Arithmetic - Time Speed Distance LL Advance Level LL PYQs - DPP 09 - (MBA PIONEER 2023)

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MBA Wallah


Subject : Quantitative Aptitude
Topic : Time Speed Distance (Advance Level + PYQs)

1. In a race, A beats B by 100m, B beats C by 200 m 8. Two children Dholu and Bholu start descending on
and A beats C by 290 m. In the same racing track P an escalator which is going down. Bholu is 4 times
beats Q by 200 m, Q beats R by 150 m, then by what as fast as Dholu. By the time they reach the bottom,
distance P will beat R? Dholu descends 30 steps while Bholu descends 40
steps. How many steps are visible on the escalator?
2. In a race, A beats B by 100m, B beats C by 200 m
and A beats C by 290 m. In the same racing track P 9. Mr. Gupta is moving on an escalator with a constant
beats Q by 200 m, Q beats R by 200 m, if P beats R speed of 4 steps/second. Karan moves at a constant
by 19s then Q will beat R by how many seconds? speed of 2 steps/second. When the escalator is
moving downward, Mr. Gupta takes 160 steps and
3. In a race, A beats B by 200m, B beats C by 200 m
Karan takes 100 steps to reach the bottom from the
and A beats C by 360 m. In the same racing track P
top of the escalator. How many steps are being
beats Q by 200 m, Q beats R by 100 m. How many
taken if the escalator becomes stationary?
meters of head start needs to be given to R so that it
can finish the race with P? (a) 420 (b) 480
(c) 460 (d) 400
4. In a race, A beats B by 200m, B beats C by 200 m
and A beats C by 360 m. In the same racing track P 10. Two persons Pathan and Sultan are walking up on
beats Q by 200 m, Q beats R by 100 m. If C’s speed an escalator that is also going up. Pathan takes 8
is same as that of half of Q’s, then by what distance steps to reach the top whereas Sultan takes 14 steps
(in m) P will beat A? to reach the top. If the speeds of Pathan and Sultan
are 3 steps per second and 7 steps per second, find
5. In a race, A beats B by 200m, B beats C by 200 m the total number of steps on the escalator when it is
and A beats C by 360 m. In the same racing track P stationary.
beats Q by 200 m, Q beats R by 100 m. If C’s speed
is same as that of half of Q’s, then how much head 11. Pietro needs one minute and ten seconds to descend
start needs to be given to B so that he finishes with an escalator in 36 steps. Pietro now uses the
R? escalator to run down, he takes 63 steps which takes
(a) 375 (b) 305.6 35 seconds. How many steps does the escalator
(c) 2500/9 (d) 275 have if it is given that the escalator is moving
6. In an army recruitment rally, candidate X beats
candidate Y by 45 m, candidate Y beats candidate
12. Train A & B started at the same point are moving
Z by 50 m, and candidate X beats candidate Z by 90
in a straight line but in opposite directions. Train C,
m. What is the length of the racecourse?
which is standing at a station in the same straight
(a) 420 (b) 435
(c) 450 (d) 475 line as the line of motion of A & B, blew two horns
at an interval of 10s. Train A & B heard the horns
7. Ravi, Biju and Krishna are climbing up from the at an interval of 9 sec & 12 sec respectively. Find
ground floor to the 1st floor of a shopping mall the ratio of speed of Train A & B if it is given that
using an escalator and for every step Krishna takes, the speed of sound is 330 m/s and the distance
Ravi and Biju take 2 and 4 steps respectively. If between Train A and C is 3300m.
Ravi reaches the top after taking 30 steps and (a) 3 : 4 (b) 1 : 1
Krishna reaches the top by taking 20 steps, how (c) 2 : 3 (d) 10 : 11
many steps did Biju take to reach the top?
MBA Wallah

