En Brochure Aexq1011-00 Accugrade Brochure View

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boost productivity.

Stay on grade.

Cat AccuGrade
® ™

Work smarter by getting it right, the first time, with advanced machine control
and guidance solutions to help you boost your productivity and your bottom line.
get to grade FASTER
easier and more efficiently.
Grade control systems from Cat® can help your CAT GRADE CONTROL
operators move dirt more accurately...in fewer Fully integrated into each machine, then installed
passes...using less material...every time. and tested at the factory, Cat Grade Control systems
Factory-integrated Cat Grade Control and dealer- are cost-effective and job ready from day one.
installed AccuGrade™ systems deliver up to a 50 Providing grading solutions for a wide range of
percent improvement in grading efficiency, over a applications, Cat Grade Control helps you improve
wide range of applications, while helping both new productivity and adds to your machine value, both
and experienced machine operators work more on the job and at resale.
productively every day.
Most Cat machines and all Cat Grade Control
machines include built-in mounting points and internal
wiring—either as a standard feature or as an option—
to make installation of dealer-installed grade control
systems such as AccuGrade faster, easier and more
affordable than ever.

get the job Done Right.
the first time.
Cat offers you a complete line of dealer-installed AccuGrade allows even lesser skilled operators to
grade control systems that are easy to use, fully work faster, more consistently, and with less rework.
upgradeable and flexible enough to meet a wide Design information is at your fingertips, so the need
range of application and job site requirements. for stakes, hubs or stringlines is significantly reduced.
Less manpower on the job site lowers operating costs
AccuGrade systems can be installed by your Cat
and increases safety. Fuel consumption is reduced,
Dealer when you buy a new Cat machine, or they
and material usage and costs can be more carefully
can be retrofitted to your existing Cat equipment
controlled. Information is displayed in the cab, so
at any time by your local SITECH dealer. With
operators can finish jobs faster with minimal
rugged in-cab displays and top-quality components,
supervision—even in extreme conditions.
dealer-installed AccuGrade technologies include
GNSS- and laser-based systems. Get smart, gain a competitive edge, and improve your
bottom line with Cat AccuGrade.

scalable control
2D Grade Control Systems EXCAvation
Ideal for earthmoving contractors looking
Productivity-enhancing 2D AccuGrade systems are to improve their excavation productivity
easy-to use, scalable and configurable for just about and profitability.
any machine or job site. Component installation and
Uses an angle sensor, dual axis sensor and
set up is quick and easy so you get to work fast.
laser catcher to measure the relationship
Durable components ensure long life and
between the body, boom, stick and bucket.
maximum uptime.
This determines where the bucket tips are, and
where they should be, to guide the operator to the
desired depth and slope.
The system also offers the flexibility to upgrade to
a 3D grade control system.
commercial sites, road construction, trenches, ditches,
finished slope work, dredging and waterways.

Rough Grading FinISH grading
An excellent first investment for contractors new to 2D Grade Control gives you precise vertical
construction technology. guidance necessary to achieve tight tolerances
A single laser and laser receiver are used to mea- and a smooth finished grade.
sure the lift and tilt of the blade. Two angle sensors and a rotation sensor
To measure the slope of the blade, add another can be used in finished grade applications
laser receiver or a slope sensor. to calculate the cross slope of the blade.

An in-cab CB450 or CB460 Control Box provides Adding a laser receiver or a sonic tracer
elevation and slope guidance, so you can more gives you the ability to measure elevation
accurately and quickly get to grade. when required.

Can easily be upgraded to a 3D grade Additionally, when using the a sonic tracer,
control system. the system allows for stringline, previous
pass, or curb and gutter tracing.
MACHINE TYPES: Track-type tractors and
motor graders MACHINE TYPES: Track-type tractors and
motor graders
COMMON APPLICATIONS: Housing and building
site pads, road maintenance, ditches, commercial COMMON APPLICATIONS: Road construction, sports
building sites and sports fields. fields, embankments, housing and building site pads.

