Understand The Concept of Using Language To Express Connections Between Ideas.

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Lesson Plan: Use language to express

connections between ideas.

Cognitive Domain: Understand the concept of using language to express connections
between ideas.
Psychomotor Domain: Demonstrate the ability to use language effectively to link
Affective Domain: Appreciate the importance of using language to connect ideas and
communicate effectively.

Subject Matter
Topic: Use language to express connections between ideas.
1. Johnson, A. (2018). Language Development in Early Childhood. Pearson
2. Smith, B. (2019). Connecting Ideas: A Guide for Young Learners. Oxford
University Press.
3. Lee, C. (2020). Expressive Language Skills in Grade 1. Cambridge University
Materials Needed: Flashcards, storybooks, markers, and chart paper.

Preliminaries: Example: When we talk about the sun, we can say it is bright and hot.
Here, we are connecting two ideas about the sun using language.
1. What do we use to express our thoughts?
2. How do we describe the sun?
3. Can you connect two ideas about your favorite toy using language?
Reviewing previous lesson/ Presenting the new lesson: Activity: Complete the
worksheet by connecting the given pairs of ideas using appropriate words. Instruction:
Draw a line between two related pictures and write a sentence connecting them.
Establishment of the purpose of the new lesson: Today, we will learn how to use
language to connect different ideas and make our communication clearer.
Presenting Examples/ Instances of the New Lesson: Integration: While learning
about animals in Science, we can say, "A lion roars loudly, and it is known as the king of
the jungle." Here, we connected the ideas of a lion's sound and its title.
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1:
1. The sky is ___ and vast. (a) blue (b) small (c) rough)
2. Apples are ___ and sweet. (a) sour (b) red (c) salty)
3. Birds ___ in the sky. (a) swim (b) fly (c) crawl)
4. Fish ___ in water. (a) run (b) jump (c) swim)
5. Cats are ___ and furry. (a) smooth (b) spiky (c) soft)
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2: [Provide 8 multiple choice
questions here.]
Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment): Group 1 (Reporting):
Discuss how we use language to describe our family members. Group 2 (Coloring):
Color the pictures and connect related items with a sentence. Group 3 (Role Playing):
Act out a scene where you introduce your friend and describe their hobbies using
connecting words.
1. How do we use language to connect ideas?
2. Why is it important to connect ideas when we speak?
3. Can you give an example where you connected two ideas using language?
Evaluation: Instruction: Choose the best answer that connects the two ideas.
Read each question carefully. Choose the best answer from the three choices given.
Circle or shade the letter of your answer.
1. Who is the person that takes care of you at home? A. Teacher B. Doctor C. Mother
2. What do we call the man who is married to our mother? A. Brother B. Father C.
3. Which family member is a female child of your parents? A. Uncle B. Cousin C. Sister
4. Who do you call the sister of your mother? A. Aunt B. Grandma C. Sister
5. If you have a pet dog, what might you call him? A. Teacher B. Friend C. Bird
6. Which word means the opposite of "young"? A. New B. Old C. Fast
7. Who is the person that might read you a bedtime story? A. Postman B. Grandma C.
8. If you are feeling happy, which of these might you do? A. Cry B. Sleep C. Laugh
9. What do we often celebrate when a year passes since our birth? A. Meeting B.
Breakfast C. Birthday
10. Who might push you on a swing in the park? A. Bus driver B. Mother C. Shopkeeper
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. B
1. Write a sentence connecting your favorite food and its taste.
2. Describe your pet by connecting its color and behavior.

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