13. A train 1140 meters long crosses a platform whose (a) 140 km (b) 130 km
length is 460 meters in 40 seconds. If a dog is (c) 120 km (d) 110 km
running at a speed of 3 m/s in the direction of the
train and train is 444 meters away from the dog, 17. Two trains simultaneously start towards each other
then in how much time will the train catch the dog? at speeds of 40 km/hr and 60 km/hr respectively.
(a) 35 seconds (b) 12 seconds An eagle is sitting on the engine of one train. The
(c) 25 seconds (d) 18 seconds moment the trains start, the eagle starts flying
towards the second train. Immediately, on reaching
14. Two trains X and Y have started from Delhi the second train, the eagle heads back towards the
simultaneously in the same direction. Train X first train. Immediately on reaching the first train,
travels at 64km/h while the speed of train Y is the eagle reverses the direction and starts flying
12.5% less than that of the speed of train X. Thirty towards the second train. This process continues till
minutes later, a third train Z starts from Delhi in the the two trains meet. If the distance between the
same direction. It overtook train X 50 minutes later trains is 200 km and the speed of the eagle is 80
than it overtook train Y, then the speed of the train km/hr, what is the total distance travelled by the
Z would be. eagle in the backward direction (i.e., in the direction
(a) 80 km/h (b) 72 km/h towards the first train)?
(c) 88 km/h (d) 96 km/h (a) 40 km (b) 30 km
(c) 20 km (d) 10 km
15. A train is travelling from Durgapur to Kolkata at a
speed of 50 kmph and travels back at the same 18. A boat can travel 120 km downstream in 2 hours. If
speed. If the train travels at a speed of 70 kmph speed of the current is 1/3rd of the speed of the boat
from Durgapur to Kolkata, and returns back at a downstream, then how much time (in hrs) will the
speed of 30 kmph, then it would have taken 4 more boat take to travel 240 km upstream?
hours. If a super-fast train travels at a speed of 105
kmph on an average, then how much time it would 19. In still water, a ship can be driven at speed of 20
have taken to reach Kolkata? km/h. It travels 145 km downstream and then
(a) 4 hours (b) 5 hours returns back to the starting point again. If this whole
(c) 6 hours (d) 7 hours trip takes a total of 18 hours, what is the speed
(km/h) of the flow of river?
16. Two trains T1 and T2 simultaneously start towards 5 7 10 7
(a) (b)
each other at speeds of 40 km/hr and 60 km/hr 2 3
respectively. An eagle is sitting on the engine of
15 7 20 5
train T1. The moment the trains start, the eagle (c) (d)
4 9
starts flying towards the second train. Immediately,
on reaching the second train, the eagle heads back
20. In a descending escalator that has 224 steps, Pratap
towards the first train. Immediately on reaching the
is running upwards and Bhanu is running
first train, the eagle reverses the direction and starts
downwards at different speeds. The speed of the
flying towards the second train. This process
escalator is the difference of thrice the speed of
continues till the two trains meet. If the distance
Pratap and six times the speed of Bhanu. Given that
between the trains is 200 km and the speed of the
the ratio of speeds of Pratap and Bhanu is 5 : 2, find
eagle is 80 km/hr, what is the total distance
the step of the escalator from top on which Pratap
travelled by the eagle in the forward direction (i.e.,
and Bhanu meet.
in the direction towards the second train)?
MBA Wallah

21. The distance between Dakhhineshwar and way and returned home 20 min earlier. How long
Babughat is 90 km. A boat while going downstream did she walk?
takes 3 hours. Bulbul a passenger in a boat dropped (a) 25 (b) 30
a polythene when she was at Dakhhineshwar. After (c) 45 (d) 50
reaching Babughat, she realized that the polythene
was dropped. She soon took the boat and started 26. The distance between the Vaibhav's school and his
going upstream. After how much time, she will be home is X km. One fine day, Vaibhav is cycling at
able to find the plastic if the speed of the boat is 20 a speed of 28 km/hr reaches his school 14 min late.
kmph in still water. Next day, he increases his cycling speed by 7 kmph
but finds that he is still late by 5 min. Find the time
22. What is the minimum time required for a boat to taken by Varun to cover 3X km at a cycling speed
travel downstream from Cochin to Mumbai, if it of 10m/sec.
takes 4 hours to travel upstream and the time taken (a) 1 hr 45 min (b) 1 hr 50 min
to cover the same distance in still water is 40 minutes (c) 1 hr 40 min (d) 1 hr 48 min
more than the time taken to travel in downstream?
(a) 1.25 hours (b) 1.33 hours 27. Two small boats, A and B, having the same
(c) 3 hours (d) 2.5 hours dimensions, started from the ends X and Y,
respectively, of a long raft XY. This long raft XY is
23. Sahev rows a boat upstream in a Darakeswar river floating in a river in the direction of the flow. Boat
from Arambag to Ghatal in 5 hours. Had the river A moved in the direction from X to Y and boat B
been still, he could have completed the journey in 4 moved from Y to X. The raft is moving in the same
hours. How much time will it take for Sahev to row direction as that of boat A. The ratio of time taken
the boat from Ghatal to Arambag? by boats A and B to pass the raft is 1 : 2. Starting
(a) 2 hour 24 minutes (b) 3 hours 20 minutes from the tail of boat B and rowing in the same
(c) 2 hour 48 minutes (d) 2 hour 12 minutes direction as boat B (given that boat B is moving
against the direction of flow of the river), if boat A
24. Sounak, Niraj and SK need to reach the lecture hall completely passes the boat B in 25 seconds, then in
on time which is 15 km away from their current how much time (in seconds) will two boats pass
location. They had only one bike which can each other if they row in opposite direction starting
accommodate maximum 2 persons at a time. head to head, given that boat A is moving in the
Sounak came up with an idea where all of them can direction of flow of the river?
reach at the same time. He took SK with him on (a) 8.33 (b) 12.5
bike and asked Niraj to walk until he picks him up. (c) 50 (d) 2.5
Sounak dropped SK at a point and moved back to
pick Niraj, SK walked the remaining distance. If 28. Two friends start swimming towards each other, from
both SK and Niraj walks at a speed of 10 kmph and the two points exactly opposite of each other on the
Sounak drove at a constant speed of 30 kmph then opposite edge of a pond, simultaneously. They meet
find how much time (in minute) they took to reach at a distance of 320 m from one of the opposite edges
the Lecture Hall. and continue swimming further till they reach the
opposite edges. They take rest for 1 minute each and
25. Mr. Wangdu used to pick up his wife Mrs. Wangdu reach back by taking the same path. Now they meet at
from college every day at 4 p.m. One day, Mrs. a distance of 140 m from the other edge. Find the
Wangdu’s classes got over at 3 p.m. and she started distance (in m) between the two edges.
walking towards home. Mr. Wangdu met her on the (a) 800 (b) 810
(c) 820 (d) 830
MBA Wallah

