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Employee Management System

A Project Work
Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of
In Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning
Submitted by:
Ishmeet Singh Arora
Under the Supervision of:
Ms. Harmandeep Kaur







We, Anurag Sharma, Ishal Walia and Ishmeet Singh Arora, students of
Bachelor of Engineering in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning,
session:2020-24, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Apex
Institute of Technology, Chandigarh University, Punjab, hereby declare that the
work presented in this Project Work entitled ‘Employee Management system’ is
the outcome of our own bona fide work and is correct to the best of our knowledge
and this work has been undertaken taking of Engineering care Ethics. It contains no
material previously published or written by another person nor material which has
been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or
other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been
made in the text.

1) Ishmeet Singh Arora

Candidate UID: 20BCS6398

2) Anurag Sharma
Candidate UID: 20BCS6418
3) Ishal Walia
Date: 14th – July – 2021 Candidate UID: 20BCS6414
Place: Shimla


The work from home internship training gives an opportunity to learn.

We had with the university team that was a great chance for learning
in this summer break and was a chance of professional development.
Therefore, we consider ourself as a very lucky individual as We were
provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. We are also grateful for
having a chance to meet so many wonderful people and professionals
who led me through this industrial Training period. Bearing in mind
previous We were using this opportunity to express my deepest
gratitude and special thanks to various YouTube channels for offering
free videos so that we can learn much more and can have in such
projects add small things, which are really great. Our teachers took
time out to hear our queries, guide and keep us on the correct path and
allowing us to carry out our project. We would like to earnestly
acknowledge the sincere efforts and valuable time given by our teacher
Ms. Harmandeep Kaur. Her valuable guidance and feedback have
helped us in completing this project. Also, we would like to mention the
support system and consideration of our respective parents who have
always been there in our life. Last but not the least, because this was a
group project, we are really thankful that we as a team did it, without the
teams support nothing would have been possible.


The objective of “Employee Management System” is designing a scheduling

system for a work center. Scheduling is such a tool with which the process of
intimating activities and notifications will be easy and even online in the
organization where it is installed. But these task of scheduling the different
activities if manually done whether they may be personal or official is time
consuming and also may lead to confusion if not properly scheduled. Employee
Management System is a distributed application, developed to maintain the
details of employees working in any organization. It maintains the information
about the personal details of their employees. It is simple to understand and can
be used by anyone who is not even familiar with simple employee’s system. It is
user friendly and just asks the user to follow step by step operations by
giving him few options. It is fast and can perform many operations of a company
or organization. This software project has been developed using the powerful
coding tools of Programming language that is C++. The software is very user
friendly. The project contains modules like Employee and Admin. This version of
the software has multi-user approach.

Table of Contents

Title Page i
Declaration of the Student ii
Abstract iii
Acknowledgement iv

1.1 Project Objectives 6
1.2 Project Statement 6
1.3 Project Overview/Specifications 7
1.4 Hardware Specification 8
1.5 Software 8

2.1 Existing System 9
2.2 Proposed System 10
2.3 Feasibility Study 14



1. Introduction
The objective of “Employee Management System” is designing a schedule system for a
work center. Scheduling is such a tool with which the process of intimating activities
and notifications will be easy and even online in the organization where it is installed.
But these task of scheduling the different activities if manually done whether they may
be personal or official is time consuming and also details of employees working in any
organization. It may lead to confusion if not properly scheduled. Employee Management
System is a distributed application, developed to maintain the details of the details of the
employees working in any organization. It maintains the information about the personal
details of their employees. The application is actually a suite of applications developed
using C++. It is simple to understand and can be used by anyone who is not even
familiar with simple employee’s system. It is user friendly and just asks the user to
follow step by step operations by giving him few options. It is fast and can perform
many operations of a company or organization. The software is very user friendly. The
project contains modules like Employee and Admin. This version of the software has
multi-user approach. For further enhancement or development of the package, user’s
feedback will be considered.

