Malah Et Al. - 2020 - Backstepping Controllers Design For A Grid Connected Wind-Photovoltaic Hybrid Power System-Annotated
Malah Et Al. - 2020 - Backstepping Controllers Design For A Grid Connected Wind-Photovoltaic Hybrid Power System-Annotated
Malah Et Al. - 2020 - Backstepping Controllers Design For A Grid Connected Wind-Photovoltaic Hybrid Power System-Annotated
Abstract—This paper focuses on the maximum power point Tem Generator electromagnetic torque.
tracking (MPPT) and unity power factor operation of a grid Tr Rotor circuit transformer.
connected wind-photovoltaic hybrid energy conversion system
based on the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). The ܸǡ ݒ Voltage symbols.
proposed research work is based on the nonlinear mathematical Xrefǡ ܺ Reference of measurement X, estimated of X.
models of the wind turbine, the DFIG, the photovoltaic generator, 1, 2, 3 Three phases sub-indices.
the DC-DC boost converter and the three phase inverters. Field- r,t,Vw rotor and turbine speeds, wind speed.
oriented control technique is used to obtain a simplified model that
ߠǡ ߱ Phase angle and angular pulsation symbols.
facilitates the design of controllers, and a backstepping control
strategy is used to develop the control laws for power converters ߛ Ideality factor of the equivalent PV cell diode.
of the hybrid system. Numerical simulation, realized in , ǡߩ Blade pitch angle, tip speed ratio, air density.
MATLAB/Simulink environment under different atmospheric ߪ Leakage coefficient ߪ ൌ ͳ െ ܯଶ Τܮ௦ ܮ
conditions acting on the hybrid system, confirm the validity and
effectiveness of the proposed controllers. I. INTRODUCTION
Keywords- Backstepping control, hybrid pv-wind system, doubly Hybrid wind-photovoltaic energy conversion systems are of
fed induction generator, maximum power point tracking, unity great interest due to the complementarity of photovoltaic and
power factor, vector control. wind energy sources and therefore present an effective solution
to the problem of the intermittency of these two renewable
b, f Boost converter and filter indices. An MPPT controller is needed to make the most of the
C, c Symbol and index of the DC-bus capacitor. available energy, on the other hand, grid codes, such as FERC
Cp Wind turbine power conversion efficiency. order No.661-A, require operation at power factors greater than
d, q Synchronous reference frame indices. 0.95 for renewable energy interconnection. Several control
E, Eref Solar radiation, reference radiation(1kW/m2). strategies have been developed to accommodate these two
requirements [1] - [6], but most are based on linear controllers
Eg0, q Band-gap energy, electron charge.
[2] - [5]. What is needed now is to exploit the advantage of non-
F Total viscous coefficient (Turbine & DFIG).
linear controls. Indeed, in recent years, the use of non-linear
G, R, J Gearbox ratio, blade radius, total inertia. analytical controls has brought improvements to the control
ܫor݅, fs Current symbols, switching frequency. performance of several systems [8] - [11], and this article
ܫ௦௧ ሺܫ௦ ሻ PV cell saturation (reverses saturation) currents. contributes in the same direction.
ܫ ǡ ܫ௦ PV-cell photocurrent and short-circuits current. Based on the stator-flux oriented control technique, the
ܫ DC-current absorbed by the RSC proposed controllers are developed in d-q synchronous
ܭǡ ܭ Boltzmann constant, PV-cell short-circuit reference frame. The outputs of the controllers are transformed
current temperature coefficient. into the three-phase coordinate system using the inverse dq-abc
ܮ,߮ Inductances and flux symbols. transformation, and then a PWM command is used to make
M, m Mutual inductance, transformation ratio of Tr. them suitable for switching the power converters. The principle
cell, pv
objectives are as follows:
PV-cell and PV generator indices.
p, Pn DFIG pole pair number, DFIG rated power. • To achieve maximum power point tracking for each source.
P, Q Active and reactive powers. • To establish unity power factor operation of the hybrid
Paer Aerodynamic power captured by the turbine. system.
ܴ௦ǡ ܴ௦ PV-cell intrinsic parallel and series resistors. • To stabilize the DC-bus voltage.