29. Trisha and Bhavna jog in a circular track of length 30. Tavsal and Jaigad cities are very well connected to
40m every day with a speed greater than 0. They each other by waterways. It takes 2 hours for a ferry
started from the same starting point at the same time to travel from Jaigad to Tavsal or from Tavsal to
and met for the first time after 20 seconds. Even if Jaigad. Ferry services start from both Tavsal and
they jog all day long, they will meet with each other Jaigad docks at 5:30 am every morning, and there
at the same exact point. Bhavna’s speed is 20% is a new ferry leaving either station at 10-minute
more than that of Trisha. intervals. Snehal starts from Jaigad to Tavsal by
Virat, Bhavna’s rival, started jogging at the same ferry at 7:00 am. How many ferries traveling from
time at the farthest point on the circular track from the opposite direction does he see (including the
Bhavna. Virat jogged for 40s and left the premise ones at either of the docks)?
to attend a meeting. During his jogging, he never (a) 12 (b) 6
met or passed Bhavna even once. Let v be the (c) 15 (d) None of these
minimum possible speed of Virat where 4v is an
integer. Then find the value of 4v?
(a) 45 (b) 44
(c) 43 (d) 42
MBA Wallah

Answer Key
1. (335) 16. (c)
2. (10) 17. (a)
3. (280) 18. (12)
4. (375) 19. (b)
5. (b) 20. (160)
6. (c) 21. (6)
7. (40) 22. (b)
8. (45) 23. (b)
9. (d) 24. (50)
10. (32) 25. (d)
11. (90) 26. (a)
12. (c) 27. (a)
13. (b) 28. (c)
14. (a) 29. (a)
15. (b) 30. (d)
MBA Wallah

Hints & Solutions

1. (335) B's speed
d − x) d
Let’s assume the length of the track is d m. C's speed (d − z) (d − y)
Let A beats B by x m, B beats C by y m and A beats
⇒ (d – x)(d – y) = d(d – z)
C by z m.
So, ⇒ d2 – d(x + y) + xy = d2 – zd
A’s speed/B’s speed =
…..(i) ⇒ z = ( x + y) −
( x)
d −
We will be using this as a shortcut to answer the
C’s speed/A’s speed =
(d − z) ……(ii) race problems quickly
d So, the length of the track = d
Multiplying (i) & (ii) we get – 20000
= 300 −
B’s speed/C’s =speed
d − x) d d
(d − z) (d − y) ⇒ 10d = 20000
⇒ (d – x)(d – y) = d(d – z) ⇒ d = 2000
⇒ d2 – d(x + y) + xy = d2 – zd Thus, the length of the track is 2000 m
xy In the same racing track P beats Q by 200 m,
⇒ z = ( x + y) − Q beats R by 200 m
Let, P beats R by k m
We will be using this as a shortcut to answer the
race problems quickly
So, the length of the track = d k = 200 + 200 −
( 200 × 200 )
20000 2000
= 300 − ⇒ k = 400 – 20 = 380
⇒ 10d = 20000 Thus, the distance by which P will beat R is 380 m.
⇒ d = 2000 So the ratio of the speed of P, Q & R are 2000:
Thus, the length of the track is 2000 m (2000 – 200) : (2000 – 380) = 100 : 90 : 81
In the same racing track P beats Q by 200 m, Hence, the ratio of time taken by P & R to finish the
Q beats R by 150 m race will be 81 : 100
Let, P beats R by k m Let, P finishes the race in 81j seconds and R finishes
So, in 100j seconds
So, (100j – 81j) = 19
k = 200 + 150 −
( 200 × 150 )
So, P takes 81 seconds to finish the race. R takes
⇒ k = 350 – 15 = 335
100 seconds to finish the race and Q takes 90
Thus, the distance by which P will beat R is 335 m.
seconds to finish the race.
So, Q will beat R by (100 – 90) seconds = 10
2. (10)
Let’s assume the length of the track is d m.
Let A beats B by x m, B beats C by y m and A beats
3. (280)
C by z m.
Let’s assume the length of the track is d m.
Let A beats B by x m, B beats C by y m and A beats
A 's speed d C by z m.
= …..(i)
B's speed ( d − x ) So,
C's speed ( d − z ) A 's speed
= ..…(ii)
A 's speed d B's speed ( d − x )
Multiplying (i) & (ii) we get –
MBA Wallah

