Contract of Sales
Contract of Sales
Contract of Sales
SALE 6. Onerous.
A nominate contract whereby one of
the contracting parties obligates * Aleatory contract: one of the parties or
himself to transfer the ownership of both reciprocally bind themselves to give
and to deliver a determinate thing or to do something in consideration of
and the other to pay therefor a price what the other shall give or do upon the
certain in money or its equivalent. happening of an event which is uncertain,
or which is to occur at an indeterminate
NOTES: Delivery and payment in a time. (Ex: Sale of sweepstakes ticket)
contract of sale are so interrelated and
intertwined with each other that without Contract to sell
delivery of the goods there is no exclusive right and privilege to
corresponding obligation to pay. The two purchase an object.
complement each other. It is clear that a bilateral contract whereby the
the two elements cannot be dissociated, prospective seller, while expressly
for the contract of purchase and sale is reserving the ownership of the
essentially a bilateral contract, as it gives subject property despite delivery
rise to reciprocal obligations. (Pio thereof to the prospective buyer
Barretto Sons, Inc. vs. Compania binds himself to sell the said property
Maritima, 62 SCRA 167). exclusively to the prospective buyer
Neither is the delivery of the thing upon fulfilment of the condition
bought nor the payment of the price agreed upon, that is, full payment of
necessary for the perfection of the the purchase price.
contract of sale. Being consensual, it
is perfected by mere consent. NOTE: Absent a proviso in the contract
that the title to the property is reserved
Elements: in the vendor until full payment of the
a. Essential elements – those without purchase price or a stipulation giving the
which, there can be no valid sale: 1. vendor the right to unilaterally rescind
Consent or meeting of minds the contract the moment the vendee fails
2. A Determinable subject matter 3. to pay within the fixed period, the
Price certain in money or its transaction is an absolute contract of sale
equivalent and not a contract to sell. (Dignos vs. CA
b. Natural elements – inherent in the [1988])
contract, and which in the absence of * The contract of sale by itself is not a
any contrary provision, are deemed to mode of acquiring ownership. The contact
exist in the contract: transfers no real rights; it merely causes
1. Warranty against eviction certain obligations to arise.
2. Warranty against hidden defects c. Contract of Contract to
Accidental elements – may be present or Sale Sell
absent depending on the stipulation of
the parties (e.g.: conditions, interest, 1. Title passes to 1. Ownership is
penalty, time or place of payment, etc.) the buyer upon reserved in the
delivery of the seller and is not
thing sold to pass until full
Characteristics: payment of the
1. Principal purchase price
2. Consensual;
3. Bilateral; 2. Non-payment of 2. Full payment is
4. Nominate; the price is a a positive
negative resolutory suspensive
5. Commutative; In some cases, condition, the
aleatory (emptio spei); condition and the
failure of which
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
a) Massachusetts rule: If specifically CIVIL LAW COMMITTEE
done at the order of another, this the object the acquisition of
is a contract for a piece of work. the object offered
(Philippine application) in lieu of the
b) New York rule: If thing already original credit
exists-SALE; if not-WORK
c) English rule: If material is more 4. Greater 4. Less Freedom in
valuable-SALE; if skill is more freedom in determining
valuable-WORK determining the
the price price
5. Buyer still has 5. The payment is
contract whereby one of the parties to pay the price received by
binds himself to give one thing in the
consideration of the other's promise debtor before
to give another thing. the contract is
NOTE: The only point difference perfected.
between contract of sale and barter is in
the element which is present in sale but
not in barter, namely: price certain in
money or its equivalent PRICE
The sum stipulated as the equivalent
NOTE: If the consideration is partly in of the thing sold and also every
money and partly in another thing, incident taken into consideration for
determine: the fixing of the price, put to the
a. The manifest intention of the debit of the vendee and agreed to by
parties him.
b. If the intent is not clear, apply the
following rules:
1. If the thing is more valuable Requisites:
than money – barter 1. Certainty or ascertainable at the
2. If the money and the thing are time of perfection
of equal value – sale 2. Real, not fictitious
3. If the thing is less valuable 3. In some cases, must not be grossly
than money – sale inferior to the value of the thing
Sale Dation in Payment 4. Paid in money or its equivalent
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
accepted, results in a perfected contract resulted, applying Art. 1324 of the NCC.
