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Group 2 (SDG 12)

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Project Proposal


Aleczandrix Mark T. Cid - Mariano Marcos State University

Ehelziah Jane M. Manantan - Urdaneta City University
Stephanie Jane B. Bonilla - Northwestern University


What is the problem The well-water situation of Parian Oeste is one of the main
you are trying to problem that we are trying to solve: its quality, during
solve? drought season, the salinity of well water is rising, causing
the water to become salty hence unsafe; quantity, the wells
are usually shared by two – three households and relies
more on using a pulley and a bucket to fetch water from the
well; and usage, during rainy seasons, the well-water is
often infiltrated by rain water and the water they fetch from
it is brown and grainy.

Quality of agricultural lands or soil. The agricultural

production of Parian Oeste has been a vital problem in the
community for a long-period of time. The acidity of soil has
been a major hindrance in maximizing the output of Parian
Oeste’s produce, the agricultural land often gets flooded by
the sea-water and chemical contamination causing the
acidity of the soil.

Livelihood Integration. The focal source of income of the

people of Parian Oeste is solely through fishing and
farming. There is income instability in this community
because of the uncertain figure of harvest in crops and
How does the The problem arises due to many reasons:
problem happen?

1. Human Induced
- Chemical Fertilizers
2. Natural Causes
- Climate Change

- Seasonal work

What specific aspect WATER: Water salinization

of the problem are
you trying to solve? SOIL: Soil acidification

LIVELIHOOD: Limited source of income

Who is the most People pump and use wells as their main source of water.
affected by the
problem? Farmers having less land to plant on and the share that
they can provide in the crop production in the Municipality
of Bauang.

Who causes the ● The unsafe agricultural practices of people

problem? ● Natural causes.

Who can solve the A shared responsibility among:

● Local Government Unit (LGU)
● Community
● Organization (youth-based, community-based, and
the like)
● Individual

Final problem This project proposal sought to provide a Shoreline

statement: Community Sustainability Initiative to address the
pressing issues in Parian Oeste, Bauang, La Union,

1. The quality of well-water in the area;

2. The quality of agricultural soil in the area; and

3. A livelihood diversification among fisherfolks.

The program we seek to do is in line with the following

To which SDG is this
problem related? 1. SDG 1. No Poverty

2. SDG 2. Zero Hunger

3. SDG 6. Clean Water and Sanitation

4. SDG 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

5. SDG 10. Reduced Inequalities

6. SDG 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

7. SDG 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

8. SDG 14. Life below water

9. SDG 15. Life on Lands

10. SDG 17. Partnerships for the Goals

1. SDG 2. Zero Hunger

To which specific 2. SDG 6. Clean Water and Sanitation

SDG target this
problem is related? 3. SDG 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

4. SDG 14. Life below Water

5. SDG 15. Life on Land


PROJECT SARANAY: “Achieving sustainability through

Project Name: unity and community involvement”

The project aims to provide a holistic development starting

from micro-macro level, in a sense when individuals are
empowered from within the energy creates a ripple
Project Goal:
effect, we have to address the urgent issues that they are
facing in order for them to participate in the greater fight
towards sustainability. Specifically:
1. Conduct a quarterly assessment of well waters and
treatment if applicable to ensure that the source of
water is safe enough to be used on a daily basis.
2. Conduct seminars on safe agricultural practices from
theories to application. Just to ensure that the
agricultural practices are non-hazardous to the soil
and to address the soil acidification which is highly
imperative in attaining food security
Provide resilient crops that are capable of
withstanding the acidity of soil while;
3. Provide livelihood assistance among the community:
Domestic Animals, Loans for Bilog and other
materials for fishing, hence a livelihood integration
for fishermen.
The project is expected to:
1. Cater to the needs of the community when it comes
to water supply;
Expected Outcome:
2. Promote healthy and sustainable farming practices,
alleviate the growing areas of soil being polluted,
and there will be enough areas to plant on to combat
food insecurity.
3. Integration of Livelihood programs within the
community provides more opportunities to alleviate
financial difficulties.
PROJECT SARANAY is a Sustainable Community Initiative
that seeks to address the prevailing issues in Barangay
Parian Oeste, Bauang, La Union.
Project Description:
Week 1:
● Ocular visitation in Parian Oeste, Bauang, La Union
● Community Evaluation

Week 2:
● Reviewing the different programs that will be
beneficial for the community and its people.
Week 3:
● Consultation with departments involved.

● The project is designed to run for 24 months and will
follow these phases:
● Phase 1 (Months 2-6): Soil and water remediation
and initial training.
● Phase 2 (Months 7-12): Implementation of food
security programs.
● Phase 3 (Months 13-18): Livelihood integration and
vocational training.
● Phase 4 (Months 19-24): Monitoring, evaluation, and
project sustainability planning.

● The project will employ regular assessments to
gauge progress and impact. Data will be collected
on soil and water quality, agricultural productivity,
income levels, and other relevant indicators.
Continuous feedback from the community will guide
project adjustments as needed. Community
involvement shall be the focal advocacy that will be
inculcated into the community.
The resources needed to conduct the project can be
Resource acquired from the Municipal Environment and Natural
Requirement: Resources, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources,
Department of Agriculture, and other organisations
The project will address the problem in the following scope:
1. Individualistic.
a. The reasons why they are experiencing this
How will the project
problem will be addressed by allowing
address the
opportunities to come, when the individual
problem is solved it is easier for them to relate
with the community.
2. Communal.
a. When opportunities are given,we must ensure
that it really reaches the micro level in order
for them to find common grounds.
3. Holistic.
a. Holistically, problems are alleviated creating a
unified drive towards one common goal: the
beautification of their environment and their
The community of Barangay Parian Oeste, BAuang, La
Who will benefit from Union will benefit from this project.
the project?

There are risks such as the management and commitment

Are there of leaders in making this happen, resources are already
risks/challenges? there, it is given, but what’s lacking is the initiative that truly
addresses the issues they face. These risks can be
How do you plan to
mitigated as long as leaders are willing to change the lives
manage the risks?
of their subordinates, betterment.
The project is in itself sustainable, because there is a
How will you ensure pre-evaluation, assessment, post-evaluation, and
the sustainability of monitoring both from the Municipal LGU and Barangay
the project? LGU.

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