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Curriculum and Assessment Policy


Grade 8 and 9




1.1 Background
1.2 Overview
1.3 General aims of the South African Curriculum
1.4 Time allocation


2.1 What is Agricultural Studies?

2.2 Topics to be studied in Agricultural Studies.
2.3 Specific Aims:
2.4 Requirements for Agricultural Studies as a subject
2.4.1 Time Allocation
2.4.2 Resources
2.4.3 Infrastructure, equipment and finances
2.5 Career opportunities


3.1 Content overview per Year

3.2 Content outline per term (Annual Teaching Plan)


4.1 Introduction
4.2 Assessment Principles
4.3 Managing Assessment
4.4 Moderation of Assessment
4.5 General

The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 (NCS) stipulates policy on curriculum and
assessment in the schooling sector.

To improve implementation, the National Curriculum Statement was amended, with the amendments
coming into effect in January 2012. A single comprehensive Curriculum and Assessment Policy
document was developed for each subject to replace Subject statements, Learning Programme
Guidelines and Subject Assessment Guidelines in Grades R-12.


(a) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 (January 2012) represents a policy statement
for learning and teaching in South African schools and comprises the following:

(i) Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements for each approved school subject;

(ii) The policy document, National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion
requirements of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12; and

(iii) The policy document, National Protocol for Assessment Grades R-12 (January 2012).

(b) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 (January 2012) replaces the two current
national curricula statements, namely the

(i) Revised National Curriculum Statement Grades R-9, Government Gazette No. 23406 of
31 May 2002, and

(ii) National Curriculum Statement Grades 10-12 Government Gazettes, No. 25545 of 6
October 2003 and No. 27594 of 17 May 2005.

(c) The national curriculum statements contemplated in subparagraphs b(i) and (ii) comprise the
following policy documents which will be incrementally repealed by the National Curriculum
Statement Grades R-12 (January 2012) during the period 2012-2014:

(i) The Learning Area/Subject Statements, Learning Programme Guidelines and Subject
Assessment Guidelines for Grades R-9 and Grades 10-12;

(ii) The policy document, National Policy on assessment and qualifications for schools in the
General Education and Training Band, promulgated in Government Notice No. 124 in
Government Gazette No. 29626 of 12 February 2007;


(iii) The policy document, the National Senior Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the
National Qualifications Framework (NQF), promulgated in Government Gazette
No.27819 of 20 July 2005;

(iv) The policy document, An addendum to the policy document, the National Senior
Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF),
regarding learners with special needs, published in Government Gazette, No.29466 of
11 December 2006, is incorporated in the policy document, National policy pertaining to
the programme and promotion requirements of the National Curriculum Statement
Grades R-12; and

(v) The policy document, An addendum to the policy document, the National Senior
Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF),
regarding the National Protocol for Assessment (Grades R-12), promulgated in
Government Notice No.1267 in Government Gazette No. 29467 of 11 December 2006.

(d) The policy document, National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements
of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12, and the sections on the Curriculum and
Assessment Policy as contemplated in Chapters 2, 3 and 4 of this document constitute the norms
and standards of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12. It will therefore, in terms of
section 6A of the South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996,) form the basis for the
Minister of Basic Education to determine minimum outcomes and standards, as well as the
processes and procedures for the assessment of learner achievement to be applicable to public
and independent schools.


(a) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 gives expression to the knowledge, skills and
values worth learning in South African schools. This curriculum aims to ensure that children
acquire and apply knowledge and skills in ways that are meaningful to their own lives. In this
regard, the curriculum promotes knowledge in local contexts, while being sensitive to global

(b) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 serves the purposes of:

 equipping learners, irrespective of their socio-economic background, race, gender, physical

ability or intellectual ability, with the knowledge, skills and values necessary for self-fulfilment,
and meaningful participation in society as citizens of a free country;
 providing access to higher education;
 facilitating the transition of learners from education institutions to the workplace; and
 providing employers with a sufficient profile of a learner’s competences.

(c) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 is based on the following principles:


• Social transformation: ensuring that the educational imbalances of the past are redressed,
and that equal educational opportunities are provided for all sections of the population;

• Active and critical learning: encouraging an active and critical approach to learning, rather
than rote and uncritical learning of given truths;
• High knowledge and high skills: the minimum standards of knowledge and skills to be
achieved at each grade are specified and set high, achievable standards in all subjects;

• Progression: content and context of each grade shows progression from simple to complex;

• Human rights, inclusivity, environmental and social justice: infusing the principles and
practices of social and environmental justice and human rights as defined in the Constitution
of the Republic of South Africa. The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 is sensitive
to issues of diversity such as poverty, inequality, race, gender, language, age, disability and
other factors;

• Valuing indigenous knowledge systems: acknowledging the rich history and heritage of this
country as important contributors to nurturing the values contained in the Constitution; and

• Credibility, quality and efficiency: providing an education that is comparable in quality,

breadth and depth to those of other countries.

(d) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 aims to produce learners that are able to:

• identify and solve problems and make decisions using critical and creative thinking;

• work effectively as individuals and with others as members of a team;

• organise and manage themselves and their activities responsibly and effectively;

• collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information;

• communicate effectively using visual, symbolic and/or language skills in various modes;

• use science and technology effectively and critically showing responsibility towards the
environment and the health of others; and

• demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that

problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation.


(e) Inclusivity should become a central part of the organisation, planning and teaching at each
school. This can only happen` if all teachers have a sound understanding of how to recognise
and address barriers to learning, and how to plan for diversity.

The key to managing inclusivity is ensuring that barriers are identified and addressed by all the relevant
support structures within the school community, including teachers, District-Based Support
Teams, Institutional-Level Support Teams, parents and Special Schools as Resource Centres.
To address barriers in the classroom, teachers should use various curriculum differentiation
strategies such as those included in the Department of Basic Education’s Guidelines for Inclusive
Teaching and Learning (2010).


1.4.1 Foundation Phase

(a) The instructional time in the Foundation Phase is as follows:



Home Language 10 8/7 8/7

First Additional Language 2/3 3/4

Mathematics 7 7 7

Life Skills 6 6 7

 Beginning Knowledge (1) (1) (2)

 Creative Arts
 Physical Education (2) (2) (2)
 Personal and Social Well-being
(2) (2) (2)

(1) (1) (1)

TOTAL 23 23 25

(b) Instructional time for Grades R, 1 and 2 is 23 hours and for Grade 3 is 25 hours.


(c) Ten hours are allocated for languages in Grades R-2 and 11 hours in Grade 3. A maximum of 8
hours and a minimum of 7 hours are allocated for Home Language and a minimum of 2 hours
and a maximum of 3 hours for Additional Language in Grades 1-2. In Grade 3 a maximum of 8
hours and a minimum of 7 hours are allocated for Home Language and a minimum of 3 hours
and a maximum of 4 hours for First Additional Language.

(d) In Life Skills Beginning Knowledge is allocated 1 hour in Grades R – 2 and 2 hours as indicated
by the hours in brackets for Grade 3.

