Lecure#3 - Local Area Network

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Lecture#3: Local Area Network

LAN Technologies

Introduction to Networks (ITN) v7.0 Module: 6

3.1 Basic

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Purpose of the Data Link Layer
The Data Link Layer

• The Data Link layer is responsible for

communications between end-device
network interface cards.
• It allows upper layer protocols to access
the physical layer media and
encapsulates Layer 3 packets (IPv4 and
IPv6) into Layer 2 Frames.
• It also performs error detection and
rejects corrupts frames.

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Purpose of the Data Link Layer
IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Data Link Sublayers

IEEE 802 LAN/MAN standards are specific to

the type of network (Ethernet, WLAN, WPAN,

The Data Link Layer consists of two sublayers.

Logical Link Control (LLC) and Media
Access Control (MAC).
• The LLC sublayer communicates between
the networking software at the upper
layers and the device hardware at the
lower layers.
• The MAC sublayer is responsible for data
encapsulation and media access control.

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Purpose of the Data Link Layer
Providing Access to Media

Packets exchanged between nodes may experience numerous

data link layers and media transitions.

At each hop along the path, a router performs four basic Layer 2
• Accepts a frame from the network medium.
• De-encapsulates the frame to expose the encapsulated packet.
• Re-encapsulates the packet into a new frame.
• Forwards the new frame on the medium of the next network segment.

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Purpose of the Data Link Layer
Data Link Layer Standards

Data link layer protocols are

defined by engineering

• Institute for Electrical and Electronic

Engineers (IEEE).
• International Telecommunications
Union (ITU).
• International Organizations for
Standardization (ISO).
• American National Standards
Institute (ANSI).

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3.2 Topologies

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Physical and Logical Topologies

The topology of a network is the arrangement and relationship of the network

devices and the interconnections between them.

There are two types of topologies used when describing networks:

• Physical topology – shows physical connections and how devices are
• Logical topology – identifies the virtual connections between devices
using device interfaces and IP addressing schemes.

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WAN Topologies

There are three common physical WAN topologies:

• Point-to-point – the simplest and most common WAN topology. Consists

of a permanent link between two endpoints.
• Hub and spoke – similar to a star topology where a central site
interconnects branch sites through point-to-point links.
• Mesh – provides high availability but requires every end system to be
connected to every other end system.

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Point-to-Point WAN Topology

• Physical point-to-point topologies directly connect two nodes.

• The nodes may not share the media with other hosts.
• Because all frames on the media can only travel to or from the two
nodes, Point-to-Point WAN protocols can be very simple.

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LAN Topologies

End devices on LANs are typically

interconnected using a star or extended
star topology.
• Star topologiy is easy to install, very
scalable and easy to troubleshoot.

Early Ethernet and Legacy Token Ring

technologies provide two additional
• Bus – All end systems chained together
and terminated on each end.
• Ring – Each end system is connected
to its respective neighbors to form a ring.

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3.3 Media Access Methods

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Half and Full Duplex Communication

Half-duplex communication
• Only allows one device to send or receive at a time on a shared medium.
• Used on WLANs and legacy bus topologies with Ethernet hubs.

Full-duplex communication
• Allows both devices to simultaneously transmit and receive on a shared medium.
• Ethernet switches operate in full-duplex mode.

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Access Control Methods

Contention-based access
All nodes operating in half-duplex, competing for use of the medium. Examples are:
• Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) as used on legacy
bus-topology Ethernet.
• Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) as used on
Wireless LANs.

Controlled access
• Deterministic access where each node has its own time on the medium.
• Used on legacy networks such as Token Ring and ARCNET.

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Contention-Based Access – CSMA/CD

• Used by legacy Ethernet LANs.
• Operates in half-duplex mode where only one device sends or receives at a time.
• Uses a collision detection process to govern when a device can send and what
happens if multiple devices send at the same time.

CSMA/CD collision detection process:

• Devices transmitting simultaneously will result in a signal collision on the shared
• Devices detect the collision.
• Devices wait a random period of time and retransmit data.

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Contention-Based Access – CSMA/CA

• Used by IEEE 802.11 WLANs.
• Operates in half-duplex mode where only one device sends or receives at a time.
• Uses a collision avoidance process to govern when a device can send and what
happens if multiple devices send at the same time.

CSMA/CA collision avoidance process:

• When transmitting, devices also include the time duration needed for the
• Other devices on the shared medium receive the time duration information and know
how long the medium will be unavailable.

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3.4 Data Link Frame

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Data Link Frame
The Frame

• Data is encapsulated by the data link layer with a header and a trailer to form a frame.

• A data link frame has three parts: i) Header, ii) Data and iii) Trailer

• The fields of the header and trailer vary according to data link layer protocol.

• The amount of control information carried with in the frame varies according to access
control information and logical topology.

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Data Link Frame
Frame Fields

Field Description
Frame Start and Stop Identifies beginning and end of frame
Addressing Indicates source and destination nodes
Type Identifies encapsulated Layer 3 protocol
Control Identifies flow control services
Data Contains the frame payload
Error Detection Used for determine transmission errors

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Data Link Frame
Layer 2 Addresses

• Also referred to as a physical address.

• Contained in the frame header.
• Used only for local delivery of a frame on the link.
• Updated by each device that forwards the frame.

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Data Link Frame
LAN and WAN Frames

The logical topology and physical media determine the data link
protocol used:
• Ethernet
• 802.11 Wireless
• Point-to-Point (PPP)
• High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC)
• Frame-Relay

Each protocol performs media access control for specified logical


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