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Nama Sekolah :
Matapelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas/Semester : V/I
Waktu : 60 Menit

I. Pilihan Ganda
Choose the correct answer between A, B, C, or D!
1. Look at the picture!

What is he doing?
A. She is cooking.
B. He is drawing.
C. They are playing marbles.
D. He is reading.

2. Fifteen + nine = ...

A. twenty three
B. twenty four
C. thirty three
D. thirty four
3. Tentukan ejaan yang tepat untuk angka berikut!

A. second
B. secoth
C. two
D. twos
4. Look at the picture!

The book is .... the table

A. in
B. on
C. beside
D. below
5. Look at the picture!

Is the living room clean?

A. Yes, the room is dirty
B. No, the room is clean
C. Yes, it is
D. No, it is
6. Mom always cooks in the ...
A. kitchen
B. garage
C. bedroom
D. bathroom
7. We see bycle, car, and wheels in the ...
A. Dining room
B. living room
C. garage
D. bedroom
8. She drinks water use ...
A. fork
B. plate
C. stove
D. glass
9. We can see ... in the kitchen
A. soap
B. glass
C. pillow
D. stove
10.It is a quarter to ten
A. 09.45
B. 09.47
C. 09.50
D. 09.55
11.Look at the picture!

What time it is?

It is a ...
A. a quarter past nine
B. half past seven
C. seven past five
D. five past quarter

12.Jam 12 malam
Pernyataan yang sesuai dengan kalimat diatas adalah ….
A. 12.00 pm
B. 12.00 am
C. 11.00 pm
D. 11.00 am
13.Look at the picture!

Kiki : what time is it?

Kikan : it is ...
A. a quarter past seve
B. Seven o’oclock
C. Half past six
D. Half past ten

14.Susun ulang kata kata acak berikut menjadi kalimat bahasa Inggris yang tepat!
go to - I-school-at 6.30 am
A. I school go to at 06.30 am
B. I go to school at 6.30 am
C. at 06.30 am I school go to
D. go to school I at 06.30 am

15.Look at the table!

This is Kikan’s schedule in the morning
Time Activites
05.00 am Get up
05.30 am Take a bath

What time Kikan get up in the morning?

A. Five o’clock
B. half past five
C. six o’clock
D. half past six

16.Look at the table!

This is Yanto’s schedule in the morning
06.00 am Breakfast
06.30 am Go to school
Does he go to school at 06.30 am?
A. No, he is
B. yes, he does
C. yes, she does
D. no, she does

17.Look at the picture bellow!

Agustinus: What time is it?

Budiyono: It is ... o’clock
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. Four

18. See the dialog!

Akin : ........time do you get up every morning?
Alfa : I get up at Seven o’clock
A. Who
B. What
C. Where
D. Wow
19.Susun ulang kata-kata acak berikut ini menjadi sebuah kalimat bahasa Inggris yang tepat
He-to school-at-goes-six thirty
A. To school he goes at six thirty
B. He goes to school at six thirty
C. Six thirty he goes to school
D. At to school he goes thirty

20.Andi selalu makan pagi pukul 7 pagi

What time does Andi have breakfast?
He has breakfast at ...o’clock
A. seven
B. eight
C. six
D. five

21.Mary ... (selalu) goes to market by car

A. often
B. never
C. Sometimes
D. always
22.Tono ... (kadang-kadang) studies at 08.00.
A. always
B. never
C. sometimes
D. often
23.Saya tidak pernah pergi ke sekolah pukul 7 pagi.
Kalimat yang sesuai dengan pernyataan tersebut adalah...
A. I always go to school at 6 am
B. He often go to school at 7 am
C. He sometimes go to school at 6 am
D. I never go to school at 7 am
24.... is a land transportation.
A. yacht
B. boat
C. Aeroplane
D. motorcycle
25.I go to school ... foot
A. on
B. by
C. at
D. in
26. Look at the picture.

It is a ...
A. motorcycle
B. pedicab
C. plane
D. bus

27.Read the dialog

Dina : “Nini, how do you go to supermarket?”
Nini: “ I go to supermarket ... bike”
A. on
B. at
C. by
D. in
28.Read the dialog
Koko : “Where do you go by bus?”
Ina : “I go to Ende with my brother by bus.”

Kalimat yang sesuai dialog tersebut adalah ...

A. Koko goes to Ruteng by plane
B. Ina goes to Labuan Bajo by bus
C. Koko goes to Bajawa by motorcycle
D. Ina goes to Ende by bus

29.Look at the picture

My mother goes to Kupang by….

A. car
B. board
C. airplaine
D. train

30.look at the picture!

“Do you like ...?”

A. apple
B. banana
C. pineapple
D. jackfruit

31.Lengkapi kalimat berikut
Where is the cat?
The cat is ... box.

32.Lengkapi percakapan berikut

Ratih : “Can You playing the Guitar?”
Mika : ………
33.Terjemahkan kalimat berikut ini kedalam bahasa Indonesia yang benar!
“what time do you wake upa every morning”?

34.Sebutkan benda-benda yang ada didalam kamar mandi (3), menggunakan bahasa inggris yang benar!

35.Bacalah kalimat berikut!

Dinda has breakfast at 06.00 am. She always goes to school at 06.30am. She has lunch at 02.00pm.
And she takes a rest at 03.00pm.

What time Dinda goes to school?

She goes to school at ...

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