of sale (Sanchez vs. Rigos 45 SCRA3 68). In In view of the ruling of the Supreme
other words, if the acceptance is made Court, the only importance of the
before withdrawal, it constitutes a consideration for an option is that
binding contract of sale although the
option is given without consideration.
if the promise is supported by a CIVIL LAW COMMITTEE
consideration distinct and separate the option cannot be withdrawn by the
from the price (option money), its grantor after acceptance.
acceptance will give rise to a * In an option to buy, the party who has
perfected contract. an option may validly and effectively
exercise his right by merely notifying the
2. Bilateral promise to buy and sell owner of the former’s decision to buy and
One party accepts the other’s promise to expressing his readiness to pay the
buy and the latter, the former’s promise stipulated price.
to sell a determinate thing for a price
certain it is reciprocally demandable Right of First Refusal
It requires no consideration distinct from It is a right of first priority all things
the selling price and conditions being equal; there
NOTE: this is as good as a perfected should be identity of the terms and
sale. No title of dominion is conditions to be offered to the
transferred as yet, the parties being optionee and all other prospective
given only the right to demand buyers, with optionee to enjoy the
fulfillment or damages. right of first priority. A deed of sale
executed in favor of a third party who
Policitation cannot be deemed a purchaser in
An unaccepted unilateral promise to good faith, and which is in violation of
buy or sell. Even if accepted by the the of the right of first refusal
other party, it does not bind the granted to the optionee is NOT
promissor and maybe withdrawn voidable under the Statute of Frauds,
anytime. This is a mere offer, and has such contract is valid BUT rescissible
not yet been converted into a under Article 1380 to 1381(3) of the
contract. New Civil Code (Guzman Bocaling &
Co. vs. Bonnavie; Riviera Filipina, Inc
Option contract vs. CA GR No. 117355, April 5,
A contract granting a privilege in one
person, for which he has paid a The basis of the right of first refusal
consideration, which gives him the must be the current offer to sell of
right to buy certain merchandise, at the seller or offer to purchase of any
anytime within the agreed period, at prospective buyer. Only after the
a fixed price. optionee fails to exercise its right of
first priority under the same terms
An option without consideration is void and within the period contemplated
and the effect is the same as if there could the owner validly offer to sell
was no option the property to a third person, again,
* However, in Sanchez vs. Rigos (1972), under the same terms as offered to
even though the option was not supported the optionee (Paranaque Kings
by a consideration, the moment it was Enterprises, Inc. vs. CA GR No.
accepted, a perfected contract of sale 111538, February 26, 1997)
The lessee’s right of first option to buy the subject property. It was a
the leased property in case of its sale component of the consideration of
is but a part of the bigger right to the lease. The option was by no
lease the said property from the means an independent right which
lessor. The option was given to the can be exercised by the lessee. If the
lessee because she was the lessee of lessee is barred by the contract from
assigning her right to lease the
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
subject property to any other party, perfection: Seller bears the loss. b. The
the lessee is similarly barred to assign thing sold is lost at the time of
her first option to buy the leased perfection: Contract is void or
property to another. (Bangayan inexistent.
vs. CA and Lim GR No.123581, August c. The thing sold is lost after perfection,
29, 1997) but before delivery:
Earnest money – or “ARRAS” is something GENERAL RULE: Who bears the risk
of value to show that the buyer was really of loss is governed by the stipulations
in earnest, and given to the seller to bind in the contract
the bargain. It is considered as: In the absence of any stipulation:
a) part of the purchase price
b) proof of perfection of the
*It shall be deducted from the total price. First view:
Buyer bears the loss as an exception
Earnest money Option money to the rule of res perit domino.
1. Title passes 1. Ownership is 1. when object sold consists of
to the buyer reserved to the
fungible goods for a price fixed
upon delivery of seller and is not
the thing sold to pass until full according to weight, number or
payment measure
2. seller is guilty of fraud, negligence,
2. In case of 2. In case of non- default or violation of contractual
non-payment, payment, there terms
an action for can be action for 3. object sold is generic
specific specific (Civil Code of the Philippines, Paras)
performance or performance NOTE: This view conforms with
for rescission
Manresa’s view. Buyer would have
can be filed by
the injured been the one to profit from the thing
party had it not been lost or destroyed.
