disseminated intravascular conditions, albeit primarily in case reports or small
Adapted from Taylor et al.68 controlled trials. Areas of active investigation include
traumatic bleeding, intracerebral hemorrhage, and coa-
clotting factors Va and VIIIa; it enhances fibrinolysis by gulopathy of liver disease. Recombinant FVIIa use has
inactivating PAI-1. APC also modulates anti-inflam- also been reported in nonhemophiliacs with acquired
matory and antiapoptotic pathways.80 Low levels of inhibitors to various clotting factors, hereditary clotting
protein C are predictive of a poor clinical outcome in factor deficiencies, platelet disorders, reversal of anti-
septic patients.54–56 Based on these findings as well as coagulation, surgical bleeding, and perioperative bleeding
encouraging results from a phase II study,81 Bernard et al prophylaxis.85 The typical charge for a 40 mg/kg dose of
conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-con- rFVIIa is approximately $4,000. Important questions
trolled, multicenter trial to evaluate the impact of a remain regarding the efficacy, optimal dose, safety, and
recombinant human APC (rhAPC), or drotrecogin cost-effectiveness of rFVIIa in these populations.
alfa activated (DrotAA), on 28-day all-cause mortality Recombinant FVIIa is a genetically engineered
in patients with severe sepsis.82 Patients received either analogue of the naturally occurring FVII protein, a
placebo (840 patients) or rhAPC as a continuous serine protease that becomes activated upon binding to
infusion of 24 mg/kg/h for a total of 96 hours tissue factor exposed at areas of endovascular damage.
(850 patients). The trial was stopped prematurely after The rFVIIa-tissue factor complex leads to factor X
the second planned interim analysis because of a statisti- activation, which results in the conversion of prothrom-
cally significant reduction in mortality in the patients bin to thrombin and, subsequently, the activation of
who received rhAPC. In the rhAPC-treated patients, platelets and other clotting factors. Although its precise
28-day mortality was 24.7%, as compared with 30.8% in mechanism of action remains a matter of debate, it has
the placebo population; the reduction in relative risk of been proposed that rFVIIa at pharmacological doses is
death was 19.4%. There was an increased incidence of able to bind to activated platelets and stimulate factor X
serious bleeding in those patients treated with rhAPC directly, in a tissue factor–independent manner. Factor
compared with placebo (3.5% vs 2.0%). Subgroup anal- Xa, in the presence of factor Va, generates a thrombin
ysis determined that the largest reduction in mortality burst resulting in formation of fibrin clot localized to the
occurred among APC-treated patients with more severe site of injury.85–87
disease and higher risk of death, as indicated by Acute Recombinant FVIIa has been investigated as a
Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE universal hemostatic agent in patients with uncontrol-
II) scores in the third and fourth quartiles.83 Based on lable bleeding due to traumatic coagulopathy. The initial
these results, in November 2001 the United States FDA case report, in 1999, described cessation of life-threat-
approved rhAPC for the treatment of adult patients with ening bleeding in a gunshot victim following treatment
severe sepsis and a high risk of death. The FDA’s with two doses of 60 mg/kg of rFVIIa.88 Subsequent
approval required an additional trial evaluating the series of patients with uncontrolled traumatic bleeding
efficacy and safety of rhAPC in patients with severe have also reported improvements in bleeding and base-
sepsis and a low likelihood of death, as defined by line coagulation assays, as well as decreased transfusion
APACHE II scores of < 25 or single-organ failure. A requirements, after administration of rFVIIa.89–93 The
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of doses of rFVIIa have varied widely in these studies,
rhAPC in this population was recently reported by ranging from 36 to 218 mg/kg.
182 patients with cirrhosis undergoing orthotopic liver 13. Babcock RB, Dumper CW, Scharfman WB. Heparin-
transplantation.106 Although rFVIIa significantly re- induced immune thrombocytopenia. N Engl J Med 1976;
duced the number of patients needing RBC transfusion, 295:237–241
14. Warkentin TE, Levine MN, Hirsh J, et al. Heparin-induced
there was no improvement in comparison to placebo with
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regard to the number of units of RBCs transfused, weight heparin or unfractionated heparin. N Engl J Med
intraoperative blood loss, hospitalization rate, total sur- 1995;332:1330–1335
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rate of thromboembolic events between the two groups. 16. Francis JL. Detection and significance of heparin-platelet
In summary, emerging data suggest that rFVIIa factor 4 antibodies. Semin Hematol 2005;42(3, Suppl 3):
may be an effective drug for control of bleeding in certain
17. Rauova L, Poncz M, McKenzie SE, et al. Ultralarge complexes
nonhemophilic populations. At present, there is insuffi- of PF4 and heparin are central to the pathogenesis of heparin-
cient information to recommend the use of rFVIIa in induced thrombocytopenia. Blood 2005;105:131–138
many off-label scenarios, particularly in light of concerns 18. Visentin GP, Ford SE, Scott JP, Aster RH. Antibodies from
regarding its cost and unclear risk:benefit ratio. Further patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia/thrombo-
randomized data are needed to clarify the efficacy, safety, sis are specific for platelet factor 4 complexed with heparin or
and cost-effectiveness of rFVIIa in a variety of clinical bound to endothelial cells. J Clin Invest 1994;93:81–88
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Major Complications following
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Bekele Afessa, M.D.1 and Steve G. Peters, M.D.1
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Non-pulmonary Critical Care: Managing Multisystem Critical Illness;
Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota. Guest Editor, Curtis N. Sessler, M.D.
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Bekele Afessa, Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2006;27:297–309. Copyright # 2006
M.D., Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Mayo by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York,
Clinic College of Medicine, 200 First St., SW, Rochester, MN NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
55905. E-mail: [email protected]. DOI 10.1055/s-2006-945530. ISSN 1069-3424.
This review describes the major post-HSCT complica- Table 1 Major Pulmonary Complications in
tions pertinent to pulmonary and critical care physicians. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients
The management of HSCT recipients requires Infectious
knowledge of their immune status, appropriate diagnostic Viral
evaluation, and early treatment. The conditioning regi- Cytomegalovirus
men severely depresses preexisting immunity, which Respiratory syncytial virus
recovers along predictable patterns after transplantation.8 Influenza B
COMPLICATIONS Streptococcus pneumoniae
Pulmonary complications, occurring in 30 to 60% of Gram-negative
recipients, are the most common life-threatening con- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
ditions that develop following HSCT. The complications Fungal
are more frequent in allogeneic recipients, especially Aspergillus spp.
those with GVHD. Both infectious and noninfectious Candida spp.
pulmonary complications occur frequently (Table 1) Pneumocystis jiroveci
(Fig. 1). Based on the immunosuppression status, the Noninfectious
posttransplant period is divided into three phases: preen- Acute pulmonary edema
graftment, early posttransplant, and late posttransplant.9 Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage
The preengraftment phase (0 to 30 days) is characterized Periengraftment respiratory distress syndrome
by neutropenia and breaks in the mucocutaneous barriers Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome
as a result of conditioning regimens and frequent vascular Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia
catheterization. During this phase, the most prevalent Idiopathic pulmonary syndrome
pathogens causing infection are bacteria and Candida Delayed pulmonary toxicity syndrome
species and, if the neutropenia persists, Aspergillus species. Pulmonary cytolytic thrombotic syndrome
During neutropenia, there is no significant difference in
the type of infection between allogeneic and autologous
HSCT recipients.10 The early postengraftment phase
Figure 1 Timing of the major infectious and noninfectious complications following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. BO,
bronchiolitis obliterans; DAH, diffuse alveolar hemorrhage; GVHD, graft versus host disease; IPS, idiopathic pneumonia syndrome; P
edema, pulmonary edema; PERDS, periengraftment respiratory distress syndrome; PCP, Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia; RSV,
respiratory syncytial virus. Phase I, preengraftment period; Phase II, early postengraftment period; Phase III, late postengraftment
(30 to 100 days) is dominated by impaired cell-mediated endemic seasons, respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus,
immunity. The impact of this cell-mediated defect is picornavirus, influenza virus, and parainfluenza virus
determined by the development of GVHD and the should be included in the differential diagnoses of
immunosuppressant medications used to treat it. Cyto- respiratory symptoms in the HSCT recipient.19,20 This
megalovirus (CMV), Pneumocystis jiroveci, and Aspergillus section will focus on CMV.
species are the predominant pathogens during this phase.