1.4.2 Intermediate Phase

(a) The instructional time in the Intermediate Phase is as follows:


Home Language 6

First Additional Language 5

Mathematics 6

Natural Sciences and Technology 3,5

Social Sciences 3

Life Skills 4

 Creative Arts (1,5)

 Physical Education
 Personal and Social Well-being (1)


TOTAL 27,5


1.4.3 Senior Phase

(a) The instructional time in the Senior Phase is as follows:


Home Language 5

First Additional Language 4

Mathematics 4,5

Natural Sciences 3

Social Sciences 3

Technology 2

Economic Management Sciences 2

Life Orientation 2

Creative Arts 2

In Grade 8, a maximum of two subjects can be

selected from the list of thirteen Elective
Occupational subjects to replace any two of the
following: Technology, Creative Arts and/or
Economic and Management Sciences. The
instructional time for these subjects is 2 hours

TOTAL 27,5

Elective Occupational Subjects (Not more than 2)

1. Agricultural Studies


2. Art and Design
3. Digital Technology Time Allocation per week:
4. Early Childhood Development 2 hours each
5. Mechanical Technology
6. Electrical Technology
7. Civil Technology
8. Personal Care: Hairdressing, Nail and Beauty Technology
9. Ancillary Health Care Studies
10. Services: Maintenance and Upholstery
11. Consumer Studies
12. Hospitality Studies
13. Wholesale and Retail Studies

1.4.4 Grades 10-12

(a) The instructional time in Grades 10-12 is as follows:



Home Language 4,5

First Additional Language 4,5

Mathematics 4,5

Life Orientation 2

A minimum of any three subjects selected from Group B 12 (3x4h)

Annexure B, Tables B1-B8 of the policy document, National

policy pertaining to the programme and promotion
requirements of the National Curriculum Statement Grades
R-12, subject to the provisos stipulated in paragraph 28 of
the said policy document.


The allocated time per week may be utilised only for the minimum required NCS subjects as specified
above and may not be used for any additional subjects added to the list of minimum subjects. Should
a learner wish to offer additional subjects, additional time must be allocated for the offering of these




2.1 What is Agricultural Studies?

What is Agriculture?
In Agriculture, resources are involved for growing plants and animals to be used for human
and animal consumption. (Nearly everything we eat; wear and use came from a plant
or an animal raised on a farm). It encompasses production agriculture, but also
everything before and after the production process on the farm too.
Agricultural studies include science, technology, and engineering. It involves
 the production processes, processing and value adding, of the plants and animals
produced and their products
 genetics to improve the seeds and animals’ farmers purchase to increases production
to feed the people in SA.
Agriculture includes business: It involves
 development, design, production and sales of everything farmers use – tractors,
equipment, buildings, fertilizer, and more.
 marketing, sales and distribution of the plants and animals produced and their products
to earn a living
 financial and legal aspects of acquiring land and other assets needed to farm. Farming
is a job, a way to earn money,
All this should be done through the protection/conservation of the natural resources used to
produce these products.

The subject teaches the learner, agricultural practices and specifically focusing on:
 General farming / Tools and equipment / Safety and communication
 Plant production and Gardening (Horticulture)
 Soil and conservation
 Animal Production and
 Business practices / Entrepreneurship / Value adding and Processing.
This subject reflects and need to achieve the skills needed in the agricultural industry, to
produce and maintain entrepreneurs/farmers, researchers, workers etc.

2.2 Topics to be studied in Agricultural Studies:

1. General farming / Tools and equipment / Safety and communication
2. Plant Production and Gardening (Horticulture)
3. Soil and conservation
4. Animal Production
5. Business practices / Entrepreneurship /Value adding and processing


2.3 Specific Aims:
The purpose of Agricultural studies provides the basis for the introduction of agriculture for the
learner through the inclusion of a wide spectrum of competencies required for the future studying
of the Agricultural subjects in the FET band.

The focus of the subject is as follows:

2.3.1 General farming and resources / Agricultural Practices/Tools and technology
The learner should be able to:
1. Understand the basic resources for farming:
2. Explain and understand the importance and conservation of natural resources.
3. Explain and understand the essential buildings/structures needed on a farm for
4. Define the following farming systems- Subsistence, commercial, intensive & extensive
5. Explain and understand the purpose/function of basic farm implements
6. Identification, use and maintenance of hand tools
7. Identification, use and maintenance for power tools, machines and workshop equipment
8. Select the appropriate tool for use in a specific task
9. Demonstrate how to use, care for and maintain tools and equipment
10. Understand Safety and legislation on the Farm - Occupational Health and Safety (OHS),
applicable to the farm workshop and general laws in agriculture.
11. Name and understand the alternative sources of energy that can be used on the farm:

2.3.2 Plant Production and Gardening (Horticulture)

The learner should be able to:
1. Explain soil as a medium for production. -
2. Demonstrate an understanding of soil cultivation using hand tools and machines-
Methods and purpose
3. Name and understand the use of alternative planting mediums
4. Explain and understand the requirements of optimal plant growth
5. Manipulate crops to increase production
6. Explain and understand the economic importance, of crop production in your area
7. Explain and understand the importance of Integrated pest and disease control.
8. Identify and control of weed, pests and diseases
9. Demonstrate an understanding of composting and the benefits of adding organic
enrichments to the soil
10. Identify and installing different methods/types of irrigation appropriate to the
environmental circumstances


11. Gardening
a. Propagate plants from seed and vegetative and planting into open ground
b. Care for ornamental seedlings and landscape areas and transplanting from

2.3.3 Animal Production

The learner should be able to:
1. Explain and understand the economic importance of animal production and their
2. Understand the basic requirements for optimal animal production:
a. Environmental Factors
b. Management (Health and nutrition, breeding and selection, housing)
c. Behaviour (Defensive and other)
2.3.4 Business practices/Entrepreneurship/Value adding and Processing
The learner should be able to:
1. Describe entrepreneurship in agricultural context
2. Understand basic costing, planning and budgeting (income / expenditure), Basic
3. Explain the importance of:
a. Harvesting
b. Storage
c. Value adding
d. Processing
e. Packaging


2.4 Requirements for Agricultural Studies as a subject

2.4.1 Time Allocation

The total number of hours allocated for the subject in a five-day cycle is 2 hours. Enough
time must be allocated in the school timetable (during school or after hours) for the practical
work required to be done.

2.4.2 Resources

Human resources

Agricultural Studies requires a trained subject specialist. It is preferred that the teacher
offering Agricultural Studies has a background to farming related activities. Farming and good
management skills are essential and a tertiary qualification in teaching is preferred.

Agricultural Studies teachers are required to:

 The teacher learner ratio should ideally be 1:15 as prescribed by OHS act for safety
Manage resourcing, budgeting and safety in a farming context
 Conduct stock taking and inventory
 Maintain and service the tools and faming equipment
 Ensure learner safety
Manage the teaching environment
 Teach the subject content with confidence through proper preparation and flair
 Interact with learners in a relaxed but firm manner
 Plan for practical work (Conduct weekly practical sessions)
 Plan for theory lessons
 Produce working PAT projects in cooperation with learners
 Carry out School Based Assessment (SBA)
 Implement innovative methods to keep the subject interesting
 Be self-motivated to keep her/him abreast of the latest technological
 Regularly attend skills workshops
 Regular excursion to agricultural related activities/institutions


Learner Resources:
 Textbook
 Personal protective clothing
 Resource books (agricultural magazines)

2.4.3 Infrastructure, tools, equipment and finances

Procurement of resources should focus on the necessary infra-structure and best possible
quality of equipment and financial resources for quality teaching and learning.