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy Gayon
SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma. Rhodora
Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and Lease), John
Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy Gayon
SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma. Rhodora
Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and Lease), John
Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
2. IMPLIED - that which the law derives by b. Income or fruits if he has been
implication or inference from the ordered to deliver them to the
nature of the transaction or the party who won the suit;
relative situation or circumstances of c. Costs of the suit;
the parties, irrespective of any d. Expenses of the contract; AND e.
intention of the seller to create it. Damages and interests if the sale was
a. Warranty against eviction in bad faith.
b. Warranty against hidden defects c.
Warranty as to Fitness and 2. Partial eviction:
Merchantability a. to enforce vendor’s liability for
NOTE: An implied warranty is a natural, eviction (VICED); OR
not an essential element of a contract, b. to demand rescission of
and is deemed incorporated in the contract.
contract of sale. It may however, be
waived or modified by express stipulation. Question: Why is rescission not a remedy
(De Leon) in case of total eviction?
There is no implied warranty as to the Answer: Rescission contemplates that the
condition, adaptation, fitness or one demanding it is able to return
suitability or the quality of an article sold whatever he has received under the
as a second-hand article. But such articles contract. Since the vendee can no longer
might be sold under such circumstances as restore the subject-matter of the sale to
to raise an implied warranty. the vendor, rescission cannot be carried
* A certification issued by a vendor that a out.
second-hand machine was in A-1 condition
is an express warranty binding on the * The suit for the breach can be directed
vendor. (Moles vs. IAC [1989]) only against the immediate seller, not
sellers of the seller unless such sellers had
A. Warranty against eviction promised to warrant in favor of later
Warranty in which the seller buyers or unless the immediate seller has
guarantees that he has the right to expressly assigned to the buyer his own
sell the thing sold and to transfer right to sue his own seller.
ownership to the buyer who shall not NOTE: The disturbance referred to in the
be disturbed in his legal and peaceful case of eviction is a disturbance in law
possession thereof. which requires that a person go to the
courts of justice claiming the thing sold,
or part thereof and invoking reasons.
Elements: Mere trespass in fact does not give rise to
1. vendee is deprived, in whole or in
the application of the doctrine of
part, of the thing purchased; 2. the
deprivation is by virtue of a final
3. the judgment is based on a prior Vendor’s liability is waivable but any
right to the sale or an act stipulation exempting the vendor
imputable to the vendor; from the obligation to answer for
4. the vendor was summoned in the eviction shall be void if he acted in
suit for eviction at the instance of bad faith.
the vendee; AND Kinds of Waiver:
5. no waiver of warranty by the a. Consciente – voluntarily made
vendee. by the vendee without
the knowledge and
Vendor's liability shall consist of: assumption of the risks of
1. Total eviction: (VICED) eviction
a. Value of the thing at the time of NOTE: vendor shall pay only the
eviction; value which the thing sold had at
the time of eviction
b. Intencionada – made by the
CIVIL LAW COMMITTEE vendee with knowledge of
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
GENERAL RULE: There is no implied 1. When two or more animals have been
warranty as to the quality or fitness for sold at the same time and the redhibitory
any particular purpose of goods under a defect is in one, or some of them but not
contract of sale in all, the general rule is that the
redhibition will not affect the others
without it. It is immaterial whether the
1. Where the buyer, expressly or by
price has been fixed for a lump sum for
implication manifests to the seller
all the animals or for a separate price for
the particular purpose for which
the goods are required
2. No warranty against hidden defects of
2. Where the buyer relies upon the
animals sold at fairs or at public auctions,
seller’s skill or judgment
or of livestock sold as condemned. This is
based on the assumption that the defects
Warranty of Merchantability must have been clearly known to the
Warranty in which the seller buyer.
