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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque

Name: __________________________________ Score: ______________ PS: ______________

Grade/Section: ________________________ Date: _______________

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer for every item.

1. This refers to a way of writing, typically fiction or poetry, which displays imagination
or invention.
a. Diction b. Figures of speech c. Creative writing d. Imagery
2. This refers to the choice and use of words in writing.
a. Diction b. Figures of speech c. Creative writing d. Imagery
3. Which among the choices could be used in replacement of the underlined word in the
sentence? “Because she is the creative genius behind the series, Anna is getting paid as
much as the actors.”
a. Intellectual b. Brilliance c. Expertise d. Wisdom
4. Which among the choices could be used in replacement of the underlined word in the
sentence? “You should record all your expenses during your trip.”
a. Data b. Information c. Document d. History
5. This refers to the use of figurative language to represent objects, actions, and ideas in
such a way that it appeals to our physical senses.
a. Diction b. Figures of speech c. Creative writing d. Imagery
6. What sense is used in the following sentence to convey imagery? “The rough cloth
prickled my skin.”
a. Sense of sight b. Sense of smell c. Sense of taste d. Sense of touch
7. What sense is used in the following sentence to convey imagery? “Give me that big
red grammar book.”
a. Sense of sight b. Sense of smell c. Sense of taste d. Sense of touch
8. This refers to a word or phrase using figurative language that has other meaning
than its literal definition.
a. Diction b. Figures of speech c. Creative writing d. Imagery
9. What figure of speech is used in the following sentence? “Lightning danced across the
a. Simile b. Irony c. Hyperbole d. Personification
10. What figure of speech is used in the following sentence? “The beautiful bouquet
blossomed in the bright sun.”
a. Assonance b. Onomatopoeia c. Alliteration d. Consonance

11. From the statements below, choose which one is more appealing to you?
A. Her long hair flows like brilliant black silk upon her shoulders.
B. The birds are flying towards the mountain.
C. I hope better days are coming.
D. The perfume smells good.
12. Personification is attributing human qualities to inanimate objects. Which one is a
A. Shall I compare thee when you are more precious than diamond?
B. The silence of a pen is more dangerous than the brawl of a gun.
C. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
D. The Name of the Lord is a strong tower.
13. You are to make an allusion, what will you do?
A. Use words and phrases that appeal to the different senses to create a more vivid
description of an object or idea
B. Come up with a brief indirect reference to a prominent person, place event or idea
when writing/speaking
C. Attribute human qualities to inanimate objects or ideas
D. Compare two unrelated objects using like or as
14. Visual imagery appeals to the sense of sight, which of the choices best
exemplifies it?
A. Oh my mother I am sick, call the doctor very quick, doctor, doctor shall I die, tell my
mama do not cry...
B. From the mountains and the rivers, through the plains andwinding trails...
C. I love my own my native land, Philippines my Philippines...
D. You are my song, playing so softly in my heart...
15. Multiple sensory images might be created in a sentence or line. Which of the following
utilizes both visual and auditory senses?
A. I hear the sound, yes that sound, the sound that reminds me I am not alone.
B. Why does the sea sob so, mother, as it breaks on the rocky shore?
C. The world could die and everything may lie, still you shan’t cry.
D. Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?
16. In the statement – The player zipped by the zonal defense and zeroed
in on the end zone, which figure of speech is used?
A. Alliteration C. Metaphor
B. Allusion D. Onomatopoeia

17. If you are to praise or compliment your mother in a formal diction and a
hyperbole, how will it be?
A. Mother, thou art the loveliest and most temperate in the whole galaxy.
B. Well, of course, you are always be number one to me mother.
C. Mommy, you are one in a million, you’re the best.
D. You are the world’s number one mudrang.
18. If you are to describe a pan de sal that would be appealing to the sense
of smell, how will you do it?
A. Still hot from the oven, the pan de sal looks delicious and tempting...
B. Delicious and sweet aroma of freshly baked pan de sal...
C. The brownish toasted crust of pan de sal ...
D. Sweet and salty flavor of the pan de sal...
19. Your pet cat reminds you of your friend, what could be the best
metaphor that you can make out of that?
A. My friend is so soft spoken and has a hair so soft to touch.
B. Oh, my friend is as sweet as this cat.
C. My friend is a sweet and lovely kitten.
D. I have a cat friend.
20.Which one makes the most vivid picture of a thunderstorm using
A. The lightning strikes and hits the lone tree at the middle of the field; sharp sound of
thunder comes after. It is raining hard.
B. Thunder were heard, loud sound and frightening, everything was dark until flashes of
lightning brightened the night sky...
C. Lightning cracked and thunders roared, the rain rambled and the
wind hovered angrily...
D. The sky turned bright and yellow as the lightning strikes, its
raining cats and dog actually...