The late posttransplant phase (> 100 days) is character-
ized by defects in cell-mediated and humoral immunity as CYTOMEGALOVIRUS PNEUMONIA
well as function of the reticuloendothelial system in
allogeneic transplant recipients. During this phase, allo- Epidemiology Although the frequency of CMV
geneic HSCT recipients are at risk for CMV infection, pneumonia in the early posttransplantation period has
varicella-zoster infection, Epstein-Barr–related lympho- been substantially reduced by prophylaxis, it continues to
proliferative disease, community-acquired respiratory vi- be a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the late
rus infection, and infection by encapsulated bacteria such posttransplant period. With early detection and prophy-
as Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae. In lactic and preemptive treatment, the rate of CMV
certain parts of the world, pulmonary tuberculosis occurs pneumonia has declined to less than 5%.21–23 Risk
during the late posttransplant phase.11,12 factors for CMV pneumonia include older age, positive
Noninfectious pulmonary complications also fol- CMV serology, allogeneic graft, and GVHD.24–28
low a characteristic time pattern.13 Pulmonary edema,
diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH), and periengraft- Clinical Findings and Diagnostic Evaluation CMV
ment respiratory distress syndrome (PERDS) usually infections result from primary infection or reactivation,
occur during the first 30 days following transplant and most occur between 6 and 12 weeks after trans-
(Fig. 1). Idiopathic pneumonia syndrome (IPS) occurs plant.29,30 With the wider use of prophylactic therapy,
at any time following transplant. CMV pneumonia may occur beyond 100 days after
transplant.12,31 Although rare, CMV pneumonia may
develop prior to engraftment, especially in recipients
APPROACH TO PULMONARY with positive CMV serology.31 The clinical manifesta-
COMPLICATIONS tions of CMV infection vary from completely asympto-
When HSCT recipients present with pulmonary infil- matic to multiple organ dysfunction. HSCT recipients
trates and symptoms and signs of infection, most clini- with CMV pneumonia typically present with fever, non-
cians initiate empirical antibacterial therapy, adding productive cough, dyspnea, and hypoxemia.31
antifungal therapy if risk factors are present and there Plain chest radiographs and HRCT usually show
is no response to initial treatment.14 Cultures of blood, subtle patchy or diffuse ground-glass opacities, often
urine, and respiratory secretions should be obtained. In with small concurrent pulmonary nodules.29,32,33 CMV
the appropriate clinical setting, antigen and polymerase antigen and PCR assays are used for the early detection
chain reaction (PCR) assays for Aspergillus and CMV of infection in urine, blood, and respiratory secre-
may be helpful. Pulmonary function testing (PFT) and tions.34,35 In the appropriate clinical setting, the diag-
high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the nosis of CMV pneumonia relies on the identification of
chest play important roles in suggesting specific diag- CMV from the lower respiratory tract by BAL and
nosis. If tolerated, we advocate early bronchoalveolar transbronchial or surgical lung biopsy. The definitive
lavage (BAL) with or without transbronchial lung bi- diagnosis requires positive culture results from BAL
opsy, transthoracic fine needle aspiration, or video-as- fluid samples, and identification of the characteristic
sisted thoracoscopic lung biopsy because specific cytopathic feature of intranuclear inclusions in either
diagnoses may lead to appropriate treatment and avoid BAL fluid or biopsy tissue.36
unnecessary and potentially harmful therapy (Fig. 2).
Prevention and Treatment The transfusion of CMV
seronegative blood products and leukocyte-depleted pla-
INFECTIOUS COMPLICATIONS telets, and prophylaxis and preemptive use of acyclovir,
valacyclovir, valganciclovir, ganciclovir, or foscarnet have
Viral Pneumonia reduced the rate of CMV infection in high-risk patients.
Viral infections are a major cause of morbidity and Although ganciclovir and foscarnet are effective for
mortality in HSCT recipients. CMV is the most com- CMV prophylaxis, their use is limited by marrow and
mon viral pathogen causing lower respiratory tract in- renal toxicities, and they are usually reserved for pre-
fection.15–17 Other viruses, including herpes simplex, emptive therapy or treatment. For the treatment of
varicella-zoster, Epstein-Barr, and human herpesvirus CMV disease, intravenous immunoglobulin is usually
6 and 8 may also cause pulmonary infections.18 During used in combination with ganciclovir or foscarnet.37
Figure 2 Diagnostic approach to the hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipient with pulmonary complication. BAL, bronchoalveolar
lavage; HRCT, high-resolution computed tomography of the chest; PFT, pulmonary function test; TBB, transbronchial lung biopsy; VATS,
video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery.
Clinical Course/Prognosis The mortality rate associ- posed that the diagnoses of invasive fungal infections in
ated with untreated CMV pneumonia may exceed the immunocompromised host be labeled as ‘‘proven,’’
90%.25 Although the prognosis has improved as a result ‘‘probable,’’ and ‘‘possible,’’ based on clinical, radiolog-
of effective prophylactic and preemptive treatment in ical, microbiological, and histological findings.45 Despite
high-risk patients, mortality still exceeds 50%.25,38,39 the availability of newer antifungal agents, including the
azoles and echinocandins, there has been little success in
the prevention and treatment of Aspergillus infection in
Fungal Pneumonia HSCT recipients. The following is an overview of
With improved prevention and treatment of other pulmonary aspergillosis after HSCT.
infections, invasive fungi have become the leading
infectious cause of morbidity and mortality in HSCT
recipients.40 The main risk factors for the development PULMONARY ASPERGILLOSIS
of invasive fungal infections are neutropenia and the
development of GVHD. Candida spp. and Aspergillus Epidemiology The reported incidence of invasive as-
spp. are the most common fungal pathogens causing pergillosis in allogeneic recipients ranges between 3.6
infection in HSCT recipients.41 With the wider use and 28%. Because of its association with neutropenia and
of fluconazole prophylaxis, the incidence of Candida GVHD, the incidence has a bimodal distribution.41 In
infection has declined and Aspergillus has become the the absence of neutropenia, invasive aspergillosis is
dominant cause of fungal pneumonia.40,42–44 Endemic uncommon in autologous recipients.10,46
fungi rarely cause infection in HSCT recipients.41
There is substantial controversy regarding the Clinical Findings and Diagnostic Evaluation Asper-
optimal criteria for the diagnosis of invasive fungal gillus infection is usually acquired through inhalation. In
infections. An international consensus group has pro- the absence of adequate immune response, the organism
invades the sinuses or lung tissue and disseminates fungal prophylaxis has not been shown to be effective in
to other organs by hyphal invasion of blood vessels.41 preventing invasive aspergillosis.54 During the high-
The clinical presentations of pulmonary aspergillosis risk periods, granulocyte transfusion and oral itracona-
are nonspecific and include fever, cough, sputum pro- zole or intravenous amphotericin B has been used until
duction, and pleuritic chest pain.47,48 Hemoptysis is the neutropenia resolves or the Aspergillus colonization
uncommon. disappears.55–57
The radiographic findings of pulmonary asper-
gillosis include nodules, diffuse infiltrates, and cav- Clinical Course/Prognosis Despite therapy, the re-
itations.33,49 The ‘‘halo sign’’ consists of a nodule ported case fatality rate of invasive aspergillosis ranges
surrounded by ground-glass attenuation and is seen between 29 and 87%.46,47,58 One-year survival rate is
most often in neutropenic patients. Cavitation is a 20%.42
late finding. The ‘‘hypodense sign,’’ the presence of
low density within nodules or areas of consolidation, PNEUMOCYSTIS JIROVECI PNEUMONIA
is reported to have 30% sensitivity and 100% specif- The incidence of Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP)
icity for the diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergil- in HSCT recipients has decreased sharply with trime-
losis.49 thoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ) prophylaxis.