guarantees, where the goods were 3. Sale of animals shall be void when: a)
bought by description, that they are animals sold are suffering from contagious
reasonably fit for the general purpose disease
for which they are sold b) if the use or service for which they are
It requires identity between what is acquired has been stated in the contract,
described in the contract AND what is and they are found to be unfit therefor
tendered, in the sense that the latter 4. Limitation of the action: 40 days from
is of such quality to have some value the date of their delivery to the vendee
5. Vendor shall be liable if the animal
Instances where implied warranties are should die within 3 days after its purchase
inapplicable: if the disease which caused the death
1. As is and where is sale - vendor makes existed at the time of the contract
no warranty as to the quality or
workable condition of the goods, and OBLIGATIONS OF THE VENDEE:
that the vendee takes them in the A. Principal Obligations:
condition in which they are found and 1. To accept delivery
from the place where they are 2. To pay the price of the thing sold in
located. legal tender unless another mode has
2. Sale of second-hand articles 3. Sale by been agreed upon
virtue of authority in fact or law NOTE: A grace period granted the vendee
in case of failure to pay the amount/s due
Caveat Venditor (“Let the seller is a right not an obligation. The grace
beware”): the vendor is liable to the period must not be likened to an
vendee for any hidden faults or defects in obligation, the non payment of which,
the thing sold, even though he was not under Article 1169 of the Civil Code,
aware thereof. would still generally require judicial or
extra-judicial demand before “default”
Caveat Emptor (“Let the buyer can be said to arise (Bricktown Dev’t Corp
beware”): requires the purchaser to be vs. Amor Tierra Dev’t Corp. 57SCRA437)
aware of the supposed title of the vendor
and one who buys without checking the B. Other Obligations
vendor’s title takes all the risks and losses 1. To take care of the goods without the
consequent to such failure. obligation to return, where the goods
are delivered to the buyer and he
RULES IN CASE OF SALE OF ANIMALS rightfully refuses to accept
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
applicable. Article 1590, presupposes CIVIL LAW COMMITTEE
that the price or any part thereof has delivery or, having appeared,
not yet been paid and the contract is failure to tender the price at the
not yet consummated. same time, unless, a longer
Under Article 1590, the vendee has no period for its payment has been
cause of action for rescission before stipulated
final judgement, otherwise the action to rescind the sale (Art.
vendor might become a victim of 1593)
machinations between the vendee b. Sale of Goods –
and the third person action for the price (Art. 1595)
Disturbance must be in possession and action for damages (Art. 1596)
ownership of the thing acquired If the 2. Unpaid Seller
disturbance is caused by the existence of Types:
non-apparent servitude, the remedy of a. The seller of the goods who has not
the buyer is rescission, not suspension of been paid or to whom the price
payment. has not been tendered
b. The seller of the goods, in case a
bill of exchange or other
When vendee cannot suspend payment negotiable instrument has been
of the price even if there is disturbance received as conditional payment,
in the possession or ownership of the AND the condition on which it was
thing sold: received has been broken by
1. if the vendor gives security for the reason of the dishonor of the
return of the price in a proper case 2. if it instrument, insolvency of the
has been stipulated that notwithstanding buyer or otherwise.
any such contingency, the vendee must
make payment (see Article 1548 par.3) 3. Remedies:
if the vendor has caused the disturbance 1. Possessory lien over the goods 2.
or danger to cease Right of stoppage in transitu after he
4. if the disturbance is a mere act of has parted with the possession of the
trespass goods and the buyer becomes
5. if the vendee has fully paid the price insolvent
3. Special Right of resale
REMEDIES FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT 4. Special Right to rescind the sale 5.
A. Remedies of the seller Action for the price
1. Action for payment of the price (Art. 6. Action for damages
2. Action for damages for non acceptance 3. Article 1484 or Recto Law
of the goods (Art. 1596) 3. Action for Remedies of vendor in sale of personal
rescission (Art. 1597) B. Remedies of the property by installments Requisites:
buyer 1. Contract of sale
1. Action for specific performance (Art. 2. Personal property
1598) 3. Payable in installments
2. Action for rescission or damages for 4. In the case of the second and third
breach of warranty (Art 1599) remedies, that there has been a
failure to pay two or more
BREACH OF CONTRACT NOTE: Apply likewise to contracts
IN CASE OF MOVABLES purporting to be leases of personal
1. Ordinary Remedies property with option to buy
a. Movables in General – Failure of the Art. 1484 does not apply to a sale: 1.
vendee to appear to receive Payable on straight terms (partly in cash
and partly in one term)
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
the goods themselves (Arts. 2247 and reason that he has obtained a money
2241). judgement or decree for the price of
NOTE: The bringing of an action to goods (Art. 1529, last paragraph).