Ultimate productivity
3D Grade Control Systems PRODUCTION earthMOVING
Design information and live cut/fill indications are
From production earthmoving through grading to displayed in the cab, allowing excavation to be done
finished material compaction, Caterpillar® has a 3D in a safer environment with fewer stakes.
Grade Control solution for your machine type and The system provides real-time information for
application requirements. And you use the same monitoring avoidance zones
components across your entire fleet, through the life
cycle of the project. Simultaneously collects as-built data as the
machine cuts to grade.
Operators can keep tighter control over safety
issues and see precisely where dirt is being
moved on site.
MACHINE TYPES: Track-type tractor, excavators
or scrapers
COMMON APPLICATIONS: Land reclamation, dam and
reservoir construction, new infrastructure projects,
landfills and waste deposits.

ROUGH grading
Get to grade faster and more accurately than ever,
even with complex designs.
The on-board control box determines the
position of each tip of the blade and compares it
to the design elevation to compute cut or fill
to grade.
The cut/fill data is used to drive the valves for
automatic blade control, or is shown on in-cab
lightbars that provide visual guidance for
manual operation.
MACHINE TYPES: Track-type tractors, motor graders,
excavators or scrapers
COMMON APPLICATIONS: Highway and railway
construction, and residential and commercial site

compaction Finish Grading
The AccuGrade compaction control system helps Achieve finished grade to millimeter accuracy with
you accurately control the compaction process, fewer passes.
while reducing unnecessary passes that result in over
By maintaining tight tolerances every time, higher
quality work is delivered to your client.
Achieves target compaction faster, more Finished grade materials can be placed more
accurately, with less rework. accurately and in a shorter time period, keeping
Early detection of unsuitable materials and the material costs to a minimum and realizing
hidden obstructions can be excavated and better profits.
re-graded or compacted prior to more costly With more confidence in the cost of operations
phases of the construction process. and quicker completion to finished grade, you
Compaction results are recorded and stored are able to lower bids and gain more business in
for analysis and generation of documentation every phase of the project.
deliverables at the end of the project.
MACHINE TYPES: Track-type tractors and
MACHINE TYPES: Soil compactors motor graders
COMMON APPLICATIONS: Highway and railway COMMON APPLICATIONS: Highway and railway
construction, residential and commercial site construction, airport construction, concrete pours and
construction, parking lots and sports fields. slab placement, and residential and commercial site

rugged components

control boxes
CB450 Control Box
Designed for use in harsh construction
environments, the Trimble CB450 Control
Box gives the operator a full-color graphical
display for easy viewing and guidance
to grade. Features include:

A full-color 4.3 inch (10.9 cm) LCD display

with adjustable backlight controls
Audible tones for real-time grade
guidance or warnings and alerts
Four LED lightbars to provide grade
guidance at a glance

CB460 Control Box

The CB460 control box is the premium display
for all machine types in the AccuGrade
portfolio. The CB460 offers the same key
features as the CB450, plus:

A large, easy-to-read 7 inch (17.78 cm)

full-color LCD display
Support for external lightbars
Faster data transfer via Ethernet

2D and 3D Components
LR410 Laser Receiver
The LR410 is mounted to an electric mast on the blade
and connected to the machine hydraulics to control lift
to an accuracy of 0.01 to 0.02 ft (3-6 mm).
ST400 Sonic Tracer
The ST400 is mounted to the blade and uses a
physical reference such as curb and gutter,
stringline, existing or previous pass as an
elevation reference.
The MS972 offers a cost-effective alternative for
contractors who need a highly accurate GNSS receiver
at a lower price point. It is optimized for cab or machine
body mount only.