In high-risk patients, Aspergillus antigen and PCR In three recent studies of 2356 HSCT recipients, PCP
assays can be used to screen for and monitor the response developed in 33 (1.4%), all in patients who were not
to treatment of Aspergillus infection. However, both the receiving TMP-SMZ prophylaxis.12,16,40 No PCP was
antigen and PCR assays may have high false-positive identified in two recent autopsy studies of 121 HSCT
rates.50 recipients.59,60
Because of the high mortality associated with The radiographic findings of PCP consist of a
invasive aspergillosis, many clinicians use antifungal diffuse, bilateral reticular or granular pattern that can
drugs empirically. The firm diagnosis of aspergillosis in progress to alveolar consolidation.16 The diagnosis usu-
HSCT recipients requires tissue for histology and cul- ally requires BAL with or without transbronchial lung
ture. If the histopathological examination of lung tissue biopsy.17,61,62
shows Aspergillus, the diagnosis of Aspergillus pneumonia The drug of choice for both the prevention
is considered definitive.45 In the absence of the typical and the treatment of PCP is TMP-SMZ. For patients
histopathological findings, the presence of one micro- who do not tolerate TMP-SMZ, dapsone, aerosolized
biological criterion and one major or two minor clinical pentamidine, and atovaquone are alternatives for
criteria are required for the diagnosis of probable, and prophylaxis, although they are not as effective as
one microbiological or one major or two minor criteria TMP-SMZ.52
for possible Aspergillus pneumonia.45 The microbiolog-
ical criteria include positive Aspergillus culture from PULMONARY CANDIDIASIS
sputum or BAL fluid or Aspergillus antigen from BAL Candida infections, especially of the bloodstream, are
fluid. Chest computed tomographic (CT) findings of common during the neutropenic phase.63,64 The portal
halo sign, air-crescent sign, or cavity within an area of of entry is usually the gastrointestinal tract or indwelling
consolidation are considered major criteria. The minor central venous catheter. Isolated Candida pneumonia is
criteria include cough, chest pain, hemoptysis, dyspnea, uncommon. In one study of 1359 HSCT recipients, only
pleural rub, any pulmonary infiltrates not fulfilling the one late-onset pulmonary candidiasis was seen.40 Autol-
major criteria, and pleural effusion. ogous HSCT recipients are at low risk for fungal
infection after neutrophil recovery. However, Candida
Prevention and Treatment Because pulmonary asper- infection remains a major threat to patients receiving
gillosis is associated with high mortality, early initiation allogeneic transplant. Risk factors for Candida infections
of therapy is crucial in HSCT recipients with prolonged include increased age, prolonged neutropenia, GVHD,
neutropenia and GVHD. Voriconazole is currently a and use of radiation in the preparative regimen.63,64 The
first-line therapy. Amphotericin B, caspofungin, mica- radiographic findings predominantly consist of air-space
fungin, and itraconazole are alternatives. The optimal disease.16 Candida fungemia is responsive to early anti-
duration of antifungal therapy is unknown and depends fungal therapy and removal of foreign objects such as
on the extent of the infection, response to treatment, and central lines. Fluconazole prophylaxis will prevent in-
improvement of the underlying immune deficit.51 vasive disease due to susceptible Candida spp.52
Because spore inhalation is the usual route of
Aspergillus infection, nursing of HSCT recipients in BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA
high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA)-filtered rooms
is recommended for protection.52,53 The addition of Epidemiology Bacterial infections are common dur-
aerosolized amphotericin B inhalation to standard anti- ing the neutropenic period. However, because most of
the HSCT recipients receive prophylactic and empirical organisms in allogeneic recipients with chronic
therapy during this period, the exact incidence has not GVHD. The 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide
been well defined. In a recent study of 1359 HSCT vaccine should be administered at 12 to 24 months after
recipients from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer center, 58% transplant.66
of late-onset pneumonias were diagnosed clinically with-
out tissue or microbial documentation.40
The etiology of bacterial infection in neutropenic NON-INFECTIOUS PULMONARY
patients is in flux.65 Gram-negative bacteria, especially COMPLICATIONS
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, used to be the predominant
bacterial pathogens.66 However, with the use of prophy- Pulmonary Edema
lactic antibiotics against gram-negative infection, and Although pulmonary edema has been described as part
the use of intravascular catheters, gram-positive organ- of the capillary leak syndrome, it usually results from
isms are becoming more frequent.11,67 Persistent deficits large volumes of fluid and blood products infused during
in cellular and humoral immunity predispose HSCT conditioning and the immediate posttransplant pe-
recipients to intracellular pathogens such as Listeria riod.69,70 Characteristics include weight gain and echo-
monocytogenes and Nocardia species, and to encapsulated cardiographic findings of left ventricular end diastolic
organisms such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemo- dilation.70 This condition differs from cardiogenic pul-
philus influenzae. monary edema, which is characterized by elevated brain
natriuretic protein level.71 Diagnostic criteria include
Clinical Findings and Diagnostic Evaluation The acute-onset dyspnea, crackles on examination, and re-
initial clinical symptoms of bacterial pneumonia in the duced arterial oxygen tension, in the absence of infec-
HSCT recipient may be subtle, but they usually evolve tion.70 Chest radiographs show bilateral diffuse ground-
quickly. Although some HSCT recipients with bacte- glass pulmonary opacities often accompanied by Kerley
rial pneumonia demonstrate nodules and masses on B lines.32 Cardiomegaly is usually absent. Pulmonary
chest radiograph, most present with focal consolida- edema can be prevented by fluid restriction and diuretic
tion.16,33 Uncommonly, the halo sign and cavitations therapy.70
may be seen. Pseudomonas and Legionella tend to cause a
multifocal consolidation.16 Blood and sputum cultures
are usually obtained, although the sputum may be Idiopathic Pneumonia Syndrome
nonspecific. If there is uncertainty in the diagnosis or
lack of response to empirical treatment, BAL may be EPIDEMIOLOGY
helpful. Idiopathic pneumonia syndrome (IPS) is characterized
by clinical features of pneumonia and diffuse lung
Treatment and Prevention If the causative organism injury in the absence of an identified infection. The
is identified, antibiotic therapy should focus on the overall frequency of IPS is 10%, with a reported range
specific pathogen. However, no organism is identified of 2 to 17%.13,40,72 The median time of onset of IPS is
in most HSCT recipients with suspected bacterial between 21 and 87 days. Risk factors for IPS include
pneumonia. The initial empirical antibiotic regimen old age, transplant for malignancy other than leuke-
should include coverage of Pseudomonas aeruginosa mia, pretransplant chemotherapy, total body irradia-
and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Because tion, GVHD, and positive donor cytomegalovirus
bacteria are carried on the hands, appropriate hand serology.13
washing should be practiced by all individuals in con-
tact with HSCT recipients.52 The data are insufficient CLINICAL FINDINGS AND DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION
to recommend routine use of gut decontamination and IPS is defined by the presence of widespread alveolar
systemic antibiotics for afebrile, asymptomatic patients. injury in the absence of lower respiratory tract infec-
However, some advocate using fluoroquinolone pro- tion characterized by the presence of acute, bilateral
phylaxis to reduce infection by gram-negative rods in pulmonary infiltrates, associated symptoms of cough
allogeneic HSCT recipients.68 Although growth fac- and dyspnea, hypoxemia, and restrictive physiology, in
tors shorten the duration of neutropenia after HSCT, the absence of infection or heart failure.73 The patho-
they do not reduce the attack rate of invasive bacterial genesis is not well defined.74–76 Lung tissue injury,
disease. Some advise giving intravenous immunoglo- inflammation, and cytokine release are implicated. The
bulin (IVIG) to prevent bacterial infection in HSCT clinical spectrum of IPS is broad, ranging from acute
recipients with unrelated graft and severe hypogamma- respiratory failure to incidental radiographic abnor-
globulinemia within 100 days after transplant. During malities.73 The usual presentations include dyspnea,
the late posttransplant phase, antibiotic prophylaxis is dry cough, hypoxemia, and nonlobar infiltrates.73 Be-
recommended to prevent infection with encapsulated cause IPS mimics infectious pneumonia, the majority
of the patients are on antibiotics at the time of CLINICAL FINDINGS AND DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION
diagnosis.77 Infection is excluded by the absence of a Symptoms of DAH typically include dyspnea, fever, and
pathogen in BAL fluid and by the lack of clinical cough.82 Hemoptysis is reported in fewer than 20% of
response to antimicrobial therapy. DAH and perien- patients.78,83 The onset of DAH is usually within the
graftment respiratory distress syndrome (PERDS) also first 30 (median between 11 and 24) days following
fulfill the diagnostic criteria of IPS.78,79 Despite over- HSCT.