recover the purchase price is not one of
the ways of losing the possessory lien. An II. Stoppage of goods in transitu
unpaid seller does not lose his lien by Requisites:
1. Seller must be unpaid damages.
2. Buyer must be insolvent 4. The carrier must redeliver to, or
3. Goods must be in transit according to the directions of the
4. Seller must either: seller.
a. actually take possession of the
b. give notice of his claim to the STOP:
carrier or other person in 1. By taking actual possession of the
possession goods
5. Seller must surrender the 2. By giving notice of his claim to the
negotiable document of title, if carrier or bailee
any, issued by the carrier or
bailee III. Special Right of Resale
6. Seller must bear the expenses of May be exercised only when the unpaid
delivery of the goods after the seller has either a right of lien OR has
exercise of the right stopped the goods in transitu AND
under ANY of the following
1. after delivery to a carrier or other 1. Where the goods are perishable in
bailee and before the buyer or his agent nature
takes delivery of them; and 2. Where the right to resell is
2. If the goods are rejected by the buyer, expressly reserved in case the
and the carrier or other bailee continues buyer should make a default
in possession of them 3. Where the buyer delays in the
payment of the price for an
1. after delivery to the buyer or his agent IV. Rescission
in that behalf;
2. if the buyer or his agent obtains
1. Special Right to Rescind Under Art.
possession of the goods at a point before
1534 – If the seller has either the
the destination originally fixed; 3. if the
right of lien OR a right to stop the
carrier or the bailee acknowledges to hold
goods in transitu AND under
the goods on behalf of the buyer; and
either of 2 situations:
4. if the carrier or bailee wrongfully
a. Where the right to rescind on
refuses to deliver the goods to the buyer
default has been expressly
Effects of the exercise of the right 1. b. Where the buyer has been in
The goods are no longer in transit. 2. The default for an unreasonable
contract of carriage ends; instead the time
carrier now becomes a 2. Under Art. 1597 (“technical
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
goods, and to notify every creditor of inquiry about it, he will be protected in
the price terms and conditions of the its purchase
sale, etc. (Section 5) The remedy of the creditor is not
against the goods but to
Effects of False Statements in the prosecute the seller criminally
Schedule of Creditors: 2. With knowledge or imputed
1. Without knowledge of buyer If the knowledge of buyer
statement is fair upon its face and the The vendee accepts it at his peril
buyer has no knowledge of its The sale is valid only as between
incorrectness and nothing to put him on the vendor and the vendee but
void against the creditors of the property
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
2. Sales by a farmer or agriculturalist Goods which are not necessary for life
selling the products of his farm maintenance and whose demand is
3. Sales in restaurant operations by a generated in large part by the higher
hotel owner or inn-keeper income groups
irrespective of the amount of capital; Shall include but not limited to:
provided that the restaurant is
jewelry, branded or designer clothing
incidental to the hotel business; and
and footwear, wearing apparel,
4. Sales which are limited only to leisure and sporting goods, electronics
products manufactured, processed or and other personal effects
assembled by a manufacturer through NOTE: A natural-born citizen of the
a single outlet, irrespective of Philippines who has lost his citizenship
capitalization but who resides in the Philippines shall be
granted the same rights as Filipino
High-End or Luxury Goods
citizens NOTE: In no case shall the
investments for establishing a
Foreign Equity Participation: store in Categories B and C be
Foreign-owned partnerships, less than the equivalent in
associations and corporations formed Philippine Peso of: US $830,000
and organized under the laws of the 4. Category D:
Philippines may, upon registration Enterprises specializing in high end
with SEC and DTI, or in case of or luxury products with paid up
Foreign-owned single proprietorship capital of the equivalent in
with the DTI, engage or invest in Philippine Peso of: $250,000 US
retail trade business, subject to the Dollars per store
following categories: May be wholly owned by foreigners
