Becerras Worksheet

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NAME: ___________________________ DATE: _______________________ GRADE: ___________

a. She does b. she c. she’ll d. she’s
2. He _______ to see his mother yesterday 12. Their grades are ______ than ours.
a. Went b. goes c. has gone d. has a. More good b. most good c. better d.
been gooder

3. He_______ very hard now 13. Do you smoke? No, I _________

a. Works b. has been working c. is a. Doesn’t b. don’t smoke c. don’t d. am
working d. work not smoking.
14. Look what I _____ a new watch
4. They have ________ beautiful books. a. Get b. got c. getting d. ‘ve got
a. Any b. all c. some d. lots
15. Excuse me, can I borrow_________
5. She ________ for fifteen years and still likes dictionary.
the job. a. Your b. yours c. you d. a
a. Works b. is working c. has been
working d. worked 16. The teacher is ________ the room.
a. On b. in c. at d. into
6. _______ up ! or we’ll be late.
a. You hurry b. Be hurrying. C. Hurry 17. He’s been sent to ______ prison.
d. Hurry you a. – b. a c. the d. an

7. He’s _________ doctor of law. 18. _________ you busy?

a. An b. the c. a d. one a. Is b. do c. are d. be

8. _____ she likes chocolates ? 19. They _______ work everyday at 7 o’clock
a. Does b. has c. is d. do a. Are starting b. starts c. have starting
d. start
9. The student __________ papers.
a. Writing b. writes c. write d. is writes 20. _________ do you do ?
a. Why b. Where c. what d. who
10. ______ bag is that?
a. What b. who’s c. Whose d. which 21. Look at the clouds, I think it ___________
a. Will rain b. is going to rain c.
rains d. rain
11. ___________ tell her professor next time.


1. a. You ______ shout in class! 6. f _______ God have mercy on your

a. may b. mightn’t c. mayn’t d. might soul.
2. b. It will rain soon. You _______ go a. may b. mightn’t c. mayn’t d. might
without an umbrella. 7. You _______ have told me earlier!
a. may b. mightn’t c. mayn’t d. might a. may b. mightn’t c. mayn’t d. might
3. c. He admitted that he _______ have 8. Lucy is in the last place, she _____ lose
enough money to buy it. the race
a. may b. mightn’t c. mayn’t d. might a. may b. mightn’t c. mayn’t d. might
4. d. _____ I have a drink? She asked if 9. My car doesn't start so I ______ go on
she ______ have drink? foot.
a. may b. mightn’t c. mayn’t d. might a. may b. mightn’t c. mayn’t d. might
5. e. He ______ have arrived yesterday. 10. He wasn't there last night. He _______
a. may b. mightn’t c. mayn’t d. might be busy.
a. may b. mightn’t c. mayn’t d. might


1. Martin_________ skate very well. He 4. He __________________ comb his hair

should practice a lot. by himself. His mother combs it for him.
a. Can’t b. could c. can d. couldn’t a. Could b. can c. couldn’t d. can’t
2. ____________ he ride a bicycle at the 5. My little brother ___________ walk when
age of 3? No, he _______. But he he was six months.
________ ride a tricycle. a. Can b. can’t c. could d. couldn’t
a. Can/ can’t / can 6. Penguins_________ swim very well.
b. Could / can’t / couldn’t a. Can b. could
c. Could / couldn’t / could 7. I _______ run very fast
d. Can’t / can’t / could a. Can b. could
3. My dog is looking for its bone it 8. It’s snowing, so we _______ go out now.
_______________ find it. a. Couldn’t b. can’t
a. Couldn’t 9. She felt she __________ never drive
b. Can again.
c. Could a. Can b. could
d. Can’t 10. But she knew that she _______ not.
a. Can b. could


