Gerunds and Infinitves
Gerunds and Infinitves
Gerunds and Infinitves
When verb + ing functions like a noun it is called a gerund. We use gerunds:
• As a complement:
• As an object:
“I enjoy singing.”
We use to + infinitive:
• After adjectives (e.g. happy, pleased, easy, difficult, dangerous, safe, possible, necessary, likely, certain):
“It’s easy to find your way into the city centre, but it’s very difficult to get out again.”
“We’re going to the beach to lie in the sun” (=because we want to lie in the sun)
“To watch the clip again, press ‘replay’” (=if you want to watch again).
VERB + VERB: When we have 2 verbs, it depends on the first verb if we use an infinitive or gerund.
• Gerunds: verb + not -ing → “The best thing for your health is not drinking”
• Infinitives: verb + not to → “I decided not to go out tonight”
verb + object + not to → “I asked you not to break my heart”
Some verbs can be followed by -ing or to… with a difference in meaning:
Try “I tried talking to him, but he’s still angry” (I did it “I tried to talk to him, but he didn’t answer his
but it didn’t work). phone” (I attempted to do it).
Remember/ “I remember/I’ll never forget hearing that tune “Please remember/don’t forget to buy some
Forget the first time” (an experience in the past) milk” (a job for the future).
Regret “I now regret saying what I said. I shouldn’t have “We regret to inform you that you’re fired.” (I’m
said it” (I did it and now I’m sorry about it) sorry that I have to say/tell you/inform you that).
Go on “The professor went on talking for over an hour” “After explaining the theory, I’ll go on to describe
(didn’t stop, continued with the same thing) some examples” (do or say something new)
Stop “I stopped drinking coffee” (I don’t drink it now) “I stopped to drink coffee” (I stopped because I
wanted to drink coffee in a café)
The following verbs can be followed by -ing or to… with no difference of meaning:
When we use a verb without to or ing, we call it “base form”. We use the base form with:
• Modal verbs
Help → “He helped me fix the car” OR “He helped me to fix the car”