Wordlist - Unit 1 - Upstream B2+

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Unit 1
Word/word Definition Example Ukrainian
combination equivalent (s)

a barrier /ˈbærɪə/ Something that Despite the language бар'єр

prevents people from barrier, they soon
doing what they want became good friends.
to do.

a global market the activity of buying The brewery is світовий ринок

or selling goods and making radical
services in all the changes in order to
countries of the succeed in the global
world market.

an international trade the exchange of The great financial Міжнародна

goods and services crash in 1929 ruined торгівля
between countries. international trade.

negotiations /nɪˌgəʊʃɪ The process of Those negotiations переговори

ˈeɪʃənz/ discussing something helped us to make an
with someone in important agreement.
order to reach an
agreement with
them, or the

peace talks A conference or Bilateral peace talks

series of discussions мирні переговори
in order to finish a Direct peace talks.
war o confrontation.

world politics A policy or politics The speaker hinted at світова політика

/ˈpɒlɪtɪks/ based on corruption in the
considerations world politics
affecting the world
as a whole.

threat загроза

multilingual Using or knowing A multilingual багатомовний

more than one translator.
language. A multilingual

a benefit Something that helps The benefit of our перевага

or gives an social project is to
advantage to the reduce the accidents
organization on the highway to the
airport by 70%.

field A branch of the field of галузь, сфера

knowledge. microbiology діяльності

to access (the Reach or gain access This report can be отримати доступ
Internet) /ˈæksɛs/ to. accessed via the

to conduct To organize and The experiments Організувати та

perform a particular were conducted by провести,
activity. scientists in New керувати

to adapt /əˈdæpt/ To change something To adapt books for пристосовувати

so that it is suitable use in schools.
for a different use or

local companies A type of moderate Local companies are

size business, an important facet of місцеві компанії
company, enterprise a local economy.
or organization
located in a local
area of a country and
commodities, goods,
products or services.

(ever-increasing) The speed at which We won't get to the темп

pace /peɪs/ someone or school on time with
something moves or this pace
does something.

to expand /ɪks To increase in size or Their business Збільшувати,

ˈpænd/ amount, or to make expanded into other розширювати
something increase hotels.I would like to
in this way. expand my library.

to tend to схилятися до,

робити частіше
to guarantee гарантувати

proficient досвідчений,

to be under the Вважати,що;

impression that Думати, що

to be aware of - усвідомлювати,
бути в курсі

to become apparent - стати очевидним

Language Focus SB p.10-11

efficient Working well and The new machine is дієвий

producing good far more efficient
results by using the than the old one.
available time,
money, supplies etc
in the most effective

costly Having a high price. costly jewels. дорогий

reliable Worthy of trust or of A very reliable

being depended on. medicine. надійний
A reliable method

Ways to communicate

to yell Utter a sudden loud I yelled to her from викрикувати

cry. the window but she
couldn’t hear me.

to weep — To shed tears People in the street плакати

wept/weeped — because of sadness, wept with joy when
wept/weeped rage, or pain. peace was

to whisper To speak extremely He whispered a few шепотіти

quietly so that other words to her.
people cannot hear.
to giggle Laugh nervously. They giggled at some хихикати
private joke.

to yawn /jɔːn/ To open the mouth I can't stop yawning - позіхати

wide and take a lot of I must be tired.
air into the lungs and
slowly send it out,
usually when tired or

to clap To hit your hands The children were плескати в долоні

together, often clapping to the
repeatedly, especially music.
in order to show you
enjoyed a

to whistle To make a sound by Someone was свистіти

breathing air out whistling Beatles
through a small hole tunes outside my
made with your lips, window.
or through a whistle

Aspects of language

a mother tongue One's native Whatever their рідна мова

language; the mother tongue,
language learned by babies acquire it long
children and passed before they learn to
from one generation read and write.
to the next.

a figure of speech Language used in a Of course I'm not. It фігура мови,

figurative or was just a figure of фігуральний вираз
nonliteral sense speech.

small talk Light informal He had made polite

conversation for small talk with her, світська бесіда,
social occasions and that seemed to be пуста розмова
about it.


impatient Wanting something We are all impatient нетерплячий

to happen as soon as for our holiday.

uncertain Not known or fixed, Plans are still Невизначений,

or not completely uncertain. невпевнений

pleased Experiencing or I worked hard so I'm задоволений

manifesting pleasure. pleased with myself.