C's speed ( d − z ) ⇒ d2 – d(x + y) + xy = d2 – zd

= ……(ii)
A 's speed d xy
⇒ z = ( x + y) −
Multiplying (i) & (ii) we get – d
We will be using this as a shortcut to answer the
B's speed ( d − x ) d
= = race problems quickly
C's speed ( d − z ) ( d − y )
So, the length of the track = d
⇒ (d – x)(d – y) = d(d – z) 40000
= 400 −
⇒ d2 – d(x + y) + xy = d2 – zd d
xy ⇒ 10d = 10000
⇒ z = ( x + y) −
d ⇒ d = 1000
We will be using this as a shortcut to answer the Thus, the length of the track is 1000 m
race problems quickly In the same racing track P beats Q by 200 m,
So, the length of the track = d Q beats R by 100 m
40000 Let, P beats R by k m
= 400 −
d So,
⇒ 10d = 10000
k = 200 + 100 −
( 200 × 100 )
⇒ d = 1000 1000
Thus, the length of the track is 1000 m ⇒ k = 300 – 20 = 280
In the same racing track P beats Q by 200 m, Thus, the distance by which P will beat R is 280 m.
Q beats R by 100 m Now the ratio of speed of A, B & C is
Let, P beats R by k m 1000 : 800 : 640 = 25 : 20 : 16
So, The ratio of speed of P, Q & R is
k = 200 + 100 −
( 200 × 100 ) 1000 : 800 : 720 = 25 : 20 : 18
1000 As, C’s speed is same as half of Q’s speed
⇒ k = 300 – 20 = 280 1
16 h = of 20 i
Thus, the distance by which P will beat R is 280 m 2
assuming no head start. Here we have the relation between h and i => h : i
So, by the time R will reach (1000 – 280) m = 720 =5:8
m, P will reach 1000m Speed of A = 25h = 25 × 5 = 125 units m/sec
So, a 280 m head start is needed so that P and R Speed of P = 25 i = 25 × 8 = 200 units m/sec
reaches together. Time taken by P to cover 1000m = 5 sec/units.
Distance travelled by A in 5 sec/units
4. (375) = 5 × 125 = 625m.
Let’s assume the length of the track is d m. Hence, P will be able to beat A by
Let A beats B by x m, B beats C by y m and A beats 1000 – 625 = 375 m.
C by z m.
So, 5. (b)
A 's speed d Let’s assume the length of the track is d m.
= …..(i)
B's speed ( d − x ) Let A beats B by x m, B beats C by y m and A beats
C by z m.
C's speed ( d − z )
= ……(ii) So,
A 's speed d
A 's speed d
Multiplying (i) & (ii) we get : = …..(i)
B's speed ( d − x )
B's speed ( d − x ) d
= = C's speed ( d − z )
C's speed ( d − z ) ( d − y ) = ……(ii)
A 's speed d
⇒ (d – x)(d – y) = d(d – z)
MBA Wallah