lap in the clinical features of IPS, DAH, and PERDS, Arterial blood gas studies show hypoxemia. Chest
their responses to treatment and clinical courses are radiographs usually show alveolar and interstitial infil-
different.78 In our diagnostic approach to patients with trates involving middle and lower lung zones.84 The
suspected IPS, we perform BAL and, if there are no early radiographic changes may be subtle, unilateral, or
contraindications, transbronchial lung biopsy. We pro- asymmetrical.84 CT of the chest has a limited role in the
ceed to video-assisted thoracoscopic lung biopsy if diagnosis.
transbronchial lung biopsy is contraindicated or if Criteria for the diagnosis DAH include (1) signs
the transbronchial specimen is inadequate. Lung biop- and symptoms of pneumonitis, (2) no evidence of
sies of patients with IPS may show diffuse alveolar infection, and (3) BAL showing progressively bloodier
damage, organizing or acute pneumonia, and intersti- return from separate subsegmental bronchi, or > 20%
tial lymphocytic inflammation.77,80 hemosiderin-laden alveolar macrophages.13,78 Lung tis-
sues in DAH show diffuse alveolar damage.59,82
There have been no randomized clinical trials address- TREATMENT
ing the treatment of IPS. Despite case reports of Based on retrospective studies, HSCT recipients with
patients with IPS responding to treatment with corti- DAH are treated with systemic corticosteroids.78,83 We
costeroids, studies with larger sample sizes have not commonly use methylprednisolone, 1 g daily in four
shown any outcome benefit.77,80,81 Currently, manage- divided doses for 5 days, followed by 1 mg/kg for 3 days,
ment consists of supportive care and prevention and tapering off over 2 to 4 weeks.78 There are case reports
treatment of infection. There is a report of three cases of allogeneic HSCT recipients with DAH successfully
of HSCT recipients with IPS whose lung function treated with recombinant factor VIIa.85,86
improved following the administration of etanercept.76
This observation awaits further confirmation by clinical CLINICAL COURSE AND PROGNOSIS
trial. The majority of HSCT recipients with DAH require
mechanical ventilation.78,83 The reported mortality
CLINICAL COURSE AND PROGNOSIS rate of DAH ranges between 48 and 100%.78,83 The
The clinical course of HSCT recipients with IPS is two most common reported causes of death had been
usually complicated by viral and fungal infections as multiple organ failure and sepsis.87,88 However, in a
well as pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, subcuta- recent study, respiratory failure was the immediate
neous emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, and autoimmune cause of death in the majority of HSCT recipients
polyserositis.13 The overall mortality of IPS is 74%, with with DAH.83
a reported range between 60 and 86%.13 The 1 year
survival rate is less than 15%.77,81 For those who require
mechanical ventilation, the hospital mortality exceeds Periengraftment Respiratory Distress
95%.77 Syndrome
Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage PERDS occurs in 5% of autologous HSCT recipi-
ents.79 About one third of DAH occurs during the
EPIDEMIOLOGY periengraftment period and about one third of patients
DAH represents an important subset of IPS. It occurs in with PERDS have DAH.79,83
5% of HSCT recipients, in both allo- and autotrans-
plants, with a range of 2 to 21%.13 Risk factors for DAH CLINICAL FINDINGS AND DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION
include age > 40 years, intensive chemotherapy, total PERDS is a subset of IPS characterized by acute lung
body irradiation, the presence of inflammatory cells in injury during the neutrophil periengraftment period. It
BAL fluid, mucositis, and acute GVHD.13 There are no represents the pulmonary component of the engraft-
associations between the development of DAH and ment syndrome, which may also present with diarrhea
prolonged prothrombin or partial thromboplastin time and skin rash.79,89,90 The diagnostic criteria of PERDS
or low platelets. DAH is not corrected with platelet include the presence of fever and evidence of pulmonary
transfusion.82 injury in the form of hypoxia (SaO2 < 90%) and/or
pulmonary infiltrates on chest radiograph, in the ab- exclusion of other causes of this functional abnormal-
sence of cardiac dysfunction or infection, within 5 days ity in allogeneic HSCT recipients with chronic
of neutrophil engraftment.79 The median time to onset GVHD.13,95
of PERDS is 11 days (range, 4 to 25 days) after
transplant.79 TREATMENT
BAL may show neutrophilic alveolitis.79 Trans- The treatment of BO usually consists of corticoste-
bronchial lung biopsy is usually contraindicated because roids and augmented immunosuppression, targeting
of thrombocytopenia. Surgical lung biopsy is rarely chronic GVHD. However, only a minority show
necessary but may show diffuse alveolar damage.79 clinical improvement.13 In a recent study, Khalid
and colleagues reported eight HSCT recipients with
TREATMENT/PROGNOSIS BO whose PFT improved after treatment with azi-
High-dose corticosteroid therapy often leads to rapid thromycin.96 Randomized clinical trials are warranted
clinical improvement.79 Unlike DAH and IPS, only to define the role of macrolide therapy for BO.
about one third of HSCT recipients with PERDS Prophylaxis for PCP and Streptococcus pneumoniae
require intensive care unit admission and mechanical should be provided. In selected HSCT recipients
ventilation.79 The reported mortality rate of PERDS is with respiratory failure secondary to BO, lung trans-
26%.79 plantation may be an option.97
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Infection Control and the Prevention of
Nosocomial Infections in the Intensive
Care Unit
Gonzalo M.L. Bearman, M.D., M.P.H.,1 Cindy Munro, Ph.D., R.N., A.N.P.,2
Curtis N. Sessler, M.D.,3 and Richard P. Wenzel, M.D., M.Sc.4
N osocomial infections add significant morbid- Therefore, current data are compelling that lives can be
ity, mortality, and costs to those expected from the extended by preventing BSIs occurring in hospitals.
patient’s underlying conditions alone. The concept of The crude mortality (all cause) for nosocomial
attributable mortality has been championed1 to examine BSIs is 25 to 30%,3 and most studies of pathogen-
the direct contribution to mortality due to the infection, specific, nosocomial BSIs show that the attributable
after accounting for the impact of the patient’s baseline mortality is at least half of the crude mortality ( 15%
illnesses. When examining the attributable mortality on average conservatively).4–7 Furthermore, the crude
from nosocomial bloodstream infections (BSIs) alone, and attributable mortality figures for nosocomial pneu-
Wenzel and Edmond showed that they are equivalent to monias are 30% and 10%, respectively. The data imply
the eighth leading cause of death in the United States.2 that one third of all pneumonia-related deaths are due
Furthermore, with conservative assumptions nosocomial directly to the lung infection. Importantly, half of all
BSIs annually lead to over 250,000 years of life lost.2 life-threatening nosocomial BSIs and pneumonias occur
Divisions of Quality HealthCare and Infectious Diseases, 2School [email protected].
of Nursing, 3Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Non-pulmonary Critical Care: Managing Multisystem Critical
Department of Internal Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth Univer- Illness; Guest Editor, Curtis N. Sessler, M.D.
sity Medical Center, Richmond, Virginia. Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2006;27:310–324. Copyright # 2006
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Gonzalo M.L. by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York,
Bearman, M.D., M.P.H., Divisions of Quality HealthCare and NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
Infectious Diseases, P.O. Box 980019, Virginia Commonwealth DOI 10.1055/s-2006-945534. ISSN 1069-3424.