1.1 Objective: -
Paperless: To make existing system paperless and save lots of bunching logs of
files on the shelf which makes the later on access of the record not at all easy
task and overhead to peoples.
Automatic: Making the existing system fully automatic which will save lots of
human resources work. As the current system is all human resource work is
needed to maintain and keep the record and details of every employee under and
organization to keep track of every employee in staff working in an organization.

1.2 Problem Statement: -

Manual handling of employee information poses a number of challenges. This is

evident in procedures such as leave management where an employee is required to
fill in a form which may take several weeks or months to be approved. The use of
paper work in handling some of these processes could lead to human error, papers
may end up in the wrong hands and not forgetting the fact that this is time
consuming. A number of current systems lack employee self-service meaning
employees are not able to access and manage their personal information directly
without having to go through their departments. Another challenge is that multi-
national companies will have all the employee information stored at the
headquarters of the company making it difficult to access the employee information
from remote places when needed at short notice. The aforementioned problems can
be tackled by designing this employee management system using C++. This system
will maintain employee information in a file by fully privacy and authority access.
The project is aimed at setting up employee information system about the status of
the employee, the educational background and the work experience in order to help
monitor the performance and achievement of the employee through a password
protected system. This report’s documentation goes through the whole process of
both application program and database development. It also comprises the
development tools have been utilized for these purposes. This system should consist
of an application program, on one hand, and a database (repository of data) on the
other. The program should perform the basic operations upon the file as retrieving,
inserting, updating and deleting data. Any additional functionality is a goal of a
further module development. It is a kind of strategy to start the development from
designing and constructing the file, as this structure will determine the further
structure of the application program. The Interface of the program should be user-
friendly, and the program should be as easy for use as it is possible. Both controls
and forms should logically and functionally be related within the program and fully
respond to the structure of the database. Another problem is establishing the
connections with the file, every time, when a query is needed to be performed upon
it. Exception-handling should also be taken into an account during the system’s
development due to eventual exceptions that may occur.

1.3 Project Overview/Specification: -

All users are presented with the same login interface. User must login the system
by means of valid username/password combination. After access is granted to
the system, the admin can add a new user to the system by entering the basic
information which are the full names and email address. The admin also assigns
the new user a role which will determine the access level. During the process of
user registration, the all users are issued with a unique username and password
All these features include the ability to add user, update (edit), and retrieve
through search results. It also contains a report generation system that can be
saved in a txt file format

1.4 Hardware Specification: -
Minimum requirements:
● Processor: Minimum 1 GHz; Recommended 2GHz or more.
● Available browser updates applied for improved security and greater
anti-virus protection.
● Ethernet connection (LAN) OR a wireless adapter (Wi-Fi)
● Hard Drive: Minimum 32 GB; Recommended 64 GB or more.
● Memory (RAM): Minimum 1 GB; Recommended 4 GB or above.
● Sound card w/speakers.
● Some classes require a camera and microphone.

1.5 Software Specification: -

A Browser Requirements

The browsers and devices that are compatible with the Online compiler.
Browser support is subject to change with little or no notice and we
encourage you to configure your browser for automatic browser updates.
Use the most recent browsers available for the most secure experience.

B Compiler

Compiler is required that will convert the human level language to

machine level language and also helps to detect the error in our code.
Following are the various compilers that we can use to run the code.

 DEV C++
 Turbo C++
 Vs codes

Even we can also any of the online compiler for C++

C Operating System

One can use any operating system.

 Windows OS – XP/7/8/10
 Mac OS

2. Literature Survey
2.1 Existing System: -

The problem definition for designing the system is to maintain data of employee,
to make easy controlling employees, to divide jobs and access control of
employees, to use technology for accurate and timely processing by fully privacy
and full authority access. The objective of the project is to set up employee
information system about status of employee and attendance of employee and
monthly salary process and delivery. To eliminate or reduce as much as possible
the hardships of existing system and avoid errors while entering data. In existing
method employee management are employee record are maintaining in records.
It’s a manual process.

