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ASSURE Lesson Plan Template

(respond in narrative, not bullets)

Title of the Lesson (must be centered)

Name: (Your name) Subject Area(s): (list subject)

Duration of Lesson: (How long will the lesson take) Grade Level: (list grade)

 How many students will you be teaching? How many males? Females?
Analyze  What is the age range or grade level(s) of the students?
learners  What are the identified English language proficiency levels of the
students? What do you know about the students’ conversational and
academic English? How do you know?
 What prior knowledge, skills, and academic background do students bring
to the lesson (consider previous learning experiences, assessment data,
etc.)? How do you know?
 What additional needs might students have (describe any special
considerations and/or exceptional needs)? How many students have
Individualized Educational Plans or 504 plans?
 What are the represented socio-economic, cultural and ethnic
backgrounds of the students? How might these influence your planning,
teaching and assessment?
 What do students already know or know how to do with regard to the
particular standards and objectives of this lesson.

 Cite the appropriate Tennessee or Common Core Standards and NETS*

State & Student Standards using the numbers as well as the text. Use only the
NETS*S relevant parts to help focus your lesson planning.
Behavioral Objective:
WHAT do you want students to think, know understand and/or be able to do
(identify, give examples, compare, use, design, judge, etc.). Be specific and use
concrete terms. HOW will students demonstrate this? Describe observable
actions. (Objectives should be directly connected to Standards listed)

You may use the following sentence frame:

Given (learning activities or teaching strategies), the learners will (assessable

behaviors) in order to demonstrate (connection to standards).

Language Objective:
WHAT do you want students to think, know understand and/or be able to do
with language (identify, give examples, compare, describe, retell, summarize,
define vocabulary, use vocabulary words, demonstrate understanding of
comparing and contrasting, etc.. )Be specific and use concrete terms.
 List key vocabulary, content-specific terms, word wall words, etc. you
need to teach and how you will teach students that vocabulary in the
 Academic language functions: What are students doing with language
to express their developing understanding of the content you are
 Linguistic forms: What words and phrases do students need in order to
express their understanding of the content you are teaching? How will
you teach students the grammatical constructions (this is where you
identify sentence frames)?
 What opportunities will you provide for students to practice the new
language and develop fluency (written or oral)?

Select List educational resources that will you use. ( identify digital, non-digital, and
instructional web 2.0 resources )
media, and  What materials will the YOU (teacher-centered) need in order to teach this
materials lesson?
 What materials will your students (student-centered) need?

Remember: If there is no student-centered technology, you DO NOT have an


Utilize Briefly describe how you will use the learning resources in the following three
media and (3) areas:
 What preparations are required for the MEDIA AND MATERIAL?
 What preparations are required for the CLASSROOM?
 Explain how you will prepare the LEARNER for the instructional
experience, prior to using the technology.

Require Specify steps to learning that students will follow. List in

learner chronological/numerical order.
Evaluate Describe how/when artifact presentation, rubric scoring, and discussion of ideas
and revise for improvement will occur. Include the artifact rubric
Formative Assessment (Process):
 How will you know that the students are learning/working towards your
 How will students demonstrate their understanding?
 In what ways will you monitor student learning during the lesson and
how might this guide your instruction?
 What specific actions do you expect to observe?
 How will you record what you see and hear?
 What criteria will you use to judge whether your students are/are not
meeting the goals of the lesson?
 What feedback will you provide? How will your feedback support
students in meeting the goals of the lesson?
 Describe the ways in which you will use these assessments to inform your
teaching decisions during the lesson.

Summative Assessment (Product):

 What evidence of student learning will you collect and in what ways will
the evidence document student achievement?
 In what ways will the evidence document student achievement?
 Does your assessment allow all students to show what they know or have
 How might you modify your assessment/s for the students with whom you
are working?
 How will your students be able to reflect upon and self-assess their
 What are your evaluative criteria (or rubric) and how do they measure
student proficiency for your objectives? Evaluative criteria are categories
that you use to assess student learning (e.g., the accuracy or quality of the
students’ identifications, explanations, solutions, computations, analyses,
applications, designs, judgments, etc.
 Are your assessments aligned with your objectives?

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