University Medical Center, Richmond, VA 23298-0019. E-mail:
in critical care units, usually representing 15 to 20% of all vascular disease, and chronic renal insufficiency have
hospital beds. Thus an efficient focus for prevention and been common. In three patients, an extremity had
control of life-threatening health care–associated infec- been the site of the soft tissue or bone infection. In all
tions should be in ICUs. patients, the substrate organism was methicillin-resist-
Complicating the therapy of serious ICU-related ant S. aureus (MRSA), and the mechanism of resistance
infections is the problem of antibiotic resistance, a global was plasmid transfer of a mec A gene from a co-coloniz-
issue with wide country to country variation.8,9 Consider ing Enterococcus (vancomycin resistant enterococci) to
the leading causes of nosocomial BSIs (proportion of all the MRSA strain. Earlier it had been shown that 30%
nosocomial BSIs) in the United States: coagulase neg- of identified patients colonized with vancomycin-resist-
ative Staphylococci (31%), S. aureus (20%), Enterococci ant enterococci are also colonized with MRSA.15 Thus
(9%), and Candida species (9%) in rank order. In the the opportunities to see the continual emergence of fully
United States, over 90% of coagulase negative Staph- vancomycin-resistant strains are increasing. For the time
ylococci and half of all S. aureus nosocomial bloodstream being, therefore, clinicians have another reason to con-
isolates are resistant to methicillin.3 Approximately 30% trol MRSA: the reduction of a risk of selecting for
of enterococcal isolates are resistant to vancomycin, and vancomycin-resistant S. aureus.
over 10% of Candida species are resistant to first-gen- With respect to gram-negative rod BSIs, the fifth
eration triazoles. The crude mortality of BSIs for each through ninth leading causes of nosocomial BSIs, in
species, respectively, is 21%, 25%, 34%, and 39%.3 Surely order, are Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species, Pseudomonas
the challenge for clinicians is to treat early with appro- aeruginosa, and Enterobacter species. Their respective
priate antibiotics in the ICU because inappropriate crude mortality rates are 22%, 28%, 38%, and 27%.3 It
therapy in the first 24 hours doubled the expected should be pointed out that among patients with hospi-
mortality (62% vs 29%) in one study.10 Furthermore, tal-acquired BSIs, P. aeruginosa independently predicts
in the same study, after accounting for the impact of the death,11 and in the United States, 15% of isolates
underlying diseases in a multivariable analysis, the au- reported in 2003 were resistant to imipenam.9 Thus a
thors showed that the adjusted odds ratio for death if the recognition of their frequency and the antibiogram in the
patients were given inappropriate therapy was 6.9.10 It is ICU is key to effective therapy and prevention of death.
clear that the modern clinician in the ICU must not only In summary, nosocomial BSIs alone are equiva-
anticipate the likely organisms and the antibiograms but lent to the eighth leading cause of death in the United
also treat early. States. Along with nosocomial pneumonias, these life-
In examining the reasons for prescribing inad- threatening infections can be found disproportionately
equate therapy for ICU BSIs, Ibrahim and colleagues in critical care units, where increasing levels of antibiotic
showed that failure to treat for Candida BSIs had an resistance are prevalent. Astute clinicians need to know
adjusted odds ratio of 52.10 This observation suggests the likely pathogens and treat early with appropriate
that clinicians still fail to recognize the high likelihood of antibiotics empirically to minimize mortality. The pre-
Candida as a cause of serious ICU-related BSIs and thus vention of these infections will have a huge impact on
do not give antifungal therapy empirically. This is an morbidity, mortality, and costs of health care.
especially important issue because BSIs with Candida
independently predict death in analyses that account for
the underlying diseases11 and have a very high attribut- NOSOCOMIAL BLOODSTREAM
able mortality.5,12 Additionally, the modern clinician INFECTIONS IN THE ICU
must be aware of species differences because all of BSIs are among the most common and most deadly
C. krusei, 10 to 20% of C. glabrata, and up to 10% of nosocomial infections encountered.16 Intravascular
C. albicans are resistant to first-generation triazoles.13 catheterization ranks as the strongest independent
Recently, an argument has been made to use easily risk factor for nosocomial bacteremia,17 and the vast
identified risk factors to target only high risk ICU patients majority of primary bacteremias (those not clearly
for anti-Candida prophylactic therapy. The model as- associated with another defined site of infection) are
sumed a necessary 33% threshold of risk of candidemia for related to vascular catheters. Catheter-related BSI
preventive treatment and a 65% efficacy for the drug to (CRBSI) is associated with prolonged ICU and hospi-
be given to prevent candidemia. With the assumptions, tal length of stay, associated added costs, and attribut-
the number needed to treat (NNT) to prevent a Candida- able mortality.7,18–21 Because an estimated 5 million
related death would be only seven patients.14 central venous catheters (CVCs) are inserted in the
A major concern since 2002 has been the emer- United States annually,22 and BSI accompanies 3 to
gence of fully vancomycin-resistant isolates of S. aureus 5% of these catheters, as many as 250,000 CRBSI
acquired in the health care setting. So far, four cases have might occur annually in the United States alone.23
been reported, and fortunately no transmission has Accordingly, strategies to prevent these common and
occurred. In two patients, diabetes mellitus, peripheral costly infections are critically important.22,24–27
The principal mechanism by which infections personal preference for years. There are meta-analyses of
develop is via colonization of the skin surrounding the nonrandomized trials,32 and risk factor analysis from
catheter insertion site followed by migration of patho- nonrandomized trials,33 that suggest the subclavian vein
gens along the subcutaneous catheter tract and external approach has fewer CRBSIs than the internal jugular
catheter surface. A second important mechanism that approach vein. Nonrandomized studies34 and a single
becomes more prevalent with longer catheter duration is randomized trial35 demonstrate higher rates of catheter-
the colonization of stopcocks and catheter hubs with related infections with the femoral vein approach,
subsequent contamination of luminal surfaces and cath- although some large, nonrandomized case series show
eter infection. An important intermediary step is accu- only trends for higher CRBSI rates with the femoral
mulation of biofilm on the luminal surface. Additional approach.36–38 Accordingly, insertion of a CVC at the
less common mechanisms for CRBSI include hematog- subclavian vein site is preferred and the femoral vein site
enous seeding from distant foci, and rarely, infusate avoided in comprehensive strategies to reduce CRBSI
contamination. rates.39–41 The availability of two-dimensional ultra-
Strategies for prevention of CRBSI focus prin- sound (2-D US) may also influence site selection because
cipally on various measures designed to prevent colo- use of 2-D US is associated with lower rates of both
nization of external and luminal catheter surfaces with failed CVC insertion and CVC complications, with the
microorganisms. An expert panel convened by the U.S. most convincing data for the internal jugular site.42,43
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Additional simple measures that have been asso-
identified the following as major areas of emphasis for ciated with reduced infection rates in prospective studies
prevention of catheter-related infection: (1) educating include use of proper hand hygiene and a structured
and training health care providers who insert and approach to achieve high compliance with sterile tech-
maintain catheters, (2) using maximal sterile barrier nique through checklists, consolidated bedside CVC
precautions during CVC insertion, (3) using a 2% supply carts, and nursing empowerment to stop proce-
chlorhexidine preparation for skin antisepsis, (4) avoid- dures in which violations have occurred.41 Although
ing routine replacement of CVCs as a strategy to these strategies focus primarily on optimizing technique
prevent infection, and (5) using antiseptic/antibiotic- during catheter insertion, equal emphasis must be placed
impregnated short-term CVCs if the rate of infection is on the timely removal of the catheter, including formal
high despite adherence to other strategies.24 These questioning of the continued need for the catheter on
recommendations are based largely upon clinical trial daily ICU rounds.41 Additionally, because hub coloni-