Complicated to search the employee salary Disadvantages:

 Needs for extra manual effort.

 In existing system is standalone process normal employee cannot track
their employee status.
 Less Accuracy Danger of losing some files.
 Certain required report is not available Time-consuming process.

2.2 Proposed System: -

This chapter builds on the work done in the Analysis Chapter and gives
documentation for the Design of the Employee Management System. The EMS
is modelled in terms of objects and classes and their interactions with each other.
Explanation of the proposed system is done as well structure of the Entity
Relationship Diagram (ERD). Design of the User Interface is also discussed. The
proposed system is designed to eliminate all the drawbacks of the existing
employee management software. The system shall be responsible for
maintaining information about employees, thus their personal profile. The
system shall incorporate leave management all the way from application to
acceptance/rejection of leave requests as well as all employee projects with close
monitoring of the projects from creation to completion and trainings to assist in
monitoring active and inactive employees.

The main features to be added include:

 Login and registration

 Employee profiles
 Searching and sorting of Employees
 Deletion and Updation of Employees
 Display

Consistent- The Output window is efficient and easy to maintain- This refers to
the fact that there is need to separate content from layout, so that you can easily
change your output design without editing every set of code.

Layout- The layout of Output page should have a good contrast between the text
and background area. This helps considerably with visibility as it will be difficult
to read the text if it is almost the same color as the background. Monitor size
should also be taken into consideration.

Easy to navigate and use- Users should not have a hard time trying to navigate
anything in output window. Navigation links should be consistent and clearly
labelled. All navigation links should also be working properly and should point
to the intended option.

Visually appealing- The use of color, text, fonts and graphics should be
carefully considered and used to ensure that the site is visually appealing to its

Features: -

 Portability
 Compatibility
 Secure
 User Friendly
 Generosity
 Runtime Compactness and Speed

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Advantages: -

 Transparency to all the user of system.

 Less paper use and removal of redundancy.
 Less prone to errors.
 The whole system is interactive.

The Employee and Payroll Systems objective is to provide a system which

manages the employee details, the Payroll activity done in a company depending
upon the employees attendance and its calculation which is very huge. The users
will consume less amount of time through computerized system rather than
working manually. The system will take care of all the payroll activities like
managing each employee’s attendance, the number of leaves taken by that
particular employee and calculation in a very quick manner and it avoids

Data storing is easier. Paper work will be reduced and the company staffs spend
more time on monitoring the progress. The system is user friendly and easy to
use. All the important data’s will be stored in by using the concept of file
handling and it avoids any miscalculation.

• This system will reduce the complexity of employee management.

• By using this system we can easily maintain all the records about” ON
• It will reduce searching time.
• It can be easily handled by the person who have elementary know
• ledge of computer because it provides a user-friendly environment.
• It’s hardware and software configuration is not very costly

Overall Design: -

Overall Design: -
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This employee management system consists of four modules namely add
module, list module, modify module and delete module. The data flow diagrams
of these modules are as shown.

 Add module

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 List module

 Modify module

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2.3 Feasibility Study: -
The feasibility study of this project has revealed the project as follows: -


The project has shown the economic feasibility by the study of the fact
that by using this software the increased number of the consumers can be
given service effectively and efficiently and can save a lot time and
saving time means saving money. The cost and benefit analysis has
shown that cost that have incurred in developing the project is less than
the benefits that the project is going to provide once it is developed, so
this project has passed the feasibility test.


The working staff members are also interested in this project, as it will
help them to do work with ease and efficiently without complexity, so
they supported the development of this project with full enthusiasm. This
shows the behavioral feasibility of the project.


Technical feasibility centers on the existing computer system (Hardware,

Software etc.,) and to what extent it supports the existing system. As the
existing system computer system is viable so there is no matter of
technical feasibility that is the system is technically feasible.


It is the determination of whether a proposed project can be implemented

fully within stipulated time frame. The project was decided to be done in
three months and was thought to be feasible enough.