RSC, GSC Rotor-side converter, grid-side converter. The paper is organized as follows. In section II, the models
s, r, g Stator, rotor and grid-side converter indices. of hybrid system elements are presented. Section III is devoted
T , Tref Temperature, reference temperature (298,15 K). to the design of hybrid system controllers. Simulation results
Ta/r Aerodynamic torque applied to DFIG rotor. are discussed in section IV followed by a conclusion.
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II. SYSTEM MODELING connected in parallel, one string containing Ns cells connected
The basic schematic diagram of the proposed control system in series, can be deduced from (2) and the following equations:
is shown in figure1. ܸ௬ ൌ ܰ௦ ܸ Ǣ ܫ௬ ൌ ܰ ܫ (3)
The PV generator considered in this paper comprises ten
SM55 panels connected in series, the electrical specifications
Pm for one panel are given in [1]. The power-voltage characteristics
Ps Pt
for solar radiance change are depicted in the following figure.
Tem , Ωr 559.77
Pg 500 176.8 177 177.2
P pv [W]
300 438.73
200 173.5 174
100 T=25°C;E=1000W/m
p v.j pg
0.2 β =15 is the DC-current absorbed by the RSC, ሺܭௗ ǡ ܭ ሻǡ ሺܭௗ ǡ ܭ ሻǡ
β =20
൫ܫௗ ǡ ܫ ൯ andሺܫௗ ǡ ܫ ሻ are respectively, the components in the
β =25
β =30
d-q frame of the GSC control signal, the RSC control signal, the
0 2 4 6 8 10
12 14 16 18 20 GSC current and the rotor current,ܸௗ ൌ ܸ݉ௗ௦ ؆ Ͳ.
Fig 2. Power coefficient curves. Photovoltaic power conversion is governed by ([6]):
ூೡ ିூಽ್
B. Photovoltaic generator Model ሶ ൌ
An efficient mathematical model describing the behaviors of ቐ ೡ ିሺଵି௨ሻ
photovoltaic cells is given by [6]: ܫሶ ್ ൌ
ೞ ାூ ோ ାூ ோ
ܫۓ ൌ ܫ െ ܫ௦௧ ቂ݁ ݔቀݍ ቁ െ ͳቃ െ ೞ where ܫ is the current of the boost converter inductance (ܮ )
ఊ் ோೞ
ۖ ா and u the switching signal. Neglecting ohmic losses, the DC-
ܫ ൌ ൣ ܫ ܭ ൫ܶ െ ܶ ൯൧
ாೝ ௦ (2) bus voltage dynamics can be expressed as follows:
۔ ଷ ଵ
ۖ ܫൌ ܫ൬ ் ൰ ݁ݔ ିா బ ଵ ଵ ܸሶ ൌ ቀܭௗ ܫௗ ܭ ܫ ೡ െ ܫ ቁ (7)
൬ െ ൰
ە௦௧ ௦ ்
ೝ ఊ ் ்ೝ
Then the overall state space model of the hybrid system is