 Agricultural Studies need to be implemented in a school with suitable resources (eg.

access to water, livestock and land) and a suitable teaching venue. If such facilities are
not available, the responsible department need to ensure that these facilities are
available before implementing the subject.
 Tools and equipment should have enough storage and a well-developed storage
management system with an up to date inventory. Shelves should be clearly marked,
and storage areas defined.
 Good housekeeping principles require that all work areas be cleaned regularly. A
suitable waste removal system should be in place to accommodate refuse, off-cut
materials as well as chemical waste.
 Tools, machinery and equipment always need to comply with the requirements of the
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act 85 of 1993.
 Safety rules and signs must be displayed on posters on the farm and in the


Equipment and resources
Procurement of the best quality equipment or similar than needs to be purchased to
ensure longevity and duration. The following is the minimum requirement for Agricultural

Safety equipment
 Signage – Warning signs as required by Occupation Health and Safety act
 Face masks – box of 50
 Safety goggles and earmuffs – 20
 Helmets/welding – 15 (Afrox/……)
 Safety pants / overall – 1 per learner
 Gloves – 20 pairs
 Gumboots – 1 pair / learner

Basic hand tools – Garden and workshop

 Spades – minimum 15 (equivalent to lasher)
 Rakes – minimum 15 (equivalent to lasher)
 Forks – minimum 15 (equivalent to lasher)
 Hoes - minimum 15 (equivalent to lasher)
 Watering cans – minimum 15
 Planting line – can be constructed (grade 8 PAT) made with available material
 Wheelbarrow – minimum 5
 Dragline Hose pipe (25mm) – 3 x 30m
 Hosepipe fittings (25mm)
 Knap sack sprayer or Spray pump – minimum 4
 Wirepliers – minimum 10 large and 10 medium
 Sledge hammers – minimum 1
 Ball pen or claw hammer x 10
 Pruning scissors – minimum 15
 Wire puller / Wire tensioner – 2
 Spanner set – 1 complete combined spanner set (Same or similar to Gedore)
 Screw driver set – (Phillips and Flat)
 Welding tables x 5
 Bench vices x 10
 Hacksaw x 10
 Square x 10
 Spirit Level (750mm) x 1
 Centre punch x 3

Power tools
 Lawnmower – minimum 2 x petrol lawnmowers (similar to Wolf or professional series
with bearing wheels)
 Bush cutter (weed eater) – 2 x similar to, Husqvarna, Stihl FS160 or bigger
 Angle grinder (720w), -115mm x 5 Angle grinder(1.2kw) - 230mm x 2 (Same or similar
to Bosch, Makita)
 Inverter Arc welding machine and x 5 (similar to Afrox or Miller)


 Welding accessories (Leather apron/Leather gloves/Auto darkening helmets (Afrox
or Matweld), chipping hammers) x 10
 Bench grinder x 1
 Electric hand Drill - 2 x or similar to Makita or Bosh drill
 Electrical pedestal drilling machine x 1
 Oxy-acetylene welding set x 1
 Compressor 100l x 1(Same or similar to Ingersol rand)

 Seed (various as according to the school’s location)
 Seedlings - Vegetable crops (According to practical activity and need)
 Fertiliser – according to need (2:3:2, 7:3:1) 50 kg each
 Potting medium and alternative planting mediums Vermiculite, coir, peat etc.
 Small micro irrigation system for beds
 Petrol – lawn mowers and weed eaters (1 per school)
 Welding rods x 10 kg 2.5mm (Afrox)
 Steel Various profiles (According to practical activity and need)
 Angle grinder blades (Cutting, grinding and stone) 115 mm x 20 and 230mm x 6
 Pesticides – according to need (weedicides and insecticides)
 Paper and Carton (Carton(corrugated), 2mm thickness solid carton, A3 drawing paper
and carton)
 Glue – Woodglue, gluegun, pritt
 Hacksaw blades x 40 (24teeth/cm)
 Drill bit set steel - 1mm -13 mm (Bosch)

 Size: 16 X 8 metres, Irrigation system included
 Fertiliser application unit
 Planting Bags x 500 each (1l, 3l and 10l)
 Seedling trays 200 holes (polystyrene) x 5

PAT – resources
Grade 8 (Hydroponic system) Schools should use consumables they can afford to
administer the PAT

Grade 9 – Fertilisers and popcorn seed are available at seed distributers and co-
Processing – Gas stove with relevant canister
- Pot 20 l heavy bottom, oil, food colouring, icing sugar, plastic
bags for packaging (2l bags).


Funding: MST and annual monetary allocation
Budget and inventory

A budget must be allocated for the subject from the MST fund. The amount will be determined
by the number of learners taking the subject across all the years and the nature of the practical
work required as stipulated in the curriculum. The budget needs to be revised annually and
must consider all resources needed per year. The funding must allow for provisioning,
maintenance and replacement of tool, equipment and machines.

Annual monetary allocation must be allocated to schools for purchasing consumable materials
to be used in the subject.

Resourcing could be sub divided into the following categories:

Safety Equipment
Tools and Equipment
Consumable Materials
Practical Assessment Task Resources
Teaching and Learning Support Material

A stock inventory must be maintained by the teacher and verified annually by a Senior
Management Team member.

2.5 Career opportunities

Career and occupational opportunities for learners with a foundation in Agricultural Studies after
completing the FET phase include but is not limited to:
 Landscaping services – general worker
 General worker within agricultural or forestry sector
 Farmer/ Entrepreneur
 Marketer – selling farm produce
 Worker in agricultural sector




3.1 Content overview

TOPIC Content: Gr 8 Content: Gr 9

 Introduction to development of agriculture  Understand how the production factors

in South Africa and components of agricultural
farming and  Understand the factors of production and resources contribute to farming:
basic resources required for farming: o Land (Natural Resources)
o Land (Natural resources)  Land
factors o Capital (Financial resources)  Water
o Labour (Human resources)  Vegetation
o Entrepreneurship o Capital (Financial resources)
 Describe entrepreneurship in the  Capital (Assets)
agricultural context:  Credit
 Characteristics and competencies o Labour (Human resources)
of an entrepreneur  Management
 Labour
o Entrepreneurship
 Explain how entrepreneurship
is closely linked to using
opportunities to create
 Explain and understand the importance  Understand and discuss pollution,
and conservation of natural resources degradation and prevention of the
following natural resources in
o Water
o Soil
o Vegetation o Water
o Soil
o Vegetation
 Understand and define the following
farming systems  Understand and distinguish between
o Commercial the following farming methods
o Subsistence o Intensive
o Extensive and
o Mixed farming