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Most of the contemporary Information systems are based on the Database

technology as a collection of logically related data, and DBMS as a software
system allowing the users to define, create, maintain and control access to the
database. The process of constructing such kind of systems is not so simple. It
involves a mutual development of application program and database. The
application program is actually the bridge between the users and the database,
where the data is stored. Thus, the well-developed application program and
database are very important for the reliability, flexibility and functionality of the
system. The so defined systems differentiate to each other and their development
comprises a great variety of tasks to be resolved and implemented

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Information system suggests a computer technology to be used in order to provide
information to users in an organization (for instance), as for the purposes of data
transformation into useful information; computer hardware and software are
designed and used. A particular case is the Human Resources Information System
development. This kind of systems are responsible for storing data of the staff
within an organization and generating reports upon request

This system should consist of an application program, on one hand, and a File handling
on the other. The program should perform the basic operations upon the File handling as
retrieving, inserting, updating and deleting data. Any additional functionality is a goal of
a further module development. It is a kind of strategy to start the development from
designing and constructing, as this structure will determine the further structure of the
application program. This should respond to the given task and cover the basic
requirements. The Interface of the program should be user-friendly, and the program
should be as easy for use as it is possible.
Both controls and forms should logically and functionally be related within the program
and fully respond to the structure of the file-handling. Another problem is establishing
the connections with the File-handling, every time, when a query is needed to be
performed upon it. Exception-handling should also be taken into an account during the
system’s development due to eventual exceptions that may occur.

3.2 Importance

An employee management system is a distributed system developed to maintain

the employee details and the company workflow process systematically. EMS
helps to eliminate the manual process and saves a lot of time and money. This
system maintains the professional and personal details of the employees and the
company in a safe manner. The employee management system lowers the burden
and the pressure on HRs and the business managers. Thanks to the technology
which offers us a plethora of solutions which makes the work easier and faster.

Some of the common benefits of having an EMS in your organization are –

 Efficiency And Better Accuracy

 Fewer Compliance Risks
 Boosted Profitability
 Very Few Manual Errors
 Higher Productivity
 Higher Motivation
 Lower Costs

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Implementing an EMS framework for workers is equivalent to pushing
mountains for a company and that is really important when it comes to handling
a remote workforce.

What is an employee management system?

An employee management system is designed to manage the business duties

departmental wise, and streamlining the HR. Employee engagement systems are
structured to accurately monitor, assess, and control the working hours of
workers and to efficiently utilize the human resources. Also, it helps in ensuring
the payrolls are done on a timely basis. As a business, your employees are your
true asset. Managing them is no doubt a challenging task, especially when the
number of employees increases, it’s even harder to control the entire workforce.
Here is why you need a management system which keeps all the process on

Benefits of the employee management system

 Improved workforce management: - Operating a startup of under a

dozen workers or are in control of a thousand-strong global
multinational corporation, relying on manual systems to track and
handle the staff will turn rapidly into an administrative nightmare.
Also, if you opt to track the information and data manually, there are
high chances of human errors as well as to some compliance risks.

So, to avoid this happening, you need a system that can keep track of
your work and smoothens the process.

 Ensure Compliance: - Employers have other legal and regulatory

responsibilities concerning details about management and employees.
For example, depending on the sector you are working, you can be
prompted to create a particular record at short notice during a
regulatory audit. You could face a huge penalty if you fail in this.
Nonetheless, enforcement may be a minefield where companies are
continually attempting to comply with new laws that apply to their
industry. Employee management systems make it simple and easier
for the businesses to document, capture, report, and document
worker’s information whenever needed. In only a few clicks you can
produce full W-4s, I-9s, and other tax and compliance documents.
Some employee management systems also have a feature that warns
you, alerts you by sending a notification before when a particular
record needs to be updated.
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 Employee Engagement: - Management systems for workers also
offer ways that improve workplace motivation and potentially affect
productivity. Resources such as performance management offer a
new means of monitoring and evaluating the progress of workers.
You should collaborate with staff to establish targets, make them feel
important, and build a roadmap to their progress and success. Having
such a system helps employees to feel confident and helps in
developing cordial relations with the company. Remember, Motivated
employees = Engaged employees.