evidence. Raad and coworkers28 demonstrated maximum zation can occur during frequent manipulation, disin-
barrier precautions (large sterile drape on the patient and fection with chlorhexidine/alcohol should be performed
sterile gown and gloves, mask and cap worn by operators) when hubs are accessed.44
to be a cost-effective approach associated with reduced Organized strategies that focus on either or both
catheter-related infections. Two percent chlorhexidine is education and improving the process of catheter inser-
superior to povidone-iodine for skin disinfectant prepa- tion and care have been shown to produce sustained
ration prior to CVC insertion, based upon a meta- reductions in rates of CRBSI.39–41,45–48 Major compo-
analysis of eight randomized, controlled trials that dem- nents of these and other programs, and recommenda-
onstrated lower rates of CRBSI for all catheters (risk tions from recent reviews are outlined in Table 1. Most
ratio ¼ 0.49, 95% confidence interval 0.28 to 0.88) and approaches focus on educating and modifying the be-
for CVC (RR ¼ 0.51, 95% CI ¼ 0.27 to 0.97) specifi- havior of ICU caregivers, including physicians and
cally.29 Scheduled replacement of CVC or balloon flota- nurses; however, some educational programs also target
tion pulmonary artery catheters was not found to reduce medical students.49,50
infectious and mechanical complications when compared In the event that CRBSI rates remain unaccept-
with an as needed approach,30 nor supported in a meta- ably high despite implementing strategies such as those
analysis of eight studies31; thus scheduled replacement is already described, experts recommend considering the
not endorsed. Educational programs and the role of use of antiinfective catheters.24 Catheters coated with
antibacterial/antiseptic-impregnated catheters will be chlorhexidine and silver sulfadiazine (CSS) have been
discussed. most widely studied and were demonstrated in a 1999
The CDC working group24 made additional level meta-analysis to be associated with reduced rates of
I recommendations regarding CVC insertion that in- CRBSI compared with uncoated catheters.51 However,
clude practicing proper hand hygiene, selecting the this catheter was found to be inferior to a minocycline-
subclavian vein insertion site to avoid infection whenever rifampin (MR)-impregnated catheter for preventing
feasible upon considering the risk for mechanical com- CRBSI in a head to head multicenter, randomized,
plications, and using a sterile gauze or sterile transparent controlled trial (RCT).52 Both catheters have been
semipermeable dressing to cover the insertion site. The modified and current products have coatings of both
site of CVC insertion has been the subject of debate and external and luminal surfaces. The newer CSS catheter
decontamination and glove changes are required decontamination of the gastrointestinal tract (SDD), but
between contacts with different patients and in an these remain unresolved issues in practice recommenda-
encounter with a single patient between contacts with tions. Although stress-bleeding prophylaxis is necessary
a contaminated body site and the respiratory tract or for critically ill patients, gastric alkalinization may con-
respiratory equipment. tribute to VAP by increasing the pool of gastric organ-
isms that serve as a source of VAP pathogens. Despite
much research (including seven meta-analyses since
Risk Related to Positioning and Microaspiration 1991),110 a consensus regarding recommendations for
Backrest elevation to 30 to 45 degrees is an important prophylaxis with histamine-2 receptor antagonists versus
intervention in VAP prevention recommended by the sucralfate, balancing risk of stress-bleeding with risk of
CDC and others.85–87 The supine position has been VAP, has not yet emerged. Acidification of gastric
shown to be an independent risk factor for mortality in feedings has also been proposed as a method to reduce
mechanically ventilated patients77,88 and in all ICU gastric colonization, but there are insufficient data to
patients.89 Backrest elevation reduces risk of gastroeso- recommend routine acidification of feedings. Although
phageal reflux and aspiration90,91 and risk of VAP.92,93 studies have demonstrated reduction in VAP with se-
However, backrest elevation has been underutilized.94–97 lective digestive tract decontamination, this practice
Although patient positioning is a nursing activity, a increases the risks of antibiotic resistance to agents
written physician order for backrest elevation may in- used, overgrowth of nonsusceptible flora, and induction
crease time spent at 30 to 45 degrees.98 In 2005, the Joint of specific resistance mechanisms.111 The concerns about
Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organ- emerging antibiotic resistance preclude recommenda-
izations (JCAHO) added an ICU core measure related tions for SDD at this time.
to backrest elevation (number of ventilator days where In summary, there are several evidence-based
the head of bed is elevated equal to or greater than 30 VAP prevention strategies, including management of
degrees) as part of documenting VAP prevention efforts. respiratory equipment according to published guidelines,
hand hygiene, and maintaining backrest elevation at
30–45 degrees. Many unresolved issues remain. Among
Risk Related to Endotracheal Tube Factors these are consensus on recommendations for stress-
The endotracheal tube enhances bacterial entry into the bleeding prophylaxis that balance risk of bleeding and
lung both by providing a conduit and by serving as a risk of VAP, and recommendations to reduce orophar-
reservoir in which bacteria remain inaccessible to host yngeal and gastric colonization.
defenses.99 VAP risk increases with nasal (versus oral)
intubation100–102 and endotracheal reintubation103,104;
these practices should be avoided if possible. Removal of HAND HYGIENE
subglottic secretions by suctioning through a dorsal lumen Hand hygiene, either by conventional hand washing or
above the endotracheal tube cuff, and removal of secre- disinfection, remains the single most effective method to
tions prior to tube removal, are also recommended.105–107 limit the spread of drug-resistant pathogens in the
hospital setting.112 Conceptually, the cross-transmission
of nosocomial pathogens is summarized as follows113:
Risk Related to Oropharyngeal and Gastric
Colonization *
Organisms are transferred to the hands of the health
Because the oropharyngeal and gastric secretions may care worker either from a patient or from the inani-
provide a nidus for growth of potential VAP pathogens mate environment.
that can be aspirated into the respiratory tract, reducing *
Nosocomial pathogens must then survive on the hand
oropharyngeal and gastric colonization has been a focus of the health care worker.
of VAP prevention efforts. While implementation of a *
Hand hygiene must be either inadequate or omitted.
comprehensive oral-hygiene program is recommended *
The contaminated hands of the health care worker
for those at risk for VAP, evidence-based oral care must then come into contact with another patient or
protocols have not been published. Oral chlorhexidine into contact with an inanimate surface that will later
gluconate (0.12%) rinse begun prior to cardiac surgery come into contact with the patient.
in adults and continued until extubation decreased
VAP108,109 and is now recommended, but because only Conceptually, the microorganisms of the hand
limited data are available for ICU patient populations, can be divided into transient flora and resident flora.114
the use of oral chlorhexidine rinse for prevention of VAP The resident flora is typically of low virulence pathogens
in all critically ill patients is an unresolved issue. such as Micrococcus, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus,
The incidence of VAP has been shown to be and Corynebacterium. Resident flora is difficult to remove
affected by gastric alkalinization, and selective digestive by hand washing. Although these organisms are rarely
pathogenic, they are of nosocomial significance when increase in hand hygiene compliance. Although the
introduced to the patient by invasive procedures and microbicidal effect of chlorhexidine may have resulted
indwelling devices. Transient flora are acquired by pa- in fewer infections, the difference in nosocomial infec-
tient contact or from the inanimate environment, are tions was also likely due to increased compliance with
loosely attached to the skin, and are more amenable to hand hygiene practices. Regardless, owing to their bac-
removal by hand washing.114 These organisms are of tericidal properties, medicated hand hygiene agents,
nosocomial significance and include MRSA, vancomy- including chlorhexidine, alcohol, and triclosan, should
cin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE), and multiple drug- be considered products of choice, especially in environ-
resistant gram-negative rods. ments with elevated rates of drug-resistant pathogens.