 Explain and understand the following

 Explain and understand the essential
concepts of a farm
principles in planning the farm layout
o Camps: Pasture (grazing,
o Farmyard layout and essential farm wetlands), dry land, irrigated fields,
buildings eg. housing and ablution, gardens (house and vegetable)
stables, milking parlour, shed and orchard.
(vehicles, implement, shearing etc.), o Fences
workshop, tool storeroom, chemical  Electric fences: Movable and
storeroom, fowl-runs pigsties. permanent
 Security
 Camps and border fencing

 Understand the importance  Understand and apply Safety on the

Safety and
communication and Safety on the farm farm
communication o Occupational Health and Safety o Occupational Health and Safety
(OHS), applicable to the farm and (OHS), general farm safety -and
farm workshop. liability


o Explain and understand the o Explain and understand the
purpose/function of each of the following purpose/function of each of the following
Equipment and basic farm implements farm implements
o Primary cultivation o Harvesting: Combine Harvester,
Machines and
 Ripper silage cutter.
alternative  Plough (disc, shear, chisel etc.) o General: crop spryer, slasher,
o Secondary cultivation balers, rakes, hammer mill, lawn
 Seed drill/planter, cultivator mowers etc.
o Machines: Tractors and trailers,
trucks, excavators, drones etc.

o Explain and understand the  Identification, use and maintenance of

purpose/function of each of the following power tools, machines and workshop
workshop equipment equipment (As found in section 2)
o Identification, maintenance and use of o Select the correct tool for use in a
handtools. (see section 2) specific task
o Select the correct tool for use in a o Demonstrate, care and
specific task maintenance of machines and
workshop equipment

 Name and understand the alternative o Identify the use and application of:
sources of energy that can be used on the o Wind
farm: o Solar
o Wind o Hydro
o Solar o Biogas
o Hydro o Biofuel
o Biogas as alternative source of energy on the
o Biofuel farm

2. Plant  Explain the following concepts of soil as a o Explain the following concepts of soil
production medium for production. as a medium for production
& o Composition of soil o Soil structure
Horticulture  Organic, mineral, air and water  Importance of structure
o Soil texture o Soil temperature
 Textural classes  Importance and factors
o Soil water
 Forms, movement and
o Soil reaction
 Elementary discussion
regarding acid, neutral and
brackish soils,
o Soil organic matter
 Importance and influence
o Soil Air
 Importance of air in the soil
 Soil cultivation (Hand tools)  Soil cultivation (Machines and
 Methods and purpose implements)
 Demonstrate an understanding of o Demonstrate an understanding of
soil preparation reasons, methods and purpose in
 Drainage as a necessity soil preparation
o Irrigation
 Types of irrigation systems
o Drainage
 Types of drainage systems


 Explain and understand the requirements  Explain and understand the
of optimal plant growth requirements of optimal plant growth:
o Growth medium and organic matter o Nutrients in the soil and
o Water requirements
o Light (Photosynthesis)  Sources of nutrients
o Air - Organic fertilisers
o Nutrition - Synthetic/artificial
o Temperature fertilisers
o Manipulation to increase production  Important elements (N, P K)
 Plant population/density Basic calculation

 Name and understand the use of

alternative planting mediums  Describe the reasons for the use of
o Vermiculite alternative planting mediums:
o Peat o Use alternative planting mediums
o Coir in the production process
o Wood shafting/
o Peanut shells
o Stone, sand
o Potting soil

 Understand and apply the requirements

for plant growth  Manipulation to increase production
o Growing from seed to plant. o Trellising
o Pruning
o Planting density
 Understand and apply the requirements
for plant growth.
o From cutting to plant. (vegetative)

o Identify agricultural crops in South Africa: o Explain and understand the economic
o Field crops (Maize, wheat, sunflower importance of relevant crop production
etc.) in your area
o Fruits (Stone, Deciduous, citrus, o Field crops (Maize, wheat,
tropical, nuts etc.) sunflower etc.)
o Vegetables (Root, Leave, legume) o Fruits (Stone, Deciduous, citrus,
o Tree crops (Forestry) tropical, nuts etc.)
o Ornamental (Trees and flowers) o Vegetables (Root, Leave, legume)
o Pastoral (grasses, legumes) o Tree crops (Forestry)
o Ornamental (Trees and flowers)
o Pastoral (grasses, legumes)

 Explain and understand the importance  Explain and understand weed, pest
of Integrated pest and disease and disease control.
management. o
o Manual control
o Biological control
o Chemical control
 Broad leaf/ grasses
 Insects (Pests)
 Plant diseases
o Genetic control (Genetic
o Integrated pest and disease


 Identify of animal breeds used in  Explain and understand the
production and their products in economic importance and purpose
Production South Africa of each of the following animal’s in
the area (2 breeds where applicable)
o Cattle: Dairy, Beef, Dual purpose o Cattle: Dairy, Beef, Dual purpose
o Sheep: wool, mutton, pelt, dual o Sheep: wool, mutton, pelt, dual
purpose purpose
o Pig: Pork and pet o Pig: Pork and pet
o Goat: Meat, Milk and hair (Fibre) o Goat: Meat, Milk and hair (Fibre)
o Poultry: Layers, Broilers, Game o Poultry: Layers, Broilers, Game
o Horses: Riding; draught, Pet o Horses: Riding; draught, Pet
o Rabbit: meat, fibre, etc o Rabbit: meat, fibre, etc
o Beekeeping o Beekeeping
o Game & Ostriches o Game & Ostriches

 Identify the basic requirements for  Understand and apply the basic
optimal animal production. requirements for optimal animal
o Environmental factors production
 Climate o Environmental factors
o Management  Climate
 Housing o Management
 Care and health  Housing
 Nutrition - Feed components  Care and health
and fodder  Nutrition - Feed components
 Breeding and selection and fodder
 Breeding and selection


Business Planning  Understand and explain the  Introduction to the development of
Practices following concepts: a basic SWOT analysis for a
farming enterprise.
o Good record keeping,
 Apply basic recordkeeping
o Budgeting
o Updating inventory through
regular stock keeping
o Draw up a basic budget to
reflect expenditure and

Marketing and  Understand marketing Basic  Apply basic marketing concepts

price setting marketing o Marketing type
o Identify basic agricultural  Informal
needs and want  Formal
 Understand the basic principles of
supply and demand in price

Harvesting  Explain the importance of the  Define and provide appropriate

following concepts: examples of the following
 Harvesting concepts related to produce in
 storage their area:
o Harvesting
o storage

Processing & Value o Understand and explain  Apply Processing & Value adding
adding o Processing and package the produced
o Value adding products
o Packaging


3.2 Content outline per term per grade
Annual Teaching Plan
Grade 8: Term 1
Examples of techniques, activities, resources
WEEK TOPIC Content: Gr 8
and process notes
The learner should be able to:

1 General farming,  Introduction to the development of agriculture in o Learners to identify resources in their immediate environment
production factors and South Africa and connect it to the farming environment.
agricultural resources  Understand the basic resources for farming: o Keep a logbook for the recording of climatical records e.g
o Natural resources rainfall data, max & min temps, wind, cloud covering etc.
o Financial resources
o Human resources
2 o Explain and understand the importance and Resources: Agricultural magazines, environmental
conservation of natural resources. magazines.
o Water
o Soil o Learners to bring pictures
o Vegetation Activity: Collect pictures and create an A3 poster in how the
following resource extraction methods contribute
the destruction of our resources. You only need to
do one resource extraction method. (eg. Grazing
and its contribution to destruction)
3 o Understand and Define the following farming Sources: Use internet & Magazines
systems: SBA - Activity: Collate a collage of the two farming systems
o Commercial farming used in South Africa.
o Subsistence farming
PAT activity – Do research on the need for an increase in
production for your area. You identify that a hydroponic
system should be build. Research some hydroponic
systems of low-cost materials and build it to be used in the
second term to grow your crop. The produce of your crop
needs to be sold in the 3rd term.


