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MS-Clinical Form 014

Lyceum of the Philippines University

College of Nursing


Drug Name Classification Indication Contraindication Side Effects/Adverse Nursing Monitoring

and Mechanism Reaction Responsibilities Parameters
of Actions
Brand Name: Penicillin For documented Hypersensitivity to • Diarrhea • Assess • Monitor
Tazobet multidrug penicillin, • Nausea patients’ vital kidney
Piperacillin, a resistant Gram- cephalosporin or • Vomiting signs before function
Generic Name: broad-spectrum, negative B-lactamase • Rash and after • Monitor
Piperacillin semisynthetic infections due to inhibitors. • Leukopenia taking adverse
Tazobactam penicillin exerts organisms • Neutropenia medication. effects
(PIPTAZ) bactericidal proven or • Thrombocytopenia • Assess • Monitor
activity by suspected to be patient for hematologic
• Hypersensitivity
Dosage: inhibition of both susceptible to any adverse function
2 g / 250 mg septum and cell- piperacillin-
• Headache reaction. • Monitor
wall synthesis. tazobactam
• Insomnia • Assess hepatic
Route: except CNS muscle function.
IM/IV infections; • Hypotension
• Phlebitis
polymicrobial • Assess
Frequency: infections. • Thrombophlebitis
patient of
Q8 • Constipation medication
• Dyspepsia toxicity.
• Jaundice • Assess for
• Stomatitis signs of
MS-Clinical Form 014

• Increase blood
• Pruritus
• Urticaria
• Fever

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