 Keeps your employee information safe: - These days the main

target of brutal hackers is the HR Databases. As we all are aware of
the fact that companies do hold confidential information about their
employees. Bank accounts, driving license numbers, spouse details,
social security passwords, phone numbers, remuneration numbers,
and a lot more. What if all these highly sensitive data go in the wrong
hands? Having a secure HR system will save you and your employees
from any sort of malware, threats, and hackers. It will provide you
with two-factor authentication, security measures, and data
encryption features to protect your employees and yourself from any
kind of insider threats, and hackers.

 Better relations between employees and management: - Employee

management software removes some of the pressure, anxiety and
stress that is often observed between managers and employees. It
creates an environment that promotes stress-free communication and
helps employees and managers work together to achieve business

4. Objectives

Paperless: To make existing system paperless and save lots of bunching logs of
files on the shelf which makes the later on access of the record not at all easy
task and overhead to peoples.
Automatic: Making the existing system fully automatic which will save lots of
human resources work. As the current system is all human resource work is
needed to maintain and keep the record and details of every employee under and
organization to keep track of every employee in staff working in an organization

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5. Methodology

At the very commencement, I proceeded to a decision to carry out the

development of my task into the following steps:
1. Exploring the available development environments and techniques.
2. File Handling Analyzing.
3. design and Implementation.
4. Program’s Structure Analyzing.
5. Bringing all the stuff together (controls data binding and functions
6. Tests.

Each one of these steps could be explained in some brief details as follows:

1) Exploring the available development environments and techniques-

There is a lot of programming environments available to be used for such
kind of elaborations. The point is to choose such an environment that we
will be able to operate with in a convenient and easy way. This is more or
less optional and individual process, that depends on the developer’s
experience as well.
2) File Handling Analyzing- It concerns all of the demands, put upon the
database content and its functionality using the concept of file handling. The
File handling concept should be used and implemented in a way that the user
would expect it to be.
3) Design and Implementation- This step is tightly related with the previous
one as it is completely determined by the requirements, analyzed and
discussed in step2.
4) Program’s Structure Analyzing- The application program as an interface
between the users and the File-handling should be an accurate “reflection”
of the database on the screen; hence a well analyzed and defined structure is
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5) Bringing all the stuff together- The next step that should be taken is
connecting the program with the file-handling and performing the necessary
functionality upon all of the controls.
6) Tests- To ensure that everything works properly and as it has been expected,
test performance has to be done upon the system’s functionality.

5.1 Importance
I decided to use the concept of file handling as a Database and C++ as a
programming language for developing my project. Before proceeding to the
explanatory notes of how I have developed the software, I would like to take a
preview upon the programming tools (environments) that have been used during
this project’s development course.

The Use of file handling is divided into two parts: -

 The manual-filing system contains files of information, related to a

project, product, task, client, or employee and they are usually labeled
and stored in one or more cabinets. The cabinets may be located in the
secure area of the building, for safety. To facilitate the process of
searching and to find out what we want, more quickly, the different types
of items can be put in separate folders and they remain logically related.
Actually, the needs of the contemporary industrial world could not be
covered or satisfied by using such kind of systems, and especially what
concerns their reliability and efficiency.

 Thus, we historically reach to the second phase of the Database systems

evolution – the File-based systems. This kind of systems had been
developed in response to the needs and demands of industry for a more
efficient data access. The basic idea into the development of this type of
systems, is that each Department in an organization (for instance) has an
access to its own data (files) through application programs.

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 There are some limitations of the File-based systems: -
o Data Duplication: It is undesirable as it costs time and money,
and takes additional storage space.
o Dependency of Data: That’s a kind of inconvenience as the
physical structure and storage of the data files and records are
defined in the application code.
o Data Isolation: It is some difficult to access data, isolated in
separate files.
o Incompatibility of the file formats: It concerns the file structure
as a dependent on the programming language, in which one the
application program has been developed and implemented, as the
file’s structure is embedded in the application program.