4  Explain and understand the essential principles Activity: Compare farm lay-outs in the learner’s book
in planning the farm layout
Visit a nearby farm to investigate the farm layout and
o Farmyard layout and essential farm
buildings e.g. housing and ablution,
stables, milking parlour, shed (vehicles,
implement, shearing etc.), workshop, tool
storeroom, chemical storeroom, fowl-runs
 Understand the importance of Safety on the o Demonstrate the use of tools and equipment and the dangers
5 Safety and communication
farm involved with its use
o Identify safety signs
o Occupational Health and Safety (OHS),
applicable to the farm workshop.
Sources: Use internet & Magazines
6 Tools, equipment and o Explain and understand the purpose/function of
each of the following basic farm implements/ Activity: Measure the cultivated depth of implements.
Machines and
workshop tools (Determine whether it is a primary or secondary implement
alternative energy o Primary cultivation used.)
 Ripper o Learners excursion to an Agricultural Show eg Nampo /
 Plough (disc, shear, chisel etc.) Royal Show
o Secondary cultivation o Collect pictures related to relevant equipment for each grade
o Seed drill/planter, cultivator
o Explain and understand the purpose/function Sources: Use internet & Magazines
of each of the following basic farm Activity: Educator can set a practical test on the
workshop tools identification of tools and equipment as listed above.
o Identification, use and maintenance of hand
o The equipment and tools should be used appropriately
tools (as listed in section 2)
o Select the appropriate tool for use in a for the task at hand in building the hydroponic system
specific task in the Practical assessment task.

8  Name and understand the alternative sources of Show videos on the use of alternative sources of
energy that can be used on the farm: energy(renewable sources)
o Wind
o Solar
o Hydro
o Biogas


o Biofuel

9-10 Formal assessment The weeks allocated for formal assessment are integrated across the weeks planned for teaching and learning. The
assessment will consist of Practical Task/s with a 60% weighting and a Theory test with a 40% weighting.
Activity 1: Choose any activity in the learners’ book. – 30%
Activity 2 (PAT): Research on hydroponic systems and building it for production of your crop. Use the available equipment & tools during practical session etc.
building of structures - Hydroponic system.
Activity 3: Theory - Test on topics covered in the term. Learners respond to instructions (Written) 40% Assess using a memorandum

Grade 8 Term 2

WEEK TOPIC Content: Gr 8 Examples of techniques, activities, resources

The learner should be able to: and process notes
1 Plant production  Explain the following concepts of soil as a Activity: Composition of soil. Jar tests/ Water infiltration (See
medium for production. resource pack)
& Horticulture
o Composition of soil
 Organic, mineral, air and water
o Soil texture
 Textural classes

2  Soil cultivation (Hand tools) o Use handheld tools/implements for the effective preparation of
o Methods and purpose soil- Gr 8
o Demonstrate an understanding of soil
o Drainage
 As a necessity
 Explain and understand the requirements of o Apply the principals of optimal plant growth to make seedlings/
optimal plant growth and or cuttings for your hydroponic system or open field
o Growth medium and organic matter o Use these seedlings /cuttings to produce a crop. (Must be able
o Water to process into an edible crop)
o Light (Photosynthesis) o Use equipment correctly in order to space plant according to
o Air the requirements of specific plants
o Nutrition o Collect suitable material to make compost in the school.


o Temperature
o Manipulation to increase production
 Plant population/plant density
5  Name and understand the use of alternative o Collect and identify the different planting mediums.
planting mediums o Test water holding capacity and drainage of the collected
o Vermiculite alternative mediums
o Peat
o Coir
o Wood shafting/
o Peanut shells
o Stone, sand
o Potting soil
o Planting seeds in seed tray, transplanting and manage until
 Understand and apply the requirements for grown for harvest
plant growth
o Growing from seed to plant.
o Identify crops produced in South Africa:
6 o Create a poster for each of the crop types.
o Field crops (Maize, wheat, sunflower etc.)
o Fruits (Stone, Deciduous, citrus, tropical,
nuts etc.)
o Vegetables (Root, Leave, Pod
o Tree crops (Forestry)
o Ornamental (Trees and flowers)
o Pastoral (grasses, legumes)
o Explain and understand the importance of o Build a insect trap, Identify the different pests which are found
Integrated pest and disease management within the trap
(IPM) o Discuss the best way to rid garden of said pests –depending
on the severity of the occurrence.
Formal Assessment
8 – 10
The weeks allocated for formal assessment are integrated across the weeks planned for teaching and learning. The assessment will consist of Practical
Task/s with a 60% weighting and a Theory test with a 40% weighting.
Activity 1: Choose any activity in the learners’ book. – 30%
Activity 2 (PAT): Apply the principles of optimal plant growth to grow seedlings/cuttings for your hydroponic system or open field.
Activity 3: Theory – Test (50 marks) on all topics covered in the term. Learners respond to instructions 40% Assess using a memorandum.


Grade 8 Term 3

Examples of techniques, activities, resources

and process notes
The learner should be able to:
o Visit agricultural shows.
1 Animal Production  Identify animal breeds used in production and their o Collect pictures of different breeds of animals.
products in South Africa o Make posters of animals and their specific products
o Cattle: Dairy, Beef, Dual purpose
o Sheep: wool, mutton, pelt, dual purpose
o Pig: Pork and pet
o Goat: Meat, Milk and hair (Fibre)
o Poultry: Layers, Broilers, Game
o Horses: Riding; draught, Pet
o Rabbit: meat, fibre, etc o Visit beekeeper or watch video regarding production systems
o Beekeeping o Pupils must draw up list of advantages of beekeeping as well
o Game & Ostriches as products derived from beekeeping.
 Identify the basic requirements for optimal animal o Visit to a farm where feeding procedures as well as feeding
6, 7, 8
production. needs, and requirements of the specific animals are explained
o Environmental factors and demonstrated. The same feeding procedures, feed levels
 Climate and record keeping must be implemented if the same animals
o Management are kept.
 Housing o A visit by an animal feed consultant/agent is also advised
 Care and health Collect pictures of different housing systems. Categorise
 Nutrition - Feed components and fodder them into intensive and extensive systems.
 Breeding and selection o Invite a veterinarian or animal health technician to discuss
animal health.
Formal Assessment
9 – 10
The weeks allocated for formal assessment are integrated across the weeks planned for teaching and learning. The assessment will consist of
Practical Task/s with a 60% weighting and a Theory test with a 40% weighting.
Activity 1: Choose any activity in the learners’ book. – 30%
Activity 2 (PAT): See PAT activity as in the learners books - 30%
Activity 3: Theory – Test (50 marks) on topics covered in term. Learners respond to instructions 40% Assess using a memorandum


Grade 8 Term 4

WEEK TOPIC Techniques, activities, resources and process notes
The learner should be able to
Business planning  Understand and explain the following  Use of prepared list to involve learners in record keeping-e.g.
and practices concepts: fruit/veggies supplied to the kitchen
o Good record keeping,  Divide class into groups-one group can make list of all
o Budgeting expenditure in producing the product.
 Other group can make list of what price product can be sold
at to make profit
Marketing and price  Understand basic marketing  Compile a checklist with some treats and let learners indicate
setting  Identify basic agricultural needs and wants their needs and wants.