Words often confused

to talk business talk about important Good, 'cause I flew Обговорити

things in general six hours and three справи
time zones to talk
business, not fashion.

to talk non-stop the practice by a He is always in non постійно

persons of talking stop talking mode розмовляти
non- stop

to speak your mind To say what you She's not afraid to відверто
think. speak her mind, even висловлювати
if it upsets people. свою точку зору

to say the word To give a permission We can go whenever дати згоду (добро)
to start something you like. Just say the

Idioms / Phrasal verbs

to tell the difference To notice differences .Can you tell the Розрізнити,
and be able to difference between помітити, знайти
distinguish between real and fake Rolex? відмінності
similar things.

to be out of touch Not having Larry has been so 1) бути не в

knowledge of. busy that he seems курсі справи;
Not having contact. out of touch with 2) не бути на
world events.2)I'm зв’язку
sorry I've been out of
touch.Marge and I
had been out of touch
for years, but then
suddenly she called
me up the other day.

to get hold of Be in or establish The good teacher встановити

communication with must get hold of even контакт
with problem

to lose contact with to let one's friendship I hope I don't lose втратити зв'язок
or relationship with contact with you.
someone or a group

to hold the line Hold the phone line Hold the line, we'll залишатися на
open. try to find your телефонній лінії

to come in/into to see and begin It was during that контактувати з

contact with communicating with time that native
(someone) people first came
in/into contact with
the settlers.

to put someone To connect by Can you put me з'єднувати

/something through telephone. through to the
to someone accounts department,

to run out of To become used up When does your (щось)

or finished. passport run out? вичерпалося

to hang up End a telephone I said goodbye and класти трубку

conversation by hung up.
cutting the

to call back To return or repeat a I’ll call you back передзвонити

telephone call. when I’ve heard

to cut off To interrupt My explanation was обривати розмову

somebody and stop cut off by loud
them from speaking. protests.

to get through To establish a I couldn’t get through зв'язуватися

connection via some – the line was
means of engaged.

to shout at To speak to someone Don't shout at me, I кричати на

with a very loud have nothing to do
voice, especially with it!
because of anger

to shout to When we shout to I shouted to them кричати до

someone, we want across the busy road,
them to hear us. but they didn’t hear
They might be on the me.
other side of the
street, or a distance
from us in a noisy

to wink at Give one's silent He winked at Nicole підморгувати

approval to. as he passed.

to glare at Look at with a fixed The girl glared at the пильно дивитися
gaze. man who tried to
make a pass at her.

Listening and Speaking SB p.12

literacy The ability to read Adult literacy is low грамотність

and write. in this area.

braille /breɪl/ A point system of Our library ordered азбука Брайля

writing in which 50 books with braille
patterns of raised for blind people.
dots represent letters
and numerals.

sighted (peer) Able to see. Some sighted people зрячий

lose much of their (одноліток)
eyesight as they age.

to give a refund Pay back money, I'd like to give you a повертати гроші
ˈriːfʌnd typically to a refund, but I'm afraid
customer who is not that's not doable.
satisfied with goods
or services bought.

a quid /kwɪd/ (British, informal) It cost him five фунт

quid (plural) one pound sterling. hundred quid.

an aerial An electrical device Vandals also ripped a антена

/ˈeərɪəl/ that sends or receives television aerial off
radio or television the roof
to dispel myths To make something These dispelled any розвінчувати міфи
spread around, up to doubts I may still
disappearing have had about my

in compliance with Acting according to compliance with у відповідності з

certain accepted requirements.

a payphone A public telephone I could not run to the таксофон

that is operated by payphone fast enough
coins or by a credit to phone my mom.
or prepaid card.