NAME: ___________________________ DATE: _______________________ GRADE: ___________

5. ICFES QUESTIONS. Match definitions with the words.

1. When there is not enough water for people’s needs a. Hurricane

b. Drought
2. An extremely large wave caused by movement of the earth under the sea.
c. Earthquake
3. Electricity moving between clouds or from clouds to the ground. d. Flood
4. A violent wind that has a circular movement. e. Tsunami
f. Eruption
5. A sudden violent movement of the earth’s surface.
g. Lightning

1. a. On a cooker 3. a. In a department store

DO NOT PUT Everything in
b. On a barbecue FOOD INSIDE b. In a cafeteria our dishes is
c. On a fridge WHILE STILL HOT c. At a supermarket homegrown
2. a. a library. 4. a. At a garage
Make sure your book NEW
b. a school. b. On the underground
is stamped with ROUNDABOUT
c. a bookshop. return date before c. On a motorbike IN 100M
5. a. On a dish
Colours may become
b. On a painting
lighter after first
c. On a T-shirt wash

1. Any more suggestions? A. Just one. B. Go away. C. Not enough.

2. Where is the nearest restroom? A. I’ll be back. B. Behind that door. C. Seriously?

3. Would you rather be famous or talented? A. I’d rather be rich. B. Which way? C. I’m allergic

4. How was your weekend? A. Not my favorite. B. Is she back from the USA? C. Awesome!

5. Were you at home when I was calling you? A. No, I am fine. B. was I? C. I was running some errands.


When early humans hunted and gathered food, they were not in control of their environment. They could
only interact with their surroundings as lower organisms did. When humans learned to make fire, however,
they became capable of altering their environment. To provide themselves with fuel they stripped bark from
trees, causing the trees to die. Clearings were burned in forests to increase the growth of grass and to provide
a greater grazing area for the wild animals that humans fed upon. This development led to farming and the
domestication of animals. Fire also provided the means for cooking plants which had previously been inedible.
Only when the process of meeting the basic need for food reached a certain level of sophistication was it
possible for humans to follow other pursuits such as the founding of cities.

1. What would the author likely say? 3. One can infer from the passage that the
a. We’ve always been able to control our discovery of how to make fire.
environment. a. Increased alimentary options for
b. Having discovered fuel came very handy early humans
for growing food b. Made it easier for early humans to
c. We’re lucky we were able to figure out the gather food
way to prepare and preserve food. c. Taught early humans how to live with
d. All plants were in early man’s menu lower organism
before humankind started farming. d. Improved the hunting skills of early
2. As we understand from the passage, 4. The passage is mainly about
early humans a. What has to be done to enter a good
a. Used fire as a tool to alter their college.
surrounding b. How the discovery of fire changed
b. didn’t eat plants before they learned the development of mankind
how to control fire. c. The role of hunting as a source of
c. were the prey of many predator food
d. gained better control of their d. Basic food-gathering techniques of
environment when they learned to early.
live with lower organism.
NAME: ___________________________ DATE: _______________________ GRADE: ___________

6. Would you please repeat? b. Because, it’s late

a. I got the latest c. Not really

b. I’ll turn it on. 8. I wish people helped more.

c. Sure! Why not? a. Neither would I

7. Why don’t we go and visit Nick? b. So do i

a. That’s a great idea! c. Nor do


Gary 1. _____ to be a good boy. He listened to his parents. He did his homework. He was
nice to everyone. This all changed after he met Jordan. Jordan was the popular guy. He
was 2. _____a mean guy. He never did his homework. He was mean to his friends. People
wondered why he 3_____ had friends. It's because they wanted to be popular, too. So they
followed him around. Gary 4. _______ his friend. Jordan pushed him around. He made
Gary become mean. Gary started ignoring his friends. His parents were worried about
him. They talked to 5. _____ about his change.

1. A. use. B used C. using

2. A. too B. so C also
3. A. even B. just C. both
4. A. Become B. became C. becoming
5. A. He B his C. him
NAME: ___________________________ DATE: _______________________ GRADE: ___________

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