Harvesting and  Explain the importance of the following  Collect pictures and watch videos of different harvesting
storage concepts: equipment for the various products and how is been stored
o Harvesting
o storage
Processing and value o Understand and explain  After harvesting of produce, learners must process it into a
o Processing edible product (planting of eg. Popcorn at the end of gr 8 for
o Value adding harvesting in Gr. 9 for processing in the 3rd term eg.
o packaging processing into caramel popcorn)
5-10 Formal Assessment The weeks allocated for formal assessment are integrated across the weeks planned for teaching and learning. The
assessment will consist of Practical Task/s with a 60% weighting and a Theory test with a 40 % weighting.

Activity 1 (PAT): Harvesting, add value, processing and selling the product. – 30%

Activity 2: Theory- Test (100 marks) on topics covered in term 1-4. Learners respond to instructions 100% Assess using a memorandum.


Grade 9 Term 1
Content: Gr 9 Examples of techniques, activities, resources
The learner should be able to: and process notes
 Understand the components of the basic resources PAT - Scenario: learners need to borrow money
1 General farming, production
factors and agricultural for farming: (monopoly) money to purchase the commodities
resources o Natural Resources needed to plant their crop in the first term. Use
 Land these commodities and equipment to plant your
 Water crop.
 Vegetation o Keep a logbook for the recording and interpretation of
o Financial resources climate records e.g rainfall data, max & min temps,
 Capital (Assets) wind, cloud covering etc.
 Credit
 Human resources
 Management (Owner/manager)
 Labour
 Understand and discuss pollution, degradation Activity: Create a poster on the sources of Agricultural
(erosion and chemical) and prevention of the pollution, its consequences and prevention
following natural resource in agriculture.
o Water Sources: Agricultural magazines, environmental
o Soil magazines Learners to bring pictures
o vegetation
 Understand and distinguish between the following
3 Learners to collect pictures of different farming methods,
farming methods.
categorise them on a poster/task
o Intensive farming
e.g. Precision farming Sources: Use internet & Magazines
o Extensive farming
o Mixed farming
o Other non-traditional methods
 Explain the following concepts of a farm
o Camps: Pasture (grazing, wetlands), dry land, Activity: Use the farm map below and indicate where
irrigated fields, gardens (house and vegetable) and which type of fence you will erect on the
and orchard. property below. Use all types of fences as
o Fences discussed.
o Importance of fencing
o Permanent fencing


o Electrical fencing
o Security fencing

5 Safety and communication  Understand Safety on the farm and workshop o Demonstrate the use of tools and equipment and the
o Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), general dangers involved with its use
farm safety -and liability o Wear protective clothing during practicals.
o Apply farm safety rules
6 Tools, equipment and o Identify, explain and understand the purpose/function o Learners excursion to Agricultural Show etc. Nampo
of each of the following basic farm implements o Collect pictures related to relevant equipment for each
Machines and alternative
o Harvesting: Combine Harvester, silage cutter. grade
energy. o General: crop spryer, slasher, balers, rakes, Sources: Use internet & Magazines
hammer mill, lawn mowers etc.
o Machines: Tractors and trailers, trucks,
excavators, drones etc
7  Identification, use and maintenance for power tools, o Learners excursion to Agricultural Show etc. Nampo
machines and workshop equipment (as listed in o Collect pictures related to relevant equipment for each
section 2) grade
o Select the appropriate tool for use in a specific o Use the available equipment & tools during practical
task session etc. gardening, building of structures (metal,
 Demonstrate how to use, care for and maintain brick and wood)
machines and workshop equipment Sources: Use internet & Magazines
8  Identify the use and application of: Show videos on the use of alternative sources of
o Wind energy
o Solar
o Hydro
o Biogas
o Biofuel
as alternative source of energy on the farm
9-10 Formal assessment The weeks allocated for formal assessment are integrated across the weeks planned for teaching and learning. The
assessment will consist of Practical Task/s with a 60% weighting and a Theory test with a 40% weighting.
Activity 1: Choose any activity in the learners’ book. – 30%
Activity 2 (PAT): Use your surroundings, prepare a seedbed/field for the planting of your crop. (30%)
Activity 3: Theory - Test on topics covered in the term. Learners respond to instructions (Written) 40% Assess using a memorandum
Grade 9 Term 2


WEEK TOPIC Content: Gr 9 Examples of techniques, activities, resources
The learner should be able to: and process notes
 Explain the following concepts of soil as a medium for o Using practical to determine soil cultivation depth of
1/2 Plant production
production implements for the effective preparation of soil-
& Horticulture o Soil structure
 Importance of structure
o Soil temperature
 Importance and factors influencing
o Soil water
 Forms, movement and conservation
o Soil reaction
 Elementary discussion regarding acid,
neutral and brackish soils organic matter
 Soil organic matter
o Importance and influence
 Soil Air
o Importance of air in the soil
 Soil cultivation (Machines and implements) o Using practical to determine soil cultivation depth of
o Demonstrate an understanding of reasons, implements for the effective preparation of soil- Gr 9
methods and purpose in soil preparation o Videos of machines used for cultivation practices
o Irrigation o Compile a poster on micro (drip, micro-jets, mini popups)
 Types of irrigation systems - and macro (flood, centre pivot, side-roller, dragline, rain
o Drainage gun sprinkler, overhead etc.) irrigation systems and
o Types of drainage systems methods
PAT-Apply the principals of optimal plant growth to make
4  Explain and understand the requirements of optimal seedlings/ and or cuttings for your hydroponic system or
plant growth: open field. Use these seedlings /cuttings to produce a
o Nutrients in the soil and requirements crop. (Must be able to process into an edible crop)
 Sources of nutrients: Use equipment correctly in order to space plant according
- Organic fertilisers to the requirements of specific plants
- Synthetic/artificial fertilisers Apply compost or fertilizer to the soil manufactured by Gr
 Important elements (N, P K) Basic calculation 8.
o Summarize the Functions and Deficiency symptoms
of the THREE macro- nutrients on a poster
 Describe the reasons for the use of alternative o Collect and identify the different planting mediums.
planting mediums: o Test water holding capacity and drainage of the collected
alternative mediums


5 o Manipulation to increase production o Show videos on manipulation for increased
 Trellising production
 Pruning o Learners should demonstrate how to prune a shrub/
 Planting density tree e.g. Roses
 Understand and apply the requirements for
plant growth
o From cutting to plant(vegetative)

