The Divorce Process in Kenya

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j udi th k anyok o@ai p-adv ocates.

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The Divorce Process in Kenya

By Judith A. Kanyoko

Divorce is the dissolution of a marriage that has 1 Part ies

subsisted for three or more years. There are five
forms of marriages in Kenya i.e. Civil, Christian, A Person seeking the Divorce is the Petitioner while
Hindu, Islamic and Customary. The common the person against whom a divorce is sought is the
grounds for dissolution of all forms of marriage are Respondent. W here the ground for divorce is
cruelty, adultery, desertion, exceptional depravity adultery, there may be a third party known as a
and the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. For co-respondent.
customary marriages, additional grounds include
any valid ground under the customary law of the
Petitioner. Conversion to another religion and
2 The Pet it ion

commission of rape, sodomy or bestiality is an The Divorce process starts by the Petitioner filing a
additional ground for Hindu Marriages while Petition at the court registry. The Petition outlines the
additional grounds under Sharia Law apply for grounds for divorce and is accompanied by a
Islamic Marriages. Verifying Affidavit, a Notice to Appear, a List of

j udi th k anyok o@ai p-adv | +254 723 048505/ 20 3315808 M ay 2018

W itnesses and their statements and a List of

Documents the Petitioner wishes to rely on. Once
the Petition is filed, it is served together with the
Notice to Appear, notifying the Respondent of the
case. Once the Respondent acknowledges
receipt, he is required to enter appearance and
file a Defence and/ or a Cross Petition. A
Cross-petition is filed where the Respondent also
wishes to have the marriage dissolved. Once the
Respondent files a Defence, the case is set down
for hearing. This means that the Petition is
defended. W here the Petitioner is unable to serve
the Respondent or the Respondent has been
served but has not entered appearance or filed a
Defence, the Petitioner then files an application
seeking a date for hearing and any other directions
from the court. If the Deputy registrar is satisfied
that the Petitioner made sufficient effort to serve
the Respondent or that the Respondent was
served but did not enter appearance or file a
Defence, the case is set for hearing. This means
that the Petition is undefended.

3 Hearing

W here the Petition is defended, both parties will

give oral testimony in court and may be
cross-examined by the other party or their
5 Decree Absolute
advocate. W here the Petition is undefended, the The Decree absolute is the final stage of the
Petitioner will give oral evidence. The court may Divorce and it means that the marriage has been
also seek clarification from the parties during the dissolved. Its effect is that the parties are free to
hearing. Parties will then be allowed to file any remarry and that laws relating to a married couple
submissions if they wish and a date set out for no longer bind them from the day of the decree
judgment. onwards.

4 Decree Nisi 6 Ot her issues t hat may be determined

If the court finds sufficient grounds for divorce, the Other issues that may be determined during court
marriage is dissolved. The court will then issue a proceedings include:
Decree Nisi, which is a temporary order that shows
the grounds for divorce have been established a. Custody and maintenance of the children of the
and allows time for anyone to give reasons why marriage
the marriage should not be dissolved with finality. b. Maintenance of one spouse by the other
Once the duration for the Decree Nisi lapses, a c. Division of matrimonial property
Decree Absolute is issued. d. The cost of the case

Judith A. Kanyoko is an Associate at Ameli Inyangu & Partners Advocates specializing in Family Law, Intellectual Property & Trademarks

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