Nosocomial pathogens can be recovered from Sadly, data on health care worker hand hygiene
multiple hospital scenarios. Patient contact, including practice remain discouraging. The reasons for poor
contact with wounds and intact skin, can result in health compliance are multiple and have been studied by
care worker hand contamination.115–118 Areas of high numerous investigators. Observational studies of hand
nosocomial pathogen concentration on patient skin in- hygiene compliance report compliance rates of 5 to
clude the axillae, trunk, perineum, inguinal region, and 81%.123–125 Factors commonly cited that may influence
hands.115,117,118 poor adherence with hand hygiene include insufficient
Hand hygiene should be practiced by health care time, understaffing, patient overcrowding, lack of
workers before and after all patient contact. Several knowledge of hand hygiene guidelines, skepticism about
methods of hand hygiene exist and include washing hand washing efficacy, inconvenient location of sinks
with plain soap and water or using an antibacterial agent and hand disinfectants, and lack of hand hygiene pro-
such as alcohol, chlorhexidine gluconate, or triclosan as motion by the institution.113
either detergent washes or waterless hand rubs. Soap and Even in the ICU setting, hand hygiene remains
water can remove loosely adherent transient skin; how- notoriously poor. A British study performed both an
ever, these agents have minimal antimicrobial activity.113 observation and detailed survey of hand hygiene practices
For effective reduction of bacterial count, a 30-second in 16 ICUs.114 Compliance with hand hygiene and proper
hand rub is recommended. Several factors should be glove use, observed in 381 (non-nurse) health care pro-
considered when choosing a hand hygiene agent for the fessionals, ranged from 9 to 25%. Survey data suggested
ICU, including microbicidal effect, skin irritability, ease that poor compliance with hand hygiene in the ICU was
of use, and staff acceptance. secondary to multiple issues, including ineffective com-
With respect to skin irritability, several studies munication of infection control recommendations, insuf-
have demonstrated that hand washing with both plain ficient promotion of hand antisepsis, and a deficiency of
soap and water can result in skin irritation, dryness, and a infection control education.114 Poor compliance with
paradoxical increase in microbial counts on the hand hygiene was similarly observed by Kaplan and
skin.119,120 Medicated hand washing agents are bacter- McGuckin in a tertiary-care American hospital.126 Physi-
icidal (alcohol, chlorhexidine gluconate, triclosan) and cian compliance with hand hygiene was 19%, whereas
effectively reduced bacterial counts on the hands. More- compliance by the nursing staff was 63%. Greater com-
over, chlorhexidine has the advantage of producing a pliance with hand hygiene was observed among the
residual antibacterial effect, thereby limiting hand re- nursing staff with a 1:1 bed to sink ratio than those
contamination until the time of the next hand hygiene with a greater bed to sink ratio (76% vs 51%).126
episode.121 Efforts to improve hand hygiene in the ICUs will
At least one study supports the effectiveness of likely require multiple, simultaneous interventions, in-
chlorhexidine as a hand antiseptic agent with regard to cluding increased access to hand hygiene products. In a
infection control end points. Doebbeling et al compared study by Bischoff et al where alcohol-based hand sani-
different hand hygiene agents with the end result of tizers were introduced to an ICU, the greatest increment
hand hygiene compliance observation and the reduction in hand hygiene compliance was observed when the hand
of nosocomial infections in an ICU setting.122 During an sanitizer to health care worker ratio went from 1:4 to 1:1,
8-month period, a prospective, multiple crossover trial thereby underscoring the importance of accessibility.123
was conducted in three ICUs. The trial involved 1894 The CDC now suggests promoting alcohol-based hand
adult patients exposed to alternate months of either sanitizer access both by bedside dispensers and by health
chlorhexidine or 60% alcohol solution with the optional care worker pocket-sized dispensers.113 Similarly, Pittet
use of a nonmedicated soap. A greater frequency of and colleagues127 improved overall compliance with
nosocomial infections was seen with the combination hand hygiene by implementing a hospital-wide program
of alcohol and soap compared with the chlorhexidine with emphasis on education, promotion, and bedside,
hand hygiene agent (202 vs 152). However, during alcohol-based hand disinfection. The 3-year campaign
periods of chlorhexidine use, there was a corresponding consisted primarily of hand hygiene promotion through
decrease in the rate of nosocomial infections and an large, conspicuous posters promoting hand hygiene
These precautions are divided into three categories, the hospital away from the isolation room should wear a
reflecting differences in disease transmission. Some dis- mask. Examples of diseases requiring droplet precau-
eases may require more than one isolation category. The tions are meningococcal meningitis, Haemophilus influ-
essential elements of transmission-based precautions are enza, influenza, mumps, and German measles (rubella).
summarized in the following sections.
Contact Precautions
Airborne Precautions Contact precautions prevent spread of organisms from
Airborne precautions are designed to prevent diseases an infected patient through direct (touching the patient)
that are transmitted by droplet nuclei or contaminated or indirect (touching surfaces or objects that have been in
dust particles. Droplet nuclei, because of their size, can contact with the patient) contact. This type of precaution
remain suspended in the air for prolonged periods, even requires the patient either be placed in a private room or
after the infected patient has left the room. Agents be cohorted with a roommate with the same infection.
requiring airborne precautions include Mycobacterium Health care workers should don gloves upon entering
tuberculosis, varicella-zoster virus, influenza, and measles the room. After patient care or environmental contact,
virus. All patients needing airborne precautions should the gloves should be removed and hand hygiene should
be assigned to a private room with special engineering be performed prior to leaving the room. In addition, the
and ventilation considerations. The door to this room use protective gowns has been advocated to decrease the
must be closed at all possible times. The isolation room risk of health care worker garment contamination. Pa-
must be maintained at negative pressure in comparison tient care items used for a patient in contact precautions,
to the surroundings. As such, droplet nuclei are pre- such as a stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs, should
vented from traveling into the environment. In addition, not be shared with other patients unless they are properly
the air within the isolation room should either be vented cleaned and disinfected before reuse. Patients should be
to the outside or passed through high-efficiency particle restricted to the isolation room.
filters.136 Contact precautions are indicated for patients
All personnel entering the isolation room are with drug-resistant pathogens such as MRSA, VRE,
required by federal regulations to don masks for respi- and multidrug-resistant gram-negative rods. In addition,
ratory protection. If a patient must move from the contact isolation is recommended for diarrheal illnesses
isolation room to another area of the hospital, the patient of infectious origin and for infections with Clostridia
should be wearing a mask during the transport. Anyone difficile.
entering the isolation room to provide care to the patient
must wear a special mask called a respirator. These
respirator masks are approved by the National Institute Potential Adverse Effects of Isolation Practices
for Occupational Safety and Health and are capable of The use of strict isolation practices may have a detri-
filtering 1 mm particles with an efficiency of 95% (N-95 mental impact on the process and quality of patient care.