The model of the PV generator formed by Np strings deduced from (5), (6) and (7):
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ோೝ ଵ
ሶ ܥ̴௫ ߩߨܴହ .We therefore deduce:
ܫۓௗ ൌ ߱ ܫ െ ೝ ఙ ܫௗ ೝ ఙܭௗ where ܭ௧ ൌ
ଶீ య ఒ
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Then, ܭௗ is chosen as follows: ܸହሶ ൌ െܿହ ݁ହଶ െ ݂ ఱ ల (47)
ܭௗ ൌ ܿଷ ݁ଷ ܿଷ ߪଷ ߱ ܫ െ ܫ (31) ିሺଵି௨ሻ
ௗ ܸሶ ൌ െܿହ ݁ହଶ െ ݂ ఱ ల ݁ ሺ ೡ െ ߙሶ ଵ ሻ (48)
ೡ ್
where ܿଷ is a strictly positive design parameter.ܸଷሶ becomes:
Then the command u is chosen as follows:
ܸଷሶ ൌ െܿଷ ݁ଷ ଶ Ͳ (32) ್ ఱ ೡ
ݑൌ ൬െܿ ݁ ߙሶ ଵ ݂ ൰െ ͳ (49)
The DC-bus tracking error and its time-derivative are: ೡ
݁ସ ൌ ܸ െ ̴ܸ (33) where is a strictly positive design parameter.ܸሶ becomes:
ሺ଼ሻଵ ܸሶ ൌ െܿହ ݁ହଶ െ ܿ ݁ଶ Ͳ (50)
̴ܸ ൌ Ͳ ሳሰ ݁ሶସ ൌ ቀܭௗ ܫௗ ܭ ܫ ೡ െ ܫ ቁ (34)
F. Overall Stability Analysis
Similarly, the LFC is chosen as:
ଵ ଵ ௌ The overall LFC can be defined as:
ܸସ ൌ ݁ସ ଶ ߪସ ଶ ֜ ܸସሶ ൌ ݁ସ ሺ݁ሶସ ܿସ ߪସ ሻ (35) మ ఙ మ
ଶ ்ܸ ൌ ܸଶ ܸଷ ܸସ ܸ ൌ σୀଵ σସୀଷ (51)
ଶ ଶ
withߪସ ൌ ܿସ ݁ସ ሺ߬ሻ ݀߬, ܿସ : integral action design parameter. ሺଶሻǡሺଷଶሻǡሺଷሻƬሺହሻ
Now, if ܭௗ and ܭ are chosen as follows: ሳልልልልልልልልልልልልልልልሰ ܸሶ் ൌ െ σୀଵ ܿ ݁ ଶ (52)
ூ ூ ଵ ೡ ሶ
்ܸ is negative. Consequently, the tracking errors are
ܭௗ ܭ ൌ െܿସ ݁ସ െ ܿସ ߪସ ቀܫ െ ቁ (36) asymptotically stable and converge towards zero.
where ܿସ is a strictly positive design parameter.ܸଷሶ becomes:
ܸସሶ ൌ െܿସ ݁ସ ଶ Ͳ (37)
In order to evaluate the robustness of the proposed
Kdg and Kqg are then calculated, using (31) and (36), as follows: algorithms under changing atmospheric conditions, the
ܭௗ ܣ ܣଶ ିଵ ܤଵ simulation is performed with the following solar radiation and
൨ൌ ଵ ൨ ൨ (38)
ܭ ܣଷ ܣସ ܤଶ wind speed profiles.
ோ 12
where: ܤଵ ൌ ܿଷ ݁ଷ ܿଷ ߪଷ ߱ ܫ െ ; ܫ ܣଵ ൌ Ǣ ܣଶ ൌ Ͳ 11
Irradiation [W /m ²]
W in d sp ee d [m / s ]
ଵ ೡ ூ ூ 10.9
ܤଶ ൌ െܿସ ݁ସ െ ܿସ ߪସ ቀܫ െ ቁ;ܣଷ ൌ Ǣܣସ ൌ 900 12.9 13 13.1
E. Boost Control Law 0 10 20 30 40 9
t [s]
Step 1: The tracking error is defined: Fig 5. solar irradiation profile 8
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
డೡ డೡ డூೡ t [s]
݁ହ ൌ െ൬ ൰ ൌ ܫ௩ ܸ௩ (39) Fig 6. Wind speed profile.
డೡ డೡ డೡ
The important parameters are listed in the following table.