The MS992 contains an integrated GPS+GNSS
receiver, antenna, and isolation system all in a single,
durable housing. It uses the advanced Trimble® RTK
engine for faster initialization times when satellite lock is
lost and enhanced performance near obstructions.

communication devices
snrx20 on-machine radios
Rugged on-machine radios offer a modernized
platform for communicating with Universal Total
Stations or with a fixed GNSS base station.
Available in:

Single-band 450 MHz, 900 MHz, and

2.4 GHz
Dual-band 900 MHz + 2.4 GHz and 450
MHz + 2.4 GHz

SNM940 connected site gateway

Connect your machine with rugged hardware
featuring both Wi-Fi® and cellular connectivity. The
SNM940 enables wireless data transfer of design files
and corrections, as well as remote training and support..

the right fit for every job

2D Grade Control Systems

Recommended Target
Description Key Components
Configuration Machines

Cross slope control system to be

CROSS SLOPE Track-type 2 angle sensors,
used on motor graders for
Tractors, Rotation sensor,
Only fine grading work for road
Motor Graders Control box, and SNM940
maintenance, ditches and slope work

Single Single control system uses a laser or Laser, Laser receiver

sonic receiver to control the lift of the -or- Sonic tracer, Rotation
elevation plus Tractors,
machine blade and the cross-slope sensor, 2 angle sensors,
cross slope Motor Graders
for flat, slopework, and finished grading Control box, and SNM940

Dual control system that uses two Laser, 2 Laser receivers

laser or sonic receivers for higher -or-
DUAL elevation Tractors,
accuracy lift control. Blade edge can 2 Sonic Tracers,
Motor Graders
be controlled independently or linked Control box,and SNM940

DEPTH, SLOPE, Angle sensors, Laser

Highly flexible system for excavation,
AND ELEVATION Excavators catcher, Control box,
trenching, grading and profile work
control and SNM940

3D Grade Control Systems

Recommended Target
Description Key Components
Configuration Machines

Track-type Angle and rotation sensors,

Measures the position and slope of the
Tractors, Single GNSS Smart
blade and compares that to design data
SINGLE GNSS Motor Graders, Antenna, Control box,
for rough grading and mass excavation
Scrapers, Rugged on-machine radio
on complex design surfaces
Excavators and SNM940

Single or dual GNSS Smart

Continuous compaction control and
Antenna(s), Compaction
documentation for soil compaction with
SINGLE GNSS Soil Compactors sensor, Control box,
real-time material compaction
Rugged on-machine radio
mapping and detection
and SNM940

Track-type Measures the exact position, cross

Dual GNSS Smart
Tractors, slope and heading of the blade or
Antennas, Control box,
DUAL GNSS Motor Graders, bucket, for rough grading and mass
Rugged on-machine radio
Scrapers, excavation on steep slopes and complex
and SNM940
Excavators design surfaces

Single and dual GNSS systems enhanced

SINGLE OR Single or dual GNSS
Track-type with laser augmentation to improve vertical
 Smart Antenna(s),
Tractors, accuracy for high accuracy guidance to
Laser receiver, Control box,
WITH LASER Motor Graders complex design surfaces such as super-
Rugged on-machine radio
AUGMENTATION elevation grading for rough through finished
and SNM940
grade work

Total station-based system for high

accuracy lift and layer control, material Single on-machine active
placement and monitoring, or for jobs target, Control box,
Motor Graders,
TOTAL STATION where GNSS is not the ideal solution Rugged on-machine radio
because of overhead obstructions, and SNM940
Soil Compactors
tunnels or accuracy needs

bottom line support

From your Cat Dealer. Anytime. Anywhere.

Cat AccuGrade systems are supported by the

worldwide Cat Dealer network, with partner
support from SITECH® Technology Dealers.

No matter where your work takes you, you’re

never far from the world’s best parts availability,
high-quality service and maintenance facilities,
and expert business management advice.

Your Cat and SITECH Dealers are there to ensure

that your grade control systems—and all of your
Cat equipment—work when you need them most.
When profits are on the line, you can count on Cat
to help you get the job done right, every time.

AEXQ1011-00 CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, AccuGrade, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the “Power Edge” trade
dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not
© 2013 Caterpillar, Inc. be used without permission. Trimble and SITECH are trademarks of Trimble Navigation, Ltd, registered in
All Rights Reserved. the United States and other countries.

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