mask). By regulation, all health care workers must be fit Evans et al prospectively observed surgical patients both
tested for N-95 masks and must be taught to check for in the ICU and on a general surgical floor. Both in the
proper fit each time prior to use.136 Rapid airborne ICU and on the surgical floor, surgical patients in
isolation of patients with known or suspected multi- contact isolation had fewer health care worker visits
drug-resistant M. tuberculosis, along with proper N-95 and less contact time overall despite a higher severity
mask use by health care workers, is essential to limit the of illness as measured by APACHE (acute physiology
spread of this pathogen. and chronic health assessment) II score.137 Stelfox
et al138 studied the quality of medical care received by
patients isolated for MRSA-related infection control
Droplet Precautions precautions using a case control study design. Although
Droplet precautions prevent the transmission of organ- isolated and control patients had similar baseline char-
isms that travel via droplets generated during phonation, acteristics, isolated patients were twice as likely as non-
sneezing, coughing, or invasive respiratory tract proce- isolated patients to experience adverse events during
dures. These particles are not suspended in the air for their hospitalization. These adverse events included
extended periods and typically do not travel beyond supportive care measures and process of care measures
several feet from the patient. Patients who require such as days with incomplete or absent vitals signs, and
droplet precautions should be placed in a private room days without documented nursing and physician prog-
or should be cohorted with a roommate who is infected ress notes. Additionally, patients on MRSA contact
with the same organism. The door to the room may isolation expressed greater dissatisfaction with the qual-
remain open. Health care workers should wear a mask ity of their treatment.138 Similarly, Saint and colleagues
when within 3 ft of the patient. Patients moving about observed in a prospective cohort study of two in-patient
medical services, that patients in contact isolation were minimize the steps of catheter insertion, and the stand-
half as likely to be examined by an attending physician as ardized questioning of daily providers whether catheters
nonisolated patients.139 could be removed.41 Most importantly, a checklist to
Contact isolation may have a detrimental psycho- ensure adherence to evidence-based guidelines for pre-
logical impact on patients. One cross-sectional matched venting CRBSIs was implemented along with the em-
case control study compared contact-isolated versus powerment of nurses to stop the catheter insertion
nonisolated elderly patients.140 The level of depressive procedure if a violation of the guidelines was observed.
and anxiety symptoms exhibited by the contact isolation Evidence-based catheter insertion process-of-care meas-
group exceeded that of the noncontact isolation group. ures included a nurse’s checklist for observed hand
Catalano et al prospectively studied the impact of con- hygiene, patient skin antisepsis, and proper use of sterile
tact isolation on anxiety and depression in noncritically gloves, gown, and drape. Additionally, the checklist
ill hospitalized patients.141 Patients in contact isolation included confirmation that all personnel complied with
for either MRSA or VRE were compared with other infection control precautions and that a sterile field was
hospitalized patients with infectious diseases not requir- maintained during the procedure. The investigators
ing isolation. All patients were evaluated with the observed that physicians followed infection control
Hamilton Anxiety and Depression Rating scale at base- guidelines during 62% of the procedures. During the
line and then later during the hospital course. Although intervention time period, a nursing intervention was
no significant differences in baseline anxiety and depres- required in 32% of all CVC insertions. Following the
sion scores were noted, for patients in contact isolation, intervention, the CRBSI rate in the study ICU de-
statistically significant higher scores on both scales were creased from 11.3/1000 catheter days in the first quarter
reported later during the course of hospitalization. of 1998 to 0/1000 catheter days in the fourth quarter of
Thus the optimal strategy for control of endemic, 2002. The CRBSI rate in the control ICU was 5.7/1000
resistant pathogens such as MRSA or VRE has yet to be catheter days in the first quarter of 1998 and 1.6/1000
defined. ICU directors will have to weigh the infection- catheter days in the fourth quarter of 2002 (p ¼ .56). As
control benefits of patient isolation against the potential per the estimates of Berenholtz et al, the initiative
risk of adverse events. may have prevented 43 CRBSIs, eight deaths, and
$1,945,922 in additional costs per year in the study ICU.
Wall et al similarly studied the impact of using
INFECTION CONTROL PROCESS-OF-CARE real-time process measures to reduce catheter-related
MEASURES BSIs in the ICU.39 An interdisciplinary team developed
Traditional infection control programs involve surveil- a standardized, nursing checklist for CVC insertion.
lance and feedback of outcome measures, such as BSI Infection control practitioners scanned the completed
and VAP rates.142 Outcome measures are, however, checklists into a computerized database, thereby gener-
uncommon events that take longer to observe and also ating real-time measurements for the process of CVC
may not directly relate to individual or group perform- insertion. These infection control process measures al-
ance because they are frequently affected by factors lowed the ICU team to directly monitor adherence to
related to the patient and the healthcare system.143,144 evidence-based guidelines. After 2 years, the investiga-
However, process measures are attractive for several tors reported a persistent and historically low CRBSI
reasons. They provide operational and measurable rep- rate. Thus it appears that multifaceted programs ensur-
resentation of performance, relate to individual and/or ing maximal adherence with evidence-based infection
group performance, and are easier to measure than control guidelines are effective in reducing the incidence
outcomes. By potentially increasing overall accountabil- of catheter-related BSIs in the intensive care setting.
ity, they create opportunities to monitor and improve
performance. Provided a process measure and outcome
are linked, interventions that improves the process CONCLUSION
measure should theoretically improve the outcome.145 The prevalence of hospital-acquired, antibiotic-resistant
In addition, several recent studies have shown that pathogens has increased significantly over the past
performance feedback and accountability can have a 20 years. Hospital infection control programs are seen
positive influence on hand hygiene compliance and on as increasingly important for the control of antibiotic-
the reduction of CRBSI and catheter-related urinary resistant organisms. Strategies to control the spread of
tract infections.146,147 hospital-acquired infections by drug-resistant pathogens
Berenholtz et al studied the effect of a multi- are multiple. The patient, the health care worker, and the
faceted systems intervention on catheter-related BSIs in environment are reservoirs for drug-resistant pathogens.
the ICU.41 The strategy included a quality improvement For high-risk patients colonized with MRSA, such as
team that implemented five interventions. These were surgical candidates and those in ICU, decolonization
staff education, the creation of a catheter insertion cart to with nasal mupirocin should be considered. Patients
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of patient care areas and environmental services. Cross- costs, and attributable mortality. JAMA 1994;271:1598–
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health care workers has been well documented. Metic- 8. Jones ME, Draghi DC, Thornsberry C, Karlowsky JA, Sahm
ulous hand hygiene should be practiced with medicated DF, Wenzel RP. Emerging resistance among bacterial
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triclosan) that are bactericidal and effectively reduce American Surveillance study (2000–2002). Ann Clin Micro-
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bacterial counts on the hands. Measures to promote
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stress increased use of accessible, easy to use, medicated bacteria isolated from hospitalized patients in four European
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paign. Glove use is beneficial in limiting the contami- crobials: implications for therapy. Antimicrob Agents Che-
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10. Ibrahim EH, Sherman G, Ward S, Fraser VJ, Kollef MH.
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12. Gudlaugsson O, Gillespie S, Lee K, et al. Attributable
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without controversy, including questions about efficacy Dis 2003;37:1172–1177
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infection control program include antibiotic control pro- voriconazole, posaconazole, and fluconazole against 4,169
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comial pathogens. This type of surveillance is essential for collected during 2001 and 2002 in the ARTEMIS global
establishing endemic rates, defining outbreaks, and de- antifungal surveillance program. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis
veloping institution-specific antibiograms. In the end,
14. Wenzel RP, Gennings C. Bloodstream infections due to
the purpose of a hospital infections surveillance program Candida species in the intensive care unit: identifying
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obtain data of value in recognizing the extent and gies. Clin Infect Dis 2005;41(Suppl 6):S389–S393
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