Reading: Culture Clip (SB p.14)

Audience; The people who sit She knew the

and watch a audience was Публіка, глядачі
to bring the performance at a clapping for her.
audience to their feet theatre, cinema, etc.
змушувати зал
аплодувати стоячи

considerable Large or relatively Considerable суттєвий, істотний

large in number, progress has been
amount or degree. made in finding a
cure for the disease.

colossal /kəˈlɒsl/ So great in size or Colossal crumbling грандіозний

force or extent as to ruins of an ancient
elicit awe temple.

to rehearse /rɪˈhɜːs/ To practise a play, We usually rehearse репетирувати

dance, etc. in order to on Wednesdays.
prepare for a

workload Work that a person is We have taken on робоче

expected to do in a extra staff to cope навантаження
specified time. with the increased

immense Unusually great in Health care costs the величезний

/ɪˈmɛns/ size or amount or country an immense
degree or especially amount of money.
extent or scope
to interact Act together or He should interact взаємодіяти
towards others or more with his
with others colleague

a scene One of the small Act I, Scene 2 of епізод

sections that a play "Macbeth". The first
or an opera is act has three scenes.
divided into.

a patron Someone who The committee Меценат,

/ˈpeɪtrən/ supports the thanks their patrons постійний
activities of an for their support. відвідувач
A regular customer

inclusive (style) style in which a . інклюзивний

product, service or
environment is
optimized for a
specific user with
specific needs

to blend Blend or harmonize. This flavor will blend поєднувати,

with those in your змішувати,
dish. гармонізувати

an avenue A possible way of We have exhausted Спосіб,

doing or achieving all other avenues of можливість
something. treatment.

happy medium a satisfactory золота середина


to be in proximity to to be in nearness, поруч


A World of Body Language (WB p.8-9)

on a daily basis Regularly, every School food must be щодня

day;. inspected on a daily

unwary /ʌnˈweəri/ Not alert to danger or Some thieves prey необережний

deception. especially on unwary
(traveller) travelers.
to familiarise /fə To learn about We spent a few ознайомитися з
ˈmɪljəraɪz/ oneself something and start minutes familiarising чим-небудь
with something to understand it. ourselves with the
day's schedule

to enquire about To seek information Why are you дізнаватися,

by questioning; ask enquiring about that довідуватися,
event? запитувати

outrageous Very shocking and How can politicians обурливий

/aʊtˈreɪʤəs/ unacceptable get away with
making such

a disbelief A rejection of belief. She remained silent недовіра

for a rare moment as
she looked at the wall
in disbelief.

to indicate Be a signal for or a These symptoms означати

/ˈɪndɪkeɪt/ symptom of. indicate a serious

disciplinary Relating to discipline The teacher didn't дисциплінарний

/ˈdɪsɪplɪnəri/ in behavior. know how to solve
disciplinary problems
in the classroom.

to beckon /ˈbɛkən/ Make a gesture with He beckoned to me to Звати, закликати,

the hand, arm, or follow him out onto роблячи знаки
head to encourage or the dance floor, so I рукою, поглядом
instruct someone to did as told.
approach or follow.

to argue heatedly To speak angrily to We used to argue сперечатися

someone and tell that over who should (емоційно)
you do not agree drive.
with someone.

to go off the deep To go mad. We were just втратити контроль

end chatting, and then she над собою
went off the deep

a pen pal Someone who a She received this друг по

person regularly letter from her new листуванню
writes friendly letters pen pal.
to; usually someone
who this person has
never met
(American; 'pen
friend' is the British

junk mail Letters or emails sent Please ensure that спам

by companies to this has not been
advertise their goods filtered into your
and services. junk mail.

to get rid of To discard, I can’t wait to get rid позбавлятися від

something eliminate, or become of all the useless чого-небудь
free from something things in the house.
that you do not want
any longer.

(Not before noun) We were so thrilled схвильований

thrilled extremely excited to hear about the
/θrɪld/ and pleased. baby.

to sort out To arrange or order I’ve managed to sort Відсортовувати;

by classes or the newspapers out. Вирішувати
categories; проблему
To successfully deal
with a problem

by hand Without the use of a To sew a T-shirt by вручну

machine. hand without a
sewing machine.

a nuance/nju(ː)ˈɑːns/ A very slight I'm ready to sign the нюанс

difference. contract, but there is
one nuance
concerning due date.

to go off To leave one place He went off to have залишати,

and go to another. lunch in the canteen покидати
at one o’clock.

to approve of To have a positive I don’t really approve схвалювати

feeling towards of children wearing
someone or make-up.
something that you
consider to be good
or suitable.

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