21. The recurrence of sounds, words, phrases or line in poetry is

A. rhythm C. beat
B. repetition D. meter
22. The structure of poetry is written in
A. lines and stanzas B. lines and paragraphs C. sentences and stanzas D. sentences and
23. Poetry that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the
writer or speaker, songlike quality or set to a beat.
A. free verse C. lyric poem
B. ballad D. narrative
24. A poetry that has no regular rhythm, meter, rhyme or
structure is___________
A. free verse C. haiku
B. ode D. prose
25. Descriptions that appeal to the five senses
A. refrain C. variations
B. imagery D. meter
26. Following the rules on writing poetry can make a poem too technical wherein it loses its own
creative style.
A. Never B. False C. Maybe D. True
27. In projecting your goal, this must be taken first.
A. purpose C. audience
B. Rhyme D. number of stanzas
28. This is a metaphor or simile that has become so familiar from overuse that the vehicle... no
longer contributes any meaning whatever to the tenor.
A. sentimentality B. imagery C. cliché D. sonnet

29. It is dominated by a blunt appeal to the emotions of pity and love.

A. imagery B. techniques C. sentimentality D. cliché
30. It is a figurative language that pretends one thing is really something else.
A. metaphor B. personification C. hyperbole D. simile
31. It is a statement where you say one object is similar to another object.
A. simile B. metaphor C. flashback D. allusion
32. These are words that describe things that people experience with their senses.
A. concrete words C. indefinite words
B. abstract words D. definite words
33. Theme is the topic of a literary piece.
A. False B. maybe C. never D. true
34. The first completed draft of your poem is only the beginning.
A. False B. sometimes C. maybe D. true
35. These are sometimes referred to as words that refer to concepts or feelings.
A. abstract words C. definite words
B. indefinite words D. concrete words
36. Setting is best describe as the _____________ in the story.
(place where the story happens , the struggle between opposing forces )
37. Imagery is indeed a contributory factor to make the story more interesting and
pleasing to readers mind.
( statement is true , statement is false )
38. The main character around whose life or experience the story revolves
( protagonist , antagonist )
39. A literary element that evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers through words and
( Setting , Mood )
40. Gives the writer the freedom to add double levels of meanings in fiction: a
literal one that is self- evident and the symbolic one whose meaning is far more
profound than the literal one.
( Conflict, Symbolism )
41. As conflicts create contraindication ,events in the story may appear to be
radically different from what they actually are.
( Theme, Irony ) )
42.The sequence of action and events in the story.
( Metaphor, Plot )
43.When an author refers to the events or characters from another story in her own
story with the hopes that those events will add context or depth to the story she's
trying to tell.
( Metaphor , Allusion )
44.The writer’s choice of words .
( Euphemism , Diction )
45.The meaty part of the story.
( Irony , Plot )
Direction: Identify the elements of fiction defined by the statements below.

__________________________ 46. This refers to the persons, animals, plants, inanimate

objects that possess life and give life to the story.
__________________________ 47. This refers to the angle of narration; it indicates “who is
the narrator” and “how is the narration done”.
__________________________ 48. This refers to the series of events or action that
comprise a story.
__________________________ 49. This refers to the time and place in which events of a
narrative take place.
__________________________ 50. This refers to a literature in the form of prose that
describes imaginary events and people.
__________________________ 51. This is the idea or concept of the author often referred to
as the message of the story.
__________________________ 52. This is the initial part of the plot in which the setting and
the characters are introduced.
__________________________ 53. This is the part of the plot in which the conflict develops.
__________________________ 54. This is the highest point of the story during which the
readers know how the conflict will be resolved.
__________________________ 55. This refers to the last part of the plot which gives the
story some finality.
_____________________________56. This literary device is the use of a situation or element to
represent a larger message, idea, or concept.
_____________________________57. This is referred to as the message of the story
_____________________________58. the struggle between two entities
_____________________________59. The highest point of the story also called as the turning
_____________________________60. refers to the use of words in a way that deviates from the
conventional order and meaning in order to convey a complicated meaning, colorful
writing, clarity, or evocative comparison.



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Grade 11 Coordinator

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