Multiplying (i) & (ii) we get – That is, in the same time, while X runs x m, Y runs
B's speed ( d − x ) d (x – 45) m
= =
C's speed ( d − z ) ( d − y ) x
Ratio of Speeds of X and Y =
⇒ (d – x)(d – y) = d(d – z)
( x − 45)
⇒ d2 – d(x + y) + xy = d2 – zd By the time Y finishes the race, C lags by 50 m.
xy That is, in the same time, while Y runs x kms, Z
⇒ z = ( x + y) − runs (x – 50) m
We will be using this as a shortcut to answer the x
Ratio of Speeds of Y and Z =
race problems quickly ( x − 50 )
So, the length of the track = d By the time X finishes the race, Z lags by 90 m.
40000 That is, in the same time, while X runs x m, Z runs
= 400 −
d (x – 90) m
⇒ 10d = 10000 x
Ratio of Speeds of X and Z =
⇒ d = 1000 ( x − 90 )
Thus, the length of the track is 1000 m (Ratio of Speeds of X and Y) × (Ratio of Speeds of
In the same racing track P beats Q by 200 m, Q Y and Z) = (Ratio of Speeds of X and Z)
beats R by 100 m x x x
Let, P beats R by k m × =
( x − 45) ( x − 50 ) ( x − 90 )
( 200 × 100 ) x
( x − 50 )
k = 200 + 100 −
( x − 45) ( x − 90 )
⇒ k = 300 – 20 = 280 On solving further, we get, x = 450.
Thus, the distance by which P will beat R is 280 m.
Now the ratio of speed of A, B & C is 1000 : 800 : 7. (40)
640 = 25 : 20 : 16 Assume the number of steps visible when escalator
The ratio of speed of P, Q & R is 1000 : 800 : 720 is off is S.
= 25 : 20 : 18 Krishna takes 15 steps by the time Ravi reaches the
As, C’s speed is same as half of Q’s speed top because his speed is half that of Ravi's.
16h = ½ of 20i Assume the escalator covered 'x' steps while Ravi
Here we have the relation between h and i => h : i covered 30.
=5:8 As a result, the total number of escalator steps
Speed of R = 18i = 18 × 8 = 144 units m/sec = S = 30 + x.
Time taken by R to cover 1000m The escalator must cover x steps when Ravi takes
1000 30 steps, x steps when Krishna takes 15 steps, and
= = 6.944 sec/units 4x
144 steps when Krishna takes 20 steps.
Speed of B = 20h = 20 × 5 = 100 units m/sec 3
Distance travelled by B in 6.944 sec/units 4x
Thus, 30 + x = 20 +
= 6.944 × 100 = 694.4m 3
R beats B by 1000 – 694.4 = 305.6m x = 30.
Hence, we can say that B needs a head start of As a result, the escalator has 60 steps in total.
305.6m so both can reach at the same time. As Ravi takes 30 steps, the escalator takes 30 steps
as well. This means that the escalator's speed is the
6. (c) same as Ravi's speed.
Let the length of the race track be 'x' m. Yet, Biju's speed is twice that of Ravi.
By the time X finishes the race, Y lags by 45 m. As a result, Biju must climb twice as many steps as
the escalator to reach the top.
MBA Wallah

As a result, 2y + y = 60 8 b 3
Ratio of speeds = × = ( Given )
=> y = 20 a 14 7
Therefore, Biju's total number of steps taken to a 8 7 4
reach the top is 40. ⇒ = × =
b 14 3 3
n −8
8. (45) Speed of the escalator in the case of Pathan =
Let the escalator takes m steps when Dholu
n − 14
descends 30 steps. Speed of the escalator in the case of Sultan =
Since Bholu is 4 times as fast as Dholu, Dholu
Since the speed of the escalator is the same in both
would have taken = 10 steps by the time Bholu the cases,
n − 8 n − 14
takes 40 steps. =
a b
The escalator would have taken m/3 steps when
Dholu descends 10 steps because it takes m steps ⇒
( n − 8) =a 4
when Dholu takes 30. ( n − 14 ) b 3
m => 3(n – 8) = 4(n – 14)
30 + m = 40 +
3 => 4n – 3n = 32
m = 15 => n = 32.
Steps Visible = 30 + m = 30 + 15 = 45
11. (90)
9. (d) Let the speed of the escalator be S and the number
Let us say that the escalator moves at x steps per of steps on the escalator be L.
second. Number of steps covered by the escalator in the first
Mr. Gupta takes 160 steps so he would have taken case = L – 36
40 seconds for it. In the meantime, the escalator Time taken = 1 minute 10 seconds = 70 seconds
would cover 40x steps. L − 36
So, speed of the escalator =
Similarly, Karan takes 100 steps, so he will take 50 70
seconds. The escalator would cover 50x steps in Number of steps covered by the escalator in the
that time. second case = L – 63
Now total steps would be equal for both. Time taken = 35 seconds
Hence, 160 + 40x = 100 + 50x L − 63
So, speed of the escalator =
⇒ 10x = 60 35
⇒ x = 6. Since the speed is the same in both the cases,
So, the number of steps visible for stationary L − 36 L − 63
escalator = 160 + 40 × 6 = 400 =
70 35
Solving this, we get L = 90 steps.
10. (32)
Let there be ‘n’ steps on the escalator. 12. (c)
In the case of Pathan, the escalator covers n–8 steps Let’s assume that Train A’s speed is a m/s and that
and in the case of Sultan, the escalator covers n–14 of B is b m/s
steps. Had both train A & B stood still, they would have
Let the times taken Pathan and Sultan to reach at heard the horn after 10 s.
the top be ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively. As it is given that the distance between train A & C
8 is 3300m, by the time the first horn reached train A
Speed of Pathan =
a & B, the second horn just started travelling from
14 train C.
Speed of Sultan =
b So,
MBA Wallah