Its derivative with respect to time, using (8):
డమ ூೡ డூೡ ூೡ ିூಽ್
݁ሶହ ൌ ൬ܸ௩ మ ʹ ൰ሺ ሻ (40) Hybrid system
డೡ డೡ ೡ
ܲ =1kW ߩ=1.22kg/m3 ܴ =0.88Ω
The first LFC is defined: ܷ௦ =190V R=0.9 m C=3000μF
ܸହ ൌ ݁ହ ଶ (41) p=3 F=0.00064 Nms/rad M=90.1 mH
ଶ ܥ̴௫ =4.8 G=1.3 ܮ௦ =93.1 mH
డூ ூ ିூಽ್
ܸହሶ ൌ ݁ହ ݁ሶହ ൌ ݁ହ ൬݄ܸ௩ ʹ ೡ ൰ ሺ
ሻ (42) opt=8.13 ܴ௦ =1.1Ω ܮ =12.6 mH
డೡ ೡ
̴ܸ =300V ܴ =0.5655Ω ܮ ൌ93.1 mH
డమ ூೡ ܮ =20݉ܪ
where: ݄ ൌ మ . To make ܸହሶ negative, ܫ್ is taken as a ܥ௩ =2000μF
virtual control provided that its desired value is: ݂௦ =10kHz ܿଵ =7×105 ܿଶ =6×105 ܿଷ =57×103 ܿଷ =3×102
ೡ ܿସ =65×103 ܿସ =5×104 ܿହ =104 ܿ =104
ߙଵ ൌ ܫ௩ ܿହ ݁ହ (43)
where:݂ ൌ ݄ܸ௩ ʹ andܿହ is a positive design parameter. 1300
డೡ 1226
Rotor speed [tr/min]
Step2: The error between ܫ and its desired value is:
1200 13 13.2
݁ ൌ ܫ್ െ ߙଵ (44)
Its derivative using (8) is: 1100
݁ሶ ൌ ܫሶ െ ߙሶ ଵ ൌ ೡ
െ ߙሶ ଵ (45)
್ 1000
ሶ ఱ ିሶ ఱ డூೡ
ሶ ; ݂ሶ ൌ ͵݄ܸ௩
ሶ ݄ሶܸ௩
where: ߙሶ ଵ ൌ ܿହ ܥ௩ ܸ௩
మ డೡ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
t [s]
Let us consider an augmented LFC: Fig 7. Rotor Speed.
ܸ ൌ ܸହ ݁ଶ ܸሶ ൌ ܸହሶ ݁ ݁ሶ (46) The DFIG operates in super-synchronous and also in sub-
According to (42), (43) and (44): synchronous mode as shown in Fig 7.
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Stator flux [Wb]
Stator power
0.5 x 10
-4 0
-5 -500
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
0 -3
x 10
2 -1000 Ps[W]
0 Direct stator flux
-2 Qs[VAR]
0 5 10 15 20 25 Quadratue
30 stator
35 flux 40
-0.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 t[s]
Fig 8. Stator flux behavior. Fig 13. stator power behavior.
Iqr 400
Rotor quadratue current [A]
8 Iqr-ref
6 300
4 310
Vc [V]
200 305 300.04
2 300 300.02
0 5 10 299.98
0 100
29.8 30 30.2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
t [s] t[s]
Fig 9. Rotor quadrature current behavior. Fig 14. DC-link voltage.
Tem 2000
Electromagnetic torque(Nm)
Tem-ref -200
0 50 -400
1000 0 -600
-50 -800
-5 10 12 14 16 18 0 10 20 30 40
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Qg(Var)
t(s) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Fig 10. Electromagnetic torque behavior. t [s]
Fig 15. Electrical power injected by DFIG rotor and the PV generator.
Figure 8 clearly shows that the PLL has achieved its
objective. Fig. 9 and 10 show the accurate convergence of the 5
0.45 0
0.4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
0 5 10 20 15 25 30 35 40
0.35 Fig 16. Rotor quadrature current behavior.
FIG. 14 illustrates the accurate convergence of the DC-bus
0 5 10 15 20
25 30 35 40 voltage. Fig.15 confirms that the GSC operates at the UPF
Fig 11. Cp behavior in presence of wind changes. regardless of the rotor current behavior affected by the DFIG
FIG. 12 shows the convergence of the direct component of operating mode (Fig.16).
the rotor current towards its reference, and FIG. 13 shows that 600
the stator reactive power is, as expected, close to zero.
PV-Power & V oltage
Rotor direct current [A]
10 559.7724 438.7346
559.7723 438.7345
8.95 9 9.05 14.98 15 15.02
5 200
Pp [W]
0 Idr Vp[V]
10 15 20
Idr-ref 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
t [s] t [s]
Fig 12. Rotor direct current behavior. Fig 17. PV generator power/voltage behaviors.
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