6 o Explain and understand the economic o Choose one crop to show the economic importance of
importance of relevant crop production in it in your community
your area
o Field crops (Maize, wheat, sunflower
o Fruits (Stone, Deciduous, citrus, tropical,
nuts etc.)
o Vegetables (Root, Leave, Pod
o Tree crops (Forestry)
o Ornamental (Trees and flowers)
o Pastoral (grasses, legumes)
7  Explain and understand weed, pest and o Identify the different pests which are found within the
disease control. garden. Discuss the best way to rid garden of said
o Manual control pests –depending on the severity of the occurrence.
o Biological control o Identify weeds and different ways to eradicate it.
o Chemical control o Demonstrate different forms of weeding as well as
 Broad leaf/ grasses safety precautions when chemical weeding is
 Insects (Pests) selected-wearing of masks and goggles.
 Plant diseases
o Genetic control (Genetic manipulation)
o integrated pest and disease management
8 – 10 Formal Assessment


The weeks allocated for formal assessment are integrated across the weeks planned for teaching and learning. The assessment will consist of Practical
Task/s with a 60% weighting and a Theory test with a 40% weighting.

Activity 1: Choose any activity in the learners’ book. – 30%

Activity 2 (PAT): Apply the principals of optimal plant growth to make seedlings/ and or cuttings for your hydroponic system or open field. (30%)

Activity 3: Theory – Test (50 marks) on topics covered in the term. Learners respond to instructions 40% Assess using a memorandum

Grade 9 Term 3

Examples of techniques, activities, resources

and process notes
The learner should be able to:
o Visit agricultural shows.
1 Animal Production  Explain and understand the purpose of each of the following
o Collect pictures of different breeds of animals.
animal’s in the area (2 breeds where applicable) o Make posters of animals and their specific products
o Cattle breeds: Dairy, Beef, Dual purpose
o Sheep breeds: wool, mutton, pelt, dual purpose
o Pig breeds: Pork and pet
o Goat breeds: Meat, Milk and hair (Fibre)
o Poultry: Layers, Broilers, Game
o Horses: Riding; draught, Pet
o Rabbit: meat, fibre, etc o Visit beekeeper or watch video regarding beekeeping.
o Beekeeping o Pupils must draw up list of advantages of beekeeping
o Game & Ostriches as well as products derived from beekeeping.
 Understand and apply the basic requirements for optimal
animal production o Visit to a farm where feeding procedures as well as
o Environmental factors feeding needs, and requirements of the specific
 Climate animals are explained and demonstrated. The same
o Management feeding procedures, feed levels and record keeping
must be implemented if the same animals are kept.


 Housing o A visit by an animal feed consultant/agent is also
 Care and health advised.
 Nutrition - Feed components and fodder
o Breeding and selection o Invite a veterinarian or animal health technician to
discuss animal health
o The reason for the development of new breeds – make
a poster

9 – 10 Formal Assessment

The weeks allocated for formal assessment are integrated across the weeks planned for teaching and learning. The assessment will consist of
Practical Task/s with a 60% weighting and a Theory test with a 40% weighting.

Activity 1: Choose any activity in the learners’ book. – 30%

Activity 2 (PAT): The reason for the development of new breeds – make a poster on breeds used to make composite and reasons (30%)
Activity 3: Theory - Test (50 marks) on topics covered in term. Learners respond to instructions 40% Assess using a memorandum


Grade 9 Term 4
CONTENT Examples of techniques, activities, resources
WEEK TOPIC The learner should be able to
and process notes
Business planning  Introduction to the development of basic SWOT analyses
and practices for a farming enterprise
 Apply basic record keeping concepts  Compile a list of inventory for the agricultural section
o Updating inventory by regular stock keeping  Use of prepared list to involve learners in record
o Draw up a basic budget to reflect expenditure and keeping-e.g. fruit/veggies supplied to the kitchen
income and profit/loss calculation  Divide class into groups-one group can make list of all
expenditure in producing the product other on income
do profit loss calculation
Marketing and price  Apply basic marketing concepts  Use market research to determine identify the needs
setting o Market research and Advertising and wants in the community and link it to supply and
o Marketing type demand
 Formal  Advertising the produce to be processed
 Informal
 Understand the basic principles of supply and demand in
price determination
Harvesting, Processing  Define and provide appropriate examples of the following  After harvesting of produce, learners must add value
& Value adding concepts related to produce in their area: to their produce (planting of eg. Popcorn at the end of
o Harvesting gr 8 for harvesting in Gr 9 for processing in the 3rd term
4 o storage space eg. processing into caramel popcorn)
 Application of
o processing,
o value adding and
o packaging of the produce on the farm
5 -10 Formal Assessment The weeks allocated for formal assessment are integrated across the weeks planned for teaching and learning. The
assessment will consist of Practical Task/s with a 60% weighting and a Theory test with a 40 % weighting.

Activity 1 (PAT): Processing, value-adding and selling crop.

Activity 2: Theory- Test on topics covered in term 1-4. Learners respond to instructions 100% Assess using a memorandum



Assessment is a continuous, planned process of identifying, gathering and interpreting information

about the performance of learners, using various forms of assessment. It involves four steps:
generating and collecting evidence of achievement; evaluating this evidence; recording the findings
and using this information to understand and thereby assist the learner’s development in order to
improve the process of learning and teaching.

Assessment should be both informal (Assessment for Learning) and formal (Assessment of
Learning). In both cases regular feedback should be provided to learners to enhance the learning

Assessment in Agricultural Studies


Assessment for learning has the purpose of continuously collecting information about learner
performance, that can be used to improve their learning.

Informal assessment is a daily monitoring of learners’ progress. This is done through observations,
discussions, practical demonstrations, learner-teacher conferences, informal classroom interactions,
etc. Informal assessment may be as simple as stopping during the lesson to observe learners or to
discuss with learners how learning is progressing. Informal assessment should be used to provide
feedback to learners and to inform planning for teaching but need not be recorded. It should not be
seen as separate from the learning activities taking place in the classroom.

Self-assessment and peer assessment actively allow learners to assess themselves. This is
important as it allows learners to learn from and reflect on their own performance. The results of the
informal daily assessment tasks are not formally recorded unless the teacher wishes to do so. The
results of daily assessment tasks are not taken into account for promotion purposes.


All assessment tasks that make up a formal programme of assessment for the year are regarded as
Formal Assessment. Formal assessment tasks are marked and formally recorded by the teacher for
progression and certification purposes. All Formal Assessment tasks are subject to moderation for
the purpose of quality assurance and to ensure that appropriate standards are maintained.

Formal assessment provides teachers with a systematic way of evaluating how well learners are
progressing in a grade and in a particular subject. Examples of formal assessments include tests,
examinations, practical tasks, projects, oral presentations, demonstrations, performances, etc.
Formal assessment tasks form part of a year-long formal Programme of Assessment in each grade
and subject.