For train A, as it is moving towards train C, it met 15. (b)

the sound after 9 s. Let the distance between Durgapur and Kolkata is
So, d km.
9a + 9 × 330 = 3300 Let the time taken be ‘t’ hours in going from
110 Durgapur to Kolkata and returning to Durgapur
⇒a = m/s
3 from Kolkata when the train travelled at 50km/hr
Similarly for train B, Therefore,
12 × 330 – 12b = 3300 d d
+ = t
660 110 50 50
⇒ b= =
12 2 d
t= …… (1)
110 110 25
So, speed of A : speed of B = : = 2 : 3.
3 2 Let the time taken be ‘k’ hours while going from
Durgapur to Kolkata at 70 km/hr and returning to
13. (b) Durgapur from Kolkata at 30 km/hr.
The train can cover (1140 + 460) = 1600 m distance Therefore,
in 40 seconds which means the speed of the train d d
+ = k
1600 70 30
= = 40 m/s
40 d
k= …… (2)
Relative speed of the dog and train = 40 – 3 = 37 m/s 21
To cover the distance of 444 meters, it will take According to the question,
444 k–t=4
= = 12 seconds
37 d d
− = 4
21 25
14. (a) d = 525 km
7 Thus, the time is taken by the super-fast train to
The speed of train =Y 64 kmph ×  =  56 kmph
8 525
travel 525 km
= = 5hours.
In 30 min the distance travelled by Y is 28 km and 105
that by train X = 32 km
Let the relative speed of Z with respect to X is 𝑎𝑎 16.
kmph The time taken by the two trains to meet
As Z overtakes both the trains so the speed of train 200
= = 2 hours
Z should be more than both the trains. ( + 60 )
So, The eagle continuously flies for 2 hours. Therefore,
32 28 5 the distance covered by the eagle = 80 × 2 = 160
− =
a ( a + 8) 6 km.
=> 192(a + 8) – 168a = a(a + 8)5 We can say that, Distance travelled in forward +
=>5a2 + 40a = 24a +192 × 8 = 0 Backward = 160 km.
=>5a2 + 16a – 1536 = 0 F + B = 160 …………….(1)
The distance travelled by the first train till the two
−16 ± 162 + 4 × 5 × 1536
⇒a= trains meet = 40 × 2 = 80 km.
This means that the eagle finds itself at a point 80
96 km away from the starting point after having flown
⇒ a = 16, −
5 160 km.
=> a = 16 (a cannot be negative) F – B = 80……………….(2)
So, the speed of the train Z = (64 + 16) kmph = 80 On solving both the equations we get,
kmph F = 120 km and B = 40 km
MBA Wallah