1. Category A:
Paid-up capital of the equivalent in
Philippine Peso of: < $2,500,000 NOTES:
US Dollars Foreign investor shall be required to
Reserved exclusively for Filipino maintain in the Philippines the FULL
citizens and corporations wholly amount of the prescribed minimum
owned by citizens capital, UNLESS the foreign investor
2. Category B: has notified the SEC and the DTI of its
Minimum paid-up capital of the intention to repatriate its capital and
equivalent in Philippine Peso of cease operations in the Philippines
$2,500,000 US Dollars, but Failure to maintain the full amount of
<$7,500,000 the prescribed minimum capital prior
to notification of the SEC and the DTI
shall subject the foreign investors to
penalties or restrictions on any future
CIVIL LAW COMMITTEE trading activities/business in the
May be wholly owned by foreigners Philippines
except for the first two years
after the effectivity of this Act NOTE: Foreign Investors Acquiring Shares
wherein foreign participation shall of Stock of existing retail stores whether
be limited to not > 60% of total or not publicly listed whose net worth is
equity. in excess of the Peso equivalent of US
3. Category C: $2,500,000 may purchase only up to the
Paid-up capital of the equivalent in maximum of 60% of the equity thereof
Philippine Peso of: $7,500,000 within the first 2 years, and thereafter,
US Dollars or more they may acquire the remaining
percentage consistent with
May be wholly owned by foreigners
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
NOTE: Since lease is consensual and is not NOTE: A usufructuary may thus lease
imposed by law, only the lessor has the the premises in favor of a stranger,
right to fix the rents. However, the such lease to end at the time that the
increasing of the rent is not an absolute usufruct itself ends
right on the part of the lessor.
Characteristics or Requisites for Lease The compensation either in money,
of Things provisions, chattels, or labor,
1. Consensual received by the lessor from the
2. Principal lessee.
3. Nominate
4. Purpose is to allow enjoyment or
use of a thing (the person to NOTES:
enjoy is the lessee; the person When a student boards and lodges in a
allowing the enjoyment by dormitory, there is no contract of
another is the lessor lease. The contract is not designated
specifically in the Civil Code. It is an
innominate contract. It is however,
believed that the contract can be
CIVIL LAW COMMITTEE denominated as the contract of board
5. Subject matter must be within the and lodging.
commerce of man
6. Purpose to which the thing will be There is a contract of lease when the
devoted should not be immoral use and enjoyment of a safety deposit
7. Onerous (there must rent or price box in a bank is given for a price
certain) certain. This is certainly not a
8. Period is Temporary (not contract of deposit.
perpetual, hence, the longest A lease of personal property with
period is 99 years) option to buy (at a nominal amount)
9. Period is either definite or at the end of the lease can be
indefinite considered a sale.
If no term is fixed, we should LEASE SALES
apply Art.1682 (for rural leases)
and Art. 1687 (for urban leases) 1. only use or 1. ownership is
If the term is fixed but
indefinite, the court will fix the
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
Lease of Lease of Services
enjoyment is transferred Things
1. object of 1. object is some
2. transfer is 2. transfer is contract is a work or service
temporary permanent thing
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
NOTE: “Suspend”- for the intervening The lessee is obliged to tolerate the
period, the lessee does not have to pay work although it may be very
the rent. annoying to him and although during
the same time he may be deprived of
EFFECTIVITY OF THE SUSPENSION: a part of the premises
The right begins: 1. If repairs last for more than 40 days:
a) In the case of repairs, from the time he Lessee cannot act for reduction of
made the demand for said repairs, and rent or rescission
the demand went unheeded. b) In the 2. If 40 days or more: lessee can ask for
case of eviction, from the time the final proportionate reduction
judgment for eviction becomes effective. NOTE: In either case, rescission may be
availed of if the main purpose is to
Alternative remedies of Aggrieved party provide a dwelling place and the property
(Lessor/Lessee) in case of Non becomes uninhabitable.