● The language of choice – C++ as an object-oriented programming

language, has a procedural, object-oriented syntax. It includes some
aspects and features of other programming languages as: Java, Visual
Basic and Delphi. The developers of C++ have emphasized on the
language simplification as: fewer symbolic and decorative

● Tests –
During systems testing, the system is used experimentally to ensure
that the software does not fail. In other words, we can say that it will
run according to its specifications and in the way users expect.
Special test data are input for processing, and the results examined.
A limited number of users may be allowed to use the system so that
analyst can see whether they try to use it in unforeseen ways.
Software modules are tested for their functionality as per the
requirements identified during their requirements analysis phase.
During the testing the program to be tested is executed with certain
test cases and output of these test cases is evaluated to check the
correctness of the program.
It is the testing that performs first step in determining the errors in the

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o Test Cases and Test Criteria-
During Test Cases that are good at revealing the presence of
faults is central to successful testing. The reason for this is
that if there is a fault in the program, the program can still
provide the expected behavior on the certain inputs. Only for
the set of inputs the faults that exercise the fault in the
program will the output of the program devise from the
expected behavior. Hence, itis fair to say that testing is as
good as its test case. The number of test cases used to
determine errors in the program should be minimum. There
are two fundamental goals of a practical testing activity: -

• maximize the number of errors detected and

• minimize the number of test cases.

As these two goals are contradictory so the problem of

selecting test cases is a complex one. While selecting the test
cases the primary objective is to ensure that if there is an error
or fault in the program, it is exercised by one of its test cases.
An ideal test case is one which succeeds (meaning that there
are no errors, revealed in its execution) only it there are no
errors in the program one possible set of ideal test cases is one
which includes all the possible inputs to the program. This is
often called "exhaustive testing", however it is impractical
and infeasible a seven a small program can have an infinite
input domain. So, to avoid this problem we use "test criteria"
in selection of the test cases. There are two aspects of the test
case selection:

• specifying a criteria for evaluating the test cases.

• generating the set of cases that satisfy a given criteria.

The fully automated process of generating test criteria has not

been yet found rather guidelines are only the automated tool
available to us previously. The two fundamental properties for
a testing criterion are:-

• Reliability a criterion is reliable if all the sets that satisfy the

criteria detect the same error.
•Validity a criterion is valid if for any error in the program
there is some set satisfying the criteria that will reveal the
error. The fundamental theorem of testing is that if a testing
criterion is valid and reliable, if a set satisfying criteria
succeeds then the program contains no errors.

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6. Conclusion And Discussion-

In this report, an information system’s development has been presented. It was
emphasized on the basic steps, consequently taken during the project’s
development course as a particular attention was turned to the basic operative
functions performed upon the data using file-handling.

Future Enhancement
As a future work, some additional stuff could be implemented and integrated
into the application code making it much more reliable and flexible; especially
what concerns apay-roll module, for instance. Apparently, the role of such
systems is basic and essential within each company that wants to keep a really
good control and record concerning its personnel data, functionality and
performance on all levels in its structure. Every organization, in nowadays, has
the necessity of managing its staff on a really good level as the staff has
definitely the greatest merit of building up a company as such as it is. The well
managed employee means giving the appropriate financial award-ness and all
kind of benefits as such as they have been deserved. That’s why the development
of such systems is not just a programming business – a lot of people are
ordinarily involved in such projects and one of the basic requirements is the
reliability of the system, especially what concerns the storage of data and all of
the operations that will be performed upon it.

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7. References-

1) Bodnar George /Duquesne University/, Hopwood William /Florida

AtlanticUniversity/, “Accounting Information systems”, Eighth Edition, Prentice
Hall,Upper Saddle River, New Jersey .
2) Andersen Virginia, Access 2000: “The Complete Reference”, Blacklick,
USA:McGraw-Hill Professional Book Group, 2001

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