(This is possible only if the eagle travels an = 20 km/hr

additional 40 km in the forward direction and 40 km Required time = 240/20 = 12 hours.
in the backward direction)
Therefore, the total distance flew by the eagle in the 19. (b)
forward direction = 80 + 40 = 120 km Distance
Time =
Hence, option c is correct. Speed
Let the flow of the river be R kmph.
(a) According to the question,
The time taken by the two trains to meet
 145   145 
200   +  18
 =
 ( 20 + R )   ( 20 − R ) 
= = 2 hours
( 40 + 60 )
The eagle continuously flies for 2 hours. Therefore, ⇒ 145 ×
( 20 + R + 20 − R ) =
the distance covered by the eagle = 80 × 2 = 160 ( 202 − R 2 )
We can say that, Distance travelled in forward + ⇒
(145 × 40 ) 18
Backward = 160 km. ( 202 − R 2 )
F + B = 160 …………….(1)
⇒ 5800 = 18(400 – R2)
The distance travelled by the first train till the two
trains meet = 40 × 2 = 80 km. 10 7
This means that the eagle finds itself at a point 80 3
km away from the starting point after having flown 10 7
The flow of the river is kmph.
160 km. 3
F – B = 80……………….(2) Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
On solving both the equations we get,
F = 120 km and B = 40 km
(This is possible only if the eagle travels an 20. (160)
additional 40 km in the forward direction and 40 km Let Pratap’s speed and Bhanu’s speed be 5x and 2x
in the backward direction) respectively.
Therefore, the total distance flew by the eagle in the => Speed of escalator = 15x – 12x = 3x.
forward direction = 80 + 40 = 120 km Pratap’s effective speed upwards = 5x – 3x = 2x
Hence, the total distance flew by the eagle in the Bhanu’s effective speed downwards = 2x + 3x = 5x
backward direction = 160 – 120 = 40 km Hence, the distance covered by them when they
Hence, option a is correct. meet will be in the ratio of their speeds i.e., 2:5
Let Pratap cover 2a steps, hence Bhanu will have
18. (12) covered 5a steps.
120 Total steps = 2a + 5a = 224.
Speed of boat downstream
= = 60 km/hr
2 Hence, 7a = 224
1 a = 32
Speed of current = × 60 =20 km/hr Hence, the two meet at the 64th step from bottom
Let the speed of boat in still water = x km/hr or the 5 × 32=160 step from the top.
Speed of boat downstream = speed of boat in still
water + speed of current 21. (6)
60 = x + 20 Let the speed of the water = x kmph
x = 40 The speed of the boat in still water = 20 kmph
Speed of boat upstream = speed of boat in still (Given)
water – speed of current Then, the upstream speed = (20 – x) kmph
= 40 – 20 The downstream speed = (20 + x) kmph
MBA Wallah

According to the given condition, Hence, the correct answer is 1.33 hours.
The downstream speed = 20 + x = = 30
3 23. (b)
x = 30 – 20 = 10 Let the distance between the Arambag and Ghatal
So, the speed of the water = 10 kmph be D, the speed of Boat be r and the speed of the
Upstream speed = (20 – 10) = 10 kmph stream be s.
Note that, when the polythene was dropped in the D
water, then the polythene was flowing at the same (r − s)
speed as the water. D = 5r – 5s —— (1)
So, the speed of the polythene = 10 kmph Had the water been still:
Since Bulbul travels from Dakhhineshwar to D
Babughat in 3 hours and she dropped the polythene =4
at Dakhhineshwar, so at that time the polythene also
D = 4r ——– (2).
travels (3 × 10) = 30 km.
Substituting (2) in (1), we get,
So, the rest of the distance = (90 – 30) km = 60 km.
4r = 5r – 5s
This means that Bulbul will meet the polythene in
r = 5s
60 While moving downstream, Boat will travel at
h = 3h
( 20 − 10 ) + 10 r + s = 5s + s = 6s
Hence, the total time needed to find the polythene Distance to be covered = 4r = 4 × 5s = 20s
by Bulbul = 3 + 3 = 6 hours from the time she left 20s
Time taken = × 60 = 200 minutes = 3 hours 20
for Babughat. 6s
22. (b) Therefore, option b is the right answer.
Let the speed of the water be W and the speed of
boat in still water be R. 24. (50)
Let the distance between Mumbai and Cochin be S. As the time taken by SK & Niraj of them are equal,
S who walked partly and covered the remaining
So, =4 .......eq. (1)
R−W distance on bike, the distance walked by them will
S S 4 be the same. The same can be established from the
And, − = proof below-
R R+W 6
Let’s assume SK walked x km & Niraj walked for
SW 4
Therefore, = .......eq. (2) y km where x and y is any real number less than 15
R (R + W) 6
Dividing equation (1) by equation (2), we get, So,
R (R + W) x (15 − x )  x x  1
=6 SK took + =  −  + hour
W (R − W) 10 30  10 30  2
Or, R2 + WR = 6WR – 6W2  x 1
=  +  hours to reach lecture hall.
=> R2 – 5WR + 6W2 = 0  15 2 
Therefore, R = 2W or R = 3W y (15 − y )  y y  1
If R = 2W, S = 4W and time taken to row Niraj took + =  −  + hour
10 30  10 30  2
4W 4
downstream is = hours = 1.33 hours  y 1
2W + W 3 =  +  hours to reach the lecture hall.
(approx.)  15 2 
If R = 3W, S = 8W and time taken to row As they took the same time, so
8W 8  x 1  y 1
downstream is = hours = 2 hours.  + =  + 
3W + W 4  15 2   15 2 
MBA Wallah