fulfillment of duties:
1. Rescission and damages Effects if Lessor fails to make Urgent
2. Damages only, allowing the contract to Repairs
remain in force – Specific 1. Lessee may order repairs at the
Performance lessor’s cost
NOTE: Damages Recoverable in ejectment 2. Lessee may sue for damages 3. Lessee
cases are the rents or the fair rental value may suspend the payment of the rent
of the premises. The following cannot be 4. Lessee may ask for rescission, in case
successfully claimed: of substantial damage to him
1. Profits plaintiff could have earned
were it not for the possible entry TRESPASS IN LEASE:
or unlawful detainer 1. Trespass in fact (perturbacion de
2. Material injury to the premises 3. mere hecho):
Actual, moral, or exemplary damages
physical enjoyment is reduced
Lessor will not be held liable. 2. Trespass
Immediate termination of lease under
in law (perturbacion de derecho):
Art. 1660 applies:
A third person claims legal right to
1. only to dwelling place or any other enjoy the premises
building intended for human
Lessor will be held liable
2. even if at the time the contract was
NOTE: While the Japanese Occupation
perfected, the lessee knew of the
was a fortuitous event, the lessor is still
dangerous condition or waived the
not excused from his obligation to
right to rescind on account of this
warrant peaceful legal possession. Lease
is a contract that calls for prestations
Rules on Alteration of the Form of the
both reciprocal and repetitive; and the
obligations of either party are not
The Lessor can alter provided there is discharged at any given moment, but
no impairment of the use to which the must be fulfilled all throughout the term
thing is devoted under the terms of of the contract. (Villaruel vs. Manila
the lease Motor Co.)
Alteration can also be made by the
Lessee so long as the value of the Duration of Lease
property is not substantially impaired 1. Lease made for a determinate time
or fixed Period
Rules in case of Urgent Repairs Lease will be for the said period
and it ends on the day fixed
CIVIL LAW COMMITTEE without need of a demand
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
he can pay the rentals and its of leasehold rights to the sole and
increases. exclusive will of the lessee
This is not permissible; it is a purely
potestative condition because it NOTE: In Jespajo Realty vs. CA, 27 Sept.
leaves the effectivity and enjoyment 2002, the SC upheld a lease contract,
which provides that “the lease contract without prejudice to pre existing
shall continue for an indefinite period contracts.
provided that the lessee is up-to date in
the payment of his monthly rentals” for Grounds for judicial ejectment:
the contract is one with a period subject SANORE
to a resolutory condition. 1. Assignment of lease or subleasing of
residential units including the
PURCHASE OF THE LEASED PROPERTY acceptance of boarders or bedspacers
GENERAL RULE: Purchaser of thing without written consent of the owner
leased can terminate lease. or lessor;
EXCEPTIONS: 2. Arrears in payment of rent for a total
a. lease is recorded in Registry of of 3 months;
Property 3. Legitimate needs of the owner or lessor
b. there is stipulation in the contract to repossess for his own use or for the
of sale that purchaser shall use of any immediate member of his
respect the lease family as a residential unit, provided:
c. purchaser knows the existence of a. owner or immediate member not
the lease being owner of any other available
d. sale is fictitious residential unit within the same city
e. sale is made with right of or municipality;
repurchase b. lease for a definite period has
GROUNDS FOR EJECTMENT UNDER ART. c. lessor has given lessee formal
1673: (ELVU) notice 3 months in advance; and d.
1. Expiration of the period agreed upon owner or lessor is prohibited from
or the period under Arts. 1682 and leasing the residential unit or allowing
1687; its use by a third person for at least 1
2. Lack of payment of the price year.
stipulated; 4. Absolute ownership by the lessee of
3. Violation of any of the conditions another dwelling unit in the same city
agreed upon in the contract; and 4. or municipality which may be lawfully
Unauthorized use or service by the lessee used as his residence provided lessee
of the thing leased. is with formal notice 3 months in
5. Need of the lessor to make necessary
repairs in the leased premises which
RENTAL REFORM ACT OF 2002 is the subject of an existing order of
(R.A. No. 9161) condemnation by appropriate
authorities concerned in order to
Effectivity: January 1, 2002. make said premises safe and
Coverage: habitable; and
a. All residential units of NCR and other 6. Expiration of period of the lease
highly urbanized cities, the total contract.
monthly rental for each of which does
not exceed P7,500; NOTE:
Except when the lease is for a definite
period, the provisions of Art. 1673(1)
CIVIL LAW COMMITTEE of the Civil Code (CC), insofar as they
b. All residential units in other areas the refer to residential units, shall be
total monthly rental for each of which suspended during the effectivity of
does not exceed P4,000 as of 1/1/02, R.A. 9161, but other
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy
Gayon SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Rhodora Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and
Lease), John Stephen Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Purganan(LTD), Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law