MCN - Labor Watch Partograph Exercise
MCN - Labor Watch Partograph Exercise
MCN - Labor Watch Partograph Exercise
SITUATION: Mary, G2 P1, was admitted today at 2 Am, IE showed 5 cm dilated cervix, cephalic, intact BOW. BP- 110/70, PR = 88/min, afebrile. FHT
=140/min. She had moderate contractions (3 in 10 min). At 6 am, the BOW ruptured with clear amniotic fluid. IE showed 8 cm dilated cervix. Vital signs are the
At 8 am, the cervix was at 9 cm. She delivered spontaneously at 8:30 am. 10 units of Oxytocin was given IM. Placentas was delivered completely at 8:35 am.
INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Find the duration, frequency and interval in the data of contractions below.
- The progress of the client was beyond the active line, therefore the client should be monitored closely
- The oxytocin was given before the placenta was delivered