⇒x=y 63 7
Required time
= = hr = 1 hr 45 min.
Below is the pictorial representation- 36 4
x (15 – 2x) x
A------------F-------------------R-------------LH 27. (a)
A = Starting Point Let the length of the boats A, B be L units each and
F = Where Niraj was picked by Sounak the length of the raft XY be T units.
R = Where SK was dropped Speed of A in still water = V units/s, speed of B in
LH = Lecture Hall still water = U units/s, speed of river = R units/s
As the time taken by them are the same- ∴ Time taken by A to pass XY
Time Taken by SK to reach the Lecture Hall = Time (L + T)
Taken by Sounak to reach the Lecture Hall. ........................(i)
( V + R ) − R 
 x 1  ( 45 − 4x )
⇒ + = Time taken by B to pass XY
 15 2  30
⇒x=5 =
(L + T) ...................(ii)
Hence, total time taken by them ( U – R ) + R 
5 1 5 Dividing (i) by (ii), we get,
=+ hour = Hour = 50 Minute.
15 2 6 U 1
V 2
25. (d) So, time taken by A to pass B
We see that the car reduces its travel time by 20 2L
min. ( V − R ) − ( U − R ) 
So, it reduces its one-way traveling time by
20 So, = 25 seconds when they row in the
= 10 min. Thus, it would have met her wife 10 (V − U)
min earlier, i.e., 3.50 p.m. same direction
Now this means that she walked from 3 p.m. to 3.50 Time taken when they row in the opposite direction
p.m., i.e., 50 min. 2L
( V + R ) + ( U − R ) 
26. (a)
Initial speed of Vaibhav = 28 km/hr =
Increase in speed = 7 km/hr or 25%
Speed increases by 25% so, 25 ( V − U )
Initial speed: increased speed = 4 : 5 V+U
Distance is same. So, 1
= 25 ×
Initial time: new time = 5 : 4 3
Since Vaibhav goes from 14 min late to only 5 min = 8.33 seconds
late, this corresponds to 9 min drop in his time for Hence, the required time is 8.33 seconds.
So, 1 unit = 9 min 28. (c)
5 units = 45 min
Distance covered by Vaibhav = 28 × = 21 km
Varun travels 3X km or 63 km.
Speed conversion from m/sec to km/hr
18 If x is the width of the pond, then speed at which
1m/sec = km/hr
5 they travel is proportional to the distances they
18 travel. Hence from the diagram, we get
Speed of Varun = 10 m/sec =10 × =36 kmph
MBA Wallah

( x − 320 + 140 ) would have met on or before
seconds. Thus, they
( x − 320 ) ( 320 + x − 140 ) 3
move in the same direction.
Solving the quadratic equation, we get
As they never met in 40 s, so the relative speed
x = 820 m
should be less than m/s.
29. (a) 40
In a circular track, if two people meet at the same So,
point every time they pass each other, then that 20 20
12 − < u < 12 +
point has to be their starting point. If they meet at 40 40
any other point other than the starting point, there => 11.5 < u < 12.5
will be at least 2 different meeting points. => 44 < 4u < 50
As they are meeting at the starting point for every Thus, the minimum possible value of 4u = 4v = 45 m/s
time and each of the joggers have a speed greater
than 0, they should be jogging in the same direction. 30. (d)
If they jog in the opposite directions then they It is a very simple question provided we use the
should meet each other at a point which is different correct approach to keep track and count the ferries.
from the starting point which is not possible. The ferry that started from Tavsal at 5.30 will reach
So, Trisha & Bhavna can only jog in the same Jaigad at 7.30.
direction. As they meet at the starting point in every Hence, when Snehal leaves at 7 am, he will see this
40m ferry somewhere in between.
20 s, the relative speed is = 2m / s Likewise, since Snehal will take 2 hours to reach
Now let’s assume that Trisha’s speed is 10x m/s Tavsal, I.e. At 9am, the last ferry he will see is the
So, 2x = 2 one that is just about to start at 9:00 am from Tavsal.
⇒x=1 Hence, Snehal sees all the ferries starting from 5:30
Hence, Trisha’s speed is 10 m/s. am up to 9:00 am at 10-minute intervals.
Bhavna’s speed will be 12 m/s. 05:30, 05:40, 05:50, 06:00, ...8:40, 8:50, 9:00.
The initial distance between Bhavna & Virat is 20m Now, an easier way to count will be 6-7; there will
as Virat is at the farthest point from Bhavna. be 6 ferries (excluding the one at 7 o'clock) × 3 for
Let, Virat’s speed be u m/s. 7-8 & 8-9 also i.e 18 ferries.
As they do not meet in 40 s it means they can not Plus 1 for the 9:00 am ferry and 3 more at 5;30, 5:40
be moving in the opposite directions, else they and 5:50.
Total = 18 + 1 + 3 = 22 ferries.
Hence, option d is the correct answer.

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