Note Nov 17, 2023

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1836-1915 30 millions people immigranted to the us

Latinos immigrating to the us is DIRECT result of us expansion

Came through trade routes
500,000 Mexican Americans deported during the Great Depression
Wanting Mexican labor when needed, and Mexicans to leave when labor isn’t needed
Cuba, Puerto Rico last Latino countries under Spain and US - Cuba has uprising
Jose Marti- poems about Cuban independence, arrested bc linked to revolution, exiled from Cuba
• 1880 arrived in US
• Bc it was safe place to plot for independence of Cuba
• Freedom-no Spanish preventing what you could publish
• Racism + classism of Jim Crow era made him lose faith in US
• Realizes US isn’t a model for Cuba, he envisions Cuba as equality
• Organizes insurrection, key west cigar workers became the foundation of the revolution
• Doesn’t want to call attention to Cuba in US, bc US could just take Cuba
• 1895- uprising happens, 5 weeks after he arrived he was killed in battle in Cuba
3 years, war happens between Spain and Cuba
Hundreds of thousands of Cubans were in concentration camps
US wanted to express both imperial power, and spread freedom
US ship exploded, blamed Spain (wrongly) US declared war on Spain
Spanish America war “splendid little war” - 4 weeks
Spain surrendered
When US and Spain discuss an end, No Filipinos, Puerto Ricans, or cubanos were in the convo,
even tho their fate would be determined by this discussion
US leaves Cuba, but Cuban American Treaty of relations was established, US can intervene in
Cuban a airs if they feel they must

Puerto ricans are US citzens, but no representation in the Gov, but they can travel freely to the US
Traveling to America- will better circumstances, but will come home, but they never do
1920, 10,000 pierto ricans settle in American
More PRS in US then in PR
1930s When G.D. happens the PR economy collapsed w the US economy bc sugar
Illness swept the island, lots of poverty and unemployment
PRS were divided w their relationship to the US, independence or not?
Compromise, Puerto Rico became commonwealth
They can elect their own governor (more political power)

1 million Mexicans came to US in (19th?) century

Mexicans went in search of train to take them north (only way to get away), away from war that
consumed mexico
Mexican Revolution, Ophelia Diaz credited w modernization of Mexico, but poverty up, promised to
step down, 1910 declared himself president again, opponent called for insurrection
US companies invested 2 billion in Mexico
Same number of Mexicans that went north, died in the war
Mexicans had the idea that the US was paradise, it was nothing like they expected
El Paso was like Ellis Island for Mexicans - recruiters from all over US bidding for migrant labor at
the border
Immigrated not only bc of war but bc labor demand in US (push & pull factors)
Mexicans built Los Angeles from a rural town to an industrial power
Mexicans weren’t black or white, but segregation also was stretched to them
1920s, growth in Mexican culture in Los Angeles (cultural renaissance)
1930s, Great Depression, Mexican workers were replaced by American workers, half the Mexican
population is unemployed
Hoover wants to stay in o ce, looks for scapegoats, blame Mexicans, if we got rid of them, the
depression woildmt happen
Targeted and deported a bunch of Mexicans to scare them, it worked
Lots of Mexicans return to Mexico, but numbers slow so they essentially force Mexicans to leave by
“o ering” tickets and taking away welfare type services
3-500,000 Mexicans forced out of the US
Pattern of wanting Mexican labor at times of need and forcing Mexicans to leave when not needed


What did you notice about the treatment, incorporation into U.S. citizenship, and overall relationship
between the peoples, mostly immigrants, of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Mexico during this time period?
How were they similar or di erent?
I noticed that the treatment of Mexican Immigrants was much worse then the treatment of Cuban or
Puerto Rican immigrants. While Puerto Ricans and Cubans had their immigrant communities in New
York, they had a connection to the US, they were from places that the US had some control over
and therefore almost had justi cation or claim to America. Conversely, Mexican Immigrants came
from an established country, and settled all over, taking lots of underpaid labor jobs, to US citzens,
they didn’t have a claim to the US in the same way Puerto Ricans or Cubans did, they were veiwed
as total “aliens”. Cubans and Puerto Ricans also settled along the east coast, a more diverse area
then Los Angeles or the west, where Mexicans settled, meaning they were bigger targets of
discrimination. Mexicans were treated as more expendable then Cubans or Puerto Ricans.

Give me feedback on this lm -- what stood out to you the most? Would you recommend it to
others studying the people or issues brought up in this lm?
What stood out to me was the history of Mexican immigrants in the US especially involving Los
Angeles. I would recommend this lm because it incorporates storytelling with the history of the
time. It is captivating and a good way to learn about history while making it personable and hearing
real stories of real people.

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