BABALONPUJAAShort Ritualof Devotionto Babalon

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A Short Ritual of Devotion to Babalon

Suited for the practice of Bhakti Yoga and Liber Astarte

It is best to prepare the place of worship with red roses, Holy Water and fine incense of resinous woods and gums or other perfumes of a sensuous and passionate nature. A glass of wine, drunk To Nuit is also a good preparation. Leavings may be made of red wine at the Shrine of Babalon by pouring the wine into Her Cup to be left for evaporation. If the Devotee hath access to the Blood of the Moon, it may be offered at Her Shrine in the same manner. Offer rich foods that are spicy (rajas) and sweets (satva) and also foods of a salty or heavy nature (Tammas), preferably meat.

At Sunset or as inspired, perform: STAR RUBY Turn and face your image of Our Lady in the West: I believe in one Earth, the Mother of us all, and in one Womb wherein all men are begotten, and wherein they shall rest, Mystery of Mystery, in Her name BABALON.
Barbarous Names: Translation (not to be spoken):


"Thou the Wheel, thou the Womb, that containeth the Father IAF!" "Thou the Sea, the Abode!" "Babalon! Thou Woman of Whoredom. Thou, Gate of the Great God ON! Thou Lady of the Understanding of the Ways!" "Hail Thou, the unstirred! Hail, sister and bride of ON, of the God that is all and is none, by the Power of Eleven!" "Thou Treasure of IAO!" "Thou Virgin twin-sexed! Thou Secret Seed! Thou inviolate Wisdom!"




"Abode of the Light ................. "......of the Father, the Sun, of Hadith, of the spell of the Aeon of Horus!" "Our Lady of the Western Gate of Heaven!" "Mighty art Thou!"


This this is all done while gazing upon Her image or envisioning the Atu called Lust. //// /// // / In the Sign of Puella: Mother of fertility on whose breast lieth water, whose cheek is caressed by air, and in whose heart is the sun's fire, womb of all life, recurring grace of seasons, answer favorably the prayer of labour, and to pastors and husbandmen be thou propitious. /// /// /// In the Sign of Puer: Lady of night, that turning ever about us art now visible and now invisible in thy season, be thou favourable to hunters, and lovers, and to all men that toil upon the earth, and to all mariners upon the sea. AUM Tat! Savitur verenyam, Bargo, Devasya dimahi dio-yo-nah prachodyat. // /// // In the Sign of Vir: O Thou of the stooping starlight that art a loud and adulterous woman who art covered in jewels and rich garments, Who art shameless before all men, unto Whom all power is given! I am thy blessed Beast, O my Goddess of Love & Victory, the Scarlet Woman! Rass I Salman Paradiz Oa-Crimi Aao Ial-Pir-Gah Qui-In Enay Butmon Od I Noas Ni Paradial Casarmg Vgear Chirlan Od Zonac Luciftan Cors Ta Vaul Zirn Tol Hami Sobol Ondoh Od Miam Chis Ta Zo Od Es V-Ma-Dea Od Pi- Bliar O Phil Rit Od Miam C-Crimi Quaada. Od. O- Michaloz Oriom Bagle Papnor I Dlugam Lonshi Od Umplif V-Ge-Gi Riglied. BABALON... ///

In the Sign of Mulier: O Great Mother, the Goddess of Understanding, To you I give myself in awe and drain out my blood that is my life into the golden cup of your fornication! Touching the Cup or Graal: IHVH ALHIM IHVH ALHIM IHVH ALHIM Give the first 4 NOX signs. Pick up the Cup or Graal with the right hand and the Bell with the left. Begin dancing, moving the coiled splendour ever upwards unto Nuit. / Seven are the veils of the dancing girl in the harem of It. / Seven are the names and seven are the lamps beside Her bed. / Seven eunuchs guard Her with drawn sword; No man may come nigh unto Her. / In Her wine-cup are seven streams of blood of the Seven Spirits of God. / Seven are the heads of The Beast whereon She rideth. The head of an Angel: the head of a Saint: / The head of a Poet: the head of an Adulterous woman: The head of a Man of Valour: the head of a Satyr:

/ And the head of a Lion-Serpent. Seven letters hath Her holiest name; and it is.... ....set down the bell, uncover Her sacred Talisman, and pick up the Wand with the left hand and touch the center of the talisman with its tip, still holding the Cup. This is the Seal upon the Ring that is on the Forefinger of IT: and it is the Seal upon the Tombs of them whom She hath slain. Here is Wisdom. Let Him that hath Understanding count the Number of Our Lady; for it is the Number of a Woman; and Her Number is An Hundred and Fifty and Six. Set down the Cup and burn incense unTo Her. Use the Wand to Rise upon the Planes. Glory unto the Scarlet Woman, BABALON, the Mother of Abomination, that rideth upon the Beast, for She hath spilt their blood in every corner of the earth, and lo! She hath mingled it in the cup of Her whoredom. "With the breath of Her kisses hath she fermented it, and it hath become the wine of the Sabbath; and in the Holy Assembly hath She poured it out for Her worshippers; and they have become drunken thereon, so that face to face they beheld my Father. Thus are they made worthy to partake of the mystery of this holy vessel, for the blood is the life. "Beautiful art thou O BABALON, and desirable, for thou hast given Thyself to everything that liveth, and thy weakness hath subdued their strength. For in that union Thou didst understand. Thereore art Thou called Understanding, O BABALON, Lady of the Night. ....(Here it is appropriate to make love to the Goddess....In Her Chalice is always leavings of red wine that may be mixed with the blood of a child or the droppings from the host of heaven....Be sure to keep back not one drop!).... "O my God, in one last rapture let me attain to the union of the one with the many. For She is Love, and Her Love is one, and She has divided the one love into infinite loves, and each love is one, and equal with the One, and therefore is She passed from the Assembly and the Law and the enlightenment into the anarchy of solitude and darkness. For ever thus must She veil the brilliance of Herself. Re-veil Her Talisman. / // /// / /// // / Consume and become impregnated with the food and libation offering, which has been charged

with both the Prayer of your Aspiration, and Babalons fierce lust for the Blood of the Saints. Give the Sign of Isis Rejoicing. (and thus the powers of Birth to both your Holy Aspiration and the satisfaction of Babalons lust for Drunkeness.) Love is the law, love under will STAR RUBY

Enochian translation:
(The East is a howse of virgins singing praises amongst the flames of first glory wherein the Lord hath opened his mowth: and they are become 28 liuing dwellings in whome the strength of man reioyseth, and they are apparailed wth ornaments of brightnes such as work wunders on all creatures. Whose Kingdomes and continuance are as the Third and Fowrth Strong Towres and places of cumfort, The seats of Mercy and Continuance. O you Servants of Mercy: Moue, Appeare: sing prayses vnto the Creator and be mighty amongst vs. For to this remembrance is given powre and our strength waxeth strong in our Cumforter, BABALON!)

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