Formal assessment tasks form part of a yearlong formal Programme of Assessment in each grade
and subject, are school-based and are weighted as follows for the different grades:

Practical Assessment Task


A practical assessment task (PAT) mark is a compulsory component of the final promotion mark for
all candidates offering subjects that have a practical component and counts 30% (30 marks) of the
end-of-year examination mark. The PAT is implemented across the first three terms of the school
year. This is broken down into different phases or a series of smaller activities that make up the PAT.
The PAT allows for learners to be assessed on a regular basis during the school year and it also
allows for the assessment of skills that cannot be assessed in a written format, e.g. test or
examination. It is therefore important that schools ensure that all learners complete the practical
assessment tasks within the stipulated period to ensure that learners are resulted at the end of the
school year. The planning and execution of the PAT differs from subject to subject. To apply content
and develop skills learners will be involved in a PAT in grades 8 and 9.

It is expected from learners in grade 8 – 9 to do all management activities to produce a crop.

(cultivate, plant, take care, harvest, store, process (if needed), market and sell).

See 4.7 – Layout of PAT 8 and 9

Grades Formal school-based assessments End-of-year examinations

R -3 100%

4-6 75% 25%

7–9 External examination

Academic stream 40% 60%

Occupational stream 30% SBA 40%

30% PAT

10 and 11 25% including a mid-year External examination: 75%


25% including mid-year and trial External examination: 75%


The cognitive demands in assessment should be appropriate for the age and developmental level
of the learners in the grade. Assessment in Agricultural studies must cater for a range of cognitive
levels and abilities of learners. The assessment tasks should be carefully designed to cover the


content of the subject as well as the range of skills and the cognitive levels that have been identified
in the specific aims. The design of assessments should therefore ensure that a full range of content
and skills are assessed within each Grade in the Phase. The specific aims, topics, content and range
of skills in the subject should be used to inform the planning and development of assessments.

Formal assessments must cater for a range of cognitive levels and abilities of learners, as shown

Cognitive Levels Examples of useful verbs Percentage of task

Lower Name, List, Match, Select, State,

Define, Quote.

Middle Classify, Compare, Convert, Describe

Understanding and Illustrate, Differentiate, Distinguish.

High Interpret, Justify, Create, Design,

Support, Recommend.


Grade 8 and 9
Grade 8 and 9 will focus on a broad overview of the subject with a basic understanding and
mastery of some of the basic skills required in the subjects Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural
Management Practices and Agricultural Technology.

Grade 8 and 9 Formal School-Based Assessments Final End-of-Year

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4
SBA 30% 30% 30% Add and convert the 3
term marks to 30%
PAT 30% 30% 30% Add and convert all term
marks to 30%
Theory 40% 40% 40% Final written exam
100 marks convert to 40%
Term Report 100% 100% 100% 100%
End of the year mark

Suggested Program of Assessment for Agricultural Studies

Grade 8


FATs based on
Forms of
Term Content/ concept/skill Activities % activities in

Activity 1: Choose an
activity as in the learner SBA 30%
General Farming
Term 1

Activity 2 (PAT): See FAT 1

learners book for the PAT 30%

Activity 3: Theory- Written 40%

quarterly tests

Activity 1: Choose an
activity as in the learner SBA 30%
Crop production
Term 2

Activity 2 (PAT): See FAT 2

learners book for the Practical (PAT) 30%

Activity 3: Theory - Written 40%


Activity 1: Choose an
activity as in the learner Practical 30%
Term 3

Animal production Activity 2 (PAT): See FAT 3

learners book for the PAT 30%

Activity 3: Theory- Written 40%

quarterly test

Activity 2 (PAT): See

Agricultural Business learners book for the PAT 30%
Term 4

Activity 2: Theory-exams
All content Written 40%
(100 marks)

Suggested Program of Assessment for Agricultural Studies

Grade 9


FATs based on
Forms of
Term Content/ concept/skill Activities % activities in

Activity 1: Choose an
activity as in the learner Practical 30%
General Farming
Term 1

Activity 2 (PAT): See FAT 1

learners book for the PAT 30%

Activity 3: Theory- Written 40%

quarterly tests

Activity 1: Choose an
activity as in the learner Practical 30%
Crop production
Term 2

Activity 2 (PAT): See FAT 2

learners book for the PAT 30%

Activity 3: Theory - Written 40%


Activity 1: Choose an
activity as in the learner Practical 30%
Term 3

Animal production Activity 2 (PAT): See FAT 3

learners book for the PAT 30%

Activity 3: Theory- Written 40%

quarterly test
Term 4

Activity 2 (PAT): See

Agricultural business learners book for the PAT 30%

All content Activity 1: Theory-exams Written 40%


Recording is a process in which the teacher documents the level of a learner’s performance in a
specific assessment task. It indicates learner progress towards the achievement of the knowledge


as prescribed in the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements. Records of learner performance
should provide evidence of the learner’s conceptual progression within a grade and her/his readiness
to progress or promote to the next grade. Records of learner performance should also be used to
verify the progress made by teachers and learners in the teaching and learning process.

Reporting is a process of communicating learner performance to learners, parents, schools, and

other stakeholders. Learner performance can be reported in a number of ways. These include report
cards, parents’ meetings, school visitation days, parent-teacher conferences, phone calls, letters,
class or school newsletters, etc. Teachers in all grades report in percentages against the subject.
Seven levels of competence have been described for each subject listed for Grades R - 12. The
various achievement levels and their corresponding percentage bands are as shown in the Table

Codes and Percentages for Recording and Reporting

Rating code Description of competence Percentage

7 Outstanding achievement 80 - 100

6 Meritorious achievement 70 - 79

5 Substantial achievement 60 - 69

4 Adequate achievement 50 - 59

3 Moderate achievement 40 - 49

2 Elementary achievement 30 - 39

1 Not achieved 0 - 29

Note: The seven-point scale should have clear descriptors that give detailed information for each

Teachers will record actual marks against the task by using a record sheet; and report percentages
against the subject on the learners’ report cards.



Moderation refers to the process that ensures that the assessment tasks are fair, valid and reliable.
Moderation should be implemented at school, district, provincial and national levels. Comprehensive
and appropriate moderation practices must be in place for the quality assurance of all subject

Formal assessment (SBA)

Moderation at the school will be carried out at least once each school term by the Head of
Department responsible for the subject. This moderation needs to take place before cluster, district,
regional or provincial moderation. Teachers’ portfolios and evidence of learner performance must be
moderated to ensure that a variety of assessment tasks have been used to address various topics
and that assessment covered a range of cognitive levels.


This document should be read in conjunction with:

4.7.1 National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the National
Curriculum Statement Grades R-12; and

4.7.2 National Protocol for Assessment Grades R-12;

4.7.3 White Paper 6 on Special Needs Education: Building an Inclusive Education and Training
System (2001);

4.7.4 Guidelines for Responding to Diversity in the Classroom through the Curriculum and
Assessment Policy Statements (2011);

4.7.5 Guidelines to Ensure Quality Education and Support in Special Schools and Special School
Resource Centres (2013);

4.7.6 Policy on Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support (2014);

4.7.7 Guidelines for Full-service/Inclusive Schools (2010); and
4.7.8 Standard Operating Procedures for Assessment of Learners who Experience Barriers to
Assessment (2016)


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